"" "" '"" ' I " VH Dr. CULL'S facilitates Teethinavaa L i K D V C"V DIID regulates the Bowels. At JilAUI Ol nUr fell druggists. Prlot.' 25 cts. til lie 1 1 -ures-coughs, Colds, i3 U LfeO Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup,Inci- timption, and relieves Consump- tf J fi g I ffj tive Persons. 25 cents. O B O U I lirodchiftftjipiJC, fhent Con-&j U U 13 1 s 11 Josh. T. Jambs, Editor & Prop'r. ; Wilmington, Nl C. TUESDAY. JAN. 2. 1890. " Ma EnteredattePo3tofflce at WltmingtbnrC.. as second-class matter. PHn yr LANGE'S CIGARETTES for Ca- Price 10 Cts. Atatt(trugg!st$, If III lit Portrait of Mr. Garri- lie writes: Waa at work on a larni tor a month ; I now hare an teener tor K. C. Allen & I'o'i album and publi cation and often niakeSStiO a tav." (Signed) W. II. UAKKISON. William Kline, IlnmKburjr, TVv,, writes: I hare never known anything to sell like your album. Yesterday I took orlir enough to pay me over SU.V V. J. Kl inore. Rancor, Me., write: '"I k. an order for vour album at almost every house 1 visit. Mr profit is often nsmurhas SSO for a single day's work.'' Ot hers are doing quite as well ; iwe bare not spare to' give ex tracts from their letters. Every 1 ' r mi 1 not Shall we start YOU insthis business. reader? Write to us and learn all about it for yourself. We are starting many; we will start you if you don't delay until another gets ahead of yon in your part of the country. If you take hold yon will be able to pick up gold fat. nICeml On. account of a forced manufacturer's sale 1S5,000 ten loll A r JPJiotograph AllMim are to beM.ld to the people for j?3eacli. liound in Koyal Crimson .ilfc Velvet i'luth. Charmingly decorated inside. Handsomest albums in the world. Largest Size. Greatest bargain ever known. Agents wanted. Liberal terms. Big money for ajren!. Any one can become a successful agent. Sells itself on sight little or no talking necessary. Wherever shown, every one wants to Rnr rhase. Agents take thousands of orders with rapidity never before known. Great profits await every w orker. Agents are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men. You, reader, ran do as well as any one, Full information and terms free, to those who write for same, with particulars and terras for our Family Bibles, Hooks and Periodicals. After you know all, siiouUivou conclude to go no further, why no harris done. Address E. C. ALLEN & CO., ACGl'STA, aUl.t. Mysterious ; itsaction. Quirt in aitoruin re lief, immediate in its bcneficki! results. U n e s celled as a Viood purifier. Mar velous as an a! terativc in i t stimulant effect on a torpid live. Asovercign cur for DYSPEPSIA Indigestion i) press ion a:u wantof appetite Headache ami K-"VOUS.lPS: vanish as i I' b ; m;i.c a!"t r t i kiiiLjafew iosi s Pimples ami Boils disnnpc.o speedily when this remedy is taken. Tlicmi; no more effectual relief lr t'ie nrr.iea at!: loathing of food duo to JNTKMriSRAN T than this article. Put up in laro Voccut. l t ties, yamplo packages in rowmut form sen by mail to any address on receipt of 10 '. in stamps. T ho rcirnlnrl ifjuid form caimt l-i sent by mail. MEXICAN MKHU'INl- . 400 North 3d St., Philatlolphia, BIRD MAWNAf The great secret of thecanary bi:dbreel-r of the Uartz Mountains in Gerirram. 15i: ManiHlil 1 restore the sonnet cape birds, v il prevent their aiJu;ciUs and restore them f "good condition. Ji pven to ii bird duriiv the season ofshed'ir.;featliers,itwilliii ms' cases carry tlieltttle r-.usic-inn through tin critical pcfiftl viTl u5s f so?.'. Sent b -nail on receipt ot 15 ti. i: st.uaps. Iill 1 "OOD COl, 4TON. :ir. St. iMtilawfclphi.1, Pu lease mention this pan i'. ept 9 tb sat TIR1B TABLE NU- 3 Palmetto Railroad Co. o N AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887 dally except Sun- Trains will run as fellows. day. GOING SOUTH. No 1 1'assenger and Freight, Leave flamlet, N. C 8.20 A. M Arrive at Cheraw, S. C 9.80 A. M Going North. No. 3 Passenger and Freight: Lea v Cheraw. S. C ........ . 4.25 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet. N. c 5.35 P. M. decl6tf WM. MONCUKE. Supt- The North Carolina Presbyterian ISA RELIGIOUS FAMILY NEWPAPP, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, and' devoted to-the Intellectual, moral and spiritual interests of t he people. It numbers among Its correspondents many of tho very best writers of the southern- Pres byterian Church, it is thoroughly orthodox on questions of doctrine, but free and out spoken In Its views on all open questions. It allows and invites free discussion within the bounds of courtesy. In popularity the Presbyterian Is con stantly advancing. It Is The Paper for the People, and presents in its columns matter to Interest and Instruct all ages, classes and conditions of the people Price per annum, f 2 C5; or for one- year to any new subscriber. $2 15. Address JOHN MCLAURIN. - Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C - Still on Deck. EVERYBODY OF THE MALE PERSUA slon visiting Wilmington during the En campment is cordially invited to call and have a onave, or a duuupuu, ui "iiui, . my establishment, 29 Maricet street, between Front and Water, only 10 cents for a Shave , SO cents for a Shampoo, 20 cents for a Hair cut and 20 cents and upwards for Dyeing - Respectfully, JOHN WERNER, . - jy 9 tf, PracUcal Barber nd Perfumer. OYSTER ROASTS T AM BETTER PREPARED than ever to accommodate my frlend3 with OYSTERS this season. I will keen none hut the Best on hand always. MYRTLE OROVE ROASTS a specialty. Every thintr overhauled and improved. Oysters ready at short notice and expert shuckeva to open them. . - ' , . special rates to parties. Give me a call and will do my best to please you. Respectfully, ,.T nxr ; ' . w. n. STOKLEY, , oct. tf ' Wrlghtsvllle vJ Talt)lc Board. I A rEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO Gated wlttTTablo Board on i appUcatlon i at jCh 27 tf 324 N. THIRD ST. AVhy is it that our men of science, -with all their marvelous achieve ments in various fields, have never yet discovered, says the New York Tribune, the secret of defeniiinirip: in advance whether the acoustic properties of any building' intended to hold large audiences will or will not be good? . - . . .. . An ancient and remarkable clock has been recently set up in the" read ing room of the municipal library at Rouen, France. A. single winding keeps it running fourteen years and some odd months. It was construct ed in 10S2, underwent alterations in 1816, was bought by the city of Rouen in 1833, and has been recent ly repaired and set going. T.he latt-st statement of th Ger man statistical bereau is to the ef fect that during the first nine months of the past year 79,985 emi grants, .39,085 Germans and 40,90D of other nationalities, were shipped from Bremen. Of the total 7G,810 went to the United States, 707 to Brazil, 1.712 to the State of La Plata, 504 to Australia, 233 to Asia and 19 to Africa. Merit Wins We desire- to say to oar citizens, that for years we have been selling rr TCinrJa Naw DisftOVftfV for Con- sumption, IH King'sNew Lif? Pills,!? U.in.lj-loAV Atninn Haifa nnrl tlopfri. ( re'i;"8r Spitl.ri -C.rt. it North C'arolina-18tW. NiME. JUDGED -DISTRld? RESIDKNp. Geo'H. Brawn, t Bitters, ami: have never handled t reai runny remedies that sell as well, Jor tnat "rVwiT.V t have given sfl'ch universal jatisfac- Bpiet WhltaKer, -tion. Wv do not hesitate to guaran- John A. Gilmer,, tee them every time, and we stand ; E. T. BoyKin. readv to refund the purchase price, ' James C. McKae, , if satisfactorv results do not follow W. J.Iontgomery, their use. "These remedies have Jesse F, Graves, won their great popularity purely -John G. Bvnuiii, on their merits. .Roberta Bellamy, Wiil'M. Shipp,. whnlAsnlp'.nnrl rfit.ri.il drn if tnkts. ' J. H. Merrillion, , m A 1 Beaulorr, 2 fEdgeconibe. - 3 lAVilson. 