Ttiipst Praise. and a Doc- : . f1;1 not afraid to recom- Jill a1'..- hilt 1 aili.1"" ,3 y.n T3ie Daily kJ'l?most fJn5'S experience fetf 1 Kno gSMli8. LJU D. "teo&e- ,-, f-nuffT's Pure Mai aiPiicTCHp-soK, M. 1)., New : ,,,it vfssk-or Is free from t-Ture "Hons of foreign impurities. JaJSntould recommend It to HESS' A . -' u i New York. '1, (.r,ior.ent of all that lias .10 i w Malt WhHfcey." '.j?f !!t,' ' . f. K. SPINNER, wi:rvr 01 tf' ;"... ,..4srmerts than , ii .V f .... 1 he united stales. tlie . ..It.-.,., t o use i m.j i y power of i'f!.l .!. . . 'w.,irt nnivthoiren- ;-f-r; JilHi ' v ... I i IfH- 3 ?l:euu ,;r-. ijjlSlreinrablfdgglsts ,,tCKi,LA'EOUS. ;; $ Hrsra, ' ETERffiARY SPMMCS i3 l ' . - - nnf,k mi Treatment oi Anixaaia - Fpyrr lfiH. Milt Fever. ,n:nai - ------ - . . it i- r "-"I Xasal Discharges. !- ,tcr Grubs, ycrms. 1 vpTinEC ileinorrhajres. . i H Kidney Diseases. -Ti',;,tue iover 50 doses), - .60 "r-is-:; of Sent Prepaid anywhere 'msu. Co., 103 Fulton St., N. Y. PI SPECIFIC No, powder, tor 5a. ma on receiptoj iv i n V AST Hflxl A CAN BE CURED, lei 4 A trial bottle sentFrefctii JseiSctei Dii.TAl,Tl$ROMRoclie8ter,'N.X iii:es i lie nwi 5 5i-ev?f .raib fa :nr.t jrrowth. r?i-3v 5 and l a jul)rn:jV'-. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH m PENHYROYAL PILLS. k kVJ lie a uross lamona urana. S i The oclr reliable plu for sale. Bare ana (K Kit. Ladles, oak Irtissrlt for the lIa- A aaond Brand, is red metallic boxes, aealej L W lltnhnltnhUML'l'.HBAOIBPnDCia'&7i A A (itamps) lor paxaeulara and Relief fot wl Ladles," in Uttmr, by nail. Am" i'kw'en fcaattr Chemical Co., lacUaoa b., 1Tauc?j jo "I Will Not Leate Thee." Saviour, the way is closed and dark Before my feet, And o'er my head the satherino- ' clomls ! : In treaieninp: meet; But in Thy wisdom Thou dost see The path which now is hedged to : we , i ' Thou art my guide, 1 trust in Thee! Thy great, omniscience' wraps my life " In loving thought, And faithfully, with skill divine, Thy plan is wrought;, Its Paradise the! will of (rod, My soul shall bend beneath the rod. And praising, walk where .saints have trod! I My memory shall never lose The hour divine. When Jesus said, "thou art mine own. ; And 1 am thine"-- To-day and yesterday the same. He comes to me as first he camp. With wondcrous love, a Heavenly name: Himself "the truth,'! His word is true, On it I rest, , And in life's loneliness I lean Upon his breast: ! . This narrow path, I may not see. Cannot be hidden, Lord, to Thee, And, surely. Thou wilt walk with . me! drace Webster Hmdale. Merit Wins We desire to sav to our citizens. that for years we have been sellirig Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills,. Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to cruaran- tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Robert R. Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggists. A Fat Thing. Mrs. Ward Where's your husband working now? Mrs. Precinct He -ain't working. He has got an office in the city gov ernment. Boston Courier. i ! Have ou a CoisU? Attend to it in timej do not neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption. Young's Cough Balsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by Munds Brothers. j FREE C1IAYON POItTItA.1T Ei introducing our fine .vork. If you send j;!ioto'rapu ot yourself or any member of srtijaily, vc will make you a full life-size ffiKon Portrait Free of Charge. The only lf ration Imposed upon you will be that "uexhttAutto vour friends as a sample of :r wort:, ana assVat us In securing orders; -so. That you promise to have It framed sult .:iy, so that the wort will show to advan Write your full name and address on sec or photo to secure its safety. We iruar- -aee its return, our offer Is good for a few l?s only, and the sample' bortralt Is worth II beln? as fine as can be made. Address -AifKKicAx Portrait House, .1 and t Washington St.; Chicago. I1L Li-.