TniS PAFEB I5 pushed every erenlnsr, Btmdajs excepted, jOBfl. T. JAJDES, Editor and Prop. srBf CRIPTIOS, POST AOS PAID: ooa year, f4.oa Six month. COO. Three months. $1-00. One month, 35 cents, rte paper will toe delivered by earners, free af charge. 1 W part of tco city, at the ftboro rates, cr 10 cents per se ." ' idvcrtislD rates low and liberal. V . - subscribers will please report any and " a kuv t-a thlr naner FPtrulfliiv. m niiiures iu ----- f TtTF VOL XIV. prents in the most elegant form - THE LAXATIVE ANO NUTRITIOUS JUIOE orTM "" FIGS OF CALIFORNIA. . Combined with the medicinal v irtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many Uls de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the " v SIDNEYS, LiVER'MD BOWELS. . i is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Vhta one is Bilious or Constipated so that I PURE ELOOD, REFRECHiaC BLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH . NATURALLY FOU.OW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR OWQOlST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WJtsmiB. Kt. NEW YORK. N. V For sale by ROBERT K HELLAaiY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, men 28 ly dw Wilmington, N. C. Standard zr!l: Flavoring HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by asingte trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; they are true to their names, full measure md highly concentrated. T - an? 23 diw em eod nnn HEADQUARTERS I :0: HEADQUARTERS FOR 3? otatoes, Onions, Apples. Oranges, Cocoannts and Lemons. Chas. F. Browne, AgU 111! North Water Street, WILMIKOTOH, N. C Jatutf WHERE DID YOU GET THAT COUGH r gTOP IT BY USING TOUNG'S COUGH Balsam. Good for Influenza, Colds and Coughs. Sold by v . . MUND3 BROTHERS, J3n IT tf 104 n. Frontal. NOTIOE! TO BUYERS, ilAVIXQ AINICE LINE OP MEN'S AND. BOYS' SUITS left, and In order to mako room lor my Spring arid Summer Stock, I win nose out for the next o days my entire Line of Goods at NEW YORK COST. call at once and be convinced of tbe above tacts and figures. - . B. F. PENNY, TUP CLOTTJ1JLR, Jan 9 tf 110 Sfarket Street, . - WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1890. NO 35. The Duke and Duchess; of Con- It is really ' hard to believe that naught are to visit thellnjjed States the thermometer stood at 30 degrees ! below zero in Wisconsin on Wed- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; NEW ADVEltTlSHnKN'K "... .-. v " " Pixiss notice. ' iWe win fce gloa to rccclra ccsiianilcau frera-cr dencj ca any aid taratjecia general intcrcc?; tut .: - Tpia nataa oi t3 vmter must aiwarao rJfflieattci3E2:tcr, 4 - conmiaicaucia aait bo .written cn bu onasawthfltmcarV r .'-V '. -r Ptrscsuaiitlea cacsa m awitoi Andltiacijcci&ttyaza particularly utdct stood tnax t3 jantcr coca not lalwayg endors tea yiQTji ct corrcspcaieata caiess 'so stated " in tbe editorial corasma. " ' NEW ADVERTIQJ3llENTSi this-Spring. A Small invoice Lord Salisbury, who has been suf- 'e' di?cult ftor l of,tb,is if) antipyrin, antifecrin, phe ferin from influenza, will go to the to rnagme such a fearfully n acettne galve, Jtc. . just received, south of France to recuperate. f"8'd M'ti?n of -the atmosphere, y ; ;v - : JAMESJ,.XUTT, Tl nA. i i i i. Senator Ingalls, late Judge Advo The only Territorial delegate in M x". f i i prtnMOO w i, cate of the. Kansas militia, frothed Congress who was born in his own . 4uIv0.- iiiiujuuicj jcpicruay ill me oeiiaic in opposition to Senator Butler's: Territory is Antonio Joseph, of New 230 N. Front St. jan23tf The Druggist, Executor's Notice. ow is Your Time J , As we are not too busy, in fact not so busy as we would desire rori can take a rareful survey of a real choice stock of ; .. . . Mexico. . :o:. ' negro emio-ration bill rplll v XT"AVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTORpF - ' - , . . , ' ' emigration 0111. we reany , JJ,tne Mr catberine G. -KennMy, The-coldvave Hag is Up todav and it thev have iruf.i nnr for something good from the deceased, I Uerebyjaotlfy aU persons having i reetly thi time, so that r - ' 1 ayej,uessed cor Mine. Carnot, wife of the Prei- looked for something good from the;decpsed, nent of Prance, is said to be the -Kansas man and were disappointed. 