MISCELLANEOUS. -. 'HUTJIFU'REYS'.' "Yin. nnffHXCTS' Stecotcs tCre lentmd wluis uccef.and for over clThSpecB cu without drugging, . irWiucliiK the Brstem, and are In fact and wrclgii yemcdics of the World. - - - - Mr r. 1 PDTPVfl ... m v-rw-, ia fnirH i - Liin -L.ra - -Lara ---- u.-rr ---.. Congestion, inflammation... .V Wor-as, Worm Fever, Worm Colic . rrrinsi Colic, or Teething of Infanta nilrrb ea, of Children or Adult. .'. . ilvsentery Griping, Bilious Colic. . (losrhs. Cold, Bronchitis. .. 25 :s 4 5 7 8 !? 53 $ V 4 a .'1-5 .5.5 Vpnrnliriai Toot-acne, aceacne.... . npnuin. Bilious Stomach.......... .25 Kappressed or Pn Infill Periods. lUfiitefi. too Profii.se Periods C'roub, Congb, DiiScnlt Breathing. ... iait Ulicmn, Erysipelas, Eruptions. Pheuaiatism, I&eiimaticPaW... .25 .'25 .25 4 .25 Vever ami A grae- i;nu, jaaiana .50 rues, "r"?csyjrii-.. : n VhoopiBff CoBgh Violent Coughs. .50 GenSr.l biiitysPhysicalWeakness .50 Kidney Disease-. ?""too tiieaB7oftniUeart,Palpltatlonl.OO f i,,t,H ir, -inth and eold. mailed free. riciuj- ' " Vi .. s V. - 7 KB-nlton St. N Y, linmpnrcja lhvu.v.-vw SPECIfl OS. a. :rtu HASR BALSAM .. "2fS"JTnClean5s beau-tc the han ; .', fcPronu-Usa tu.tuii:v:i -rrv.th. -?.-$S vgMevr r':?s io R??tcr-. Gr V- ; -fe H.riit-.Yu!;if.i Cctf. ;v-..t;---irrev.t PaiVnur a--! ...: f.uiii.t: 6rv aid f ! 20 4W Th. nr."- rer:t!: tIH for sale. Rafe and - .1 . .1 .-...t.lil.-l-rt.f a cmIm ; ljtl..i lr:uiut. m ." - - . ? viiL bluenbjon. 1V no other. Scnd4c. i (i.-'-.-) f -r particular titl "IJeuef fv ) Hi TO isv ' H 02 R G O K 3 . ..ri s.rtit.i is 'x-r-i.fl fr ni. n V.U. .it tvcii e nun itior: in i na. an.-. tJ MA11V1TII 1JOIT.ING WATKK. HI GISATEFUI. COMFORTIXG. 3rHDK WITH BOILING MILK. How, Lost! How Regained, THE SCIENCE OF LIFE A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Tveatise on the Errors of Youth,Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood. m HI Xesnlting from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim :or Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation. Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this great vork. It contains 300 pages, royal Svo. Beeutif u! inding, embossed, full gilt Price only $.'.0 by nail, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. IHns rative Prospectus Free, If you apply noc. The istinguished author, Wm. II. Parker, M. IV, re eived the GOLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL row the National Medical Asocialiou lor his PRIZE fiSSAY'on NEItVOUS and IIYSICAXi DEB ILlTY.Dr. Parker and acorps f Assistant Physicians may be consulted, conll entially, by mail or in person, at the office of ?IIE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, io. 4 Bulfincu 8t., Doslon, Mnn., to whom all rders for books or letters for ad e should be vrected aa above. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PIUS RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. Ptie ana miwmji remote, mauicn rNi meuauo Dozect mum wiin duc I . W Ml m aittlfa in p&Jtebosvrd boxes, pink rppert. are J - . .9 UanH Aa. (ttuDp8) iOr pavrxicairsy wuuivuia u KelUf for LmdlcA,1 Uttr9 by retara Bittll Mams Jap9T, Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc., I will end & valuable treatise (staled) containing full particulars for home cure, F R EE o charge. A splendid medical -work ; should be read by every man "Who is nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof P. CFOYtXJElV Woodus, Conn. h DfllTIVP For LOST or FATLINQ ttANKOA' HrUdllllb General and JfEKV0US LEBILIT? ft 1 : "tf XI Weaksess of Body and Kind: Effeo U - JCI;Jm of Errort or Excesses in Old or Youn Robert, Xoll HANHOOD follT Rettaml. How to KaUrpe ai !lrwiBt!eo HKik,lM)KVKLOPKD ORGANS h PARTS of BOD' 4 Widely anfll!nr HOJIK THtATBEST RfafSta la da Mi Uiry from 47 States, Trrritarias, and Forriga Contrl oa ran w r't tarm. Book, foil xplaoktion, ad proofaaiaU t. Lis, Uf MtfilCAt CStSFFALO.N. r Err esi c- fur mtu& TO 3Tsn; Vi:rr, Tr;Kinc33 orTsof Jfrirorv noi Jy ntttrov- lac of aa eiitirtiy i'-V i!.":y. TI;o Vc. ai Ja from Spain, iv.c ADRIAN & VOLl EItS, WIIOLKSALE DEALElis IN Provisions,- Groceries, Liquors. TLacco, Cigars, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' Cor. Front and Dock" Sis., . WILMINGTON, :N. C. Janl3tt . . . CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH fBk PESflYRQYAL PILLS. lw : X-d. Cross -Diamond Brand. r--. i . - KNOWTHYSELE KM TO UEM HIM 81 U awl CV "ii iMOKi'sun v.;r i nils' nit til, Si'rvni OCf 1 ir-itir.ionas, (ciit o.:..1. Kvmv maiTshoi'lr ad it. VON ORAKF r KOCIIX-TK fO., J , Old Songs. Over MiV6x&hfr$iC$:T4Z In ev Jnevrv y style and strain Have th& worldTsoTtrofie:s been Since the 'zrf' from fhe soul 'ns stirred, Sine? ihe. heart of n inai a broken, . Have the notes of despair been heard And the rjilmi of pain been spoken.. The 6ong that you inr to-tlay, Swret on the printed pages. "Was sung in the far away, . In fh youth of the worn-outages; The charm of your love-born tune, . The gems that your lines uncover. Were set in some savage tune liy the heart of some pagan lover. The fancies that fill your rhymes, The visions that haunt your lays, Are the spectres of olden times -And the ghosts of forgotten days; Ye players on notes of woe, Ye dreamers of love and sorrow, They sang in the years age The tongs you willsingto-morrow. But what if the rhymes are new, And what if the thoughts are old, If the touch of the chord be true j And the flight of the singer bold? Let them come to us still again, To-morrow and yet hereafter, Fresh as a morning's rain, Old as the sob and the laughter. A. Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, sscli as Consump tion, Inflammation of Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthma, Wooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe and can always be .depended upon. Trial bottle free at Robert R. Balla my's wholesaleand retail drug store. . - Have Yon a Consh ? Attend to it in time do not neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption. Young's Cough Balsam-will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by Munds Brothers. -Tlioufflrrt)hiy of Mamma. On one of the wettest days of last week a countryman, who might have been taken for a prosperous farmer or a successful miner, was walking aleng Market street, in the rain, when he noticed a little girl in front of him, says the San Francisco Ex aminer. Her clothing was shabby and thin, and her shoes were almost I 1 "1 1 ! reaoy to urop irom ner poor nine wet feet. Touched by the sight, the bluff old fellow stepped up to her and asked her to accomyany him ineo a shoe store just at hand, and directed the salesman to fit the child out with a good, substantial pair of shoes. After trying on sev eral pairs, all of which appeared to fit very well, the old gentleman said to her, pointing to the pair she. 