, J fiRDYALISiM XJ 0 :;":' ' Absolutely Pure. . This powder never vanes. A marvel of pu- lty .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kind3, and cannot be 8old in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. S'.lt onlr in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER ' , C. .108 Wall St., N. Y. i ' c 1 2t diwly tcnrm 4thpd Srdpw ID oily ; Review. SATURDAY, JAN. 11. 1890. STATE NEWS. Raleigh News and Observer: Sheriffs are now coming in lively rdcI settling their coiinty taxes with , the State Treasurer. ( The following v sheriffs settled yesterday: J. S. Swain, Randolph, $10,003.00r I. E. Saunders, Montgomery, $3,683.43; J. T. Ellington, Johnston, $11, 087.70. Sheriff Rogers of Wake has not yet settled his taxes He is allowed until May. It is sheriff C. M. Rogeri of Granville who haett led. Haleigh Call: Col. J,. L Polk, President of the National Farmer's and Laborers' Union of America, left this evening for Washington to establish his office there and to en ter folly upon the discharge of his duties." Mr. Jno. W. Thompson, who spent a couple of days in San ford this week, reports that straw berries are ripening there out in the open garden. .' He had the delight ot picking' them from the vines and on tint tVi Ptn frsli nrl ln.imic: Charlotte News: Mr. Joseph Misenheimer, a prominent citizen of Cabarrus, and a gentleman who is! well known in Charlotte, died sud- ; aeniy at ins nome yesxeruay, iromi heart disease.- That was an in-J teresting dinner party at the Central j Hotel to-day, when three aged I ladies, all old chums, had a table to.! themselves and divided their atten-j t ion between discussing the dinner j and talking of Auld Lang Syne. The j three ladies were Mrs. Brevard, : Charlotte Chronicle: v- Yesterday some of the creditors of the firm of C. A. Dixdn & Co., made a propoRi tion to compromise the suit which is now pending. They offer to com promise for 44 cents on the dollar. The,deferidants have agreed to this compromise, provided all, the cred f tors of the. tirm will agree to it. The terms of compromise have not yet been signed, but will probably be tq-day. If- this, compromise is effected, the matter will be at an nd. Dr. D. O'Donoghue and Dr. J. C Register had an altercation yesterday afternoon about four o'clock just at the entrance of the Belmont Hotel. Dr. O'Donoghue haJ d'sputed Dr. Register' word about a matter, and -Dr. Register struck Dr. O'Donoghue. After slight skirmishing the. combatants clinched, and wrestling towards the curb, both fell into the gutter. Dr. O'Donoghue, who is very heavy, was stunned slightly by his head striking on a sharrrock, which cut the scalp. This ended the difficulty. IiOOAIiiTEWS. Forecasts. For North Carolina slightly warm er and fair weather. For Wilmington and vicinity, fair weather. Gratifying to All. The high position attained and thf universal acceptance and ap J proval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, as the most excellent laxative known, illustrate the value of the qualities on which its success is based and are abund antly gratifying to the California Fig Syrup Company. New Lodge K. of P. -Lumberton Lodge, Ncs 35, Knights of Pythias, was instituted at Lum berton on Thursday night, after a fine a-.tdress by Rev. W. S. Creasy, of this city, by Grand Chancellor Thos. 1). Meares. The following are the officers: S. P. C. N. M. Culbretli. C. C. J. II. Morrison. V. (.-!. W. Mill saps. Prelate W. W. McDiarmid. ' K. of It. & S. N. A. Brown. M, of R O. T. Williams. M. of E. C. L. Jones.. M. at A. C. B. Skipper. I. G.t James Jones, Jr. O. G. F. 1. Bond. To-Iay'S Vine. The alarm of fire this morning, at 10 o'clock, turned in from box 10, was caused by the burning ot three one mother of Dr. R. J. Brevard: Mrs. I etnrw fruim hnilHi C0, mother of Mrs. H C EccIps, j t t hetween Red Cross and and and Mrs. Eccles, mother of Mr. H.C. ' , , . Eccjes. Mrs. Brevard is 79 years Campbell. The Ore started on the old, Mrs. Conrad is 80, and Mrs. ! roof -'-of E.sey Hawes house and Eccles Is 76. They were as chatty . spread to one to-the North owned and lively as young