THIS TAPES CVery eTnins. snndajB excepted, tiwto Tvutor and Prop. " ftnRffTl08, POSTAGE PAID: na six xaontna C0Q. - Tliree W AO 1 1 i. j II 1 ... ! II II M delivered by carriers, free 756 part of tte dt j, at the above orlOcentsperweeJr- . lrttertlSlBs aa w. niease report any and -gawai naDer regularly. V g BT1 8 nW OTTO prents ta the most elegant form TrfS LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE 1 " -OF TITS FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be ' rnoet beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable id effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, OVER AND BOWELS. It ii the most excellent remedy known to SUMS? THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When eft? is Bilious or Constipated -A$o that I PUREELOOO, REFRE8HIHG SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Everj one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. vuusviiur. r. new york. n. y For sale fcv ROtsERT & BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, meli 26 ly d&w Wilmington, N. V. 1 tie, o 1 JrL I fJHE STAR II AS ARISEN, AND DAY-DAWN does appear, just North of Brooklyn Bridge. It shines to greet you with good cheer. lathe newest, neatest, nicest Saloon in the city, ana In connection therewith we run a First-Class RESTAURANT AND 15 A K, trJierp Meals at all hours are served on the European Plan of "buy and eat what you want." OYSTERS and GAME In every style on snort notice. Ample entertainment rooms always open, day and night, wltn Pool and Billiards to amuse you. We are the only ALL sight house where transients and friends from stress of weather can find a warm wel come. Respectfully, CROOM & HOKIlELr, STAR SALOON AND RESTAURANT. So. 703 No. Fourth St, near Fourth st. Bridge. oec93v HOUSEKEEPERS Can prove by a single tn'al that thesa Extracts are the cheapest; vy aretrue to their names, fylfmeasurei nd hyconcentrateQ. -.' w23dtv76m eod nrm . HOLIDAY GOODS ! Fro Crackers, Oranc, Lm-nt ippie, Nut, Katftin, Citron?, Prunes, Currants, Cake, Ctgare, &c. Also, a fun stocfc ot GROCERIES. Send In Jour orders. - ADRIAN & VOLLKKS.x WHOLESALE GROCERS. S. E. cor. Dock and Front Sts. C ountry merchants will do well to give a can. deciatf IlolicUy Presents. YU WILL FIND AT Watson's China store the most handsome line of Holiday Presents in tne city. Don't miss the place. Look for the sign. A. W. WA'IWJ, No. 17 Market street, be tween Front and Water. dec 18 lw Something Eiitireiy Kew JJAXDSOME, SOLID, CHEAP. CALL NOW aa make selections for the Holidays. . JAMES D. NTJTT, 220 North Front St. The Druggist. Christmas Cards, QURISTMAS NOVELTIES, PORCELAIN Studies, a few handsome Plush Cases. All ur goods selected with care, and very reason wiftinprice. . to , a MUNDS BROTHERS, Htf 106 N Front St, VOL XIV LOCAL OSTEATS. index to Niw Advertisements J D Nctt Druggl3t Yates Christmas Goods Mat Beotheks Wanted Mcnds Bros Pharmacists Wiixif & Chadwicx Moved Braddt & Gaylord The Racket Store Candy Partt nemenway School House For other local see fourth page. Day's length 9 hours and 42 min utes. Sunset to morrow afternoon at 50 minutes past 4 o'clock. Laundry Ironing Stoves are sold by theN. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f Two hQlidaysnearathand: Christ mas day and New Year'?. We now have the best Potiket Scissor made. N. Jaeobi Hdw. Co. t Rains are much needed as some of the cisterns in the city are going- dry. Have you secured your hog jowl and peas for your New Year's break fast? What say our yoang men to a dis playof fireworks on Tuesday night, Xtuas Eve? Rev. F. D. Swindell, Presiding Elder of the district, preaches at South port to-morrow. Shot, Cartridges, Loaded Shells and ammnnition of all kinds forsale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. A gentleman thinks that, by night and by day, wo have now about ten steam whistles goinir to ono former- Mr. Aman had some nieo wild ducks on sale this morning, all of the way from 25 cents to .ft. 00 per pair. Heating Stoves of all kinds and sizes. We will give you substantial goods and low prices. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t There have been but two inter ments here this week; none in Oak dale, one, a child, in Bellevue, and one, a child, in Pine Forest. You can get all sizes in good and heavy Canton Flannel Drawers at 50 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, No. 122 Market street. tf Rev. H. B. Anderson, successor' to Rev. T. Page Ricaud, has arrived in the city and will fill his pulpit at Bladen Street Methodist Church for the "first time to-morrow. We are pleased to learn that the symptoms of that venerable lady, Mrs. C. G. Kennedy, were consider ed a little' more favorable early this morning. Prayer and experience meeting of business and workingmen as usual at the Seaman's Bethel to-night at 7.30 o'clock, to be conducted by Mr. J. H. Merritt. Services in St. John's Church to morrow. Holy Communion at 7:45 a. m.; Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30 o'clock; Sunday School at 3:30 pmi. Cutlery. Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. We keep everything in this line that you can possibly desire, and our prices are the loest. Drop in" and look at our assortment. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The hearts of the employes of some of our business establishments will be gladdened by the reception of Christmas presents from theii einplo3rers as an appreciation of their good will and for faithful ser vices during the past year. Rev. W S. Creasy, the pastor, will conduct the usual Sabbath services at Grace M. E. Church, South, to morrow. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3.30 p. m. Seats free and strangers and visit'ors'are cordially invited. We are very sorry to hear of the death of the venerable Mr. Peter D. Bernard, father of Maj W. H. Ber- j very little butter. Then roast hmi nard, of the Star, which occuredjand serve him up with a gravy yesterday at his home in Richmond, ' made of his giblets, seasoned and Va. Mr. Bernard was in his 85th i thickened with a spoonful or two of year and ws an old and highly flour. If there is anything better esteemed resident of Richmond. j than a silver cut from the tender : - . , f bosom of the creature, or his "sec - That fat man, who the ladies de-' ... r thereof is un clare is the handsomest man in ond joint, Mm sa or tnereoi is un Vashinrton. used to be an invalid, known to us. but he took to hard drinking, not of, . whiskfiv 'but of Dr. Bull's Couch r Syrup, and no v he walks right over the very slenderest dudes, and don't care at all. .ILJ WILMINGTON, ,N. C SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1889. NO 8. j New moon to-morrow morning at j 38 minutes past 7 o'clock. j According to the ahuanaces Win Iter commences to dav. TiPf. hrr commence, say we. The Register of Deeds has issued j five marriage licenses this week, but j one of which was for a white couple You will find a nice assortment of Rifles at the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Just the article to make your boy happy. f There will be services at Brooklyn Baptist Church to-morrow at 11 a. iu. and 7.30 p. m., conducted by the pastor, Rev. R. E. Peele. Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and thus permanently cures catarrh. Services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church tomorrow at 11a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. in. Seats free. All are welcome. Drivers of drays and other vehicles should not .injure grass plats in front of residences by leaving the road and driving over the grass, as the grass not only beautifies the street but lays the dust. Last nightjwas very appropriately chosen by the ladies of the First Presbyterian Church for their "Puri tan Party," inasmuch as the pil grims landed from the Mayflower on December 20th; 1C20, exactly 2G9 years ago. Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with yesterday foot up i,G,4G0 bales, against 8,400 bales for the corresponding week of last year, a decrease of 1,037 bales. The receipts for the crop year to date foot up 10S,CS5 bales, against 123,724 bales to same date last year, a decrease this year of 15,039 bales. Some People's Cruelty to Animals. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals met last night at the City Hall. The reports or Uie different committees were received and read, and the affairs of the So ciety found to be in good condition, everything working satisfactorily. The next meeting will be held on the second Monday in January when officers will be elected. ' Casli vs. Credit. My unparalelled success since I have inaugurated my cash system and my increase in patronage proves beyond doubt that the public a? predate low cash prices and that a party who sells for cash can under sell his competitors who. credit. I shall offer extra inducements from now until after the holidays to all purchasers of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. I. Shrier, (Sign of Golden Arm.) Cor. Front and Princess Sts. Special Invitation. A special invitation is extended to the grand anniversary at the Cen tral Baptist Church, -corner of Sev enth and Red Cress streets, to mor row, Dec. 22d, 1889. Interesting ex ercises as follows: At 