. rrt " we wiii ttdoa p rcxixa cc: FAX- ntf.SuiiWB excepted iron our tns&i cn err 3 CX resets BiW .oa Three six mout 7 ; tr, a"i cents. one mi""-, . carriers, free fl.00. a nt the CltT. au ".' 'f. ireeK. &Ct - VOL XI 1 1. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1889. NO 208. . ,l ; . - .; ...... . - rvim mrT.T r.r.i must 1)0 written CH Vt one sias ciusj payer. .4- , i. AnaitlaespecialUfcna paructuriy,'tuxcst .t, stooa tnat tne EOltcreocs tot always entorao -r - j the YieYrs of cbnrooaa;tfMe6lg6 stated tn the editorial cenimiisi regularly. LOCAL 3STEWS. INDEX TO NBV ApTERTISEMKNTS JA3 D NuTT-Druggiat f Munds JJR03 Phannaclsts ' W A Snell IIo for The Kocks w Exccksion Fifth Ward II. & L. Co. The Ladies Delighted. Tho pleasant effect and the per fect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their fayorite remedy. It is pleasing Oiir piscatorial prophet predicts to the eye and to the taste, gentle, t-iu! i xi. a i vet eneciuai in actin?ou nie mu- Dieuiv piiuu Diiihiiiui; iiu me duuiui next week. Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met yes terday in regular session.'! All tne Aldermen were present, and Mayor Fowler was in the chair. ; After the reading of the minutes tTI PrO"11' ....-oi-rfz-ilin JUIOE 4LUAT.V-- PCS OF CALIFORNIA. . Ka medicinal urtined uu . t LXial to the human m-'-" . the most elegant form . a . . -iT a ii.iiik.' ISttive laxative to penna Habitual Constl.. :S aid the many ills de gonaweakorinacUve: KSr and BOWELS. - .wtexcellentremedyknowntd yvMSYSmi EFFECTUALLY , SO THAT-- iCOOD, REFREHlliO 8LIEP, uriLTH ana i . Tmaturau.y follow. Lryone is using it and all are. Mglited witn it. IT a . enn .... v- I " ASK YOUR umuvjww rr. ' If MAMUFACTUREO ONUT hi . ILIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAK FRANCISCO, CAL. a - mm W WlUt.it.- r lff a. r Fir sale D7 - EOKEUT R HKLliARlY. ; WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, ' neys, liver and bowels. - .i Audit and Finance. . , The Board of Audit and Finance met yesterday afternoon in regular session. Present, Mr. R. J, Jones, chairman, and Messrs. Jno. W. Hew ett and W. It. Kenan. j Coupons, 472 in number and amounting to $6,214, were burned in tlie presence of the ; Board, the same having been redeemed and can celled. " Bills for current expenses amount Economy .and strengtn are pecu- . A47fi fi were also audited liar to Hood s barsapanna, tne ouiy - niprlieine'of which "100 .Doses- une uuu Dollar" is true. ;r The occulation of the planet Jupi ter by the moon, will take plane to night, between 9 and 10 o'clock. On last Friday evening? Mr.-T. A. Watson caught five fine re.Vdrum fish at Wrights vi lie beach. Rniti of the finest mutton ever sold in this market1 was being dealt out At Front -Street Market tins morning, i The fire alarm was sounded this afternoon at half past 4 o'clock, sent in -frMii vnY an - hut we were not able to learn the amount of damage. We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. Hdw.SCo See them. N. Jacobi t Headquarters for Sash, Doors and RnihWR Smmlies; is the N. Jacobi Maryland Exposition, The Atlantic Coast Line wilMssue excursion tickets from all stations on its roads, on account of the Mary land Exposition which will be held at Baltimore Sept. 9th to 14th. Rr.nnfl trin tickets will be on sale the 7th. From Wilmington $14.15 Yvnmi io.40: Weldon. -$8.50; Tar boro, $10.50; Sumter, S. C, $17;70 Selma. $11.30; Goldsboro, $11,23 II hi . Florence, S. C, $L7.70; Fayeuevuie Hdw. Co. They sell the est gooas $13 Pan. Bluff $i7.00;Chadbourn at nrines that vou pay for those of nn. rnr5nn a rj . o. at prices that you pay in inferior qualit3T. $10.50; Marion, S. C, $20.35. that the work was better than ever to the Committee bflfered a motion to this effect. The Mayor said it was a valuable Mr. . ,m film-"'' '" t- li .