mum Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, a marvel of pa rity .strength and wholesomeness. ore econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low 1 1 fct, snort weignt aium or pnospnate powaers. S. onto in eons. ROYAL BAKING POWDER i ;O..l06 Wall St., N. Y. r 1 128 dVtwly tcnxm 4thDd Srdpw SATURDAY. DKC. 28. 1889. STATE NEWS. Cha.TottanCtronicle: Crook Gra ham and a party of hunters had .a frpjit rabbit hunt about three miles 7 . . ... - 1 . . j. i i: 1 1 from the city, on cjlinstiuas day.1 tnoupjn at last accounts ne was sun Charlotte Nswmi On the late train yesterday" afternoon, a letter ex plaining the mystery of the ex plosion came. Mr. Ransom Gray little boysj-chaflnE under the ordi nance prohibiting: boys from having any fun with fireworks in Charlotte, decided to go over to. Concord Christmas evening. Mr. Gray fixed up about a pound of red fire for the boys, packed it carefully in . a valise, and sent them over. Arriving at Concord, the boys jrot into the 'bus, which was crowded with people. Just .us the 'bus was ready to start uptown, llire was in explosion and a display of red fire that macle the country lurid for a mile around. The seen was one of indescribable fright and confusion. Two little girls fainted dead away and were laid out on the platform. A lady also fainted. Several window glasses were blown oiitof the bus, and one whole sash was torn away. Hazel Gray had his left hand swerely burned. David Ramseur was knocked from one side of the bus to the other, and his face burned. Emmet Gray's faee was nlgo burned. It was probably a case of spontaneous coumbustion. Rev. Riohard S. Farrls, pastor of the Baptist church at High Point, was married in that place on Christmas-eve to Miss AlmaT. Richardson, daughter of Rhv. J. B. Richardson. A white man who was celebrat ing Cjiristmas was struck by the Charlotte bound train, on the Caro lina Central road, Tuesday night, at Laurel Uil. Tiie man was knocked about 12 feet and was terribly hurt. 1 - " - - ... . mhtui W TJ ful ttrM.intnt. r ,if.n f at John's caurca, corner ui Wilmington Lodge. I nsS street cars eolnz North pass the Treasurers 11. G. Sinai lbones, of door). Rev. J. Carmichael, v. D-r. cei- Orient Lodge; W. Otersen, of Wil mingtpn Lodge; R. Greenberg, of St. John's Lodge. Secretaries J. C. Chase, of Ori ent. Lodge; Win. M. Poisson, of St John's Lodge; Tho8. P. Bagley, of Wilmington Lodge. ' . Marshals W. 0. Jones, of Orient Lodge; Robt. C. Cant well, of Wil mington Lodge; Eugene S of St. John's Lodge. Senior Deacons John L. Cant well, of Wilmington Lodge; Sol. C Weill, of St. John's Lodge;. U. R. Robinson, of Orient Lodge. Junior Deacons . J. C. Stewart, of Wilmington Lodge; Walter R.Shaw, of St. John's Lodire; J. L. Toon, of Orient Ledge. Stewards George" L. Morton, of Wilmiiigton Lodge; R. H; Pickett of Wilmington Lodge; James Jack son, of Orient Lodge;PhilipF. Piatt, of St. John's Lodge. . Tyler of the three Lodges T. H. Johnson. At the conclusion of. the installa tions MissSchwarz rendered exquis itely the solo, "Charite" and then Mr. Sol. C. Weill stepped to the front and in beautiful, felicitious language presented to the audience f iivinff. Mr. wperry W. iiearne, for a lonar time editor of the Wades- boro Messenger, died at his home ml. .. . ... wioahn L 0r frr,,n Hriht delivered without notes The hunters had twenty seven hounds, and captured scores of rab bits. 'La grippe," or Russian. influenza, which has been trettinir in some heavy work up North, has an disease. peared in Charlotte. Dr. Hanman had a case yesterday, but fortunate ly it is not "a dangerous disease in this climate. At a dance in Charlotte township Tuesday night Andy Summerville was severely cut across the bowels. Yesterday Andy Ross, colored, was lodged in jail, charged with doing the cutting. It was reported here that Summerville was ery badly cut. Tarboro Southerner: The reporter was informed Saturday morning that many of the farmers in Leg gett's section have already begun Mrrtrlr ri novt vear's c rnh Thp' ovn- das