. - - - - - - TTKflPHREYS ' ' iilllli nllli 1 0TTliia-lt, i rSScriptlous ; used f-wmany ,aVf uUy I; VtU with Buccesanaior or -.'p. .n iri'X tno -K-ople. Every single Spe ti :v van u,sn n-nre for the disease named. T&ing ?e system, .uu i - in - j lie lATereigu roiJ -H ecu rn:cT3. nidation... .;. ouu Colic .M5 ' ZTZ- , r - NM. r sunt puRipaia on rewipi ji.Id iv '" -vf phkkvs Suvl'au (144 pages) 0f;ril'- 1 , ;., .--loth and gold, mailed iree. fcy ':VSiriVcineCo.K Fulton St. NY. Ur.ll'jlil ' ' ' ' EGlFiCS. 189Q.. ILLUSTRATED. hkeklt lias a well-established IJ . i... ininr lllitcf rntMl nwanonpr In Vmrica The fairness of Its editorial t om nTnis on curreut ixlitiC3 "nas earned for it the Znt anti . oaildence of all Unpartial read irs mi tl"' variety and excellence of Its lite rHrvoontont, which include serial and. short Imrir-j bv tue best and most popitlar writers. r it for "Hit perusal of people of the widest knW of tastes and pursuits. The Weekly iflrfulemenr.s are of remarkable variety, in icrr nod :ilu. No expense is spared to hrin tb liiiiist order of artistic ability to ilinipon itiH illustration of the chanceful nnas of if'-nif and foreign history. A Mexl an roinaiv. irom the pen of Thomas a. janwkk i-i appear In the Wkeki.t lo 1811. HRPKR'S IPERIODICALS., , PER ykar: HAHPEll'S WKEKLY ..$4 00 UARI'KIC MAUAZ1NK 4 00 "HAKI'KR'S IJAZAlt. 4 00 HAKPEK.-s VolLNJ PEOPLE 2 00 Portag? h'o f Ut all sutncrioers in the United TUp Volutin s on he Weekly begin with the Erst N'litiibtH for January of each year. When no time U mentioned, subscriptions will bein wim LUo Number cunvnt at time of receipt of ouer. itouDii volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth bindings will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (piwldel 'the freight does not ex hi one dollar per volume), for 7 00 per vol. Cloia cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent t)Y mall post-paid, on receipt of tl 00 each. teuiittaneea should be made by Post-office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss Smpnpn's are iut to copy this advertisemerd without t enn-em orur o" Harper & Brothers Al.liss HAUPKtt BKOTQKHS. no :m . V'ew York 1890 Harper's Young Peoole. ANILUISTRATED WEKKLY. Thf Eleventh Volume of ITakpkr's Tor?a Pkople. which begina with the Number for November ;. t8fs(. presents an nttractiva pro irramme. It will offer to its readers at least four serials of the usual length, and othera in two or three parts, namely. "The Ilea Mus tang;." by WinuAii O. Stoddard: "Phil and the Haby." by Lucy V. Lillik; "Prince Tom my,'' by johx KcssKix Coryell; and 4Moth er'sWay." by Margaret E. Sakgster; two short serials by IIjalmar IIjorth Boyesen. Two series of Fairy Tales will attract the at tention of lovers of the wonder-world, name ly, the quilnt tales told by Howard PYLK.and so admirably illustrated by him, and another series in a different vein by Frame M. Bick skll. There will be Bhort stories by W. D. liowKi.Ls, Thomas Nelson Page, Mary K. wiLKiNs Nora Perry, Harriet Prescott fcrou-OBD, David Keb, Hezekiah Bititer okth, Sophie Swett, Kichard Malcolm Johnston, etc, A subscription to Harper's Young People secures a Juvenile library. 1 here, is useful Knowledge, also plenty of amusement. Boston itfovr.str. . Terms- Postage Prepaid, $2 pryear. Vol. A'l bealns Xovember 5. 