-.;.;. . H. lu Fry, of the Cape Feor & ' before, thought mo appropriation um i;jr should be made without reference city. Mr. Fry has been itppoloted on Finance and j unlet engineer or tne uapo i? ear a, Yadkin Valley,4ri njace'ofi tpf;Iae ; . Maj. R. P. Atkinson. The appoint ment is an excellent1 one, 5 fot Mr. Fry is a well equipped railroad man and is thoroughly competent - in every particular to fill the high posi- 'TA tion for which he has been chosen ; Firemen's xcartlon. ' ' l ' i The Fifth Ward Hook Ladder C6 No. 1 will give an excursion Friday,' the Cth, to , the Rocks, Soathport of the previous meeting, the Mayor work and would sav the city sev ..nonn. w rniif A officer Wil- ral nunarea aouars. iams had been removed and (ieorge anner u.u.yu Gafford appointed m bis place. The uran, .pmiiu uu. ,ur:- next business, he said, was the ap reiere.ee i x itmuw v,u.uu, peal of Sergeant Pugh, of the police and Alderman's Craft's motion to .. . TT.'i ;i on rofi wna flnallv adonted. foree, out Aiaerman uigks ; mtep i .- posed with the report of the special j a Dream. . . . committee on the Nutt street cross- . One of the crentlemen that will ing of the Wilmington weiaoniconipose the fishing party for the J ana out to sea, tne proceeds viu, go Railroad, reading a commhnication Rocks on Thursday told us that if I towards haying them a new nm v sent by the committee to the super-1 had the luck fishing that he had in I form. The boys have-4lane good . . intendent of the railroad company, njs (iream last night he would bring service in the pest and nor tney are.-r.?..; and the reply thereto. Hetsaid the U8a fine bunch as he was pulling going to have a horse and; their . committee had received no more them up in his sleep all night, and truck house put in first class' order : complaints and great improvement I tnis m0rning when he awoke he they will . show that they can do hacLJbeen noted in the management I wanted fish so bad that he put out I good services now. . They deserve7. of affairs at the iNutt street cross for tlie market and bought abnch. I liberal patronage. The report or tne committee wa adopted, and on motion of Alder man Smith the committeelwas con tinued. The case of Police Sergeant Pugh A Flattering Endorsement, j At the regular meeting of j the ! Pender County Board of Healtn, held at Burgaw yesterday, ' Dr. S. S. Sat ch well was reelected County Health for ! the ROGER P. ATKINSON'. T; in 1 4. I n.a thn resumed and Alderman pupermieuuem wi ..wl flint ilior nnimn of thel x,Axna r-r.,,,.,- ttPP he sustained. J-w a ver' Blwnu8 .i.ww. At a meeting of the Board of Directors ot the C. F. & Y. V. Railway Company, held In Greensboro, August 2h, 1889, the following ' preamble and reselutifna were unanlmously Whereas. After lone and faithful service Roger P. Atkinson, Chief Engineer of this comoanr. has deDaited this life and we wlah 1 j j 2 4- nnnnoitimi I tn nlata nn ronnni a tnatlmnniiil nf nur HmMr Hicks moved that the action of the ,or his memory; therefore, toe it ' Alderman Smith said that Vno-h was absent and he did ... . i nna cane Fear & Yaaian vaiiey itaiiway vom- t Serct. 