' FLKAS2S NOTICX" - - . ' ; r we will pe (-laa to rcceiTe coiniatuiicaut r : : J Irrcm .ourtrieiitts cn anTaii birrject8 s general iatenxitti 'f . ft Tt3 nana ctjbie Knter cuast airaH to rur nasai wltne caittnif . . K-J? .fj vj r-4 ll r 1 i 4 Ufly 2.oql Three lb r .1 0 month, 35 cents. J J:.U i V 1 one side ot the paper. 5 . Personalities must toe avpiaea,! a And tt r3 BSTlAllT fLEd ,T3artIclAr!r, bi&T -tits ,- report any stood that the Editor doej not Always endorse , and VOL XI 1 1. W ILM INGTON, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1889. NO 21G. jfr- 'I 1 tne news or corresponacnta azuess bo tneir paper mtemtdriaicrtrxKms I'.fUIiS tri"" ill f.tH -AT FA ;-. i .;:-1 t M i .ofcemokt elegant form LtllVE and NUTRITIOUS JUIOE PCS OF CALIFORNIA. ti. ihe medicinal tr be !ts oi pw"-; 7 1 " : t, forming an agreeable Tlm're laxative to perma- cnre Habitual Consti 4. and the many ills de 2ag on a weak or inactive -it&oftlie i -' jHUiVER AND BOWELS. ffettst excellent remedy known to W fff EFFECTUALLY' tyuiwt is Bilious or Constipated I -50 THAT 'iiOOOO. REFRE8HIMO 8LKEP, i KALTH and STRENGTH I . wiTUBALLY FOLLOW. try is using it and all are fehtedwithit. tSKYOUR DRUGGIST FOfl TJf? OI 3PXC3HO j 'lUMUf ACTUREO OY BY - : IT OTIA FIG SYRUP CO. W F9AKCISC0. CAL. ''" Uffif.ff. NEW YORK. Jt: Y BOtfERT R HKIiLAMY. WOOLESALK niU'OOIST; USlj-Atff Wilmington, n. v. Conlcioti! Wood Diseases. ices, sorts, pimples, itch, salt rheum, tretficisesof rent agious blood disease. is Ttaiiilest'.y a duty" to eradicate blood iontoatleajsU'ia Vy a use of B.. B. B. mieBkxiBim), ihus enabling1 the sore xstotnl. atd thereby 'removing1, all pos- lf.roprhcr mnuttrs nt the family be- isjlitf iso amicteo. iend to Blood Balm itonra. ;a . lov book that will convince. X Outlaw, Mi. OUve, N. C, vrriteszT "I mine sorts on my shoulders and amis. Settle H. D. B. cured me entirely istnson. lielrnont Station. Miss . writes: 1 B. has worked on me like a charm. My Jind body was covered with sores, and iiir came out, bur n. r?. n. healed me (Ullnnin. Hutchens, Texas, writes: "B. 1 1 Im cured my wife of a large ulcer on f'rf mat doctors and all ot her medicine a to: cure' , UKossman, a prominent merchant of "Bsfccro, ua., writes:- -I know of several Wood disease spevdllv cured by B. B. iw bouies cured a lady of uelv scrofulous ps.- (". BllVlllflfilft .t m . Mnr fit rt-1 r. U &, in curing Mr. Robert. Ward of blood -sa effected one of thp most wm.fiprfiii -a Uut ever came to our knowledge' The obsequies of S. S. Cox will I The dust is RimW ' drrlfnl' T , P,ace ln JSeJf York to morrow , Th6se who have hose should morntDjr.. !kl tlm cfnfo ;,The Wslit will soon wax warm in Ohio, and no man can tell the come thereof. i some of it down. try sprin- and . keep out J The guests Hotel sat don The New York Sun thinks For- aker will be elected. The S'mi is not posing as a Ueihocratic this year dontcherkno jv. at the Island Beach I nuici sub uunii last uiiib iu a uu lightful and skillfully prepared feast of marsh hens. paper New York's Custom House and Appraiser's Store is to be erected on Bowling Green. Congress appro priated $2,000,000 (for the purchase of the s'te. ! For Rent. Desirable Store corner Front and Mulberry Sts. Possess Jionvgiven at once. Enquire of I. Shrier, cor. Front and Princess. tf Forecasts-!,. ''" 1' I For North Carolina,; fair weather and stationary temperature. For Wilmington and vicinity, fair wea ther. ? Thero is no doubt of Leon Abbett's election as Governor of New Jersey. It will be almost a walkover for him. Some of his friends are boost ing him for the Presidential nomi nation in '92. Steve Brodie swears that he did go over Niagara Falls in his rubbejr ruit and tries to prove it by the Sun, World and Journal reporters winch. is the toughest job thatSteve has yet tackled. The Associated Press saw fit to send out in its dispatchesthe full text of the platform adopted by the Ohio and Virginia ' Republicans. Why does it not give to the world the excellent platform adopted by the Democrats of New Jersey on Tuesday. In August the national debt was increased $6,000,000. ,;"With- a few more Tanners," says the Buffalo Times, "there will bQ nothing left at the close of the administration." Clearly a mistake. There will be something left a pile