mmm PCOIER Absolutely Pure. This nowder never vanes. A marvel of im rlty ,st rength and wholcsomencss. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sola in compeiiuon wmi me multitude or low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. X.ionly incans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER ' ; u. A06 wan St.. n. x. 1 1 1 28 dCwly tenrrn 4thpd Srdpw Tho Daily Hieviow. SATURDAY, .IAN. 4. 1800. STAT K SEWS. Wadhoro Messenger: Mi. Kd mund 13. Richardson, xcc Miss Hallie Marshall, died suddenly at her home in lieonn, Texas, on December 17th. Mr?. Richardson was 'the oldest daughter of Clement Marshall, de , ceased. i Asheville Citizen: Saturday last, two white men, Hurt Rollins and Pace,, of Tryon, City, got into a vio lent altercation about a woman. During the fight Rollins bit off the greater part of Pace's nose, and then jumped on him and kicked him in the face, mutilating him horribly. Rollins Jias been arrested. Raleigh Kexcsand Observer : Adju tant General James P. Glenn was here .yesterday, for the purpose of placing his annual official report which he lias just completed in the hands of the printer. The report will make an excellent showing. There are now l,Ji05 men in the State. Guard and General Glenn says that these men are not merely epunted on paper but they show up in ranks. The negro exodus seems to be growing instead of abating. They have been gathering along the line " of the railroad east of here for sev eral weeks and night before iast they started. There were two extra trains and a number of cars on the regular train, all filled. The total number of emigrants was 1,140. It looked liko all the negroes in Wake county were congregated at 'the de pot to see them off. Mt. Olive Telegra.m: Wednesday, Miss Belle Marabje, oldest daughter of Rev. B. F. Marable, I). D., and one of the most lovely young ladies of our town; and. Prof S. II. Dean, of Texas, were married in the Pres byterian Church, Rev. .). C. Mc Mullen, of Goldsboro, officiating; Last Friday night Mr. Claude Summerlin was awakened by a noise in his kitchen and on going , in to see what it was found it oYi lire. He tried to extinguish tlje flames but after throwing on two buckets of water he saw that he was unable to the building. Several of the neighbors were soon on the spot and succeeded in saving the entire con tents of the dwelling but everything in the kitchen was burned. Mr. Summerlin's loss is about $700 and falls very heavily on him as he is a poor man and had ho insurance on his dwelling or furniture. Charlotte Chronicle: . Divid Als ton, colored, of Concord,' brake man on the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad, was killed Wednesday mo ruing, near . Greensboro,- while the train was passing under a bridge. The re mains of the dead man were taken toCbncord for interment. Eleven car loads of negro emigrants, num bering about 2,000, stopped in Char lotte a while yesterday. The larger portion of them were from Wayne,' Pitt and Lenoir counties. They were oh their way South to different-locations. This crowd of negroes will be divided among the States f Miss issippi, Louisiana, TexMs and Ala-, bama. Some of them said that the inducement offered is a farm to rent, the landlords agreeing to furnish the tenants with suppiies for half the year. Others said that they did not know what they would do until they arrived at their destination, and that they were under obliga tions to the agents to work out their passage, after which they will look out for themselves. Many seemed not to know w hy they were going. The agent told the reporter that 2,000 negroes left Goldsboro Wednes day for Georgia, by way of the At lantic Coast Line." The emigrants from Pitt said that nearly all the negroes have left that county, most or those mat remain towns. We get the Charlotte A'ews only about every other day now. . There is something radicallv wrong some where. Forecast.. For North Carolina, light rains, slightly wanner. For Wilmington and vicinity, fair weather. The committee from the Ladies' Memorial Association, appointed to confer about raiding, funds for the medallion of President Davis to be placed on the monument at Oak dale, are requested to meet at the residence of the President, No. 224 North Third street, on Monday af ternoon, Jahuarv 0th. at 1 o'clock. Lutheran Cliurcli Services. At 11 a. in. to-morrow English ser vices will be held and at 7.:V) p. m German services, in St. Paul's Evan- trelieal liUtheran Uhurch, corner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, pastor. All