Dr. DU LL'S facilitates Teething and regulates toe jjowcis. as ,aU draetfsts. Price 25 eta. B Dr. BULL'S ABY SYRUP ijiLv!r?nllK ,7 V U Cures-Coughs, Colds, Dill MO DULL O Hoarseness, , Asthma, Bronchitis, Pfl 1 1 H U CrouP-In9" pient Con-kUUuFl sumption, and relieVes Consump- Q WD 1 1 E) tive Persons. 25 cents. O I Si U I otinirt: LANGE'S CtfSEB CIGARETTES for Ca WHUKC tarth. Price 10 Cts, At all druggists. IllO BlImjiIalOH Hie torpid liver, slronj ohm tiis(li irost ivcorzraiiM. rcsri lutes bowels and are uncqiinlcit us tin AHTi-BiUOUS MEDICINE. ' In malarial iiisjrici.s tlicir virtues are widely recognized, uh t lacy possess pec uliar properties in freei nj t lie system from that poison. Elegantly sugar coated. loe small. Price, 25cts. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. A VOICE cm " v a. X J I ( A 1 from Ohio. Here is )oitr;iit of Mr. (ixrri son, of Snlcin, Oliio. He vritt : '-Was at wntk on a limn lor Jj20 a innntli; I now have an Sfrnicv E. C. AIIpii A t o s 1ohii mid utii- tions a n d often make :SiIO a day. Signed) W. II. U KKiON. William Klim". IUrrilMirr. r?.. tvntfs: "I have never known mivlhinir In sell like your allium. Veterl.iy I tofk Arl-'i enoiijih to pay me nver JS2.V" V. .1. I.I. nre, Han ror, Jle., miin: I lake an order t'r voiir allun at Imost every liout-o I visit. My profit isolteiiaikniiiriinsafiScO lor a sinple day's wink.'" Others are doing quite a, ell , we hane not spm e to give ex- raets fruni their letters. Kvenr on trho takes hold ofthis rrand business piles npprand profiis. Shall we start YOU in 4 this business, reader?- Write to 11 s and learn all abont it for yourself. We art starting many : wewillslai t you if yii don t delay nntil another trets ahead of you in your part of the eountrv. If you take hold yon will be able to piek tip cld fast, t&f tS:il On account of a forced ninnufactiiier sale 1 ti."i.OOO clolliir lhotogr:ili Alliums utrl'i he soi.1 to the people for 92 each. Hound in Koyal Crimson Silk Velvet I"lush. Channinjrly decorated insides. lljiitlMiuest albums in the world. Larpest tize. Greatest bur-rain ever Known. A penis rranted. Liberal terms. Ui;r money for apent. Any one can become a successful apent. hells itself on ipht little or uo talking necessary. Wherever shown, every one wants to pur chase. Ajp-nts take thousands of orders with rapidity never before known. Great profits an ait every worker. Agents ars making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men. You, reader, can do as well as any one. & Full information and terms free, to those who write for same, w ith particulars and terms for our Kstnily Bible?. Books and Periodicals. After you know all, bould yon conclude to po uo further, whv no harm is done. Address E. C. ALLEN & CO.," Al'Ul'STA, MAI 5 1. 1890. . Harper's Weekly , ILLUSTRATED. Habpek's Weekly has a well-established place as the leading illustrated newspaper Id America. The fairness of Its editorial com ments on current politics has earned for It the respect and confidence of all Impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of its lite rary contents, which Include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit It for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. The Weekly supplements are of remarkable variety, in terest, and value. No expense Is spared to bring the highest order ot artistic ability to bear upon the - illustration or the changeful phases of home and foreign history. A Mexi can romance, from the pen of Thomas a. Janvier, will appear in the Weekly in 1890. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PKR TEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 IIARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.... 