4 to presenrtiie same to me on or betore tbe 3d ; best dressed and most charming :Juilgmg by the Assocjatefl rress j aJS dSyfuarr i woman in PatIs . i synopsis it was a weak thinsr. .. .'. : ' a. j. druossj5,t, Senator Pettigrew, of South Da ! . What a. grand, great country this L-fo j wn: a i is with its vast territory, its big nv- ,7'" "'jers, its pretty women and its Veni quiver yxayvr. jrae ims iqe repuiauon i vidi Vici cure. It s Salvation Uil. of being phenomenally lucky. The royal baron of beef for Queen Victoria's Christmas table weighed 800 pounds . It was roasted at Windsor Castle and sent to Osborne cold. -.' LOCAL MEWS. The Argent ne Republic was rein forced last year by the arrival of more than 300,000 immigrants from Europe. A large portion of them were Italians. INDEX TO NBW ADTSRTISSMKNTS J D Kutt Druggist B F Pinny Clothing Munds Bros Pharmacists John F Garrkll Fine Meats - - For other local see fourth page. Laundry Ironing Stovea are sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t jan 3 oar 6v frl Executor, i I lhv Reasons Whv We are Suceessfnl in Our m PIAXO and 0GAN Business 4re : E ARE THOROUGHLY POSTED fN OUR KETS, OCSiUJFORTS, &c, may, be wanted,. and if so tiey -"are Offered very Bryennios, Archbishop of Nico demia, has found in a Turkish li brary at Damascus a manuscript of the New Testament dating back to the fqurth century. The British barque San Antonio will prove a total loss. Air efforts to move her have been unavailing. She is uninsured. Capt. Troop, her skipper, is part owner. . - "Emin Pasha is suffering froui an abscess of the exterior of the skull which has caused partial paralysis ofthetongue. He sees naEuropeans except a German doctor. New River oysters retailed as high as $1.20 per gallon this morning. Only one trilling case of disorderly conduct before the Mayor to-day. We now have the best Pocket Scissor made. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t It was not as cold this morning as it was yesterday. There was no ice this morning- It is rather curious that both at the beginning and the end of the year destructive fires sho'ild have occurred in England on premises belonging to the Salvation Army. - A gentleman who recently return ed frpm Europe says that James Gordon Bennett's hair is now gray, and that he is one of the most distinguished-looking men in Pari?. Mr. Geo. TV. Kidder has returned ito the city from a visit to the Geor gia pine districts. . There is good boating water in the Cape Fear now, between this city and Fayetteville. The Superior Court met this morn ing and adjourned until to-morrow, without hearing nnv eaes. w business. , . We do not sell PIANOS and ORGANS on consignment, but buy right out at lowest rates. . We keep our expenses down to the lowest possible "notch." We employ no traveUlng agents, who are compelled to sell Inferior goods at large prices to make expenses. We are reliable in every respect and hold ourselves responsible for any defective instru ment, therefore you run no risk in. buying from us. Over t ivo hundred families using our Instru ments in Wilmington will testify to the above. We protect the interests of our customers in all instances. We' cordially invite the public to examine our Instruments. E. VanliAEi?. 