1 to t,u eminent pnysiuiuu, u.uu ""Ipany nft4. I which 11 Untiring and SeiUSll muuis ist,, liiai uy vuc ucaiu w, jhuj. aiwuawJL not I " . .. I tnia rfemnanv has sustained a loss that we ana tnat it wui De ouuciul Mercurial Poison. Yprrarrlsireaneiitly injudiciously, used, toy L4octors in casts of malaria and blood im. Its after effect, is Death of an old Citizen. Sweet potatoes,! or tins year bi ye re?ret very imicU to learn of growth, bring a big price in m;s the death of the venerable Mr. Jas. market. They were selling tins p Moore? one Gf the oldest and most mbrnincr at the enormous price of L . . honored citizens of Pen der countv. He died at his home on Moore's Creek last Saturday, the 31st inst., at the ripe old age of 70 years, ne was a iuuu ui of strong character and ofunim fl0fli,nio inlen-ritv. There is no! man in Pender county whose death would be more deeply regretted would be more sincerely 60 cents a peck, $2.40 a bushel. Spanish steamship Mayagucz, Sar- condeaui, cleared to clay ior auu- tiniaue. with 445,755 feet lumber, 159,150 shingles, valued at fcS,d7i.tf, shipped by Mr. E. Kidders Son. them 4-i,tir''v.ie rti, SHrfronnt'sS asDeal I ,n behalf of the welfare of the pee- greatly deplore, sence He (theAlderman)had look- miu. ne is cenainiy iue rK- ed bver the ordinances and found in the right place. ' that many were constantly, violated, Superintendent of Heairti. instancing smoking on the streeta a meeting of the New Hanover and attending political primaries. County Board of Health was held The Mayor thought Sergt. Pugh in the Mayor's office in the City was treating the Board ith con-l Hall last nht at 8 o'clock for the ''.ri Burclars. Be secure from worse than the by putting our Burglar Proof Locks who cheap r.rtnal asaease. K B. B. uoianic uiuuu your blincls. xney are vioft coLiiinsno roorcury, but wiu eiimmaie i , on Uannf.nn liv the most in ft ' - . I ILIIII IjILLI V v j- fcnrtaipoisoa from the system, write - ., N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t jf Kim fti, Ailanta, Ga.; tor pops w " - , artadnf proof of its curative virtue. j pajnt your house with Regal 1 f. ariffon. J acksoa, Tenn., wnies: x . f , fc . tl begt rttmiariAin Louisiana, and when the tvwy -r... - - wo v-f Rvstem was saturated and cheapest. You will una an coi- ipoJsontandlhaasoreiinmymouthandr o itl ilesired Quantity at the pun my tongue i got uvo pouies ot j. i - - t U1 l,ihlcn healed my tongue ana mouiuauu factory S agents, i. ju.t;wwi m.3. i i new man of me.." j fa. Hlcbmond, Atlanta, Ga.. writes: "My Co. r J could hardly see. Doctors called It syph- - ; - : T 1( ttmtts. llereyes were in a dreaaiui con-1 Tidies will unci a very huuubuiuc m ller appetite failed. She had pain in . , itlf iiac Muslin liy..,iioo Haw Milnsve uovp no-I anrl pntnniHLH llllt; iuuiv j ... . m i t mourned. Peace to the ashes or tne good, the pure and the incorruptible. tempt in not being present. In re ply to a question from Alderman Post, he stated that the sergeant had been fined for going into a bar- i . : room. ' The motion of Alderman Hicks, sustaining the report of fhe eoin mittee, was put to a vote and car- ried. 1 The Mayor suggested that the Police Committee revise the ordi nances relating to the, police. Belford'a Magazine. "A College Widow" is the purpose of electing a Saperinten dent of Health, to serve years ending September 1st,' 1891 Dr. F.'W. Potter, the present inounu bent, was unanimously elected. ' The following resolution, intro duced by Dr. Wood, was adopted, viz: i . Resolved. That the . New Hanover County Board of Health do hereby declare that all cesspools and privy Kinks, beiner hisrhly dangerous, should be. abolished, and immediate steps taken to substitute arii iui nrovetn ent. To this end the Board during his connection with-the- Company Maj AUdnson exhibited the highest order of skill in his profession - and the truest devotion to the interests of the Company, toe ing always diligent in the performance of duty, careful of details, watchful of expend!