1889. Sp.v'Tiien Copy sent on receipt of two-cent Single Number, Fivo Cents each. Keaiittances should be made by Post-Office "oney order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Dairs are not to copy Uus adversiseinetit u.Mu the express order of Harper & Brothers Address co HAltPEB BBOTHERS. ifw Yot- kids,: Brooms, Baskets, Paper, PAPER BAGS, TWINES, lilmik ltooks. Stationery, School supplies, &c P Stock ! Bottom Prices ! mingtori'Faper Comp'y, 1 1 0 NORTH WATER ST. irnflnr.lliM :l tr ,nt if of UUUlren or Adults. . .25 I bia rrh e oripimr. Baioiw Colic... . i wfe, orbuiu vouilting : -25 n .Nr" r11!??;. tkJUedache, Vertigo .US i. niiDI1!1 .. ...-. Periml.a. .2.1 i'l-o" J'.',.1 Krvsi-ela. Eruptions. .25 4;i'r ! i; i 50 So .. Jolly Old December. Some fellows go blowing for Spring time, and some will hurrah for the Fall; Some think that there's nothing like marbles, and some that there's nothing like ball, Hut -if von want regular rackets with more fun than ever was guessed, . . With coasting and skating and slid ing, and everything just at its best The jolly old month of leeeinber is " worth anv two of the rest. Fov then there is ice on the river, and then there ia snow on the hill, And the days are so short and so shining, and the nights are so white and so still. And then at the end there is Christ mas, of which I have no cause for complaint, When your stockings get filled by your mother or some other sort of a saint: Now if there is anythiug better. I'd just like to know but there ain't. Their Business lioommg. ,Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at R R. Bellamy's Drug Store, as ' their giving away to their customers of so many Iree trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumpti -n Their trade is simply enormous in this vers valuable article from the fact that il always cares and never disappoints Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and luns diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free arge size SI Every bottle warranted. "It Works Like Cliarin." Rulon's Ma'gnetic Liniment is a safe and speedy cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, (iout, Headache, Sprains, Bruises. Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painful affections. For sale by Muiids Brothers. That's Ihe Way to Servo It, Hot. "Have you a taste for poetry?'" asked Miss Babibell. "Indeed 1 have," replied the great editor, for it was he. "And what kind do you most like?1' she asked.. Broied," he said, through his teeth, "broiled to a crisp, over the coals'-'Bur dette, in Brooklyn Kagle. AIlTTY,TO FOURSKLF. It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable Knglish one for the same money. Dr. Ack er's Knglish pills are a "jtosttive cure for sick headache and all liver troubles. ' They are small, sweet, easily taken and do not gripe. Sold by.Munds Bros., druggists. Wlieue Man Has No ICival. "Talk about the capability of wo man! Why, she is already a dan gerous rival of man in many pur suits" "Yes; but there is one in which she will never eclipse him." "What is thatf ' "Trvinjj to say 'trujy rural' at two o'clock in the morning'-Judge. HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little ob stacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst form of Djrspepsia, Con stipation and Indigestion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by Munds Bros., druggists. m -- The Figure ,ienl nt Work. People have little idea how much the human stomach consumes in the course of an average life. According to an indefatigable calculator a man at the age of TO has absorbed since his birth more than t wenty carloads of nourishment that is an entire trainfuU Counting four tons to the car, that niaKes 160,000 pounds, which for a total of 25,550 days of existence, gives a daily consumption of over six pounds. This daily con sumption varies at different periods of life, beingestimated at five pounds during child-, hood and old age. and seven and eight during middle age. Kvi dently these statistics are'not exag gerated, for tTedical testimony shows that the daily nourishment soldiers, -sailors and laborers, in cluding liquids and solids, averages over nine pounds. M m Consumption isurely.Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy, for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases .have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frek to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl 'st.. New York. Crnshe-l bv Silver. Silver money piled up in heaps, like cord wood or lumber, is very dangerous, as it is very likely to topple over and crush the clerks. 1 know it so.inds like a fable to feN lows whose suspenders have never been sagged by more than a fistful of quarter dollars to talk of the risk one runs in a place like this of get ting crushed to' death under an avalanche of good and lawful coin money, but the danger is great -nevertheless. The other day we noticed that- one high wall of bags of silve" dollars $t00 in each bag was bagging out in the middle to fall. The old clerks all ran to let it come, but the colored man, ignorant of tho tremendous weight of silver, ran up to the caving pile and . push ed with his hands, thinking he could brace it up. As well try to hold up so much falling stone. Down it came with a crash," and the colored man had a narrow escape, getting ofT,witba few bruises and scratch es. -;" .' 1 .- : - " ' Six years ago 4" "our. old officeLat Sixth and Locnst streets" a pile of bagorsilYerV-f 1,000 in a bag, fel I upon tun and bore me to the floor. My head had a "narrow escape from getting crushed in like an eggshell, and I was buried from the feet to the breast. . The- Irishman who was our watchman then- sprang to mv assistance and clawed the bags right and left off tue. ; When T caught my breath again I was thankful for mv escape from being crushed to a pulp. There are people who would like to take their chances of getting hurieil under a heap of money just for the ,sake-of being where there is plentv of it, but none so foolish are to be found among the Uncje Sam hire lings whose daily to'd consists in shoveling the big surplus about. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, WK CAN A"NI DO Guarantee Acker's Blood 'Elixir for it has been. 'fully' demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all" other preparations for blood diseases.: It is t positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds tip the constitution. For sale by Munds Bios. nave You a Cough Attend to it in time do not neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption. Young's Cough Balsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For sale, by Munds Brothers. HOLIDAY GOODS! Fire Crackrp, Orange, "tiiii tie, Apples. Ntitf, Kaisin?, Jitrnri?, Prunrs, Currant, Caks, Cifar, &c. Also, a full stock of GROCERIES. Send in your orders. ADltlAN & VOIiLEUS. , WHOLESALE GROCERS, S. E. tor. Dock and Front Sts. S" Country merchants will do well to srive us a call. Upc 16 tf THE STAR! JMIE STAR HAS A HI SEN, AND DAY-DAWN does appear, just North of Brooklyn Rridsre. It shines to greet you with good cheer. Is the newest, neatest, nicest saloon in the city, and in connection therewith we ran a Flrst-Class KEHTAURANTAND I5AK, where Meals at all hours aie served on the European Plan of "buy and eat what you want." OYSTERS and GAME in every