4 Wake. 5 Guilford. 6 Sampson. 7 Cumberland. 8 Cabarrus. 9 Surry. io ...... ..... 11 Mecklenburg 12 Buncombe. JANUAfty JOKES. A floui ishing man The professor of penmanship. Tlios. Settle, V. H. Boer, F. ,L. Osborne, J. BI. Moody, According to the New York Tri bnne, "4you can get the throne of Hawaii for a trifle of $00,000, per haps less if you pav cash down. The throne is in goodcondition, havimr been'recentlv upholstered with the best curled hair. The crown and the sceptre, both as good as new. will be thrown in, as King Kala kaua would like to go out of the King business if somebody will make it worth while for him to with draw." Although the foiffalo has become almost extinct in the United States, vast herds of this distinctively Ame rican "big game'f roam over the boundless plains of northern Aus tralia, and wallow in their shady pools. These animals, which are magnificent specimens of the Bison Americans, are the dscendarits of some buffaloes landed at Port Es siDgtou in 1829. They have rapidly multiplied, and now alTord excellent sport to the hunter. N France is going to put on an in creased tax upon strong liquors as a means ot checkinir their sale as much as possible. The present Min istry is very much in earnest in the matter, and. means to carry through the reform while the country is in a good humor over the succesi of the exhibition. The. Germans will be sufferers by the taxation if it;be- comes prohibitive, for they m facture most of the Hquor whicfi ?s drunk by life Belgians, and, the poorer classes in northern France. The newly-formed United States of Ceutral America are arranging their ante-nuptial contract. For the first ten years the Union will simply be an offensive and defensive al liance, and the President of the Union will have charge only of the diplomatic and foreign relations of the five Jiepubllcs. At the expira tion of that period the Union willbe- cemented by the adoption of a ccTn stitution which will embrace all political, commercial and other re lations between the five' Republics and foreign Powers. . Slipping Past the Palate, without nauseating those who take thenifthe little,- sugar-coated Gra nules,., known all over ft he.-, land as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel lets, produce an effect upon the bowels very different from tha$ of a disagreeable, violent purgative. No griping or drenching follows, as in the case of a drastic cholagogue. The relief to the Intestines resem bles the action- of "Nature in her happiest moods, the impulse given to the dormant liver is of the most salutary kind, and is speedily mani fested by the disappearance of all bilious symptoms. Sick headache, wind oiv.the stoiuach.pain through the "rightf side? andf shoulder-blade and yellowness or tne skin and eve- balls are speedily remedied by the Pellets. One a dose. ' The Pope has a full set of pearly white teeth well preserved. Consumption surely Cnrmt. To thk EDlTOtt Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less - cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send, two bottles of my. remedy frke to any or your readers who have consump tion if they will send ine their ex pres8'and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl gt.. New York. - -Are those vour paternal' estates?1 ; 2 Wothlngton, 'Notheyare-iny WsWIls." Jstrhorn, wuv noi, can iv utuiooii a iruuip; O IH. Allen, It.has rip isible means bf support. pVanic McNeill, First Cucumber I'm in bad