SaMBBBBaafcBfaSjBjSjpJJIJB i - ' jTRPYALK&ll Jfc N MUM itucklon's Arnica Salve T CDHUKUCIAL NKiVS. The Besr oaive trijtlie world for Cuts, -Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rliemii, Fever Sorest Tetter, Chap ped H an tl s, C 1 1 i 1 b 1 ai lis, Cor u s, and a 1 1 Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pav required, It is guar anteed to rive perfect satisfaction, I or money refunded. ! Price 2o cents per box. by Robert R Bellamy, wholesiile and retail druggist. Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of pu rity strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary Wnds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low 1 1 1 1 .short weight alum or phosphate powders. H.t only incntis. ROYAL :BAK1NU POWDER OC.IOK Wall St., N. Y. i 1 1 1 20 d&wly tcnrm hnd 3i"dpw LEMON ElilXItt . A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For billiousness arid constipation, take Lemon Elixir. V For indigestion and foul .stomach, take Lemon Elixir, ' :i . ; For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. 'J I For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills; and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. ; ! Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. t ( Prepared only by Dr. H.- Mozley, ! Atlanta, Ga. 1 Fiftv cents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. i ;'-'.'! A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten vears of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous disordered WILMINGTON MARKET. Sept 21.t-2:30 P. M. SPIRIT3 TURPENTINE Firm at 45 cents.. Sales, of receipts ' at 45 cents. . " U " " " ' ROSIN Firm at 75 cents for: strained and 80 cents strained. -7. . " TAR Finn at $1.85. -CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20 for hard, $2.35 for yellow dip and virgin. . COTTON Steady at 10J cts for in iddling. for good MISCELLANEOUS. MABIXE. NEWS. prostration, bilhousnass, kidnevs and constipation. I have ; fw : Elixir and am now a ,vell man. m th s Rev. C. C. Davis, SATURDAY, SEPT. 21. 1889. i STATE NEWS. On Tuesday at Gibsonvilfe of the widow Eld. M. E. Church South,- No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. SfaJidarcf Flavoring I UUllbl J HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single and highly concentrated. aug 33 dfe w 6m eod nrin Graham Gleaner-. afternoon, 17th hist., Rufus Summers, son Mrs. Manraret summers, was acci dentally killed. He was unloading a saw log which got Ijeyond his con trol, knocking him ilown and fell across his breast. rPe never spoke afterward.' The deceased was a young man, past 25 ybars, we think, kind hearted, and hajl many friends who will be pained tjo learn of his IcntVt 11a wn fhp nnlv rhihl of n. most excellent mother whose num trial that these Extracts ard the cheapest; erous friends sympathize with her they are true to their names, full measure) in ner sore ueretvveiuui. Monroe inquirer: f Tne remains rf Afr TiVrtnklin Ktfltnk. whn was lynched by the Burkie county mob on Tuesday night of last week, i reached Monroe on Thursday morn-1 ing, and were conveyed to the home of his mother in Budfprd township. They were interred tt Zoar, about 400 people being present. We learn . iiiuL me niuiKimuuM y I'M'Y5 i First Baptist Church, at his terrible end was -unbounded, J Firtu streets. Rev. t. while expressions of grief were heard on all hands. Remirks touching his character and thej manner of his death ere made by several gentle men, and all present who believed him to be iunocent ofj the crime for which he had been executed were asked to raise thejr hands, and every hand in 'the -crowd, with six exceptions, went up.! A universal desire was expressed -that the per petratorsof the deed be ferreted out and punished, the poorest citizens of the coimnunitv as! well as the richest, proposing to contribute o their means if necessary to seeun that end. Mr. Stm;k Sv.