10 a. in., "Young People's Opportunities," disenssed by all teachers; at 11 a. in., annualsermon by the pastor; at 2.S0 p. m., a S. S. Concert; at 3.30 p. in., sermon by Rev. J. B. Small, D. D.; at 7:30 p. m., "The Church and the Pastor Their Relations," discussed by pastors, officers, leaders and "mis sionaries of churches. Lovely 6ongs charming music by quartette. The Turkey. An exchange says of this noble bird: This paragon of pultry is in full perfection now. He pervades the market. Everybody buys him, but everybody is not competent to cook him. Opinions differ, and have always differed, as to the best mode of dressing him'. The true Christ ian way to prepare a turkey is to fill him with internal improvements in the shape of a rich comp'ost com pounded of bread, eggs, tyme, pep per, salt, a little lemon peel, and a T 7TI ! For all derangements of the atom- ach, liver and bowels take Dr. ; Pierce's Pellets, or Anti-bilious Gra j nnles. . 1- Forecasts For North Carolina, fair, station ary temperature. For Wilmington, and vicinity, fair weather. "Tom SawEgr, Tlie Bad Boy.' This will be the opening bill of theS. G. Ely's New; York Comedy Company's engagement of four nights and Christmas matinee; com mencing on Monday evening, Dec. 23rd, they open with the very funny musical farce comedy"Tom Sawyer" a dramatization of Mark Twain's famous novel. A cleverly construct ed and interesting play, brisk in action.strotig in situation and bright in dialogue and bubbling over with fun, wit, songs and music. This company will change the bill nightly and play at popular prices,10, 20 and 30 cents, and seats can now be re served at Yates' without extra charge. The Raleigh News and Observer says of them: "The Ely Stock Com pany presented "Tom Sawyer" last night to a good hpuae. The show was one of the best of the kind that has ever been to Raleigh, and pleased the audience greatly. It vs full of side splitting fun from one end to the other, and is bound to produce a good, healthy laugh every thirty seconds. The play is funny and well presented." "Histories make men wise, Poets, witty." But what in the world docs a man want with either when he has sprained his ankle. STo sir, not these, not these! Give him but one bottle of Salvation Oil. The greatest cure on earth for pain. NEW AOVKHTISEM ENTS. (Vioved. yyu HAVE MOVED OUR CONl'yX'TION- ery Store from South Front street to No. i: South Second, where we keep all kinds of Confectioneries. Give us a call, dec 21 2t WILLIS & CHAD WICK. CANDY PARTY. CANDY PARTY WILL BE GIVEN AT South of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church), on Monday and Tuesday nights, December 23d and 24th, under the auspices of St. An drew's Church Choir. The large and roomy building will afford ample accommodations for all. HALL NO. 1 AND ti will be used for ICE CREAM Parlors. HALL NO. 3 will be used for Sales Tables and Counters, which will be supplied with all kinds of CAN DIES, NUTS, RAISINS, FRUITS, &c, which will be for sale as cheap as at any Fruit store in the city. HALL NO. 4 wlll-be used for the CANDY PARTY. The Caudy will be cooked and made ready for pull ing, ana it n nopea iniit au win take part in this old time fun. ' HALL NO. 5 will be used as a Boiling Room, which will be under the management of one ot the best Can dy Makers in the city. In case you cannot attend In person your orders will be thankfully received by any member of the Choir and promptly delivered. Admission 10 cents. dec 21 it tUIRT CHECKS 5C PER YARD, DRESS Plaids 5c, best and heaviest Homespun made All other Dry Goods as cheap. 8x10 Gilt Pic ture Frames 25C, 45c, 65c, 90c, $10, $110, Needles 1c per paper, pins 2 to 4c per paper, Children's Shoes 35c to 95c, ladies' all solid Leather Button Shoes, good quality and nice shape, $1 CO, Ladies' Fine Felt Hats, 25c to f 1 95. genuine Ostrich Tips, 3 in bunch, 50c to $3a, raario Otps 3Za pOv bunch, Wings ' 1U tO 75c, 800 pieces Ribbon 2c to $ 1 25 per yard, 2,000 Men's and Boys' Wool Hats, good shapes, 30c each. Spring Roller Window shades 30c to 95c, Glassware at all prices, large ltt-rlbbed Um brellas 85c, Black Fur Muffs 50c and $125, large Plush Albums 75c, $1 00, $1 25, $1 0,$1 75, J. & P. Coats' Cotton 4c, genuine Seal Plush Caps,! for girls or boys, 40 J, worth $1 00, Nlckle Alarm Clocks $115, 10 arm Hat Rack3l0c, 7 arm Hat Packs 5c, Chair Seats 10c, Tinware all prices. SPECIAL NOTICE I Toys of all kinds, l.V Inch Kid Body Best Head Dolls GOc, same 18 inch with shoes and stockings $1 25. other sizes 53, 10c, 15c, 20c,, 50c, 60c, 10U, ?12", Tin Toys 5c up, Drums 25c, 50c, 90c. $1 00, Taney cups ,and Saucers l5c..2oc. 