' .ryeTeninl.SxmdaTa excepted, jaMES, WtoT and Prop. SJ ' POSTAGE PAID; la Si- mlnths $2.00. reo one month, 35 cents. : 'uJLa &y carriers, free t 2 part of tie city, at the abovtf r L-rarwiowanaiiDeraL kJvc theirjpaper regularly. V 5211! - .t, in the most fclegant form' f UXAT1YE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE OF CALIFORNIA, - . rtri t1 the medicinal t feLs of plants known to be Cat beneficial to! the human ; lutein, forming an agreeable :. ti effective laxative to perma Qtly cure Habitual Consti y0n, and the many ills de--iW&g on a weak or inactive tSifonofthe v-;;-; Quiver mid bowels.- I Itii bemoil excellent remedy known to ; 'wis the system effectually I, ilea one is Bilious or Constipated ;- SO THAT - PURE CL00Df REFRESHING 8UEEP, I HEALTH and 8TRENCTH I naturally follow. mvnne is usinerit and all are" lighted with it. j vv'ViV vv 3YTITJ3P. 3S"ICrQ MANUFACTURED ONLY BY AtlFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.' SAH FRANCISCO, CAL. , v HSWIf.rt. 'Jiff iV YORK. N. '. r . Tor sale by " : :" ' , - KOiSEItr 1? HfLLAWY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, ' ' vfe a U di w Wilmington, N. C Contagiong lilootl Diseases. iTfpre, sores, pimples, jltcb, salt rheum. .,ireKldencesot contagious blood disease. Is Huaifestly a auty to eradicate Wood KisoBtromae system by a use of B. B. B, hmie Blood Balm), thus enabling the sore ira to lieal, and thereby removing all pos- VWj of other member of the family be- sis? likewise afflicted. Send to Blood Balm MUanta, ua., lor book that will convince. 11 Outlaw, Mt. Olive! "N- C- writes: "I miming sores on my shoulders and arms, bottle B.B.B. cured me entirely' I. Johnson, Belmont Station, Miss, writes: B. B. has worked on me like a charm. My H ind body was covered with sores, and It lair came out, but 3B. B. B. healed me IT.J.Klnnln, Hutchens, Texas, writes: "B. H Has cured my wife of a large ulcer on FH that doctors and- all othpr rrtFdtrfnft ;J4 tot cure.' .- liKossman, a prominent merchant of vasboro, Ga, writes: -'I know of several 3sof Wood disease speedily cured by B. B. bottles cured a lady of ugly scrofulous asofPs.r I ! iC Birchmore & Co., Maxey, Ga., write: IB. in curing Mr. Robert Ward of blood tK1 one ot the most wonderful ptnat ever came to our knowledge.' Notice. t JKl1,01111 L claimed Freight on hand six ioyer- On Tuesday, October 8th, r1.1136 sold y Cronly & Morris," Ao. w south Water Street, all jrwd i Packages that have been on hand youths and over. For list of articles see Term3 spot cash. - LOWELL & ELLIS. J0l'SS, SIGN AND ORNAMTTAL 'f ta all its branches, " executed at Wlce, Kith neatness and dispatch, and 7h consistent with first-class work." The ttember of the firm,- having had an ntt ot 22 years in the business, pledges nnmP?1116 t fastidious, and -iniBol,the patronage of Wllmlng WonhILle? Mr- J- B Farrar, 1 CiSewnd street, will be attended oueiiea. andunmtes B"ton the Market! iCl DOES, RABS,', SPRINK- jS)?enail1 Atcameat Bottom W V CDTt7nT.T nnu -"Qat St.. Wilmington, N. C JACKSON, p'fltf and CcamissioD Mcrchni. lx -SOLICIJ-S- WSF COUNTlY PRODUCE. , ?5im4a!i3lul,)errySts.wllmihgton,N.C. rrz i ltE FOT? S i T V TJtr - - 1 , w t ?DE APOTnjiCAUYlv -wcu WllnnJncrtnn n Chiieman, w cents. tiTHtfcfeets 25 cents. The k H Pa-W?'110 in thelrpower t eort r n who attend. BENE vWatenr S,Vttelr UaUt on Third ! VOL XII I. r WILMINGTON N, C. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER XjOC-ALIj wews. JNDKX TO NSW-ADTXRTISIMBNT3 11 M McIntikk carpets J Munds Bros Pharmacists. Wji a Willson City Taxes W Catxett Cape Pear Acjwiemy W M Ccmutnq White Curled Hair Bbaddy & Gatlokd The Itacket Store Day's length 12fhotir and 9 min utes. I ' ' ,Sauset'to morrow, afternoon at 58 minutes past 5 o'clock r Autumn couuuencesj on Monday, according to the almanac makers. . ; Rev. Wi L Creasy will preach to morrow morning and; , evening as usual at Grace M. E. Ohurch. - ... s 1 - Preaching at the Seamen's Bethel to monow evening at 5 o'clock. The public and, seamen especially are invitedito attend. Arc. you weak and Wearv. over worked and tired? Hood's Sarsapa rillais just the medicine to' purify your blood and give . you strength. We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co Services in St. John's Church to morrow: Holy Communion at 7.30 a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School 4.30 p. m. For Rent. Desirable Store corner Front and Mulberry Sts. Possess ion given at once. Enquire of -I. Shrier, cor. Front and Princess, tf Rev. A. A. Scruggs, of Darlington, Va., will preach to-morrow at the Brooklyn Baptist Church at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The public are cordially invited to attend. ; " Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the N. Jacobi Hdw, Co. They sell the best goods at prices that you payf for those of i inferior qualify. 