Tins PAPER - - , ,n Sundays excepted. t every ew"" .. - . six months , fiOO. .... nntns Jioa Three $i oo. one monUi; 35 j 1 cBt- redelivered by carriers, free any Part of 11,8 CKy at bC RXMy9 'io cents per wees. 10 iw and liberal. : - - SSSSSS .ifaton" :- .pVKKTrSBMEVTH sEff w Presents m the nost elegant form - V ; i rfilXATlVE AND NUTRITIOU3UUIOE OF THE - t - y - V FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Ctes!Mned with the medicinal Jtes of plants known to be 'It beneficial to the human svstem, fonning an agreeable cd effective laxative to perma--ently cure Habitual Consti kon, and the many ills.de Ending on a weaker inactive rendition of the - : - " COHEYS, OVER BHD BOWELS. it is the mct excellent remedy known to : , tlfflSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Vben oae is Bilious or Constipated J 1 SO THAT"" - "-. URECLOOD, REFRESHING 8LHEP, HEALTH and OTREWQTH NATURAiA-Y FOLLOW. .. Evefy one IS usnS an aV ,sre delighted with it. - - ASK YOUR DRUOOtST FOR . MANUFACTURED ONLY BY ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sah francsco; cai, VMVltlF. K1. NEW YORK. N. Y Forsale by . K0HEKT R BELLAM Y, 'r inOLESALE DltUGQIST, ! : ' 31 ft diw Wilmington, N. C. '' Inherited Jilool FoIso. low many people tnere are whose distress I tensnres, aches, pains and eruptive - ten- tades are due to inherited blood poison. " VV&xd passes from parent to5hlld,and it is fi!Sre Is the duty ot Jhushand and wife to ta Mi blood pure. This is easily accom- Csied hy a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic EoodBalm). fend to Blood Balm Co., A tea. tor toot oi most convincing proof. . James HUL Atlanta, Qa , writes: "My two BBS were afflicted -with fcloodjjolson. -which doctors said was herailtary. They bothbroke nt In sores and eruptions which B. B. B. promptly controlled and finally cured com pletely." - - -. Mrs. S. M. Williams, Sandy," Texas, writes: three poor afflicted children, who lnlief it4 Mood poison, have improved rapidly alter taseofB. B.B. It is a Godsend." v c .: J. 15. Wilson, jlen Alpine Station, N. C, Feb. 13, 1883, writes: "Bone and blood poison breed me to have my leg amputated, and on tte stump there came a large ulcer, which pew worse every day until doctors gave me jFw me. i oniy weignei -120 pounds wnen . gn to take 1. B. B.. and 12 txittlea Increase V welarht to ISO tounda and made me sound MweiL i never knew what sood health! "SlSSPg Rnin anrl- TnmoQ f ill begin the 25TH ANNUAL SESS-1 . ta of their School for young ladles and Chil ton, on - " - Monday, October 7th, tte School nouse, on Third street, imme- tofy North of St. .loan's Chuireh. . . C Instruction Thorough and Terms Iteasonable. ' HWction in yoCAL MUSIC, CAUS. Tntn and needlework with- - . ' OUT EXTKA CnAIfGE. . , taremontaIMuslconHanoFortor0ran Sgjtby Mrs. cushjn?. Pupils attending jjJSls win, if desired, be accommo- m with convenient hours at the residence ""elastructress. : : . : in Crayon, Oil, 'waterlox and rrCl UPCrrSl It-, orto tanf n nnrW rotOO iturther particulars inquire Tt 224 North - -. : rj 11 j uiuii a iiuti lirii iniirii ui 11 rmiuw miu i PKONIZE YOUR REGULAR CROCK- 1 w nt0re by buying what you Hatson. No. 17 Market stret trnn nwKi from ff-: 'won, .o. 17 AiarKet street, petweea i ntchDo? 'i4p8w line ot ware kept constanuyln wou can get good Ware when you buy on. j oct 9 tf fLJwtJGV Housekeepers wr prove bya sinaif a! these J55ts j cheapest; h 1 , . lOkl.. - ' mtr ' ill i nMi r i-i mew tiiii 111 di i c h;'y concentrai'd. eod nrm j W. P.TOOMElt, ... . Cashier. resident.. 