The .Dowr -SteTrieTxr. MISCELLANEOUS. HUHflPHREYS 7 u ,S3wJ rTlpUo-for many w-Dfflrtl '"b saccess.aEd for over ,r, lusfby tbcppter Every single Spe- ' anecial-cure lor me uishu muum. 1,urduciiiKthe system, and are in fact and " . CPR JP.' PRICES. Icnrrns. YTtna lever. Woim Colic.. .'25 LirrleaV'' C.iUwn or Adults .5 ;. AV-i'"'.-!- si.k-Koj..L-i;he, Vertigo .'2. .VirSlat? la:fI Period. - .v5 4 ,,"i,t.. tK rrrr:.- Period. - -. :'..;f'i. Fv.ivlas. irnvtious. 5 1 VrrbflnflSei:.'-. Cr.ld intheKead .30 : v--octipJV''Ci-": - VSoIcb troughs. .AO h :-?r ?1 !eJfi v, iortei " Wife va ar.vr&ar.SS . , ,,. . .p "-i-aor s.;nt postpaid on receipt 'ri.-?'iii clKi aud cld. mailed free. r! S I Fi O S 7mk PEfllliROVAL PILLS. ' : J?J lied Cross Diamond Brand. 0 .-Vv? The b1t rel'uifcte rill for sals. Safen4 ff ure. IdlVo, k lnitlt for the IMa. 1 - r f nea irunl. i r4 metallic boxes, ela4 1 j Li titkbtMiiUioit. TaktMotbrr. Sod4ei ' (it.r,?) tor particolu-a aii'l " lielief for ' " l.rdTf m" in !', by nttUL. A oom iiMtn 1 -v:V. R v L.f ASV3 -ji?t,fr3TJ.-.Tc nml heji.rlni th hair. sSNever Fa!U ta P.attoro Gray ;p(S "tv55s HairlaitjYoolIifj! Color. : ASTH5V3A CUE151 znutrtr JUNN'S A&TUMA CUREll tCMFFX ANN'S ASTHMA CURE I itindy relies the most nojoet stUck.No i d WmSi ad siars is the ak ueinoa3feepUiM..Prieo)e.Md S1.00, of I Wares" it. wmr - - -- T-rr MADK WITH BOILINO WATER i fiRATKFUlw COMFORTINR. O O O O - MAIKYITIl BOILING 3III.K. LOADED DICE. .TJM II pt. -P(mmts." 3 puM, vill bus. yoo .ipTt- 8l tTM H-tULj(u l. oi.MKir S00..SUSa.St,CtaTUB4,a : : ' PEHUYE10YAL PILLS tre ivsya reu&ote. tMieti . a iiniHiu bv jjuainui jiraiu. lu ps metaUie boxes, sealed with bine , is pasteboard boxes, pink wrapper, are . AAMm.wWl.a Snil SJL (tamps) for particulars, testiswmiala au4 KUf far Lsdiest," in Isttsr, by rctaraj tkkhesw Casta' 1 Cs, Iittu &4i sUsh r it Sk. , uM ago Bnfiering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, waiting weakness, lost manhood, eta I will send a Talnabla treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure. FREE of charge. A splendid medical work ; should do read by erery Oman 'Who is nervous and debilitated. Address. Prof Fs Cs FOTYUEH, Moodus, Conn. PflCITIVP ForLOSTor JAILirfl HANKOCD t General aad KSY0U3 DBILIT7 f! I I'WT! "Weakneaa of Body and Mind: Effeo Cobatt. Xobls RAXUOOO fnlly RestarM. How ts Ealarre ai xrarba WK4I,ESIii!TSU)PF.D ORGANS FARTS of COW asfaUlas; UOXK TSKATaXT-Bea'ta in a da Cea iMtlry fraat 41 Stal, Trrritarles, aad fari;a Catrl leaeaawrlteUesa. Book. rallsxplaaaUoa, aad proofs aial) iteaied) tree. ad.1re KI MEfilCAl C8 B8FFAL0. H. Buckets, Brooms Baskets, Paper, APER BAGS. TWINES, Blank Books. Stationer JCHOOL SUPPLIES, &c Full Stock ! Bottom Prices ! Yrmington "Paper Comp'y, 11 NOHTIl WATKIt S.T. Lime. Lime LlMK In exchange for TROVISIOS, LI MB " " " GltOCERIKS. UMK : DRY GOODS LIME " " nARDWARE. LIMB " LUMBER. LlMK "..CASH. PKENca oieos., ft Roctor Poinr. Anotlier JPugeV ."! . Anotherppage In life's gieatl)bok; Is turned for onr recording"; " Whltfe as tho softly driven snow. And better things affording. Another half smooth .m; the lake On summer day unruffled Let failures past he all forgot, And jangling: chords be muffled. Another record clear as Hjrht I Of nooo-day sun unclouded;. The stains and blots of other days Are. with. tho dead enshrouded. We start anew, and bless the love Which hides fiom sight, forever. The blotted page o'er which we weep Per everv poor endeavor. -'. ... . Life, flittering fast, will soon be o'er, And ere the, sun declining, Points to the west, we'll strive o do Some deed unselfish, shining. ' Some, act, for which no .tint of shame - Will stain our cheek, recalling; Some deed, at