3 i r ' i. :! i, Absolutely Pure. . This powaer never vanes. A marvel of pu tty , strength and wholesomeness. M ore econ omical tli an the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test , short weight alum or phosphate powders, ntcnfy in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER rc ..106 wall St., n. y. cci26d&wiy tenrm 4thnd Srdpw ' Forecasts ' . For North Carolina, showers and colder weather, with a cold wave in the Western portion. For Wilming ton and vicinity, showers- to night, followed by clearing weather and colder to-morrow. Waccamaw No. 1. The steam launch built by Capt. Skinuer at his shipyard in this city, uinler orders from Capt. Abbott, U. S. Engineer, and destined for work on the Waccamaw river, is about ready for se rvice. She is called "Waccamaw No. 1" and is probably but the first of several others intend ed for this service. Daily TUESDAY, JAN. 21. 1890. " STATE NWS. - . Charlotte Chronicle: T. (.'. C. Fos ter, (colored) killed a two year old hog 'vesterday which weighed 560 pounds. -Esquire R B. Kend-! Gratifying to All. The high position attained and the universal acceptance and ap proval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, as the most excellent laxative known, illustrate the value of the qualities on which its success is based and are abund antly gratifying to the California Fig Syrup Company. Interred at Oafcdate The remains of Mrs. E. A. Purnell were interred yesterday in Oakdale By SSJSO rick, of Steel Creek township, was I r. ft . . . , in the city yesterday, and said that Cemetery, the funeral services tak There was a large attendance. The several acres of his wheat and oats had been badly damaged by the " Hessian fly. Asheville Citizen: Zeb Vance Westall, a nephew of Maj. T. C. . Westall, of this place, was killed last Thursday while felling a tree, near CraigV Mills, on Armstrong creek, McDowell county. A dead limb, which had fallen from an adjacent tree and lodged in the one upon which Mr. Westall was work ing, fell when the tree was cut down, and striking Mr. Westall, killed him instantly. Mr. Westall was 35 years old, and leaves a wife and one child to mourn his untimely end. Newton Enterprise: The Northern gentlemen who have been prospect ing for iron ore in this county are satisfied that it exists in workable quantities at several places and ai e i making preparation to begin work at Once at the Kale mine near Catawba, and at different placets nearJMaiden. Mr. Frank HJline, son of our good friend. J. II. Cline, of Catawba, two years ago, when only seventeen years old, obtained the position of fireman on the Western North Carolina road, ami now at the age of nineteen he oc cupies the engineer's seat on one of the company's huge iron horses. He is in all probability the youngest full fledged engiueer on the road. Newborn Journal:' Mr. Noah Avery, of the New Ditch section, Pamlico county, was killed on Thurs day by a falling tree. He and an other man were clearing land, or "cutting down ground," as it is call ed. A tree was cut which fell in the direction of Mr. Avery. His companion, who cut the tree, hol lowed "look out!" but Mr. Avery didn't have time to get out of the way and he was crus hedto death. He leaves a wife and seven children Was about forty years of age. A negro who lives near Jumping Run, Jones county, and who oned a tract of 150 acres of land, a horse, an ox and a cow, and other personal property, sold out the whole, when Jhe Kansas fever struck him, for $300. The land is fair for farming purposes and there is a considerable amount of valuable timber on it. Soon after the negro sold it, the timber was sold tor $200, the horse, ox and cow. sold for good prices and the present owner of the land "is in" just that much. .Kansas fever is