T1I1S FAFEB pushed every eveningr. Sundays excepted. ' PBy josh. T. JAMES. Editor and Prop. aUTCSCRTFTXOT, POSTAGE PAID: uflA sLt months 12-oa Tnroo 0D year, nonius. fLOfc one month, 83 cents, paper will be delivered ty earners, free rfXnie. 1Q w part of tlje mT' at U,c'al)0V0 m or 10 cents per wee. .drertLsinS rates low and UberaL rf-miscrlDers will please report any and ' Jfciiures to receive their paper regularly. presents in the mos elegant form THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE or TUB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be mo.st beneficial to the . human sytem, funning an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual. Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the . KIDNEYS, LIVER AIID BOWELS. It is the most exccltofit remedy known to CLM'S THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious r Constipated f so THAT " PURE CLOOO, REFRCSHISIO 8 LB CP, HEALTH and STRENGTH ' NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every- one is using it and all are delighted with it. . ASK YOUR DRUOQIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, VHHSVtLtr. Kl. NEW YORK. It. Y For sale by - ItOHERT B- BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, nich 36 ly dw Wilmington, N. C Inherited Ulood Poison. flow many people there are whose distress from sores, aches, pains and eruptive ten dencies are due to Inherited blood poison Bad blood passes from parent to child,and It Is therefore Is the duty of husband and wife ifo keep their blood pure. This is easHy accom plished by a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., At lanta, tor book of most convincing proof. James Hill. Atlanta, Ga , writes: 'My two son3 were afflicted with blood poison, which doctors said was hereditary. They both broke out in sores and eruptions which B. B. is. promptly controlled and finally cured com pletely." Mrs. s. M. Williams, Sandy, Texas, writes: "My three poor afflicted children, who Inher ited Wood poison, have improved rapidly after a use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend." J. R. Wilson, Jlen Alplno 8talon, N. a. Pea, 13. 1885, writes: "Bone and blood poison forced me to have my leg amputated, and on the stump there came a large ulcer, which grew worse very day until doctors gave me up to die, I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to take B. B. B., and 13 bottles increased my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound ana weiL I never knew what good health was before." Standard Flavoring HOUSEKEEPERS can prove byasingle trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; ey are true to their names, full measurei nd highly concentrated, f '" &ug23diw6m eod nrm Buckets, Brooms j Baskets, Paper, PAPER BAGS, TWINES, Wank Rooks. Sfaiionoryj SCHOOL SUPPLIES, &c. Full Stock !-. Bottom Prices.! mington Paper Com p'y3 116 NOUTH WATER ST. FT 5B 1 I VOL XIII WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1889. NO 286. - THE PRK3IDEMS MESSAGE. President Harrison's message was read yesterday in both houses of Congress. It is a lengthy doc ment but it is not a very able one. What he has to say, however, he says plainly and succinctly. It gives no new information and makes no new recommendations. It will probably be classed as one of the most ordinary documents on file at V V"'' Xltc ,ssumcu,,l,Kringaslowasl2icerftper pound about it, however, that is peculiar, j !-. finn Ul rni, , I,. IK! and that is in tne fact that he is fol- lowing close upon the heels of what , Mr. Cleveland said that the Demo- ! cratic party proposes to do. just as I soon as they get in power again, which will be at the next election, i Mr. Harrison's recommendations as to tne ran ti reiorm are a weaK tui tion of those submitted by Mr. Cleve land but they are not by any means as clear and as lucid as could be de sired. He wants the tariff reduced and he wants all of the protection possible to home industries. In other words he tries to graft the Democratic doctrine of tariff reduc tion, on the Republican cry of pro tection. -'What sort of a hybrid the result will bo it is difficult to decide. There is another remarkable, en dorsement of the Democratic, party and the Democratic policy in this paper. The Bland silver bill, which enjofued upon the government the coinage of two million silver dollars every month, was" a Democratic measure and was received with bowls of derision by the Republican press and the Republican politicians and yet Mr. Harrison is moved to say that "the sevil anticipations which have accompanied the coin age and the use of the silver dollar have not been realized." Verily "the world do move." Mr. Harrison wants the pension roll increased; of course he does. He does'nt go so far as to recom. mend a service pension but ho thinks that those who left the ser vice sound and