THIS PAPW everyS excepted, ppU JAiU3,'E(lltor and Prop. Wr10 STAGB PAID: - oa six montlis SiOO. Tnreo . rear, Li JWO month. 33 cents. will be delivered by camera, tree Tinr part of tbc my. at tne Aaveru- po. anJ and Suwcriwrs p re?vJarlyv (inesrorc i )IH.-U"-- ; AIVKKT18EMEVTH presents m the most elegant form rriP LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOU3 JUICE OF THE . ' FIGS OF CALIFORNIA. ' v Combined with the "medicinal? o ! virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Constir nation, and the many ills" de oeadins: on a weak or inactive condition of the - . ' " " . -1 iOHEYS, LiVER AHD BOViELS. ;t is the most excellent remedy known to ' . CLMSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated so THAT PURE LLCOD, REFREOHIflQ SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW.. . Ever- one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR ORUGgjST FOR BYHUP JXa 2PXCrJS. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAU mtimiLE.Kl. ; NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by 1 j ; , . - ROIJERT R. BELLAMY. WDOLESALE DRUGGIST, mch S ly d Jtw - Wilmington, N. C. Inlierited Blood Poison. - flow many people there are whose, distress from sores, aches, pains and erupttve ten dencies arejflue to inherited blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to chlld,and It is therefore is thS duty of husband and wife to tees their Wood pure. This is easily accom plished ijj a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic Boo4BaVniV fend to Blood Balm' Co., At lanta, for oi5. of most convincing1 prooL James Hill. Atlanta, Ga , writes: "My two sons were afflicted with blood-poison, which doctors said was hereditary. They both broke out in sores and eruptions which B. B. li. promptly controlled and Anally cured com pletely." - - ; ' Mrs. 8. M. Williams, Sandr, Texas, writes: "My toree poor afflicted children, who Inher ited Mood poison, have improved rapidly after a use of B. B. B. It Is a Godsend." -J. li. Wilson, Jlen Alpine Station, N. C, Feb. 1885, writes: "Bone and blood poison forced me to have my leg" amputated, and on the stump there came a large ulcer, which grew worse every day until doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to take B. B. B., and 13 bottles increased my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound nd well, i never knew what good health as before." - NOVEMBER 1ST, 1889. We begin the month with a mag nificent stock of Dry which we invite an examination. Our stock covers every the; Dry (iootk line, aud every department is complete. We would call especial attention to . our.'. stock of Dress Gotxls. We have the best and cheap est stock of Mourning Goods in the city. Time and space .will not per uiit us to enumerate the great num wrof special bargains we have to offer. It is sufficient to say that we are willing and anxious to show our I Jtock and thaf we are able to offer Superior -Goods at lowest prices. The immensity of our sales and ex tent of our stock of Gents1 Furnish ff (ioods enable-us to offer induce" ments in that line, and a class of goods not to be found in any other tore in the State. We have : in re -serve lor the Holidavs the hand- somest stock of Embroidered: Hand- trc'es ever opened in the South. These goods wjll be exhibited : to persons desirous of, seeing them.- . Respectfully, ; JNO. J. HEDRICK. nov 4 tf - . ; - '. 