something like the 4,grip" it has a tendency to make the victim in sane. . - . pall-bearers were Col. James G. Burr, Hon. O. P. Meares, Hon. E. D. Hall. Mr. William Walters, Mr. David S. Cowan and Mr. J. A Wa'ker. Superior Court. The following cases were (lis posed of in this court to day: Bynum &:"Cotten, vs. J. F.liarrell, agent, continued for plaintiff. R. V. Hicks, vs. John McDuffie, et. al. continued for defendant on payment of costs for this term. H. W. Humphrey et. al. vs. the Hoard of Trustees of Grace M. K. Church, South, now on trial "Coll Wave f oming !" There is a sold wave coming this way. The signal was hoisted this morning at 11 o'clock, in obedience to instructions from Washington City which say that the tempera ture will fall to about 3C degrees by 8 a. m. to-morrow or Thursday. The indications speak of a cold wave in the Western part of the State and locally, of showers to-night, follow ed by clearing and colder weather to-morrow. Their First Hop. The Wilmington Social Club will give their first hop of the season at Hibernian Hall, on Third street, to morrow night. The price of tickets has been placed at $1. This club 'is composed of young gentlemen here and has recently been organized. Its object is simply social amusements. The officers arc Messrs. J. E. Humphrey, President; J. H. Grotgen, Vice-President; M. G. Silvia, Secretaryr and J. H. Lit gen. Treasurer. O listen! On the breezes glad voices come to-day. From many a wife and mother, and this is what thev say: "The Favorite Prescription works! i -i -i- cures where doctors fail. Best friend" of suffering women, O blessed boon, all hail !" . If every woman who suffers from diseases peculiar to her sex, knew of its wonderful curative properties, what a mighty 6horns of rejoicing . would be heard throughout the length.and breadth of the land,sing- incr the Draises of Dr. 1'ierce s j?'a- Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met yesterday afternoon in their room at the City Hall. There were present, Mr. R. J. Jones, Chairman, Capt. W. R. Kenan and Mr. Jno. W. Hewett, Bills were audited and approved as follows: Current expenses, $264, 83; note, $10,000; interest on same, ' $180,83. The Board concurred in the action of the Board of Aldermen, granting remission" of taxes , to Adraln & Vollers for 1887-8, on parts of lots 2 and 3, Block C7, the same having beenpaid by two different parties. Ashore on the Bar. The signal observer here received vorite Prescription. It is the only a d.spatch this afternoon from the medicine for women, sold by drug- observer at South port which says gists, xmcter a sittve guarantee troin tnHt at ll!l5 o'clock this fore the manufacturers, that it -will give , satisfaction in every case, or money ; noon a barque, thought to be Eng will be refunded. This guarantee ; lish or Norwegian, went ashore on has been printed on the bottle-1 the bar. The steam tug Maneie, wrapper, and faithfully carried out 1 wi, several pilots, went to her as, for many -years. stance but could not get near lemon KLixiR j epough to make out her name, on its Wonderfni Kffect on the.L-iver, stom--account of the high seas running. ach. Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Dr. Mozlev's Lemon Elixir is a j An English tramp steamer, name the pleasant lemon drink that positive m, ... . , . . FJ ll Biliousness. Constina- Mrjulia, had at last accounts sue tion, Indigestion, all Sick and Ner-' oeeded in geeting a hawser to the vous Headaches, Kidney Disease, baroue and will doubtless trr to Dizziness, Loss i pf-appetite y: ' pull her off at high tide, but U!tlr. Un 1 m r o r nn -F M an ir arwl nil Bar2alns la Clotblns. - In order to close out balance of Winter stock,' 1 shall sell goods at prices never heard of hefore. I Shrikr. cor. Front