-st Lile-size Portrait House in the World. 1 CKATEFUL-COMFCJKTING. EPPS'S COCOA KKEAKFST. ; "By .i thorough ktowledge of the natural i3whk-h govern the operations of dlfres jaiLd nutrition, and b, .careful aprlica- of the tin? properties of well-selected Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast fff vv"u & delicately t flavored beverage Ifi niny save us many lieavy doctors" bills. -v tli' j'l'lftrous use of such articles of 'L.u a cn.-,titution Inay be irradually ui.ui birong enoiirrn no resist every -- to aihf a. Hundreds of subtle mal re floating around u ready to attack rf1"' - there is u weak noint. We may es- r:u?l . wl' J'nre blood and a properly wita ).( iiitig water pr rrilk. Sold Qnly !;ii--n, England. 1 Getting It Dawh Fine. Owner of Racing Horse (looking closely at scales) Williams, you are a trifle over weight, Can't you lighten yourself a little? Williams (the jockey) Qot on my lightest suit, sir. . Aint ett a bite to day, and 'ave ' just;' trimmed my fingernails. ! Owner Well, go and get shaved, Chicago Tribune. XV H CAN AM liO Guarantee Acker's Blood Eiixir for it has been fully demonstrated to the people of tins country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the" constitution. Fqrsals by Munds Bjps. . A Boy Wanted. Proprietor (to clerk) What did that gentleman want who just went out? , Clerk He wanted to know if we had any Indian stories. Proprietor And what did you tell him? Clerk I told him that we hadn't any because the other crank who came in before he did had taken them all. Yankee Blade. BUOKWHEAd, BUCKWHEAT, ' BUCKWHEAT. .LED NHW Jill Buckwheat. AlUsr or thJ skason. l L AND TRY IT. 111 rilr Qvh. in FOi: SALK J,."L Urn- IfAFPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little ob staele. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst rorm of Dyspepsia, Con stipation and Indigestion, anil maive life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by Munds Bros., druggists. ! in a First Class STORE. twright. lr m! 17 gel. Front. St. on't. Delay !' 'nt ukokkn tin iKjruED fuk jk.w 'r,:l!,ll 1 'Ul repair It promptly an U: io' 10 make my living this way and vhfp"vyorkvrclihd"-iu not charge too fr?jiA i J .T it. call ana see seme of the 4rwIT already made. I will also re- i 'Machines. Musical Instruments P'Ve,1'1.1 33 Furniture. Will cheerfully l-e3n , ales or Probable cost of repairs. Oct IJ. B F KRAK. No. 11 K. becon St. Cflnvincing Evidence. In many respects, I Mr. Hodge,' said the visitor consolingly, "your husband was an extraordinary man. What a strong, abiding faith he possessed!" j 'He did! He did!" claimed the widow, -smiling through her tears with gratified pride. 'Faith? That's no name for it. Why, sir, I've seen that man,' time and again, buy peaches at a street fruit stand!" Chicago Tribune. j K ' GUARD AGAINST T1IE STRIKE, And always have a bottle of Acker's English Rmedv in the house. You cannot tell how soon; Croup may strike vour little one, br a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive ana a iew doses a positive cureJ All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treat ment. A sample bottlef is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed hy Munds "Bros., druggists; Potato Pantoyl lines. Take a good-sized potato, with a smototh skin; cut out nose, eyes and mouth,-twist curled hair intQ the shape of a wig and j -.yhiskers or moustache, and fasten on with pins; then make a hole for the forefinger to ga into; this gives the head ont a throat. j ' Wrap a bit of cloth,! and hand kerchief, or what-not, round the hand, arranging one Jcoraer of it round the , thumb, and another round the second finger. Then you have a little man, with hand and arms, capable of bowing and mov ing his head. Make a screen, let four or five each "with iwmw cuaracters, and, as they say the words of. a charade, bur lesque or;t raged y, let these potato men perform. It is