4 1" 'JJ?''- f-.., i -l -' " - - TlttS PAFEB I3 puttie every erenins:. Sundays excepted, Sj josh. t; JAMis. Editor and Prop, SUBSCRIPTIONS. FOSTAaX PAID: oae year. .oa Six; montns SLOQ. Tnree months. $1-00. One month, 85 cents. rbQ paper will be delivered toy carriers, free ,f Cbrse. 111 anJ' Part ot tte 111X116 bbTe rates, or 10 cents per wee -advertising rates low and liberal. ' -ir subscribers will please report any and failures to receive thelrpaper regularly. Vl V SSKTJ HEM RNT8 we via t3 isa to rccerra . cciianzisati B fcrca cor Xr:: ca tzj ti c'i subjects" I xaxxsi2szt cr:: u.TXtbn on' tu . Aiart ittdrr fitood that tta rstcr csc3 cot cigars endors UioiieTrs of ccircspcr-cts czizzs so etated "in ie editorial : 'o' '- lu r-tn . JLil :j Vw X VOL XlV WILM 1NGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1890. - NO . ... - i . ' " . . ' - - . A Presents in the most elegant form . , p rn LAXATIVE ano NUTRIT10U8 JUIOE OF THB FiGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the SiDHEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. i t is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE E.LOOD, REFRE8HIMQ SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. f Every- one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. itWi&VlLLE. Kf. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by ROtSEItT R DKIjLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, men 28 ly diw Wilmington, N. ('. .HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; they are true to their names, fullmeasurcj and highly concentrated.'' aug23d&w6m eod nrm TIEAxOTIARTERS ! HEADQUARTERS FOR Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Oranges, Ocoanuts and Lemons. Chas. F. Brownej Agt., 112 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C jaiUtf WHERE DID YOU CIT f HAT COUGH ? LTOP IT BY USING YOUNGJ8 COUGH Balsam Qood for Influenza," Colds and CQUglxs. sold hj MUXDS BROTHERS, 101 N. Front 6L Jan 17 tf NOTIG.B! TOBUYBRS. -:0: HAVING A NJCB LINK QF MEN'S AND BOYS' SIJITS lefr, and in order to make room lor ray Spring arid Summer Stock. vr'U clp-se qut for tne "next 6a days my . entire Line ol Goods at SEW YORK COST. Call at once and be convinced of the above tacts an figures. -r B.F.PENNY, THE CLOTHIER, jan 110 Market Street. Ohios fat woman is dead. She lived in Pike county, and in health weighed 600 pounds; Her coffin, wiiic-ii wascarrien Dy sixteen men, measured three feet in depth, and nearly four in width. Kate Fields is described by a Washington correspondent as a 4tiht, bright, wiry, slender lady of about medium height, with brown hair, bright eyes and a tongue which can talk two hours at a stretch and ' advance a new idea in everv sen- tence". The latest Boston device for sus taining the literary spirits up to a highly remunerative intellectual point is t4Brain Salt.V It is saicT to Brighten and enliven the mind, and induce that flow of soul by meaus of which the literary worker provides his food and raiment. A AVashington letter to, the Pitts burg Press says: "Col. .Brice has five children, and most of them look like the mother: When Brice made his money out of the Vanderbilts he gave Mrs. Brice $500,000 with the admonition that she should keep it even if he lost every cent by specu lation" Pope Leo XHI.as reported to have recently informed his intimates that he has already chosen bjs future burial piace, the tribune of the Lat- eran. His object is to-fuve his suc cessor the expense of a costlv monu- ment, the erection of which rests by custom on the follower of a deceas ed Pope. . Ex-Postmaster-General James de clares in a late issue of the Forum that the most important reforms in the postal service have all been in stituted by men who had journalis tic experience, the three most im portant reformers being .Benjamin Franklin, Amos Kendall and Mont gomery Blair. .