of debt about the size of that left at the close of the war and aggregating nearly 3,000,000,000. s - The legislative committee in West .Virginia b.ave completed the canr vass assigned them and they find that Judge Fleming, Democrat, has a majority of 212. They will so re port and there is no doubt that Fleming will be seated. N. Goff? Jr, Republican, had 110 majority in the returns as originally render ed. It is tne same Goff who was in command here at Wilmington in the Fall of '65. Col. F. W. Foster killed 201 marsh hns on fjve tides, which js the best report from the front. He kindly remembered us in distributing the game. ! The german at the Island Beach Hotel last night, given complimen tary to the visiting young ladies, was well attended and was a thor oughly delightful affair. Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the N: Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at prices that you pay for those of in inferior, quality. Burglars. Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your biinus. xney are cneap and can be put on by the most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t ALEX. JACK SON, il tout Cmmission Mercliatit -SOLICITS W1GXMENTS OF COTTON AND ALL 1-M)3 0F COUNTKY PltODUCE. "Merand Muiberrj-5ts, Wilmington, N.C. una ow " - Frank 'Stack, white, and David Boone, colored, were lynched at Mofganton about 2 o'clock yester day morning by about 200 masked men. They were swung off from a railroad bridge near the town Both men were charged with mur der. It is reported that Boone con essed his guilt, Imt that Stack asserted his innocence to the last. The jailor identified three of the party, and warrants have been issued for their arrest.1 Lawn Mowers, Best on the Market ! rUPrirv , ; . v ij nuts, HAKES, &C, SPBJNK- psSSo?eaM AitaclUaents. Bottom tfatt i1E-.SP1INGE" c'. Just Receivfid stoOk uascoitb tootu BUUQU. iular prk-c 30?. oiy at JAMES D.NUTT'S,. The Druggist. Front St H CRONE N BERG, , pOTOGKAPHKr. SUPERBLY EXECUTED 'PUs at reasonable prices. t5aPRAMlSG A SPECIALTY. Sn Savings & Trust Co., resident. W. P. TOOMER, Cashier. ii L,-feil- WILMINGTON, N. CM S1' nS13 rt)n sabsfactory security; "Wnf1"3- 13 empowered tp s's of all kinda. Wh 39 U - ii 1 o all kinda. S10K LEY'S 99 WE AUE NOW-PUB- to accommodate n-lal can upon U3 with the ptoest Oysters -yoiP fi? We ve made specia -"as tor the Season. - . , urove, iMiadle ana Mahone's path is not liued with -m-V T 1 T r -1 -1 roses. Tne jxew iorK jieraia naa published interviews! with proml nent white Republicans in various parts of the State, Iwhich in the aggregate make a d6cidelly gloomy outlook for the little brigadier. Riddleberger, Cameron, Lewis, the Yosts and other prominent and in fluential Republicans swear that they will have none of him. Rids dlebertrer. it is said, will take the stun p. against him. ."Some of Ma hone's t friends now feel that his nomination was unwise. LOCAL 2STB"rS- Index to Nkw advertisements R M McIntibe Carpets TduNDS Bkos Pharmacists Chas F Browne, Agt Soap W M Cumming Mosquito Nets Clyde S S Co Change ol,Schedulp There were five cases before the Mayor this morning four of these were continued. One , defendant was found guilty of disorderly con duct, but judgment was suspended. Paint your house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint. It is the best and cheapest. You will-find allcoU orsju any desired quantity at the factory's ageqts, N, Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Ladies will find a very handsome and complete line" of ladies Muslin Underwear at astonishing low prices at the Wilmington Shirt iFactory 122 Market street. Sign of the blue awning. tf- Mullets are beginning to run at r&fe(. Mr. James A. Hewlett's seine made a haul of 600 bunches y ester0 dav on Masonboro Beach and Mr. Bernard Humphrey's got 500 bunch- es. it is tne second uesr. uay nan by the fishermen this Fall. Stoves. We have a very large line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction. Our low prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hd. Co.. t The Ladies D.el'ghtet. The pleasant effect and the per fect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their fayonte remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, vet effectual in acting "on