THIS PAPEB rT - Wished every evening. BnndAys excepted, josh. T. JAMES, Editor and Prop. sCBSCRD?TIONS, POSTAGE PAID: .r M.0O. six months $2.00. Three ono month, 35 cents, rue paper will be delivered by carriers, free m any part of tip city, at the above rttS or 10 cents per wee, rrtsins rates low and llberaL ; . rr- subscribers' will please report any" and allures -to receive their paper regularly r 7e LX t3'lt:r: ;;. :i frcra cut fr:;i3 tn f7 tz. t'JE-:;:;ti : T3 nui c: tra rrntrr rtr:: to mshed to termer, - . coiamtniicaticM curt to TTrtttca ca fi one side ct ttc paper. irscnallUca tsuzz to L7Z11: ABd it la especially ts3 r:.r.::uliy cilcf stood uiat do Editor coca r.: i tiwars c:r3 r v. j i VOL XIII WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1889. NO 284. ! the Tiews or corrcspoaccits calces a stated in the editorial columns. Dai presents ia the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE . OF THE -; - ; , " FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, OVER AND BOWELS. ;t is the most excellent remedy known to flfWSf WE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Viica cue is Bilious or Constipated . . ... . ... SO THAT PURE GLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP HEALTH and OTRENQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOOI3T FO MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO. SAN FRANCISQO, CAL , UiitMtlLE. Kt. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by : BOtfEUT B. BKLLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, men 56 ly diw Wilmington, N. CV Inherited Blood Poison. How many people there are whose distress from sores, aches, pains and eruptive ten dencies are due to. inherited blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to cMld,and it is tterelore Is the duty of husband and wife to keep Uttlr blood pure. This is easily accom plished tsj a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), send to Blood Balm Co., At lanta, lor boot of most convincing proof. James mil, Atlanta, Ga ; writes: "My two sora were afflicted with blood poison.; which doctors said was hereditary. They both brOXe out in sores and eruptions which B. B. B. promptly controlled and finally cured com pletely." : - Mrs. 8. M. Williams, sandy,"1 Texas, writes: "My taree poor afflicted children, who Inher ited blood poison, have improved rapidly after use or B. B. B. It is a Godsend." J. R. Wilson, len Alpine Sta-lon, N. C, Feo. 13. 1885, writes: "Bone and blood poison forced me to have my leg amputated, and on toe stump there came a large ulcer, which jrew worse every day until doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I begin to take B. b. B., and 12 bottles increased my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound M weiL I never knew what good health was before." Sfajidari' Flavoring 2 , HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single that these Extracts are the cheapest; tkyare true to thefr names, full measure, " highly concentrated., . ' 23diw6m eod nrm WILL SOON OPEN ! tpe - : PDEOELL HOUSE LL OPEN UNDER ITS NEW MAGAGE MENT NOT LATER THAN December 1st. Everything in u will be new, from the roof tothe basement. ' . ' - ' " Jictllcnt, weU ventilated rooms, clean beds, Wwte attendance and a capital cuisine wli w fiome of our strong point?. - Intend to keep a first-class house in every "Pert ana win do all in my power to Jnease AUG. RODER, ritOPRIETOK. no? i u OYSTER ROASTS AM BETTER PREPARED Js r Ulan ' ' " " ' - ' I ' " ever to accommodate my A--" gnaa with OYSTERS this season. ' I will iiY?iT,5e but tho Best on hand always tain b?' HOVE ROASTS a specialty. Every oerhauied and Improve. Oysters then nyco aad.esPert stuc'icr3 to jrates. to pari les. Give me a call and ao ray best to pleaso you. w n. BTOEXEIV M It is rumored that Judge Gilmer, of the Supreme Benchr will resign in January. Here is another chance for Raleigh to always win. In the past six months there were 189 births in Norristown, and 1C3 of these were females. The gal babies should strike against such a state of affairp. New York has raised the proposed guarantee fund of $5,000,000 for the World's Fair and now proposes to double that amount and " make it ten millions. . .The 51st Congress convenes in the first session to-day. Congressman Reed, of Maine, will be Speaker of the House. This was decided in the Republican caucus on Saturday. Charles H. J. Taylor, ex-Minister to Liberia, likens the country to the nether regions and thinks that the government