!...'iiCl! 1 ,JA.tIlt0raDa 1 n, rOSTAGK PAID, - , E 1 - i CW1 i na. Three Thfl nans ot the writer must arrays td ft? hisneatotnoiKLLtor.. r r"". . opemontn,35 camimxcaaoiia must ; jee written on tmv delivered ty carriers; free trill & u , t," f thn above ArlA ClrtA ftf Mill ftfttVf.' a 1 . - "T , ' : . f vuv w vv arB,,jrMV persoiaiiuea mat w .imaoaufsi : C 'ii- I' nanJ.v wees. Ana il u raceaaur hu varucuiurr tmaer .Unse report any awl y()L XIII. j WILMINGTON, N,'C WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1889. NO 209. stooa tnat tne jsaicor aoes no wjb euaorse the views ot correspondents anless so suited in the editorial columns. ' DaI ; i . i E 1 1j1' 1 U; 11 j v v . f iterant form ,SSlVE and NUTRITIOUS JUIOE ' F!GS OF CALIFORNIA. LM "with- the medicinal r:" fntinis known to be tfiml to the human forming an agreeable &tive laxative to perma-. Mv cure nuuiLuax v ! ana mc ""J w . S&g on a weak or inactive 'tionoftlie : EIBIS, LIVER AhU BUWtLor ti,dBWtcelfcBt remedy known to ME THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY ; I flea cne is Bilious or consuyaieu SO THAT KjftfCLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, ISiLTHnd STRENGTH I NATURALLY FOLLOW. it and all are -TCI) uuc ij "-o fitrTifwl with.it. "5""' ASK YOUR DftUQQIST FOH gTHtTT OP lE'XG-O MANUFACTURED ONLY BY iLlFORHIA FIG SYRUP CO.- SM FRANCISCO, CAL. . - WMflUf. . ( ? yOUK. N. Y Forsaldbj- ' ; ' 1 KDKRIJT I? HELLAB1Y. WHOLESALE 1HUGGIST, KSlvttw Wilmington, N. C. MercuHal Poison. ., " ; , lercury is frequently in judiciously, used by act doctors incased of malaria and blood am. Its atier. effect is worse' than '.the .rtetnal 3!;e:i. B. . 15. 15. (Botanic BlOOd film) mam bo mercury, l ut will eliminate lemriapolm froii the system. .Writ to M ma ca. Atlanta, (la., for book of r arauTDsr proor oi -us curative inue. if. L'ritton, Jackson, Tcnn., writes; VI malaria m Louisiana, and when the hntiast broke my system was saturated 3,tscri: and I nan sore; m my mouth ana :-saariiv tonqiie I 'or two bottles of B. iLtbloli healed my tongue and mouth-and liBfvin;in of mo." fiKiolimond, Atlanta. ia.. writes: ''My liardly sec. Doctors called it syph ilids. Her eyes were in a dreadful con a. Her nppetire failed, she had pain In tfjntaia ami bones. s Her kidneys were de sdilso, and no oue thought she could be "! Dr. Gillam recommended B. B. B., irtsiie used until her health was entirely; IP B. tones, Atlanta, ca., writeli "I was with copper colored eruptions; loss of wttf.palnin back, achingr Joints, deblUty, P-tUtioa. loss of hair, sore tliroat,thd great fnwsnesi 15. 15. d. put my system In fine M State. Headache Cure. !BPkEPAlLTl6N WILL SUH ELY CUBE rteE from what cause artslngT MUNDS BKOTIIERS, ; 104 N. Front St. LOCAL ISTETS. INDEX TO XKtir ADVERTISEMENTS j J as D Nutt Druffg-lst j Munds Bros Pharmacists : . ' ; T K Buhk Three Sliows Combined I Lee liEGisTERXotiee or Dissolution j Chas P, Browne, Agt Apples and cabbage ! Mr. G. W. Branch is on the sick list. . The market ivas well supplied with senppernong grapes this morn- Dr. Porter, of Rucky Point, was' in the city to tlay. . i Mr. J. T. Collins, of Burlaw, was ' in the city to tlayand i,U us a very pleasant visit this forenoon. Mr. J: "W'S. Ilobinspn, of Samp son county, is in the city. He . took in the Hammocks and sWrii'htsville Beach yesterday. j ; Impurities of the blood often cause freat annoyance at -this season ; lood's Sarsanarilla 'nurifies the blood and cures all such affections. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Edgar Scarborough is quite sick and confined to the house. We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi HdwCo t ! We are glad to see Mr. J. D. Kelley on the street again!, He has been very sick for several weeks past but is mendidg rapidly now. The firm of Register; Bros., cloth ers, has been dissolved and the busi ness will be continued at the same stand by Mr. Lee Register. 