2 00 i Postage Free, to all suhscrinrrs in tfte United States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. ; . Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (proviaea tue ireigni aoes not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per vol. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent bv mall, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of 'loss Newspapers are not to cow tJtis adrertisement without the express order o' Harper & Brothers Address HAKl'KP-i liKOTIIEKS. nov 20 New York Harper's Young PeoDle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEKKLY. . The Eleventh Volume of Hater's Yocxg People, which begins with the Number for Novembers, I8S3. presents an attractiva pro gramme. It will oiler to its readers at least four serials of the usual length, and others In two or three parts, namely. "The Red Mus tang." by William O. Stoddard; "Phil and the Baby," by Lucy c. Lillie; "Prince Tom my," by Jonx Rcssell Coryell; and "Moth er's Way," by Margaret E. sangstek; two short serials by IIjalmar Ujorth Uoyesen. Two series of Fairy Tales will attract the at tention of lore rs of the wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tales told by Uowakd PYLE.and so admirably Illustrated by him, and a- other series in a different vein by Phase M. Bick nell. There will be short stories by w. D. ho wells, thomas nelsos page, mary e. Wilxiks Nora Perry, Harriet - Prescott Spoffobd, David Kkr, Hezekiaii Bdtter wobth, Sophie swett, Kichard Malcolm Johsstos, etc i A subscription to Harper's Yocsg People secures a Juvenile library, i here is useful knowledge, also plenty of amusements Loston Advertiser. . Terms Postage Prepaid, $3 prvear. Vol. Xlpegim Xomrtbera,lSg$. " Specimen Copy 9nt on receipt of txoo-ccni ttamp, :, .. , ..... v- -, . Single Number, Five Cents each. " Remittances should be made ' by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Xewepa-pers are not to copy this advertisement vow vout the express order of Harper Brothers , v Address T HARPER BROTHERS. SOT SQ UewYCI Th.o Doily Review, I Josn. T. James, Editor & PropV. ' Wilmington. N. C. THURSDAY. DEC. 10. 1839. Entered at the Postofflce at Wilmington, N.C. as second-class matter. Whenever careful and trustworthy ! statistics have been obtained, it hasj been found that more male thun f diseases o! the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. TIio Verdict Unauimous. W. I). Suit. Dru?Bistt Bippos. Ind., testifies: I can rccimmend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle has civen relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cur ed of ville. Ohio, affirms: Tbe best sellmz medicine 1 have ever handled in my 20 years' ixperience. is Electric Bitter9." Thusarids of cithers have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unani- . J ll m iiis that K eetnc UHters ao cure mi female children have been born, lu Great Hiitain the proportion for 4 the last ten venrs has been found to be 1,041 majes-to 1,000 females. . Th last returns of the central statistical bureau at Stockholm rive the population of Sweden at the end of 1888 as 4,748,257, against 4,717,189 at the end of 188G. The rural population amounted to 3,888,049, and the urban to 860,208, but the latter is increasing steadilj-. The number of males was 2,301,104, and of females, 2,447,153. The number of persons employed last-year in and about the mines in the United Kingdom under the coal mines regulation act was 534,f.f5, of whom 3,92o were women work'ing above ground. In these mines there were 821 fatal accidents and 883 deaths, the number of