should pass a law to prevent emigration thereto. It is like unto Dante's inferno. He who enters there leaves hope behind. tt We very much fear that our venerated ex-Confedrate chieftain is now struggling with his last illl ness. The prayers of the many thousands of those who trusted and believed him as much at the sunset of their hopes as when they were fit their meridian, are most sincerly his. There has been of late a regular carniyal of. flames and fire. Follow ing close upon the great disaster in Boston comes the news of the de struction of the Minneapolis Tribune building. The structure was eight stories high and on the seventh floor 75 printers were at work on Satur day night. Twelve are known to have perished. - : John A. Logan is said to be de cidedly happy. . He has found out the secret of successful campaign ing. .It is a plentitui supply of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It keeps a man calm and serene. LOCAL 3STE WS. INDEX TO NHW ADVEBTISEMENTSi WHO IS GLIDDON? J 1) Kctt Druggist D MacRae.Jb Notice Mrxns Bros Pharmacists W il Cxsmsa Mattresses J A Spbinger Coal and Wood Ofxba Bouse Lost in London Cltde's S S Co Change of Schedule J G L Gieschbn Howard Relief F E Co For other local see fourth page. Laundry Ironing Stoves are sold by theN. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The New River oysters arriving here now in the shell are in splendid condition. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R.French have gone to Charlotte on a short visit to friends in that city. Shot, Cartridges, Loaded Shells and ammunition of all kinds for sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. You will find a nice assortment of Rifles af the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Just the article to make your boy happy. t Heating Stoves of all kinds and sizes. We will give you substantial goods and low prices. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t - You can get all sizes in good and heavy "Canton Flannel Drawers at 50 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 122 Market street, tf The regular monthly meeting of the Howard Relief Fire Engine Co.i at which the annual election of offi cer a will take place, will be held this evening. Schr Nellie T. Morse, Baker, clear ed to day for Greytown,with 364 pil ings and 25,465 feet lumber, vaulued at $4,294.15, shipped by Messrs. Heide&Co. A part of the viiew silver service for use at the Purcell House is now exhibited in one of the windows of Messrs. W, E. Springer & Co's hard ware store, on "North Front street. Row A. W. Gliddon's lecture is to be delivered at the Opera House to morrow night instead of at the City Hall, as was inadvertantly stated in the advertisement in Saturday's issue. Cutlery. Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. Wo keep everything in this line that you can possibly desire, and our . prices are the lowest. Drop in and look at our assortment. N, Jacobi Hdw.' Co, t. ' , This month has five Sundays,, five Mondays and five Tuesdays. . -We now have the - best Pocket Scissor made. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Christinas turkeys are already in demand, but are scarce. Fetch -em along. ", We saw 18 bales of hay to-day on one two-horse-wagon. But it was Northern ha v. -1 What fine weather this is for a trip to- the Sound and a bait. of StokleyV delightful Myrtle Grove oysters I : ... ' V - .u. : Pilots report 15 feet of water on Baldhead Bar at low water andVll feet on Western Bar. The nse of tide is Ah feet. - We are glad to hear that our gen ial friend, Mr. Herbert Borden, who ha9 been quite sick for some -days past, is now improving. The worst feature about catarrh is its dangerous tendency to con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparillacures catarrh by purifying the blood. A few piano music scholars can be accommodated on application to No. 302 South Second street. Ap ply from 9 to 4 o'clock, tf The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Navassa Guano Co. will beheld in this city on Thurs day, the 12th iust. The streets were thronged with ladies to-day, drawn out by the beautiful weather. Christmas pur chases are being made already. Mr. Thomas C. James, Agpnt here of the C. F. & Y. V. It. J., has ar rived in the citv with his familv. They will reside on Nun street, near Third. There was a heavy frost yesterday morning and a still heavier one this morning. The roofs of the houses and sheds looked as though covered with