407 Red Cross Street. jan 13 cod Sampson Stall-Fed' 1 I HAVE BEEN SO FORTUNATE AS TO SE- There is no probability that the Montana deadlock .will be broken until the U. S. Senate acts on the credentials of the four Senators-elect now claiming admission into that body. Emperor William is in future to appear at great reviews and at state functions, when he is oh horseback, mounted on a magnificent Arab which has been presented to him by the Sultan. There is a great deal ; of game in Pender and Sampson counties, ad joining the line of the C. F. & V. li. R. Heating Sfoves of all kinds and sizes. We will givi you substantial goods and low prices. N. Hdw. Co. . Jacobi 4- A colored man, whose name we did not hear, caught f00 bunches of frost mullets in aseine at Masonboro this mornin i cr Several hunting parties went out from the eity yesterday afternoon and this morning. They have had a line day for sport. From all that we can hear we judge -that the cold weather uas done no particular damage to vege tation'inr this locality. A great trust is said to be in pro cess of Iormation and most of the Brussels carpet manufacturers of Kiddenninister and in ' the north of England,' and some of " the London houses have joined it. There is a terrible state of affairs now in nineteen counties in South Dakota. The New York Herald pub lishes the following special from its Chicago correspondent: -. A tale of terrible suffering and destitution in nineteen counties of South Dakota is told by a gentleman who has just returned from that sec tion:. ..... He says: "Tlve successive failure of four years" -erops lias reduced those formerly well to do to a con dition of direst distress.. Many thousands of families-are entirely without means of any kind and cannot purchase the necessaries of life. In some parts they have no flour, the staple of life being a badly ground cornmeal, and there is a de plorable insufficiency of that. Every farm is mortgaged and most of the stock ha been levied on and sold by the sheriff at public action at ri diculously low prices, cows fetching as low as $5 apiece,- horses- $8 and $10, while sheep and nigs are simplv unsaleable.- . " "The women and children in many instances are unprovided with cloth ing with .which to withstand the rigors of winter, what -they " now have being in a ragged and wornont coudition. ,At one place I saw two children We 'are glad to note that Mr. Geo. Z. French has so far recovered from his recent sickness as. to appear at the postoffice again this morning. Mr. Edward Kelley, recently of this city, is now located at Birming ham, Ala., asspecial agent for the Pennsylvania Mutual Life Insurance Company. . ...- Do not pin your paper collar on the back of your under-shirt, when you can bujTa gopd flannelette shirt at 25 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 122 Market street, tf There was too much wind at tlie Sound to-day for the numerous sportsmen who went jlown from the city. One gentleman thinks it safe to say that it was blowing -30 miles an hour at Masonboro.- cure a few head of some of the t'inefit Sampsdii Ooun y Sall Fed Beef Cattlo EVER BROUGHT TO WILMINGTON. As is well known to all housekeepers there is nc better 5! eat to .be had nnywheie than this BEEF. It wm be on sale at" my stalls To-Morrow and Saturday, and I want everyboay tocall an'lHf-eir, wheth er t hey pi opof-e to buy or not. : ALSO, A FULL LINE I F VIAL, PMK PTTG.V, SAUSAGE, k JOHN F GAKUCLL, Stalls 1 and 2, Front Stivct jiiarket.south side. jan23.2t JAMAICA BANANAS. JUST RECEIVED AND NOW IN STOKE 100 Bunch. Fine Jamaica Bananas They are a splendid lot, full grown, large Bunche3, and will be sold cheap. The attention of dealers is specially invited to this lot. They can be had at either of my Fruit and Candy Stores, on North Second street, near the Postoffice, or on South Front street, a few doors below Market. , A. H. WINSTEAD,- jan 23 3t confectioner and Fruit Dealer. :0: A. Few jNTioo J"olts - AT VERY LOW FIGURES r r niclPJTIRE CUT RATES efore Stock risking" jr DSSEaSff L GASH HOUSE. SACRIFICE SALE ON - v., CLOAKS, SEAL PLUSH WRAPS, dllLDKEN'S CLOAKS AN I) LAIIE8ACKET; Children's Cloaks Children's Cloaks. Children's INTe remarkets Pliish Jackets ... Plush Jackets..... Plush "Jackets.. Piush Modjoska Wraps. $ 1 i)8, worth $J4 t)(). ; ti T0, worth GOO, C rU, worth $ S OO 7 i8, worth -JH 11 OO. ..... .io ro. Avortii 1 7 nor ......