- - tures, pleasant and courteous in his dealings r with all with whom he came into professional, or social contact, and toy his conduct and con- ' versatlon at all times proving himself to be a man of sterling integrity and above the ; slightest reproach. - - 3rd. That we hereby extend to the family of the deceased our sincere sympathy with them of the Road is hereby directed to send to them copy oc tnese resolutions, ana tnai me same be puollshed in the newspapers of Greens boro, Fayettevllle and Wilmington. 4th, That as a further mark ot reepect the general offices ot the Company be appropriate-' ly draped with the emblems of mourning for thirty days. From the minutes. . jno. m. rose, Sec'y. , . 1 iS NEW ADVEKTI8CB1EITTO. Ho for ThQ Rocka ! The report of the Chief of. tne nL r.f MPirP Department was readJ showing I ... - 1 - 1 .L.I 1 J? ..nrn.tnlnliaflltaall IL . . i j . w i ann rr in pii i. . i hk k 1 1 ir it cijnici cube i the complete novel in the Septem- tne Z; ttee from this body and the Sani.. ; Hnu'A if) that tWO Slimil m Wv rwUfna flifl Bnnwl nf Al and that adver- l - va M. a mm mm m Drs. OR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE, WIBHIlq ber issue. Frank Howard nowe is umi , I tory Committee of tne coard oi ai iw author. John Dimitry asks, during the montn, ami nmu au Mermen. ttTA:.i 04. .oii TnclfRon Tnsnire tisement had been made for horses I Th chairman appointed Victory?" and presents many facts in place of those dead and disabled, Wood? Burbank and Jewett upon - , i. x. tr t noon ii r 1 1 m iiib t m and Jackson disap- but as yei ne nau y,, i said committee Also, naa re a good day's fishing, the steamer BESSIE will leave her wharf, foot of Dock street, Wednes day, September 4th, at 7 o'clock,, for the Hocks and southport. All wishing a good time had better come and go. : . u W.A. 8NELL, , . x. sep 3 It , Excursion.; to show fortune - r . I m, . I - Ml . I . I T1UW r." " "" Tinriarivnnr at asiouisiuus ueiiicu uum . i 1 c iJfc ;,,.7.,- oi,: ipt.nrv r:-5..;o f h me time. T. C. ceived estimates lor a nooiv aim at'the vvummg" .... , fnr the denart- has a lone: anu interesting i wuuer u . Dr. G 111am sttshp used until her health was entirely UB. Jones. tlanta,a..wrltes:VLwas 122 Market street, joigu " . Th rnort was received,and ti I stud v 'or racial coior us '"ita i "-"- 1 . , - . . ,.. mi iuu nrn,mr BMiri the nurcnase oi k tion of mentality, xins ey cjv 1 j tfiiinb wrkMiri ne maue. tl UVI1 TUE FIFTH WARD HOOK "AND LADDER Co. No. 1 will cive an Excursion to ike .... I. . I Rocks. southDort and outside ; Friday. Sept- It was moved and carried tnat aq 1 6tn, 1889. . Refreshments will be served on the- a nv k i nrl I ooau are ior me ruunu trip ou uuvj whu V pitaiwitri copper colored eruptions, loss of niip,paia m dack. acning joints, oeDiuty, 1 awning. iniaiion, loss ot hair, sore throat.and great Hwsness. C. B. U. put my system in fine North Stte Headache Cure "MSPBEPARATION WILL SURELY CURE 'glaofthe Head and all kinds of II cad -: no matter from what cause arising, rorsaiehy , MPNDS RROTnERS, ' "CStf i 104 N. Front St The steamer rassport will leave her wharf this afternoon for Caro Una Beach at 7.15 o'clock for tne . C AD fll!lt. rlp- accoinmociatioii ui i-"'".,,...