3oc, fiOc, 65c, china Tea Sets, 5e, vc. 15c. 20c, 25c 60l 1.25.; Horns, 5c, 10c; Large Va ses 15c. Fine Vases, L50. And all other Toys you can think as cheap as the above. RACKET STORE, 117 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N.. C. RRADDY & GAY LORD, I'liOPlilKTOKa HEADQUARTERS, NEW YOK. decHtt , gat , ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SATURDAY Of This Week WE ARE SHOWING A GREAT MANY : Useful as Well as Ornamental Things, dec 21 tf NORTH FRONT STREET. Cash Carpets- - 20 Per Cent. Less You can now find at our Store a choice selection of CARPETINGS. Our variety includes every grade, from the least expensive - INGRAINS TO THE FINEST BRUSSELS AND VELVET. We have made arrangements with one of the most prominent v Blew York Wholesale Houses V to supply us with samples of all the new designs as they appear, and to fill all our orders at prices that will enable ns to -".'-',. Sell You Carpets as Low as You Could Buy Tlfcn at Any Retail House in New York or Elsewhere. : WE SHOW YOU THIS .IMIMEMSE STOOKl by samples of from one-half yard to one yard of any-patterh, with the aid of RICHARDSON'S PATENTED EXHIBITOR, so constructed that any pattern placed within is multiplied for an indefinite space, and appears as though perfectly matched and fitted to a room. Selecting Carpets iu this way is much more satisfactory than the old way of matching loosely upon the floor. . fc, -7 ' Requiring no extra room, having no capital invested, nor interest or insurance on the stock, no remnants, no old stock or patterns left over, reducing the profit, we can afford to send for and get vou i ixuy pitueru you may stMecc could buy the same, were Any Style or Quality Required, plot, Can be Procured by Keturn Express. S3" All orders for CARPETS forwarded to our New York House wifl be promptly filled and sent by return express or freight. . . Very respectfully yours, - " M. M. KATZ, DRY GOODS AND CARPETS, ite Market St., Wilmington, Rl. C. OPERA HOUSE. . - Grand Holiday Attraction Four Nights and Christmas Matinee, commencing Monday Evening, Dec. 23rd. : .' ENGAGEMENT OF THE -B.-O. ELY NEW YOKK TU1SATKE CO. In a repertoire of Metropolitan successes, pro-, duced with special scenery, superb costumes, ana elaborate stage settings. Monday night will be presented a dramatization or Mark Twain's famous novel, . Tonvr s A.vvr-y ietr,. Teeming with interest and bubbling over with fun and music. Popular prices of admission, 10, 20 and 30 cents. Keservea seats now on sale at Yates Book Store without extra charge, dec 19 3t Wanted. rjlIIUEE GOOD MEN-.TO SELL FOIi US, either on Salary or Commission. Address, " MAY BROTHERS. Nurserymen, dec 20 31" Rochester, N. i. For Rent. STORE WITH DWELLING AT- tached, goxl location, situated on wooster street, between Eighth and Ninth. Apply to J. C. 3ULLIS, - dec.l9 5t Agent. HardvvareV rjlINWARE AND CROGiiEIiY. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., ; Importers and Jobbers t .'Pnrceil Boudiii?, nov. mm ' - ,'.:-.J,WjBAia NOTICE? we win x giaa to receiTOccsiatuScaa tram our tsy. &ni tu rejects ; -vTM 'aaia ttti trnteriatst 'ixifmj ; IcoEaaTiajcaEji jaust lmtten on til one i'cittpcrti't V x :Pers02iudinca -And it is espcMiTtod. tarucui&rv . tmdef . stood that thd Efijtcr does not ;aiways endors v the view3 ot correspoiidenta oniesa eo stated in the editorial columns a , ; X t NEW ADVIS1ITISEX1EI?T Till 9 O'clock. :0:- :0: AT - Than Regular Rates, . at n cneaper price man you you in New York yourself. not Found in Our Stock oYgam Pianos and Organs I WE MAKE SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOK THE HOLIDAYS ON -AND OB.GA We have on hand a carefully selected stock of Instruments of the LATEST DESIGNS, an in FANCY WOODS, which we offer at lowest rites, cash or' Instalments. ' " ; J E. VantAl5ir,v dec 19 cod ly 407 Ited Cross Street. TlTcitONENBEROj rifOTOGKAPIIER, r RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY KX ECUTED ' l'notographs at reasonable prices. : FRAMING A SPECIALTY. jy 23 tf y ii6 Market st. Souursidc, oned uuii.uWiicuiji xnuuua ana tnovPubllc.' r have my wife associated with me in Wlnesa she will have charge of the Ladle3' Deoart. ment and will pay attenUon to Hair-dressini shampooing and Cutting ladles' hair LatlTa latest style. Ladles waited on oat their rrau dences. -The public are invited to calL Spec ial attention griven to ail customers. - . . W. Ii. NASH A WIFE, ' dec 17 lvr cor. Front and Prlnceaa st z NASH'S SHAVrNG AND HAIR DRESSING saloon. My shop has been entirely ro. paired since the late fire and t m ooitr iX

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