accidents being nine less than in the preced , ing year, and the number of deaths 107 less. The nickel-in-the-slot contrivance has been utilized for the sale of postage stamps. A machine has brew invented which will prodpee a two-cent stamp when two pennies are placed in tlie sior. i ngre are also machines so contrived that a largo number of stamps can be ob tained when ten or Uftvceiit pieces are used. The inventor of tfie ma chine wants the Government to adopt it. ... ... .. . The present estimated population of the JJnited States is 04,000,000 The rate of increase, exclusive of immigration, is estimated at 1.8 per cent, per annum about 100.000 month. 13y lmmigratun tne .in crease of population averages over 43,000 a month, or over 500,000 year ly. The aggregate annual growth from both causes does not fall far short of 1,750,000. The estimated foieign population is not much be low 14,000,000. f " Tlie Fall Conrta- f ' ' The Fall terms of Superior Courts ' in t,5c Sr.it a will be as follows: First (Edenton) District Judge Gilmer Curritnck, Sept, 2; Cam Spnt, 0: ' Pasauotank, Sept. 10; Rheumatism ot 10 years stand-:; i'erquiiuans,oepu,wuuv,.M V iT- inz" Abraham Hare, druggist, Ken- su; wares, tcu t ""-.r'A:' Wasnington, oer. hi; ijnr-u, 28; Dare, Nov. 4: Hyde, Nov. 11; Pamlico, Nov, 18; Beaufort, Nov. 2o. Second (Halifax) District Judge. Boykin Warren, Sept. 16; North ampton, Sept. 30; Edgecombe, Oct. 14; Bertie, Oct. 28; Halifax, Nov. 11; Craven, Nov. 25. . ' , Third (Wilson) District Judge MacRae Martin, Sept. 3, Dec. 2; Pitt, Sept, 16; Greene, Sept. 30: Vance, Oct. 14; Wilson, .Oct. 28; Franklin, Nov. 11; Nash, Nov. 18. Fourth (Raleigh) District Judge Arm Geld Harnett; Aug. 5, Nov. 25; Johnson. Aug. 12, Nov. 11; Wayne, Sept. 9, Oct. 14; Wake, Sept. 2?, (criminal term) Oct. 22 (civil term). Fifth rilillsboro) District Judge Graves Granville, July 22, Nov. 25: Orange, Aug. 5, Nov. 11; Person, Aug. 19, Nov. 18; Guilford, Aug. 26; Dec. 6; Chatham, Sept. 30: Durham, Oct. 14: Alamance, Oct. 28. Sixth rWiliuinsrtoxj) Di Judge Bynum Duplin, Au Only halt a dollar a bottle at Robert it. Bellamy's wholesale and retail drug store.. DE CE Xt K Fili D ROL,TEII IKS. High protection A sealskin over coat. Arithmetic is the sum of many a small boys trouble. Merchant Trav eler. . The boot is a very helpful institu tion. It has given "many . a man a lift, Binghamton Herald. Poetry is said to be a gift, and no one'kuows it so well as the poet who tries to sell it. Binghamton Herald. Some men can get alon? "on their individual merits, bnt the oarsman must always be "a man with a pull The Salt Lake 2'ribnnc says the Scandinavians are rapidly leaving the Mormon Church. The Scandin avian Methodists and Lutherans are the cause of it. For two years or so they have worked: quietly, but most effectually, among the Scandinavian saints, and have cut swath after swath, inthe ranks of the church. At the rate thev have been holding revivals and gather ing in the harvest from the Mor won fields, there will only be a cor poral's guard of Scandinavians left in Salt Lake Israel by .another year. They are being converted faster to Christianity than the elders can send over fresh supplies, and when once tjon verted from Mormonism make excellent citizens. - -.