1 f Burglars.; Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on" your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by the most in experienced. "N. 3"acobi Hdw. Co. t Paint your, house with Regal Ready Mixed Paint, It is the best and .cheapest.- You will find all col ors in any desired quantity at the factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ! t Ladies will find a very handsome and complete line of ladies Muslin Underwear at astonishing low prices at the Wilmington Shirt Factory 122 Market street. Sign of the blue awning. l 1 tf . i Commencing with to-night and continuing until further notice, the business and workinginen's Satur day night prayer and experience meeting at the Seaman's Bethel will commence at 8 o'clock.! It is asserted that M. H. A. Kure is Mayor and Capt. John W: ..Har per ; Chief of Police of Carolina Beach City. Yes, John -Harper is a very'pleasing man. And he is very fond of prune pies, tool Dr. Pritchard will preach at the First Baptist Church to morrow at lto. in. and 8 p. mj, his evening sermon beiqg addressed to young men. Visitors are cordially invi ted.' Good music may be expected Mr. N. Jacobi and his sonf Mr. Marcus Jacobi, have returned to the city from New York. The first named gentleman has made 'an ex tensive tour of the Northwestern States since leaving Wilmington. Stoves. I We have ,a very large line, made by the best factories, of the latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction, Our low prices will aston-' ish and our Stoves please you. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Mr. Cumming has just received a lot of VBleached Drawings," or in other words "White 6urled Hair," at his Mattress Factory. It is really beautiful and the public are invited to call and see it. !.Hf makes a specialty of Fine Hair Mattresses, and guarantees both he work and the matef ial. tf St- Panl's EyarjjpeUcal I-tern CbynV; Tlie services in Sf. Tatis Evan gelical Lutheran Church, corner Market and Sixth street, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, pastor to-morrow, will be in German at! 11 a. im and In English at 8 n. m. ! All are wel- come at the services, f . : ' Dill i j - Yev. Mr. Arnold will officiate, at the City Hospital to morrow after noon. ' ' : . ': V- , -; . Mr. W. Myers Little, Prof Cat lett's assistant in ' the Cape Fear Academy, arrived (here yesterday. Services in St. j Paul's Episcopal Church to morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. -in. Sunday School at 4;30 p. ra The Register of ; Deeds t has ' this week issued marriage licenses to one white and one colored couple. ; .No interments this week In Oak daJev two adults and twdchifdren in Bellevue and 'three adults and two children in Pine Forest. . The Germania Cornet Band will give one of ther pleasant hops in the Adrain Hall, on Fourth street, sometime during - the first part of next month.. j The schooner JVe&e,Capt.Medero from New York arrived here to day with her small boatjand after rail stove in. She left New York on Sept. 9th; the storm caught her and blew her nearly to Bermuda. Sunday School to monow at St. Paul's Mission, corner Third and Castle streets, at 3 :30 p. m. The reading room will jbe open all day and in the evening, and good read ing will be supplied. All are wel come to these rooms. The Cape Fear Academy will re open on Monday next, the 23rd mst., with a full corps of j teachers. The instruction will be careful and thorough, preparing youths for business and collegei coufse. Parents are requested to 4 enter their sons at the beginning of the session. Tbe Ladles Delighted. The pleasant effect and the per fect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their fayonte remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kid neys, liver and bowels. ' Death of Mr. Charles Bradley. Mr. Charles Bradley, a former resident of this