fever has abated and the hands have gone to work. Many -of,. the farmers are busy hauling dirt for ! another emu. Thursday even- mouthlv meetinir at 5.30 p. m. to- insr about dusk the reporter and' morrow in Lnther Memorial Build- liev. U. 1j. Arnoul as the orator o the occasion. Mr. ArnolJ's address was in his happiest vein. It was or manu script a nd completely charmed and enthralled his hearers, it was a clear, logical, eloquent and forcefu presentation of the precepts, teachings and purposes of Masonry several friends were standing on the street when John W. Cotton,' -Jr. tstiCKie-n' Arnica Salve The Beer ewuve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt htiiAimi. KflVftr Norps. J etrer. ( nan- ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, andall w pronouueeu uy muuy Kin eruptions, ana positively cures i as one oi tne nnest atiaresses ever tilefs, or no pay required, ltisgnar-1 .twtY in Wil auteel to give perfect, satisfaction., . . , or monev refunded. Price 25 cents 8UlJeci nar lox. I At the conclusion or Mr. Arnold's For sale by Robert. K liellauiy, eloquent address Mr. W. H. Chad i. i . i i : i I LoIe, was requested to step to the front and he tlitl so. Mr. Arnold, The Christian Association of St. on behalf of the members of that Paul's E. L. Church will hold its lodge,presented him with aneiegant Past Master's jew-1. Mr. Chadbouin was taken eoulpletely by surprise but managed to express himseif very first Sunday in the month. o'clock a. ra. Morning -Prarer, IJtany and Sermon (each Suhday) at ;il o'clock. Evening: Ti,- oth Miwst.iipa at :-sto o'clock. All Feasts ana Saints' Days observed by celebra-. tlonatlO a. m.t visitors u xne cnjr shown to ayreeabls seats. , St Paul's Episcopal Church, corner Fourth and Orange streets. Key. C. A. Arnold, Rector. Services to morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. seats aniree. r. er -; body is welcome. j St. James' Episcopal Church, corner Third .inH uortat Gtrcafa iirv "Rnht. Stransre. Rec-! Martin, tor. Divine services at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. ohlldrpn'a service first Sunday at 4 p. nM Holy Cummunlon , first Sunday at 11 a, m.. 1 second Sundayt 1 a. m. Sunday School at p. m. ' Fifth Street M. E. Church, South, Rev. R. C Beaman. Pastor. The congregation are wor- I shipping, .rfemporarlly, in the "Union School j House," on Sixths between Nun and Church' streets, services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and ; 8.15 p. m. Class Meeting at 3 p. ra. Sunday j School at 4 30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wedoes-1 day night at 8.15 p. m. Seats free. Public In-; vitcd. I Bladen Street M. E. Church, corner Fifth j and Bladen streets.. Rev. T. Page Rlcaud, Pas- j-, tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. class meeting ac a p. m. St. Thomas' rro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 ; a.m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and ! Benediction at 5 o'clock, p. m. uaiiy Mass at 6 30 a. m. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. F. W. E. Pcs chau. Pastor. German services at 11 o'clock a. in. English services at 7:30 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. W. II. Strauss, Supt. Visitors cor dially welcome. Shlioh Baptist Church, corner of Eighth and Walnut streets. Pivacliing at 11 o'clock, a. m. Sabbath School at 1 o'clock, p. m. Preaching at 3 o'clock, p. m.. Bible reading at 6 o'clock, p.m. teaching at 8 15 o'clock, p.m. Seats free. Eld3rM. V. Morris, pastor. ' St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulber ry streets. Rectory opposite to the Church. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7.30 o'clock. Holy Communion cele- brated on the first Sunday in every month, and on all Holy and Saint's Days. j Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between ; cnurcn ana castie streets, Rev. i. v. King, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 JJ0 p.'m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. First Baptist Church (col.) corner of Fifth and Campbell streets, Rev. A. .M. Conway. pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m., at 3 p. m. and . Having bought tlie Beautiful for Christmas, now come buy the Use ful for New Year's viz: Mat tresses, Springs, - V M: CUM MING. liOOAIi .mg. to-mor for Dr. .T. II. Raker. Manv innuirerl- 'rii v,n Ue " rN,te what hud butitieticd. He aid that T row morning iu 81. Audrew's a horse had run over little Theo. Church. At nitrht there will be Cheshire. The reporter made fur-; ervk. Coud icted bv Kev W. 8. ther innuiries ami learneu tnat Mr,s i . . H. ash, with several little child- creasy. S ren had bceu out driving and the i 1 Kew Mr. .Arnold will ollieiate at lift-Irk I UkO urn a c 1 1 f 1 1 1 tn l ff t Iia lmnpvr vrm.M wti v Inst lii ' St. Paul s Mission, corner 1 bird and balance and foil. The buggy wheel ; (ibtle btreett?, to-morrow afternoon Hall where a sumptuous collation, happily in appreciation of the kind ness which had ben done him. The exercises were closed with the dojxology, Be Thou, Oh God. Kxultel High'1, the audience join ing in with the choir, aud then the members of the order, with their invited guests, repaired to the City passed over his neck and he wRM;ut 4.5 o'clock. Mission tfunday nauiy nurc. . Stateaville Landmark: At the I saw mill of Messrs. Thorn as"& Hro . 1 School at U:45 o'clock. The foundation walls of tne new of Alexander county, on the 13tn, j Portuer Brewing Co.'b buildiuj iu both bones of tiie left leg of Mr. Henry B pThoiuas were broken- by a log rolling on it from the top of a pile at which he was working.. The acerage seeded in wheat this year is fully as large as it was last and probably a little larger. Tire ground generally was well prepared and the young wheat looks healthy and is promising. It has been a great tune for out-door work and a great deal of plowing has-been done for next year crops: spring oats, cotton, corn, &c. Mr. W..B. Mclielland, of Concord township, made this year on three acres of this city are now all laid and are readv for the sills which will be at once placed in position. There have been five interments this week in the various cemeteries here. Of these three adults were interred in Oakda.e, . one child in Bellevue and one adult and child in Pine Forest. Kncliili Services. The set prices in St. Paul's Evan gelical .Lutheran Church, corner Market and Sixth streets. Rev. F. V. E. Pesehau, Pastor, to morrow (Sunday) wilLbe in English at both All are wel- land 1,425 lbs. of lint cotton, eaual to three bale of 475 lbs. each. Trre same land last year made four bales, so that Mr. McLel land got three-fourths of a crop this yea . He used no commercial fertilizer. 1 11 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. ne loppea auoui nau 01 nis crop in come ftt the. services. July and the other h-ilf was. not j topped at all. t. Paul' KpUmpaL J Charlotte News: A very startling I Services at St. Paul's Episcopal episode occurred at the depot in Church to-morrow at 11 a. m., and Concord last night, while the 'busses1 .pft ... Tha ,..,-.! of KfK and hacks were waiting for - th P ,u- The 4,,ua,c at both Charlotte train. A rough looking ! services will be appropriate aud an. fellow entered Brown's 'bus ami de- usually-good. The church is ela- preared by the caterer of t!io Pur cel 'House, was spread aa a tltting and tasteful slose to an occasion of genuine delight. Sick headache is readily cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which tones and regulates the digestion, and creates an appetite. LEMON KLIXIU Its Wonderful Effect on the L.Iver, Stom- ; ach, Vowels, Kidneys and Blood. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a fueasanc lemon urinx tnat positive y cilefl all Biliousness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, aitUk and Ner vous Headache- W Disease, Dizziness, Loss r Ce- Fevers, Chills, PalpitaU 7t, nnl all SUCCESS-! - :0: - ' . ' -: ;. . AN OLD SAYI VG, "d'OODS WKLL BOUGHT ARE HA IP SOLD." , THIS WEKK WILL SELL MILLINERY GOODS, : IIATS, FL()WKll, EEATJIERS, BIRDS, And other necessary Millinery ; also, the Latest Shapes in Effii I AT ONE-HALF THimi VALUE. V have to make room, for our menciug to come iu. Vi at 8 p.m. Sunday School at 1 p. m. 8eats free, j j""- Qf t Te pHfttK; ' CDMMEUCIAL.hLWh. WILMINGTON MARKET. Dec. 282:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 41 cents. Sales of receipts at 41 cents. ROSIN Firm at 90 cents for strained and 95 for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.35. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm j at $1.20 for hard, $2.25 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Quiet at 9? cents for middling. . . HOLIDAY, NOVELTIES .1. are overcrowded with other rtnmi.-.. Below we enaiueraU 1 ft- MAKTNK NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer A P -Hurt, Robinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. Sch Annie C. Grace, Norbnry, Philadelphia, Geo. Harriss, Son & Co. v CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robinson, Fayetteville, T I) Love. Steamship . Benefactor, Ingram, New York, H GSmallbones. Just Imagine 7ii. 41 15.; " lOc " 4k iiiic 48 c fiOc 15c 73c Also, Baby Dresses, Cloaks, Caps Bootes, Mitts, Ribbld Unclirmti Bibs, and lots of other things too numerous to mention. Everything sold as advertised at , : - for Felt Hats, Turbans ami all other Leadimfshan 4 a Fine Spray of Flowers. - oapet - Wings, in all Colors. . ; uy-v . 44 Tips, three in a Bunch," in alL Colors. ' ' 4" Birds, Breasts, and Ergrettes. ' a yard for Heavy Kbotted Black Fringe k 44 Blade Gimp Headings , : " 14 " 44 elegant design. 44 4 S u rah Si Ik, in all Colors. ' r 44 Black Silk Rhodames.; 44 Heavy IJlack Gros Gross Dress i Silk 44 t4 Silk Velvin aU Colors.! : EXPORTS. other diseases liver, stoiuach isordered the first grat cause of alFLViseases. cts. and $1 per bottle. Sold druggists. Prepared only by Mozley, M. D., Atlanta,. Ga. 50 ft There ! u 1 a. . . 1 1. t m .! a were several narfies in the 'Kmi in. "urttttMy ttI,u "eauiuuuy Trimmeu eluding a little girl. The fellow in Christmas green. Seats free, went away, and in about five min-' are welcome. Children's Christ utes hM stm as Th'.s service will the 'bus were shattered, an.1 th lit i e a very mterestinif one. Al.. i . . ' mi 1 . . . rri iiuo v t w. in. iuioxt. 1 lie Klltsa WI1IIIUWH ill tie girl was cut by flying glass, hot; .tnhnV llav. no Other rlliii)(Tt I rn o T'litt ! man who put the valise in tiie 'bus A WttS announced the installation has not. since been seen. Late of the officers of the several Mnsonio yesterday afternoon a colored toy lodges in tins citv took place at the named Gus Abernathv, a son of : u 5 i 2 t . i Lewis Abernathv, was "probably fa- i -P?rft House last night. The public LK.HON HOT DItOPS For coughs and voids, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and Bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and Laryngetis take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and Catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For Hemorrhage and all threat All nruJ lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. . . An elegant and reliable prepara tion. 25 cents, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. -H. Jtfozley, Atlanta, G a. COASTWISK. New YprK Benefactor 58 pek? I mdse, 25 bags peanuts. 4 cases tar, i 60 barrels pitch, 670 barrels tar, 801 casks spirits, 100 bales cotton, 141,-j 770 feet lumber, 12G crossties. WCKKLX STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND DKC 27, 1889. Cotton ashore, 10,409; afloat 8,402; total 18,811. Spirits ashore, 5,G28; afloat, 727; total, 6,355. Rosin ashore, 40,040; afloat, 50; total, 40,090.' - f Tar ashore, 5,325; afloat, 980; total, 6,305 Crude ashore, 1,767; afloat,000;total 1,767. RECEIPTS FROM DEC. 20 TO DKC. 27, Cotton, 4,900; spirits, 278; rosin, 8,' 070; tar. 1,677; crude, 259. - KXPORT3.FROM DEC. 20 TO DKC. 27. DOMESTIC. Uotton, 1,632; spirits, 485: rosin, 000 tar, 524; crude, 147. FOREIGN. Spirits 2; rosin, 12,804; tar, 1,100. 