-is about US vears of litre. He leaves an age mother and maiiv Relatives ami friends to mourn his death. "J'aintlns the To iou mav can tins jvn lied " f vulgar ex is it is yul- through th the ineartia- pression anil as moxie gar, but in tha "Inferno of Dante -a we read tne lines: "Who, visiting, gree purple air, Us who have stained dine.' Iucarnadine or red may be the wrong color for a town, but it is the natural color ot the blood. If your liver is out of order, yb'ir blood wil soon lose its ruddy glow aud become impure. This means kidney disor ders, lung disease, and, in course o, time, death To nut the liver rirht and so stop such a train of cvils,taki Dr. 1'ierce s Golden M.cdieal Discov ery a sure remedy. It is riuaraiilccd to benefit oi cure all diseases aris ing from a disordered! liver or im pure blood, as indigestion, som stomach, dyspepsia, jtll skin, scalp, and scrofulous attections,salt rneuu tetter, erysipelas, and kindred ail ments, or money paid (for it will, in every case, be promptly refunded. THE MAIL SCH me malls close and arrive at Office as follows: OUTGOING MAILS-DAILY. the City ros CLOSE. LEAVE. Wil. and Wasli.(78)lst Dls.. 7l00 A. M. 9.00 A. M lLandVash,(78 2d Dls.. &15 A. M. 9.00 A. M WrlghtSTllle 8J4 A. M. 9.30 A. M- Southport 9.30 A. M. 9.45 A. M- WIL and Ruth 1520 P. M. 2. P. M cimton and Gold. (special) a3-3 P. M. P. m . WIL and Jack. (33) 5J30 v. M. 8 25 P. M. 1L and Ruth. 6:30 P. M. 7.30 P. M w n. and Jack. (27) 9,30 P. M. .0 10 P. M- nil and Wash, (U).-...... u15 pm; 12KVP, M Jt TUESDAYS AND RIDJTYS. Brunswick...... 6:00A.M. Cape Fear River mall L10 P. M. 2.00 P. M. MONDAYS AND PJilDAYS. Onslow... '. t!oO A. M. INCOMING MAI Ls( DAILY. ARKIVE AT P. 0. 7 5T A. M 8.40 A. M. 11.60 A. M. 12 P. M. ..... 6.00 P. M. 4.40 P. M aio P. M. 10.00 P. M 11.55 P. M. Charlotte and Max ton..,. WIL and Jack..,.;.. cimton and Goldsboro... WIL and RutH...t WrlehtsMlle Southport ., WIL and Wash. (23) WIL and Wasn. (27) lfl anri Tool- lit MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Brunswick j 5.00 P. M TUESDAYS AND I RIDAYS. Cape Fear River , 7.00 A. M TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Onslow . 7.00 P.M GEO. Z.iFRENCII, P. M. July 22nd. 1S89. II. CRONENiBERG, nOTOGKAPIIEK, EXECUTED A TIST1tC AND SUPERBLY Photographs at reasoaal) prices. . FRAMING A SPECIALTY; V Jr 29 tf . llfitf Market; st;t south.eldc, PI rst l'l-csoyte- Cliurcli Services Toi?Iorrov. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cnuch.cor.Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. John 'W Primrose. Pastor, services at 11 a. m. nitrt s p n. conducted by the Rev. P. H llo'e, D. 1). Sabbath School at 4)1 p. m. Titiyer Meeting and Lecture Wclin'sday at s p. in. The pub Hi cordially invited. Seats free; , corner of M arket and II. i-itchard. D. I)., Pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and'' s p. m. Sundaj- School at :J:30 o'clock- p. m. Voiing People's Society o! Christian lEndeavor Wed nesday night fit 8 o'clock. Prayer and Praise meet lnpr Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Strangers cordially invited, feats free Grace Methodist E. Church, South, corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets.! -Hev. Walters. Creasy. Pastor. Services at H a. m. and 8 b. m , conducted toy i h" pastor.! sundry School :it. 4 :o i. in. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday at 8 p. in. 'i lie ptibllc are cor dially invited. Seats free; First Presbyterian ('hurch.jl-orher or Third and oianjyo streets. Rev. P. Hi Iloge, Pastor. Serioes (in lecture room) Sunday at II a. in., conducted by the pastor. No Sunday School. No preach fnvr at night. Prayer meeting and lecture Thursday night at fi' p. m. Msitors welcome to all services. Front Street Chanel of the 'ilin church. Southwest corner Front and ueen streets. No services Sunday' morning. Preaching Sunday night at 8 b'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at H o'clock Visi tors welcome. I'ittli stiret M. K. Church, South, Rov, n. c. Pe;im:ui, Pastor.- The congregation are wor shipping, temporarily, in the "Union School House,'' on sixth, between ,Nun anu Church streets. Services to-morrow lit J I a. m. and H.15 p. ra. class Meet ing at 3; p. m. Sunday School at 4 "o p. m. l'raycr meeting wednes day night at l."j p. m. Seats ifree. rublic In vited, j ' St. .lames' Episcopal Church, corner Third and Market streets, Rev. Robt. Strange, Rec tor. I a vine services at 11 a. m. and 5 P. m. Sundav School at 3::0 1. m. Holy cumm union 8 a. in., except first Sunday in each month at 11 a. m. Brooklyn Baptist Church, j services in the new church, coi ner Fourth :and Brunswick streets. Rev. G. M. Tolson. Pastor. Sunday Services at 11 a. m. and at 8.00 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday nignt at s:o(j p. m J li' mum is cordially In vited. St John's church, corner of 'Third and Red Cross st s., (street cars going Nort h pass the uwn, uev. j. . arinicuaci. u. v.. itecior. eel ion every Suuday Morning at 7.4-5, except iirst suuaay in ine monin, wnen it is at II o'clock a. rii Morning Praver, Utany and Sermon (each Sunday) at lloVlock. Evening Prayer and Bibie Studies at 7510 O'clock. All Feasts and saints' Days observed bv celebra tion at 10 a. m. Visit ore to the city will be Shown to agreeabls seats. . j Bladen Street" M. E. Church, corner Fifth and Bladen streets.. Rev. T. Page Rtcaud; Pa? tor. preaching at ii a. m. meeting at 3 St. Thomas' Pro-Cathedral. IFirst Mass at 7 iuiu. recunu juass at m a. m. vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock p. m.1 Daily Mass at 6.30 a. m. j St. Paul's Evan. Luthf ran Church, corner of Mxtn ana Market streets, Kev. F. w. K. Pes chau, I'astor. German services at 11 e'clock a. m. English serv ices at 70 p.m; Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. W. 11. Strauss, Supt. visitors cor dially welcome, v , St Paul's Episcopal Church,, corner Fourth and Orange streets. Rev. C. A. Arnold Rector. Services to-morrovv at 11 a. m. and. 8 p.m, Sunday School at & 45 a.m. Seats all free. Every body is welcome, Shlloh Baptist Church, corner of Eighth and Walnut streets. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a, m. Sabbath School at 1 o'clock, p. m. Preaching at 3 o'clock, p. m. Bible reading at 6 o'clock. p. m. Preaching at 8 15 o'clock, !p. m. seats free. Elder M. v. Morris. pastorJ St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulber ry streets. Rectory opposite to the Church. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Evening Praj er and Sermon at 7.30 o'clock. Holy Communion cele brated on the first Sunday In every month, and on all Holy and Saint's Days. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church and Castle streets. Rev. J. P. Kiner. astor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 no m. unday School at 9 a. m. Praver meetlnceverv Tuesday night. ' l'i First Baptist Church (coL) corner ef Fiftfc and Campbell streets. Rev. A. M. Conwav. pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m., at 3 p. m. nnd at 8 p. m. Sunday School at 1 p. m. Seats free. ARRIVED. Steamer Gulf - Stream, . Tribon New York, H. G. Small bones. Steamer D Murchisoh, Toralinson, Fayett eville, T D Love. Sch r Phebe. Medero, New York, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. CLEARED. ' Steamer D Murchison, Tomlinson, Fayetteville. T D Love. WEEKLY STATEMENT. . STOCKS ON HAND SEPT. 20, 1839. Chiton ashore, 2,229; afloat 2,235; total 4,404. -Sp'rit; ashore, 4,973; afloat, 955; total, 5,933. ' ;. Rosin ashore, 39, 521; aft" oat, 5,561; total, 43,032. Tar ashore, 1,243; afloat, 000; total, " 1,243. " : - -; rV;-'; Crude ashore, 497; afloat, 44; total, 541. RKCKIPTS FROM SEPT. 13 TO SEPT. 20. Cotton, 4,698;spirits,l,222;rosin, 3,607, tar. 1,028; crude, 301. BXPORT3 PROM SEPT. 13 TO SEPT. 20. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 1,299; spirits, 879; rosin, tar, 834; crude, 489. . FOREIGN. Spiritp,;2,378. l; The North Carolina Presbyterian V" ; IS A' . : W-r-;V KELIGiODSf FAMILY NEWPAPEB, -. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, and devoted to the InteUectual, moral and spiritual interests oi the people. . It numbers among: Its correspondents many of the verv best writers of the Southern Pres byterlan Church. It is thoroughly orthodox on questions of doctrine, but free and out spoken In Its views on all jopen questions. It allows and Invites free discussion within the bounds of courtesy. ..-. In popularity the PkesbytkuiAn Is con stantly advancing:. It Is . ", The Paper for the Peopl, and presents In Its columns matter to Interest and instruct all ages, classes and conditions of the people n Price per annum, $2 65; or for one year to any new subscriber. $2 15. Address JOHN McLAURIN, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington; N. C CHI CHESTER'S ENGLISH - PENNYB0WL PILLS RED CROSS DIAMONU HHnUa BttTe ana always reuaoie. i4aiev ksk Druggist for JHanumd Brand, in red, metallic boxes, sealed wttn Dine ribbon, taes no etien au pi us in pastelbard boxes, pink wrappers, an daasrerana Miantrfeita. Bend 4 (itsmos) for particulars, testimonials and "Keller for Ladles," in letter, by return laickester Ckes'l Co sUdbra Bss miawFM - riflSSfCT.I . A T3 Ttf 1 T J. SOME OK TIE PRETTIEST WHITE; CURLEDHATP , IN THE WORLD CAUj AT - " " V7 PRINCESS STREET ' I MAKK SPECIALTY OP. FINE CURLED HAIR MvrTD .enieinb . ; IS TH Ii.-PLAGE" PO Ii . , ' SGHOOL SUPPLIES or y t the H t"A I Q Lr A it V. the Por)erLin0 - , -.- iiii. 7 i uiii M U(JIv AND I It I C ICS OTT( WII A WilmiDgton Seacoa-t R.R It .. ftannj B - -. Iff '-.iSvJlNt Look,. Stop and Thiukl 1 N ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FA IX AM) WINTER STOCK I WILL SELL FOR T HE NEXT 30 DAYS MY ENTIKE LINE OF Sprin and TummerGoods. CONSISTING OF Clot ing, Hats AN Ii FURNISHING GOODS -AT- , NE W.YORK COST We nave just nnUhed takm stock and I will leave la a short lime for the Northern markets. I MUST II A V K MONEY TO BUY FALL AND WINTER GOODS WITH, and hence no reasonable cash offer will be le- tuseu. fTX AND AFTER SUNDAY SEPT: 8TII, 18J-9, TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: Leave Princess street at 7:00 a. m. dally, ex cept Sunday. r Leave Front street at -2:30 and C:15 p. m dally. Leave Front street at 9:00 am..Sunday only. Leave Hammocks at 8:00 a. m. dally, except cmnaay. ; - Leave Hammocks at 5:10 and 9:00 p.m. dally. Leave Hammocks at 9:50 a. m., Sunday only. Arrive Front street at 8:40 a. m.. dally, ex cep" Sunday. . , Arrive Front street at 5:50 p.