05 HOUSEKEEPERS can pfoye by a singla trial that these Extractsare the cheapest; 1 ey are true to their names, full measurei Highly concentratec.''r an23atw6rh eod nrnV: .:' - h lt Lidifs a'a:l Cenllccisi of Wilmingtoa 1THONIZE YOUR REGULAR CROCK- fy stre by buying' what you need from tv- ' Watson, Na 17 Market street, between tZ,11 an0 Water. Look for the sign of the i'en litcher. Don't miss the place. Look splendid line of Ware kept constantly In ?ixr ?u can set good ware when you boy from watson. oetutc r 1? JUL VOl, XI 1 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 0,1889. NO 263. GLORY ENOUGH For-Ono Short Day! 1 A H ON K S O W KI UN i Kit in viiu;inia. 30.000 MAJORITY n NE YOU K IS' VTITH US. Abbott Surely Elected in New " Jersey. OHFO p UOJJUTFUl AND MAYBE DEMOCUATIC. Qlarylantl and Mississippi iitlll Solid. Yesterday was a good day. for our Democratic friends ! everywhere. There were elections in thirteen States, Mississippi, Virginia, Mary land, Pennsylvania, j New Jersey, New . York, Massachusetts,: New Hampshire, Nebraska, Inwa, Colo rado, Illinois and Ohio. The Demo crats have carried only five of these possibly six, 'but they have done even better than they expected at the outset.. New York, New Jersey Maryland, Virginia and Mississippi are "all Democratic, ! with strong hopes "of Ohio. Fuir returns will not be received, however, until tonight. 1 . v " There never was a more gallant 'fight than that made in Virginia, yesterday. The organization was almost perfect. Our. friends there went in to win, and they came out with the fruits of a glorious victory In their grasp. ... Meagre reports reach here of a difficulty between Mahone and a man named Harrison at Petersburg yesterday, in which the latter was shot by Mahone. It is reported here to day that William is reposing in jail at Petersburg. - The latest information from Vir ginia is a conservative estimate of 30,000 for McKinney. This may be carried out several thousands larger We are figuring. on an approxima tion of 40,000. Mahone is completely snowed under. .. - , The result in Virginia has devel oped at least one self-evident truth: The harder the Republicans push the fight the larger the Democratic majority will be. - : . . Mahone up a tree, to McKinnsy: "Is that you, Boss? Don't shoot, I'll come right down.?' The very latest is that Ohio has gone Democratic without a doubt. Three times three ! t ' . Dlood is thicker than water anJ blood will tell every time. - . i That was a big coon Hunt yester day in 3rhgiuia. -. i Ole Virginuy never1 tires ! -&ic semper tyrannis ! "Disease is very various," was Mrs.' Partington's remark as she wiped her spectacles for the 99th time that day. "Some people die of hermitage of the lungs and other brown creatures." Disease may vary, but there is only one reliable remedy for coughs and colds and that is. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 'Shot, Cartridges, Loaded Shells and ammnnition of all kinds forsale Hv.t.iiA 'bf. Jniohi Hdw. Co. You will find a nice assortnient of Rifles at the N. Jacobi, Hdw. Co. Just the articlti to make your boy luiPDV. -. - t . Heating Stoves of. nil kinds andi?1 are soon to begin the pub- sixes. We will trive you substantial cation here of a new weekly paper, goods and , , , . T . . 1 r . Hdw. Co. ! ! Ladies will find a very handsome huu cuuipieie line oi iiuiies luiisuu Underwear at astonish intr low nrices w:i. oi.r... Vo. Vr .,I,srfv;.- . ; , 123 Market street. Sign of the blue awning. - ';" j i tf ' r " i;efreslilnj; and Invigorating DehcfoasSoda Water as drawn from are stunendcis In oint of effective Munds Brothers1 magnificeut newt nets. If yon desire immediate relief soda fountain ut a temperature of from 'headache,: "liver complaint," 34. Purest Fruit Syrrip.MilkShakes inoigestion, and constipation, they and Natural Mineral.WatervV.