are wel come. (ratifying to All. The high position attained and the universal acceptance and ap proval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, a's the -most excellent laxative known, illustrate the value of the qualities on which) its success is based and are abund antly gratifying to the California Fig Syrup Company. Grace Church To-Morrmr. Grace M. E. Church. South, north east corner Fourth and Mulberry streets. Rev. AV. S. Creasy,' pastor, At 11 a." in. to-morrow the pastor will preach a memorial sermon for the late and sainted Mrs. Catherine G. Kennedy. Preaching at 7- p. m. Sabbath school at 3i p. m. Seats free and a cordial invitation is ex tended strangers and visitors. I Public Installation. I As has been announced by us the installation of the officers of Cor nelius Harnett Council No. 231, Royal Arcanum, will take place on Monday evening, the 13th instaut, at Odd Fellows' Hall. The committee of arrangements consists of Mr. James W. Monroe, Rev. S. Mendel sohn and Mr. Jacob Weil. The pro gramme will be as follows Invocation by Rev.T.H.Pritchard, D. I). Music, under direction of Mr. C. H. Robinson. Installation of Officers, by Messrs. N. Jacobi, D. S R ,andT. TX Meares, D. S. (i. Music. Address, by Rev. F. W.E. Peschau, introduced by Rev. S. Mendelsohn. Music, Doxology. Their Wwrks Do Follow Them. The Asheville Citizen has the fol lowing beautiful article relative to tlie death of Mrs. C. G. Kennedy. If we mistake not it is a tribute from the pen of Mr. J no. D. Cameron, who though a life-long acquaintanceship, with the deceased lady is fully quali fied to speak of her many virtues: "The death of the venerable Mrs. Kennedv recently in Wilmington is one of those events which touches the chord of human sympathy every where. Born in the year 1800, she nearly reached the close of the cen tury, passing her long life in a uni formity of good Avorks almost 'with out parallel in the annals of human being. She was an humble Christ ian, butasaChnstian a hard worker in the cause of humanity and of re ligion. She was the wife of a pious Methodist minister, who was gath ered to the harvest long time ago. Slit remained true to her church; but in her benevolence, her works of Christian charity, her sympathies and her affections she knewnocreeel or denomination. She was thor oughly the Christian woman and the Christian worker. If ever earth jrave a saint to heaven, it was when Mrs. Kennedy was , transplanted to the realms above.'' I I i i I I I neintr in the "What's female beauty, but an air divine, Through which the mind's all-gentler graces shine." This may be good logic in poetry but in real life 4lth3 mind's all gentler graces shine" to better ad vantage when closed in a sound physique. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure for the most complicated and obstinate 'cases ofjleucorrha, excessive flowing ' rtAfnfnl menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus,, or falling of the womb, weak back, "fenlale weakness," anteversion, retrover sion, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the wows, inflammation,- pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat." Presiding JElder'a Appointment, . Wilmington District First Round Quarterly 'Meetings in part: Clinton, January 4 and 5, 1890. Bladen Circuit, Centre, January 11 and 12. F, D. Swindell-. P. E. The Xoti-Coinmlaii. At the regular monthly full-dress drill of the Wilmington Light In fantry, held last night, Capt. W. R. Kenan announced the appointment of the following non-commissioned officers: First Sergeant W. N. Harris. Second Sergeant E. W. Moore. Third Sergeant R. L. Holmes. . Fourth Sergeant J. J. Smith. Fifth Sergeant Walker Taylor. First Corporal G. A. Huggins. Second Corporal C. H. White. Third Corporal Don MacRae, Jr. Fourth Corporal P. Heinsberger. It is the beautiful peculiarity in this company that the officers grad uate into privates, as well as pri vates into officers. Sergeant jllar riss was recently a commissioned officer-but voluntarily declined a re election and went into the ranks. Col. Cantwell, who formerly com manded the company and is now on the Governor's staff, Is a private and is always "there" and Lieut. J. C. Morrison, who was also for several years the paptajn of the company, fluctuates between the chevrons and the epaulettes. Jfo wondei that the morale and discipline and effiS ciency of such a corps is superb. Interesting to Superior Court Clerks. Chapter 367 of the laws of North Carolina, of 1889, is of special inter est