- m. daily. Arrive Princess street at 9:40 p. m. dally. Arrive Front street at 10:30 a. m: Sunday only. -j : The 6:15 p. m. train trom Front street is the Supper Train,. Round trip tickets will tie sold for this train at 25 cents eacB. to persons wishing to return the same night. : s-V-i ' J. R. NOLAN, sep 9 tf i Gen'l Manager. V7 . Ik V- 4 iNevcr F3 :s in ftcstora C;v ' 6)o. and V! O.I:tt !r-ti5"-i.-f s.- sep 2 4V B. F.,PEf!ft5Y, THE CLOTIIIERr aug23tf HO Market Street. CLYDE'S "ST0KLBY'8.,S - WE ARE NOW PRE- pared to accommodate all who may call upon us with the Finest Oysters . to be had on the Coast. We have made soecla preparations for the Season. - - - 1 Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters always on hand. .Served DromDtlv and In anr style desired. . w.IL stokley.- pet iq w ; WrightSYiile. York & Wilming! D Patronize Your Homi' . Company ! The Carolina Insurance Company OAS THE LARGEST PAII)-LF CAPITAL of any State Company. - ; . , f , , t : . -- It Is the only companj-that has a special de posit for the protection of policy-holders, 1 $10,000 being deposited for this purpose, It SDOuld receive your support, as it offers undoubted security and is tie only Fire In- surance Company organ Rod in f. astern North Carolina. . U. W. - WILLIAMS, Tresl'iont. M. S. WILLARD, Secretary. Office: 210 North Water Street. Honey,Honey,Honev, Large Lot JUST OPENED AND. EMBRACING- A, STYLES. VAIllETY. OP SI2F.8 AS rp !, ( m-ns-1;. by The assortment is-iiot many - ?oocI tlifntcs." very Steamer. yet complete though we are' showing OW SHADES. TUB MOST -COMPLETE STOCK.- FOR.OPPICK PUKPOSES, HALLS, TRACKS, it sep 12 FEW NICE STYLES IN SIZES 2x3, 3x3, 31x3, 3x1 Respectfully, " ' " ' , I ' Ui. TJcSrJTiRE,-, JNUKTH FRONT STREET. rii inn rriiritrtmzitrKi-rki i ii irii. I .un.F-ur r.iriy iuianq wui ivunwub I'luiinu v 0 mm AK This is a New and Masterly Medical Treatise, and IndlsDensabla to wnr vnuur iMir AC ED. and OLD MAN who is Buffering from Weakness, Lancrnor ' Taa nt XTomnm p.Li" Depreesion of Spirits, Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases dependent r Accident, Ex(aseFoUytYi,Ignorance,NervouapebiUty, Vital E . f THE PR By TEOSSNirsr, XTT LIU Bound In leather, full-gilt. nBHhH slU CONPIDENTIAL1 Address IIkNRT Da MONT. M. T.L No. S81 Oolnmhnit Avnn orP.O.E S462, Boston, Mobs, i Prefatory Lecture with numerous testimonials from high sources, free to This is the only ELECTRO-MEDICO PHYSIOLOGY ever published, and Is absolutely eottjL and perfect. It is invaluable to all afflicted, as it reaches the very roots and vital of disease, ' niE FINEST BROUGHT TO TBJS MA"R- tet for years, put up In one pound Boxes. Call and look at It. For all Diseases of Men, by the distinguished author t "--ini juu .EU.UJV1 , ax.. j wuuiias UI9COVEREO THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE ES SENCE OF MANHOOD, may be consulted in etricteet confidence. in nersnn ortv fpiv at. JiiaHl.wtrn: MedicaInfirmary,NoSl Columbus Av.,Boston, Mass. n mitz. HEARD A VOICE? IT SAID, 'COftZE AMD SEE.,M Bea'r FKOM PIEIi 29, EAST RIVER NEW YORE lx)catfd Detween cnajnbers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, r. M. v BENEFACTOR GULF STREAM.. PIONEER BENEFACTOR.. Saturday, Sept. 14 . . . . Wednesday, Sept. 18 ....... saturaay, sepc 21 Wednesday, Sept. 25 FROM WILMINGTON- BENEFACTOR GULF STREAM ... PIONEER.. , BENEFACTOR .... ...Thursday, Sept. 19 . . . . Tuesday, sept. 24 ft 'V. 4 n .