- - dre to attend the Masquerade nan hereto night. meats or provisions or any condemned by the Superintendent of Health, be destroyed by tire in his presence, upon such public pre mises as he may designate. w. r. toomer, . Cashier. The steamer Bessie will leave her arf foot, of Dock street at 7 to morrow morning taking a tishing party to the Rocks and Southport, All who are fond of fishing take t -ml a. i I i. a v.: i.niil ?a nTnpp.r.pd. i'lwuuglUU OtlylllgS Ci-ITUSI till., notice. 'flu'K."' J OSncesssL Wilmington, N.C.. My very low Prices for Cash Itr.i,. ustony on satisfactory security, I have proved a success. ej ci 3 ffil0?.?"?. is empowerefl to . . . nrtls be sold 20 -iiaui aiiKinu3. men sj u i mr ui hi w Hvw.- - per cent, lower than at any otner store in the sity. j I. Shrier, S. E. corner Princess and Front sts. tf T-ATKINSON 1 rresident. ... -.11 ..-v-i-1 panriinrr iifiWHVrT 111 iiin 1 i.i iirv nuiuu k tr 1 1 wui tu i-cfs? 1 . " 1 the reader may differ with the Application to rent rriu author. Franklin MacVeagh writes market house was referred to the a timely, strong article on "Party Market Committee. ; Allegiance." There are three short Application for use of pe City . . ! x 4-: nna un 1, onUi for a dance bv the stones, an . Heuuu " -: " . nA was yesterday afternoon them old fashioned, ino euiin rntinix TVvT The Treasurer submitted essays are on "Southern unme ana granted on couuiwwu jNortnerji vommeii., - " I c ,. , uiAno I hand to the - i 1 1 An Tinn u 1 1 ir viiimi i.ii Jim oeverai a ijuvuhuuo xV i-"- 25 cts. Music for dancing on board. 'nciteia . for sale by P. Heinsberger, C. W. Yates. Am w Elsbach, J. D. H. Klander, . G Hall and Mar-. , tin Newman, Chief of Fire Department. Pro-. v ceeds towards furnishing new uniforms. v committkb F. M. James, R. A. Blddie, . W. ., F. F. Newtpn, Chairman. . sep 9 It . County Commissioners, j 4 All the members of the Board of County C ommissioners w;ere pres sent at the regular meeting held his T ANTEDLADY, ACTIVE AND INTEL- U 11 an old Y V ligent, to represent, in her own locality. .; d nrm. liererences requirea. rnma. - nent position and good salary. Gay's Mfg. uouse, lock jjo: sep 2 4w - Address X 1585, N. V. Valentino's Sweet 6umi and "The Senate Must Go," and are especially fine. Published by B.et- Cn the police rotce were ford, Clarke & Co., New York. monthly.report, showing balance on QHEWINQ gum., the ONLY STRICT - credit ot tne generaa referred to fund HO.381.58; to credit of educa tional fund, ?i0,ab0.ai. The Recrister of Deeds submitted first class Chewlpg Gun in the city. Bar now ' For sale by . JAESPjNUTT, ? ALBX, JACRSOJ,, . . r . hti and; fiamissioB Mcrckntl -solicits ,v rssiGxMEvT m W M AVi MM. -A. ISDS0F COUNTRY PRODUCE.. . twana Mulberry Sts.WIlralngibn, N.C Sim-aAw . . Don't Delay. SAVOUR BROKEN OR INJURED FUR Sjj..n i - " w me and I wui repair promptly an 4 fc Prices. j Joti, udte my living thl3 way and 5tir. ea and will The Gretna Green Affair. We clip the following from Sun day's issue of. the Charlotte enron iclc: An Alonement occurred a committee. The res,73-' monthly report of marriage licesnes Pueh was received and accepted. I - m,.a,o 218 North Front St. Druggist. few uB" "ao - tCcAfl and exhibited Treasurer's re- Application of tc?erscnange - - received for W. xi 1. s-t- t-imi-PB nun 1 1 1 ; i 1 lliib iia apportioned to dealers in i CAROLINA BE ACn.Il Stoves. We have a very line, made by the best factories, 'of th latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis- - .511 i faction. Jlur low prices win umuu ish and our Stoves please you. If. Jacobi Hdw Co. j . f t 11 - ii. r vr. u -, m m the Front Street Market house be iUl"C JUftU1 the .nt Biree flickg, opertVj lt was ordered that I A W V1T 1 nTlPI 1 I.t J llCfllbl 0 A m-m 3 mfcj ... v ' days in New Hanover county, and hi'v"-- vegetables, tb.e valuation or the loton jsiookiu? theheroand heroine ofa true love oysters and fruits and vegetables, 1 x , frnnl,)n tol.lOO. large ;"-f; Ave now in Charlotte, enjoy reouiring the removal 01 carts irom 1 VuVL " "" j i 1 - . - . 1 : 1 xi 'i nn nrvatri fniiiii pihii i.iih rcvisiuii i nn ifKiv 111 1 11 x . fnnr or rne marKet 1 iuc x.vw.v.w 1 , 1 1 " . " I TI1H KL.reCt 1U " - 5 CQANGK OF AND AFTER gCUEDULE. 1 0N WEDNESDAY, 4TH? ing their honeymoon. the case is Miss uorneua urauy, referred to the Coiu'miU oi me jury i.suu .u luc daughter of A. J. Grady, a wealthy bouse, TJr" . . 6f the jurors in the jury box. r flv-onnntv ommissioner I tee on MarKets. fusband is J. C. Herring, a contrac- ,allt of Messrs. Adrain & Vollers cial surveyor to survey lands of me new- i,i iw lino.kstersl K. Mayo, in reaerairomi tuwin.H' UUSU J " I - . A sonfAmhor f hn ftr.fieduie f&r steamers Sylvan Grove and Passport will be as follows: , , ... 4 n ; steamer Sylvan Grove wmieaWfor tlaroVV Una Beach at 9:30 a. m. and W3Q p. m. t . ' ; Steamer Passport will leave for Southport l at 9-.30 a. m. Keturnlng, will leave Southport -f at 3 p.m. .. j-.'.M' L. D. Cherry was appointed spe-l steamer passport will leave for Carolina tor, of the same county. Hansley was appointed Beach only at 6 p. Beach at 7 a. m sepstf nac m. Passport will, leave 4C JOHN W. UAnrlClt, - - i . General Manager ilt i City Court. John Powers was before the May or this morning to -answer to the nWcp of disorderly conduct. He way and I - , .;u.. u.if in.lintipnt was Lf nnrl Aftnnnlinfflv. the not cnaree 1001 was Toil ii u truniv j "(- 1 v. 7. a r. . i,vslu banana see some 01 tne 1 ,.,,-1,1 ivf. Already made. I willalso re suspended. i iS,acnes. Musi disorderly conduct, was fined $10. lv married pair are now ooaromg ; Uf v.W and Wm., their home. !.. bniidimr i tered by B. A. Carter, ,n Harnett Miss Grady's parents were weaitiiy T ani nailed attention township, and of high social rank, and her ,n Order bv the Board, M . - nH a&-nwaA V H "M" MM IH llll T III i " W. W I IT j a A W v latner opposeu aer .1.11. r--- 1 . - jf mo,Rtrates Knr 1 - iro inriEriiMi i, v tiiAvr i-o.i t-kAon nrnprpii hiiii ivivm o .l. v. v " 1 wiici C LUC T uaii UVUil v " 1 - - . .. , . . . a 1,1 ;... Pot in behalf of the term of office expired on ine in 01 young contractor. that the whose Foreclosure, 1 ' X .- JJY ViKTVE OF! TBE POWER OF SALS', contained in a certain indenture of mortgage' executed by David Deal and Lucy A. Deal, his eamVf,ls uniiture. WIU cheertuuy e4aairs or Probable cost ot repairs. X i J. B. FAKRArL- No. 11 N. Second st. "ST0E LEY'S. 9 vountr lady slipped from the house t . .. ' .A , llot1 I August. 1889, to return the Code of . - m 1 - i I . 1 it 111, i ,11111111 iLLrc naiu uv, v. i-. -u .. .. . t . f . . . .1 I nr MftvllcrliE On 1 UeSUaV IIlOnilUK. I ' ! . ni..!i n ,1 ,1 11 n4Ua KaaIb I Hfa - .ri riMi-ono TtnlMinc flnrt IxVLTI AS. l-l A.nrxlil nUH CllUltievl I , . . " t ix il .'I V. rnci I knnoiaH all afTnvta trk ct. T IIP .COll I Vy 4 v., "... .... I ' i i j ru. ai ti) " i ana loineu ner uvtrutiieu, wuw woo uauoicuu uv.o ' k i. i . . . . . Ar - . v waiting with a horse and Duggy ai DanY to put up the three additional i" - i mnaiuiuu w txuxui wt v., . , Saperlnteudeirt of Public Instruction. r,..ii t T?A,,nnrn and thelHnvnf a little villaire on l Ujy WE ARK; NOW PR?