to the Sunerior Court Clerks. It requires that clerks of the Superior Court shall make a sworn statement to the Board of County Commis sioners, of all money in 'their hands, and of all the sources from which it is received, on the first Monday in January of each year. The Land of. Flowers. We are indebted to our clever friend, Capt. R. P. Paddison, for an invitation to attend the Florida Sub Tropical Exhibition, for the season of 1890. at Jacksonville. It will open on Thursdav next, the 9thinst. We also acknowledge the cour tesy of an invitation to attend the Florida International Semi-Tropi-cul Exposition, which will open at Ocala. on the 15th inst and continue until April 1st. . . l 1 , Gold Meal Awarded. t The medal for efficiency during the past year in the Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1 has been awarded to our clever and hand some young friend, Mr. Henry Giecben. The medal, which is of gold, and in the shape of a Maltese cross, is now at Mr. Dingelhoefs. It is suspended from a gold bar and is beautifully ornamented and apr propriately engraved. It will be presented at the next meeting of the company. Bargains in Clothing. j In order to close out balance of j Winter stock, I shall sell goods at j prices never heard of before"; I. j Shrier, dor. Front and Princess j Sts. Goods sold for cash only. i SUCCESS AVeek of Prayer. The following is the programme for the Week of Prayer, commenc ing on Monday next. Services will begin at 8 p. m. each evening, ex cept on Saturday. Monday January 0th Confession and Supplication. In Grace M. E. Church; led by He v. Jno. V. Prim rose. Confession of sin and failure in the past, and 'prayer for consecration, to a holier life. Prayer for the Church Universal, tlyit there may be more of love and co-operation among Chris tians of every name; for the gift of the Holy Spirit; for greater faith fulness to Gospel truth; for large ac cessions of consecrated young men to the ministry; for pastors .and other laborers in Christ's vineyard. Psalm xxxii; Nehein. ix, 1-21; Eph. iv: 1-ir,; Heh. xiii; 7 :51; 1 Tim, i.v; 2; Cor.'iv; John iv; 35-58, Tuesday j January 7th Nations and their Rulers. In First Baptist Church; led by Rev. R. C. Reaman. Prayer for all in authority; for the enactment of wist laws ami their faithfuladministrat'on; for the aboli tion of the traffic in intoxicating drinks; for the repeal of all laws which protect vice; for social puri ty and all other needed reforms, and for the recognition by all men that "righteousness exalteth a natior, but sin is a reproach to any people." ' 1 Pet. ii: 13-:5; 1 Tim. ii: 1-4,-Eph. v: 18; Acts xvi:13; Pet. ii: .1-13, Wednesday. January 8th The Young. In First Presbyterian Chursh; led by Rev. T. II. Pritch ard, I), I). Prayer for special grace and wis doju for those who are charged with their training; for a great increase i i the number of earenst Christian teachers in school-?, colleges and universities; for more abundant spiritual fruit from Sunday schools, and from organizations of young men and young women. Eph. vi: 1-18: Psa cxix: 1-16; Acts xx: 28 39; Prov. viii; ix; Col. iii. 1-17; 2 Tim. 1; 1-14; Joel ii; 28-29. Thursday, January Church at Home. In Grace M. E. Church; led by Rev. R. e Peele. That the church may be awaked to an appreciation of her increased opportunities and responsibilities for bringing the Gospel to every home in cities, rural districts and new settlements, and to our immi grant population. Isa. lxii: 1-4: Jno. i:31-4C; xvii- 20-23; Mark ii: 3-5. Friday, January. 10th The Church Abroad. . In St. Andrew's Presby terian Church; led by Rev. F. D. Swindell. Prayer for missionaries, for those who are preparing to enter the for eign work, and that their number may be greatly increased; for native pastors and helpers; for missionary schools .and colleges; for native churches and converts, especially such as endure persecution for Christ's sake; for the suppression of the opium traffic, the rum traffic, and the slave trade; for the mani festation of Christ as the promised Messiah to God's ancient people, Israel; for the quickening of nominal Christians; for the conversion ,of Mohammedans and heathens, Rom. xi. 2 Cor. iii; Jer. xxxi; 114, and 31 40; Jno. iv: 31-43; Matt, ix; 27-38: 2 Cor. v: 8-21. Saturday, January 11th Thanks giving. In First Baptist Church, led by Rev. P. H. Hoge, D. D. For manifold blessings, spiritual and temporal, public and private; for the maintenance of peace among the nations; for answer to prayer; for the progress of Christ's