the -khl- neys, liver and bowels. Pender Coart. Pender county Superior Court, Judge Bynam presiding, has been in session this week at Burgaw, and will probably continue until Satur day. There have been a number of minor cases disposed of already, anda capital case was set for to day. Judge Bynum uses much dispatch ingoing over the docket, anu tne people of Pender county are much pleased with his method of doing business. W nucrht to have some rain. as a consequence of the storm ranging so near us. The Champion Compress fired up to dav and began pressing cot ton for the first time tin's season. The bier time at Kenansville is tp ho on the 24th inst.. instead of on 14tb, as was first announced. 0 The liver ana kidnevs must be kept in good oonditioh. Hood's 8ar saparilla is a great remedy for regu ating'these organs. ' The Sylvan Grove has gone into winter quarters and the Passpport has taken chrrge of the river sched ule. " - ; Refreshing and Invigorating Delicious Soda .Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificent new soda fountain at a temperature of 84. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Ayateiv ;; - A Iainty- Burglar. . The residence of Mr. Chai. F. Browne, on Mulberry street, near Front, was burglarized last night. In this instance, however, the bur glar seems to have been hungry, but with a . dainty appetite. He rifled the larder and then taking the things out on the piazza,' assorted them to suit his fancy, taking off i n . thejbest of everything and leaving ttm balance behind. Nothing was known of the matter' until this morning. -Kate Lee. Ferguson, of Greenville, Miss., author of the sprightly and charming racing and love romance, 'Cliquot," to be published in a few days "by Messrs. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa., has had a very romantic and exciting career. She was married in the saddle and rode all through the late war at the head of Ferguson's Brigade. She once commanded a 'masked battery which opened; wjtb, grape from a canebrake, scattering Itheenexay atdawg.- :i The Signal Still. Up. j ; The storm signal is still on top, although it is kept up' merely as a caution,' to mariners I not tol sail North: There is no danger at pres ent, for, those bound South, j The, signal' was ordered continued at 10:30 o'clock this morning. At that time the storm was central off the Virginia coast. This was the storm centre - al$o yesterday ' and: it j does not appear to have moved. i Merchant and Planter. I ' The venerable Mr. G. ; Bohey has a piece of upland corn near Duplin Roads that a Review reporterj says will beyond doubt average eight barrels to the acre. Mr; Boney is on of the oldest and liiost highlv esteemed citizen of Duplin county. He has done business! at Duplin RoadSkor more than fifty years. In former days his purchases have been as high as $50,000 in a year. Branswick Superior Court. and Brunswick Court was short sweet. It opened on Monday and closed yesterday, Judge Shipp p siding. The most important case on the docket was that of Bryan R. Carroll, the young white man who was some months ago charged with poisoning his wire. Messrs. Iredell Meares and Sol. C. Weill wre as signed by the court as counsel for the prisoner and they succeeded in having the case removed to this county for trial. It will therefore come up before Judge Meares next week. M ; i The New York Steamers. Mr. D. L. Gore, President of the Produce Exchange, at the request of a number of merchants of the city, has called a special meeting at the rooms of the Exchange Satur dav next at noon, "to express thei4' indignation at the ungenerous, in considerate .and unbusiness like man nor inwhich our community is treated by the New York and Wil mington Steamship Company in re peatedly advertising streamers to sail from New York on certain days and giving no notice of the change until the day appointed for sailing. Such conduct on their part operat ing seriously to the detriment of the trade of our city." The steamship Be?iefqc(or, which- was advertised to sail froinNewYork yesterday,willnot sail until Satur day. The delay is- vexatious,' pf course, but, Jf the reports of the storm be true it is ' no wonder that she was not allowed to leave port yesterdays .T f -(-fs 'r.": : -' - The Molli.es