Mn'i-t urn ' " i "ifn ' II III - - " m S corfrif cures JAver uompiatnii aXUUUl iiiiianM Affections and CostivenesM. At drngrglsta. Price 25 cts. !vv jT5 V'jjj Fd) Tli Daily Boviow. Josil T.---JAMKS, Editor & Prop'r. - Wilmington. N. C. . SATURDAY.. 'NOVEMBER 2. 18S9. Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. My th union of Prince Constan tiiip Duke of Snarta, and Princess Sophia, of Piu.-isia, tlic Rintf and The Fall Courts. The Fall terras of Superior Courts in this State will be as follows:. First (Edenton) District Judge Gilmer Currituck, Sept, 2; Cam den, Sept. 9; Pasquotank, Sept. 1G; Perquimans.Sept. 23;Chowan, Sept. Tr isi norantped w; Wates,; ucr. ; .neruyru, ,Y ' Z to bring relief in every case, when w asinuKiuu, w. : used for any affection of Throat, 28? Daw. "fu2?? II' ir'atuiico, nov, io; DCttuiun, . w. District ;J uuge ISorth A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase , price. On this safe plan you can buv from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. SALVATION OIL (PHce onlg 28 cents. "Cotd by all druggists?) " Relievos quickly1 Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Lumbago, Sprains, Headache, fpothache, Cuts, BurnSfScafds, Sores, Backache, &c. ftuernLANQE'3 PLUGS. The Great Tobacco An VntlY iidotel Price 10 Cts. At all druggists. i tlmitlatctlie torpid liver, KtrciiKl'l'i enstlifcdlRCStiveorirnii. regulates the bowels, ami urc nneiiiulcil us uu AIITI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial lisric lliclr virliiCHaro widely rccoariilzcl,ntliey ec nliar jirwpcrticN in freeing tliCNjistcm from that poison. Klesantly Kiigar coated. Dose small. Iricc, 25cts. Sold Everywhere. Oflicc, 44 Murray St., New York." . : ; (iieen of Denmark can boast of an other grand alliance, as tlie Duke of Sparta is their grandson. The fol lowing are the names of ther child ren, who have all made j brilliant marriages: (1) Crown j Prince Fred erick, married to, (laughter of the late King Carl Vof Sweden; (2) Princess Alexandra, married to the Prince of Wales; (o) Prince William, since King tieorge of Greece, ; married to i rand Duchess Olga, of Russia; (4) l'rintvss Dagmar, married, under the name of Marie Feodorovna, to Alexauder III, Emperor of Russia; C5) Princess Thyra, married to the Duke of Cumberland; (G) Prince Waldemar, married to the Princess Maria, of Orleans, daughter "of the Duke of Chartres. a voice A f J I r i from Oli io. Here is portrait of Mr. Gnrri sou. of Salem, Ohio. H writes: wWs at work ou a farm for JS20 a month ; I. now linve an a?f nry for E. C.Allen & t'o albums and publi cations and lien make 7 lilt a day. (Signed) 1 W. II. tiAEKISON. William Kline, llarrislnirjr. Pa., write r "I hare never known' anything to sell like rour album. Yesterday I tok ordi-rs enough to par mo over JS.." W. J. E!- niore, liangor, file., writes: i take an order for your album at almost every Louse I visit. Mr prolil n often as inuchas !g;so lot a. si ii pie day's work.' colliers are Joins quite as well . gwe lime nor space o frive ei Slmet from lhir letters. Kverv one who takes Staid of this trrand btteiiicss piles up grand profits. Shall yvCi start; YOU in this business, reader f Write tons and learn all about it for yourself. We are starting many; we will start you if you dent delay until another (rets ahead of ron in your part" of the country. If you take bold you trill be able to pick uphold fast. -9lCeiil On account of a forced oaanufaeturt's sale 1 2,0M ten lollitr J'hotoentpb Albnms areto be sohl to Die people for S ' each. Bound in l'oyal triniM.n Silk Velvet l'ltuh. Charmingly decorated insides.llunduinet Miliums in the world. Larjrest biie. Greatest bargains ever known. Apenis wanted. Liberal terms. Uig monesfor afrentf. Any one can become a successful aent. Sells itself on sip-lit little or no talking necessary. Wherever shown, every one wants to pur chase. Agents take thousands of orders with rapidity never before known. Great profits nvVait every worker. Agents are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men. You, reader, can do as well as any one. f Full information and terms Tree, to those who write for same, with particulars and terms for our Family Bibles, Books and lriodicas. After jou know all, should yoa conclude to go no further! why no harm is done. Address E. C. ALLEN & CO:, Avcvsta, Maine. t ! r 1889. Harper's i aazine.: ILLUSTRATED? T . . . . . v? V. r c? o m nit i r l" An c ii I n tl- Ji u 11 ui uiiccij, outii ua vyuuouiu- , rt i:r :,.PTnfl nl'mn y-f T imrvc! n-r-' SeCOH d ( H RUf aX) iiif,-c Ath.,.n wir.r? nniirli Boykm Varren, Sept. C oup, eta etc! it is asant and I fmpton, Sept. 30; .Edgeconibe uct agreeable to taste, perfectly safe J4; Bertie Oct 28; Halifax, IS ok . 