1 . ;'tiinungion Savings & Trust Co., 108 PRIKCESS ST., YI LM INGTON, N. CM Pjy. in7lS2? MoT on satisfactory security, 'secntA on neposita. Is empowered to r Trusts of all kinds. rach S9 tl 4- y- 75W Yt i '1 . iL Ji 11 VOL XIII. WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER The gross value of ,' Pigjjott, the infonfrer's estate, amounts to $5,025. t Mrs. Stone wallJackson is writing I her . husband's biograpbyj j v Maryland expects to produce 10, 005,000 bushels of oysters this year. : V One of the singular developments' in thegrowth of Southern industries ' is the manufacture there of laree quantities of stoves for t he North, f - ...... Miss -Bruce, of New York, has ; given "$50,000 to .the Astronomical! nh0ot. nt a k.. i voted to the purchase of a telescope for celestial photography. The New York Star, speaks rather ambiguously of "the American rebellion." The 'tarmight. be alittle more explicit. . Does it mean the "rebellion" of 1776 or that of 1861? The recent advance in pig iron is worth $3,000 a day, it is estimated, to Birmingham, Ala., in increased profit on iron made in that vicinity. To more iron furnances are to be built near Birmingham.! - t - Tiie owner ot tne ostricn tarin in Loer California paid $1,000 each for his birds, and he has quite a number of them. Twice a year their feathers are plucked, and each j plucking is worth $300. ' New York city was in total dark ness on Monday night, ; on the most frequented avenues and streets. THe two largest electric light companies cut off their circuits, pending u de cision as to taking down or contin-, ning the wires on the streets, i A horrible accident occurred at Cincinnati yesterday. A cable on one of the inclined railways refused to work properly and a oar load of passengers, nine in ljuiuoer, were dashed down the incline. Fiveof the nine were killed and all but one of the other four severely; injured. . It has often been reported that the British army is largely compos ed of undersized boys instead of men, but the returns do not bear out these statements. Of 202,761 TOen only It, 096 are under 19 years of age, While 34 per cent are over 5 feet 8 inches in height - . A movement is on foot in St. Petersburg for observing Sunday as it is observed in tlie United States and Great Britain. It is said that 1,200 St. Petersburg merchants have already declared themselves willing to keen their places ; of business I closed on the first daviof the week. New York is 2,800 a year, or about seven a day.! Qf .these, one-half are due tq heating appartust chimneys, stoves and boilers, and the other half are due tq electric lights, gas, matdhes and the nse j of kerosene. The number of incendiary fires in a year in ev York is about fifty. . The "Old Masters" Exhibition at Blrmintrham. Enirland. which has just been closed after u prosperous , " ' run of ten months, has enjoyed ex- traordinarv popularity. Within . " - nrn that time no fewer than 650,000 per- ennshnro vititPfl t n. considerable sons nave visitea ir, a; consmeraoie proportion of them beiqg Sundav . j Visitors. - . . "' " 1 ! Yesterday wasthe second of the State Fair and it was rendered mem- I orable bv the marriage of Mr. W. - Tr,ctl Tncantiino Knnwlpa " tT rue CQUuie anu uieir uueuuuuis were atirel in suits and dresses made of cotton bagging and North Carolina plaids. The; presents were n n estiumtedtQ be wqrth upwards of $2,000. iMie worst feature ibout catarrh Is irs dansrerous tendency to con sumption. Hoqd's Sarsaparillacures catarrh by purifying pie oiooi. rn fin A PAnts. , Aiauuo iuit . None but those that can do nrsi - class work need apply. 1. Shrley, tnr Ipont and Princess. tf ' . Cuteyy is very complete. We keep IJlUiery. Ulir MOCK Ul OUXUUH.v. . . mt r " rv a rt riiiu iinu 1171 1 can I . I t . 1 "1 1 .1 .v!kAO roiblv desire, ana our prices are the 1qft."'- Drop in and look at our assortment. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t ' . i Ladies will find a very handsome, and complete nne i v-v a m pTn v u r v m . . unuerwear.ui iuwo...Ub - jy ou the kidneys, liver at the Wilmington jbhirt factory effectaallr cleansing the s mo -Rr..t ctrppf. Sicrn of the blue nelling colds and Bit 1 LOQAIj 3STEWS, 4 1NDKX TO NEW ADYKRTISXXKNTSj F Pnny Clothing Mcnds Bros Pharmacists y W M CuMMixa Mattresses KIleman-n Thojctson Millinery, etc Durham Globe Sam Jones' meetings Chas P Bbowne, Agt Florida Orange3 Early risers say that there was no frost this morning. laundry Ironing btoves are sold by the N. Jacob! Hdw. Co. t A , y uuw jivb hib oe roz ocissor maae. jacooi nuw. utj. t The cautionary signals here and at Morehead were j ordered down at 10:15 last night. j The Chief of Engineers has recoui mended an appropriation of $310,000 ( f or the Cape Fear. Shot, Cartridges, Loaded Shells and ammunition of all kinds for sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Wood is scarce and brings good prices. Oak was selling at 85 cents a load from flats this morning. You will find a nice assortment of Rifles at the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Just the article to make your boy happy. t Heating Stoves of all kinds and sizes. We will give you substantial goods and low prices. N. Jacobi. Hdw. Co. t The travel on the Seacoat R- R is very good, considering the season. Skipjack and oysters attract many seaward now. New Riverysters are scarce and high, but such as reach the city are in very nne condition. riux lor good oysters we want a hard rain, succeeded by cold weather, Thanks to Mr. C. H. Bain Sec retary and Treasurer, for cards of invitation to the Annual Fair of the Eastern Carolina Fair and Stock Association at Ooldsboro, October 00-04 We heard it ktated the other day that the reason why Robinson1 circus did not visit; Wilmington this year was because j)e aggregate taes amounted to $800 a day. This is what might be called 'steep," A prophet, they say, is no good in his own country; but there is an ex ception to this proverb. Dr. Bull has been of infinite good to his countrymen, and his Cough Syrup lias become a national balm. DrW. W. Harriss, of thiscity,and Mr. J. J. Mack ay, qf Durham, whose removal here we mentioned a few days ago, have formed a, coparter- ship for the transaction of ( general insprarce business under the title of Harriss Mackay. The alarm, of fir this forenoon, turned in from box 21, was caused by the burning of a hole in the roof of Capt. W. P. Oldham's kitchen, on Second street, between Orange and Ann. The damage was slight and it was covered by insurance. The offices, sheds and warehouses of the Atlantic Coast Line in this city are to be illuminated by electric light.1 There will be incandescent lamps in the office building and nine arc lights are to be placed in Union Depot and on the yards. Annual Memorial services will be celebrated in this citv at the First Baptist Church, next Sunday morn ing, by Cape Fear Lodge No. 2 and Orion Lodge No. C7, I. O. O. F., of this city. A sermon will be deliver ed on that occasion by Rev. R. C Beaumn; I ; - 1 '. - The publishers of "Southern So ciety and Drama." N:. GO Main street, Norfolk, .Ya., desire a corres pondent in this section to attend theatres and society meetiugs ant for ard reports of same. Creden- - . - tials Tor admittance furnished. Ad dress with stamped envelope for re I l r ; " J Forecasts. North Carolina, j For fair unti Fridav and stationarv temnerat tire. lV;i.!nnn .or.,1 ,Hr fntr'tl.o hao.l rum.m lincnlulnoH weather Syrup of Figs, Produced from the and laxam e aim California figs, nutritious juice of Cal 1 nmnliinpd Wim'thp moil!