'had! on: "What's the matter with those. Ain't they easy?" Hesitating a mo ment, the child looked up and said: "Oh, yes, sir; they ar.e very comfort able, but please, wiv wori.t you buy them big enough for mamma?'' WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Acker's Blood Eiixir for it has been fully demonstrated . to the people of this country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. For sale by Munds Bios. ,.. Hoist by Flis Own Petanl. "Will you kindly allow me to stand?'' asked a gentleman as he got into a railway carriage, which, al-. ready. contained a specified number, "Certainly, nott sir.'' exclaimed ra passenger-occupying a corner seat, near the door. "The way these trains are overcrowded is shameful." "As you apnear, ,ta be the only person who objects to niy presence; replied the gentleman, "I shall re main where I am." "Then 1 shall call the guard to haye you removed, sir."' Suiting the action to the word, the aggrieved passenger rose, and putting his head out of the window vociferously summoned the uard. The new corner saw his opportunity and quietly slipped into the corner seat. "What's up?"' inquired the cruard as he opened the carriage door. "One over the number," replied the newcomer, coolly. "You must come out, sir; the train's going on," and without wait ing for farther.explanation the guard pulled out the aggrieved passenger, who was left wildly gesticulating on the platform. London Court Jour nal. Does Experience Count ? It does, in every line of business, and especially fn compounding and preparing medicines. This is illus trated in the great superiority of Hood's Sarsaparilla and other prep arations, as shown by the remark, able cures it has accomplished. The tread of the fir.ii of C. I. Hood & Co. is a thoroughly competent and experienced pharmacist, having devoted his whole life to the study and actual preparation of medicines. He is also a member of the Massa chusettsand American Pharmaceuti cal Associations, and continues ac tively devoted to supervising the preparation of and managing the business connectedwith, Hood's Sar saparilla. . '.Hence the superiority and pecu liar merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is built upon the - most substantial foundation. Li its preparation there is represented' alL the . knowledge which modem research Jn; medical I science T Jut , developed, combined with 'long Jexperience-Jbrain-. work, and xneriinent. -It ia only neces- f sary.to give(this medicine a fair trial to realize its great curative value: ; : - . i.. .- ,ti. Protection AcainsttCata on Ships, s." Rats have, ever , been a sort of nightmare; to those who live on floating property. Not - only have Ihey damaged thousands of fine ves-. sets and valuable merchandise, but they have by. their nocturnal wan derings seriously interfered with Jack's rest. An ingenious man has hit npon a happy, idea to preveut their future ravages. He has resort ed to no trap system nor does he re commend a free use of Paris green. He has patented a simple device from which he expects immense re sults and he is now exhibiting his coutrivahce to ' some of the more prominent yachtsmeu with an idea of introducing the innovation. The novelty consists of a cone of metal connected in two'parts and r this is to be connected with the 'anchor cables, as it is a . well known fact that the rats gain access to 'vessels by climbingalong the cables