T HIS TAPES rf evening Sundays excepted, f P ss. T JAlES Edltor Pro " tf J0STAGK FAID: lioa montn3 Tlire0 """ m one montn, 85 cents. delivered ty carriers, tree ,nr part of the city, at tne above fiflDCeowi''- s5, . .,natf-c7andlll)craL wrs will Please report any and rf-SttB" .rtlthofr pacer rcirularly. rt"- : LAW fit Z-TV4: , V-IO 1 presents in the most clegaat form in- UXATIVc and NUTRITIOU3 JUICE ' FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, . Vrbiued witu "medicinal fttnes of plants known to be aost beneficial to the human swtem, forming an agreeable. effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti-; ; nation, and the many ills de- pending on a weak or inactive condition of the . . jiDHEiS, LIVER AHD BOWELS. ;t i theKOst excellent remedy known to tLEUS.THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY U'hcp one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT - MttELOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Everyone is using it and all are ' delighted with it. , ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. mtSVILLE. Kt. NEW YORK. N. Y Forsale toy . - BOUERT R. BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, . Et'h ly diw Wilmington, N. C. Inherited Blood Poison. -' Hoar many people there are whose distress ftaa sores, aches, pains and eruptive ten tacles are due to Inherited Wood poison. U blood passes from parenfc-to chllcUand it is therefore is the duty of husband and wife to Seep their blood pure. This is easily accom plished toy a timely use of B. li. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., At lanta, lor toook of most convincing proof. James EllL Atlanta, Ga , writes: 4My two sons were afflicted with blood poison, whlfih doctors said was hereditary. They both broke tot In sores and eruptions which li. B. B. promptly controlled and finally cured com pletely." Xrs. s. M. Williams, Sandy, Texas, writes: 'My tliree poor afflicted children, who inher ited Mood poison, have Improved rapidly after use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend." J.R. Wilson, Jlen Alpine Station, ,N.C, ho, 13, 1885, writes: "Bone and blood poison weed me to have my leg amputated, and on ue stump there came a large ulcer, which srew worse every day until doctors gave me JPtp die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I an to take B. B. B., and 13 bottles increased 7 weight to 180 pounds and made me sound M WelL I nevpr knpw what, tmrwi -tiAalth a before." NOTICE! :0: SOW lis TI1E TIME TO BUY YOUK Fall and Winter 0 1 o tL 3L & CHEAPER TIIAN THE CHEAPEST. Boys' and CJhlldrcjs ; SUITS A SPECIALTY, A21D SOLD AT New York Prices. c at once and be convinced. Don't for- ouriiaeof , - UTEST HUOAD WAY BLOCK IN SILK nATS ONLY 83.00. B. F.PENNY, THE CLOTHIER, cti:tf 110 Market Street. 8iTFIayotin s .L 1 'J VOL XIII WILMINGTON, "N. C. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1G5 1889. NO 272. LOCAL 3STBWS. ' ikdkx to Nsw Advertisements B P Penny Clothing J D XrTT Now Ready M CND3. Bros Pharmacists . w Ji CrMHiNQ Mattresses M M Katz Grand Sale of .Dry Goods JOl McIntire Carpets, Mattings, etc Braddy;& gaylord The Racket Store ' - '- For oler local see fourth pae. -Day's lenjrth 10 hours and 13 min utes. ou.isei ro morrow afternoon at 51 minutes past 4 o clock. Children Knjoy The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative and if the father or mother be costive or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it is 1 he best family remedy known and family should have a bottle. everv Laundry Ironing Stoves are sold by flie N Jacobi Hdw. Co. ".We now have the best Poeket Scissor made. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. No interments reported this week in Oalidale and but one, an adult, in Beljevue. The Register of Deeds issued mar riage licenses this weelijtojave white and two colorecl coupler. Shot, Cartridges, Loaded Shells and ammunition of all kinds forsale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. uaa jonn w. kiiis, tne urst war governor of N'orih Carolina, lived until to day he would been C9 years old. You will find a nice assortment of Rifles at the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Just the article to make your boy happy. . t Heating Stoves of all kinds and sizes. We will give you substantial goods and low prices. iN. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t A few piano music scholars can be accommodated on application to No. S02 South Second street. Ap ply from 9 to 4 o'clock. tf . Mayor Fowler has received passes for the five policemen of this city who are to attend the Fayetteville Centennial next week in . full nni- form. The members of the Lutheran Synod availed themselves of the in vitation extended them and took a trip down on the Seacoast R. R. this afternoon. Lad(es will find a very handsome and complete line of ladies Muslin Underwear at astonishing low prices at the Wilmington Shirt Factory; 122 Market street. Sign of the blue awning. tf Cullery. Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. We keep everything in this line that you can possibly desire, and our prices are the lowest. Drop in and look at our assortment. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t At Grace Methodist E, Church, at the Northeast corner of Mulberry and Fourth streets, the usual Sab bath services, rjreaching at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. and Sabbath school at 3.30 pvm. will be held to-morrow whether the bells ring or not. The best'reason yet advanced for having Monday washing day, the next clay after "Sunday, is because "cleanliness is next to godliness., The reason why everybody uses Dr. all's Cough Syrup is because it is a safe, pleasant, and positive cure for coughs and colds. . - At the Seaman's Bethel, on Dock, between' South Front and South Water streets, to night, at7.30 p.m., the usual weekly Saturday even ing's prayer and experience imeet' Jng of bqsiness and working men will be held,to which the ladies are also cordially invited. 4 Housekeepers can prove by a sing! that theseExtractsare the" cheapest; yare true to their names) fuif measurei W.hWconcentratedX. ' " '"' twtin eod Arm" Dr Scott's Eleetrlc Tooth Brush. ljSED SIMPLY .WITH WATER, PRO 'ftj orri Tetft and Rosy Gumsvlthouf &thPoT- ... m tr MUNDS BROTHERS, - . 1M N. Front St. Promotion Well Merited. - Mr. Win. (i. Haughton, a gentle man who is well known in this city, where "he has many friends "and relatives, and who has-been con nected with the Southern Express office of Charlotte for years past has been appointed Superintendent o the Express office at Asheville and will take chartre there on the !2Dth instant. We most cordially endorse the sentimentsexpressed by the Charlotte Xc'tcs. ''when- it snys: "The Asheville people will find Mr Haughton-V tip top man. He is one of .he most thoroughly quaiified ex press agents in the service of the company, ana is a courteous omcia and a perfect gentleman in an re- ( ny ms, uui nappier is the woman spects. His departure from Char-!wuo "aving tnem Knows of the sav . . . ' ing properties of Dr. Pierce's Favo- lotte will he regretted by our. peo rite Prescription. When relieved, as pie. Asheville will find him just as j she surely will be upon a trial of it, we have described him." i sh cn n contrast her condition with Corner tone Laid. The ceremony of laying the cor ner stone of Fifth Street M." E. Church was performed yesterday afternoon by Revs. Messrs. Beaman, Creasy, Ricaud, Sawyer and Pool. The regular form prescribed in the Discipline of the Church was fol lowed, the proceedings being open ed with singing by a select