-. Surgery has made immense strides of late years. Yesterdav's Herald reports a wonderful operation per formed on a girl about twelve years of age in Pittsburg, Pa. A tumor as large as a duck's egg was taken from the child's brain. The little patient is much relieved and is thought to be now sure of recovery: Mr. C. P. Huntington advises young men to go to Africa. Ho says the opportunities for making a fortune in th at country are super ior to any other at the present. Mr. Huntington supplements thisrcoun sel, however, with the remark that it would be best for the young man to take along with him $10,000 or $20,000 to start with. T&e figlit in West Virginia is not yetxver. The JJemocrats hold the winning hand but the Republicans have the money and the unblushing rascality. They win try to buy or intimidate some weak-kneed Demo crat, but will fail. Fleming will be Governor. The investigating com mittee threw out 1,200 Republican votes in two counties alone. These were of negroes who had been col onized. A life of indolent ease and seaJ 'in' ii I 1 31 siiamyrine use pi nigniy eetson animal food, and alcoholic drinks are the predisposing causes of Gout. "VjThen aware of its presence in the system lose no time in procuring Salvation Oil. It kills pain. Price 25 cents a bottle, lXPXX TO NXW ADTX&TISXXIXTS Fob Sale A Piano . " J D Nutt Druggist B F Pxnnt Clothing D A Smith Furniture Mcnds Bros Pharmacists Jno L Boatwright Dairy Butter Grand Hop Wilmington social Club CrOxly & Morris Banana at auction H M McIstxrb Blankets, Comforts, &c . ' m For other local see fourth page. Eggs haire climbed pp to 15 cents a dozen again. . Laundry Ironing Stoves are sold by tlie N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t We now have the best Pocket Scissor made, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t A good piano, in flrst class order, is offered for sale inaqV in this issue. Three pair of white shad were brought up on the Passport this morning. - .. .- Cutlery Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. We keep everything in this line that you can possibly desire, and oar prices are the lowest. Drop in and look at our assortment, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Mr. P. B. Manning wait to-dav ad 1 mitted to the practice of the law io the Superior Court. Shot, Cartridges, Loaded Shells and ammunition of all kinds for sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. p. i i The patent street sweeper might be brought out from its retirement now and put to good use on Market street. ' ' You will find a nice assortment of Rifles atthe N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Just the article tot make your boy happy. - ' ' - ' f - ileating Stoves of all kinds and sizes. We will give you substantial goods andi low prices. 1$. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ' t Messrs. Cronly & Morris will con" tinue the sale of Jamaica bananas, at their salesrooms, and will close out the lot to-morrow. Nor. barque Deoclata, Andersen, cleared to-day for Gknton with 3,570 barrels rosin, valued at $3,9-19.49, shipped by Mr. J. W. Bolles. . , Hood's Sarsaparilla is a purely vegetable preparation, being free from injurious ingredients. It is pe culiar in its curative power. You can get all sizes in good and heavy Canton Flannel Drawers at 50 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, No. 122 Market street. tf Much work has recently been done to the interior of the Orton House. The interior decorations have been overhauled and repaired. The -work was done by R. L. Hutchins and a ton Of paint was used. Very interesting revival meetings are being held every afternoon at 3 o'clock and every night, conducted by Rev. A. Shepard, revivalist, at the Central Baptist Church, corner of Seventh and Red Cross streets. There is not very much of the