-. PTfd to ainrnmrwIntA M. L : " 4 upon us with the . , p"it4Kt Oysters. fi, 51 We have made specla uus lor the SMcnn 4Me Grove, Middle and tjo of .! Countv UOUlluiss' met in joint session elect a Superintendent Tnf ruction for tlie county t Hanov put Ifnnn r.rf Manning received a majority of .the votes cast and was declared elected. i ' 1 - " : r iifreBhInc and Imvigoratlngr kter magnificeut nei the end of the lane. Swift as horse- r!o,hts; The comoanv Was preparing county, to the Register or ueeas. flesh could go, they sped to, uastie - ; VariAuiringe, clerk of Sperlor would be able to supply additional Court, reported the sum offSOcol ih. naTt,nnM, 1 lected for incorporating the Amen nrocured. . . .:. ,in...t! . LunPinp Fibre Company and the a i a it larnin 11 incr iiwivmi i 11iiiir n.11 an i vpetpPliav to teen miles from Wilmington, yesteiclaj to iense a, Uy been prc tt of Publicl and thero sitting in the bu rrtrxr in of Ncwj front of the magistrate's office, the 1. mtawa i mnnwflv eounie were uuiteuiu mar er Only two camu 1," aY thereak of day. in nomination, iyapu-. i. ,"i hnv was sent back to the ho . - . ! t "Rui-r' I. ... - l .1 1 nnnni 1 TOI. .lUIIIff fnr T 16 VOUIIL' IttUY O n uuivo, ouu n I use e returned with them unopposed, as Miss Grady was of age. They newly wedded pair then went to Wilming ton and from there eame to Char lotte. . . . ,L Mr. Herring has secured empioy- iw , . t ... i ii r I riehcious Soda Water as tirawn ir , .ontraetor with Mr. Ahrens, r" . n-ik.. innrrn I RP.UL new ,. i t ,. propriation of 300 be made for Mr. Jas. W. King, as an acKnowledge ment of his service in preparing the tax hook. Alderman Hicks second edthe motion. He had examined the book and found the work was done in a highly creditable manner, and it was so valuable now as a book of reference that he thought Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit,and I siicfTM&t iPvprvhoth'' with vour offen Mr. King tioiild be rewarded for his ' SIYe breath, 'but use Dr. Sage 0a tedions work, ; tarrh Remedy and end it.i;5d .eents, AdrnanOraftrheraitUnS - r ' having been made therein) the undersigned, as attorneys tor said mortgagee, .will, on Thursday, the 5th day of September, 1889, at 12 o'clock M , at the Court House door. In the y city of Wilmington, seu, by public auction for cash, the lands and premises conveyed la and by saia mongage aeeay wmca ere sn iiatAri In t.h &aid dtv of Wilmington. &nd am- - Ordered, that on account or phyJ bounded and described as follows: jjeglnntE' -. feet North of the Northeast Intersection of -Princess and Ninth streets, and rnnnlng t thence with Ninth street South 33 feet, thencu East parallel with. Princess street 123 feet, , thence North 33 feet,-thence West parallel with Princess street 132 feet to the East -tire of Ninth street, the beginning being the v, c-s part or uai 3, in iuocjc ibo, accruing to i Wilmington Investment Company during the month of August. sical disability M.Dowliner be grant ed pariuission to peddle goods wares?, and merchandise without payment of county' tax. - omciai plan of said city. r A.G.IUCAUD, . . - Attqrnaya for l'he citizen'a 13njlj!? e n& , A Ldan Association of Wltoinston, li, CVi "BP Served promptly and In any i W. H. HTUK.L.KY. . - 1 f WrtshtsYiue, ,

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