Abroad. ' The Mullisran Guards were out deck at Carolina Beach Jast night. They paid a rounds of visits rtot the residents, making a sort of farewejl.to the season so soon to close. Mr. Hans A. Kure, who lias just moved in with his family-into his pretty new cottage, was tne?recipient ot some of the honors, but Ue says that he was -tired f and slept soundlyriind heard rio tin horns, nor the tooting of any locomotive'whistles nothing beyond the loud and angry boom of the surf. The Mollies" paid a vist to every cottage on the Beach and this morning when the residents awoke and looked forth it was to wonder whether, the sea had really risen duriug the night and left; all of that flood of sand dn their piaz zas and in front of their premises. Among dtbers the President of the New Hanover Transit Company was noticed leaning in a pensive mood over his front gate and gazing in tently at the pile of sand there. For ten minutes he remained in this ru minative mood and position and it js said hat toe was as much puzzled in thinking how he was going to getjd of that sand. aRd get out of the gate as to aooonnt for its pres ence threr : - " NEW Al VEKTISEiUKNl S Ii IS Y A 13 VEJXTloEJtlENTS A Lafrge Lot of Tciiigs EMBRACING A VARIETY S OF! SIZES AND Mr. J. Dickson Kelley, who has recently been so sick, has been ad- vised'totry the'mountains for a few weeks. He left yesterday for Hen derson county, accompanied by his sister, Miss Inez. Time-tried, Truly Tested. JUST OPENED AND . I 1 ' STYLES. Carpets Coming in by Every Steanieiv . .J'.-,"' ', I . I .... i The assortment is not yet complete; though we ; are showing a grea. luuuy gooa tilings. - : ; ' . . -t- -? W I M DOW S HADES. ( ' TH E MOST COMPLETE STOCK, ' ' sep 12 FEW NICE STYLES IN SI2ES 2Vx3, 3x3, 3ix3, 3x4. Respectfully, i - . R3. FJ3cirJTIRE, f r IV' " I it NORTH FRONT STREET. Some Kenanville Kinks. T j Axeerr'apoTident at the pleasant and pretty little town of Kenarisville sends us some nice little items. The cemetery at that place which has been so j long neglected is now baing put in goodorder, and is being enclosed with a handsome, durable railing, nicely painted. This is due to the efforts of a Baltimore lady who has friends and relatives buried there, seconded and aided by one of Kenansville's most charmiag daugh ters. Capt. N. H. Sprunt, avIio is one of the most popular gentlemen in the town and; one of its most accom plished business men, Will, in a few days, open there a first class grocery store. j . Ex Sheriff Bland Wallace, has a field of corn planted on the 11th day of July which is in full silk now and from which he expects to real ize hard corn. Sheriff. Wallace is a good farmer as well as a successful merchant. An alligator, five and a half feet long, which was caught somewhere down in New" River, in Onslow county, was recently exhibited in Kenansville, and created consider able excitement among fliose who had never before seen a saurian. State Veterans' Association. . Mr. Julian S. Carr, president of the State Confederate Veterans' As sociation, has issued a card to' the effect that at a meeting of the State Executive Committee of.the State Confederate Veterans' Association, held in Raleigh on Thursday, Au gust 29th, the following resolutions were passed: Jiesolved, 1st. That the firstannual meeting of the Confederate Vete; rans' Association be held in Raleigh on September 25th, and that the president be, and is lfereby author ized and requested to call the same, and that the representative at said meeting; will consist of the president of eacljf County Association or his authorized proxy, and any repre sentatives who maybe present from any counties where no organizations have been effected. Each county will be entitled to one representa tive. - ; licsolvcd, 2d. That the trans portation iines in the State be, and are hereby requested to grant free transportation to one delegate from each county to and from this county. ' liesolvcd, 3d. That a copy of these proceedings be transmitted to the press of the State with a request 'to publish! and notice editorially. "In obedience to the above resolu tions, I hereby notify the County Confederate Veterans' Association .