Kingdom; for a growing spirit of Christian love and co-operation; for the in creasing number of those who have dedicated themselves to the service of missions; for the privilege of being permitted thus unitedly to lay our requests before God during this Week of Prayer. Psa. cvii; 1 Sam. ii; 1-10; I Chron. xxix: 10-15; Isa. xii; Epb. i; Rom. xii; Psa. exxxv. Salvation Oil is the greatest cure on earth for pain. This invaluable liniment routs and banishes all bod ily pain instantly, and cosfg only twenty-five cents a bottle. ' i AN OLD SAYING, "GOODS WELL BOUGHT ARE HALF SOLD' Children's Concert to be Hepeated. The fine children's concert given on la'stWedesday night in Luther Me morial Building, which called forth so many encomiums and gave such general satisfaction and great pleas ure to-all who heard it, will he re peated, with some changes, on nextj Friday, Jan. 10th, in Luther Memo- j rial Building. No doubt, it was the j finest children's concert gotten up bv local talent that we have had for some time in our citv, and all. THIS WEEK WILL SELL MILLINERY GOODS HATS, FLOWERS FEATHERS, BIKty And other necessary Millinery ;ilso, the Latest Shapes q ATS.' AND' BOPJiypTf 5fcw' vii., , nioiieirijjr to come.m. who hear it will enjoy it highly. We therefore have to cle; are glad to know that if will he re-, few of the prices: peated. We say, "success to all j Just iujaine 73c such noble undertakings."7 AT ONE - H ALF THEIR VALU E. We have to make room, for our HOLIDAY NOVELTIES We -are ir- out som i i overcrowded with other Good" is of our stock. v Below we pnntl for Felt Hats, Tiirbans'and all other Leading a Fine Spray of Flowers. , .. .. i - hv5i 73c ' It is More lilesssd to Give Than to de ceive. ! Atlthe City Hall last night there was an immense Christmas Tree gotten up by the ladies of the First Baptrst Church, and the children of the Sunday School, for the bene fit of the poor. The presents were numerous and some of them valua ble. They were just such things as were needed by the indigent. A supper, at which about 100 people were fed, was one of the features of the occasion. The affair was under the management of Mrs. S. H. Burtt and Mrs. W. P. Oldham for the Christmas Tree and Mrs. W. A. French and Mrs. J. S. Allen for the supper. It was in every way a niot successful and a most delightful af fair and many a poor ehild7s heart was made glad and happy. Refreshing:, and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup.Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water. - - if iicic'eir'ti rjncti Salve The Besr oaive m the .world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ued Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pajT required. It is guar anteed to give perfect . satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert 11 Bellamy,! wholesale and retail druggist. j ..... j LESION KI.IXIi: i Its Wonderful Jilted on tUa I.iver, Stoui- j acli, Uowels, Kidneys and Hlo.l. Dr. Moz ley's '"Lemon Elixir is a! pleasant lemon drink that positive : lv cures fill Biliousness, Constipa- i ACED. and old-man who i Oc " Wings, in all Colors. MJc " Tips, three in a Bunch, in all Colors; 48 c '.""Birds, Breasts, and Ergrettes. ' . . SOe a varcl for Heavy Knotted Black Fringe Iflc " Black Gimp Heading. . XUc ' lvVvelegant design 3'3e " " Surah Silk, in all Colors. 75c " il Black Silk Rhodames. " Heavy Black Gros Gross Dress Silt " Silk Velvet, in all Colors. ' Also. Baby Dresses, Cloaks, Caps, Bootes, Mitts, Ribbed UmW Everything sold as advertised it ; :-'2S : DFSL5 ; :.. ; tie Market Wilmington, tl tot- OUR TOY DEPARTMErJT WILL BE OPEN THIS WEEK AT : y Nc 5 Sou4h Second SreetjTwo Doors from Mart With a new and select stock of DOLLS GAMES; WAGONS,. VeJ PEDES. TOYS and MECHANIC AL TOYS. In fact, everything tol !lt ! 1 1 1 1 . 4 n o lin rmv Hi'lovc htr moil onrDfiilltr unl niviTti ri r tnC BIG DISCOUNT TO MERCHANTS. FHE PROLIFIC (TAUSrfflTMPHYSIl E5y 3SCE3KnO."S . v33hx'f03SrI?;!s :3MC.' This is a Ncav and Master!;' Medical Treatise, and indispensable to every YOU NCtM!' 3 Euflerinsr irom Weakness. Janpraor. XX)bs oi Memory, sul. tioil Indirection all Si'-k and Ner- icpreeeion of Spirits, Liver" Complaint, Diseases of the Kidney, and all disease dependc vous Headache Kidnev Disease , Accident, Excessca, FoHyi Vioe,lgaoranco, KerTou Debility,-Vital Exhauatlon, and v 17 0th The Dizziness, Loss of apetite, Fever.1-,! Chills, Palpitation of Heart, and all j other diseases caused hy jlisordred I liver, stoniacn and Kulneys, the hrst Xreat ca.use of all 'fatal diseases. 