shape : b. F. Long, Second Cucumber Yba do Iook seedy. , a . The eagle is dear to the-American heart, but the double jeagle is twice as tlear. The monkey goes to the- sunny side of a tree when he wants a warm er climb. - - ' ' First Aspen Leaf- What's the mat ter? Second Aspen Leaf Oh, I'm all of a tremble. ' Old Lady (to clerk in general store) Young man, I want some powder. Clerk Yes, -m, boy or girl? The sentence Ten dollars or thirty days" is another proof of the truth of the, adage that time is money. . The Philosopher at-the boarding- house Mrs. ifrowri, am 1 so .very large to-day, or is ittlie sliceof bread that is so small? We know men who insist at every point upon beating their wav thrbuirh life, but we observe that they all draw the line at a carpet. Stanley has taught the Africans somethinz about exploration, but he ha not taught-then" how to spell. The names of some of the places he has visited would break a Russian jaw. SOLICITORS. NAME. - DISTRICT. RESIDENCE John W. Blount, 1 G. H. White, (coi;, a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Perquimans. Halifax. Martin. Wake. Durham. Duplin. Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham. Caldwell. Mecklenburg Buncombe. Union Feb. 10, fFeb. 17, Sept. iyeScTlenburgtFel l 24 Aug. 25. Gaston March 17, Oct. 0. , r x'nPrfMarcll 31, Sept. 29. U cieYelad--April 7 Au 4,Oct. 20. ilRutherfora Apru uuu i . tPolk-May 5,cNov. 10. - TWELFTH J UplCI AL DISTRICT- Snririf J udge Connor. Sprm0 J PftlWndge Phillips. Madison-Feb. 24, Jnljr28.tNov.17. Buncombe tM arch 10, .tAug. 11; Dec 1 il Transylvnia-Marfth; 3, Sept. 1. H a v woodA pri 1 7i Sept. 8. , . Jackson Aprils Sept. -22. .. - Macon May 5, Sept. 29. ...... (Mav -May 12, Oct. L CheVokee May 19. Oct. Id. Graham June a, uct. Ji. Swain June 9th, Nov, TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Kinging: Noises in the ears, sometimes a roaring buzzing sound are caused by ca tarrh, that exceedingly disagreeable and vpn coiunon disease. Loss -of smell or heariug also result from c -ttrtrrh. Ilootl's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is a peculiarly successful remedy for this disease, which it cures Iby i)urifying the blood. If vou siuTer from catarrh, try Hood's Sarsaparilla, the peculiar medicine. The wife of Governor Campbell, of Ohio,ii a graduate of Vassar. A CHILD KILLED. Auother child killed, by the use of opiates given in the form of Soot,h iug syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur prising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Munds Bros., druggists. Mr. Selah Chamberlain, of Cleve land, gave his beautiful niece $10,000 as a wedding present. GUARD AGAINST THE STRIKE, And always have nbo4tle of Acker's English Remedy m the house. You tcannbti tfell'JiowsOOn'i Croup may strike yoor littlek-one, orfi Scold or cough ruay-iasteh itseli upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cu re. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treat ment. " A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by Munds. Bros., druggists. v : : - Mr. John D. Rookefeller, who is f aid to be worth over $125,000,000, is reported to be a very liberal giver. Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should; alwaysf be .use&when chil dr en are. cubing teith,Olt relieves the lit tle sui :Ver at once; it produces nat oral, il et sleep by relieving,. the enild fro. pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, Relieves wind; regulates the bowels; and is tne best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arisinsr from .teething or. othr causes. Vwenty five cents a bottle, inly 6 deod&wlv : J. W. ATKINSON. . . President. W. P. TOOMER, Cashier. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co, 1 iQ PRINCESS ST., WILMINGTON, N. C, C5 Lends Money on satisfactory security. Par Interest on Denosltac Is enmowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. men 29 tf POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA N. C, Two and a HalfJMllesWest of Greensboro. N. c -"It Works Like a Cliann." ; RulonV Magnetic Liniment is a safe and speedy cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia,- - Gout, Headache,1 Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painful affections. -For - sale by. Munds Brothers. . . A r- - j' -v" - - ,-t - - - . , t i - ' - rime main line of the K. D. R. R. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains ma&estODS resrular twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to Inspect this, the Largest Nursery in the State, and one of the largest In the south. - Stock consists of Apples, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots, Nectarines, Mulberries, iuince. Grapes, Figs, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant. English Walnut. Pecans. Chestnut. Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens, shade Trees, &c. All the riew and rare varieties aa well as the old ones, -which my new Catalogue for 1888 will show. Give your orders to ' my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solidted. Destrlptlve Cata logue free to applicants. , . . .. Address -.i . . . , - ' J. VAN L1NDLEY, POMONA; Guilford Co., N. C ' tar Reliable Salesman wanted In every County. A good paying commission will be FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring-Judge Whitaker. Fall Judge Connor. Beaufort: JFeb. 17, May 20, Nov. 24 ' Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. Camden March 10, Sept 8 Pasquotank March 17, Sept. 15. Perquimans March 24. Sept. 22. Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. Gates April 7, Oct. 0. Hertford April 17. Oct. 13. Washington Apiil 21, Oct. 20, Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Dare May 5, Nov. 3. Hvde May 12, Nov. 10. Pamlico May 19, Nov. 17. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Gilmer. Fall Judge Whitaker. Halifax tMarch 3, May 12,Nov.lO. Northampton t Jan. 20, March 31, April 1, Sept. 20. Bertie Feb. 3, April 28, Oct. 27. Craven tFeb. 10. May 26, Nov. 24. Warren March 17, Sept. 15. Edgecombe April 14, Oct. 13. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Boykm. Fall Judge Gilmer. Pitt Jan. 6, March 17, June 9, Sept. 15. . Franklin-Jan. 20, April 14,Nov.lO. Wilson JFeb. 3, June 2, Oct. 27. Vance Feb. 17, May 19. Oct. 13. Martin March 3, Sept. 1, JDec. 1. Greene March 31, Sept. 29. Nash April 28, Nov. 17. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Sprig Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Wake Man. 0, tFeb. 24, March 24, tApril 21, Julv9, tAug. 27, Sept. 22, tOct. 20. Wayne Ja. 20, March 10, April 14, Sept. 8, Oct. 13. Harnett Feb. 3, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Johnston Feb. 10,Aug. ll,Nov.l0. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Armfield. Fall Judge MacRae. Durham Jan. 13, March 24, June 2, Oct. 13. Granville Jan. 27, April 21, July 21, Nov. 24. Chatham Feb. 12, May 5,Sept.29. Guilford Feb. 17, May 26, Aug. 15, Dee. 8. . Alamance March 3, Mav 19, Oct. 27. Orange March 17, Aug: 4, Nov. 3. Caswell April 14 Aug. 14. Nor:10. Person April 14, Aug.. 19, Nov. 17. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. 7 " Fall J mlge Armfield. ' Pender March ID, Sept. 8. New Hanqver tJan. 20, tApril 13, tSept. 22. Lenoir Feb. 3, Aus". 10, Nov. 10. Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. 4, Nov.-24. Sampson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct. 6, Dec. 8. , Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. -Jones March 24 Oct. 27. ' Onslow March 31, Nov. 8. SKVKNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13, March 31. Julv 28. ' " " - Anson JOh. 6, tApril 28, Sept. 1, TXVOV. 