style on short notice. Ample entertainment rooms always open, day and nlgfht, with Pool and lUlliards to amuse you. We are the only ALL NIGHT HOUSE where transients and friends from stress of weather can find a warm wel come. Respectfully, CROOM & HOKKKLI , STAR SALOON AND RESTAURANT. No. T03No. Fourth St., near Fourth St, P.ridge. dec 9 3w Noti J HAVE OPENED AT H: NORTH WATER street. Call and buy goods cheap, and sell your Furs for good prices. CHARLES F. 1JROWNK. Agent, declfid.twtr COAL & WOOD. 2,000 Tons Uoal OP BEST VARIETIES ANDSIZES NOW IN STOCK AND. SELLING ATfPOPU LAR PRICES. 200 Cords Wood OF TilE;ilEST KINDS READY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY. Cut for Stoves, etc., when so preferred. tJ. A. SPRINGER. SPECIAL NOTICE ! yji ARE TJIR SOLE OWNERS OF THE following finest and well Known P.rands of WHISKIES in the market: Southern Star Rye, Cabinet Rve, Our Standard Rye, Bouquet Rve, State Guard xxxxCabinet. There is nothing better sold anywhere, and all nrst-class barrooms sell all or one of the above Urands. Brunhilcl,Simon& Co., Ill N. Front St., Dealers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos, aug 27 tf Hardware, rjMNWAUE AND CROCKERY. IW. E. SPRINGER X, CO , Importers and Jobbers; n'ov f Purcell Building. On Corn, Peanuts and Potatoes! rUtY .CARKONATK OK LIKE, M1XEIW1T1I K MN11 ttB ULTS AS.TOXISIIIKG4 : : Adlrer - .FUKNCn BEOS.. tO!r9t( ft ikv Point N.: WHOLES ALE PRICES. , The following fiufii.Tldns rrprfnerf.' Uole sale prices generally. ' in m:klng up "small or- ders higher prices have to be charged. BAGGING Gunny , Standard..... BACON North, Carolina. naras... ... Shoulders ...... ......... Sjds, v lb. .......... ........ WESTERN SMOKED Hams, lb sloes, y m Shoulders, Mh ... DRY SALTED - Sides, y ib........ Slioniders, lb BA RREI.S Spirit s Turpent ine Second Hand, each New, New York, each...... New, city, each BEESWAX, t lb 1 8 u 8 10 3 (4 15 11 is.v? 10 v l:i(4 1 40 . il u . I iX . ai .. 0 00 . . 0 00 70 bricks, Wilmington, y M. NbrtJiern BUTTER. 3? lb- (US 8:00 iS- U 00 North CaCoUna. " Northern.. CANDLES, lb Sperm j. Adamantine CHEESE, lb Northern Factory Dairy, cream state.. t gOFFEJS, y lb Java. Laguyra .-.... Rto... CORN MEAL, y bush, in sacks. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, bundle. DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, y yard Yarns, t bunch.. .. .... . EGGS, y doz FISH 15 m 25 10 13, H lo gs 34. ! V - 1 30 . 'the so. . 20 18 ,9 11 13 9 m 00 (A . ( 00 18 . Mackerel, No, Mackerel, No, Mackerel, No. Mackerel, No, Mackerel, No. bbl.. . 1, J half .30 00- (12 50 8 00 (11 00 6 00 bbl. 50 00 7 SO 00 w 5 50 00 50 00 50 8 00 00 60 00 . 2, v bDi.... . 2, half bbl. DDI (i, !) 00 Mullets, y bbl... 7 tX) N. C. Roe Herring, y keg. Dry cod, y rb.. FLOUR, y bbl Western, low grade.;... Extra Family City Mills super . " . Family 00. ; 10 00 50.' 00 10 00 glue, y m grain, y bushel. Corn, rm store, bags, white Corn, -cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . : . Oats, from store Oats. Rust Proof . cow Peas..-. HIDES, y lb Green..;.. ... Dry HAY, y 100 lbs Eastern Western North River.... ............ HOOP IKON, .V LARD, y lb Northern North Carolina LIME, y barrel 10 65 r 62 67 65 45. 52g 90 12 It) 95 00 ' f4 00 (is, 80 o 85 90 1 8 40 (9 10 t) tKJ 1 j UMBER, city Sawed, y M ft. Ship stuff, resawed. .. . ...18 (X) Rough .Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargis, accord-. !ng to quality... 13 00 . Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board, com:n.H 00 molasses, y gallon- a.20 00 (ii) no 18 tW (&;zi 00 15 00 New Crop, in hhas .... ' " in bbls.... Porto Rico, in hhds " in bbls Sugar nouse. in hhds. in bbls. "Syrup, in bbls NAILS, y Keg, cut. Kid basin OILS, y gallon. Kerosene Linseed... Rosin Tar Deck and Spar.r ... POULTRY Chickens, 11 ve rown. . .-. . Spring. . . Turkeys PEANUTS, y bushel, 23 lb.. .. POTATOES, y bushel Sweet.. .'. Irish, y bbl... PORK, y barrel City Mess... , Prime 25 28 28. .50 00 16 22 ' 40 9 16 90 15 IX) 00 20 10 95 HO 35 25 (4 (A (4 . . (A (4 (4 (4 (4 14 (4 (S 26 30 ;0 :35 15 18 35 50 14 45 00 X 20 I 0 SH) 60 75 .17 50 ais 00 .15 00 16 00 . 00 15 00 Rump RICE Caiollna, y lb Rough, y bush, (Upland)... (Lowland) RAGS, y lb Country City rope, y tt SALT, y sack. Alum. ......... Liverpool Lisbon .. American SOAP, y lb Northern. ........ SUGAR, P lb standard grain.. Standard A... White Ex C Extra C, Golden C Y'ellow 4 60 80 00 1 80 00 1 IX 75 70 (X) 70 5f G 6tf 6 5 5. 00 50 , at, C4 14X 70 65 (4 00 00 an 0 (a 5V4 0 d SHINGLES, 7 In. y M . . . Common . . : Cypress Saps:. . ... . Cypress Hearts ,. STAVES, y MWVO. Barrel R. o. Hogshead..:. V... .. TALLOW, y lb. . . . i. . . : : . . 00 00 I. 2 C4 4 50 0 00 8 00 0 00 5 a 00 50 7 14 00 (ilO 00 6 (14 m) TIMBER, y M feet Shipping.. 13 00 Fine Mill. U 25 Miu Prime 7 50 13 00 (3 8 50 Mill Fair Common Mill Inferior to-Ordinary. . . 5 00 0 00 0 00 00 50 00 00 28 15 10 4 2 o 00 00 50 30 25 15 WHISKEY, y gal Northern.. xwrtn Carolina. WOOL, y it Washed: Unwashep Burry .. fa (A POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA, N. C, Two and a Half jM lies W'est of Greensboro. N. c -o T he main line of the R. D. R. R passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains maestops regular twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this, the Largest Nursery in the State, and one of the largest In the south. Stock consists of- Apples,. Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persi mnion s, ' A pri cots. Nectarines. Mulberries, 'o.uince. Grapes, Figs, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant. English Walnut, Pecans chestnut, Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees, &c. All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new catalogue for 188 will show. Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destriptive Cata logue free to applicants. -Address J. VAN LIN D LEY, POMONA, Guilford Co. , N. C rr ReUable . Salesman wanted i n , every County. A good paying commission will be giv : v r M' . t CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH - PEMMVROYAL EILLS - .rn rencc mluniyrt BRAND. BAie oa .iw7 reuwnc iituicB. i Uruggis Tor wamona xyan, m red. meuilic boxes, smea wiin Diue -ifcv. -1- A .All nillq 1 1 iuwui -. jk m mv ...... . - in piSLe board boi&, pink wrappers, are Kelief for Ladies," in letter, by return mbII. A'awe Paper. ChlcheaUr VktrnT) On Haa S, Tm FOR HIRE. T - - - - " t pjORSES AND VEHICLES, WITH SKIL ful drivers, will always -be found ready fo hire at my Stables. Horses boarded by the day. week or month. Attention is specially Invited to our large l stockyard and our facilities for housing horses and cattle in ine nasement or on large" sta bles. "': ' . Kales as low as can be found elsewhere. Glveus -a call and we will do our best to please you. -. 3X.C.ORRELL. " . " r . IToprictor. ' . net 20 tf " Cor Third and Princess sts. - i j Atlantic CTitet Lino, Wilmington d Weldon R. AND BRANCHES. ' bHHti 4 " 3; CON DKNSKJ) SOU ICDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. D.iTKf Dv. 8. I.SS9. o s c - P. M P. M. 12 :jo' l -it; 'i. M.!A. Leave Weldon.. -! 