50 cts. and &l ner bottle. Sold bv j Bonnd in leather, full gilt.'' - Price, only one dollar, by mail, t3ealed In plain wrapper,?, i CONFIDENTIAL. Address IIenkt Du. Mont, M. D., No. 381-Columbus Avenue,orr.j ' :Ui2, Boston, Maes. 'Prefatory Ijecturo with numerous testiruoniala from high BOUrcMi u nudists. -J repareu only oy 1 1 . ; ari j Derfeet. It is invaluable to all afflicted, aa it reaches tho very roots and vitala of diea TVI-,l.ft,. M 1. 1 ..,. ' . i " i mu.ic, irji. i'. , . mill iii, lemon hot ri:ors For coughs and colds, take Lemon-! alL!8f ?rCS bf Jfeby lJe ist5fli1.tt1' ul n.An I'enbt D Moxt, M. 1)., who has DISCOVERED HOG-Uiops. THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE ES- For sore throat and Bronchitis. ! SENCE OF MANHOOD, may be consulted in i strictest tereon orlv hisElectro- jeaicoinnrmary,JNo.asi Columbus Av.,13oston,Mas8. take Lemon Hot Dros. ; For pneumonia and Larynetis take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and flatarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For Hemorrhage and alf throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. 2o cents, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. COMMKBCIAL NfcvVs. WILMINGTON MARKET. Jan. 42:30 P. M. ESPIRITS TURPEN TINE -Firm at 41 cents. Sales of receipts at 41J centos. ROSIN Firm at 90 cents' for strained and 95 for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.35. - CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at 1.20 for hard, $2.25 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Quiet at 9 cents for middling. MAKTNB NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. Nor barque Deodata, Anderson, Dakar, J. W. Bolles. Ital barque New York, Cafiero, Lecata, Peschau & Westerman. I CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. Sch Charley AVoolsey, 'Marstqn, Hayti, S. & W. H. Northrop. Steamer Gulf Stream, Tribou,, New York, H G. Smallboneg. EXPORTS. EOREIGX. Hayti Sch Charlev Woolsey, 90,905 feet lumber; 30,000 shingles. COAST WIS K. New York Steamship Gulf Stream 52 pkgs mdse, 100 bags rice flour, 190,000 shingles, ' 3,000 bolts, 140,733 feet lumber, 10 barrels pitch, 92 bar rels rosin, 106 barrels gumthns, 341 barrels tar, 568 casks spirits. I HEARD A VOICE; IT SAID, .'JM CORSE AMD SEE.'". COLD WAVES AND COAL VESSELS. rrO OFFSET THE COLD WEATUER NOW I upon us I nave three vessels loaded, with COAL due to arrive in a few days, viz : The schooner "Thos. Clyde," the schooner "John V. 'Hall, .Jr.,"'" the schooner "Eva Danen hower." - These with the large stock already oniand will place me in position to supply all de mands promptly and with the finest grades of COAL ever sold in Wilmington. corns selected wood at low prices. dec 31 tf NOTICE! ;0:- Drugs and themicalp, 'jjOILET ARTICLES. PATENT MEDICINES, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc, etc . " . Also Prescrlptloiis filled day or night at Jan 4 . P. C. MILLER'S, drugstore,: Comer Fourtn and Nun sta. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Fall and Winter , . f -' . -- CHEAPER TljAN THE CHEAPEST. Boys' and Children's . SUITS A SPECIALTY, AND SOLD AT Rlew York Prices. Call at once and be convinced. Don'tlfor get our line of LATEST BROADWAY BLOCK IN SILK HATS' NLY S3.00. B. F. PENNY, .the'clothiek, . . . Oct 17 ft 110 Marker-street, i BEKRY GUSAVES, F. W. K Pres. and Manager. Treai" OWEN F. LOVE, SecrexaO The Gleaves Hardware WILMINGTON, N. C, IS TDEO STRICTLY JOBBING IIAOTARI IN THIS STATE OR SECTIC Country Mercliai will please rerrifember this when the their ORDERS or buy their nARDtf ' dec 31lm : I OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ANP i URER OF THE WILWINGTON DON AND W., C. & A. It. f4 R.cai Wilmington. N. C Jan. V THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFj mington & Weldon R. R. Co. hav j a dividend of four (4) per cent., on K'1 oi puis., payawe on tne lotn insu., w of record of this date. The Transr will stand closed from January lstfr 15th, 1890. ' JAS. F. POST-' Jan l lot . Treasurer W& W.; Hardware? rjiiNWARE . ' AND CROCKEltY. W. E. SPRINGER .- '- . Tmporteriaii(J nov t v ; --purcenr-. 1 J. W. ATKINSON, . President; IA w. p.t Wilmtarfon Savings & lfy f AC PRINCESS ST.V WILMIT0 I VO Lends Money cn satisfactory Payg Interest on Deposits, is vvrtf. execute Trusts of all kinds. JA H. CKOJJENBEf IrnoTOGBAPiiER .1 RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY Photographs at reasonable pdfji , FRAMING A STZCUK jy"3Ht ' ;ucvilartctst.v-j

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