through the hawse pipe into the 'hold.' The device mnst be fastened by straps to the cable. The bottom or open end of the cone will be such distance from the cable that the rats cannot possibly jump or climb around it, nor can they run up through the apex of the qone. The protector re sembles a hat worn by a Qhinanian at home. It is perfectly r?und with a high peak. The anchor cables pass through the centre of the cone, and when in position the hitter rests about three or four feet above -the water. It is absolutely impossible for a rat to crawl aboard a craft while the protector is connected with the cable. Mail cind Express. A DUTY TO TOURS ELF. It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English one" for the same money. Dr. Ack-. er's English pills are a positive cure for sick headache and all liver troubles. They- are small,-, sweet, easily taken and do not gripe. Sold by Ai gilds Bros., druggists. President Carnot' habit of talk ing in a loud voice is said to be .-due to his wife's deafness. HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little ob staele. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, Con stipation and Indigestion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by , Munds Bros., .1 rn n("ict x- ''i i Buckets, Brooms, Baskets, Paper, PAPER BAGS T WINESt 1-tanlr Rnnlrc " Kfofinnorv SCHOOL SUPPLIES, &c. Full Stock ! Bottom Prices 0- - t Wilmington P2per Comp'y, t IO NORTH WATKR ST. i , i : The Acme MANUFACTURING CO. ... . t -I --t MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. -o- WILMINGTON. N.C. IJIE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, Is now established, and the results of three years' use in the nands of the best farmers of this and other States will attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, made from the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It Is daily Increasing. It has ' vir tues not found in any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and . as ?a tilling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light elastic and proof against insects. Certificates from reliable parties using our goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon lie -tlon. tan 4 tt COAL AND WOOD. 1,000 oOQ 25l IOO SO I'oiih Kgg Uoal, Stove Coal, Chestnut Coal, Furnace Coal, Teun, Lump Coa, . . IOO f ;4 ; JPUniI ry Coal, Boy4, PtfB.very cheap, Coal 300 Co to TPcji r J -t y : Prices asjowor lower, thin elsewhere : : -J. A. SPRINGB1(. WHOLESALE PRICES. . f The following quotations represent whole safe prices generally. In making up Small or ders higher prices Lave to be charged. . BAGGING?.. . c. r Oanj'....,t....v Stanclard..... ....... .... BACON North carolljyu Hams 14 8 10 IS 8tf -11 153. 10j. IX. " s Shoulders ttt... if a jaes, ia WESTEJtN SMOKED - Hams, ft .; Sides. " lb Shoulders, fc.. DRY SALTED , Sides, y lb.. Shoulders, V lb BARKEIJ5 Spirits Turpenttne. Second -land, each New, New york; each. New, City, each , BEKSWAX, f lb BRICKS. Wilinlngton, M.... Northern.. BUTTEK, V 0 - North Carolina... 13 10 6a 1 40 0 00 1 65 1 50 ' a 1 "A V5 J- v 22 8 00 14 00 20 6 00 0 00 25 30 25 10 12 14 10 28 24 22 67). iMonnem -j CANDLES, lb Sperm Adamantine . . . CHEESE, "$ lb Northern Factory .... .. Dairy, Cream State..... ; eOFPEE, lb Java Laguyra Rio...... CORN MEAL, bush, In sacks. Virginia Meal.. COTTON TIES, . bundle. DOMESTICS r Sheeting, 4-t, yard. Yarns, v bunch...... ...... EGGS, V dOZ. . ; .V. , , 18 9 11 13 9 S7 23 20 -00 00 1 25 6 00 ! 