which we will not fear To look, when night is falling. Carine, in Winston Daily. " Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so pepulur as to need no special mention . AH who have used Electric Cittera sing the same song of praise, a purer medicine doe3 not fx istanditis guaranteed to do aP that is claimed. Electric Bitters will care nil diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, wili remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Wilt drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well a9 cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation aad Indi&es- lion try Electric Bitters. Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refund cd. . Price 50 cents and $i00 per not tie at Robert" R. Bellamy's wholesale and retail drugstore. .. Have Ton a Cough.? Attend to it'in. time do not neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption. Young's Cough Balsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by Munds Brothers. Mt seems , to me that I do reineui ber a big pumpkin.' 'I thought so. Yonr memory is almighty poor one, Maria, but you could not forget that big pumpkin. Do you have any idea," persisted Mr. Billup, with growing recollec tions of sundry pies his good mother had made shortly after that fair, "whatever became of that pumpkin, Mariaf 4-I think I have, John." "You have, hey," he retorted Id surprise. "If it is all 3-011 can do to remember the biggest pumpkin at that fair how do you happen to know whatever became of it, madam?" L "I married that pumpkin, J6hn." 1 no lire uurneu feebly in tlie grate the canary bird slumbered peace fully in its cage, and amid a silence so profound that the shadows could be plainly heard dancing on the wall Mr. and Mrs. Billus satin their cheerful little parlor and dreamed the happy hours of their wedding anniversary away. Chicago . Tribune. The Gigantic. Dragon Tree. The most gigantic specimen of the famous dragon tree of the Canary Islands stood, until within the year, and still stands, for that matter, but dead as a mummy, near Oratava, on the island of Teneriffe, the largest of the group. above mentioned. This monster warty dragon has wbeen fully described by dozens, yes, hun dreds, of globe tourists who have "done" the sights of the world. dur. ing the past fifty years. Some of' these writers have set it down as rivaling- jn acre the pyramids of Egypt and the burial mounds of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. 1 Measurements of this botanical ! monster, taken at the beginning of the fifteenth century,, 400 years be fore Humbolt's visit,.show that the tree did not perceptibly increase in size during the intervening con turies. How long must have been the time required, if four centuries of vigorous growth did not add one foot to the giant's circumferencefor it to have .grown trom a slender withe to a titan 45 feet in circumfer ence? No wonder that the great Hum bolt did no even make provisions for a doubt when he calmly says: "I would consider it at least 10,000 years old." To the native Canary Islander the dragon tree is as sacred as the bo tree is to Ceylonese, and, the rites performed in its immense hollow, which Humbolt said would comfort ably provide shelter for twenty men, Avere as mystic if not as horrible as those performed around .the can nibal tree by the Australian sav- GUARD AGAINpT TJIE STRIKE, And always have a bottle of Acker's English Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike your little one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treat ment. A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by Munds Bros., druggists.. , ; At Hamburg, in Germany,, and Dantzic, in Prussia, the longest day has 17 hours. A CHII4J) KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur prising when:they can relieve the chih of its 'peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Munds Bros., druggists. - - t At Wardbuiy. Norway, the long est day lasts from May 21 to July 22, without interruption. . - HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Cannot go hand in hand if we -look on the dark. -side - of' every little ob staele. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, Con stipation and Indigestion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by Munds Bros., druggists. , , At St. Petersburg, Russia, and Tobolsk, Siberiu, the longest day is 19 hours and the shortest 5 hours. ages. Advice to Mothers. Mus. Wins lows Soothing Syrcp should always be used when children are cutting teeth. Itrelievesthe lit tle suflferer at once; it produces nat 11 nxl, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button.." It is very pleasant to taste. Jt soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme- uv for uiarrnrea, wnetner arising from teething or Twenty "five cents a bottle, .inly 6 deod&wtv causes. The National Life AND Maturity Association OP WASniNQTON, D. C. WE CAN AND DO ftnnwntPA A . k fir's Blood Elixir for it has been fully demonstrated toj the people of this country, tnat it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is. a positive cure for syphiliticrpoisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. Jt purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the eonstitntiprt. 4 For sale by Munds Bios. - ' She Hacl Not Entirely Forgotten. . Mr. Billus sat in his comfortabfe armchair, with his feet comfortably resting on another chair. MrsBJIlus was enjoying himself. "He had dined, and he defied fate to do its worst even as another great man is said "by historians to have done under like circumstances longbefore the period of Billus. "Maria," he observed, "this is the anniversarv of our wedding, isn't it?" " "It is, John." "Twenty-three years, Maria," said Mr. Billus, reflectively, as he, took the poker and stirred the fire in the grate, "is a thundering long h'm! h'm! .longtime for some married folks, isn't it?" 1 "It is, John." "And yet it doesn't seem h'm! h'm! as if it 'were thirty years since I first met you at tlie Jaspel County Fair, does it?" "It isn't. thirty years," replied Mrs. Billus, rather short!. "It is only twenty-six." "I mean twenty six- years, of course, Maria. Speaking of that fair," - continued Mr. Billus, "I wonder if you remember that big artichoke in the agricultural hall." "No, I don't remember anv big artichoke." "Have you forgotten that long ear of corn sent in by old Absalom WykoF.'" "I have no recollection of it." "Don't you remember , the big beet that Uncle Jakev Debois had on exhibition?". " f - , "No." " - "-' "r : '.'"-V -- "Maria," said Mr. Billus, impa tientlywhere'a you memory? Don't you recollect the great big pumpkin that weighed 176 pounds that Col. Happerly .was. showing everybody that came to the air?" Has Paid to Mem bers Ovpr - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - None. HORATIO BROWNING, President. JSAMUEX. NORMENT, Treasurer. GROKGKD. Li,RIDQE, Sc crot ary. Manager a&v A ctuary. GEO. J. KASTKRDAV, Asst Secretary. Ufo Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed l'oitcr. r An Incomesttble Poljey.' Maturity Value In Cafeh at Fixed Age Annual Coat. Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. - Non Forfeitable After Tliree Tears, P. S. RLDDELLK, M. D.1? Medical Director! W. H. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home Office, central National Bank Building, Washington, D. 0 JOUN UAAR, Jr., Local Agent, oct 28 Wilmington, N. C, Send in Yonr, Worlt. AM STiLL AT THE SAME OLD;STAND,ON Second street, and am ready to repair all kinds of Furniture and Domestic Articles. I will do the ' work well and my e&arges are al ways moderate: 'Satisfaction guaranteed in every Instance. - v. " J. B. PARRAR, second street, be Market and Princess, nov 19 tf 13(a 10 i 8 00 (rtll 00 lfi 11 " 10 9 6' BO 75 10 9. WHOLESALE PRICES. r The following quotations represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or dera higher prices have to he charged. bagq lNcir : : : Gunny...... 7 - Standard... a i4 UACON North Carolina. , - Hams..... 11 ; Shoulders y lb. , h a des -... . ........ 10 Hams, lb - Sides, y lb Shoulders, w lb ........ . DRY SALTED Sides, lb.... ............... 8V , Shoulders, lb.-... 6 DARREIN .Spirits Turpentine. " . Second Hand, each I 40 New, New York, each.... 0 00 New, City, each 1 m BEKS WAX, V ) ) BRICKS Wilmington, M.... 6 0(1 Northern ...... 0 00 isuxTJSK, lb North Carolina... Northern. CANDLES, lb Sperm; .M Adamantine CHEESE, lb Northern Factory. Dairy, Cream state OFFEE, v B . Java Laguyra .n... Rio.7. CORN MEAL, bush, In sacks. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, y yardv. . Yarns, bunch . EGGS, doz Mackerel. No. 1, bbl. . . . 30 00 13 50 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbL 7 50 8 00 Mackerel, No. 2, w bbl.... .. 9 00 ll 00 4-Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl..ri 75 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, v bbl 7 80 9 00 Mullets, bbl 6 00 7 00 N. C. Roe Herring. ?tf keg.. . 00 4 00 DryCod, lb...:.. 5 10 FLOUR, y bbl western, low grade..... .. 50 4 . " Extra 4 00 4 " Family 4 50 5 City Mills Super "... 4 00 4 Family, 4 50 5 GLUE, V ft 8 GRAIN. W busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white 00 Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. 00 , Corn, cargo, in bags, white. 66 Corn, mixed, from store. ... 00 Oats, from store. . 42 oats, Rust Proof 00 cow peas ... so a 15 35 25 30 ' 18 8 25 9 10 11 12 13 4 14 9 - 10 27 " 28 23 24 20 22. 00 67 00 67 1 25 1 30 0 6 00 80 18 20 D 10 05 85 90 7 8 1 40 HIDES, V R reen Dry i . . HAY, 100 -lbs-Eastern. l Western North River HOOP IRON, y 2b LARD, v lb Northern North Carolina LIME, V barrel LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank ,15 00 Wresc India Cargjts, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 juijAs:s.ks, gallon New crop, in hhds. " in bbls..: Porto Rico, in hhds " in bbls Sugar nouse, in hhds. ..... . " in bole Syrup, in bbls NAILS, Kdg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 OILS. gallon.. Kerosene Lard Linseed ... Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY t Chickens, live rown " Spring....- .. Turkeys PEANUTS, bushel, 22 ft. POTATOES, y bushel sweet... Irish, v bbl 2 PORK, y barrel City Mess...... 17 Prime .....15 00 Rump 00 00 50 00 10 00 10 65 62 67 65 45 52J4 'JO 5 13 10 95 00 10 0 00 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 25 28 28 30 00 16 22 40 9 16 90 15 00 00 20 10 95 60 35 25 50 (A 26 30 30 35 15 18 35 50 14 45 00 16 20 22 25. ) 0 90 60 75 RICE Caiollna. lb. 4 Rough. V bush, (Upland)... 60 " (Lowland) 80 RAGS, lb Country 00 City 1 ROPE. lb 14J SALT, v sack. Alum... 70 Liverpool j.... 65 - Lisbon .. 00, . American 00 SOAP, lb Northern. .' 5 SUGAR, P lb Standard grain.. 6a Standard A... 4. ,6 White Ex c 0 s Extra C, Golden c Yellow.... .... .... 0 1 SHINGLES, 7 in. V M Common Cypress Saps. Cypress Hearts STAVES, y M W. 0. .Barrel. R. Or Hogshead . .-. TALLOW. W lb TIMBER, w M feet Shipping.. 12 00 Fine Mill.... -...JI25 Mill Prime 7 50 MU1 Fair 5 00 Common Mill.... 5 00 - Inferior to Ordinary 2 50 WHISKEY, v gal Northern... 