city, and for many years previous to the war of the boot and 'shoe house of G. & C. Bradley, died, recently at New Haven, Ct., aged .83 years 9 months and 9 days. He was on a visit to Wilmington last year and spent several monthsjn the city. Interestlne'ServIcea To-Morr ow, The following able and distin guished ministers will preach at the Central Baptist Church, corner of Seventh and Red . Cross streets, to morrow: At 11 a. 7m , Rev.' G. L., Stith; at 3 p. m., Rev. R. C. Beaman; at 5:30 Rev. F. W. E. Peschau will deliver an address on an interesting subject tothe young people. Also, at 8:15 p. m.there will bejpreaching. All are welcome. : Lippiucott's Magazine- ' The complete novel in LippincotVs for November is called "Creole and Puritan," and is by T. C. De Leon, author of "Cross Purposes," "The Rock or the Rye." e"tc., etc. In this, his last romanceMr. De Leon hag surpassed himself, and has painted a charming and graphic : picture of West Point life, upon both its prac tical and social side. The charac ters of. two young men, one an im pulsive Creole, the Other a cool headed New Englander, are brought into fine contrast. There is a capi tal description of a carnival, and also of an international horse race. Nothing in recent fiction sinoe the famous chariot race in "Ben Hur" can compare with the wonderfully realistic description! of the latter exciting event. The scene bf the story drifts to Egypt, and here Mr. De Leon shows himseft as much at home as at West Point or New Or leans. -. The heroine of the romance is a lovely character,.but contrasted with her is a wily, beautiful woman, who manages to do much migchief. The tale is brought to a clo$e New YbH Cfty.. where many tangled threads (ire. unravelled, and an unr expecsed though fust denouement takes place.. j For Nqfth Carolina, fair and slightly coofer. For Wilmington and vicinity, fair weather, lieftwahttur iBTicoratinc Delicious Soda, Water as drawn from Munds' Brothers1 magnificent new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral,Yater. P V Th Itobegon County Swamp Angela.; We find in the Charleston News and Courier, copied from the. Macon Telegraph, what purports to be an account of Henry -Berry Lowrey and his band of . Robeson county "Swamp Angels." The account takes up a column and a quarter of sojid type in the News and Courier and in all of that space there is scarcely one word of truth.. The Munchausen who indited it .(it is dated at Washington City) ascribes the origin of the gang . to-1 avsailor froinov.J'ortuguesei eswtsiweked on the coast some 25Ayears previous to the late war. He found his way into Robeson county and married a Creole woman, yith a - trace of colored blood in her veins."; The result of this marriagewas "a half dozen stalwart sons and several daughters.'!- Henry. Berry Lowrey was the oldest of these. They: were conscripted by a body of home guard during the war but . escaped and hid and as old Lowrey refuse! to reveal their hiding place he and his wife were both shot dead on their own ? threshold. Then the whole family swore a vendetta against the whites, the girls,, who were all "magnificent brunettes," as well as the boys. The resblt of this was the feud which followed the war. The Lowreys ivere. all of course, "intense Unionists." Their vengenee seems to have been prni cipally directed against the j Mc- Leans, McNeils and - McCIearys, of Robeson county. In all "a seero or more" of the families of the offend ers were killed. Rhoda Lowrey, Henry Berry's handsome wife,; was once arrested and lodged in jail at Lumberton, but H. B..sent word that if she was not released hewoud burn the town. Thereupon tlie af frighted citizens got a carriage and put her in and sent her back to her husband. Henry Berry was him self once an inmate of the jail at Wilmington, whence he escaped and returned to his native heath "in and around' Scrabbletown" where ' the devil broke loose-again and many more murders were committed. The veracious author of the tale was in formed by some ope who paid a visit toll. B. while in jail here that "he was a man of 30 odd years, tall and spendidly. proportioned, herculean even, with a dark Spanish face and an expression of command and fear lessness." (. : At one time "the Lowreys, armed to their teeth, would ride the high ways of Robeson, dash through the streets of Lumberton &c." Some