11 Hi 4 : A. M MotUlt' 12 10 Arrive RH-ky ,P. M. I 3 45 I A VI Arrive Tarioto.. Leave Tarboio.. :lOSo" P. M. 217 I A. M. i 12 47 Arrive Wilson. 00 Leave Wilson, .... Arrive s'elniA A rri Ve Fa yet 1 e vtl le . t2T0 !. 3 4ft . 00 I 'A. M. . 12 2S .j 221 . 2 34 .1 3 5J Leave Goldsbaro.. . Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia.-.-. . Arrive Wilmington. r, 10 4 7 4 22 5'5'J 7 ii) '. s 40 1 . 9 55 ; s sr. ;?i !t l'.l 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. J. 'A '--2: u ' t 2 z? a..m.ia. m. a. m, p. m. I 1120 i 12 01 it l d 4 00 IP. M. j I U .X ! 1 17 ; 10 42 5-30 i i 10 55 5 53 j 1 37 2 IS 1 1 45 j fi.53 ; ; t ! i "IS 40 11 (0 ...... , , it 12 It' 20 2 5'.) 12 ;i; 7 17 2 50 1 1 lit I S is ! i I ' - :iir. 1:. ...... I . A.M.; j 10 20 j : 10-0 j I " ! il'. M. . Leave Wilmington. Leave Magnolia Leave. Warsaw. . . . Arrive Goldsboro.. Leave Fayeitevilie. Arrive Selma Arrie Wilson Leave Wilson Ar. Rotk.y Mount. . . . -im Arriv TniliOio Leave Tarboro. '.';.. Arrive eldou i 3 57 I 4 30 J 2-151 930 l)auy except stmaay. Train on Scotland Ne-k P. ranch Road leaves Halifax 2:10 p. in., arrives 'Scotland Nec k at ::45 p. uk, Ki vert 011 6.10 p. rn. Kc tiiniingleyves Riveiton 7:20 a. in.,. Scotland Neck at 10:20 a. in., drtily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro; N. C., vla Albermarle & l'aleigh R. IL daily except Sunday, 4.00 P. M., Stinday ;.tKi p. M., arrive Williamston, N. C, 6.;o P. M.. 4.20 l. M., Plymouth 8.00 IV M., 5 40 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth, mouth. N. i, daily except Sunday, ;.00 A. M., Sunday H.30 A. M., Williamston 7.25 A. M ., 950 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. v.. ..50 A. M., 11.3'1A. M. This train will not run South 01 WHlianiston until t; P. M.. November 20. Train on Midland N. c. Branch leaves (ioWs boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, fi.00 A. M., arrive Smithtield, N.'C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves SmiihncUl, N V.. 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. c. 9.;J A. M. . Train on Nashville Uratu h Mount for Nasiiviile, ;j.ik) C. loaves Rocky M.. arrives at Nashville 3.40 P.. M.. spring Hope 4.15 P.M. Returning leaves Sprliig Hope 10.0U A. M.. Nasiiviile lft.:$5 A. M., arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A.M., daily except. Svunlay ..- . Train on ('linton Branch Unes Warsaw tor Clinton, dally, except Sunday. at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M . and a. 10 P. M ., . connect i ng at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 2: and 78. Southbound Train on-Wllson -fc Fayettevllle Branch is No. 51. NortJibound is No. 50. i)aily' except Sunday. ' - Train No. 27 south, will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro' and Magnolia.' Train No.. 78 mafres "close "connection at Wei don for all points JSTorth daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line.; . - - ; -. t , Trains make clo.se connection for all points NorthMaRieh'mohYTand Wasliingtohlf . AH trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and nave Pullman Palac5- Sleep ers attached. .... . . . JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY; Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'PPassenger .gent. Carolina Central Railroad Company, ft M rv CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. I NO. 41. NO. 51. 1 NO 5. Sept. 22, 1889. Idailyex. dally ex. daily ex.' .. , h Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Wilmington 2.20 pm 7 10 pm Leave Hamlet 6 45 pm 2 (X) am Leave Wadesboro. 