- Sim f Bargain la Ctethlnff. In order to close oat balance of Winter stock, 1 shall sell poods at prices never heard of before. I Shriek, cor. Front anil Princess St p. Goods Fold for cash only. " . IiCctar by Dr. Wood.' The first of a series of lectures pro posed to be held this season will be delivered this evening by Dr. Thos. P. Wood. ! The lecture will begin at 8 o'clock, i It is free, and all who come xrilV be welaorue to the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. Absolutely Pure. .mia powder never vanes. A marvel of pu ity.strength and wholesome ness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be 8 old In competition with tho multitude or low test, short weight alum or ph osphate powders. - 'tf only in cans. ROYAL BAKING lOWDH J O. .10 Wall St., N. Y. cct2tfdwiy tcnrm 4thDd Srdpw Daily Review. FRIDAY. JAN. 24. 1890. STATE NEWS. Laurinburc Eschanqe: Mr. W. F. triDson tins cappeu. in cuiuax as a successful raiser of l-aw 1iotp. He killed one last week that weighed C20 pounds "net. Rockingham Jicuinter: Mr. Geo. (J Shinn writes us that "Mr. Jack Hath- . cock, of Furr township. Stanlv county, killed a hcJJr on the ICth of January. which weighed 054 pound?. It was two vears old. Rockingham Rocket: A child of Mr. - Oliver Covington was killed one day last week by the falling upon him of a hay stack. The hay had been stacked up and the child was playing all around it when it fell upon him, killing him instantly. The father and mother were in the Held at work at the time. Charlotte Xcws: The people of Charlotte were shocked late yester day afternoon to hear of the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. Louise Perry, the wife of Capt. Sydenham B. Alexander, of this county. She died at the home of her father, Hon. I. J. Perry, in Franklin county, yesterday morning. Charlotte Democrat'. A control .liug interest of the First National Bank of Winston has been bought by the followiug Charlotte . gentle men: J. H. McAdeii, H. G. Springs, Col. J. L. Morehead. Geo. K. W ilson, J. S. Speucer. Wm. E. holr. ami also R. F. Phifer. of Concord. The capital fctook will be increased con fciderably. Lenoir Topic: From the number of reports that come to U6 of lately killed pork that has "toured at the bone,J we take it that the warm weather has spoiled a creat deal of it. Wadsworth, of Charlotte, con- tnouted s.W) pounds to me compost i v at augtt Gratifying to All. The high position attained and tho universal acceptance and ap proval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrnp of Figs, as the most excellent laxative known, illustrate the value of the qualities on which its success is based and are abund antly gratifying to the California Fig Syrup Company. Progress of the G., C Sc S. . The track of the G., C. & N. .Rail road has been laid to West Chester, fourteen miles beyond Chester, S. C, and" trains will be run out to that point next week. The work of grading is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible both in South Carolina and Georgia. The indica tions are that before a great while, perhaps by the close of the year, the road will enter Atlanta. Mr. Price Yopp,'of Chad bourn is hera on ft visit. - Maj. James Reillr, of Brunswick county, was in the city to-day. - A little rain leu nere last evening bat scarcely enotfgh to lay the dust. - Dressed fowls were selling at 70 cents a pair in market this morning. We were glad to meet to-day with Mr. W-T. Bannerman, ofBurgaw, who was here on a brief visit. Forecasts. For Norh Carolina, f ai r, except local showers in southern portion, and stationary temperature. For Wilmington and vicinity,fair weath er. ' ' Refreshing and invlgorat-ln Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificent new soda fountain at a temperature of U Purest Fruit Syrnp,Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water. I - tto Ilctipnal Life Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by expelling impurity from