1 Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the JJ. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices hat you pay for those of n inferior quality. ; A new schedule will beputinforce next Monday, on the Seacoast R. R. Under it there will be three trains each way, one in the morning and two in the afternoon. lTesldent. teloii Savin w. P. TOOMEU, cashier. gs & Trust Co,, 08 'ihtw . "".usiuciory secuniy. -1 ttSSS l0,?"3- 13 empowered to mists Of a klt1 mh on tt mch 29 tl ALBX, JACK SON, kti and Commission MfrrknL ommission -SOLICITS Foments of cottov Attn at.t. OP COl'XTKV PRODUCE. . rWldMullx rrvSt? Wtlmlncrtnn TC C. Don't Delav. ani I m m repair It promptly an Prices, IfcTi0 m-e inv llvlntrthla wnv nnrt " 2(!iir.M,w,'u ana wl" not charge too ikv Vv, - , aHana see some of the f ''ilk' 1 I . - 1 "I" 1 1" , ' Musical Instruments' '5aatUVul:iUure- cheerfully iBalXsm( i htble cost ot repairs. J. B. FAKRAll. No. n N.-second st. "STOKLEY'S 19 nah-d ro n NOW PUK- accommodate tl.lVl!l .... - u !iiaU us with the pIneKt Oysters ""r in.' season. tiAr!) V'-t. we have mane Rneria jfHe drove, Miadle'and . stump Sound Ovsters . WrightsvUle. Wake Forest College opened on Monday with 185 students and since that time 30 mere have been en rolled, making a total of 215 for the first two days of the session. The concert to begiivenat Caro Una Beach Friday night by the Geruiania Cornet Band will be the last of the season, so let there be a large crowd to encournge the boys. 1 Burglars. Be secure from them ,by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi lid w. Co. t Paint your house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint, It is the best and cheapest. You will find all col ors.in any desired quantity at tke factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. , , t Tire drum fishermen are out every day on Wrfghtsville Beach. Some haveliad good luck, some bad and some indifferent. The fall season for this fine sport is . drawing on rapidly. Ladies will find a 'very handsome and complete line of ladies Muslin Underwear at astonishing tow prices a-t the Wilmington Shirt Factory, 122 Market street. Sign of the blue 'awning. tf My very low prices for Cash have proved a 'success. Every dol lar's worth of goods will be sold 20 per cent, lower than at any other store in the city. I. Shrier, S. E. corner Princess and Front sts. t f Stoves. We have a very large line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction. Our low prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Did you witness the occultation of Jupiter by the moon last night? Well, if you didn't you missed an intprpstino- iht. The sky was - 1- r- cloudlessaffordinga full view of hot thp nlanet and the moon. The time of immersion as observed here was about 10:02, and the emersion about 10:49. We have received trom the Secre tary Mr. P. M. Wilson, the pre mium list of the 20th annual Pair of the North Carolina State Agricu tural Society, to be held at Raleigh, October 14. 15, 10, 17, IS and 19, 1889 OnJ thousand premiums, worth over $5,000, '.are offered. Any farmer de siring to see what premiums are of fprpd oa.il call at this office and examine the list. v.