18 0 67. (fft 1 30 63. SO 2-. (4 riMi - ... -. .. Mackerel, No. 1, bbi......xi 00 Mackerel, No. l, V balf bbl. 7 50 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, Half bbl... i 75 (12 50 8 00 11 00 64 6 00 . Mackerel, no. 3, y bbl Mullets, bbl N. C. Roe Herring. r keg... Dry Cod, FLOUR, V bbl Western, low grade Extra Family City Mills super Family.. GLUE, lb GRAIN. f bushel. ('Orh, fm store, 'bags, wlilte Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags. White. Corn, mixed, from store : . . . Oats, from stored oats, Rust Proof 7 80- 9 00 6 00 7 00 00 4 00 10 5 50 4 00 4 50 4 00 4 50 8 00 00 66 00 4 00 4 50 5 00 4 10 C4 5 00 10 65 62 67 65 45 52). 90 C4 00 SO cow peas HIDES. W lb Green. 5 5 Dry.... 10 12 HA., 1UO IbS Eastern Western..!... North River. . HOOP IRON, y lb LARD, i? lb- 05. 1 10 85 95 90 2J. 00 3, Northern . 7i ex i North Carolina. 8 & 10 LIME, barrel ....... 1 40 0 00 LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed : . . 13 00 C420 X Rough. Edge- Plank :, oo mc oo West Ifidla Cargis, a.-conl- . Ing to quality ......13 fn ais-oo Dressed Flooring, SHasonod.irf (Hi (k seantllitg and Hoard, com'ii.14 '00 15 (X) MOLASSES, . gallon , - , New Crop, lu hhds. 25 20 ..4'-in bbls.. 28 (c. 3U,: Porto Rico, in hhds 28 , 30 ' " in bbis...... ; 35 Sugar House, In hhds oo 4 15 inbbla. .. 10 & is 3Tup, in bbls .. 22 (4 155 NAILS, y Keg, Cut, M basin.. 2 40 ia 2 50 OILS. $ gallon. Kerosene ." - o 14 Lard. 16 1 45 Linseed ... .h (a, oo Rosin 15 (4 Tar : , 'oo Deck and Spar. . oo . POULTRY Cnlckens, live rown ... 20 Spring 10 . Turkeys. 95 PEANUTS, bushel, 22 lb. 60 3 16 20 25 ) 0 .80 60 75 I'OTATOES, y ousnei sweer. 35 2 25 2 Irisli. bbl PORK. barrel City Mess 17 50 18 00 Prime. .15 00 16 00 Rump.. 00 15 00 RICE Caiollna, ? lb 4 ' 5j Rougfe. $ bush,Upiand)... 60 80 (Lowland) 80 1 00 RAGS, y lb Country oo city.......... :-. - 1 lx ROPE, lb 14 , 22& SALT. 'V Sack. Alum. . . 70 75 Liverpool. ; . . . . . ... . 65 . 7a Lisbon.. oo 00 American...... tlO 70'' lOAP, V Nortbern 5fl psUGAR, P ib-standard grain.. .& scanaara a... . - v. . exo ej. WblteEx C 0 s' 6 Extra c, Golden. '5.v 5j c yeuow. .... o t& b SHINGLES, 7 In. M 5 00 7 00 commoH. ....... 2 oa' 250 Cypress Saps. . . r.vii . .'. . . '.- 4 50 5 00 . Cypress Hearts... .- . . . ., . 0 0Ov 7 '50 STAVES, MW. O. Barrel.. . 8 00 14 C0- R. O. Hogshead: ........ 0 00 10 00 TALLOW, V ib.V. . A . . 5 - f! ' TIMBER, V M teefiShlpping..J2 Ofr 14,00 , FmeMllk..,.., ,....1125 $1300 Mm Prime.......: 7 50 , 8 50 $ MlU'-Falr. .1 : 5 00 0 00 Common MiU.. , 5 00 COO . Inferior to Ordinary. 2 50 a..4.00 WHisxLKir, gai iNoruiern... loo North. Carolina;.....1.......'. 1 00 WOOL, . It washed . . v. ... 28 2 00 3 50 . 30 Unwashep,..., -...-. Burry..... 15 -i -s- 10 (A SPECIAL, NOTICE ! y-E'ARE THE' SOLE OWiERS OF THE following finest and; well known Brands of WHISKIES m the marke'ti '1. . - Southern Stir Bye; - Cabinet Rye, Our Standard Rye, ' 4 Bouquet Rve, State Guard xxxxCabinet. There Is nothing better sold any where, and ,all flretiass'torrboms sell all or one o the above Brands. . '-.. ' - Briiiiliil(l,Sinioii& Co., Ill N. Front St., Dealers in IJqnoreClgars andlTobaccos.. aug27tf . Catch On; : Your orders for 'If pint- J inC, Killing and-Binding, . .. 