11, i ..i. ' v. Craven. Nov. 25. - ; ; iu 4 .Ctt Vy Xty11" "l'""-: 7 Tr.,,ri fWilnV -Bistrict-Judire MacRae Martin, Sept. 3, Dec. 2; (Pitt, Sept. 16; Greene, Sept. 30: J Vance, Oct. 14; Wilson, Oct. 28; j Franklin, Nov. 11; Nash, NovL 18. I Fourth (Raleigh) District Judge Armfield Harnett, Aug. 5, Nov. 2o; Trial bottle free at Robert R, Balla- mys wnoiesaieana retail arug store, NOVKJIBER NONSENSE. sticks to ' ! Harper's Maqazinb is tUe most useful, en tertalnlnff and beautiful! periodical in the world. Among the attractions for 1889 will be a new novel an Ameiicaii story, entitled "Ju piter Lights" by Constance F. Woolson; llius tratlons of Shakespeare's Comedies by E. A. Abbey; a series of articles pn liussla. Illustra ted by T. De Thulstrup; papers on the Domin ion of Canada and a characteristic serial by Charles Dudley Warnerjj three "Norwegian studies,"by Bjornstjerne Byornson, Illustrated; "Commodus," a historical play by the author of "lien-Hur," Illustrated by J. H. Weguelln, etc. The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, William Dean Ilowells and Charles Dudley Warner. ' i HARPERS' PERIODICALS; I : PKR YK i HAKPER'S MAGAZINE..! U (K HARPER'S WEEKLY.... J 4 00 ARPER'S HAZAK 4 4 00 nARPER S YOUNG PEOl'LE 2 00 substyibers in l fie. Unite Ssates, Canada, or Mexico, i The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year When no time is specirietl, subscriptions will oegln with the Number cui re'iTi at time of re ceipt of order. ' I Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt or (X) per volume. Cloth cases tor binding, -Vi cents each by mall post paid. J Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical and ChLSSinedftor Volumes 1 lo70, Inclusive, from June, l'io; to June, l-s.". one vol., 8vo. Cloth, $1 Oft I Remittances should be made by Post-Ofli e Money Order or Draft, to ifvoirt chance of loss .eiG$parers are. not to txwy thus artn'rlixrinru TUe Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says: "The House will, as is the custom never honored by a breach, be organized on a part' basis, and, while some qhid mines see in the contest bet ween Congressman Reed of Maine and Mr. -McKinley of jOhio and all other entries more than is involved the result must necessarily have some bearing upon the relations of the House to the Administration. The voice of the lill-forebrxling croaker declares that Mr. Reed is the enndidateiof the secretary of State, and that his election to thei Speakership will strengthen Mr. Blaine's position both inside and outside the Cabinet, j There seems to be no . reason, However, for tiiis and other similar attempts to place the President ami the premier in opposition by. representing them as favoring different and opposing candidates for the Speakership." j --!- - -. a- - -- lhe most eccentric millionaire in New York, says the New York'S'tar, io nrobablv Charles B. Rouss. He served in the Confederate army .un der Stonewall Jacksou and' is a Vir ginian by birth. Thirteen years ago he was ruined and 50,000 in debt. To-day he is building a massive structure 200 feet deep, 75 feet front and twelve stories high on Broad way. This building will cost $1,000, 000 when finished and it is paid for step by step. His business methods are unique. He has four hundred employees and pays seventy-five off every day. This mak$s every day a payday. His annual income is est'- ithoiU the rviw.v nrf ero Address HARPER nor 15 Harper & Brothers x HKOTIIEKS. New York 1889. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. a wcll-est.ublle.hecr rated newspaper In its editorial com Harper's Weekly has place as the leading lllust America. The fairness o ments on current politics has earned fdv it the respect and confidence of jail impartial read era, ani the variety and excellence of its lite rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit It for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits, supplements are frequently provided, land no expense is snared to brlncr the hlrrhist. nrdprnf amsflp ability to bear upon thq illustration of the cnangerui pnases or nome ana ioreign nistory. A new work of action front the pen of William Dean Howe lis "and one by iCharles King, will be among the leading features of the Weekly rori8S8. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. mated at. $550,000. Mn Rouss's en ergy is wonderful. He worjks from G in the morning till loj at night. He does not spend more than $1,000 per year outside of his Household ex penses. His principal source of amusement is to stand on the rear platform of a street car and throw dimes and nickels to boys. A short tini3 ago an English syndicate of fered him $2,000,000 for his business. Launchings of new Vessels for our navy are no longer thej novelty of a few years ago, but there is much ,ri that of the San Francisco which i took place successfully last week in the'eitv from which she is named, to-ive it more than a local interest. The new craft, the second war ship ever built for the (fovernment on the Paeific coast, is larger than her predecessor and pioneer . there, tl.e Chariest on and tin? product of the same builders, the Union Iron Works. The Philadel hia and San Francisco were both provided for in Tthe Act of March 3. 1S87. atmronriat- ing $1,500,000 each for jthe hulls and engines of two. steamers of about 1,000 tons, which displacement both have exceeded, of the former The cane manufacturer his business. Internal revenue The receipts of a restaurant keeper. The balloon is never arrested; and yet is without visible means of sup port. A sister's love is very sweet and holy, but it isn't at all satisfying if she is your own sister. After a man has been married a few years he never dodges when his wife throws anything at him. Another man has invented an air ship which he declares is "bound to succeed." It can be depended upon to succeed in killing the inventor. When a man feels liKe giving an other man a piece of his mind he should think about it. A man should keep his mind together if he wants to be comfortable. A banker, complaining that the news sent nim per cable by his cor respondent in South Aiurrica was not fresh, the latter asked: "How can you expect news mat comes throuerh so much salt water to be fresh?" The-mother of a family was say ing that as soon as the youngest child reached a certain age she should break up the nur.-ery. "Oli, mamma," said one of the children "that will l.e fine sport. I will break up the chairs and John shall break up the table;." Salt l: Ileum With its intense itching, dry, ho kin, often broken into painfu cracks, and the little-watery pirn pies, often eaues indescribable suf feriiijr. Hood's Snrsanarilla has wonderful power over this disease It 'purities the blood and expels the humor, and the skin heals without a scar. Send for book containing nuiuv statements of cures, to C. 1 Mood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. A bride on her return home must be carried over the threshold .by the groom s relatives. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur prising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Hold by Munds Hros., druggists. Link cuffs will be worn during the coming season. These should be ironed flat, and not rolled as stud culls are. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving: the cnild from pain, and the little cher- iili awakes as "briprhtas button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes die child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme- ly for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or othr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle, july G deod&wlv PKR YKAK: UAKPKK'S WEEivLiY. HARPER'S MAGAZINE.. J. Tt 1 k Vfe rm a- t rw a -a I iiAnr&n a d.uak i HARPER'S YOUNG PEOI1 Postage Free to all subscriuei in tine SXaies, Canada, or Jlexuxx. LE.. ..J4 0 .. 4 .. 4 00 .. 2 DO United 1 - Johnson. Aug. 12, Nov. 11; Wayne, Sept. 9, Oct. 14; Wake, Sept. 33, (criminal term) Oct. 22 (civil term). , Fifth fHillsboro) District Judge Graves Granville, July 22, iNov. 25: Orange, Aug. 5, Nov. 11; Person, Aug. 19, Nov. 18; Guilford, Aug:. 