$11 50, worth $18 OO.; $Ii! 50, worth aa:00. indue ions in Dress Goods I COOL MORE B UTT a Cutlery, Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. We keep everything in this line that you can possibly desire, and our prices are the lowest... Drop in and look at our assortment. Jacofji Hdw. Co. t It is rumored, in railroad, circles that an important change is pend ing in the management of the Rich mond & panvilie R R. It is said that Mr. Sol. Haas, at present Traffic Manager of the Associated Railways, is to succeed Maj; Peyton kiX" Randolph as General Manager. I - W V-J II UlllUIVrL II I I I I1H hi II . 'HU A 1 "I . . . , - ? They told me thev had no shops for many months. Privisions of anv kind just now would be a Godsend to thousands who are in.a semi- starving condition. Unless relief is m por Xi-1 1 1 , o 1 ! 1 t i A, . 1 . A ; . "WCJttl iiiiuu inis win-; tfl. tar- in RnntH TQl i , A I V -'"nk.i iVv ii near : n n of many deaths frdm Absolute star ! ueir i h.i inn. " . .. . Confidence Besot of Success. . The confidence possessed, by the manufacturers of-Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedvin their ability to cure the worst cases of nasal mat- of h6w long standing, is attestea most substantial jnanner Dy a - L' i .orriA sffn- standing rewur ua .w. vhc. CHUKNED iAND PREPAIfED FOItv J MAKKET BY J. 0. Powell.Tarboro, N.O. ENTIRELY A HOME INDUSTIV. THIS IS THE Finest Butter EVER OFFERED TO THE WILMINO- TON PUBLIC. Perfectly Fresh. Perfectly Pure, Equal If not superior to the celebrated Phil adelphia Print Butter. Each pound is printed separately and Incased in Parchment Paper This BUTTER Is prepared from the product of a herd of Alderuey Cows, great care beins taken In Its manufacture, and it is claimed to be the finest article ever offered for sale li this market. - ,; Those ".desiring aa c-xtra flue article .woull lo weU to eaU and purchase. : . Owing to our having our building -exteuded and being nearly-tiimv for Spring Importations' to arrive, we liave made great reductions in BR ESS GOODS, SILKS, etc. , - :a,5n6 Yards Quality A GINGHAM reducedtto Sc. 2,500 Yards SICILIAN CHAMBRAY, lOc. Double Width DRESS FLANNEL, in dark serviceable colors, 1 5c.- : 40-inch Ail-Wool PfiANNEL reduced to UOc. 40-ineh Ex :ra Super Silk Fiifished UENUIETTA, worth .$1 OO to 54-inch All Wool H ABET CLOTH, worth 75c, for 5flc. 50-Inch BROADCLOTH reduced from $1 125 to S5)c per yard. CUT PRICE IN SILKS THIS WEEK ! M M 116 Market St., Wilmington, fJ. C. If You Want to -See Something Elegaut ; CALL AT ' - " - . - . ' " . . ' - 4 . T'' - INTcx ISZ Princess Sti ' AND SEE MY ELEGANT ; : ; Pure White Curled Hair. The finest ever -. brought to : Wilmino-tofi."' It will last a life- time and is cheaper in the end than anytliinjj' else. I guar antee every pound oi material and all work.-' -; PfS.'-Renovating- clone. ... BLKRV M2A VES. V. W. KEKCnNEK. I Iri. stint !fiii:vr. Trnanv. (MV1:N I. I.OVK, Scorewr). : fnr niftnv tears nast. for an in- j .... ..... ? ' f 4.1 f ' " -"-T " 1 ' - - I .- There is one admirable feature ! dangerous disease. The Remedy is f 11U. . U - lJUalMVll-,1'' about the barbed wire .fence and Isold Ly druggists, at only 50 cents. ; , " . . " " that is they can't nalnt '"Dr.-: BnlFs Tt isilovoothlnir. cleansing, deo - .15 anil 17 bo.; Front St, uongn syrup advertisement on it. Idoming, antiseptic and neanng. i jansit FJotice. OOAKDERS CAN BE ACC031.MODATED at. Ko. i is nock st reet. bv the day. week or month, Hoomsjiicely furnished and the Table fF1- ,! Tr r" fi. '"- . supplied with the .best the market . affos. , 1 e (j ICil VCS ItSirdWHre COflipMlY XS,i1kStrPtt-i'.tren Pro".'",af0- j WIUilSOTOS. -V. C. IS TIIE OM.V II. OROXESJiEllG, ; MIOTOOJlArilKK, , ; Jiri'STIC AND SUPJ2KBLY EX ECU Tf D j Photographs atreasonaoie pi ices, ' - . , :s - FR AMINO A SPrCIALTT. Jr tf : llfitf Martct Bt. san'h side. ' v ix this ftT ate oil section.' Country Merchant- win ploa-:e remember th.u Avhcn JVy.wrU their OHDETJS or tur tieir IIARUWAfcr. doc 311m ' 1

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