dreaded influenza here as yet only about enougn to keep the doctors on the go.' We hear of a few bad cases but the others are all light. It is not "la grippe" but only "la zoot,M and we have had it several times previously. Mr. George Darden has had a se vere attack of influenza. He got out of the house tq day for the flrst time, met- his physician down town, was given a prescription for a fresh bottle of medicine and ordered to go back home and stay there a few days longer, to avoid any possible danger of a "pneumatic" attack. St. Adrew's Prwtbyterian Church. At the annual congregational meeting' of St, Andrew's Church, twentyrtwo additions were reported for the year, 1889, and a total com muning membership of two hundred and thirty. The Treasurer, Mr. Thomas F. Bagley, - reported the total offerings of the Church at $5,276. This includes $465 paid to the Y. M. C. A. building fund. The weekly offerings- exceeded those of the year previous by $250. The Church and the Sunday School (of which Maj. T. D. Love is now Sup erintendent), are in a flourishing condition. Coroner's Jury. ' The jury of inquest in the case of the death of W. T. Brown closed its labors to-day. The witnesses ex amined were Dr. Burbank, N. D. Casteen, Walter Way, James Cana day, R. H. Moore and Ferney Le Gwin. The testimony was sub stantially the same as that before the Mayor yesterday. The jury found that W. T. Brown came to his death at the hands of Walter Yates and J. M. Woollard, on the 17th day of January, 18$0, in the house of Emma Jackson. This is a verdict of murder and Yates andJWoollard were therefore committed for trial without bail. Messrs. Marsden Bellamy and John D. Bellamy, Jr appear as counsel for Woollard and instantly sued out a writ of habeas corpus, to be heard before Judge Meares at 5 o'clock this afternoon. ' .. Confluence Bepot of Sncces. The confidence possessed by the manufacturers of J3r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy in. their ability to cure the worst cases of nasal catarrh, no mat ter of how lonpr standing, is attested in a most substantial manner by their standing reward of $500. offer oA fnr inanv vpfirs tnasf forAtl a..mki0 f iifa !nitiA And dangerous disease. The Remedy is - M . " , sola Oy aruggists, ai oniy ou cents, It is mild, soothing, cleansing, deo - dorizlng, umsepto anc neaiins-v V - Dear Mr. French: I Iat Saturday's Raleigh Nines and Observer arrived here safely tbU morning. It has taken only three days to travel from Raleigh to Wilmington. Friday's and Sat urday's Charlotte News has not yet arrived but we expect .-them here in a few days. The Goldsboro Argus for Friday and Saturday got here last night but the Sunday issue is yet on the way. Saturday's and Sunday's Newbern Journal arrived here Jajgbnight in company. .These are a few of the idiosyricraeies of the mail service of late. Fezler St Wagner, druggists, Rock Island, 111., write: Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the leadingCough medicine in our city. We sell more, in fact four times more, than of any other. NET? ADVERTISEMENTS Bananas at Auction. M. CKONLY, Auctioneer, BY CRONLY & MORRIS. AT OUR SALES " ROOMS TO-MORROW (Wednesday) 22d Inst., at 10 o'clock a, m.f we will sell 100 bunches very fine Jamaica Bananas. jan 21 It Grand Hop. rjpnERE WILL BE A GRAND nop AT Hi bernian Hall to-morrow (Wednesday) night, given by the Wilmington Social Club. Tick ets f 1.00. Jan 21 It For Sale. PIANO, IN FIRST-CLASS ORDER, FOR sale cheap, for Cash. Apply at - N.'w. CornerVixttt and Princess Sts., No. 417. jan 21 2t TFIE OLT RELIABLE Fo lito Btiding and Chair Wareheust, NO. ID MARKET STItEET, Offers unusual Inducements to purchasers of Goods In this line. Orders promptly filled. Call and see us. JD. A, SMITH. jan 21 It COOLMORE CHURNED AND PREPARED TOR MARKET BY J. 0. Powell.Tarboro; N. 0. ENTIRELY A HOME INDUSTRY. THIS IS THE; Finest Butter EVER OFFERED TO TH1J WILMING TON PUBLIC. Perfectly Fresh. Perfectly, Pure. Equal If not superiorto the celebrated Phil adelphia Print Butter. Each pound is printed separately and Incased in Parchment Paper This BUTTER is prepared from the product of alierdof Alderney cows, great care being taken in its manufacture, and it is claimed to be the finest article ever offered for sale In this market. . . - Those desiring an extra fine article would do well to call and purchase. - Jno, L. Boatwright. 