- ItefreftbJnff and Invigorating, Delicious Soda Water as drawn from minds Brothers' magnificeut new fnnntnin at a temperature' of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral. Water. - Capt. Ingram, of the steamship Jienffanfor who arrived from New York yesterday told us that the whistling buoy on Frying" Pan Shoals has stopped blowing and seemed to be pretty full of water. Mr. M. C. Colljns, one of Pender's best farmers, placed on our table to day a lot of the finest, juicest white scuppernong grapes we have ever seen. : They were of an un usual size and were perfectly ripe. Pender county Superior Court convenes next Monday and we hear that there will be a busy time with the courtofficers,! as there are nine persons in jail awaiting trial, besides a number who are out on bail to appear at the approaching term. The alarm of fire, turned in from box 35 late yesterday afternoon, spoken of by us, was caused by the burning of a'hole in the roof of the kitchen on the premises of Charles Foreman, on Tenth street, between Princess and Chestnut. It was put out by the neighbors before the de partment got there. Damage slight. The Ladles Delighted. i The pleasant effect and the per fect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Fig, under all conditions make it their fayorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kid neys, liver and bowels. The Steam Yacht Kace. There was a lively steam yacht race on the river yesterday. It was between the yachts Navassa and Ida Louiac. The start was made from a point up the T river near Meares1 Bluff Jkvith a run don to Big Island and return to the city. The contest was won by the Ida Louise by about one hundred yards distance. It would prove am interesting pastime if it could be repeated and let our citizens know- of . the fact so that they could witness it. Death of a Mexican-Veteran. Our correspondent, writing from Hallsville, Duplin county, informs us of the death, at that plaee on Monday last,of Mr. Samuel Summer, aired 69 years. Mr. Summer served as a soldier in the Mexican war, and drew a pension from the govern, ruent up to his death. He will be missed in his section of the county, where he always lent a helping hand to those that were in need. Mr.. Summer was an honest man, which is the noblest work of God. Peace to his ashes ! . Kobbery in Pender. A gentleman who arrived in the city on the morning train from the North tells us that Calvin Hawes, a colored boy about J8 years old, was put in iail at Burgaw yesterday, charged with robbery. The crime with which he stands indicted was committedatthe residence ofDr. Jno. R. Hawes, at Point Caswell, last week. While the family were at supper he secreted himself in the house and when all had gone lo sleep he entered the room of Mr. Joel Hines, a nephew of Dr. Hawes, and robbed him of $7, which he had left in his pants pockets. ; Suspicion pointed to Calvin as the thief and when arrested on Monday he con-i fessed having taken the money. The Horse Show. Prof. Burk's great show of trained horses and general cirens, at the popular low prices of JO and 20 cents admiss-on, will be here under can vass next Monday and Tuesday, the 9th and 10th. To describe all that is done by Professor Burk' educated horses, ponies and mules would be impossible. It is only necessary to say that the exhibition is a most wonderful one. They up derstaud what is said to them with an intelligence that is almost hu man. In fact, no such horses were ever seen before, and no one should fail to visit the show on its appear anee here. It is refined and instruc tive as well as interesting and amus Ing in the extreme.. The, exhibition takes place jou Dickinson's Hill, near tiie Carolina Central R. R. depot. Forecasts. 1 For North Carolina, local rains and stationary temperature. For Wil mington and vicinity, showers. Kirthday Blesalng'. That clever gentleman, Mr. E. Kuhblank, had a birthday to day, and was the recipient of many cen gratulationsfrom the many warm friends lie has made while resident among us. We wish him manyfhap py returns of the day. Masquerade Call. The Masquerade Ball at .Carolina Beach last night was a grand sue . . mm i s s cess, mere were net ween suuanu 400 people present. Everybody that went had a nice time, t'he night was beautiful for a stroll on the beach, which a great many of the young people enjoyed. (Going ; North. ! j Mr. B. F. Penny will