choir, followed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Ricaud, the laying on of hands on the stone and an address by Rev. Dr. Solomon Pool. The members of the congregation of the church were present, with a 'large number of other spectators. The ceremonies throughout' were impressive and solemn. The building Is rapidly advancing towards completion, the walls are qp and the roof is going on. It is probable that it will be finished in two or three months. NRW ADVERTISEMENTS, j NEW AIVEKTiSK KM 1 S. SPOT CASH ! Small Profits f Quick Sales ;0: r LEASH ITOTICr. from our- rncr.r3 n l:t r . carets general interest, tut . Tho n:3 ci tua trritcr "ias a: . to nlshed lino ZZizr. V "coiniaTicatiflS3 canst to rrlttcn cn tu cnesIdocJtt3ts.rcr. Persokautici ra-cst t i avcidei, ? .And it w esTccaauy ana partlctilarly . tns:r stood tnat tlis Editor" does not 'alTrays efifiors the news or coiTepnaents' csiec3 eo Etatod In the ditortal columns . 'v NEW AJDVEBTiamnifTO W E THE1 :0: rpnE ABOVE AREi OUR RULE AND WE never go bevon a them. ' ' full line of I -A COMPLETE STOCK OF Guens Who He Is. The Charlotte Ifeivs says: "A rail road man of Wilmington was down the Air Line road, a few ev enings since. He wanted to get to Char lotte in time to catch the Carolina Central train for Wilmington, and the Air Line train was so far be hind that it could not make connec tion. There was a freight train com ing up the road, however, and the Wilmington man telegraphed Capt. Berkeley for permission to riije tq Charlotte on the freight. The answer , was that Capt. Berkeley had no authority to let him ride on the freight, and the two telegrams cost the Wilmington man $1.79. Just as he read Capt. Berkeley's answer, the Charlotte. bound freight train Game in. The Wilmington man saw an empty box car with the door open, in the train, and remarking, TllCotchett," by "George," made a break for the car, hopped in and came along to Charlotte in company with two tramps. He got here in time to catch the Carolina Central train." New Castle Hall Dedicated. The new castle hall of Stonewall Lodge No. 1 aud Clarendon Lodge No. 2, Knights of Pythias, was dedi cated last night. The services were largely attended and deeply, inter esting. The Grand Officers present were: Grand Past Chancellor Johnllaar, Grand Chancellor T. D. Meares, Grand Vice Chancellor Sol. C. Weill, Grand Prelate R. B. Clowe, Grand Master-at-Arms J'. D.,Orrell, Grand Master of Exchequer W. P. Oldham, Grand Keener of Records and Seals J. L. Dudley, and Grand Outer Guard E. Porter. The declaration of principles was read by M. C. S. Noble, and after the dedication, ceremonies by the Grand Officers, the Dedication Ode was sung by the choir, and the re mainder of the dedication ceremon ies was completed. -" Rev. W. S. Creasy delivered a beautiful dedicatory address and presented to Knight R. F. Warren, in behalf of the lodges in this city,' a handsome gold watch land chain, in appreciation of his heroic conduct at Wrightsville Beach last Summer. Mr: Iredell Meares accepted the watch and chain in behalf of Mr. Warren arid then Grand Chancellor T. D. Meares made a short address; The music was one of the most pleasant features of the occasion, under the direction of Mr. N. B. Kankin, the choir being entirely; composed of Knights ofV Pythias1. Mr. E. J'- Boafcwr'ighi presided at the organ and Messrs, N, Mayer, James D Smith, Geo, p. Welsh, R. H, Grant and N- B Uankiu formed the chojr, DRY GOODS, . Notions Shoes, Cc'irpets, Millinery, Picture Frames, TINWARE, CROCKERY, WINDOW SHADES, Jewelry, talioaery, j Underw ear, k, k We have a full line of everything for the Fall trade ana invite everytody to call and ex amine our large stock before you buy else where, as we pay CASH for all our goods and get all the discounts. ! We can give you that advantage. Inquire for RACKET STORE, 117 South Front Street, j - WILMINGTON. N., ' C BRADDY & GAY LOUD, PROPRIETORS. HEADQUARTERS, NEW YORK. . j - Toys will come in next week. nov 2 tf i : 1 The Handsomest STOCK OP " ! Gents' Neckwear i i- - IN THE CITY, j Just opened direct from manufacture r's : 100 dozen Teck and Four in Hand Searls, First Class Goods, at 50c each. 50 doz. Handsome Scarfs AT 23c These Goods are now on-exhibilion at WRAPS-!.; BEAVER, DIAGONAL AND- PLUSH.: r-r Iire "ow prepared to show a Beautiful Assortment and in Sizes 3.2 'b 38' 40 and in both COLORS and BLACK. It is de sirable for all who intend looking at such Goods to LOOK and sco what " we have as the STYLES. MATERIAL and PRICES we know to. bo the very LATEST and CHEAPEST. :0: I WE GUARANTEE TO SHOW THE BEST 1 ' t- . . ' j PLUSH SACQUE, 38x40 IR1. Lrj(S. : , That was ever seen in this city for the price. V ! :0:- JUST RECEIVED, AND MAY BE SEEN IN ALL SIZES v-- jNTE37 MARKET) COLORED AND BLACK. ' ; : :0: Also,' NEW TRIM- - --:0:- ' ': - : A great variety of Weaves from the best makers MINGS for same. - Gents' Hygien ic Underwear. An additional supply just received, both In Reinforced and Single Ply Garments. We have been thanked by a score of invalid pur chasers for the introduction of these goods. There is nothing sold that will compare with them. i . I A Happy Woman. ily ills, but happier is the Kefreshlnff and Invlgoratinc ! preciate health as none cjn : who As a Consequence Of the continued warm weather sales . have been dull in WINTER DRESS GOODS To enliven tradewe have resolved to make great reductions In prices of that line of Goods. Also in BLANKETS ... . j - . And all other kinds of exclusively Winte Goods, great bargains may be found at . nov H tf : . I rJow Ready. -JILY OP TnE VALLE.Y PIPS- DIRECT importation. 5c each or 50c per dozeiv JAMES D. NUTT, 220 North Froat St. I The Druggist. Hyacinths, Tulips, AmemoQgs, Freesias, &c. NOTICE! : MATTINGSCARPETS, RUGS! Embracing a rich and varied assortment. :0: . Prices the lowest. 3Ta IN CHERRY, WALNUT AND BRASS. :0: IN nov 1G tf W 1 1ST ID O W SHADE S ALL POPULAR COLORS,' PUT UP TO ORDER. lT 1 3LHL353. NORTH FRONT STREET. G reat FLANNEL aughter of UNDERWEAR! Gash CASH HOUSE! House CASK HOUSEl LADIES, GENTS, CHILDREN. :0: Vests. Ribbed and Merino, worth 5c to 4Uc for 2 (5 c each. .1 T - Ladies'.Ribbed Vests aOc. Ladies' Merino Vests and Pants 4!)c. f BARGAINS IN LADIES' RIBBED VESTS. : Worth 4Gc for 525c each, worth 715c for48c worth 80c for GJIc worth $1.25 for 58c, worth 1.51) for . - AGENTa FOB AUSTRALIAN WOOL UNDERWEAR FpK hADIKS-VKSTS AND PANT $1.40 EACIT .... I. - A - Ladies' Scotch Wool Underwear Vests and lants $1.75 each. CEWTS' UNDERWEAR. Great bargains to be had in this Department. . . . , . Merino Ves!s and Drawers 4?c 'each. Vests and Drawers, regular price $1 OO, now 75c each. Gents' Red Medicated Flannel Vests and Drawers, worth 1.4. for 58Qeach. M R. JOHN BORDEAUX, WHO WAS SOME time since appointed a local agent at Wil mington, by the State Agent of West Vir glnia, for the National Life and Maturity In surance Company, of Washington, D. C, is no longt-r in that position and the publirare, ie : spectfully invited tn i take, fxnixance of this tent? novlljw I Munds Brothprs1 magnificeut new , of it. The Favorite Prescription" J sodafoantain at a temperature, or. corrects unnatural discharges ant 34. Purest Fruit Syrup,Milk Shakes : cures all kweaknessM and irregular ' cvnd Natural Mineral Water.' v 'ities. ' . - -. f'ir Flannel Underwear:! For Sale. ' and! f newspapers fok.sawc, xou; t Qwri price at r : $ ujcviiEw omca ents' Scarlet Medicated Cochineal Ifye Vests and Drawer?!, -worth 12 .125 for 9pr.:5l each. . r: Aeents for GentsV Medlicott's S3. 96 a BARGAINS IN (JHILDUEN'S FLANNEL UNDERWEAR FROM lYc UPWARD. ' . ." ' - - ' "' BOYS' ALL-WOML SuAULET VESTS 150c BACH. , r . M. M'. K,A 116 Market Ct., VJiimington 1 Z