girls. ; occupied by Rate Nash, then to l"Js""":::-: thaton the South, owned by Mr. turer of Winston were pending i- to day by a large tobacco manufac that negotiations; between a weaitny New "York syndicate and several of oar tobacco manufacturers for the purchase of their plants. It -seems that they have offered to buy five of the largest factories in Winston, for which they agreed to xay full value 'or buildings, machinery, etc., and then pay each one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars for the brands, name of the firms, etc., provided these parties into a contract to never again en gage in the tobacco manufacturing siness. This trade, if con sura at ed, would necessarily cause to be in vested here two three million of dollars and would be the biggest deal of 'the kind made in our State. Wadesboro Messenger: Mr. .E. N. D. JMles left Anson county thirty Tears ago and has since been living in Mississippi. He returned to this conntv a few days ago and will W.M.Poisson and occupied by Sarah Sann. There was insurance on Mr. PoUsoh's house to the amount of $250, in the Home Insurance, of New York, represented here by Messrs. Northrop, Hodges & Taylor, and on Elsey Nash's house for $130, in the American, "of Philadelphia, represented by Messrs.. Smith & ' Boat wright. One house was entire- dlttfl , I - r nnoiitrorl nnrl f rin rf h ai Volr damaged. Mush of the furniture was injured or destroyed. Miichien's Arnica Salve The Besr Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores", Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively Cures Piles, or no pay required. Itisguar- perfect satisfaction, per oox. For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. LEMON ELIXIR Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stom ach, Dowels, Kidneys and Blood. Dr. Mozfev s Iuioq ttlixir is a anteed to give make his home in Lilesville town-: or money refunded. Price 2o cents mi i - t i..: 4. ' i SOip. a nere is grea-L compmuii; throughout the county of the dam age being done to the small grain crops by the Hessian fly. They are more numerous and destructive this year than ever before, caused, it is said, by the remarkable mildness of the winter. Mr. G. VV. Fort, of Wadesboro, has the greatest curiosi- ; pleasant lemon drink that positive 1 - 4kA -mA-v-r nunc arnv Kofn fCk i . i n?n i! i,jr iu vuc7 n aj vjl uto k'w"'1 iv cures an ' riiiousuess, uousmi seen in these parts. He has a litter; tlrm TnHitrPRtion. all Sick and Ner- of four that were born Tuesday Wous Headaches, Kidney Disease, morning, two of which are as well t Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Fevers, formed pups as we ever saw, while ; chills. Palpitation of Heart, and all the other two are genuine monstros-, other diseases caused by disordered Ities, One of them is coal black! uVer, stomach and kidneys, the first while the other isblack with a white reat cause of all fatal diseases.50 ring around its neck. Neither of cts am $ per , bottle. Sold by them have any lore legs, ineir Doi- r4irnggists. Prepared only bv II ies being perfectly smooth where i Mozlev, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. the most remarkable thing about i these duds is their heads, which are ! LEMON HOT DKOPS almost exactly liKe tne neau oi a large rat. Many have seen these freaks, and all pronounce them the most remarkable canine curiosities of the age. . Mlk-Dresaes and New Itonuets. "I haven't had a silk. dress since I was married, nor a hew bonnet for three seasons,' complains Mrs. C. V. R. She declares she is bound to have a new bonnet if she has to work for .it herself. This is true grit," but many ladies who would gladly work hard to attain a desired object, are unable to do so because they are almost constantly afflicted with diseases peculiar to their sex. nran-crinrr-down pains, displace ments, leucorrhea,and other uterine disorder?, aro the bane of many wo men'a lives; but Dr. Pieree's Favo rite Prescrrption will cure where all other comnounds fail. It is the only medicine for women, . sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee (iVem the manufacturers, that it will Ave satisfaction in every case, or moDty will be refunded. This guar antee ijas been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. : ( . When a train U telescoped passengers are apt to see itars. the For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. . For. sore throat and Bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For .pneumonia and Laryngetis take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and Catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For Hemorrhage and all threat and lung diseases, fake Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. 