the blood, which is the cause of the complaint. Give it a trial. To The Pnblic. Postmaster French. requests us to state that three-fourths of the let ter carriers being sick, and only enough reporting for duty to assort the mails in the office, the delivery of mail matter-by the carriers will be suspended for a few days. The carriers" window will be open for the delivery of carriers' mail from 7 a. m. to b p. m. Mr. French hope to be able to resume the delivery of such ntaita by the iirst of next week. Don't forget the Children's Con cert to-night. It begins promptly at 8 o'clock, costs only 25 cents ad mis sion, will be given in Luther ' Me morial Building, and is for the bene fit of the Ladies' Benevolent So ciety. The Postal Wires. ine rosiai Telegraph y wires are not here yet. but are expected to arrive to-morrow afternoon " on Eagle Island, opposite fhe city, when connection with the cable will be made. Since our report yesterday the work of putting in the batteries has been completed, and the office fixtures have been arranged and placed in position. Mr. Harriss, the manager here, hopes to be ready for business on Mondav next. Sale' of Real Estate. . Mr. H. A. London, Commissioner, sold at public auction to-day; at the Court House door, at 12 o'clock, the undivided half of the valuable property on North Front street, next South of the Purcell House, as advertised in the Daily Hkvikw. Mrs. Mary E. Boa tw right was the purchaser for $3,U00, cash. Mrs. Boatwright owns the other half of the building and now becomes possessor of the whole of it. Mr. S. VanAmrihife was the auctioneer. LEMON ELIXIR Its Wonderful Effect on tho liver, Stom ach. Bowels, Kidney and Blood. Dr. Mozley 's Lemon Elixir is a fdeasant lemon drink that positive y cures all Biliousness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, all Sick and !Ner voirs Headaches, Kidney Disease, Dizziness,-Lo88 of appetite, Fevers, Chills, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, 'Stomach 'and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases.00 cts. and $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. LEMON HOT DROPS . For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. r . For sore throat and Bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia 'and Lafyngetis take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and Catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation. 25 cents, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr.' H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. -AND Maturity Association 7 OF WASHINGTON, D C. . Has Paid to Mem bers Over -v -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - None HORATIO ; BKOWNMf President. - BAMUEL NORMKNTf Treasurer. . GKORGK I. fc. UIDGE, secretary. Manager anv Actuary. ' GEO. J. J5ASTRRDAY,- . Ass?t Secretary. . . ; Life Insurance at Absolute Cost -A Guaranteed l'olicy. ' An incontesUble Policy. -Maturity value In Cash at Fixed Age Annual cost Absolutely Limited. -Only Four Payments per Vear. - -Son Forfeitable After Three Years, P.S, RIDDELLU, M. D.V Medical Director -: ;- w a. (4IBSON, soeclal AgenL Bone Office, central NaUonal JJanlc Building, Washington. D. C. - ; - JOHN IIAAK, Jr., Local Astent, -octar Wilmington r N. c. . COMMERCIAL ftlstVfe. WILMINGTON MARKET. Jan. 242:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nomi nal. ROSIN Firm at 95 cents for strained and $1.00 for good strained, bid. TAR Firm-at $1.50. CRUDE TURPENTIIf E Firm at $1.20 for hard, $2.20 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Firm at 104 cents for middling. MARINE NEWS. CLYDE'S 3 R . IX answer scexb M cext season.; Tna v-- s 3.00ayear. . .. Taestanaardptthe rre8sivft ; T A. . . . it m smnr niw. TaemiisfrraIe. 