--; Catarrh is a common disease, so common that snuffing arid "hawk- ing" reach you at every turn. Your foot slips in its nastv discharge, in the omnibus or in ehurc.h, and its stench disgusts at the lecture or concert. The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy offer $500 reward tor a case of Catarrh which they cannot cure. Remedy sold by druggists, at 50 cents. The horse sometimes distinguishes himself for his neigh-borly manner. - - - PEOPLE EVERYWHERE Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is magic and relieves at once. We offer you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Reme dy. is sold on a positive guarantee by J iuuncis iiros., tiruggists. . . --" Of course it is not a crime to be poor, but it might just as well be so as long as its penalties are so severe. CAUTION TO MOTHERS. Every mother is cautioned against giving her child laudanum or pare goric; it creates an unnatural crav ing for stimulants which kills the uitud .or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is specially prepared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Munds Bros., druggists. . One Fact Is worth a column of rhetoric, said an American statesman. It is a fact, established by .the testimony of-thousands of people, that Hood's Sarsaparilla does cure scrofula, salt rheum, and other diseases or affec Hons arising from impure state or low condition of the blood. It also overcomes that tired feeling, creates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part of the system. Try it. . j. . . The "man who eats oleomargarine feeds'onjhe fat of the land. . v PIMPLES ONTHEFAntl Denote an impure state of the bloot and are looked upon by many with suspicion. Ackers Blood Elixir wil remove all impurities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing that will so thoroughly build t.p the constitution, purify an strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed bv Munds Bros., druggists. . "It Works Like a CHarm." Kulon s Mairnetic Jjimment is a safe and speedv cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Gout, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Diph theriu. Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painful alfections. For sale hy Munds Brothers. . -- r ..4. isiric-i Tea, Hood's rllla Hood Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, builds up weak and debilitated systems, gives strength to weakened nerves, overcomes that tired feeling, tones the digestive organs, invigorates and reg ulates the kidneys and liver, expels disease, .nd glve3 vigorous health. Young people say: "It is the best Makes medicine Ave ever took." ' Old people say: "-It makes the Weak us feel young again." So fifrrtl . good a medicine may well oiro n 5 be called "he true Elixir of TJfn Hood's Sarsaparilla Is, sold by all drug gists. $i ; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. jan 1 lyrd&wnrm . mws 2d 25; Lenoir, Aug. 9, JNov.-ii; renaer. Sept 9; New Hanover, Sept 23; Sampson, Oct, 7, Dec. 9; Carteret, Oct, 21;Jones,Oct. 28;Onslow,Nov. 4. Seventh (Favetteville) District Judge Shipp Cu iiberland. July 22, Nov. 11; CoIuulJjus. July 29; Moore, Aug. 12, Oct. 28; Anson, Sept. 2, Nov. 25; Brunswick, Sept. 9: Rich mond, Sept. 16, Dec. 2; Robeson, Sept. 30 (three weeks term); Bladen, Oct. 21. Eighth(Salisbury) District Judge Merrimon Iredell, Aug. 5, Nov. 4; Rowan, Aug. 19. Nov. 18; Davidson, Sept. 2, Dec. 2; Randolph, Sept.-16; Montgomery, Sept, 30; Stanly, Oct. 14: Cabarrus, Oct, 28. Ninth (Winston) District Judge Brown Rockingham, July 22, Nov. 4; Stokes, Aug. 5, Nov. 11; Surry, Aug. 19, Nov. 18; Alleghany, Sept. 2; Wilkes, SeptU; Yadkin, Sept. 23; Davie, Oct. Forsyth, Oct, 21. Tenth (Morgantou) District Judge Phillips Henderson, July 15; Burke, Aug. 5; Ashe, Aug. 19; Wa tauga, Aug. 26; Caldwell, Sept, 2; Mitchell, Sept. 9; Yancey, Sept. 23; McDowell, Oct. 7. Eleventh (Charlotte) District, Judge Connor Catawba, July 15; Alexander. July 29; Cleveland, Aug. 5, Oct. 21; -Mecklenburg, Aug. 26; Union, Sept. 16; Lincoln, Sept. 