and Princess Sts. Goods sold for cash only. The Brown Mystery. Dr. Burbank was before the Mayor yesterday afternoon on ex amination as to the autopsy made by him ou the remains of W. T. Brown, at Sneed's Ferry,as mentiond by us yesterday. He stated in effect that he found the right side of the face badly bruised; found a cut on the right side of the " nose that ex tended to the membrane covering the bone; there was a smaller cut a half inch in length outside Of the right eye, about the same as the other; the right eyelid aod 'eye, and the right cheek were mdeji.. bruised and swollen. On the back of the head, found a wound a half inch long that went down to the skull. Examined the body and found no wounds upon it. Dissected' the scalp and found the tissues all bruised "ami much diffused blood; removed a portion of the skull, and found a blood-clot just beneath the cut on the front of the head near the nose; the brain was very much congested; found a very large clot of blood on the brain On the back of the head; in his opinion these wounds- were sufficient to cause death. Asked about the possibility of the deceased freezing to df-ath, and being shown a tabulated state ment of temperatures on that night and the morning following, ranging from 32 to 38, te explained the ef fects of cold on the system when the heart stopped; he said the whole external surface would be cold. In his opinion the fall at the railroad cut could not have caused the wounds on the head of deceased. If deceased had fallen and his head had struck on the angle of a cross tie, it could have caused a wound sum as w;:s found on the head, but could not have caued all the wounds; the ound on the outer corner of the right eye as made by a blunt instrument; the wound on the inner corner was a lacerated wound extending downwards about half an inch. Striking on a cross tie could not have made such a wound; both wounds could have been made at one time by brass knuckles or a blow of the fist. Gave it as his opinion that the lower edge of the seat of the chair with which Yates struck Brown would have caused the wound on the back of the head of the deceased. Other witnesses were examined but nothing more was decided and at the close of the hearing the Mayor committed Yates to the custody of the sheriff in default of $800 bail, on the charge of man slaughter, while Woollard was dis charged, and J. J. Can&day was held m a bond of $100 to-anawter for engaging in an affray.- Blood Diseases. Blood diseases are terrible on ac count of; th'eir loathsome nature,and the fact that they wreck the constf tution so completely unless 'the proper antidote is applied. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) .is composed of the true antidote for blood poison. Its use never fails to give satisfac tion. Mrs. Laura 1 1 ait, Beaufort, S. C, writes: "A loathsome form of blood poison was killing me. My appe tite was lost, my bones ached, and parts of my flesh seemed as if it would come off my bones. A friend brought me a bottle of B. B. B. The sores began healing at once, and when I had taken two bottles I sur prised my friends at my rapid re covery." W. A. Bryant, Moody, Texas, writes: "I had an agonizing case of Salt Rhemn for four years, which .medicine I took-only seemed to ag gravate until I found B. B. B. It cured my hand, which resembles a Imrnt surface. It also cured my two children of itch, which had resisted previous treatment." WILMINGTON MARKET T Qf-feBOf. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dull at 40 cents. No sales reported. ROSIN Firm at 9a cents for strained and $1.(XT for good strained. tar Firm at $1.50. ' CRUDE TURPENTINE - F r m at $1.20 for hard, $2.20 for yellow dip and virgin. v f COTTON Firm at 10 cents for middling. .