-i ... in counties where organizations have not been had, that the first annual meeting of the Couuty Con; federate Veterans' Association of North Carolina will assemble in Raleigh, September 25, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m. This meeting will take into consideration every matter per taining j to the county and State associations, providing for a - more thorough organization and plans for. assisting the indigent soldiers of the State who require our aid and. support," A DIED. HAHDIN. Sept 12th, lS89,at a55 O'clock, In Rutherfordton, N. C. JOHN HAYWOOD HARDIN, infant son of J. H. and Fannie B. Hardin, aged 13 months and C days. ; The funeral services will take place from Sr. James Church at 4 o'clock Friday af ternoon. Interment ln Oakdale. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.. j (Star and Messenger please copy.) , NEW ADVEITTI8EMENT8. Tried toTf years; severely tested, and still growing in popular favor and "use, is the record enjoyed by Dr. Pierced Pleasant Punrative Pel- Tts th lit f l ttntror hrnfr" Inirnf lira ' 0TanuIPfT nld liV ArntwMa nVt SaP- . ' CHAS. P. BKOWNE, Agt.. f IrS u yt-druggists, a.ntb j 12a Korth Water sr, Wilmington, N C. bilious ad cathartic, . k K sep a a aw -. star copy.) - Soap. T' i ;-.-v. . -i fjpHE CHEAPEST SOAP ON THE MARKET is Chas. P.i Browne's LaDor-Saving Detersive ew York & Wilmingtt n - . r ' ' Steamsliip Go. " ' 'i 4 ' ' , y t . FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER " NEW YORK Located between Chambers and. Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P. M. BENEFACTOR . GULF STREAM. PIONEER. . i . . .. BENE FACTOR . . Saturday, Sept, 14 ' Wednesday Sept 18 Satulay, sept. 21 . Wednesday, Sept. g& FROM WILMINGTON- BENEFACTOR. . GULF STREAM. ....... .Thu rsday, -SeRf . 19 - - .TuPSrtAV. Sfint. 94. - PIONEER . . .Thursday, Sept. Hi " nun icjj'Au Tuesday, : Oct. 1 r Through Bills Lading and Lowest THro'v Rates guaranteed to and from points ln North" and South Carolina. ?..--. r . For Freight or Passage apply to- : ? ? -j . s H . SMALLBONES, Superintendent, V - Wilmington, 1h4v Til EO. K. EGER, Traffic Manager. ;; WM, P. CLYDE & CO., Gem Agents,- t sepi' s Bowling Green, New.YortcJ ' North State Headache CuroV riilllS PREPARATION WILL SURELr,CURE Neuralgia of the ncad and all kinds ot Head- -aches; no matter from what cause arising. - For sale by ' - . - : ' MUNDS BROTHERS- ' - augeitf 104 N. Front St. ; : : . WANTED LADY, ACTIVE AND INTEL-4 V ligent, to represent, ln herown localitj-, ' an old nrin. References required. Porma.' t nent position and good salary. Address . i Gay's Mfg. House, Lock Box 155, N. Y. Sep2 4w j V ? English and Classical School BY REV. DANIEL MORRELLE, A. M., No. 420 Orange street, corner of Firth street. r The thirty-first annual session will begin (D. v.) TUESDAY, the 1st of October, 1889. For above, terms or any information anDlr as. - i seplltd WOTIfcE. ; OFFICE OF SEeBTARYNDTTistmER ; OF THE CAltOLINA CENTRAL IL R. CO. . Wilmington, N. c., Sept. 10th, 1889. ' 1'HE' REGULAR ANNUAL MEETIKO' OP tho Stockholders of the Carolina Central Kail road Company will be held at the office of the Old Dominion Steamship Company, corner Of Beach and West streets, la' the city of Netf. York, at l o'clock. p. m, on Thtiraday, the lOtU of October, proximo. ' J0I1N II. SHARP, :! sep 10 lm Secretary KEEP YOUR ORDERS. E. RAINS, Mcrdiant Tailor ; QF NEW YORK CITY. WILL BE AT THE 3 Orton in Wilmington on Monday the?' 9th. inst, with a display of the very latest styles of Custom Tailoring. Call and see him. one week only. . sep91w fUoti SALE BY THE SO OTHERN EXPRESS COM-. pany of an Unclaimed Freight on hand six months and over. On Tuesday, October Btbv at 10a- m.,-will be sold by cronly Morris, Auctioneers, No. 19 South Water Street alt Unclaimed packages that have been on hand six months and over. For lrst of articles tee handbills. Terms spot cash. ' W. J. CROSS WELL, J. R. WILLIAMS,- sepiotf , f sept. . - , Agent. PIG PISH! PIG FISH! " IALWALYS KEEP A SUPPLY Of Fr?EaK;!!FiQMf r on hahiL As I have my own Doataaf Belne -I always keep from 200 to 300 on hand. Pic nlc parties can be served with FlsVlirCoffeey Meals 35c,. or Sl.OOa Day. . JAS Ai nCWLEIT. ''Ci , Restaurant in 100 Vards of Switchback. " . ' ooa.CKJARS and ice cool BEER always oa - ly aitc . M 11 M. pi v n 1.1. M , ,i WrightSTllle. i "