leave here on Monday morning, on the 12.05 a. j m. train, for New York, for the pur-, pose of selecting a fine stock of Fall: and Winter clothing. In the mean time he has already received some new goods in his line, some speci mens of the new and handsome styles now being displayed in his large show windows. City Conrt. ' ' Wm. Grady, charged with vio lating the sanitary ordinance; was before the Mayor this morning but he was found to be not guilty and was discharged. Robert Shepard, false pretenses, was found guilty and bound over to the next term of the Criminal Court. Joseph Williams, disorderly con duet. Guilty. Fined $5 and costs, The Carolina Central' Superintendent. Charlotte News'.' The Carolina Central undoubtedly has a model superintendent in the person of Capt. Thomas W. Whisnant. The big breaks by $jhe cloud bnrst , near Rockingham occurred on Monday of last week, and the track was last night in readiness for the passage of trains. Capt. Whisnant was on the scene early on the morning of the breaks, and remained there day and night superintending the work of reconstruction". It is due to his skill, perserveranceand energy that through traffic was resumed so soon. He is a practical superintendent, and his work so far shows that no mistake was made wtien tie was appointed Superintendent of the Carolina Central road. Pander Coun ty Farms and Crops. (Ueport for the Dally Review.) ; On August - 28th your reporter visited Mr. D. W. Rencher's tobacco farm, which is situated abouti three miles from Willard. It was the first opportunity of visiting a tobacco farm I had Jenjoyed. Mr. Rencher has four or more acre3 in tobacco a8 an experiment. He was raised on a tobacco farm inGranville county. In the year 1888 he yisitedPender county and became of opinion that -certain soils in that countv would grow fine tobacco. He now thinks them equal to any of the middle or West ern counties for the growing 6fthe weed. He has one acre in tobacce from which he expects to realize as much as from fine acres in cot ton. His cornyeotton, potatoes and tobacco all are fine indeed. I Onthe following day I passed the farm of Dr. K.J. Powers, on the East side of Willard, and was struck with the fertility of the land. Dr. Powers has some of the best i cotton I have seen this year. His lands would doubtless grow fine tobacco. Pender needs but development to make it one of the finest farming counties in the State. It has a nat ural soil unsurpassed by any ever seen by your correspondent. Let the Pender people plant a greater variety of crops,' buckle on the ar mor of labor, improve their lands and press forward in progress. the march of. Some Duplin County Crops. Reported for the Daily KevieW. On last Wednesday I klt the pleasant little village of Duplin Roads for Chinquepin and other places in Duplin. All along the road to Chinquepin the corn crop is good. The first farm that especially attracted my attention was that of Mr. D. W. Boney, who has some very fine corn indeed. A few miles farther on was the farm of Mr. Nathan Batts, one of Duplin's best farmers. Mr. Batts says he has one of the best corn crops he has ever had. I arrived at Chinquepin about 6 o'clock in the evening and spent the night -.twitli that energefic young merchant and farmer, Mr. G. D. B. Parker. On Thursday morning Mr. Parker took me through his farm and such corn I have never seen be fore. Her has a field of 40 acres up. land corn that will average seven barrels to the. acre, and after show ing me through his farm, then he said, "Now I will show you how to bag a fox." Mr. Parker and Mr, H. Lanier and your reporter started out with hounds and in less than two hours we returned with two foxes as the fruits of our hunt. Then I started for Beulahville, for merly called Snarchett. The crops, especially the corn andpotatoesare very fine, Snatchett township is the. place where there has not been a Republican vote cast since the war. You will find it a fact that the crops are all good wherever they have been worked as they ought with all the rain they have had. Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit,and disgust everybody with your offen sive breath, but use Dr. Sages Ca tarrh Remedy and end it. 50 cents, We were pleased to receive a call this mwning from Mr. Geo. Q Campbell, business manager ot Prof. Burk's Educated Horse Show. We found him to be an exce edingly clever gentleman. died. COX. Departed this life September 1st, at the residence of his father, James W. -Cox, in Kenansville, J. FRANK COX, aged 25 years. lie died in the bloom of his youth, loved and respected by all who knew him. At the grave Rev. w. A. Forbes offered up a touching prayer an reaa an impressive ounai service. sympathizing friends sang an appropriate hymn, then fair maidens scattered garlands f roses o'er that newly -made moumd, while softly sighing winds seemed to say, dust to oust, out tne spirit to ooa wno gave it. xes. to the God whom he loved and acknowledged e'er sickness and death claimed his earthly tabernacle for their own. And as evening's lengthening shadows fell , across that silent grave, loved ones could only say reauiescat in pace, dear Frank, till we meet again. S. S. N KW ADV.EKTI8EME1TTO N AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, 4TH CAROLINA BEACH. CHASOR OK ftUUEDOLC o Spntpmlwp trio crVtvr1nlA w etaomnM ttvlvflvi Grove and Passport will be as follow Steamer Sylvan Grove wlllleave for Caro lina Beaeh at 9:30 m. and 20 p. m, V r : Steamer Passport will leave for. Soutiibott at 9:30 a. in. Returning, will lerfve South port at 3 p. m. . Steamer Passport will leave for Carolina Beach only at 6 p. m. Passport will leave Beach at 7 a. m. JOHN W. HARPER, sepstfnac General Manager PIG FISH ! PIG PISHl I ALWACTS KEEP A SUPPLY OF,( , , FRESH FICH on hand. As I have my own boat and seine I always keep from 200 to aoo on hand. Pic nlc parties can be served with Fish or Coffee. ! ' I " " Meals 35c. or $1.00 a Day. JA8. A. OEWLEXT. Restaurant in 100 yards of Switchback. Good CIGARS and ice cool BEER always on hand. Jy 11 tt 1 THE MAIL SCHEDULE. The malls close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: ' OUTGOING MAILS DAILY. CLOSE. LEAVE. WiLand Wash.(T8)lst Dis.. 7.00 A. M. 9.00 A. M Wll.amdVash.(78) 2d Dis.. 8.15 A. M. 9.00 A. M- WrightsvUle 8.4a A. M. 9.30 A. M- Southport 9.30 A. M. 9.45 A. M. W1L and Ruth 1.20 P. M. 2.20 P. M. Clinton and Gold. (special) 3.30 P. M. 4.00 P. M. Wll. and Jack. (23) 5.30 p. M. 6.25 P. M. WlL and Ruth 6 30 P. M. 7.: P. M. WiL and Jack. (35) 9.30 P. M. jOIG P. M. Wil. and Wash, (14). ...... 11.15 P, M. 12 05 P. Ji.. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. BrunswUk Cape Fear River mall. B.00 A.- M. L10 P. M. 2.00 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow 7.00 A. M. INCOMING MAILS DAILY. ARRIVE AT P. 0. Charlotte and Maxton 7.55" A. M. "Wil. and Jack 8.40 A. M. Clinton and Goldsboro 11.50 A. M. Wll. and Ruth 12.51 P. M. WrightsvUle 6.00 P. M. Southport , ; 4.40 P. M Wil. and Wash. (23) 6.10 P. M. Wll. and Wash: (27) . ..10.00 p. M. 11. and Jack. (14) 11.55 P. M. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Brunswick 5.00 P. M- TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Cape Fear River 7.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Onslow.. 