-: - LwI11 not fail Tou-V - ! T The Australian system of voting, was tried yesterday fn' Massachu- setts ami is said to have worked ad4 mirably. -Very few understand what this method is. It simply moans a free and unrestricted ballot and a fair count.' Two long lists-are fur nished by the government, one with all of ther names of the Democratic nominees thereon and the other thpse of the Republican candidates.! None but officials are allowed to stand within 100 feet of the polling place. The voting is done in a large room, filled with small recesses on one side. . The voters pass up singly and if not already with a' ticket prepared, can enter one of the al coves arid there erase any name he desires and substitute any he" may please, o.n a blank space at the bot. torn. He then places this ticket in an envelope and deposits it in the poll, after having had his name duly certified on the registration books. He can vote but once, for the presence cf two tickets in the envelope would lose .both, and there is for him -no" danger of- intimida tion, for no one but himself need know bow his vote was cast. It is also an effectual bar to bribery as the man who pays for the - vote can neer Imve any positive evidence that the vote was cast as promised. Adam might have been the "good liest man of men since born" but it doesn't appear that he ever did any thing especially good for his large family. What'a lasting blessing he might, have left behind if he could have made Salvation Oil and kill pain. - . ' LOCAL 3STEWS. IfcDBX TO NKW ADYERTIS1IMBNTS OrERA IIouse Falka ' B P Penny Clothing . Munds Bros Pharmacists W M Cumking Mattresses I? M McfxTiRE Carpets, Mattings, etc M-rs.E B Wiggins Will Open To-morrmv -, Apples are getting scarce in Wil mington. Laundry Ironing Stoves are sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t We hear that there were two wed dings at Burgaw last night. We now have the. "-best". Pocket Scissor made. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t A few piano music scholars can be accommodated on application to No. 302 South Second street. Ap ply froiu 9 to 4 o'clock. tf At a general conference meeting last night, at the Brooklyn Baptist Church, Rev. A. A. Scruggs was re tained as pastor of the church. We were pleased to receive a visit this morningfrom Mi Sam Ellis, Business Manager.of the MacCoIlin Opera Co., who is making arrange ments for the appearance here this week of the troupe. An unusually brilliant marriage is to take place to-night at St. James1 Church. The bride is a young lady of this city and the groom is a rep resentative of one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Baltimore. Cutlery. Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. We keep everything in tins line that you can possibly desire, and our prices are the lowest. Drop in and look at crur assortment. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co,-1 The first german of the season complimentary to visiting young ladies and gentlemen, was -given at the Orton House iast evening and it was in every way one of the most delightful affairs of the kind ever known here. The mercantile business in Wil mington is said to be splended. A good way in which to ascertain this fact is to take a stroll on Water street. Every man you meet is "on the go" with a pleasing horizontal crack in his face. Messrs. John R. Hewett & George to ue caneti tne j'jxamtner. it i$ to oe : issued every Saturday.., Both gen- " r o : 1 1 A l-'i rp nrjif-tifnl nrintors ;inI h,arl workers and we wish them suc- cess. ! : - ''Man wants but little here be-1 'low," This is particularly true of .mtHlicine An(1 i,e reay .needs a very small amount, provided it be of the right kind.' Dr. Pierce's ?el- its nil the bill in resnect of size.and ttJb:.ll'J It, Chlltlren Enjoy "T 1 . . fc 1 . ami Huoiinnir enecis oi ovruu ui Figs, whenln need of a laxative and if the father or mother be costive or bilious the most-gratifying results follow its use, so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. . . ; Comiliuientary Conjugal Ball, j The ball given last' nigh tat Adrian