30; Gaston, Oct, 7; Rutherford, Oct, 28; Polk, Nov. 11. Twelfth (Asheville) District Judge Clark Madison, July 29,Nov. 18: Buncombe. Ausr. 12, Deo. 2; MISCELLANEOUS. The Acme MAN TJFACTUEING 00 . MANl'FACTDKERS OP j Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. W l LM INGTONN .C rjHE REPUTATION OF OUK FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, Is now established, and the results of three years' use in the nancs or the best f aimers, or this and other States will attest their value as a high grade manure . The MATTING, maae trom the leaves of our native uine. is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for it is dally increasing. It has vir tues nor round in any other fabric. The FIHKE or WuoL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a - ailing for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light elast ic and proof against insects. . ' certificates from reliable part ies using our sjoods ran be seen at our oince; or will be mail ed upon lie ir ion. Transylvania, Sept. 2; Sept, 9; Jackson, Sept. Sept, 30; Clay, Oct. 7; Oct. 14; Graham, Oct. Nov. 4. Haywood, Macon, Cherokee, 28; Swain, i an 4 t.i iviysjerjtrtrs w itsact:'tnr( iir l in alfort;ii:;4 : W lie C iir.i:.r;iri(( in it-; te)"'l; res n 15. -.Ur ox cellOtUis a 1 ';. uk. niiur. Mar " velous ;ts ' teraiire ,in it? s:im-i.bv.tc''ck!t on a tor -iii tlvr; . A sovereign vur-.' for ' ' : i - .indifco-ritu . v ; p r c a h i i i a i r d wn ir o : a i j?ft tc Kta'd;:v;..e .a n r S U3 ; vam?h as j ffj m; .-'2 aft r ti. k : ujc : f c w JLoc Pj 1!1 1 'S' VLilV speedily when this rtnlKly is taken. There f- ;o r.ioio e!fect:al rcUt l iar the ta.-'ra ai? loatiihig of food due to INTKPiSIXAN' t than this article. Put npinlaifre 75-ceaf. L ? ties. BaujiepackasesiarowrDEi; ftrm sen hy mrt -1 to any address on receipt . ot io cr -n- .i st viii.r. The rcsrulavl inuid form cannot .-ent 4)y mail. MEXICAN J1ED1CINU UO. 100 Xorth 8d St., Philadelnhia, - - w " BISD MMEAl i The grm t secret of thecanary bird breeder; 'f the llartz Mountains iit-.Genuanv. Hire Manna wil restore the songbf cage birds, wil prevent t Si cir ailuent3 and resiore them tc iood condition. If given to n, bird during theseascn ol'shedriirg-feathcrfc, it will inmost coses carry tlie little musician through thi crititalperkitl without loss of song.-" Sent bv iai-1 nn receipt of 15 t. in stamps. IJIRf- OnT CO., 400 X. 3rd .St. -Philadelphia, Pa." ease incut ion this paper, ept 9 tti a: CLYDE'S w York & Wllsiiiitgt The National Lite -AND- Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON.' D. C. 1890; Harper's Bazar, ;r :TLLIT3TRATpj) nwgs'a limn iD . ... fJlvino- th i;r :.a Journal tn. - r vmu iaii'1. nirtsiKi... vi ih. . the : Fashions "ita T nUmPT fashion-plates, and mente are ndlspensafij tt dress-maker and the pr0Lke , ti?V expense la spared in niii0nal tooote1 traMivon0o.ir .making' i,Q oujrs aausiy an tastes. anrfiTa t.liQaif' uiuuasaouagret 6f wit oPaa., u - nitii en . Thorne Mn.i. .r.. "uriDs ... UHIVTIVn TTrr.-. Qnrl . , . K I . , mm mam LUWP 1 , - ""nrv. , II.. - U I IIUT, xju-ujiituer at Home." ThWT n.iaOB- and "The Vomar ottiJ&A J HARPER'S PERIODICA -PER YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR... HARPER'S MAGAZINE..., HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S YOTJNG PEOPLE Postage Free, to all subscrP Stales, Camda. or irextm in r " The Volumes of the Ba7ti oret, umoer for January of each S! !t; no time is mentioned, subscrimi i J.ear- wuh the Number current uSSH Hs?,110. neat cioth'biiJrSJfi: .uittu, - pusuige paid, or bveVniw vuiuiue). tor t? fii ru.. c Cloth Cases for nnh . . vv.A4. fllllllTin ranoinff , win be sent by vwZST receipt of $ioo each. ' i-Psi. itemutances snnnid ho . Money Order or Drart, to avoid cLTJ i Aewspavera are not to copy 'eUJumt the. express order of uSfe AddlVSS : , 1IAKPEK kKJS?. DOV20 Can learn the exact c:: of any; propoEa line c inAmeric by addressii eeo. , P;.:ilow2ll & C; New.