times, too, "a swamp angel would calmly board a train and ride for miles with a sheriff who he knew had a warrant. for his arrest, would stop the oars in a piece of woods, and would get off." Finally, he says that "Henry Berry Lowrey es caped, and with several of his fol lowers, was supposed to have joined his future with the tTames boys." This is a mere outline of as ridi culous a pack of lies as was ever strung together and palmed off for facts on the confiding public. Henry Berry Lowrey was not a Portugese but his progenitors were here before a white man had ever set foot on the soil of America. He was one ofthe tribe of Croatan Indians who removed inland' from the coast hundreds of years ago and which Hamilton McMillan claims, with j much reason, to have been incorporated among the lost col onlsts of Roanoke. His ancestors fought the British in the "rebellion" of 1776.- There wasn't a drop of negro blood in his veins. The tribe at one time themselves owned negro slaves and the negro has never with them had any social privileges. They were not Union men during the late war but strong for the South. Col. John J. Hedrick, of this city, has had them at the bat tlements of Fort Holmes, with arms in their hands, ready to fight to the death for the gputhern causer They did not swear a vhndetta against the whites because of the murder of their father and mother. There is no such place; as Scrabbletown anywhere in Robeson county. The outlws who formed but a small part of the tribe, didn't own a horse between them; they didn't ride on public roads and werclnever known to ; gallop through the streets "of JjUinbcrtou; they were never known to board a -railroad train and but seldom did they approach a station. "Rhoda Lowrey was a - very hand - some" woman and Henry Berry was Tf TV i m 21, 1889. NO 224. very jealous of her but Rhoda was never outlawed; she was never cap tured and carried to jail at Lximber ton and was j therefore never re leased from jail and sent home in a carriage. Likewise, as Henry Berry Lowrey was never in jail in W il mington it stands to reason that he never escaped -thence, nor was : he ever interviewed while there. The d esc ri ptioh of h i iu w as r id i cnl ous. Weh aye seen hini and he would not have answered , the - description in any respect, save"; the ; long." black hair.- Finally, Henry Berry Lowrey could- jiever - have joined Jesse James gang because 'he was f as dead as Julius C?esar long before the gang was ever heard of. He was found dead and fully identified, with his empty gun by his side. Whether he killed himself or was accidentally killed will never be known. . The Croatans are to day honest, reliable, hard-working citizens; of" Robeson county.! They have their own'schools and their own churches and they cast two hundred votes for Cleveland and Fowle iu 1888. .The Macon Telegraph ought to sift the truth in its 'correspondent's article, wrap it up carefully in cot. ton batting and jth'en enclose it in a mustard seed forpreservation. . "Too You ugr to Diet" We greatly regret to hear of the death of M rs. M argare t Holliday, wife of our townsman, Mr. W. W.Hollidav, of the A. C. Line, and daughter of Mr. George .W. Collins. She breath ed her last about 12 o'clock to day. She was one of the most lovely and accomplished ladies in the city and her early death is most deeply de plored. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures when every other so called remedy fails. 50 cents, by druggists. NKWADVE IflFlS KM EN T7 Open A 1 1 Ti - Morrow, Sunday, September 22nd, 1889, MUNDS BROS sep 21 tf 104 N. Front St. Cape Fear Academy REOPENS ITS SEVENTEENTH SESSION Monday, Sept. 23d. Leading male school In this city. FuU corps of teachers. Careful and thorough instruction. Preparation for Business or college.; Please enter sons at be ginning of session. I Apply to - W. CATLETT, Principal, sep 21 2w. r . , 406 N. Fourth tit. CITY TAXES. JJAVING RECEIVED tJiE BOOKS CON TAINING THE LISTS OF TAXES ' 1 ..... " due for the year 1889 Tax-payers are hereby notlfiedto pay promptly, thus SAVING COSTS and annoyance. WM. A. WILLSON, sep 21 it Treas'r and Tax Collector. RACKET NEWS! QUR BUYER, MR. BRADDY, ONE OF THE proprietors of the RACKET STORE, Is now In New York purchasing a large Stock for the Fall trade. Mr. Braddy is a wide-awake and careful buyer and has had quite a. good ex perience .n