Hall, complimentary; to fMr. and Mrs. John G. Oldenbuttel, was a brilliant occasion. Many friends of the. happy couple were present, whose pleasing faces will live long in the memory of the -Worthy pair to whom they tendered the enjoys able event. . - - Married Last Night. . . - Mr. William Savage was happily married last night at the residence of Mr. G-W. Mills, in this city, by Rev. Mr. Beaman, to Miss M. E. Nichols. - After the ceremony a re ception was held and the many friends of the; happy young couple tendered their congratulations. The Revikw wishes them many years of wedded happiness and bliss. f Kev. Dr. Conrad's Lecture. jj The date of the lecture of the celebrated Rev. Dr. Conrad has been fixed for next Wednesday, the- 13th. It lias berntlecided' that the lecture be delivered in St, Paul's Lutheran Church, and there will be no charge for admission. Dr. Con rad has not only a national ; reputa tion as a scholar, theologian, writer and orator, but his reputation ex tends also to Continental Europe. His lectures" have pleased and charmed thousands. L J Kverythins: New. Mrs. E. B. Wiggins has been busy for a week past in opening and ar ranging the stock of beautiful mil linery a( fancy goods purchased by her on her recent visit North and her doors will be thrown open to the public to nrorrow. Every thing in the store is new and of the latest designs. She will be assisted by Miss Wooten, who ? is an accomplished and artistic adept in the business, j The grand opening is to take place hereafter and will be announced in a few days. ; Tast or the Series. The last of a series of meetings at the rooms of j the Young Men's Christian Association, at which the subjects discussed were some of the young men of the Bible, was held last night. The meeting was led by Rev. P. H. Hoge, D. D., and the subjectt was ''Christ as a Young Man." Mr. Hoge described the life and occupation of Christ at differ ent times, showing that he was ;a young man during the whole of his ministry. He went on s further to show that the first Young Men's Christian Association was composed of Christ and His .followers. who were all, except one, without doubt young men. ' . A Treat in Store. . "'-" - - j The well kndwn and well:ejquip. pedMacCollin Opera Co. are to plav here two nights this week 'and a veritable treat is therefere in store for our people. They will appear on Friday, and Saturday nights, the piece to be presented being "Falka,' an opera ofGerman origin, otherwise known as 'The Brigands.' The company consists of 38 artistes, well equipped with leading lacfors and with a chorus well trained and richly costumed. They carry their' own orchestra and - this means, a,s every opera goer 'knows, pure har many between voice and instrument The box sheet will be open, at Mr. Yates' to morrow and we look for large houses on both nights. i The most remarkable cures of scrofula on record have been ac eom pi isbed by H ood's Sarsapar i 1 la . Try it. Sold by all druggists. OPERA HOUSE. Commencing Friday, Nov. 8th. THE VA10US MscCOLLIX OPKRA CO. Artists And a splendid Orcliesrra; In the. greatest New York juiccess, : V fuuanii rompeienc ononis. .New ana eie- - iteserved sweats on sale at Yates Thursday raorningr. - nov4t. ! NEW ADVERTISED ENT8. Tlie best we-ever sold for the-price -only ten pieces.- DRESS GOODS ! A Beautiful Solid and Side Bands in mapy of the best . Colors and Shades. . ,j " , ; . " sop JEH-uLgrs ; xi ' From ve ry cheap to ve ry fi n e grade. In this line you cannot fail to be suited.'