healthy, but. who have since become incapacitated for hard labor and are in need, should be pensioned. This is in face of the fact that Mr. Harrison recommends that the taxes should be reduced by the abolition of the tax on tobacco and a qualified tax on spirits. The President speaks of the new Navy begun by Mr.Cleyeland, urges continued improvement of Jimport-' ant rivers and harbors and bars and hopes (a la Cleveland ) that some speedy provision will be made for coast defences. He urges the enact ment of a general bankrupt law and devotes considerable part of his message to Civil Service Reform. Just what position he takes on this last we are uterly unable to inform our readers. They must peruse it themselves. It possesses no mean ing for us. In view of the tact that Mr. Har rison urges a reduction of the taxes on the one. hand and an increased pension roll on the other, the fol lowing financial statement will be of interest: The aggregate receipts from all sources for the yearvere$3S7,050,058. 84 derived as follows. From customs $223,832,741.69; from internal revenue $130,881,513.92; from miscellaneous sources 132,335,803.23. The ordinary expenditures for the same period were $281,996,615,G0,and the total ex penditures including the sinking fund were $329,570,929. 2a. The ex cess of receipts over expenditures was after providing for the sinking fund $57,470,129.50. For the current fiscal vear the total revenues, actual and estimated, are $385,000,000, and the ordinary expenditures, actual and estimated,are $293,000,000, inak ing with the sinking fund, a total expenditure of $341. 321,116. 90,leaving an estimated surplus of $43,678,883,01, 'In other words the last fiscal year of the , Cleveland administration, which ended with last June, cost the people282 millions wlrile the first year of Harrison's teruCwill cost 293 millions, just eleven millions more for Harrison's first year than for Cleveland's "last. And with this dif ference: Expenditures for the year which cloAed with lnt June are actual,, while those for the current vear are estimated. No sane man' doubts, even without a service pen sion, that they will foot up at least 800 million at the close of the year. salvation Oil is tho greatest cure on earth for pain. It affords instant meanwhile, if any suffer from a relief and speedy cure toall sufferers "bad spell" of he'adaehe, snperin from rheumatism, neuralgia, head- duced by constipation, ask your ach. sore throat, pain in tho back, ; druggist for Dr. Pierce1 -Pleasant side and limbs, cuts, - bruises,&:c, Laundry Ironing Stoves are sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw.. Co. s t -1 j INDEX TO NEW ADVERTXSXXXKTS; ' JD Ncrr Druggist ' mcnds Bros Pharmacists W M CtrstMiva Mattresses Fct.ler Bbos Mules for sale G G Aman Oysters, Poultry, etc . W P OLanAMN. C. Concord Wine james wilsox nouses and Lots for Sale ' - For other local see fourth page. Dressed turkeys sold this morn.- . .A- We now have the best Pocket Scissor made. N. Jaeobi Hdw. Co. t Fresh pork, corn fed, sold this morning at 6i cents per pound, per hog. New River and Stump Sound oys ters were in good supply this morn ing at 80 cents, to $1 per gallon. Shot, Cartridges, Xoaded Shells and ammnnition of all kinds for sale bv the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. - You will find a nice assortment of Rifles at the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Just the article to make your boy happy. t Heating Stoves of all kinds and sizes. We will give you substantial goods and low prices. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t A few piano music scholars can be accommodated on application to No. 302 South Second street. Ap plyfrom 0 to 4 o'clock. tf You can get all sizes in goodand heavy Canton Flannel Dra'wers at 50 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 122 Market street, tf Little Miss Annie Bell Kure cele brated her sixth birthday last night with a very pleasant little party at her father's residence, corner Castle and Second streets. Our special correspondent at Washington City, "Jacobus," has a very interesting letter on the third page of this issue which will bo read with delight, especially by the ok timers. Those in want of a home of their own are advised to consult the ad vertisement of Hon. James Wilson, as it appears in this issue, offering desirable, building lots for sale in various sections of the citv. Cutlery. Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. We keep everything in this line that you can possibly desire, and our prices are the lowest. Drop in and look at our assortment. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Mr. II. H. Fuller, of the Four Ful ler Brothers, is in the city with a number of fine young mules, strong, hearty and well-broken. They can be seen at Capt. Southerland's stables, where Mr. Fuller will be on hand to show them. For good New River oysters, per fectly sound and sweet, our readers would do well to call on Mr. Of. G. Aman, in the store in the Northern end of Front st reet market. ' He has them fresh every day, open and in the shell. See ad. in this.issue and give him a call. Sir. Gliddon's lecture, Rev.Mr.Gliddon's delightful lecture was delivered at the Opera House last night to a small audience. It was a rare literary treat, and was worthy of a math largerattendance. It will be repeated tonight, and at St. Luke's Church. The proceeds are for the benefit of the building fund of the Central Baptist Church. Open Next Saturday. We understand that the Purcell House will probably be opened to the travelling public next Saturday afternoon. Some delary has been occasioned by unexpected obstacles but these have all been overcome and the last touches are being put tolevery thing. The lights' are being arranged now and there will be elecj trie light everywhere, except in the chambers, where gas will be used. A Had Spell. A merchant' clerk. wrote a check for forty dollars, and .spelled the numerical adjective 'f-o-u-r-t-y." Hi employer directed his attention to the error, with the. remark, "you seem to have u bad stpelt this morn ing." to which the clerk replied, "sure enough; I've left out the T h'-" ! Let us hope the clerk will still further amend his orthography, : Purgative Pellets. ; Entirely vege-' j rangemeots of the liver, stomach and bowels. - - -' - v V ;:-,;- .'-jJ Confirmed." The favorable impression pro duced on the first appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago" has been more than confirmed by the pleas j ant experience of all who have used I "a. , n: . . ii . j " . il, aim tue success oi uie proprietors and manufacturers, the California Fig Syrup Company. I.bgt in Loudon. This is a good play and it wiil be presented at the,)pera House to night b a good company. In say ing this we pin our faith upon the comments, of our near neighbors. It has achieved success the past three seasons, solely through giviug a meritorious performance that all classes of theatre-goers can appre ciate. . The play is'sO simple story of wo" man's weakness and man's devotion told in good English with an easily defined plot. It gives, however, a faithful picture of English North country life. The special features introduced are strong and original, making the entertainment doubly interesting and attractive. The spe cial scenery of thi& production will be placed on the stage as advertised, and a thoroughly satisfactory en tertainment is guaranteed. Scribner'g fop December. , The holiday number of Scribners Magazine is an unusually fine issue. It is the best that has yet been is sued of the series. There is a larger amount of matter, more illustra tions and a greater variety of enter tainment than has yet been dished up to the reading public. The fron tispiece is a full-page illustration of "Breton Peasants at a Wayside Cross," and the principal contents are "How the Other Half Lives," a study among the tenements and slums of New York. "In the Valley" is continued in chapters -'XIIXIY.;. Mrs. Tom's. Spreo is fv well told epi sode of Summer life; "Evening" is a handsomely illustrated morceau; ."The "Pardon of St. Anno D' A u fay," with numerous and handsome illns trations, tells of Breton life; "Hap piness," a pretty little poem, is by Edith Wharton; "A Midwinter Night' Dream" tells of a sudden spasm of waywardness and an early and happy forsaking of the same. "Contemporary American Carica ture" is the best thingof the season. It is also profusely . illustrated; "Notes of a Sub-Tropio Journey" tells of the quiet life of the natives in the Bahama islands. "At Les Eboulements," a poem, is by Dun can Campbell Scott. "The Age of Worlds," a philosophic disquisition, closes this truly delightful number. Published by Chas. Scribner's Sons, New York, at $3 a year. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by expelling impurity from the blood, -which is the cause of the complaint. Give it a trial. Refreshing and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water, as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeuf new soda fountain at a temperature' of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water. ; NEW ADVEKTI8ENENTS. A i i ' wi i , .i.., ' : i. Mules ! Mules ! Mules ! JUST ARRIVED AT SOUTHERLAND'S stables, a fine lot of MULES, for sale by the tour Fuller Bros Good stock, youug, healthy, sound and well broken. Call and see them. - Respectfully, , .dec 4 2t II. B. FULLER. Oysters and So Forth. : EVER Y DA YIN THE WEEK 1 OFFEUFOK sale Fresh Kew llver Ojsters: J keep none but the very best and never offer an un sound oyster. Every bucket guaranteed. Also, a general assortment of Poultry, Farm Pro ducts, c. The best or everything and nol h tng but the Best. g. AMAN, : lec 4 eod tf Front Street Market sujre. BUILDING LOTS AND HOUSES AND LOTS for sale on' the instalment plan on Castle, Ohurch, Nun. Ann, Orange, Dock. Market, Princess. Chestnut, Walnut. Mulberry, Red cross. Rankin, Front. Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson. Eighth. Ninth, Tenth. Dickinson, Wood, Charlotte, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Money to loan those wishing to build. Apply to . ' JAMES WILSON. dec 4 2w. - . Office of D. O'Connor, J uot Received i SOTflEKXOT OF THAT SPLENDID N. a concord -wine, prepared for chutcband table YHje. ; ' w. p.joldham, I dec a st iX u ; : : ;r 1 NEW ADVEBTISKM BNT8.' The Ladies a n d t he Publi c C e h e ra 1 1 y ARE CORDIALLY -INVITEIVTO ATTEND; - , - y ' AT .. . THE LABIES3 E IOPOircrp 115 MAKKKT STKEET. ' - - T!IUKSI)A, FRIDAY AND SATTIRDAY - OF THIS We propose to give a cash discount of Si per ceut. on the dollar, to all CASH PURCHASERS on these days; presented to each find every cash customer. RespectfuIIv, IUI R S . E . B . W dec-3 tf Q reat Slaugliterfpf FLANNEL UNDERWEAR ! O A. S Jc EE O -A. S 3rd: Cash f. "gs-tgipB LADIES, GENTS, CHILDREN. Ribbed and Merino, worth J55c to 4(ic for 125c each. v' : ' - Ladies' Ribbed Vests ol)c. ' , Ladies' Merino Vests and Pants 4!)c. . BARGAINS IN LADIES' RIBBED 7ESTS ; Worth 40c for H5c each, worth 75c for 48c, worth 8C for !C, worth $1,125 for 8c, worth 81 50 for $1 15. '.: r"-: AGENTS FOK AUSTBALIAH WOOL UUDEKWEAU FOK LAI)IKS-VKSI8 ANI PANTS- 1 .4? E A C II . LaclicB' Scotch Wool Underwear -Vests ami Pants $1.75 acli CELTS' UNDERWEAR. Oreat-bargains to be had in this Department. " V . . . - . ' "; Merino Vests and Drawers40c each. ''.'.,."..:. ' Vests and Drawers, regular price $1.00, now 75c each.; . ' v Gents' Red Medicated Flannel Vests and Drawers, wortlv $1,4() fo'r 58c each. . ' - ,. v rfents' Scarlet Medicated (Jochineal Dye Vests and Drawer, worth $12 125 for $1.:55) each. Agents for Gentsr Medlicott's Flannel Underwear Y S3. 96 a Suit. BARGAINS -IN CHILDREN'S FLANNEL UNDEUWEAR FROM 1 J)c UPWARD. ' v , . ; BOYS' ALL-WOOL SCARLET VESTS 5Jc EACH. M. M. K. A T Z ' 118 Rflarket St.f Christmas Cards, QIIRISTMAS NOVELTIES. JUST RECEIV ed and will be exhibited durlDg the com ing week, nov 23 tf MUNDS 13ROTIIERS, 104 N. Front St. OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY. DEC. iTII. "LOST IN LONDON," NEWTON ISEElt!.' - . Great Lyric Production. Introducing THE NORTH D RITA IN FAN PIPE SINGERS, and special scenery by Seorey. Reserved Seats at Yates' Tuesday morning. Send in Your Work ! T AM STILL AT THE SAME OLD STAN D, ON 1 Second street, and am ready to repair all Kinos or Furnuure ana uomesue Arucies. i will do the work well and mycharges are'al waya moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. " - J.B.FARRAR, - Second street, be Ularket and Prlnress. nov 19tf H. CROKENBERG, PHOTOGIIAPHKR, RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY - EXECUTED Photorapha at reasonable prices. , ' .FRAMING A SPECIALTY. 1 Jy 29 tt linitf Market st.. south side. r gY DECE51BER 15TII, CERTAIN. SO CALL now and get BULBS and other .Flowering 4HRoots at your own prteerK r -"'K: 220 North Front Bt, y;;i- y The Druggist. j .;'': - - '- - lfJ4' .wllviv we will to claa to i . rciro ccnmunicatl from our fxicii&j ea tzy ana allBTirjrrta general 'latCKtia;;:-"-' . - Tho rlsi3 ci tia miter nvzi always to nishcatotiiortcr, ' y : - commtaiicaticns cwst t5 written on t n one siao or tho paper ,7 - Personalities riinst to avciici 4 Ana it 13 especially parti cziarly tmder stood that the Eaitor does not always enflors the views of rorresponaenta " cnlcss bo stated in the editorial columns., :.' :,NEV ADVERTISEJ51J2IITJ3 WKEK. v and a handsome Souvenir will be I G C I W S , Agt, 115 MARKET STiXEET. O XT S IB 1 duse !E3I O U-S E 1 :0: Vests. Wilmington TJ. C. CLYDE'S New York & Wilmington Steamship Co M- FROM PIER 29. EAST, RIVER NEW 'YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevtlfrsta N At 3 o'clock, P.M. - . . BENEFACTOR .., GULF STREAM.. BENEFACTOR ... GULF STREAM.. ; Saturday, Dec. ,.saturday; Dec. 1 1 Saturday, Dec. 21 .. .;... Saturday; Deci FROM WILMINGTON GULF STREAM.... Friday, Dec. f, BENEFACTOR.. ....Friday, Doc. ill GULF STUEAM...i,,..........Fritay, Dec. 20 BENEFACTOR..........,..... Friday, Dec. 27 r tM7 i nrougn. iui3 laamg ana uowest tiuo j lutes guaranteed to and from points In North - i and south Carolina. . . . j For Freight or Passage apply to ; I U G. SMALLBONES. Superlntendont v - Wilmington, N tY : THEO. TL EG ER; .Traffic Manager. ' ' v New York. YM. P. CLYDE & ca. Genl Agents, dec 3 ' - 5 Bowling Green,' New Yorf. f ' ' Wanted .?fj-i-: 5()t000 llf cc00 SKIXS'r'n0 r- sum Skins, 20,000" Fox f Skins, 10,000 iTfil: Skins. 10,000 sicun!; SkinW s.caD otter Stlns, 5,000 Deerskins. - v C1IAS. F. BROWNE, Agt. nov 5 k tt - Wt