25 cents, at druggists. Prepared onlyby Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga, Refreshing and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers magnificent new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup,Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral" Water."' - Consumption Surely Cured. To - thk Edito it Please - inform vour readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frke to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their " ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, ILG.X 181 Pearl st., Netv York, ; v . " An Enjoyable Concert - ; - " JUnder the directorship of that skilled and accomplished musician, theKev. F. W. E. Peschau, the rep etition of the children's concert last night at Luther Memorial - Building scored even a greater success than was attained the first evening. The hall was well filled with an appre ciative audience and those present enj jyed the occasion immensely and demonstrated the fact by hearty-applause. The entertainrnent was one exceedingly enjoyable and there is nothing to , be - wondered at that there was a popular, demand for itsH repetition. The programme pre sented a happy variety of selections, and th accomplishment of the little folks in their parts struck everyone in the audience with wonder. The more so is it cause for wonder that the participants were not only chil dren of tender age, but they have not practised very long for theocca sion. They were trained by Mr. Peschau, and while Ire is quite proud of them, he is himself entitled to great credit for what he hasbrought out of fhem. - . The concert began at 8 o'clock and concluded about 10 p. m., the pro gramme being as follows: Piano solo, "Carnival of Venice," Minnie Glameyer. Vocal solo, "Sehnsucht,1' , Julia Hintze. Piano duett, Volksiikl," Carl and Hanna Schwarz. Vocal duett, "Fly AwkyBirdling,'1 Linda A. Peschau and Norma Foster. Solo chorus, "Rocked in th Cradle of the Deep," by all. Vocal solo and chorus, "Like the Snow Flakes," Christine Hintze and all. Vocal duett and chorus, "Listen to the Mock iiiir Bird, "Maggie Strauss and Mamie Schulken. Vocal! solo and elrcmis, "The Song of the ("in i tar," Matuie Schulkenand all. Vocal " solo and chorus, "Merry, Laughing Girl," Mamie Schulken aiid all. rocal solo and chorus, "The Bold Fisherman," Cora Peschau, Louise Strauss and all. Piano solo, "Autumn Leaves." An il i Doescher. f Vocal solo, "Golden Love," Linda A. Peschau. Recitation, "The Bootblacks," Norma Foster. A little speech, by Charles Schul ken. Chorus, "Shells of the Ocean." "The Hunter's Home, Tra-la-Ia," Julia Hintz, Linda Peschau and chorus.; ap, Tap, Tap," chorus. Solo, quartette and mixed chorus, "Cat Serenade." "'Tis O'er, Good Night," all. Everything on the, programme was well executed, but we must specially mention the piano solo of Miss Min nie Glameyer, the vocal solo of Miss Julia Hintze. the piano solo of Miss Annie Doescher. the vocal solo of Miss Linda Peschau, the vocal duett by Misses Linda Peschau and Norma Foster, and the little speech splend idly made by Master Charles Schul ken. .The "Song of the Guitar" by the chorus was .very greatly enjoyed and received an encore. "The Boot blacks," a humorous recitation, was given by Miss Norma Foster in a very excellent way and was encored. The singing of Misses Julia Hintze and Linda Peschau - was specially excellent and displayed in them voices that are of great promise. The fact is the entire entertainment wa? excellent in every