(innl viritlPA . t known to be motbeiieri-' ; cia, fQ the haiuan 8ygteiUi actsKent, and bowels stem, dis- headaches, and .1 City Court, T The Mayor disposed of the follow ing cases to-day: Edmund McRae, disorderly con duct, guilty and fined $10 and costs. George Larking, disorderly, guil ty, but judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. i Thos Conners was found guilty of resisting an officer but judgment,: nas noi yet oeen pronounced. ... , Chilblains, cuts or wounds can be ! cured in a short time bythe use of j 1 - 1 if V!1 II- 1 i . .11 ' . I isaivtitiuu vii... iu (iruggisis sen it at 25 cents a bottle. A Very Green Old Aeje. The venerableMrs.RebeccaBrown, of this city, widow of the late John Browjvof .Smithville, will, if her ife is spared, be 101 years old ; on the Friday of next week, the 2oth inst. She is the oldest' resident of this city or section, and it may be that she is the oldest person in, the State. Mrs. Brown is the mother of Mrs. L. Meginney and the grand mother of Capt. John T. Rankin, Messrs. R. G. Rankin and N. B Rankin, of this city, Mrs. W. E. An derson, of Ocala, Fla., and Mrs. N. H. Sprunt, of Kenansville. An Advance in Curled Hair. We have to-day seen a letter from one ot tne largest manufacturers, importers and dealers in pure curled :iair in New York city, in which it is stated that "within the last-10 days there has been an advance of two cents per pound, in curled hair. and that there is still a general up ward tendency, but it will be seen by our advertising columns that Mr. V. M. Cumming (No. 17 Prin cess street) very "generously offers to give the public the "advantages of his foresight in purchasing a large stock of oqried hair before the ad- vanoe and so will not advance the price on his elegant curled hair .mat tresses (or mattrasses) for the pres ent. Give him a trial. We are sure you will not regret it. A Narrow Escape. Yesterday afternoon about G o'clock a lady living on Dock, be tween Eighth and Ninth streets, lighted a lamp and sat it on hei dining table, ; when her . little three year old girl, in trying to get on the table turned it oveivbreak- ing the lamp, which set fire to the table-cloth, and a chair that was near the table. The heat" was so great that it melted several pieces of silverware that were onthetable The lady, on hearing the crash, turned to find, her child ear the flames and the oil dripping from her dress. She sprang to to the ressue of her little gir4 with her baby in hey arras and then ran out on the porch and called for assistance which was readily given by the neighbors who rushed intj the room with water and put the! fire out. It was certainly a narrow es cape for the little one. Death of Mr Carl Brown. is with great regret that we it learn of the death of Mr. Carl M. Brown, which occurred at his mother's residence in this city at 2:Q5 o'clock to day. He had been sick for about three weeks, with typhoid fever, but his friends did not apprehend the. sorrowful tid ings of his death. Mr. Brown was 31 years of age. He was the youngest son of the late Thos. W. Brown, He was a tele grapher by profession and had for many year past heen employed in that capacity at the Atlantic Coast Line offices in this city where he gained the friendship and esteem of each and everyone of the officials. He was a courteous, clever, chival. rous gentleman and will be deeply mourned by a large circle of rela tives. anil friends. The interment . ... i will probably take place to morrow afternoon but at this writing noth ing definite had been determined upon., - - !"-'.:;' ; . JUx Not Think for a Moment that catarrh will in time wear out. The theory is false. Men try to be lieve it because it would "be pleas ant if true, but it is not, as all know. i Do not let an acute attack of cold in It is HaI.Ic tr flv-fIriT . into cntsirrh ' nn Fcan rid Yourself of the cold and j avoid all chance of catarrh by using j . Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. If al , rea(ly amicted riti yourself of this i troublesome disease speedily bv the J anta tnaanc At oil 1 rnrror? etc DeIlcious Soda Water as drawn from ! - Munds Brothers magniunt new soda fountain at a temperature of j iUc. Barest Fruit S vrun.Milk Shakes i - A 16, 1889. NO 245. NEW ADVERTI8ENKNT8 THERK HAS BEEN ADVANCE! ADVAKSli ij ! 