118 Market St., Wilmirigtoh, f!.C. OUR TGY;0 WILL "BE OPEN THIS WfeEK AT - ; ' Nc. 5 SoutK Second Sreet,Tvvo Ooors from Market, With a new and defect stock of DOLLS. GASIES, WAGONS; VBL0CI PEDES, TOYS and MECHANICAL TOYS. In fact,, every thing tomk the little ones happy. Orders by mail carefully and promptly fulfilled. T BIG DISCOUNT TO MERCHANTS. . tally stabbed by another coloretl boy named Henry Ledbetter, "ti brother of the negro who some months ago killed a companion in Charlotte. The t wo boys got into a quarrel near the Carolina Central! freight depot. Ledbetter started to: generally had availed themnelve of the invitation extended and a large and brilliant audience was present. Rev. W SOreasy opened the ex- ? er.eises of the evening with a beauti- Presldinjc Klder'a Appotntmentg. Wilmington District First Round Quarterly- Meetings in part: riouthport, liecember 21 and 2.. ScottVrHill, December 28 and 29. Clinton, January 4 and 5, 1890. Bladen Circuit, Centre, Jannari 11 and 12. F, D. SWINDELL. P. E. C'lmrch Services To-Morrow, move awav, when Abernathv bed his coat and Ledbetter . startet Abernathy overtook him on the head. At this ledbetter .turned and plunged a knife into Abernathy's abdomen, inflicting a wound over an inch in length and from two to three inches deep The doctors says that his case Is almost hopeless. He was still living to day but was very low. . -' ..- i.kf- FrcilrvMril nr a r nnf horn txr thitt nlmio raMiir. - tore his sleeve: I 7- 7 . . . . . . " I at TilO p. 1 to run wh(.ni4,'iifiw. "Arise, oniue, rny. li glit Prayer i . . . . i i m mi... - i. - r . .ttnr nim anu llltf uyif. a no Hinders were oiihsi Alas, how changed! The rosy cheek is pallid as the dead, . I f And from the eyes that- were so ig a list of the officers installed: V-r IrIStthohappyUghthasfled. Worshipful Masters Win. L. De Life hasvno joy for her to-day:1 . , . T . . r Id l.efnn her nrfn.e UOSSCr, or wnuiib Juge; w. o. Ipi an! rer ent praj er, which was Campbell streets. Rev. John Primrose. m. Sabbath Scbool at 3.-00 n. m. Meeting and Lecture Wednesday at Tfie pubuc cordially invited. . seats fre. - . i . FirstPfesbyterlan Church, corner of Third and-tran2Q'Streets, Rev. P. TL Hoge, Pastor. Services Sunday at 11 a. iu. ana, 7:30 p. ro. Sunday School at 3:30 o'clock p. m: Prayer raeetinsr and lecture Thursday nlsrht at ni o'ciock. visitors welcome to all services. Front Street Chapel of the First rresovte- rlan Church. Southwest corner Front and Mr. E. S. Martin, as Acting Grand 1 jueen streets, services Sunday at n a. m. I T.?ri n m nil ntAl rtr umm lir WfJ l 1 1 1 n I .rrj i. iu., vuuuwvcu uj unit ir. iUUVt miiici. Sunday School at 3:30 o'clock p. m. Praver meetlh? Wednesday night at 13) o'clock Visi tors welcome. " ' v $oliwarz and Mrs. Thorburn, so pranos; Miss Bowden, contralto; Messrs.. H. M. Bowden and (I. M. Emerson, tenors; and Messrs. H. K. Holdenand J. E. Grant, bassos. POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA, N. C, Two and a FlairMllesWest of Greensboro. N.C . : . o 1"he main line of the K. D. R. R. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains makesrops regular nwme uaiiy eaca way. i nose interested in Frulc and Fruit Si rowing" are cordially invited to Inspect this, the Largest : Nursery in the staie, anu one or t ne largest in tne south, stock consists of Apples. Peach. Pear. Thisiaa New and Masterly Medical Treatise, and indispensable to every YOUNCMP?Ji AC ED, and OLD MAN who is suffering from Weakness, Languor, Loss of Memory, frr. Depression of Spirits, ftlfer Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all -diseases depenaen rr Aoaoenx, iacesses, aoujt vice, ignorance, JNerroua ueDiiity, vital isxnausuon, uu 2 ! 