- MARINE NEWS. ir..t..1w Uiuimd TViaflao nttri inrfnui..V1. a. rVrf Jd OLD JKAN who'is suffering from JVeakneas, languor, Los? $ TgUNe.u, fifpfe? of epiri5?Lirer Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys andffi SUSBmB Excess, Folly, Vice, Ignorance, UervoaDebllity, Vital ExhagSdePS ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Robeson, Favetteville, T D Love. Nor barque Camilla, Sorensen, Cape Town, Africa, J T Riley & Co. Nor barqo1 Agatha, Ronr, Ien- ...nl- T W Rnltes. ILltil !V, , T..- . H WW Nor barque UOvre, reaeri,, j ly'rr, nf,r "wimTm.i. v Africa, I'aterson, uuwuiu por ail pigcases of Men, Dy me aiaimguianea avor, & -M - m r w r n n a a -r mm mw mm w T HE EL.xTr OF 'LIFst AND THE TRUE E. SENCEOf MANHOOD, W- be nttedto' .tAtoit kati fi.?pnro n nf-don or b v letter, at nis lilectro. c.i . . "I-. i. ir Medico Iimrmary,JNo.381 t;ommous jiv.,ivbwu, aass Bound te leather, fall gilt. Price, only noto ia pJTT 7Knton Mass. Prefatory Xecture with numerous testimonials from bJrt . nueP 5nrylELECTRO.&EDICO PHYSIOLOCY ever published SffiiSSfr & Ld perfel It U invaluable to all afflicted, as it reaches the very roots and Natal, Hrharnue Venture, Reid, Barba- does, Paterson, Downing & Co. " 1 O ..V, inn lfT Ger brig Uari jonann, oou Martinique, is lescnau & mann. , , Ger brig Clara, v oss, jjemarar.i, Peschftu & Westermann. Ger barque Bertna, rvrust, de France, E Peschau a wesw.-mann. CLEARED. SfAainor Ti Murchison, Robeson, FAyetteville. T D Love. Nor" barque Deodata, anton, J W Bolles. EXPORTS. SS ' "1 ia 1 ! DlftR TO?5T o mm: "I HEARD A VOICES IT SAID, '!COR3E AMD CEC. Andersen, AND Maturity Association - OF WASHINGTON. D. C. " I - EOREIQN. Ganton-T-Nor barque 3,570 bbls rosin. Deodata WEFKLY STATU MKN'T. STOCKS ON HAND JAN. 17, 180. Cotton ashore, 10,551; afloat 1,630; total 12,181. . . Spirits ashore, 4,689; afloat, 800; total, 5,585. Rosin ashore, 38,951; afloat, 17,477; total, 56,428. Tar ashore, 2,894;afloat,3,8G0; total, 6.754. Crude ashore, 1,585. RECEIPTS, WEEK ENDING JAN. 1790. Cotton 2,744; spirits, 1,208; rosin, 7,563; tar 1,046; crude, 388. j EXPORTS, WEEK ENDED JAN. 17. 1890. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 42: snirits. 350: rosin. 132; ! tar, 644; crude, 130. FOREIGN. Spirits, 2,000; rosin, 5.827. Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 j Acer u I'd Liabili ties - - - - N )ne. H OK ATIO I? K W'S 1 N O, President. SAMUKI. NOttMENT, Treasurer. GEORGE I. BRIDGE, Secretary. Manager an-- Actuary. GEO. J. KASTERDAY, Ass't Secretary. WINTER DRESS GOODS ! Lire Insurance at Absolute Cost. - A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestlble Tollcy, Maturity Value m Cash at Fixed Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Tbree Years, A S. KIDDELLK. M. D.T MBdlcal Director : w II. GIBSON. Special Aeenu IlOKie omce, Central National bank Building, Washlcgton. D. c. ;. JouN HAAK, Jr., Local Agent, r octa wummeTon w. t FOR 4890T Consider Scribnkr's Maqazkj tip ara deciding upon your reading' next season. Tne sut3crlption rateig $3.00 a year. - . : Tne standard of the Magazine is lis spirit progressive, illustrations are interesting mt There Is not. SDace her TTM mary of the features to appear this rnmoner other thincst tho a - itjii nn partmnt and additional pwres anrtJ illustrated articles win be devoK lowing subjects: . ucvoieaitli : African Exploration aid TraveL ' Lire on a M odern War Mup a mm Homes in city. Suburb, and cSS? tlons "IalnKUome3 tnrough Bullalng The Citizen's Rights, Electricity In the Household. v Ericsson, the Inventor, by his ABfc Blographsr. . . . u. lluntlng, , Humorous Artists, American aniiFo There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will ' con& 1890. : , - ' : - - . ' . ' Each sub!ect, and there will be iw rlety