respect and upon its conclusion those accom plished musicians, Major H. H. Fos ter and Misses Chasten and Sch warz, very , warmly congratulated Mr. Peschau and highly complimeted the little participants. Miss Maggie Peschau, who is quite a fine musician in instrumental music presided at the piano. Miss Linda A. Peschau surprised many of Tier friends by her pure, clear full, rich and swejet mezzo-soprano voice. Her voice has been much complimented bv Miss Minnie Schwarz .and other scholarly musicians and she bids fair to become one of the finest young singers in this city. Various parties have suggested that the con cert, or one like it, should sometime or otner oe given in tne upera Hoiine, which may be. done. COMMEBCIAI NJE-VFS. WILMINGTON MARKET. .: ' Jan. 11 2:30 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 4U cents. Sales of receipts at 41 cents. ' 5 , - ROSIN Firm at 95 cents for strained and $1.00 for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.50. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20 for hard, $2.20 for yellow dip and virgin. . COTTON Quiet at 9 cents middling.' for MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hart, Robimon, Fayetteville, T D Love. . CLEARED. Steamer' A P Hurt, Robinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. Italian barque Dorodea, Maresca, Fleetwood, Williams & Murchison. EORTSl EOREIGN. Fleetwood -Italian barque Dora dea 2,000 casks spirits, 975 barrels rosin. Whim is a xfew and Jiiaaieny meuicai x mv.u.pM every yqUi. r li oLD MAN who is snfferiDg from Weaknesstanguor, Lobs of ieSJJ5J: 5SfJ?BiOT of gjlrffi? Liver Complaint, Biseasea of the Kadneys. and all dii&V AnglUceS goUy, Vice, Ignorance, Nervoos Peblhty tyxtal ExluoBUon, de nnj i- i-.th-r full eilt. Price, only one dollar, ty mail, sealed in plain .T MneHflAL.' Address Hbkbt, I)w Mont, M. i.f No, 881 Columbus AtS1'' S&NS9?on Mas1. Prefatory Lecture with numerous testimonials from higtiS&M Thfs U the ouIvIeCeCTRO-MEDICO PHYSIOLpCYover.pubBshed.andisa&h' a?d perfect It U invaluable to all afflicted, a it reaches the very roots and Titala of s v n 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit ATEFKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JAN. 10, 1890. Cotton ashore, 8,672; afloat 807; total 9 479. Spirits ashore, 4,062; afloat, 2,065; total, 6,727. - .- Rosin ashore, 47,511; afloat, 7,413; total, 55,924. Tar ashore, 4,225; afloat,l,827; total, 6.352. Crude ashore", 1,327; afloat, 00; total 1,327. RECEIPTS, WKKK ENDING JAN. 1090. Cotton 1,891; Spirits, 1,457; Rosin, 9,851; Tar 1,186; Crude, 552. EXPORTS, WEEK ENDED JAN. 10, 1890. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 26; spirits, 695; rosin, 104; tar, 570; crude, 788. FOREIGN. - Cotton, 1,657; . For all Diseases of Men, by the distinguished author.l Ejenbt Du Mont, JJv .D., who nas oisuwvtKeu THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE ES SENCE OF MANHOOD,' may bo'mOin .ttnotact pMifidoni'i.ln TiRraon or bv letter, at nis Jsiectro- 1 Medico Iunrmary,N0.381 Columbus Av.,Boston , Masfl.- "! HEARD A VOCE j IT SAID, j COME- AMD GEE. ifli; For the 0 idays o-- v- Ladies' Kid Gloves $100 ardware, T IN WARE nov AND CROCKERY. ,W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Importers and Jobbers J "Purcell Building. Drugs and ihemicalp, fJX)ILET ARTICLES. PATENT MEDICINES, Shoulder Braces, Trusseai, etc., etc. Also Prescriptions filled day or night at jam . F. C. MILLER'S, Drugstore. Corner Fourth and Nun 8tr. THE STATE CHRONICLE, Successor to the Farmer and Mechanic the Chronicle.) and Under New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND.CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES. Gents' Kid Gloves $1.25. Lad I es9- -1 1 a l d K or cli i : f s V Embroidered find Plain. Ger.ts' Silk. Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Dress Goods. J. W. ATKINSON. -'iresident. Savings & Trust f ftR PRINCESS ST., nLMlr,Tf,v VP. Lends Money cn RntfefWr ien execute Trusts or all kinda Pav Interest on Itennsita c ma, 1890. GENTS' HANDSOME LADIES' HOSIERY; r ' - . : ..." : i , . . Consider Scribner's Magazine v, are deciding upon your reading mv next season! The subscription ratefe $300 a yeAr.' . " Tbe" standard of tne Magazine is Llgt, lis spirit progressive, L The illustrations are Interesting aw best.' . '.i - There Is not space here to glveevet maiyof the features to appear this r amons other thlnsrs there will i partmnt and additional pages, audi illustrated articles will be devoted to lowing-subjects; 1 4-. . .. African Exploration and Travel5 Life on a Modern War Ship 0 articles Homes tn City. Suburb, and Providing Hjomes through Uuiiaics 2 tions:. . 'f'T-- a ;. . . Tne citizen's Kignts, ; . Electricity in the Household, Ericsson, the inventor, by his -a-! biographar. . Hunting,, '.. numorous, Ar ists," American and F; There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will conW; i8so. r : ' Each subiect,- and there will toe ir rlety, this year, win be treated bj 1 mostscompeteiit to speafc with autnot wltmlnterest. .iteaders who are lur are urged to. send for a prospectus. fi m il f . Ji ' . i . U i SCenfs aKiimb $1.00 lor hi rpnE "STATE CHRONICLE' WILL BE what Its name implies a State Paper. It is not the Raleigh "Chronicle," and will not be local or sectional. It wrlil aim to keep up with the news from Murphy to Manteo, or, as the politicians put it, from Cherokee to cur- rltucK. . v . v It will be the organ of no man, no ring, no section, no party. It will be Democratic in politics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officers. lable Cloths and -Napkins han Charles .Scribner's Sc 743 iVroaUway, N?Y. tf -x . FOK THE FAMILY. OFFICE OF THE SECllETABY AITDT. -Vkm OF THE WJLWINGT0NU" l:gD0N.5;.C. 'i'A. RB-'COi : TERMS One Year......: Six Months Shree Months, OF SUBSCRIPTION: $200 100 50 TFor a sample copy address THE STATE CHRONICLE, : : .i Kalelgh. N. C. AGENTS WANTED! TO CANVASS FOR flic Diversions of aT)ipl-mat in Tinkc By Hon. Samuel S. ("Sunset") Cox, late U S. Minister to Turkey. a magnificent volume of over 600 pages, beautifully and profusely illustrated. MB. COX'S LATEST AND BEST EFFORT. FACTS AND FUN. HISTORT AND HUMOR. The work sparkles with the brightest wit. i It contains numerous amusing stories, but It also gives a wear, concise, and mterestiner ao count of the ottoman Empire, from its foun dation to thepresent day. This book will have a large sale, and live .agents snouid secure territory at once. Only thoroughly reliable agents, who will work their territory for all it is worth," are wanted. Experienced Agents preferred, but others who will, promise earnest work will be aecepcea. For particulars address, r" W. 8. HERBERT, Klnston, N. C. General Agent for North Carolina. Mention this paper. . 3 an 3 tf The ' . AMERICAN Bargains in Clothing. In order to close oat balance of Winter stock, I shall sell goods at prices never heard of before. I Shrier, cor. Front antl Princess St p. Goods spld for cash only.' Send in-Your Work I AM STILL AT THJ! SAME OLD STAND.ON Second street, ana am ready to repair nil kinds of Furniture and Domestic Articles. I will do the work well and my charges are al ways moderate Satisfaction guaranteed in every Instance, , A - - V- - ,J. B. FARRAR. ' Second street, be Market and Princess, nov 19 tf , ..:-?' MAGAZINE. Beautifully Hlflstratcd. 25 cts. $3a Ym TablaBoard A. GENTUBatEN CAN US ACCOMMO dated wlth.TVble Board on application at " mch27tf SUN. THIRD ST ITS SCOPE. THE AMERICAN MA - zuNJfi gives preference to national topics an scenes, and its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer nu us pages wjtn a wwe variety of interest lng sketches of travel and adventure, serial and short stories, descriptive accounts of our jorcmost prooiems or tne period, and,in short, this Magazine is Distinctively Representative of ' American Thonirbt -an A Pmomss. It Is acknowledged by the press and public to w wo uiusi popular ana entertaining of the high-class monthlies. ' f niTllirt iin t A Specimen Number, with tJ V V 7 1 lu W?1 Fremiuni Llst, and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable PrPTYlillTTlSI tft t'illl'h Ralsora tt-I11 Tw, t.fL. Ceipt of 15c, if this paper is menUoneo. Responslbla