capital f mi, and beats Punch and Judy out of the field. . ; . Potato men have admirable dispo sitions. They are generally friendly, fond of shaking hands, embracing and nodding their heads cordially at each other. They also have a thoughtful way of rubbing their foreheads that is very funny. Some times they fight, but they don't bang each other all the time, as Punch and Judy do. A DUTY TO VOURSKLF. j It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Ack-; er's English pills are" a positive cure for sick headache and all liver troubles. They are small, sweet, easily taken and do not gripe. Sold by Munds Bros., druggists. The Slate Pencil Industry. One of the most peculiar branches of industry in this country is the manufacture of slate pencils. There is only one slate pencil factory in the United States. It is located at Castleton, Yt, and employs twenty five hands, who turn out thirty thousand slate pencils every day. The method of manufacture is a good deal in advance of the primi tive means employed some years back. Not long since the blocks of soft slate from which they are cut were sawed in lengths anddistribut ed among the neighboring laborers' families to be whittled down in pencil shape. Those working at them could earn about fifty cents per thousand. By the present sys tem the blocks, which are as wide as the pencil is long, are put into the mouth of a machine called the crocodile. This contains six rows of revolving curved knives. As the slab passes between these knives parallel grooves are cut in the slabs, then they are turned and cut through. The square pencils are then rounded and polished by hold ing them against the emery blt. One man can cut out and finish about eight thousand pencils per day. New Yo'rk Journal, . Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall he glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of your readers who" have- consump tion if they will send , me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., New York. WHOLESALE PRICES. ! The following quotations represent whole sale prieeo generally: In mating up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. , BAGGING- . . F - : Gunny.... Standard .j... BACON North Carolina. Hams.... .. Shoulders v a.j SJdes, y lb WESTERN SMOKED Hams, tb sides, a.".:.. .!...-..-...- .;. Shoulders, y ft. i DRY SALTED Sides, ?? ft Shoulders, ft BARREIJS Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each. New, New York, each New, City, each. BEESWAX, ft..... BRICKS, Wilmington, M.... Northern BUTTER, 3? lb North Carolina.. Northern , CANDLES, V lb-Sperm Aaamanune. CUJiSE, ft . Northern Factory Dairy, Cream.... Mate .... GOFFEE, lb-Java Lagnyra Rio . CORN MEAL, bush, in sacks. Virginia Meal..... COTTON TIES, ) bundle. . .". ." . DOMESTICS i Sheeting, 4-4, y yard Yarns, J bunch EGGS, doz FISH 7 8 8 8M v 14 15 8 SJ4 10 & 11 10 103 l 40 a l ro 0 (K 1 75 1 65 C4 1 70 20 & 22 : 6 m (4 8 00 0 00 (14 00 15 (5 25 25 30 18 (4 25 9 10 11 12.: 13 14g 9 10 .27 28 2:1 24 20 C4 22 i 00 ct,h 00 t7M 1 25 1 30 6 Qh W (S 80 : 13 20 "It Works tike a Charin." Rulon's Magnetic Liniment is a safe and speedy cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Gout, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painful affections. For sale by Munds Brothers TO Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, -wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc, I will Bend a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure, F R EE of charge. A splendid medical work ; should Toe read by evc-2 man who is nervous and debilitatSvJ. Address Frof. je.&JWYf&i Moodu?, Com-. Scribner?s Magazine For 1881). The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAQAJIJJil aln to make l tha most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all times pre serving its high 11 terary character. 