this year, will be treaty br most competent to speafc wlta lottos with Interest : Readers who are te are urged to send for a prcspectui " 25 Cents s i'rafcr; $1.00 k hi .:' r N MANY HANDSOME STYLES AND qualities; can be bought at very little over half ralue. A SPLENDID STOCK OF CLYDE'S White Goods! OVER FROM LAST SEASON, GOOD STYLES, AT LOW PRICES. v FIRST INSTALMENT OP ITE GOODS For Spring just openeJ. FROM PIER 29. EAST RIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt st$ At 3 O'clock, P. VL . , JOB LOT IN HAMBURGHS AT HALF PRICE. JUST IN NEW LOT OF HANDSOME STYLES. tianrer. Fine .Embroidered cliif-fn, prices cut in half. J! Gpldsboro Argus : Five new ineiubers were added to the Golds boro Rifles at their bnsiness nieet in; Thursday night. . The Rifles are booming. Refreshing and invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Mftnds Brothers', magnificent new poda fountain at a teopperature of 346.' Purest Fruit Syrup,Milk Shakes arkrNatnral Mineral Water. Chills, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases.ou r and 1 ner bottle. Sold b druggists. Prepared only by Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. the pilots think that she will probably not be able to do so. They report that Capt. Savage, of the life sav ing service, arrived just in time to pick up andave from drowning five men from - the steamer, whose I boat had been capsized in retorning ft ftsuciKtexr Arnica salve - LEMON HOT DROPS t For coughs and colds, take Lemon f tl barque. TIffc DroDS. - For sore throat and Bronchitis, "For vneun and Laryngetis The Best Salve in the world for tfflmnn Hot DroDS Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt (SJilpNSi Catarrh, Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap tflkp Tmon Hot DroDS. i i Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ajl Fo iraoShaand- all threat k in Eruptions, and nositively dures Jatil dliasesT take Lemon HS ; An elegant and reliable prepara- or money refunaed. Price S5 cents S'cents, at druggists. Prepared P;Porsale by- Robert IL Bellamy, only by Dr.H. Molley, Atlanta, Ga. I wholesale and retail druggist ; h RfisoES Why ffe are Snwessful in Iter P1AM) and ORGAN Easiness Are : E ARE THOKOUGHLY POSTED IN OUR business. We do not sell PIANOS and ORGANS on consignment, but buy right out "at lowest rates. We keep our expenses down to the lowest possible 'notcn." We employ no travelling agents, who are compelled to sell Inferior goods at large prices to make expenses. We are reliable In every respect and hold ourselves responsible lor any detective instru ment, therefore you run no risk in buying from us. -. . - Over two hundred families using our Instru ments in Wilmington will testify to the above. We protect the Interests of our customers in all instances. . Wo cordially invite the public to examine our Instruments. Jan 13 cod E. VanliAEI?, i07 Red Cross-street. Job lot Men's SHIRTS, soiled from expo, sure, half price. The best Gent's SHIRT in the world for one Dollar. ! Eight kinds of CORSETS, best styles at 10 per cent, from regular price. HOSIERY at a discount of 10 per cent, from regular prices. Some Jobs in nosiERY at half price. All-wcol cassimehes for Men's and Boys' wear at reduced prices. COLLARS, COFPS and SCARPS very low. As always, the best and cheapest stock of TABLE DAMASKS, DOYLIES, NAPKINS and TOWELS in the city. janietf Cor. Market and Front Streets. Lime. Lime. - LIME in exchange for LPKOVISIONS; LIMB " GROCERIES. r I1 " DRY GOODS LIMK " "HARDWARE LIME " - LUMBER. : limb . .... : CASK. ' PKCNCJH BK08 , aept . . . . , , Rocky Rclnt. BENEFACTOR Saturday, Jan. 4 GULF STREAM Saturday, Jan. 11 BKNEFACTOB Saturday, Jan. 18 GULP STREAM Saturday, Jan. 25 FROM WILMINGTON uulf stream Friday, Jan. 3 BENEFACTOR Friday, Jan. 