snow. December has entered wonderful ly on its duty as a Winter month. The first killing frost of the season was visible here yesterday, the 1st in st. Dan. barque Iiialto, Jorgensen, cleared to-day for Porto Rico, with 281,435 feet lumber, valued at $1,168, 95. shipped by Messrs, Heide & Co. Will to Built Anyway. - There will probably be a contest in the courts over the subscription voted by the city, under certain conditions, to the Wilmington, Ons low & East Carolina R. R. We hear, however, that the road will be built, no matter what the decision maybe. It is probable that nearly $50,000 have already been expended by the company. The road is gra ded almost to New River, say within ten miles of that stream, and large contracts "for cross-ties have been made, which are being delivered all along the line. The road will go to Jacksonville. Iof t in London. Mr. Newton BeeTB' "Lost in Lon don' will be presented in the Opera House in this city on Wednesday night. This is a celebrated play. The New York Journal says: "The Grand Opera House .opened its sea sonlast night with Mr. Newton Beer's company in the now well known melodrama, "Lost in London' The incidents of the play are all excee sively ex siting, and as a rule well played. There was quite an ambi tious attempt made in the matter of singing and dancing, and it received much applause. Mr. Beers' company htfvo got the sort of play and per forms it with the vigor that will un" doubtedly insure it continued popu larity." - A Bad Spell. A merchant's clerktwrote a check for forty dollars, and spelled the numerical adjective 'f-o-u-r-t-y.v' His employer directed his attention to the error, with the remark "you seem to have a bad spell this morn ing." to which the cleric replied, 'suro' enough; I've left out the g h " I Let us hope the clerk will still further amend his orthography, meanwhile, if any suffer from a "bad spell" of headache, superin duced by constipation, ask your druggist for Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Entirely vege table, miUl, prompt and effective, ind a most efficient remedy; for de rangements of the liver, "stomach and bowels. ' r - --- : ' - . " Forecasts. ' " ' -' For North Caroiina.fairtind waruir.. er weather. For Wilmington and' vicinity, , fair weather. . - ' ' Handsome New Dwellings. v i Mr. J. GJ L. Gieschen has nearly completed two handsome new dwel ling houses on Red Cross street, near Front They are of seven rooms each and will be supplied (-with water and gas. He will also erect two others on . Front street, near Red Cross, on the same" 'prop erty, reserving the space at the cor ner for a handsome brick store, with offices above; to be erected at some future day This is a part of the city burned over by the. big fire of 1886. "VM1 xn Be Open, . - . , It improbable that the C; F. - & Y. V. R. R. will be open to traffic in a few days, perhaps by" the Jirst of next week. This is mere-surmise on onr part and is based upon the fact that' the road is now completed nearly to Parkersburg, in Bladen county, about "35 miles from Fay etteville. It will reach Parkersburg this week, and as this is a good ob jective point, we think it will be made the first terminus and that trains will be put on next week. It is expected now that the road will get into Fayetteville by the middle of January or the first of February. Dairymen, -stockmen, livery stable men, and horse-car men unite in saying that no such horse and cattle lotion as Salvation Oil has ever been put upon the market. It should be kept at every stable and stock yard in the land, Price 25 cents a bottle, NEWAA.DVEKTIi2SIENTH. opera-house; WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4TH, -- ,. ... . "10ST IN LONDON," NEWTON BEEKS' ' Great Lyric Production. Introducing THE NORTH BRITAIN PAN PIPE SINGERS, and special scenery, by Scorey. - Reserved seats at Yates' Tuesday morning. .dec2 3t .. - - Howird Belief Fire Ifiginc Co. 1V0. 1. A TTENTION MEMBERS: At the regular tm. montniy meeting, Monday, Deccmoerza, 1889, at 8 p. m ., the annual election of officers will take nlace. and it is therefore desired to have a full attendance of honorary, as well as active memDers. isy oraer or tno presicient. J. G. L. GIESCHEN, dec2K Secretary and Treasurer. Notice. rjpiIE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOOK- holders of the Navassa Guano Company of Wilmington will be .held at their office in this city on THURSDAY, Dec. 12th Inst., at 31 o'clock a, m. D. Macrae, jr. dec it 3 59 11 Secretary. 