1 will bti executed as ex- j peditiously, delivered its i promptly- and guaran- : teed to be -as satisfac tory as any first-class establisHment We have none' but reliable, work- -u menand cair materia - and pi'esses , are nil fir$t paper, to' selecV";iiv r' LjTfis f y jackson & hkll; -Lead.03 Printers ana Binders." - - ., .-. i-i - . .-.. . ..o.L5 sr.. - Atlantic Coast Line. rrw- COND E2SSKD SCH FDU L E,- TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Date;d Jan. 13. ISC 0. tt . t 0 I P P. M. 11 16 A. M P. M. 12 30 146 P. M.'A. M. Leave Wei don Arrive Rocky Mount H3 6 00 ! 12 19 710 P. M. 3 45 A. M. A rrive Tarbora . . . . Leave Tarboio , 1020 i A. M. 12 47 P. M. 217 Arrive Wilson.., 00 t 4j Leave Wilson .... Arrive Selnia ' A rrl ve Fayetteville .!..... t2C0 3 40 6 CO A. M. Leave Goldsboro....! 12ft 310 410 4 21 7 40 840 So r ' O 9 31 !) 31 1120 Leave Warsaw j 2 21 Leave Magnolia. ....' 2 :w Arrive Wilmington ; 3 5'j 5 50 j 9 55 TRAINS GOING NORTH. ' - ' si? '."'' ' cjS ' o3 d3 ' I I A. M. A. M. A- M. Leave Wilmington.'. 1120 12 01 9 00 P. M. - ' Leave Magnolia 12 38 1 17 10 42 Leave Warsaw.. 10 55 Arrive Goldsboro... 137 2 IS 1145 Leave Fay et teville. . .... I ...... 1 s 40 Arrive Sel ma ! mo Arrive Wilson . j 12 10 "I- P. i. Leuve WUson....r.. fr2ft 2 50 1237 Ar.' Rocky Mount... J 2 50 1 10 -:-j-r- A rrl ye Tarboro 3 45 3 45 i " ' I A. M.l Leave Tarboro....... 10 30. 100 ; v, - - p. "M.J Arrive Weldon....... 3 57 .4 S0iJ? 45 1 o d P..M. 400 .) : 6 5J) 7 47 8 IS i) 30 Daily exceot. sunaav. . Train on Scotland - Neck-' l.raiu h RbAU leaves Halifax 2:J0 p. in., arrives Sc(rismd Neck at 3:45 pr m., Rlverton tt.10 p. m. lic I tuiiing leaves Rherton 7:o a.- m., S. oll;H!i N6rk at 10:20 a. iji.,"dally e.vropt Simdy: Train leaves Tarboro, N. , via Airx'rrnar.'.e jk Raleigh It. ii. daily except sundaj-, !.(d p." .M., Sunday ;.m I: M., arrive "Williamston, N. (.'., 6.30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 8.00 P. M., 5.40 P. M. Returning leaves. Plymouth, mouth.- N. C, dally except Sunday, 0.QQ A. M., Suitday 8 30 A. M., Williamston 7.25 A. M.; 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C., ).m A. M., 11 30 A. M. Train on Midland N. llraneh leaves (JoMs boro, N.C, daily except Stindav. 6.(M A. M.v arrive Smittiflcld, N. C, :.:i0A, M. Returning leaves smithtield. N C, 8.1H A.M., arrive (goldsboro, N. ( '., y.30 A. M. Train on Nashville Uram h leave.-. R0( ky Mount for Nashville, 3.00 P. M.. arriesat Nashville .3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. Al. Returning leaves spring Hope 10.00 A. M.. Nasnviiie 1015 A. M., arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A.M., dally except, Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3. 10 P.. M., connecting at War saw with NOS. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch Is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South wJ.lt stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. . -, Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for aR points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. ' . Trains make close connection for all points Nortn sna Ricnmona ana vvasnmgton. ;'A11 trains run solid between'Wilmlngton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep- .