7.00 P. M GEO. Z. FRENCH, P. M. July 22nd. 1880. NEW A IVEKTI SEVENTH. F Just Received! ULL STOCK MASCQTTE TOOTH BRUSH. Price 18c, regular price 30c. j only at JAMES D. NUTT'S. 1 218 North Front St. The Druggist. I by dru Notice of Dissolution; I J-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of Register & Bros., Clothiers, has leen dissolved by mutual consent. Having pur chased the interest of my late partner, I will continue the business at the old stand. No. 4 Market street, where I will be pleased to wel come my old customers as well as new ones. Sep 4 It LEE REGISTER. t. K. BURK'S Three Shows Combined. Tent on Dickinson Lot. TWO DAYS ONLY, huh and Tuesday, ;ffpt. M and 1 (hi, AFTERNOON AND EVENING. The Wonderful Arabian' Mexican Horses and Ponies, 20 in number. Mahomet, the Talking Horse; Little Dot, the wonder. AdmiHKion: lO and "O cents. Look for the Grand Street Parade, 12 o'clock, on day of exhibition. sep 4 2t wed sat Apps-eK mid Cabbage. EADtJUARTERS FOR APPLES, CAB bage, Onion, Potatoes, Lemons, Butter and Florida MuUets.wiC ,.viv'. CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt. 128 North Water St, Wilmington, ft a ,1? Look, Stop and Think! IN ORDER TO MAKE WOOM FOK MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK I WILL SELL FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS MY ENTIRE LINE OF ' ' Spring and Summer Goods, CONSISTING OjF Clothing Hato : AND- FURNISHING GOODS r? 4 t & T Wehave;just finished taking stock and I will leave in a short tlmt for. the Northern markets. I MUST HAVE MONEY TO BUY FALL AND WINTER GOODS WITH, and hence no reasonable cash offer will he re fused. - . B. F. PEWWY, ttte rr.rvpnTww aug 23 tf 110 Market Street.' ISLAND BEACH HOTELr rpiIE HOTEL AT THE HAMMOCKS IS NOW In the hands of the Wilmington Seacoast R. K. and Is under the management ot the Super ntendent. , it has just undergone a complete renovation nd has been put in first class order. The rates of board, for September havejbeen materially reduced. 1 The best the market and the salt- water af fords will make up the bill of fare. careful, attentive and polite servants and none others will be tolerated. Prof. Miner's Band, from Schuetzen Park. Baltimore, will furnish music, both morning and evening. Facilities for sailing andJJshing unsurpass. cu. owe. cuuuui utuie uuais anu exoenencea crews. The object of the new management is to please .and no pains will be spared to accom plish this result. Enquiries by mall a3 to accommodations promptly responded to. .. aug22 tr Lawn rjowero, Best out tie Market! QARDEN HOES, RAKES, &C, 8PRINK- lers, Rubber Hose and Attachments. Bottom i W. E. SPRINGER A CO', api so tl 14 Front St., Wilmington, N. C Cape FearHouse FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT HAS BEEN opened at the terminus of the Ocean VlewK. R. Fresh Pigfish, Clams and Beer always hand. In connection with our Restaurant we have a firs class Dining Room for our white, customers. Give us a call and we guaraifcee to give you entire satisfaction. je 22 3m. Sale of Real Estate Under Foreclosure. 1 Tfci" VIRTUE OP THE POWTTR OP SAtf a - w wmm contained in a certain Indenture of morrgagp executed by David Deal and Lucy A. Deal, his wife, ro "The citizens' Building and Loan As sociation of Wilmington, N. c," (default having been made therein) the undersigned, as attorneys for said mortgagee, W1U, on Thursdav. the Rth duv of Spntp'mW looo " - - M.J.VVU.WV., AWVV, At- 12 o'clock M , at the court House door, in the 7 city of Wilmington, seU, by public auction. iw ;oaix, me xmjuus adia premises conveyed in and by said mortgage deed, which are sit? uated in the said city of Wilmington, and are bounded and described as follows: Beglnnine at a point on the East Une ot Nlntti street ids feet north of the Northeast intersection ot Princess and Ninth streets, and runnlne thence with Ninth street south 33 feet, thend East parallel with Princess street 132 feetT tn,ence North 53 feet, thence West nandwl nfiSiS. theldScilne SPV the beginning being the Wesc Part of Lot 3, La Block m accorSlng to the official plan of saM city. VT'W"U'S l", ? i , aDEN BELLAMY, L.:': : A. G. KIGATJD, Attorneys for "The Citizen's Bulldlnsf and 5 ansf30SSOC,af,?Of