andeneretiftTvr??misiwaTV' ed to solicit subscriptions. Write -at once for excluslvB territory.' Address. , THJS AMERICAN' MAGAZINE CQ" fet , "7i9Sroaawa7 ywv?jj. II ASDSOME TOWELS FOR THE FAMILY. v4,;'',i'V:?vV.;:u!s JA thousand other articles useful, pretty and cheap for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. WIlsiinqton, N. C, Jan. ls,i THE BO ARD OF DIRECTOKS OF TIE mlne,nn : WMnn Tt. TL. Co. have a dividend of four (4) per cent., on it?.? stock, payable on the 15th lnsfc, to au t of record of 'this date. The Transfer i will stand closed from January 1st to 15th, 1890. ; . JAa F. POST.Jl. ! janijLOt , r Treasurer w. Scribner's Magazic 'For 1889. dec 18 tf -Tho publishers of scWK'S WAGA 1- to make it the most popular and I tnoi.. 4Hrtoia while at all . tinir NEW YORK OBSERVER. ESTABLISHED JJN 18 . The Oldest and Best Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors; Special Co respondents at Home and Abroad Stories, Reviews, Condensed News Departments for Farmers, Mer chants, Bankers, Professional Men tuaents, lioys and trirls. This year the Observe Bfwill pub ish.more than FIFTY PRIZE STORIES, and the ablest and most oooular . . ... .... . . - writers win contrioute to its col umnsf foets and prose; writers, au mors, editors, men of science and women of genius will fill the col umns ef the Obseryer, and it wil . give nrty-two unexcelled - papers in the coming yar." - . , x j.vc7, ij.uv y cur, : Clersrvmen. 5:2.00 n. vpar. - P.;i ; i n 4rrif I --ongine most mteresunK rrp sSmonthsby the inHreised excellence! Stents "notably the Railway art clg A closes its second year with a .new m& an assured success.The mustratiOB. snow some new enew " i SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive a. teresting will be neglected. . ' the Railway articles wg w f ued bv several very -strifelng papeis, ot daily interesting by Ejc-Fostmaaiv Thomas L. .tames on The Railway fos vice." " jKusfrotefl. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSOyj novel 'The Master of Ballantrae," through the greater part of the year, - ; Begun in Ifovember. 1 a nm?T?T?spnTanRNCK and coll. manuscript memoirs relating to J. artri a famfmn trrnim nf mrvlftm FreilClli- will furnish the substance of several t' . , . ulustraxcCL . ' The brief end papers written last r Robert Louis Stevenson, will bo rep - equally interesting contributions W famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailef -1 will write the first of them for tne numoer. : - - - -. Many valuable LITERARY ABTICI appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Work, Illustrated from original MS Shelf of OldBooks," by Mrs. JamesT. auu many otner articles equany , . Articles on ART S UB JECTS Will M; Papers are arranered to anDear W.r i Cook, E. H. Blashfield, Austin W many otn ers. " Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLE- describing best fishing grounds will appear- I Winnlnlsh, Bass and Tarpon are Uio !. now arranged. The authors are eu sportsmen.,- - Illustrated. touching apon au manner of supjec biography, tlescrlpaon. etc. , will ap, . not of t nq conventional commonpiaw L for one year to anr clercrvinan rot - nw a m,v 3. Any uon ior i ber.wlth U3 Letters. or "The Life of Jerry McAulev" liPT- nf t Vila fo',1- . nnrt Tk - . . -J I clal interest win t continued by jwwonwr aciwiuiir uis ownsUDScrln I papers unon K f, Rfrr K ICIT x JSri? avance D&-a new subscri appUcations, by eminent autnoriu fo.U0. can have a- mnv or tha t.inn .n-i-ahu n.nn. An rtorp tutniJiO lnterestlnt papers. A K-nvrrt a r nfUUT) tn rover iww numbers, whtr h include all the Itauwdj . cies, as follows: uuuuucr ui tius year, ana to .lamisvnr i - icon to any ?nsw subscriberendlnB us his name and address and loo in advanon tocv. c.vv pers we will also erlve. eftner thP- vmnmo nf I a vpnT'senhomHnfinn no6a and the num- ' 'IrenaBua Lttters" hr "Tbft rtf nf .ST:: lZZnrnZ"'""" ."7.7. ...... ,-r - Agents wanted everywhere.- UberaJ ter Large commlssiohs.' Sample c ' ft-ee. A sy oscription (1839) and the now- v bera for 188. bound in cloth.-. r rr S3 a year"; 25 cent . numbffv Charles Scribner's Sons,'