-' Sov 0 tf , NORTH FRONT STREET. TO-MORROW. J HAVE BEEK BUSY! BECEIVING AND unpacking. Goods during the past ten: days and my floors will lx? thrown open to the public Tb-nIorrow. While North I purchased a large and elegant , stock of the newest and latest designs In MILLINERY, NOTIONS ' J" ; AND . ' ' iFisrcry goods, All selected with the utmost care, and the ladies are invited to call ; and Inspect them. ' Everylbiiur New and of llip Lattst Sljles. n3iss Wooten- An accomplished and artistic Jlilllner, will assist me.. . Jly Grand Opening will be few days. Respectfully, announce! in a Mrs. E. B. Wi A gt. : nov 0 tf BUCKWHEAT, BUCKWHEAT. BUCKWHEAT. NEW HULLED BUCKWHEAT. F1IIST OF TE SEASON. CALL' AND TRY IT. All Oilier Gcotli in a First Class GROCERY 8TORE. FOR SALE BY Jno. L. Boatwright. 15 and 1 7 OCt4 tf Fo: Front St. NOTICE! -:0: NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Fall and Winter Cloiliiraff CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. r Boys' and Children's SUITS A SPECIALTY, AND SOLD AT New York Prices. Call at once and bo convinced. Don't for jret our line of i j LATEST JSllOAl) WAY BLOCK IN SILK ... HATcf ONLY S3.0O. B.F.PENNY, THE CLOT II IER, - HO Market Street, oct IT tf i Table Board. FEW. GENTLEMEN CANE ACCOMMO- xiated wltli'Tabie! Board on application at mcl27tl -. --.221N. TlllKDST. . vuixzz 2:01: c: . we win to clad to recciro c::izlzzi:-J from 'cur' trlcniaxa r y trd Lzz.z::zz teneral Iztcrc-t, tut , Tto iiszia ci tub vrritcr err.: uy::tz to . nlshea to tno Eiltsr. ' corarnnTiicatlozis raust, to written cn tu one sido ci tno paper. " ' - . ' lonalitlcsraustlje .aYcld. ' . . - -And it is cspedaHy-kid psxtlcsrU" tLdcr stood that tne iMitcr does not always cniora the views of correspondents caicn eo stated In tna edjtorlaj columni ; v V; NEW AJD VEKTIOEI1CIJT3 Wotice- (SJUBSCKIBERS . TO. THE , MEKCHANTS Protective Association will please present their claims for collecuon hy the 10th day of November, A. D. 1389. ' ' ; r j? H.MCCLA3IMY, nov 5 lw Attorney tor Association. Lautier's Extract May Bpl Is, ..pKINSON'S EXTIiACT WlIITE KOSE, IN bulk.--. Much cheaper than" when bought1 In small bottles. Two magnificent perfumes. , For sale by . M.UNDS BROTHEUS, 104-N. Front St. nov 5 tf i Wanted. 5 0 ' 0 00 RACCOON SKINS,25,000 O'POS sum Skins. 0,0(10 Fox Skins, 10,000 Mink Skijis. lt,ooo Skunk Skins 5,000 Otter Skins 5,000 Deer Skins. , . - - j. ;. . . CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt. nav $ d&w tf - - -: ' v Bon-Ton Hair CuHer.: SURPASSES ALL SIMILAR DEVICES IN effectiveness, beauty, and finish. .TJae most practical Curling Comb in use.- Made of pol ished steel, full nickel plated, with Perforated Air Chamber to prevent, burning handle., Pro dttces the most artistic - curls, bangs and frizzes. Price 25c For salq by ' ' - - JAMES D. NUTT, . ' 220 North Front St. The Druggist. J.W.ATKINSON. , President. - W. P. TOOMER, . '. :.r Cashier. , Wilmington Savings & Trust Co.," 1 Aft PlilNCESS ST., WILMINGTON, N. C, Lends Money on satisfactory security, Pays I nterest on Deposits. Is empowered to lowered t inch 20 tf execute j rusts or au Kinas. H. CRONENBERG, '-j . PHOTOGRAPHER, . '. " ARTISTIC AND SUPERBLY - EXECUTED Plaotographs at reasonable prices. 1 - FRAMING A SPECIALTY ' jy 29 tf 116X Market st, South sldc. niotice. J-j HAVE REMOVED MY LAUNDRY FROM Market street to North Front, between Chest nut and Mulberry, where I will be pleased to see all of my frfends and the public iren erall3 SAN LEE, oct 8 lm , Proprietor Chinese Laundry. kliets, Itets, PAPER BAGS; TWINES, i Blank UookSj Stationery, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, C:c. Full Stock ! Itot lorn Prices Wilmington Paper .-Comp'y, 1 1G NOKTII 'WATlSIt'ST. COAL AND WOOD ! 2,000 Tons Cor.l OF BEST VAJilETIES AND SIZES NOW l. STOCK AND SELLING AT;POn " "V" LAR PRICES, . . , 20Q Oordc V J v.... OF THE ;EEST .EINDS T.ZAI) Y TO . I'TiOMlT DEL1YE?,Y. 'ut for Srm-f. -tc. , whon s j r; ft i : I - j. A.c:M:rric:: Brooms, Pape

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