26; Dec. 6; Chatham, Sept. 30: Durham, Oct. 14; Alamance, Oct. 28. ! Sixth (Wilmington) District Judge Bynum -Duplin, Aug. 5, Nov. 25; Lenoir, Aug. 9, Nov. 11; Pender, Sept 9; New ! Hanover, Sept 23; Sampson, Oct.! 7, Dec. 9; Carteret, Oct. 21; Jones, Oct. 28;Onslow,Nov. 4. Seventh (Fayetteville) District Judge Shipp Cu uberland. July 22, Nov. 11; Columbus. July 29; Moore, Aug. 12, Oct. 28; Anson, Sept. 2, Nov. 25: Brunswick, Sept. 9; Rich mond, Sept. 16, Dec. 2; Robeson, Sept. 30 (three weeks term); Bladen, Oct. 21. Eighth(Salisbury) District Judge Merrimon Iredell, Aug. 5, Nov. 4; Rowan, Aug. 19. Nov. 18; Davidson, Sept. 2, Dec. 2; Randolph, Sept. 16; Montgomery, Sept. 30; Stanly, Oct. 14; Cabarrus, Oct. 28. Ninth (Winston) District Judire Brown Rockingham, July 22,; Nov. 4; Stokes, Aug. 5, Nov. 11; Surry, Aug. 19, Nov. 18; Alleghanv, Sept. 2; Wilkes, Sept. 9; Yadkin, Sept, 23; Davie, Oct, 7; Forsyth, Oct. 21. vTenth (Morganton) District Judge Phillips Henderson, July 15; Burke, Aug. 5; Ashe, Aug. 19 Wa tauga, ---Aug. 26; Caldwell, Sept. 2; Mitchell, Sept. 9; Yancey, Sept, 23; McDowell, Oct. 7. Eleventh (Charlotte) District, Judge Connor Catawba, July 15; Alexander. "July 29; Cleveland, Aug. 5, Oct. 21; Mecklenburg, Aujr. 26; Union, Sept. 16; Lincoln, Sept, 30; Gaston, Oct, 7; Rutherford, Oct. 28; Polk, Nov. 11. i Twelfth (Asheville) District Judge Clark Madison, July 29,Nov. 18; Buncombe, Aug. 12, Dec. 2; Transylvania, Sept. 2; Haywood, Sept, 9; Jackson, Sept. 23: Macon, Sept, 30; Clay, Oct. 7; Cherokee, Oct. 14; Graham, Oct. 28; Swain, Nov. 4 MISCELLANEOUS. The --National-'.Life -AND- Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D. C. Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - N )ne. HORATIO DROWNING, M' , ' President. SAMUEL NOiniENTy Treasurer. GKORGE I. Kr. "IJIDGE, Secretary. Manager an Actuary. GEO.;j. K ASTE 1 1 DAY, Ass't Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 fA'iinoijm 3 tifcl eclared plate irmSi?8, vW D of nearly all kinds hods or tne breeds piana lor poultry honsea- fefn:m?eJ t bout menhir? ,St. I.J?Ioraatioa Eksh from btrtSc'ra S?,bK per Kittiac. Kent l A J?Jr0 i I 1 1 i -- -la -f T - r I J kinds birdH, oOT.SltSl ASSOClaTtrtrff..,.. JtM 237 Soita UirkUitiiTfxt- vStt?, Acre Ure Insurance at- Absolute C03f. A Guaranteed I'oiicy. An Inuontestlble I'ollcy. Maturity Value in uasli at Flxtd Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Tnree Years, P. S. KIDOELLK. M. I). Medical Director, W II. GIBSON, Special Agent nome Office, central National Hank Building, vvasmngton. i. u. ' john UAAK, Jk., Local Agrent, net m , WUnalntf'OT), H. C. POMOm HILL NUKSERIES POMONA. N. O, Two and a Half Miles Wesfc or Greensboro. N. C 'lhe main line of the U. & d: It. R. passes through rhei groui,ids ami wiiixin .100 feet of the oillce. Salem (rains mai;esiop3 regaQar twice dally each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this, tue Largest Nursery la the State, and one of the largest In the . South. Stock consists of Apples, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots. JNectarines. wuiDemes. ouinee. Grapes. Figs, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant. English walnut, pecans. Chestnut, strawoernes, koscs, evergreens, snaae .Trees, &c. All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for 1888 win. snow. Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destriptlve Cata logue iree to applicants. Address ... J. VAN LINDLEY, ! POMONA, Guilford Co., N. C. Reliable Salesman wanted In . every County. A : good pas'ing commission will be eriv : u OYSTER ROASTS AM than ever BETTER 1 PREPARED to accommodate my friends with OYrSTERS this season. I will keep none but the Best on hand always MYRTLE GROVE ROASTS a specialty. Every thing overhauled and improve i. Oysters ready at short notice and expert shuckers to open them. special rates to parties. Give me a call and I will do my best to please you. Respectfully, V. II. STOKLKY, octstf Wrightsvllle Sound. 5 iomes in . Norm Carolina o- nJv 20 Sours Side from New York I The North Carolina Presbyterian ISA T KKLIGiOUS FAMILY NKWPiPKH, P UBLIS 1 1 ED W EEK LY, moral and and devoted to the Intellectual, spiritual Interests of the people. It numbers among its correspondents many of the very best writers of the southern Pres byterian Church. It is thoroughly orthodox on questions of doctrine, but free and out spoken In Its views on all open questions; It allows and Invites free discussion within ; the bounds of courtesy. - f In popularity the Pkesbytekian Is con stantly advancing. It is The Paper for the People, and presents in its columns matter to laterest and instruct all ages, classes and conditions of the people - price per annum, ? a 65: or ror one year to any new subscriber. $2 15. Address JOHN MCLAURIN. Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C ' too Kakilffh aod Aujcusta 5 ;Vrs-y the n t;7 VVily.'S'liO V Va Santa fr.m' n l rtxhw rev.?r l a.;i.--Our iiwr ,u ' i ,'1 it.' VCS GftA-KF AG IiK3 O K U.ND IN TfJ K Ct i -t pine rearlon. For aalo os easy icrnif U to euit ipurchaoerB. i'our acrce lor The contract price is h1,:JS0,000, and of the latter l,42S,000v. fcach is guar anteed to go nineteen knots:, and heavy premiums and penalties, amountnr to $50,000, j for each ex cess or shortcoming of: a quarter of ! a knotv further stimulate the con-! tractors. The main battery of each J vessel is to be twelve six-inch breech -! loading rilles, and the Newark will have a similar one. The San Fran cisco is, of course, thoroughly mod ern in all her appointments. . 4 "Old King Cole j Was a merry old soul, And a merry old soul was he." 13 ut his royal majesty would never have been so merry had he suffered from constipation, or deranged liver, or dvspensia, or piles, or anv other The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January oR each year. AVhen no tune Is mentioned subscriptions will beeln with the Number current it time of receipt of t complaint that comes from a 'system out of sorts and causes impurities of the blood. If von j suffer from any U1UU. I Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, win be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, tree of expense (provided the freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per vol Cloth Cases lor each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by :mail, post-paid, on receiptor $100 each. -7 Remittances should be njade by Post-office juoney uroer or urait, to avoid chance of loss of these things you will feel morose, : melancholy, mournful, aye, mad or anything else but merry. To be merry you must be well. To be well ' take Dr. Pierce's world-famed Pleas ant Purgative Pellets, j Easy to take, purely vegetable, perfectly I liarin- The Chief Reason for the great suc cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is found In the article itself. It Is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for it, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sate greater than that of apy other sarsapa- Mprit WinQ riI-la or blood purl" I VI CI I u V V II Io fiy before the publlo. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug gists. $1 ; six for $5. Prepared by C I. Hood b Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. j Janl lyrd&wnrm raws 2d3 Still on Deck. 4J1 VERY BODY OF TnE MALE PERSUA li slon visiting Wilmington during the En campment Is cordially invited to call and have a share, or a Shampoo, or a Ualrcut, at my establishment, 29 Market street, between Front and Water. Only 10 cents for a Shave . 20 cents for a Shampoo, 20 cents for a Hair 188D. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. i : 1 ' 11 akper's Bazar will continue to maintain its reputation as an unequalled family journal, its art Illustrations are of the highest order, its -lterature Is of the choicest kind, and Its Fash ion and Household departments of the most practical and economical character. . Its pattern-sheet supplements and fashion plates alone will save Its readers ten times the cost of the subscription, and its articles on decora tive art, social etiquette, house-keeping, cook ery, etc., make It indispensable to every house hold, its bright short stories and timely es says are among the best published; and nota line is admitted to its columns that could ' -fend the most fastidious taste. Among thciS tractions of the new volume will be serlaUt -ries by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Mrs. Alexander, William Black and Thomas Hardy and a series of papers on nursery management by Mrs. Christine Terhune Herrick. H AKPER'S PERIODICALS r PKR YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR $4 HARPER'S MAGAZINE. 