1 1 tti wwwi S Bound tn leather, full gilt. Price, only one dollar. w-m J I lyAI.UMlllllll ollar'J by mail, sealed in plain wrapper, WWJS CONFIDENTIAL Address Hbhrt DuMopr.M.I)., No. 381 Colambus Avenue, v';'utt uuerry, i ium, Japanese I'ersimmons, Apri cots, Nectarines, Mulberries, Quince, Grapes, Figs, Raspberries. Gooseberries, currants, me Plant. English walnut, Pecans, chestnut. Strawberries. Koses. Kvenrreen9. Shade Trees. Marshal, called upom P. Of. M. Mun son for the installation of the of ficers and this was done. Following grown old First Baptist Church, corner of Market and FlttU streets. Kev. T. II. Prltchard. p. !., Prfstor. -Services at 11 a, m. and 7-J30 n. m.. Suixlay School at 3ij0 o'clock p. m. ITaj-er and Praise meeting. Thursday nijrht at 8 o'clock. Strangers cordially invited. Brooklyn' Baptist Church, services In the new church, corner Fourth and Brunswick streets, Kev. K. JS. Peele, lastor. Sunday Services at U a. iu. and at .7.30 p. jn.: Sunday 3 p. m. lrayer meeting Thursday She waits in hopeless sulTering for , Creasy, of Sf: John's Lodge; 8.1 1. : ri. . r... I - ...... . . . . "wiiv comiug iiiuo Northrop, of Wilmington L.otige. iv ' ov. mh ' I Won Uns W H. irrrni et j-n.. nnnr. S1lr n,n'a 5 wn.w. " ' i seJinnl fit mres -isbe Kne- that wonderful St. John s Lodge; Jas. W. Monroevl nijrht at 8.-00 p. m The public is cordially ln- drownW ;j:Ycr'og Jv 1" IL Junior WardensJos. h. waiters, 'attj the inMZV?DctcG ived. health as raws, and of Orient Lodge; J. E. Matthews, of "r St. JohnTs Lodge; Isaac tsear, or &c. All the new and rare varieties as well .as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for 1888 will show. Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destrtptlve Cata logue free to applicants. Address ' J. VAN LIN OLE Y, POMONA, Guilford CO., N. C tw Reliable Salesman wanted in every County. A good paying- commission will be sriw - - o Lime. Lime. : LIME In exchange tor EROVISIONP, ' GROCERIES. " DRY GOOD! ? " " HARDWARE . -; ' y.. f LUMBER. A'V FltBNCH BBOS , - Bocky rolnt- - LIME LIME LIME LIME LIME 3463, Boston, Mass. Prefatory Lecture with numerous testimonials from high sourt This is the only ELECTRO-MEDICO PHYSIOLOCYcver published, and absoiwr' and penect. it is invaluable to ail afflicted, as it readies tae very .roots ana viuus e s LgAanaiJu mums uuisumaau For all Diseases of Men. bv the distlncmisbed author.l IIbkbt DoMoxt, M. D., who has DISCOVERED THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE ES SENCE OF MANHOOD, may be consulted in strictest contidence.iu person or by fetter,at his Electro Medico Infirmary,I'o.381 Columbus Av.,Boeton, Mass. -1 Jia dYMMM n mm, i I HEARD A VOICEb IT SAID, 'tCGJKE AMD 6EE.,, CHRONICLE. i BS KC RTS w W rja Manly Vigor, 'vTcakcess or Lo?3 of jremdry pel naneTitly restored' y the use of so entirely liev - -h Trochcea ncvor fail. Our iil.!tra.ted, SJpago bod THE STATE Successor to the Farmer and Mechanic o , - the Chronicle.) a Tcs-.imonial, sent se:i. Kvery manshonS raik 1'i.c. ;vew loite Frel 0 TIftlE TABLE NO. 3 Palmetto Railroad Co, fff rwT; xaAi. sept Cole. Grace Methodist E Church; ijouth, comer ot Creasy, Pastor. Scnlccsatlla.m.and7SMp.- I 1 1 f 1 f I r v" x METAL, CLEAN nd In gool conditio. wm-fee sola chean. m., conducted by the pastor. Sunday School at 350 p. m. rrayer Meeting ana Lecture Wednesday at 7:S0 p. m. The public are cor daily lavitca. beats free. - Appljlat THIS OFJFICTJ QN AND AFTER IfRLDAY, DEC W, 1887 Trains will run as follows,- dally vexceptlSn day. ". , . ' - - - . -.:.,, ; - -. - v ' . . - GOIKO SOUTH. . - -No 1 Passenger And Freight. " j Leave Hamlet, n. C,7r.-.....f ...... .,a20 A. M Arrive at Cherub, s. 1.. .;:. i :.; 9.30 AM ? : J ' No. 3 Passenger ; and Freight.-- Leav Cheraw, S. C...... .....4.25 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet, N. c ........ . .... .5.35 P. M. Under New Manaj NEWSY, BRIGHT AND;CLEA5. UP WITH ZTHE TIMES- ' . . - r VILl( Jj rjiHE "STATE CUKOSICLE' " , vnat its name JmpUes-a State rar-DOt w not the Raleigh "Chronic c, and Bp local or sectlonaL It llj a 'tc0t 0r,f i the politicians put it. from cneiv , nheor-anofrolianjEw i sectlbnT no party." It criocg ZXiiiJZ-Av,t win not hesltatejiw ffle uemocraUc measures and X ilTKRMSOF SUBSCItlPTly: -. .,.. i ffi One Year. Six Months. . v V pw-

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