25,000 new readers have been drawn to It during the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), ar;d It closes its second year with a new impetus and an assured $ucas33. "The illustrations will show sqme hew effects, and nothing to make SCRlBNEit'S MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papeis; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster ficnraj Thomas L. -tamps on -Te Railway Postal Ser vice." ' itlii&iraied. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S seria novel "The Master of Ballantrae," will run through the greater part of the year. Btpm in November. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection p manuscript memoirs relating to J, p. Millet and a famous group of inc,denx French'Palnters will f urnlsi the substance of several articles. Illustrated. ' The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally interesting contributions by differe t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey AVWcJi will write the first of the& for the Janii4ry number. Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on' Walter Scott's Method of work, lUustrated from original MSS.. a second -Shelf of Old Books." by Mrs. James T. Fields, and many other articles equally noteworthy. Illustrated Artlcleson AltT SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear hy Clarence CQQk, E. H. Blaahfleld, Austin Dobson and manv oth ers. iiiittrited. F1SIIINO ARTICLE describing sport in the best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon, Wlnnlnlsh, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety, touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., wiU appeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace sort, Illustrated. Among the most interesting In the Hst of scientific papers lr the year will Te a remark ablo article by Prof. John Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. A class of articles which has proved &t spe cial interest will be continued ty a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY in its most recent applications, hy eminent authorities: a re Hurrkaole paper on VEEP MINING, and ether Interesting papers. Unique Illusirations. A SPECIAL OFFER to CQyer last year' numbers, which include aU tie Railway Arti cles, as follow: A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1S83 $4-53 A year's subscription (1S89) and the num bers for 1888. bound In doth 6.00 S3 year t 25 cents a number, j i . . J Charles Scribner's Sons, 743-745 Broadway, N.Y. For Sale. LD NEWSPAPERS FOR .SALE, AT YOUK REVIEW OFFIC- O own price at aug Mackerel. No. 1, bbl X) Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl. 7 Mackerel, No. s, y bbl 9 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 Mackerel, No. 3, t bbl 7 Mullets, bbl , 6 N. C. Roe Herring, y keg... Dry Cod, y ft FLOUR, y bbl- Western, low grade Extra.... 4 ' Family 4 City Mills Super. 4 Family 4 GLUE, y ft GRAIN. V busneL Corn, fm store, bags, white Com, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store. . Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas .. .,. HIDES, y ft - Green. Dry HAY, y 100 lbs Eastern , Western North River.. HOOP.IRON, ft liAKl), ft ltr- I Northern....... H ortli Carolina ......... LIME, y barrel 1 LUMBER, City Sawed, y M ft. Ship StufT, resawed 18 Rough Edge Plank .15 West India Cargles, accord ing to qualify. .- m Dressed Flqorlug, sea8oned.i8 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 MOLA6SES, y gallon New Crop, in hhds. " in bbls Porto Rleo, in hhds " in bbls Sugar House, In hhds ' " In bbls Syrup, In bbls... NAILS, y Keg, cut, lOd basin.. 