'v4U i I IS I; best int. -"Will? .. mary of the feafurea?.1? Eire partm-nt and admU V luustratea articles wintM 1 lowing subjects: m fleyotSf Tne Citizen's nii: tl Electricity . in taenSn. .ncsson, BlosTapnar. Huntinsr. lltoroiis Artists, Aae ity in the Boused - Thero will be 3 serials. ' Each sub Ject; and thn 1. ' rlety this yeaf.Tmg6, most competent to spelt te h ders hr We Welcome Ifim Her. The Kington Free Prax says of Mr. George Kountroe, who bus receutly removed to this citv for the practice of lii& profession, the Jaw: "Mr. and Mi. Ueo. Uouutn-e aud daughter. Mi-s Isabel, left last Thursday for Wilniingtou, their futur4 hoiiM. We hal boanl for some time that Mr. Uonntree in tended inoviug to Wilmingtou but worv in hopes" lit would give up such intention, for the loy of sueb I a citizen tall heavily on tne com munity ticbtues tue jiubence ot a frit-ud and there are manj' in this vicinitv avuo nave lost tne wrest-nce Mr. Rouu oufs here. i Mr. Uouutree oue of the very beet j lawyer in North Carolina; n more i r: rnfiil. liirrl-workinE At.tnrripv ran est couple ever married in this State j be ff)Un,i ouvwhere. . Whoever se- men who have lost lieavilv-oiio j true friend, ot which 7J" u 1 vn irce hml mauy 5troug UVA JUU1MP aim uir uiiiri pounds. Wiufcion Daily: Perhaps the youug were marncu in navie couutyuur- ing Chriatmas weekv The bride was Miss Ebie West ley, aged eleven years ami six months.und the groom aged thirteen of both cou- was John rtictuuer, vears. The parents sentcd to the marrisge and a great concourse -eff "friends and relutives witnessed the ceremony; It is said the bride tips the scaW for only seventy-three pounde. Chatham Record: Mr. Edgar L. Haughton i making i)reparation& to build a large flouring and giist mill at this place, to be run by a thirty five horse power s:teauici gine. It will be completed by, June, and in the fall he will add a cotton gin. The largest hog yet report ed is the one killed Iat Friday by Mr. W. -If. Cros, of Cape Fear township, which weighed 64 pounds. Who can beat it Our former couutyraan, Hon. John M. Moring, who "removed to Durham about ten years ago, will return to this place next Tuesday and practise law here.. Raleigh ITcws and Cbxervcr: re regret to'heaf that 2lr: I. 11. Adams, who has been for many years one of our most prominent and success ful: business men, having invested his means very largely in real estate and beingcalledupon to -make some heavy payments which he could not conveniently meet, made an align ment of his property on yesterday for the benefit of his creditors. Hi real estate alone in the city of Ihil eigh co.-it him and is worth twicers much as'his entire indebtedness. V. II. Pace, EsQ.. i the trustee and the amount of the liabilities .is about $35,000; value of of property eon veved about $70,000. cures bis services represented.' will be wisely Slipping: Past the Pnlato, without nauseating those who take them, tho litMe, sugar-coated Gra nules, known all over, the land as Pleasant Purgative Pel uuon owels verv different from that of a . t lisagreeable, violent purgative. Xo; Tiolng or drenching follows, as ineAf,,G Dr. Pierce's lets, produce an effect bo disagre the case of a drastic cholagogne The relief to the intestines resem bles the action of Nature in her happiest moods, the impulse given to the dormant liver is of the most salutary kind, and is speedily mani fpRtpd bv the disannearance of all DIUOUS syilJWlUUJJ. oiva. ucttuv(, ; , wind on the stomach, pain through ; lilood 'dicasics are terrible ou ac couut of their loathsome uature,and the fact that they wreck the consti tution so completely uulcss the proper antidote t apnlicsl. B. B. B. (Botuuic Blool Balm) is composed of tho true uutidoteforblood poison. Its us? never fails to give satisfac tion. Mrs. Laura Halt, Beaufort, S. C, writes: "A loathsome form of blood poison was killing me. My appe tite was lost, my bones ached, and parts of my flesh seemed as if it won Id come off my bones. A friend brought ine a bottle of B. B. B. The sores began healing at' once, and when I had taken t wo bottles I sur prised my friends at my rapid re-coerv." W. A. Bryant, Moody, Texas, writes: "I had an agonizing case of Salt Rheom for four years, which medicine I took only seemed to ag gravate until I found B. B: B. It cured my hand, which reseinoies a burnt surface. It also cured my two children of itch, which had resisted previous treatment. T " The Latent Version. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white assiiow; it strayed away ojie. summer day where lambs should nver go. Then Mary sat her down and tears streamed Irom her eyes; she never found the lamb because she did not advertise. And Mary had a brother John, who kept a village store: he sat down and - smok'ed his pipe and watched the open door. And as the people pass ed along and did not stop to buy. ; John still fat down and smoked his ! pipe and blinked his sleepy, eye. Onpliii lots. A correspondent ' at Kenausville sends us a very welcome communi cation. We give as much of it as we Ciiti find room for in this issue, prem ifciug that it will prove interesting to all of pur readers. Writing, under date of 22d iust. he says: As your valuable weekly paper, the WILMINGTON JOURN AL, has a large circulation in all portions of Duplju couuty, and I being one of the subscribers, I thought a few lines from :" Kenausville would be nothing amiss. ' ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Robeson, Favetteville, T D Love. CLEARED. . Steamer D Murchison, Robeson, Fayetteville.' T D Love. WEKKLY STATi: MKNtT STOCKS OK HAND JAN. 17, 18'0. Cotton ashore, 10,551; afloat 1,630; total 12,181. j Spirits ashore, 4,680; afloat, 896; total, 5,585. w 1 i 4 x -IP? j rr . f rvosm Hnore, anom, total, 58,428. . . Tar ashore, 2,894;atloal,a,860; total, 6.754. : PliOM PIEK 29. BAST KIVHR NEW YORK Located between Chambers and' Roosevelt sts At 3 o'clock. P. M. UENEPACTOK i 7. ... .Saturday, Jan. 4 UULP STREAM .....i.. Saturday, Jan. 11 KENKFACTOK .... . Saturday, Jan. 18 OULF STREAM -. .....Saturday. Jan. 25 FROM WILMINGTON - - GULF STREAM ; . .Friday, Jan. 3 benefactor ...Friday, Jan. 10 OULF STREAM.... Friday, Jan. 17 BENEFACTOR. Friday, Jan. 24 are msca to M roTalrgt ; " f " " ' ' : Charles. Scribner's S- - 743 Broadway v ; .For 1880. Tne publishers ot 8CI?iBitR v. ate to mate it tno most SS serving its hieh UterarychmS readers have been drawn toiffi six montus ty tne increasS iSS?' contents (notably tne RaiffiySi closes its second year with i ffl an assured , success. The iSt? show some new effects, and ISSf hCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE SJ terestlngwlll be neglected.' TB THE RAILWAY AkTOT W; ued by several very stnkinffDam J cjaily interesting by Splsffi Thomas L. Jamfia on .Th VMrr?1' t He then tells us in language which ' " I ' ......... ...... .... , -v tnrt tne; And so the sheriff closed him out. still he lipgered n,oar, and Mary to drop with him a syrapa? thetic tear. How is tr sister, cap you tell why the other merchants here, sell all thei goods and thrive from year to year?" Remembering now her own bad luck the little maid replies: "These other fellows John, because they ad- the risrht side and shoulder-blade, and yellowness of the skinand eye balls are speedily remedied by the Pellets. One a dose. ShotrCartridges, Loaded Shells and ammnnition of fill kinds forsale by the 2?.- Jacobi Hdw.Co. ; You will find a nice assortment of Rifles" at the, N. Jacobl Hdw. Co. Tnfit tbi article to.make your boy . u r ' happy. ' . : ; v vertise. Hiicaien'u Aroiea slatye The Best Saive m the world for Cut, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tette, Chap oed Hands, Chilblains, Corns,andalI kin Eruption and positively cures Piles, or no pay .required. Itis guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. ,. : 4"'. : For sal by Robert R. Bellamy, wholesale and retail drusrsrJsfc, we have stripped somewhat of its verbiage, that the farmers in all por tions of Duplin county are glad to see this cold weather, inasmuch as it furnishes them with the long de- vired opportunitv for killing and preparing their meat