1 00 North Carolina. 1 00 WOOL, y ft Washed 28 Unwashep..... ... 15 Burry.... RV 18 00 16 (X) (15 00 5K 80 00 ir i 225' 75 70 00 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 00 0 00 5 (4 (4. 5)tf 6 6 1 6 5f 5 7 00 2 50 5 IK) 7 50 3l4 00 (10 00 (4 6 (4 U 00 13 00 8 50 0 00 0 00 4 00 2 00 2 50 30 25 ft 15 SPECIAL NOTICE ! VyE ARE THE SOLE OWNERS OF THE following finest and well wniSKIES in the market- known Brands of HOLIDAY GOODS ! Fire Crackers, Orange', Kaisitifi, Citrons, Prunes, Currants, Cakes, C'ararii, &c. Also, a full stock or GROCERIES. Send in your orders. , , . - s A Dlt 1 AN S V a IjLRKS WHOLESALE GROCERS, S. E. Cor. Dock and Front Sts. y Country merchants will do weU to give us a call. ; . . dec 16 a, 1 000 IJJS OLD TYTE METAL, CLEAN nd in good condition. Will be sold cheap. , . Applyat - ' : v THIS OFFICB. Southern Star Rye,- Cabinet Rve, Our Standard Rye," Bouquet Rve, State Guard xxxx Cabinet. There is nothing better sold anywhere, and all first-class barrooms sell all or one of the above Brands. . " - Brunhild,Simoii& Co., Ill N. Front St., Dealers in Liquors, cigars and'Tobaccos. aug 27 tf - Catch On! . - Your ord ers for Print inp. liulin er an d Bind in sr will be executed as ex-r . peditiouslr, delivered- as promptly, and guaran teed, to . le ; as satisfac tory us . any first-class r establishment. We have none but reliable work- v men, and our material, and presses are: all first- class. Largest stock pf ; . paper to select frQm:'" : ZJACKSON t BELL,. Leading Printers and Hinder, Wilm i ng to n & We Id on R; R. i-Z A N i lilt A 1cfi' SA CON I) KNS Ml) SOU ttn ULK. TRAINS GOING -'.OUT ft. Datei Dee. 8. Ismi. Leave Weldon ....... Arrive Rocky Mount Arrive Tarboro.. . Leave Tarboro..,;. Arrive Wilson v..'... Leave Wilson Arrive Selma.. . Arrive Fayette vl lie. !. . o A P. MJ 11 16 A. M 1219 A. M. 13 47 P. M. 12 m 140 P. M. 5 43 P. M. 3 45 A. M. 10 20 C ( jr a A. M. GOO 710 P. M. 217 Leave Goldsboro.... Leave Warsaw...:.. Leave Magnolia...:, Arrive Wilmington. . A. M. 12 29 ' 2 l 2f4 3 56 t2D0 3 40 600. 310 407 4 22 5 50 00 7 10 8 40 9 55 43 8 35 9 31 919 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington. . Leave Magnolia.. ... Leave Warsaw.. ... Arrive Goldsboro... Leave Fayetteviile. . Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson 3 0 A. M. 1120 P. M. 12 38 "l37 O c3 00 l A. M. 12 01 1 17 "2 18 A. M. 9 00 10 42 10 55 11 45 Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount.. Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Tarboro.. Arrive Weldon. 220 250 3 45 10 20 3 57 59 t8 40 11 CO- 12 10 P. M . 12 37 110 4 30 3 45 A. M. 101:0 IP. M. I 2 45 o 2 . . -a " J 2 P. M. 400 5 36 5 53 0 5:3 7 47 8 J8 9 30 Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Koart leaves Halifax 2:30 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at.3:45 p. m., Rlverton 6;10 p. m. Re turning leaves Rivert on 7:20 a. m., Scotland Neck at 10:20 a. m.4 daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C., via Albermarle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sunday, 4.00 P. M., Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrive WilUamston, N. C, 6.30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., IMymouth 8.00 P. M., 5 40 P. M.' Returning leaves Plymouth, mouth. N. C,. daily except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., Snnday 8.30 A. M., WilUamston 7.25 A. M., 9.50 A.M. Aril ve Tarboro, N. C. fl.50 A. M., 11.30 A. M. This train will not run South of WilUamston until 6 P. M., November 20. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. c, daily except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., arrive Smithneld, N. C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smithfleld, N c, 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 3.00 P. M.. arrives at Nashville a40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 1'. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope laooA. M.. Nasnvllle 10.35 A. M., arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A,M., daily except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Wrarsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A.M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with N os. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteviile Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. 'Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all pbint3 North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily, excent Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all oolnts North via Richmond and Washington. 4 AU trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace. Sleep ers attached. - JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't, Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent. Carolina Central Railroad Company. " T- 1 IX I m sr ia: CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Sept. 23, 1889. Leave Wilmington Leave Hamlet.. .-. . Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. . ; Leave Llncolntoh. Leave Shelbys ArrivcRutherf'dt'n No. 4L dally ex. Sunday. 2 20 pm 6 45 pm 7 89 pm 9 35 pm No. 5L . dally ex. Sunday. 7 10 pm '2 00 am 3 25 am 6.45 am No 5. daily ex. Sunday. 5 55 pm 7 32 pm 8 26 pm 9 45 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS, Sept. 22, 1889. LcaveHutherTdt'n Leave Shelby...,. ljeave Lincomton. Arrive Charlotte,.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet. . . . . Arrive Wllmingt'n. No. 38. daily ex. Sunday. No. 54 daily ex Sunday r NO. 6. daily ex Sunday 5 15 am 7 03 am 8 20 am 12 30 pm 8 20 pm 11 38 pni' 1 45 am! 8 10 am' 8 45 am 11 nn nim 11 w c&jlu 12 20 pm Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via Ral eigh. - , Trains No. 51 and 54 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. T. WT. WHISNANT, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, Geri'l Passenger Agent. , . -3 - - " . . - - - s pn Manly Vigor, Weakness or Lcsof JTcmory :anenrly restorpd by the use f on cjtfirclviev nedy. Tlie Yet ha 8anta fmtii Spain. Sp&n h Trochees never fail. Cur iili:ctratt d,Ji2p".ije loci testimonials, (sent sPdV Kvervxnan shooit ad it. VOW GRAER.TKOCIIEEt'O., tr-Ii . 1 Prk l'J 4ce, A Vorlt. . r f SI COED WAVES AND COAL VBSSULS. O OFFSET THE COLD WEATHER NOW ipon us I have three vessels loaded with COAL due to arrive in a few days, viz: The schooner "Toon. Clyde," the schooner -"John W. Hall, Jr. the schooner ; tiEva Danen hower." These wtth the large stock already on hand wUl place me in position to supply all de mands promptly and with the finest grades of COAL ever sold i n Wilmington. corns sexecrea v ai -jow prices. ... . . - ' v-'w . v- ...... -. - : -., V; t.- .' - f ; - t t J!" 5 Anincl B. E. Co. ' CONDENSED SOIIEDULE. ASGINa SOUTH i Dated $dv.i8lss9. Leave Wilmington..'. Leave Marlon.. ....... Arrive Florence..... . Leave Florence. ; . ...... Arrive Sumter. . . . .... Leave Sumter Arrive. Columbia. .... No. S3. fNO. 27. P..M 9 33 .10 20 NO. 50 A. M. - 4 35 , 4 35 -.615 A. M. ' P. M. 10 10 13 40! 1 m A. M. No. 52. A. M.- tlO 33j . U 55 r3 -st T0. 68 A. M. 4 16 6 51 - 7 27 - . No. r8 A. M. to 10 10 28 No. 52 ruri through from : Charleston ; Central R.l. .. . , .. . . .. . , Leaving Lanes 9U5 A. M., Manning 56 A. Train on c. & D. R, 11. connects . at Fiorenc With NO. 58. v ? : a . . -; . TRAINS-GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia . . . . . , Arrive Sumter. . .... . , Leave Sdmter.. Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marlon. . ..... Arrive Wilmington..; No. 51. p. ''Si. 10 35 11 58 11 58 1 15 :a. m. NO. 7 A. SI, ; 4 35 5 20S 8 35 A. SI. NO. 59: Tt 6 37 ' .7 50 PM NO. 66 A. SI. 7 60. 8 26 11 10: A SI. NO. P. SI. 5 20 6 32 NO. 14. P. SI. 8 15 8 55 1145 P. Si. Dally. tDaiiy except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, s, c, via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7:04lP. M.. Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9:30 P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C and D , train from Cheraw and Wadesboroi Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W.; &;Wt R. K.'for all points North .. -. : - Train on Florencp R. Rt leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. : SI., arrive Rowiand 7:00 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6:30 a. m.. ar rtve Pee Dee 8:50 m. ; Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter dally, except Sunday, l(h50 A.SUarrive Richardson 12:01P. Si. Returning leave Rich ardson 12:15. SL, arrive Sumter 14J0 P.M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, A ss t'Gen-1 Manager. . T. m. ESiERSON, General Passenger Agen . nov 18 . , , , ;. r - Atlantic Coast Line. N 0 rt h -Ea s ter n R. R . of 5 . C r - K m. 31 si .tt.. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS. GOING SOUTH. V Leave Florence..... " Kingstrec.... Arrive Lanes .., Leave LaDes. Arrive Charleston... NO. 27. NO. -23. No. A. Si. A. SI.' ' 1 35 9 SO ; a 2 29 .10 55 2 m 11 20 PM. 2 50 ' 11 20 1 " T 5 5 00 - I 30 9 A. M. P. M. hT. M. Train No. ea takes No. 53 South of Lanes. .Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at-Florenco with No. 23 Train. TftAINS G OINO NORTH, Leave Charleston.... Arrive Lanes Leave Lanes... " Kingstree....; Arrive Charleston.... NO. '78. No. 4. No. 52. . - ' t-. . A. Sf. p. st; A. si. I2 25". 430 '7 2 45 C 28 9 . 2 50 , 0 28 3 10 46 4 20. - 7 55 A.. Si. P. M. A. SI. Daily, t Daily except Sunday. . . Train No. 14 connects atTlorenco with train on c. & D. r. r. for Cheraw, s. a, and Wades boro, N.c. . ;t ".ri. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Central R.R. of s. c. , Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, c, making close connection with W. W. . Ii. for all points north.- i JNQ. F. DIVINE, . General Superintendent. J. R. KENEY, Ass't Gen'l Manager. T. sljsmerson, Genl Passenger Agent. my II ., ; Harp er's lsif ILLUSTRATED -J- A new Shakespeare-the Shakespeare of Edwin a. Abbey will be presented yln Hak per's Magazine for if90, with comments by; Andbew Lano. Harper's SIagazike has also made special arrangements with Alphokse ' Dai'det, the greatest of living French novel ists, for the exclusive publication, in seilal form, of a humorous story, to be entitled 'The Colonists of Tarascon: the Last Adven- tures of the Famous .Tartarln." The story will be translated by- Hexbt James, afid illus trated by Rossi and MrRBAcn. WT.D. HowellSi win contribute a novelette in three Darts and l.AFnmn iinixt nnv- elette in two parts, entitled "Youma," hand- In Illustrated nanera. tinhtnop unhtoctu r,r current -interest, and in its- short stories, Doems. and tlmplv arttnlf thA fifli7fw will maintain its well-known standard HABPERS' PERIODICALS, ..." ; . . . ' r ' PKH tkar: Js As BPBINGBK. decsitf HARPER'S SIAGAZINB... H.iU 0 ARPER'S WEEKLY.... .t. 4 00 ----- v - ' HARPER'S BAZAR . . . . .... ........ 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE...'.......-i 00 rmlaae Fre to atl subtcribrrii in fhi r7n.Ut' SsaU-, Cantda.oi' Mexkxu. 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