2 OILS, y gallon. j Kerosene.. , Lara.:........... . ......... Linseed.... ... Rosin Tar Deck and Spar.. : POULTRY ChlCKen.s, live rawn . Sprthg. Turkeys.......,., PEANUTS, y bushel, ffc. POTATOES, y bushel yweet-.,. Irish, y bbl'..,- 2 PORK, y harroi City Mess....' 17 Prime 15 Rump RICE caiollna, y ft Rough, y bush, (Upland),.. RAGS, y ft paltry guy.. rope, y a.. ......... .: SALT, y sack. Aluin. . JuivernoQi 00 12 50 ; 50 8 00 ; 00 11 00 i 75 6 00 80 9 00 00 7 00 00 C4 4 00 : 5 10 50 4 00 ; 00 4 50 ; 50 5 00 00 4 10 50 5 00 8 10 00 00 C6 00 42X 00 SO 65 62 67 -65 45 90 liAlLUOAU Atlaniic Coast LI no. Wilmington & Weldon R. R AND BRANCH E8 seas 5 53 10 12 05 1 10 85 95 90 00 8 10 40 0 00 00 20 00 ; 00 16 00 00 I3 00 00 22 00 00 15 00 25 28 & 28 30 00 16 . 22 0 26 30 30 35 15 13 35 ! 50 '.'.till' Lisbon...' American SOAP, y ft Northern SUGAR, P ft standard grain.. Standard A White Ex C....1 Extra C, Golden. c Yellow.,.:..;:.. shingles; 7 in. yia. 5 Common 2 Cypress Saps : 4 Cypress Hearts . . . j. - 0 STAVES, y M W. 0!sarrel . . 8 R. o. Hogshead. 0, TALLOW, y ft...... TIMBER, f M, f2t shipping.. 2 wao Mm ji 9 (it 14 16 1 45 90 1 00 5 & 1 (10 (4 20 00 (& 22 2) 85 10 0 5 1 0 0 (4 J0 35 ffl 25 2 75 50 18 00 00 (416 00 00 ($15 00 4 (4 ej 80 80 ( 1 00 00 ( IX 1 C4 14X 70 65 00 (4 00 5iC( 68 IX 75 70 00 70 5M 6. mil Prime.. mil Fair. Common Mill... Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY, gal Norther,,. WOOL, y ftTWt&he4. Burry 5.V 0 iA no fd. 1 no 00 2 50 50 5 00 00 7 50 00 u (a OP- tOGO 6 00 14 00 25 13 00 50 8 50 00 0 00 00 0 00 5p 4 00 00 3 00 00 2 50 28 30 15 25 10 (4 15 6 5 TIME TABLE NO. 3, Palmetto Railroad Co. pT.i . 7?. 3v. O N A1JD AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887 Trains will run as follows, dally exceptJSun day. G0JKQ SOUTH. No l Passenger and Freight. - i Leave Hamlet, N. C 8.20 A. M. Arrive at Cheraw, s. C 9.30 A. M. Going North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, S. C 1 i4.25 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet, N. C ". ."5.35 P. M, dec 16 If J WM. MONCURE, Supt. THE STATE CHRONICLE, ! i - u cccsspr to thp Farmer and Mechanic ar(i the Chronicle.) Under New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES. rjinE "STATE CHRONICLE' WILL BE what its name implies a State Paper. It is not the Raleigh "Chronicle," and will not be local or sectlonaL It will aim to keep up with the news from Muruhy to Manteo, or, as the politicians put it, from Cherokee to Cur rituck. I! i It will be the organ of no man, no ring, no section, no party. It .will be Democratic in politics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officers. 'TERMS' One Year ... Six Months . Shree Months., OF: SUBSCRIPTION: ....1. ...... $200 ...i 100 50 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Sept. 6, '89. . 1 Leave Weldon Ar. Rocky Mount . I NO. I dally. ,1240pmj 5 43 pm 1 55 pm; .... Tm 55 pai.'..; ! iu 2U am No. 27, i No. 41, Ft Mall daily ex daily, j Sunday. t; t!0 tun 7 10 am Arrivo Tflrhnvn .Leave larooro... Arrive Wilson. . . 2 27 pm 7' 00 pm 7 43 am T v, t :. .".-.-. . . ."V Lit;ue wiisou 37 pmi An-lve Fayettevi'cl 6 00 pm Leave (ioldshoro Leave Warsaw. : . . ! Leave Magnolia... Ar. Wilmington... o pm 1 4 16 pm 4 30 pm 6 00 pm 7 40 pm: '840 pin 9 55 pm 8 35 am 9 40 am 9 55 am 11 30 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia... Leave Warsaw.. . Arrive Goldsboro. NO. 14, dally. 13a" am 1 21 am 2 25 am No. 7S. dally. No. 40, daily ex Sunday-. 9 00 am 10 43 am 10 57 am 11 52amj 4 00 pm 5 40 pm 5 55 pm 6 53 pm Leave Fa yetteville , t8 40 am; Arrive Selma 11 03 ami Arrive Wilson 12 10 pm Leave Wilson..... 302amTl24Tpm 7 52 pm An Rocky Mount 120 pm 8 29 pm Arrive Tarboro 3"55pmi Leave Tarboro 10 20 am! Returning M., arrive Arrive Weldon . ... 4 30 ami 2 40pmi 9 40 pm Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax 2:30 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4:00 p. m., Riverton 6.50 p. mi Re turning leaves Riverton 7:00 a. m., Scotland Neck at 10:10 a. m., dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 8.20 A. M. dally except Sunday. . Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Alberrnarle d Raleigh It. li. daily except Sunday, 5.05 P. M., Sunday 3.17 P. M., arrive Willlamston, N. C, 7.20 P. M., 4.55 P. M. Returning leaves WU liamston. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.10 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.15 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. c, daily except Sunday, 6.00 A. M arrive Smithtield, N, C, 7.30 A. M, leaves Smithfleld, N C, 8.00 A. GOJrdSborO, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 3.00 I. M.. arrives at Nashville 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A.M.. Nasnville 10,:i5 A. M., arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A,M-, daily except Sundav Train Oh Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, -except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. andl 10 A. M. . Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 310 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 7S. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayette vllle Branch is No. 51. Northhaufid is No. 50. J)aily except Sunday. Train No. 2J South will stop only at Wilson, Goldshcoro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sundav. via Bav Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. AU trains rue solid between Wilmington and Washington, and nave Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. .!. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation, i T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, sep 9 . : Carolina; Central Railroad Company, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. sept. 1889. Leave Wilmington Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Lincolnton. Leave Shelby , ArriveRutherrdfa No. 41. dallyex. Sunday. 2 20 pm 6 45 pm 7 39 pm 9 35 pm No. 51. dallyex. Sunday. 7 10 pm 2 00 am 3 25 am 6 45 am No 5. daily ex. Sunday. 5 55 pm 7 32 pm 8 26 pm 9 45 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS. , Sept. KM, 1889. NO. 3S. dally ex. Sunday. Leave Rutherf dt'n Leave Shelby . . ... Leave Lincolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet Arrive Wilmingt'n No, 54. dally ex Sunday No. 6. dally ex Sunday 5 15 am 7 08 am 8 20 am 39 SOpm 8 23 pm 11 38 pm 1 45 am 8 10 am 8 45 am 10 05 am 11 00 am 12 20 pm Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via Ral eigh. Trains No. 51 and 54 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. . 1V W. WHISNANT, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. University of North Carolina CHAPJEL HILL. N. C. '1 'HE NEXT SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER 1 5, 18S9. Thorough Instruction Is offered in Literature, Science, Philosophy and Law. Tuition $30 per session. For Catalogues, &e address HON. KEMP P. BATTLE fiy 5 if - President The Acme MANUFACTURING CO . ! ..'.' MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre arid Pine Fibre Matting. 5 n .WILMINGTON. N.G. -o- TFor a sample copy address THE STATE CHRONICLE, n j lialeigh, N..C. fJHE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM. is now established, and the results of three years' use in the nands ot the best farmers of this and other States will attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, maae trora the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for it is dally increasing. It has vir tues not round in any other fabric. The FIBRE or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being Dght elastic and proof against insects. certificates from reliable parties using our goods can be seen at our office, or will be mall catrpoa plication. laaitc 1 MISCELLANEOU s. Atlantic CoastLine. North-Eastorn RI B. of S. C CONDENSED SCHEDULE. train;3 going outh. Dated May 12, 'Sa' NO. 2t No. '23. No. j . . . - ! lmtmm mm A. Mi A. M. ' Leave Florence....'. . '135 9 30 " Klngstree..... 2 29 ,10 55 Arrive Lanes.... ..... S 50 . Jl 20 r. M. eave Lanes.... ..... 2 50 . 11 20 , '7 50 Arrive Charleston.. .. 5 00 1 30 9 A. M. P. M. P. hi. Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Tram on c & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. TRAINS GOING; NORTH. 