10 GULF STREAM Friday, Jan. 17 B h n EFACTOR. Friday, Jan. 84 XW Throusrh Bills Lading nd TwAst ttita Rates guaranteed to and from points in North on1 Ustl rinHiiKA For Freight or Passage apply to II G. SMAIJ.RONRS SnnorlntonrtQf Wilmington. x O. THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Managi- New York WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. firnil Acmnta ' Ian 2 R Rnwllnrr flraart yja-wwr J.m -l THE NewYorfe Wefkly Herald AT- , Charles ScribnerVSor: 743 li roadway, N. Y. Jan 6 tl . .... C l V'u i Scribuer'8 Magazict - For 1889. - vxl The publishers of SCRIBXER'S HiGT alrr to make It the most popular ana e; prising of peilodlcals. while atall tlas f serving Its high literary character. 25, readers have been arawn to it aura? six months by the increased exceUeia: i.contents (notably the Railway articles), i closes it3 second year witn anew rapro an assured success. The lliustratios show some new effects, and notalngit: SCRIBNEK'S MAAZIJSIE attractttBt. terestlngwili be neglected. . TUE RAILWAY ARTICLES Wfll M C ued by several verr striklnffDaceisioa daily interesting by Ex-Postmaster ft Tnomas l. .lames on. The Kauwayrw vice,"- Illustrated. -! MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEYESSOiV. novel "Th3" Master of Ballaatptf," p , through the greater. part of the year, a' rintJWW.spiiJjriENfiK and colteS manuscript memoirs relating to J. 1.1 and a famous group of modem Frencnrt will furnish the substance of several JUnstratcd. ' ThA Yriff pud niiTiers written lSSi f Robert Louis Stevenson, wlirbe rep equally interesting contnouuons w famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey will write the nrst . of them for tne & number.' .. .mtf Many valuable litbkaki tX omvxim o nana tin Wftltfir SCOtf'S M- Work, illustrated from ortuMbS.. "and many other articles equally now Papers are arrange."' Cook. E. n. Blashfleld, Austin dods- winninisn, cao TvfZ T wpn t now arranged. The authors are veD t sportsmen. kXrc$&0t ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of Hf. touching upon au - ONE DOLLAR PER YiAR IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMII PAPEH IN THE UNITED STATES. Vmnnatiift Inost tSerpslW W; scientmc Papers for the y ear -jranj-, able article by Prof. JohD Trowonuc the most recent developments ana PHOTOGRAPHY. Muscatel . 4 class of articles which has woj clal interest Now ?s the time to Subscribe A SPECIAL OFFER to ewtfJJ During the rear 1890 it win MteTS.wmcu - wm Ddtiitfu&New features 6ers for 1888. . . ...... eluding flmlciasr panmencs, m- A roar isubscript on ILLUSTRATIONS bers for 1888, bound In clQtn. S3 a year; 25 cents a d Hi'. I i It Well Known pci alties Practical Fanning tnd Qardenlug, Progress in Science, WQman's Work, Stories by the Best Authors, literature anu Art, Choice FJashes of Wit and Humor, Exclusive News for Veterans Gfirles Scribnefs " 743-745 Br way.'Sj . AGENTS WANT lit the Falrmount Printing In Works. - - . T. K. WRIGHT & CO . 26th street and Pennsylvania avenue, i Janxttf Philadelphia, Pa, INFORMATION ON " ALL SUBJECTS. "':. , TO canvass ros The Diversions of al'ipW By Hon. Samuel S. ('4Sunsei j v '- Minister to TUTK7-- A mflirnlflrfint VOlume Of 9 beautifully nd profusely iliuso j u rriY's t.atkst AND BEST if ress. JAMES GORDON BENNETT , New York Herald, ..ref OUT ' FACTS AND FUN. ' also gives a clear, concise, a i xsew ork City. aatl0Il t0 tne present day. agents should secure tern ww j The work gparkles wltli the It contains numerous amusw ilre, argo nrV i n 1 . agents should secure teriicnt; Only On-e;:Pollar -a :Year. fflSSfi onot fail to subscriba now: for the " wanted. Experienced aenw'fi)ii ( others who will promise eanw accepted. Fori particulars aauru;n nsto. a General Agent for f Mention this paper. x