2 Cents Per Pound on Curled1 Hair , WITH1N THE LAST 10 DAYS AND i . - WARD. HUT I HAVE - Ursfl I A STOCK BOUGHT BEFORE THE ADV2T( E ; AND SO I WUTOB,TBEi4rn5,I!.''": SELL AT MY OLD ;RRGESU " WHICH ARE REMARKABLY LOW FOR GOOD GOODSr Respectfully, . s: . c JlB' jtf:" ! Manufacturer and Renovator of 4Iatt resses? r Matrass?? ;audX4Jir'rAs,ses.: The Pioneer Asliore. dispatches report Press the steamship Pioneer, of the New York and Wilmiu'gtou line, ashore at Ocracoke Inlet about 20 miles South of Hatteras The Baker Wrecking Company, of .NorfofK, have sent to her assistance, but no further news had been received here as to her condition up to 3 o'clock to-day. The Pioneer left New York for this port last Saturday and was due here yesterday. NEW ADVEUT SEMENTa Sam Jones. s END YOUR NAME AND A NICKEL AND get TIIE WEEKLY GLOBE, containing full report of the Sam Jono3 meetings. Published Octofcer 15. oct 16 It Florida Oranges. -piRST CONSIGNMENT OF TIIE SEASON, large and sweet, Apples, Cabbages, Onions and Potatoes, at CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt., 128 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. oct KUf d&w ; Klemann. & 'Thompson. MILLINERY AND- FANCY GOODS, FIJESII, NEW, BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT BONNETS, ANI CALL AN L Leave Yoiir Orders BEFOHE THE KUSII IS TOO GREAT, AND HAVE YOUK Boiinets TO YOU 11 SATISFACTION; FOU MISS ! GOODWIN IS DETERMINED TO PLEASE YOU IN' TRIMMING, AM) Oar Prices Suit Also. No. 24 Forth Front St, :v?: ; :: ,o. ,v . ' ' t,h: i i )s: to i :zi' " :-ti frcra'ozr trrs&s cxi " ;:rts general laterest, tzij V. , I Tne n82aQ (MttnitCTlcrust tiirsr bo . to ;J h':vy commuilcatlona.BiTiss Ttej rrtttca ca but" one siao tixa,J-(;' j' j 1 - Pcisoaa3itiqs isast i ajc'Sek v- : Ana it is especially ia-VCTllfiI, imacr stoofl taat tne Editor floC3 tot ;WTar3 f aaors ; the views'oi correSpbnrieati calcs3E3 ststed m the editorial eolnjnna. . -t- - - J r. I new ADVERTisEr::::iTs. AN ADVANCE OP - THE TENDENCY IS STlLxrUP at r, i i c ; -sr." ?l 'f?' f'-f -'i? BasketsplPa'per paper bags; is. Blank; Books, S SCHOOL SUEPWESic. . . ; . " 1 Full Stock .' Bottom Prices W i I m ingtpn Pa per Go rnp'y I 'I '," 5?i rpULI PS, CKOCUS, FREESIAS, ANBJIONI,' Chinese Sacred Lily, etc.-, etc.; 5 : i--.r At : JAMES fiNTlTS.-.. oct 10 tf ill ucl(e(CEili. , i" t , . ' - : HAVING OPENED A FIRST-CLASS 11AK- " EKY at store. 'No. 130 Market? street I would be glad to havp.mr' f rtefids and,4he : - : public generally to call, na-1 gwanrntrcto keep nothing but what-is frcsh.'5Ui have; my Dread and Cakes baked every dar.t. Jv i' Kespectfuiir, i :; tV ' . oct u iw .j wyATt!sy Almond MeatSoap FOB T H E COi PLEXfiUW . H 1GULY RECOMMENDED FORVO Ing, softening and beautifying .-tbj - skin Aad removing tan, discoloration-ot. other.ini-- MUNDS BllOTnEKSi sep24tf3 I04-N.jror jnri St. Notice; I HAVE KEMOVEI) MY LAUNIItT?PRQ?l Market street to North Front, betwecnfinct nut and Mulberry, where r will be pleased, to see an oi my inenas ana ine- puonc erally. - - i SAN LEE. t oct 8 lm"; rropHctor ChlheserLaunq ry, ' COAL AND iM)6i)I OF BESTiVAltlETIES AND SI?ESCJtN ; STOCK AND VSEXLIKG iAl&Tvir LAR PRICE?,.-., .X-'i " ' 2 O O Cord aoocl OF tIie: BESTKlN-EbJ : PUOMPTtDELl VERYf : Cut for Stoves, etc: when so preferred: ; I; , - j a spkingpk; - ANOTHER IN VOICE OF TJI0?J BEAUJ! FU L LA Wfttf If IS IE3 yvrr"i . . - Boys and MiaSCG just received;, ,? ; THEY WILL BE SQLD.-CHEA-C? . '; s Hf and spjLtfgobN; CA IX AT, ON"' E AND 'MA'K Gr SKLEc'4 ION ?. B.F.PENNY, - oet 9 tt 119 JTarkrt Stro, 1 1

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