7 r ' Na :i Na 14. NO. 52. ' : - I ' A. MJ P. M. A. M. Leave Charleston.... 12 25 4 30 7 Arrive Lanes ' 2 45 6 28 ' 9 Leave Lanes 2 50 o 28 " Klngstree..... 3 10 6 46 Arrive Charleston.... 4 20 7 55 - A. Mt P; M. A. M.- Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence with train on C. & d. R. R. for Cheraw,;s. C, and Wades boro N. C. No'. 52 runs through to Coljimbia via central' K. R. Of S. C. -j, Nos. 78 and 14 run solid tcf Wilmington, C, making close connection; with W. & W. R. for all points north. I - JND. F. DIVINE, : General Superintendent. . J. R. KENEY, Ass't Genl Manager. T. m. emerson, Gefll Pafesenger Agent.' my 11 .. !.'.... I :.. . : . ;.r :,'. , . 1 - Atlantic Coast Line. ' Wilmington, Columbia & Angnsta K. B; Cbr 1, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING feoUTn. t Dated Sept. 8j 1889, NO. 23. No. 27. NO. 58 ; P M. P. m. Leave Wilmington..'. 6 25 10 10 Leave Marlon...: 9 88 12 40 Arrive Florence. . .... 10 80 1 20 ' I A. M. NO. 50 A. M. A. M. Leave Florence....... 3 20. ... . t 9 20 Arrive Sumter. . 4 40 . 10 28 NO. 52. A. M. Leave Sumter.. I 4 0 tl0 33 ' Arrive Columbia I 6 15 1155 I A. M. 1 . 1 No. 52 runs through from Charleston Central R. R. L Leaving Lanes 9:15 A. M., Manning 9:56 A. Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at Florenc with No. 58. i , ' . TRAINS GOING NORTH. . Leave Columbia... Arrive Sumter..... Leave Sumter.. J... Arrive Florence .... Leave Florence ...... Leave Marlon... ..... Arrive Wilmington... No. JjL NO. 59. NO. P. M. P. M. 10&5 ' . 5 20 11 68 6 32 1158 -t 6 37 1 15 7 60 A. M. P. M. NO. 78 No. 14. A. M, P. M. 4 35 8 15 5 20 8 59 8 35 I 11 50 A. M. P. M. " 'Dally. tDaiiy except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, c. via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7:04 P. M.. Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9:30 P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington wlthW. & w. It. It. for all points North . , ! I. Train on Florence R, R. leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7:00 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6:30 a. m.. ar rive Pee Dee 8:50 a. m. Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leave.1 Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10:50 A. M.,arrivo Richardson 12:01 P. M. Returning leave Rich ardson 12:J5;P. M., arrive Sumter 14J0 P.M. . JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent, ' J. R. KENLY, Ass't Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agen my 11 The Robesonian, Published in Lumberton, N. C, by ' W. W. j McDIAEMID, o TS RE.U) EVERY WEEK BY NEARLY every Intelligent citizen of Robeson county. aim nos a general circulation in an tne rounding counties, Including Marlon, Marl boro andDarUngton in South Carolina. " The ROBESONIAN is now m the Eighteen . VoQr nf Tru nornn a an1 rniMno Avt.t.n. 1 and is so rirmly established in the hearts its patrons as well as a pecuniary enterprls that business men can readily estimate 1 1 . ' its value to them. The advertising rates exceedingly reasonable, considering the ago circulation, and influence of the paper. Send 5 cents for specimen copy. sept 27 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY" : . : . -. AND REPAIR SHOP. pARTIES IN WANT OF ANY KIND Vehicle or want any Repairing dono totn old vehicles, will fl to their mteres call on . C. B. SOUTH ERLAND ft CO. Corner Second and Princess streets Send your horses to be shod. We have a first-class Sheer. -, t mch 9 ; ONWARD IS THE WORD rjlUE PROGRESSIVE FARMER NTK ts TiiiitD volume at the following; ; ; 1 subscriber, l year.. ....... ......$L23 , 5 subscribers. 1 yr, .............. .00 10 subscribers, 1 year....';.ii......iaop one copy l Tear7free to trio one BcnOltz ' dub of ten. . Eight pages, 40 columns, weekly. Send CM . , Charges prepaid) 1 , L. L. IOLK, le , Raleigh, W