- T . ...Tuesday, Oct. 1 tsr ThrougU Bills lading: and Lowest Thro' uaranieea 10 ana rrom points in North U G. SM ALLB ONES " Superintendent, , J. Wilmington, N C. iuB,Kj. a. ;uii. Traffic Manager. New York WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen! Agents, . sep 13 5 Bowling Green. New York. . SPECIAL NOTICE! Wifi ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT FINE " MARYLAND Creamery Butter, Packed In Refrigerator Boxes. The only place In town you can secure a solid one pound print of fine BUTTER. My PAROLE FLOUR still stands unp.aralleled, and Is certainly pro nounced by those that once try it to be the best sold in town. Also, a very fine FLOUR for less money, which Is guaranteed. t Cakes of all Kinds. Crackers, Preserves, Jellies, PICKLES, DRIED FIUJI I, be yy JS ARJS THE SOLE OWTSTERS OF THE following finest and well known Brands of WHISKIES In the market: Southern Star Rye, , I ' ' ' ' ' " V , ; QaMnfet HW, Our Standard Ry , Bouquet. Rye, State Guard x x x x Cabinet; There is nothing better sold anywhere, and all flrsclass. barrooms sell all or one of the i above Brands. . . - and an endless variety of Canned Goods. In fact I keeD evervthlner whin run iouna m a irsc class Grocery Store. ' tau ana examine my uooos. Jno. E Boatwright ,: .15 & 17 So. Front St. j NOTICE. OFFICE OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER OF THE CAROLINA CENTRAL R. R. CO. j , Wilmington, N.CM Sept. 10th, 1889. I "is itliUULAK ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Carolina Central Rail road Cpmpany will be held at the office ofthe Old Dominion Pteamshlp Company, corner of Beach and West streets, in the city of New KT'll n 111 I ii Si m An AV Ha 'Qrk at 1 'ck P- - n Thursday, the JOth : October, proximo, 111 N, Front HtH . ; Dealers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos, aug 27 tr 1 For Sale. QLD NEWSPAP1C5 FOR .SALE, AT YOUK j own pneo at &U2 RfiVIEW OFFICE sep 10 lm jonNttsnARp Secretary. , Soap, THB CHEAPEST SOAP ON THE M A Ti K V.T i - : 13 Chas. F.rowne'sLaborSavliig Detersive soap. ' cnAa F. BROWNE, Agt.. 128 North Water st, Wilmington, l c. -scpgttdJEw (Star copy.) . " in: THAT iViincI TAYiLGR?S; BA2-A&B C! Is the place to p;et Fashionable Goods and are Leaders Low Prices. Straw Hats 25c each. I Fine Dress Straw Hat: reduced to 48c each. Flowers, fine French Flowers, former price $1.98, now selling-;at 75c each. Laces, Lace Edging Net and Brussels Net. Maline and Veiling at one-half the:: value. ; The Crescent Bustle, just" received, and in gre: defhand. Sil Mitts, warranted all silk, 23c a pair. Parasf and Sun Shades in,all shades . Fans, immense stock to se lect from; Corsets of every make, i Handkerchiefs from :: up. Gents' ! Linen Hernmed-Stitch Colored Borders 1 each; and lots of other desirable aiKl Seasonable Goods s- '-..I'll T ! Tt "" -.- remarKapiy low r rices. 1 1 8 PJJ e r ket S t. , l"J i I rn i n gto n , TJ-c' Big discount to' the trade; Orders' ty. promptly,, fulfilled. : ; , Orreli's Stable- TIIIRD AND J. W. ATKINSON, iresident. W. P. TOOMER, V Cashier. Wilmington Savings & Trnst Co.: 1 ftfi PRINCES3ST.. WILMINGTON, N. C, Lends Money on satlsfactorv Koeuiitv. rays inTerest onDeDOSlts. Is emnowered to. execute Trusts of all kinds. " mch29tf On Corn," Peanuts :V . r and Potatoes Kt UARBONATE OF LlMfc, MIXED VVITU..K INI RE 0LTS ASlbNISlilNti. ' - A(Jdrc? itt?f 9 U FRENCH BROS.. -- ROCkv Tolnt N. r, til w- CORNER are well equipped with everytf fn n ftrt rincs livery and Sales ; Si ' Goqd hprses and ff(T careful drivers ready on "demand. , Attention Is specially 10 -stoctyard and our facilities for 60' " " : nt iemi attle. in ine basemcu andct Rates as low as cau -"m &o fiive U3ia can "v please you, Jy 20 tf !