15 and 17 Fo. Front St. Jan 21 tf lotice. BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOMMODATED at No. 115 Dock street, by the day, week or month. Rooms nicely fuinlshed and the Table supplied with the best the market affords. MRS. S. A. MORGAN, . No. 115 Dock street, betweeh Front and second. Jan201w . BANGING SCHOOL. jgY SPECIAL REQUEST I HAVE DECIDED to open a DANCING SCHOOL la this city. Young Men wishing to take lessons wlU meet at Germania Hall, on south Front street, Wednesday evening; January 22nd, at 8 o'clock. ,1 win also open a School for Young ! Ladles and Children, commencing Thursday fternoon. January 23rd. at 3 p. bu UbCIUUOIi-iilUlU&rjr i Speciai attention riven to Round Dances, . Terms reasonabio. Waitzinsr a specialty. i . jan -ax W.r.nEWETT. f DAIRY BUTTER ! NEW AD VEBTI8 R V GNTS. CUT Before took , : . . ... -. - t' . .-' CASH HOUSE SACRIFICE SALE ON " - ' v . CLOAKS, SEAL PLUSH-WRAPS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS AND LADIES' JACKETS. Children's Cloaks Children's Cloaks : ;.. Ch ild re n's Ne w in ar k e t s Plush Jackets- Plush Jackets Plush Jackets..... Piush Modjeska Wraps. Reductions in Owing tq our having our building extended and being nearly time" for Sprinjr Importations to arrive, we have made great reductions in DRESS C-JOODS, SILKS, etc. - ; ' t -. , . . .. . ' 2,GOO Yards Quality A GINGHAM reduced -to 8c. 2,500 Yards SICILIAN CHAMBRAY, lOc. .Double Width DRESS FLANNEL, in dark serviceable colors, IGc. 40 inch All-Wool FLANNEL reduced to 25c. 40-ineh Exlra Super Silk Finished HENRIETTA, worth $1 OO to $1 25, 75c per yard. 54-inch All Wool HABET CLOTH, worth 75c, for 59c. 5C-!nch BROADCLOTH reduced from $1 25 to 89c per yaruV CUT PRICE IN SILKS THIS WEEK I M. M. K ATZ' 116 TJarket St., Wilmington HI. Ci - - - . - -; ... -r N o w is Your T iriie ! As we are not too busy, in fact not so busy as we would desire, you can take a careful survev of a real choice stock of . . " The cold wave flag is up to-day and it may be they have guessed cor reetly this time, iso that BLAHCCETS, COMFORTS, &c, J mav be wanted, and if so they are offered very cheap. ":y" ; at very low figures: ' R. W. lUlciMTIRE, If You Want to See Something Elegant " ' , CALL AT ' y--' TNTo. 1TF iPrinGei ' AND SEE-MY ELEGANT V Pure White Curled JSair. The finest ever brought to Wilmington; -It will last a life time and is cheaper in the end than anything else. I guar antee every pound of material and all work. P. S. Renovating ilpno." ; ,;; C ' 0 8UBSCK1BERS WILIINOTO;i Ti.Lt- puone Exchange: Are you aware on me jati y . ' " - ;.r- ' " that James D. Nutt Is the only Druggist who has a telephone in the cltr? 95 Is the nun her. II. CIIONENBEKG, i PHOTOCEAniEE, 5 i AKTISTIC AND SUPERBLY ; EXECUTED lotograparcinaPrlccaL ' FKAHINOA SPECIALTY. ' jysati ;iiGtf Market st., south'siac R A TF, S Tai $ $ $ 1 98, worth $ 4 OO. :5 I0, worth $ O OO. 5 CO, worth $ 8 OO. .$ 7 OS, .worth' $11 OO. .$1050, worth 17- OO. .$11 CO, worth $18 -OO $1 2 SO, worth 215 OO. :0:- :0:- CEKItr GL.EAV1ZS, F. W. KEKCHNEII, lrcs. an1 Manager. Trcatorer. - OWEN F. LOVE Secretary. : The Cleaves Hardware Company WILMINGTON, N. C. IH TIIK ONLY r .ITinSSlTEOBSECTIOJ wlU please remember tM3 when they wrlt their OBDXl'3 or buy their IIAKDWAUEi . dec 81 im - - 1 Oresibfils!