that line aid he will attend all the auction and sheriff sales and will lay In y- - ., i . " v The Largest and Best Assorted Stock !of Goods that the RACK ET has ever carried. There tore we wlU be able tp do better by our many good customers than ever before. : WILL PLACE THIS LARGE STOCK BEFORE THE PUBLIC AT A VERY SMALL MARGIN, As our motto is "Quick Sales Proflts." and Small -WE WILL GO IN MOKE LARGELY FOR Millinery and Carpets and Toys than we have In the' past, ' as our customers are getting more numerous and our sales much larger every day. This stock will be opened the . - 1st of October and we invite both rich and poor to call and examine our stock Defore you buy elsewhere. We have secured a sufficient number of clever clerks that will treat all with the same po liteness, rail on us. - Very nily yours, .' .. . BRADDY & GAYLOIID, PKOPUIETOUH. 117 S. FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, N C, n?adinarteri, New York. - s?r X tf snt j PLEASE NOTICE. . rWo win bo glad to receive cc2isarJics.tic xss from our frlfnoa on any ana aaettsccis general totcrrs5.tit r V r : ' i ' ; - Tho namo CI tt3 writer innst always t? fnr ; nlshedtQtioEaitox, : ? comraumcaucna must to written on but onesl(l0 tn0papci? j.r::i;r t ' PersonaUttesmnstto arolded. -. . And it is especially and particularly tinder stood that ths Editor floes not always endorse the views of rorreepondents unless so stated In the editorial columns. . . ' -. ' NEW AJDVERTIOEliEKTS - ' - a FROM OCTOBER lSTTHE LARGfi f Market and Second streets, now oc ! cupicd-by A. H. Holmes.. sep 20 tf . r ,;'A J. DEROSSETJ FOR GALE. Ileal Estate at Public Auction; Ity CKONLY & MORRIS, Auctioneer. . ON TUESDAY, SEPT, 21TH, 1889. . AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. iO EFFECT DIVISION OF SEVERAL IN- ' terests, the undersigned will cause to be sold , on the spot; at Public "Auction, on Tuesday, " September 2h, 1880, at 13 o'clock 31., the fol lowing described Real Estate, "'situated on north side Princess street, between "Star' office and New Hanover Bank, One, desirable Building Lot, 22xcfi. : one desirable Building Lot 23xw. Also, the four-storv itiiiirii nor cl'ra 48x60, occupied as omcos by Hon. A. M. wad dell, Iredell Meares, will Cumming and the iiuiiuiiiituu, v!muv twu u.asb Carolina Rail road. Comnanv. Rnllrilnf Is In ATaliit . . . f . - o . vv. hi. v. au dition. -. , 1 .. . Lot will be sold separately cr as a whole to suit purchaser. v. Terms and eonditlnns mnio l-nnww a Sale subject to confirmation by parties in in- ' lt.ll.Ob . . JFor Information apply to . IREl SWELL MEARES. - Attorney at Law, " 11 Princess street. sep 19 4t A. W.. WATSON. DEALER IN 1 CHINA, CROCKERY and ,. GLASSWARE. LAMPS Jfec. Market street, ' between k Front, and Water, Wll ' mlngton. N. C. English and Classical School BY REV. DANIEL MORRELLE, A. M., . No. 420 orange street, corner of Fifth street. The thirty-flrst annual session will begin (D. v.) Tuesday, the 1st of October, 1889. For terms or any information apply as above. " sep 11 td SEE THIS ! THE MOUNTAINS ANJD THE SEASHORE ASHE AND BUNCOMBE AND BUUNS W I CK, SAMPSON, DUPLIN AND ONSLOW ALL COBI BINE TO FEED TOs MiNGTON. r "y' Ladies and Gentlemen; I propose . to tell you a plain, unvarnished tale. I bought to-day 72 HEAD OK CATTLE and paid for them. Of these 30 are from Ashe and Buncombe and are clover fed. They are not or dinary Beef Cattle prepared for market but are a special, lot. They were bought by Mr. G. B. Austin, who is one of the best judges of Beef Cattle in the State. I pledge my reputation that they are the BEST BEEF CATTLE seen here j in at least a twelve-month. They weigh from 600 to 1,200 pounds -each and areas fat as they can hold. The -Beef from our Eastern co unties is not quite so fat as this but it is equally ; tender and well fed. Some of all of these Meats will be found on sale on my Stalls to-morrow Fri- uayj and batii rday. ; ? 1 y Now, Ladies and Gentle men, help me and I will help you. I Hvill keep these Meats on 'Csal all 'of the FALL, WINTER and SPRING, and I promise you THE BEST always. , -.v.,v n ; y,, ',y This will do' for to-clay. . Next week I will have more to say. In the meantime and the Meat time - call and see the BEAUTIFUL BEEF I willoffer every day..':v';.r-.'' r Respectfully, ' jf jno:f.garrell; Stalls 1 and 2, Front Street "Market, South side. MM "1 1