24. Cumberland 21. Nov. 10. Robeson-Jan. 17 Mav 19.gent.29. Richmond Feb. 10, June 2, Sept. , Dec. 1. Bladen March 17, Oct. 30. Brunswick April 7, Sept. 8. Moore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 27. EIGHTH JUDJCIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp. iJallJ udge Bynum. Cabarrus i J an. 27, April 28. Iredell Feb. 3. Mav 21 A no. a Nov. 3. " ' " Rowan Feb. 17 ' Mav 5 A nor 1Q Nov. 17. : . ' Davidson March 3,Sept. l,iDec.l. Randolph March 17, Sept. 15. Montgomery March 31, Sept. 29. - Stanly April 7, Oct.13. - NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring J udge Merrimon: . . - ' -Fall Judge Shipp. Rpckmgham Jan. 20, July 21, Nov. 3. Forsyth Feb. 3, May 19, Oct. 20. Yaukin Feb. 17, Sept. 22. Wilkes March 3, Sept. 8. Alleghany March 17, Sept. 1. 7)avie March 31 Oct, 6, gtokes April l4, Aug. 4, Nov. 10. Snrry April 21. Aug. 19, Nov. 17. : TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. , Fall Judge Merrimon. Henderson-iFeb. 10, July 13. BurkeT-Mareh 3, Aug. 4. CaklwellMarch 17, 8ept. 1. ,i; Ashe March 24, May. 26, Aug. 18. ?Watauga-rApril 7, Aug. 25. ; Mitchell April 14, Sept. 8. f Yancey April 28. Sept. 22. McDowell-rMay 12, Oct. C. HIiEVBNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. Catawba Jan.3; 'July; 13. ; Alexander-Jan. 27, Jnly 28; - V. 6 For criminal cases. i.t. irii Mjfs ftlone.-' ' For civil cases alone . except jail cases. - ' 3 ii r CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judgf, IJelij. K. flioore, vv iiunmiiuMv.vuv f ' '; Court begins Jan 6. March 17, May, 19, July 13, Sept. 15, Nov. 17. MECKLENBURG COUNTY Oliver P. Meares. Judge. fieo. R. Wilson. Charlotte, Solicitor. Conn begins Feb. 10,- April 14, Aug. 11, Oct. C, Dec. 1. '.. BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Chas. A. Moorer-Ashevilb, Judge. F! D Carter. Asheville, Solicitor.-'"; Court begins Jan. 27, April 28, July 91 . Or-t. 27 SupremeTour meets first Monday in rei.iMi.-n v. E.vamiriatioris on b ri- 1 Saturday before. First District. Feb. 3: Second -District, Feb. 10: - Third District, Feb. 17; Fmirth District. Feb. 24: Fifth Dis trict. March 3: Sixth District, March iQ- Sleventb District. Match 17: htb District. March 21; Ninth District, March 31; Tenth District, April 7; Twelfth District, April 14 Eleventh District, April 21. Last Mondav in September. Ex aminations Friday and Saturday be fore. First District, Sept. .SRI: eo ond District, Oct. 6; Third District, Oct, 13: Fourth District, -Oct. 20tH; Fifth District, Oct. 27; , Sixth Dis tricfNov. 3; Seventh District, Nov. 10: Eighth District, Nov. 17; Ninth District, Nov. 24; Tenth District, Dec. 1; Twelfth District, Dec. 8; Eleventh District, Dec. 15. , t fiNEoc ..,.'-.-, t .188(V Harper's Giving the latest lnioaitn, the FashlonaVita rS2? i fashion-plates. Sia11 ' ' ments are lnotep?Lfiff dress-maker and the sS? expense ia BptMJSSil traetLveness of the hiS11 lh3Hl?t.Jes,narior mom as a-tadB lUb veeklyissrjesevemhi;" 9jmr of interestSH11? s A thoknb Miller, cmR J?"" KiCKand Mary' infl3T8 fti MARY' L0 1 Daughter atHorne .fpsV aftd t'TheWemat oVii, W HARPER'S A- fe' 1890. Harper's Young PeoDle AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. -Janv20, tMay 5, July 15 The Eleventh Volume of Hakfer's Toung People, which begins with the Number for Novembers. I8S9. presents an attractlva prh cramrae. it win oner to jtis reaaera at least four serials of the usual length, and others in two or turee parts, namely, "ine Kea-mus-tansr."by William O. Stoddakd: "Phil and the Baby," by Lucy C. Lillie; "Prince' Tom my," by John Russell Coryell; and