7 39pm" 3 25 am . Arrive Charlotte.. 9 35 pm 45 am . Leave Charlotte.. . - 5 55 pm Leave Lincolnton. ' . . 7,;tpm Leave Shelby'.:.. . . " s 26 pm ArriveRuthei'f 'dt'n - 9 45 pm ' EASTBOUND TRAINS. ! No. 38. j No, 54. NO. 6. Sept. 22r 1889: " daily ex. daily ex daily ex Sunday. Sunday Sunday Leave Rutherf'dtn! , 8 45 am Leave Slielby . ,10 05 am Leave Lincolnton. I i . : 111 Of) am Arrive Charlotte-: . ! j . i 12 20 pm Leave -Charlotte.--, 5 15 ami 8"JJpui Leave Wadesboro. ,r 7 08 am' 11 :8 pm" Leave ' Hamlet'.-. t s 20 ami -1 45 am; Arrive Wilmingtn.l2 30 pml 8 10 am: Trains No. 41 aiitl 38 ra ake close conn ectlon betw.een Charlotte and points North via Ral eigh. Trains No.;51 and 54- make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Through SleepingCars bet ween Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. T. W. WHISNANT, SuperintendenT. F. W. CLARK, Gen l Passenger Agent. to. mm liw Suffering from.ih'e effects of ymithf 1 M-ror3, early decay, wasting weakness, lost mauhood, ctc. I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure, FREE of charge,: A splendid medical -work ; should be read by every nian Who is nervous and debilitated. Address, prof. F. C, FOWLEK, -Moodus, Conn. mm h DfKITIVF For LOST or rATXING MAOTfOJ-; r t General and NERVOUS DEBILIT1 fTT-T? T-1 "Weakness of Body and Mind: Effec V J xw of Errors or Excesses in Old or Youn. Robast. "Noble XAMiOOn Tullr Kestarrd. llorr to Knlsnre :" Strf-nrthea H KtK.lXDKVf LOri D Olii'ANS & PAKTSol Ul 4b6ru(-W uarmtl'nir IIOSK TRKtTJIltST IWwflU in a d en testify frtim 41 State. Terrilwies, aad Karelia f 'saaSrit Yea raa wrrte LbeM. -. Boak, fatilmaatlaa,'an4 tnth Bait aeJJ tree. AiWrea. fRlfc ME61CAL CO., BUFFALO, S. , ' . 1J ' - - - . - . ' Se ii d i ii Your Wor k. I AM STILL AT THE SAM K OLD STAND.ON Second street, and am ready to repair Jill kinds of Furniture and Domestic Articles.-1 will do the work well and my charges are ways moderate, satisfaction-- guaranteed eveiy instance. ' - - ; - . J.B.PARKAR, -Second street ,ue Market ond'PrlneeRs.. novl9tt - . . ' - MISCEI JANKOUS : Atlantic Ccnntjino. i: R. ?t si - V CONDENSELV SCHEDULE. . TRAINS JGOINQ SOJiTn.'. Dated Nov. is, 1889. NO. 23. NO. 27. M. P. M.' P. M. 10 10 12 40, 1 20 fi OLi 7 10 Leave" Wilmington.. Leave Marlon. . . .. , A rri ve Florence ....I. , r 15 9 ;ti 10 20 A. M. N O. 50 A. M. Leave Florence..... Arrive Sumter . 3 20 4 :k N6. 52. A. M Leave Sumter. .. i 4 S5 T 1U ti Arrive Columbia..... - 6 la 11,55 A..M.' . f n -x - - nt , mta No. 52 runs through from Charleston Central R. R. -"' : " - Leaving Lanes 9:15 A. M.7 Manning 9:50 A; . Train on c. & D.-R. : It. connects at Florenc with No. 58. . - - - - TItAINS GOING NORTH. 'No. 51. NO.' 59. NO. P. M r. M. , ' . 5 20 6 32 t 6 37 a 50 P. M. NO. C6 NO. 14. A. M. 1. M. 7 'SO 8 15 8 2 ' 8 55 11 10 11 45 A. M. P. M. Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter... 10 35 II 58 I Leave Sumter.. Arrive Florence 11 S8 1 15 A. M. NO. 78 , A. M, i 35 5 20 8 35 A. M. Leave Florence ...... Leave Marion. . ..... Arrive Wilmington... Daily.: 't Daily except Sunday. No. 5; runs through to Charleston, S, C. via central R; R., arriving Manning 7:04'I W Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9:30 P. M. No. r.it connects at Florence with. CV and D. train i rom cheraw and Wadesboro. ' Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at WH mingion wit h W & W. It. R. for all points North ' , - , . .. Train on Florence R. It. leave Pe6 Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 IV M., arrive Rowland 7:00 i. m. Ret timing leave Rowland 6:30 a. rn.. ar rive Pee Dee 8.50 x m. -- Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leaves Sum ter daily, except Sunday, 10:50 A. M..arrlve Richardson 12:01 P.M. Returning leave Rich ardson 12:15P. M., arrive Sumter 130 P.M. JOHN F. DIVINE, -General Superintendent. 