- paper Advertising Lureau.' . . ' IO Spruce St , New York, j Send lOcis fop KO-pnoa Pmpf,U THE STATE CHRONICl Successor to the Farmer ana Mechanic i the Chronicle.) . Under New Manageme: NEWSY, BRIGHT AND;CLEA: -... UP WITH THE TIMES. Has Paid to Mem- ' bers Over - .-$600,000 Accrued .Liabili ties - - - - - N ine. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts At 3 o'clock, p. M BENEFACTOR .... GULF STREAM... RENEFAOTOK .... GULF STREAM... .Saturday, Dec. 7 ...Saturday, Dec. 14 . .Saturday, Dec, 21 ...Saturday, Dec. :iS FROM WILMINGTON GULF STREAM Friday, Dec. A uifijN jskau i oit Friday, oec. j:j GULF STKEAM Friday, Dec. 20 bujnefactor. Friday, Dec. 27 rsf Through Bills Lading- and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. nFor Freight or Passage apply to n. u. SMALL.BOMJSS, superintendent, Wilmington, N C. THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen'l Agents, dec 2 5 Bowling Green, New YorK. I When an artist is short of mate rial he draws on his imagination. Statesman. .. . . . . . M rs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are c utting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural,? quiet sleep by ; relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as ''bright as button.". It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne" best known'reme Uy for diarrhoea,' whether arising from teethings or othr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle, July 6 deod&wlv ' ' : . -: - OYSTER ROASTS AM BETTER PREPARED than ever to accommodate mv friends with OYSTERS this season. I will keep none but the Best on hand always MY KTLE GROVE KOASTS a sneclaltv. F.verv- thlng oyerhauled and improved. Oystera ready at short notice and expert shuckeri to open them. special rates to parties. Give me a call and win do my best to please you. Respectfully, W. H. STOKLEY, oot2tf : Wrights vllle nJ The North Carolina Presbyterian ISA KELIGIODS FAMILY NEWPiPEB, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, and devoted, to the intellectual, moral and spiritual interests of the people. It numbers among ita correspondents many of the very best writers of the Southern 1'res byterlan Church. It is thoroughly orthodox on questions of doctrine, but free and out spoken in its views on all open questions. 1 1 allows and invites free discussion within the bounds of courtesy. In popularity the Pkesbttebian is con stantly .advancing, it is - The Paper for the People, and presents in Its columns matter to Interest and instruct all ages, classes and conditions of the people Price per annum, $2 65; or for one year to any new subscriber. f3 15. Address - - JOHN MCLAURIN, - Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C NEW GOODS. Still on Deck. 121 VERY BOD Y OF THE MALE PERSUA Zt felon visiang lviimlngton during the En campment is cordially invited to call and have a Shave, or a Shampoo, or a Haircut, at my establishment, 29 Market street, between Front and Water, only 10 cents for a Shave , 20 cents for a Shampoo, 20 cents for a Hair cut and 20 cents and upwards for Dyeing" v v Respectfully. - JOHN WERNER, J7 9 tf , , Practical Barber and Perfumer." JUST RECEIVED, PER ATLANTIC COAST Line, the finest assortment of FANCY GOODS ever brought to this market, v CANNED GOODS OF ALL. DESCRIPTIONS. White- IIwUIi Peaches, De&crt ApricotP, Grated Bahama Pineapple, Whole