-.Florida, "Special-.vestibule Tj-ain So. 501 leaves - Weldon Mondays, . Wednesdays and Fridays 3:5ap.f rri.V arriving WUmtngi on - 2:00 a. -m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and satirrdavs leaves Wilmington 1:00 a: m., 'arriving Weldon, o:.J3a. -n. ; v. ' ;, .. - . , . , JOnN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. r J. R. KENLY, SupMrTranspoHation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent.. -;, Oaf ofmanentral Railroad k WESTBOUND TRAINS,4 -?o7m: f .i, - T - i - Sept. 22, ,1889. No741. No 5. daily ex. Sunday. daily ex. daily ex. V t fsunday. Sunday. Leave Wilmington 2 20 nth 7 10 pin 2 00 am ;j 25 am 6 45 am Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro. I h 4d pm 1 yy pm 9 35 pm Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. . Leave Llncolnton . Leave Shelby. ArriveRutherfdt-n 5 55 pm 7 32 pm 8 26 pm 9 45 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS; JnO. 38. i So. 54. No. .6. Sept. 23, 1889. dally ex. dally ex daily ex Sunday. Sunday Sunday Leave Rutnerrdfn - 8 45 am Leaye Shelby., .t Leave Uncolhten i - 1A (IS am 1 1 1 nn o J JV CL LL Arrive Charlotte. . Leave Charlotte... Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet..... Arrive Wilmingrn n 11 1 ' 12 20 pm 5 15 am 7 08 am 8 20 am 8 9i nm II 38 pm 1 ata 8 10 am 12 30 pm - Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via Ral eigh.- .. - ' : .. -'.-t . " ' rains no. 51 ana & maxe erase finnecuuu at Hamlet, to andirom Raleigh. 3 .Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. -Tv W? WIIISNANT, SurjerrntendeEt,' F. W. CLAItK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. rr ' ' .' ' ." . Wilmington 8eacoa,t R.R. - . ON ANhtAEaic "Nl4-;.-'ri 2f'TH, f-18M, TRAINS .VlLTK1f AK FOIJ.OW S Leave Hammock's at 8:00 a. m.; arrive. Viin-ce- street akan-fdally, except Sunday. Leave Hammocks at 5:10 p. m.;. arrive at Prineess street at 5:45 nr. daily.1 f XeSve'PrinciW street at' 2:30 and 6:00 p.m. daily. ' " ' . chu'rch 'frairt will, leave HamrmK-ks at 9:40 and arrive Princes.1;! rrti a 10:15 fli nr Sunday Only. -:': "'"'-' -.SpL; .!;.;' Exetrrsldit Tratna wlfl leave jPrlncess street en saturcfay aO.ii.c??' T " . Regular fare on Sat urtlay 2 centi." -y - ' ";'l-7: ;J.I.NOLiNK I octlf tt: ' v 3 " GenlManager, IISCELLAKEOUS. t i ...... - . ..... . J." . f . ... '-r ... CQNBENSLEf SCHEDULE. T -' -1 1.1, 1. Ni . t j ) ir 1 i. ,. Dated Jan. 13, 180.; NO. 23. NO. 27. No. 13. ?impm? - ' - - ' fztV-H. V"S?.V .vMr- P. M. A.M. Leaver Wllmlnjto-i . a I ! 6 1 10 id 4 16 IaveMarior.i..s..l . 9 33 12 40; 8 51 Arrive Florence:.... 1020 1 20 7 27 A. M. NO 50 No. 58 '.'---' . A. M. ---.f A.M. Leave Florence....... I 3 20 . . .. . t9 10 Arrive Sumter. 4 35 10 28 ' . No. 52. ' ' . " A. M. Leave Sumter........! 4 '354 1 10 33 r; Arrive Columbia..... I 6 15 11 55 ' A. M. " Na 52 runs through fron- Charleston Central It. It. Lea-ing Lanes 9:15 A. JL, Manning 9:58 A. - Tram on c. & D. It. R. connects at Florenc fltAlNS GOING NORTH. . i NO. 5L Na 69. No. 53. , s P. M." P. M. Leave Columbia..;;.. 10 35 - ; IS 20 Arrive Sumter:....... . 11 68 8 32 Leave Sumter ..4 1158 t 6 37 ........ Arrive Florence r- 1 15 7 50 ....... . A. M. P. M. NO. 78 No. 60 NO. 14. . A. -M, A. M. P. M. Leave Florence 4 35 7 50 8 l.l Ijeave Marlon 5 2 8 26 855 Arrive Wilmington... 8 35 11 10 11 45 . a; m. a. m.? r. m. S; : " . "1 Dally. 1 Dally except Sunday. , No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, O., via central R. R., arriving Manning 7:04 P. M.. Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9:3Q P. M. No. 59 connects at, Florence with C. andD. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close-connection at Wil mington with W. & Wr RT R. for all points North . v - Train on Florence R. lC leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7:iio p. m. " Returning leave Rowland 6:30 am.. ar-' iivu j-ee uee -.oo a. m. Returnlntr anises. 12:J5.P. M.. arrive Sumter 1.30 P.M. 1'iornia -sjietiai v estibule Train No. 501 loaves Wllpiington 2:10 a. m., Tues.lays,'i hui Uays ami Saturdays, arriving Asyley .iun.tlon i:(tr a. m. - .Mondays, Wednesday ami Fridays. Florida special A'03tbul t rain No. 50Q.leaves Charles ton, Norilibouod, 5:44 p. m., ariltcs at Wll inington l2:n0MldnJgiit. ' JOHN V. mVlNTC 3eneral Superintendent. J. R. KKNLY. Ass t Gen'l Manager. T. M.. emisrson, General Passenger A gen novis Atlantic Coast Line. . . . North-Eastern R. R.of S. C JUL CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . ...... Train on M anchester 5 Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10:50 A.M. .arrive Richardson I2:0t I. Al. Returnlntr leave Rinii- Dated May 12, '89. No. 27. No. 23. No. . 4 ' - - . ' A. M. A. M. f . Leave Florence J 35 9 30 . Kingstree. . . : . , 2 29 10 55 1 Arrive Lanes ; 2 50 11 20 PM. Leave Lanes ......... 2 .50 1 1 20' 7 5 Arrive Charleston.. .. . , 5 00 l 30 9 I A. M. 'P. M. I P. M. 4 Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Train On C. D. if. It. rnnnnrta fit. P1nr-nfr jyith No. 23 Train. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. t 78. NO. 14. NO. 62. A.M. P. M. A. M. .7 9 Leave Charleston... Arrive Lanes. , Leave Lanes " Kingstree Arrive Charleston.... 12 25 . 2 45 - 2 50 3 10 4 20 A. M. 4 30 ; .6 28. 028 - B 4 7 55 P. M. A. M. 'Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence with train on c. & D, R. k for cheraw, S. c, and Wades boro, V. C. ' No. 83 runs through tocolnmbla via central K.K. of s. cv. Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, C., making close connection with W, & W. R. for all points north; - f. ' JNO. F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. ' J. K. KENEY, Ass't Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Gem Passenger Agent, my 11 , , . . , and Cliemicale, rjpOILET ARTICLES. PATENT MEDICINE3 Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc., etc. Also Prescriptions filled day or night at - y ' F. C. M ILLER'S, ' Drugstore. Jan 4 . corner Fourth and Nun Sts. THE STATE CHRONICLE, successor to the Farmer and .Mechanic and the Chronicle.) Under New Management, ..NEWSY BRIGHT AND;CLEAN. UP WITH TH E. TIMES. 1 ?IIE "STATE CHRONICLE" WILL what, its name implies a Stale Paper. It not l lie Raleigh "Chronlcle.v and will not be local or sectional. It .will aim. to Veep up w It Ulhe news from Mnrnhy to Manteo, or, as tho politicians pirf it, from Cherokee to cur lituck. : . . - r win tn i heorgah or no man,- no ring, no jw-et ion, no party.- It, will , be Democratic in pontics, duu win not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic oftlcera. . TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: ne Year. .......... w . ... ....... . .f 2 M Six Mo.hths 1 Oil Shree Months. w TFor a sample copy address . THE bTATE CHRONICLE, . Raleigh, N.C. Send in Yonr Worl. r'AM STILL AT THE SAME OLKSTAND.OM Second street.'and am -ready tc repair all kinds of Furniture and Domestlo -Articles.. I will do the .work welt and my charges are al ways moderr. to. sai isr act ion guaranteed In every instance. - - J.B.PARRA1:; Z- 5econd,street,tbe Market and Princess. -C0T19U - ' "