supplies. They have beeu taking advantage of the pleajant spring weather we have had in prepariug for another crop year. They have gone diligently to work making qp compost heaps aud will depend largely this vear on their own home-made fertilizers. On the morning of the 16th of this month Mr. Isham R. Faison, of Fai son's township, Duplin county, kill ed a pig fourteen months old that weighed 545 pounds and. ou the same day Mr. B. C. Bowden, of Kenans ville, killed one nine months old that weighed 417 pounds. These are both the results of raising improved stock. . ... Rev. Mr. Woodson, a Baptist di vine, held $ series of meetings in Kenansville last week and preached .o large and attentive congregations at every service. - This is election year and the iirst convention to be held in the Third District will be the Congressional Convention and bur correspondent suggests that it be held at Duplin Roads (Wallace), 36 miles north of this city and on the W. & W. R. K. He truly says that "a more kind, hearted and sociable people do.-. not exist anywhere than those at Duplin Roads, and truer Democrats have never yet trodden Southern soil than those ofthat charming village and its vicinage.1" Our correspondent sends its the jury list for the next court, saying, "As the Journal is taken at every postofHce in Duplin I wish you would publish with thi9 letter the; jury. list drawn for the February term of I)uplin Superior Court." . fhe list is as follows: J. C. -Boon, John B, Murray,??. L Johnson, Isaiah Hall, B. F. Bennett, James I). Farrior, Marshall Whitman, Qiles M. Martin, Wells Mathis, Sr., RieJiariJE. Miller, W. H. Croora, W. R. Newbury L R. Drew, J. B. Heath, Manry Ward, J. F. Land i ng, A. G. Mosley, Jr. , J. C. Max ell, A. F. Williams, Henry Sullivan, B. Frank Smith, W. H. Winders, C. AV. Wilson, David B. Brown, .Tofcn R; Riner. Rf W. Mil lard, Leonidas iidjetQi, I). W. Fussell, C. C. Willia ms, J). F. Brin'r eon, Luke II. Martin, J. D. Teach e v. Jr., Jos: C. Ezzell, .fhmes B. Wipd ertf Lemuel Cherry, Jones R. Smitb, Cotton 2,744; spirits, 1,208; ro.in, 7,563; tar 1,046; crude. 5188. KXPORT,WKKK KM)ED JAN. 17, 8'J0. DOMKSTIC. Cotton. 42; spirit. 350: rosiu, 132; tar. 644; crude, 130. KG UK ION. Spirits, 2,000; r oh in, 5. 82 7. GOAL AND WMHK Throusrh Bills Ladlnsr and Lowest Thro Kates guaranteed to and from points In Nortb and South Carolina. -For FrelUt or Passage apply to u G. SMALLBONS. Superintendent t Wilmington, N O. THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. New YorS WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Agents, Jans 5 Bowling Green. SowYwt WINTER DRESS i 1,000 500 250 lOO 50 lOO 50 250 Foiis Rgg Co l, Stove Co , " ClieSMiut Cot, 44 Pnriiac4 Coal, Teiin. Lump CJoai, 44 Foundry Coal, 44 Pea, very cheap, Coal 44 P team Coal, 300 Cords Wood. Prices as low, or lower, than elsewhere. J. A. 8PKINGBB. Jan 15 tt JN MANY; HANDSOME STYLJSS AND qualities; can be bought, at very lttl over hair yaiue. A SPLENDID STOCK OF White Goods ! OVEI1 PKOM LAST SEASON," GOOD STYLES, AT LOW PBICES. AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Bfaatifally IHnstfiW.JS ct. $3 a Yfif. IT8 SOOPK. THE AMERICAN MAG ZINE gires preference-to national topics an scenes, and its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer fill its pages with a wide variety or interest In? sketches of travel and adventure, mrim and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our loremosi prowems 01 tne period, and,ln Bhort. this Magazine la Distinctively Representative of AmertcanTnousrtit ant Pmrrm. It Is acknowledged by the press and puhilc to be the most popular and entertaining o the I 111 Tl llfr t ftll t A Specen Number, with J. Ul J U 1 IU11 1 illustrated Premium List, and Special Inducements In Cash or Valuable Premiums to Club Kalsera, will be .sent on re ceipt of 15C, if this paper is mentioned. tw Responsible and energetic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Writ at once