Bahama Piueapplo, Caliiornia Pear?, Tomatoes. Green Corn, Ijoh"tr, Ha' mon, &c ,&c. ATM ORE'S GENUINE ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING I OLIVES in all s!ze bottles, from 10c to $1.00 New JAMS of different fruits. A fresh lot of Gordon & Dilworth's cele brated PRESERVES, excelled Ly none. In fact all that one could wish for to tempt their appetite and please their fancy. J UENNE SOUPS, Imported, just received. AAotlier lot or mY celebrated "PAROLE D'HONOR FLOUR" . just arrived by last Call and examine my stock. T Jno. L. ..Boatwright. 15 and' 1 7 Po. Front St. any in the city. 1IOKATIO BROWNING, President. SAMUEL NOKMENT, Treasurer. GEORGE D. irmiDGE, Secretary. Manager an- Actuary, GEO. J. EASTERDAY, Ass't Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestlble Policy. Maturity Value In eash at Fixed Age Annual cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years; ' :' P. S. RIDDELLE. M. D.v Medical Director i W H. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home Office, Central National BanK Building, wasnington. jj. j. . JOHN HAAR, Jr., Local Agent, - - -oct 26 Wilmington; N. C : guns, guns: Single and Double-Barrel Breech and Muzzle Loading. - Pistols, Sportsman's Supplies. e. have a large and fine Stock at f prices iuwui umu uvur uciore oiieren. STOYES STOVES! HEATING AND COOKING. Moss complete Stock, in , the'"-State, low prices will astonish you. - - , Cur P. S. We name no Drices. rmt. wm . . , . XXXCV ; nov is tf Shovels and Tong-sv FiroIo;i, Pocket and Table Cutlery, LadiesV cissors andjWhoars, Axes, aws. Chisels, ' - Hot Sloiirie JriaJ-h, Window Glasp, all slz$ , O Sasli. lors, Paints. Call on us or . write for prices. 1 Cuts cf STOVES furnished on application. ; N. Jacobi Hardware Co., PUE -STATE CnROJUCLE'- W1LI ! what its name implies a State Paper. 1 not the Raleigh "Chronicle," and will be local or sectiouaL It will aim to toe; with the news from Murnhy to Manteo, g the politicians put It, from Cherokee to i rltuck. --. w . -It will be the organ of no man, no arc section, no party. It will be Democrat politics, but will not hesitate to en Democratic measures and Democratic ol OF SUBSCRIPTION I ........... .!.... .......i TERMS One Year Six Months:,.. ...... Shree Months. TFor a sample copy address THE STATE CIIR0NICI1 - . Raleigh. Lime. Lime, LIME rn exchange fer PEOVISIOS. "LIME ' ' 0K0CEBIE :- LIMBOS " DEYGOOH LIME " " " nABDWAK LIME " - " LUMBEB. LIME " CASE. FRENCH, UB0S, TJE.W YORK ESTABLISHED IN M The Oldest and Best : . Family Newspa OCt8tf 12 SO.TRONT ST. Brags and Lhemicaip, 'jno ILET A RT1 CLES. PAT ENT M EDICIN f IS. Shoulder Braces, Trusses, eta, etc. - v -- Also Prescriptions filled day or night at : i Jan 4 T. C.-MILLER'S, J Drur Store. Corner Fourth and Nun sts. Six-Regular Editors; &Pr respondents at H ome Stories Reviews, ' uonueuw- Departments for iarm"j , chants; Hankers, Proiessi' Students, Boys and Gir This year the Obserykb1' ish more than r: FIFTY PllIZESTOBll and -the ablest and jnost writers will contribute nmns. foets anu P'"7 "ieDef; thors, editors, .men of 0 , women ot gem us nj it ' umns ef the , Observer. p give flftv-two unexcelleti Iw- the coming year. . Price, $3.00 a year. . Clergymen, $2.00 a year. Great Inducements ion' nnr ,n - cienrnnan w - scriber, for ONEDOLIIi- B0WB-, tion for a-year in advance ana a rf ber witn o.w, can "TV. niherrj axis Letters." or "Tbe Life i ol Jew u 3. We will send the OBfrji y i . mainderof this yJfti to any new subrtber address and $3.00 in advance , i so bers we wiU alsp glveeKhcr 'Irenaju3Lttters"or 'Tne Aas wanted every ., Large commissions. Sample c. Address, Now rork 0I)sen NEWXOBKr