Moth er's Way." by Margaret E. sangster; two short serials by 11 jalmak Ujoktu Boyesen. Two series of Fairy Tales vill attract the aU tent ion of lovers of the wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tales told by Howard PYLE;and so admirably illustrated by him, and a other series In a different vein by Frank M. Bick nell. '1 here will be short s'orles by W. Ii. Uowells, Thomas Neion Page, Mary- k: wilkins Nora Perry, Harkisit Frescotx spofford, David Ker, Hezekiah Butter-- worth, Sophie Swett, Richard Malcolm JOHNSTON, etC. '' A subscription to Harper's Young People secures a juvenile library, s here is useful knowledge, also plenty of amusement. Boston Advertiser. - Terms Postage Prepaid, $2 pr year. Vol. JTI begins November 5, 1889. Specimen stamp. Copy sent on receipt of two-cent Single Number, Five Cents each. . " Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to comi this aanersUsempmi witftout tite express order of Harper & Brothers . Address HARPEB BB OTHERS. UOV20 - ; i Sew YOJ" GUNS, GUNS Single and Double-Barrel Breech alwtH Muzzle Loading. Pistols, Sportsman's Supplies. e. naye a4arjge and fine stocK atlprlces lower than ever before offered. STOVES STOVES! HEATING AND COOKING . iJJi complete Stock, la the State. Our mx, n puves mm uaLuiusu you. :a Shovels and Tone. .Fire Dogs, Pocket and Table Cutlery; Ladle' ci&sor& and Shears, T Axes,saw8, Cliigelp, - - Hot House Sash, Window Glasp, all sizesj, - Sash. Doors, Paints Call on ns or writ fm mHioD stoves furnished on appiieatlonV N. Jacobi Hardware Co., per nun. CARPER'S BAZAB. - 4 '.- I HARPER'S MAaAZlNB,.. 'V HAKPER S WEEKLY.. . HiRPER'S YOTJNiGj PEqna Postage. JFree to au sulU """" States:,ciriaaa, or-Mntn 1 Tlfe:':oiumes'of uiTp first Number for JanwwS? 5 no. time is imjnuoMosffiS?1 wlth'the Number curreSfc order. s . ."oeetj Bound Volumes of Harper years back, in neat cloth ffiS by mall; postage palL 0nffi&5 expense provided Uie fre4? one dollar per volume) tffS 'm8 i ' Cloth Cases for each H1 binding, wm be- sent by receipt of $100 each. Remittances should be mafls w . ' M6ney Order or Draft, to a2 S A'eiespapers are riot to cormw vMIurM the express order orn - Address HAffifet nov20 . 7 uw-- .M ADVERTISE advertising Can learn the exact; of any proposi c1 in Aincf. m t ers by.ife Geoi P.; RowelH Newspaper Advertising Etc IO Spruce St, New Y&.j Send. IO cts. for 100-paflefac ; , , -4 i --'."'?vt.t. . -V f'.'-ul fa; DOttS'IS fi&y-.iS. I :i J ri.t:mviugsof Obs. '5!rfiind Krpfiftine Vrm' tf Then iwud f.arPmcrjpal P0T1 'J Tit Y JiOOiti . 100 pases; bea- of nearly ail kinds cf tomh; qcs tiona of the treods; bow tofir; j plani for poultry toonses: laicnMa tbout incubator, and uiero iw J3.KH irwai vDmi. uf;i nt, er iuiu& .Sonffor 15 VMM If o, yoa Used tbsECCKP liIRDfS.-120 pnees. h t rations. BoexM Treatment ana brooding birds, for pleajurs nd their outa -nmtow an Aviary. AH about nm all kinds birds, cages, w, 10 Cents. TheTtueWi- 237Soiili: Eihthi.Mtm 1890. Harper's WeeK ILLUSTRATED. place aa-the leading' illustrated ments on current politics has ica; ra and t.rrA vnrifitv and excelled8. rararcontents which Include ictbi !l stories by tne Desc ana musu fit It for the perusal of people cm nnrr nf tlcfflO n1 nlirSUltS. i": supplements are ot remarkable terest. imd value." Xc expensej bringr the higrnesc oraer oi ai wr iiii7strfltJon or w pirseToT borne "ind foreign Ws s mmonpfl from the nen oi " Janvier, will appear in the Weje OCt8tf 12 SO. FRONT ST. Hardware) riINWARE nov AND CROCKERY. IW. E. SPRINGER & CO, ' Importers and Jobbers SPurcell Building. - r:SaIe. nd in good condition. Willbe sold cheap. , -1 " V - - TCIS OFFICE. :. HARPER'S - PERIODIC PER year: tia-rptch'S WEEKLY... 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