for exclusive territory. Address. - -m THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO.. teb 749 Broadway ewvirr i THE OLD RELIABLE .. F ariilqre, Bering Cbir VTarebnse, NO.19 UABKJSf STREET ' Offers unusual Inducements to purchasers of Goods in this Mne. Orders promptly filled. Call and see us. Jan 21 It O. A. SMITH, FIRST INSTALMENT OF WHITE GOODS For Spring Just opened. JOB LOT IN HAMBURGHS AT HALF PRICE. JUST IN NEW LOT OF HANDSOME STYLES. Floe Embroidered Handker chief, prices cat to half. Job ioten3 SHIRTS, soiled from expo sure, half price. Th best Gent's SHIRT In the world for One Dollar. . ': Eight kinds of CORSETS, best styles, at in per cent, from regular price. - HOSIERY at a discount of 1Q per cent, from regular prices. '.J .. Some Jobs in HOSIERY At half priced AH-Wcol CASSIMERES for Men's and Boys' weir at reduced prices. - : ; collars, puFFS and SCARFS very low. : "As always, the pest and cheapest stock of TABLE DAMASKsfDYLIES, NAPKINS and TOWELS In the ty . Thomas l. James on "The Haul;ta vice," t - Tlliistraied TJt MR. ROBERT LOUIS 8TEVEN novel -The Master of BaJfiafiK through the greater part of xixenli A CORRESPONDENCE aw manuscript memoirs relating to j p and a famous group of modem Fra'ciV will furnish the substance of HJ -K ntustraccd. 1 Robert Louis Stevenson, beTi: equally interesting contributions tor famous authors. Mr. momas Bailer i will write the nrst of thea tor the j number. - ; . . - Many valuable LITEltARY AETlci appear: a paper on : Walter Scows i V ort, illustrated from original usi.i" Shelf of Old Uoofcs," by Mrs. Jamesi h nd many other articles equally not? illustrateI' i ArtlclGson ART SUBJECTS wlflfea i Papers arc arranged to appear fcr d Cook, E. II. lilashflelcL Austin Bote I manytli ers. Illustrated. . i jsuiNG ARTICLE describtof spor best fishing grounds will appear.H Winninish, Bass and Tarpon are the e now arranged- The amhors are wn t sportsmen. -' illustrated. -, . - ILLUSTRATED ARTICLED Of grcftlT. touching upon ail manner of subject!, t biography, description, etc., will ?p: not of th conventional commonplafts; -- -" . Illustrated. Among the most lrterestiJiff 11 the : clen.tiiic papers for the car tvUl be w able article y ProL Johu Trowbrliif, the most recent developments eta l PHOTOGRAPHY: Illustrated. A class of articles which has prowl I clal interest -will be continued hy g-r papers upon ELECTRICITY lnitsmoar applications, by eminent authorities: : markablo paper on DEEP MIKIXG, ai: interesting papers. . - , Unique illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover M r numbers, which include all the MKZ cles, as follows: A year's subscription OS89) and tie sa bers for 1888. . ... A year's subscrlpUon (1889) and Oe aa bers for 1888, bound in cloth...... : - 03 a year; 25 cents a numb Oharles Scribner's Be: 743-715 Br way, N.Y. I THE New Yorfc Weetly He; A AT L per w IS.'THK BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPER N THE UNITED STAC- NovisthetfmetoSubs Jan 18 tf cor. Market and Front Streets. THIS PAPEB KSS th Falrmount Prtntlna TnkWcm" IJfl T. K. WEIGHT v " ' il1 ana r?nsylrasia avenue. Jaa ltt v -: J-PhUadelphla, Oysters and 80 Pbrtti. T?.Y?,L8Y4T lN.THE.WEEK I OFFERl'OR ?vDBi -"?wiiTer ojsters. i keep none but the very pest and never offer an un souna oyster. Every bucket guaranteed. Also a general assortment of . Poultry. Farm Vro- fcfpuUhe Slr?St lC!er3r tU1S? and fl0!n: .- ' ' r" " o G ATIAN"' r -Gee 13 ewttoat3?rrepf ikuzcv sfore." the year 1850 il wUl crcn fr Self In the WrtPtr r.r it nnntant lno 1 forts to please lta subscribers. Newt; win be added to lta rejrular departm cludlnjf first-class . . ILLTJSTEATIONS Its Well Known peclaltW Practical Farminfrand GardcD'i: Progress in Scie' "Womfln's Work, - Stories by the Best. Choice Flashes of Wit aud Bo . Exclusive News for V' INFORM TI0S ON ALL )? itii 1-" ress, JAMES GORDON Xew lor 7 Only One Dollar a Tc " Do not fall to Subscribe now tot ITei7Yorl:"T7eeklyHfr;