11 ust be Sold "gY DECEMBER 15TH, CERTAIN. SO CALL now and get BULBS and other Flowering Roots at your own price. : 230 North Front St. The Druggist. WHO IS GLIDD0N ? Rev. A. M. Gliddon, OF LONDON, WILL DELIVER HIS HUMOR OUS AND POPULAR LECTURE. WOOING, A Benedict's INNING, or : view of the Philosophy EARING,: of Marriage, AT THIS OPERA HOUSE, Tuesday Night, Dec 3d, 1889. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. -Re served scats 35 cents atTates' Book store. nov30 2t CLITDE'S Now York & Wilmington Steamship Co FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER NEW? YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts At 3 o'clock, P. M. '-. BENEFACTOR ...... Saturday, Dec. ? GULF KTKEAM ........Saturday, Dec. li iiENEFACTOR Saturday, Dec. 21 GL'LF STREAM v. . Saturday, Dec. 28 FROM WILMINGTON ; GULF STREAM.... ...'......Friday, Dec. 6 BENE FACTOR .V. ... . ...FrldayJ Dea li GULF STREAM .V......:Friaay,Dec 20 BaNEKACTOK..,.. ...... . . . - ; Friday, Dec. 2T , 3r Through Bills Lading and Ixwest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points in North nun Quuu Carolina. for Freight or Passage apply to-. ; II. O. siiALLBONKS, Superintendent, , , " ' wnmmgton, N u. r .TUEU. E. EG CHl Traffic Manager. New YorTc WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Aeents. i decs 5B0W11E2 Green, KevrYora ! N JEW A D VI2KT1SK31 12N T8. OF ALL NEW STYLES. - - - V. LADIES' ANI. CHILDREN'S FUICS, MISSES1 CLOAKS AN D NEW3IAKKBTS In PhUds an Solid Color; LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, - ' ' 4 . LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, ; In Colors arid Fast Black. : Dress Goods and Trimmings. ; Another lot PASS A M ENT E RI E, and almost anything new and'pretty. . BLACK i:ILKS FOXt. MONDAY NEXT. We have never had sucli demand new lot will be opened on MONDAY riuu iriuiiiiiugM ior sasne. 3 i-.t I r no v 80 tf NORTH FRONT STREET. r lANN EL CASH HOUSE! Cash CASH LADIES, GENTS, CHILDREN. Ribbed and Merino, worth 35c to 40c for 25c each.v Ladies7 Ribbed Vests 3Vc. - Ladies' Merino Vests and Pants 4Jc. BARGAINS IN. LADIES' RIBBED VESTS. ; Worth 40c for S25c each, worth 75c for 48c, worth Oc for GOct worth $1.25 for l8c, worth 81. 50 for $1.19. ' AGENTS FOIt AUSTRALIAN WOOL UNDjElfiWISAli FOlt li ll ES VEST SAND lAN'Cs"$ 1 .40 E ACH. Ladies' Scotch Wool Underwear -Vests and Pants $1.75 each C E fAJ T S ' U W D E R V E A R. ; Great bargains to be had in this Department.' - : Merino Vests and Drawers 4t)c each. Vests and Drawers, regular price $1.00, now 75c each. .Gents' Red Medicated Flannel Vests and Drawers, worth '.$1.40 for 98c each. - Gents' Scarlet Medicated Cochineal Dye Vests-and Drawers, .worth $2.25.for $1.39 each. . ... Agents for Gents' Medlicott's Flannel Underwear ! S3. 96 a Suit. BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S FLANNEL UNDERWEAR FROM 10c -UPWARD. BOYS' ALL-WOOL SCARLET VESTS 59c EACH. ' M: M. K. A T Z ' 116 Rflarket St., Witmington, O . COAL & WOOD. 2,000 Tons Coal OF BEST VARIETIES AND SIZES NOW IN STOCK AND SELLING ATIPOPU LAR PRICES. 200 Cords Wood OF THE ;BEST KINDS READY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY. Cut for Stoves, etc., when so preferred. . J. A. 8PRINGER. Wanted;. 50000 ItACC00N S K IN6-5,000 O POS- sum Skins, 20,000 Fox Skins, 10,000 Mink Skins. 10,000 Skunk Skins. 5,000 Otter Skins, 5.000 Deer Skins. - CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt. novo d&wtf Christmas Cards, rVHRISTMAS NOVELTIES. JUST RECEIV- ea and wui be exhibited durius the rom-j ingweek. MUNDS BROTHER?, nov 23 U 101 N. Front St. Send in Your Wort ! r AM STILL AT THE SAME OLD STAND. ON 1 second -street, and am ready to repair an nn -ry Xllenlty ", kinds of Furnirure and Domestic Articles. i;ylFfcU JK U f irrlllj Jf'Sp will do the work well and ray charges are -al-; . - ways moderate, sat inaction guaranteed in ; ' evc1T instance. a rAlinABi ' . t - i5 Market Stroet.- Second street, bet. Market anl Prtacesv . . n. .tiuiuvi uuuou POTlOtf 1 r.ovutf NEW AOVJEUTISEIICUTD for BLACK SILKS and an entireh NEXT of Beautiful Failles in MA.k NEXT. of Beautiful Failles in bla , .. . t-Slaughferby-: . underwbM ! House HOUSE1 Vests. - H. CRONENBERG, PHOTO GKAPIlisK, " " A RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable prices. . FRAMING A SPECIALTY " . -Jyv23tf . llGtf Market sL Soutn;ldc :0: RECEIVED DAILY AT, THE LADIES' EMPORIUM. THE LADIES AND THE TUBLIC 0NU - ". ALLY,. ARE RESPECTFULLY', IN VI ' TED .TO CALL AND EXAM. ISE.TIIEM. v