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY... 4 no HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. . 2 00 Postage Free, to all subscrViers in the United Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. arger tracts $5 per .acre, in naonthlv pay raects of io ; This land adjoin the -couth srn Pines", a. recently established health re port (01 sanitarium), and is specially adapted tTt rait culture, as wen as all trie cereaie. i. number of New England people have, bought ids In the town of "Southern PlnS" and it !a the desire of the owners of this land to 1e- luce small farmerB. mechanics and others troci the New England and Middle States, as yell as elsewhere, to locate here. No State In the Union offers greater Inducements to pet uera than North Carolina. Nowhere can better tarming country or as fine a climate be round, i his is the opinion of Northern men who have settled in North Carolina. This le a -jiaflde offer, and Is limited ' ?"or f orther particulars write at once to . JOHN T. PATRICK, Oommls'r of Immlzratlon, Raleigh. N. C : or B. A RICH A UPSON - . .n 21 tf Chronicle Offios c g.. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEUHVElOVALfltU RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. sare ana always reliable. Ladlea, ask Druggist for Diamond Brand, in red, metallic boxes,' waled irith blue nDDon. rEe bo otner. ah puis in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are dansrerons counterfeits. Send 4c (stamps) for particulars, testimonials and "Keller for Ladles," in letter, by rctura nail, name jraper. Chichester Chen'l Co., Kadison S, rUl7af The Volumes of the Bazar begin with ta nrsi s urn oer tor j anuary or each year. WTien no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of rpcpipt of VlUtls Bound Volumes of Harper's Bajar, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, wll be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for n 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. v ' Remittances should be made by Post-Oflice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Aewspapers are not to copy this advertisement wUhata she express order oyHarper& 15 rot hers; Address harper & brothers. a dov la New York Newspapers are not to cow this adrertisemen without Mezpress order ornarper Brothers i f., cut and 20 cents ana upwards for Dvelne-. Address HARPER BROTHERS, . liiuuiik, ttuu FiCaoaui m Respectfully, JOHN WERNER Jy9tr Practical Barber ana Perfumer. 8ociot? Wort. rjIHE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOUN'8 Parish soUclt orders tor all kinds or plain ana fa?i!irnetlancl embroider?. " Ladles' and Children's aprons a BDeciair v Orders left at the Rectoir" o? 224 orth TWWgreet. will meet with pnS5tSeiti?a GUNS, GUNS. Single and Double-Barrel Breech and Muzzle Loading. Pistols, i Sportsman's Supplies. We have a large and fine .stock at prices lower than ever before offered. STOVES STOVES! HEATING AND COOKING. Most comnlete Stock in the stntA nnr low prices will astonish "you. Shovels aiicl Toiistp. Fire Doits. : - -: Pocket and Table Cutlery, Ladies' cissors and hlicars, Aes,sav, CliipelP, . Hot SioiHn SafIi, Window Crtas?, all sizcfj, SaMi. Doors, Paints. STO ES fumlsliert on application. N. Jacobi Hard ware Co., ADVERTISERS Canlearn tHe exact cost of any propoEja line cf advertising in-American1 Papers; by y addressinz1 Geo. P. Rowell & fel Ne wi paper Advertis: ng Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send 1 0 cts. for IQO-paae PampUrf trww vhiisw- mm a POSITIVE SSSffi TTT Weakness of Bodyind Kind-.Et V L AbAJ of Errors or Excesses ia Old Iir Robust, Noble XAXHOOD Itally Rettorrd. How to EUm . Strengthen WEAK, liSDKVELOPED 0RAK9 PAEwSI Absolatriy nnfallins; HOBK TRKAT!BHST-B,fu k t Hoa lestiry frm 47 States, Territories, sad Fon4ntwi.jr oa can writ them. 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Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc., etc. Also Prescriptions rilled day or night at P. C. MILUEIt'S, . Drugstore, jan 4 come r Fourth and Nun sts. H kful drivers, hire at my stables. Horses boarded by the day. &tfijjg Attention is specially EtockTardandourfadlitiesiorwv s ana cattle in the basement of our . Stes as low as 10 Give us a call and we w" Cor Third and pA please you. cctsatf

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