1, u. KENLY, Ass-t GenTl Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agen nov is ; Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. R. of S. C ?r iii.u j sai4ss!js'i!afi ! ; i!?8fj(, fg C(JSf D ENS ED SCH EDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, '89. iNo. 27. No 23.no. - . - i - , j " A. M. A. M. ' tieave Florence...... 1 ;J5 9 30 Kingstree..... 2 29 10 &i . ". Arrive Lanes. i. " 2 50 11 20 P.'M. Leave Lanes.. 2 50 ',.? 11 20 -7 5 Arrive Charleston 5 t)0 - i 30 - A. M. P.'M.' P.I. Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lnnes. Train on C. & D. R, R. connects at Florence with No. 23 -Train. . . TRAINS GOING NORTH. ? No. 78. NO. 14. No:"'52. A.lfT P. M. A. M. Leave Charleston.... 12 25 4 30 7 Arrive Lanes 2 45 6 28 9 ' Leave Lanes 2 50 i 28 lk Kingstree 3 io -.- - 0 46 ' -" Arrive Charleston.... 4 20 . 1 55 - . a. m. p.. 3i." a. ar. -Daily, t Daily except Sunday. . ..'.- Train No. 14 connects at Florence with train on c. & i. R. R. for Cheraw, S. C, and Wades boro, N. c. . '-. -. . No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Central R. R. of S. c. , . ITos. 78 and 14 run solid to' Wilmington, ' ' .c, making close connection with W. & W. ;R. for all points- north. . JNO. F. DIVINE, "-' General Superlitendent. -R. KENEY, Ass't GenT Manager.- - T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Fassenger Agent. 1890. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED5 . . A nfw Shnko-snpnro f Iia ftrioV-cV.oafrt a - - - 4' ---- - - w i U En win . Abbkv-twUI be presented -inIlAR- i-KKB .magazine ior with comments bv Andrew Lavc. 11 arpku's Mikivp hoo oicU made special arrangements with'Ai.rnoNSK Dai det, the greatest of 11 vln?; French novel ists, for the exclusive publication,- in serial lumi, tn ii . -jiumuiwuH story,- to oe - entitled "Th- Colonists Of T.n-nenn. llio I oct- tures-of thf Famous Taitartn.''-The story" vni in uiiiiMuicu ny u knky .ja.mi!;s, and illus t rated .by Rossi and Mykbacu. - ... - W. D. HowELr.s will contribute a novelette in three parts, and Lakcaiuo Hkakn a nov elette in two parts, entitled "Youma." liand somely illustrated. " In illustrated naDers. tonrhinrr ftnritofd current interest, and In its short stories MK-jit.1, unu uuiciy arucies. tne -MAG 4ZINE in iii.uuiiiiii iu wcii-Known standard. HARPERS' PERIODICALS. ' " 'FKI1 year: . i : ',;"-; - HARPER'S MAGAZINE..; ..1.:;.. ' ,; 4 fl HARPERS WEEKLY..;..... 4 ( 0 harper bazar;::,;.,-,;::-.-t,i HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE............. 3 X) rijxtarje. Free to an mhscrViers in the Unite Sstitrs, Canada or Mexico. . fcjTiie volumes of the Magazine begin with tho Numbers for June and December of each year When no time Is speciiled, subscriptions will oegln with the-Number currot at time of re ceipt of order.- : . Roun Volumes of Harper's Magnp, for three years back, m neatcloth binding, vm sent by; mall, post-paid, on ' receipt of $: oti per volume.' .cloth Cases forWndlnfffjO ct-nt eachby mall post paid. i,rf ma. Index to Harper's Marine, Alphabetical Analytical and llassKX? torVoinmes 1 1 inclusive, from JunrlA to June-t-Ofll o al Remiuances sblbeoldchance r(Wit Money Order orgrWa col IJfSBrottocrs. in NO. BP t' A. M. 4 10 . fi 51 NO. 58 ' A. M. tn io 10 28.