THIS TAPEK I3 paUisned even evening Sundays excepted By JOSH. T. JAMES. Editor and Prop. . SUBSCRIPTIONS, rOSTAGK PAID: rrar M.oa Six mostly 12.00. Tnreo one J5-4" months. $1.00. One montn. 55 cents. rse paper will oe delivered by earners, free of etiarge. in any part of tn city, at tbe above es. or 10 cents per week idvcrtlslnff rates low and liberal. -rr subscribers will please report any and uHEllores to recelrettpapcr regnlarly. Si:W AlVF.irri8KJfFTh f n - Wo win t& zizl to recclvo ccnntmicau from our frlcr.3' ea any tna aa rstject 3 general interest tea . . : k. -i aara.ot tao.tmter nrcst iatbjsifce aisaea'to ma EStcr. ' ';, ;v , toesiiacttn3p?rav r v under stooa tnat ttsEsrcr CCCs tot 'always ecccrs iewsctccxrc?Gicczts csiera so cutea to the editorial iffr. V i - ' ,1 JUL Jl. -ILJ "J 1 A V h I -: ... - ' - - - - - I VOL XI Y. WILMINGTON, N C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1890. NO 40, ' " .t ; " " " ' " " - - -' --r- , - i Prtjents in the most elegant form f H LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE or THS FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, , Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma sently cure Habitual Consti pation, aud the many ills de luding on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. ; t is the ir.pst excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Vhea oae is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE LLOOO, REFRESHING 8LEEP4 HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUH DRUGGIST FOfl There have been twenty-three wrecks in tlie space of three weeks on the Savannah & Western Kail-road. LOCAL 3STBWS. The iconoclastic Republicans of the House will 9nd in November next that they will have only a bro ken Reed to lean upon. 1XDEX TO NW ADVKRTISKMKNTS T D Ktrrr Druggist B F rxxNT Clothing Mcnds BROSr-Pliartnaclsts OrERA House Tlie Scrap Book SrrrR Ladies' Social Society W M Ccmming White Curled nalr ETV AO VEKTIS EM ENT8 NEW ADVERTISBaiENTS. NEW ADVriiQEaENxa, little tire For other local see fourth page. The rain last night was greatly Gojdsboro had a lively on Tnesrtav nierht. Six bui dines r-i - ucrurid were destroyed and six colored fain - i 1 Hies were rendered houseless. The1 Green Pork sold at fi cents this loss was $3,000. ;mormngr.- . t Wood retails now for a dollar a And we are very gravely told now , ioad for oak delivered. that the highly illustrious Matt! Quay is so worn out by the strain Miv Samuel Bear, Jr., we are sorry of the office-seekers and the politi-! fco hear, is laid up with the grippe. cians that he cannot sleep and cant Wa rmw fho ioc T,.L-f Scissor made. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f Nearly an inch of rain fell here The Ladies' Social Society of GJIACjS METHODIST E CHURCH, yflLL GIVE A SUPPEK AT TI1E RESI- j dence of col. Boger Moore, this (THURSDAY) ! evening, for their ChurOh BnUding Fund. ! In addition to the tempting delicacies and j refreshments that lll Jxj presented, there j will be Music and Recitations and a crazyTea j Partj-t and all who aUend may exjoy a p'eas- ant eTeoing. jan 30 It j OPERA HOUSE.i . F1UDAY, JANUARY 31, I will sell 20 Sliars "(or ; le'ss) " Stock in the M'ecliiinics Associa-; tion t4D." -- -v- Apply tc To be exact t was .93 of MANUrACTUREO ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. HAN FRANCISCO, CAL, . ViUl&VILLE. Ki. tJEW YORK. N. Y For sale t y ROBERT B. HFIiLAMY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, mch 2 ly dirw Wilmington, N. C. y HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; they are true to their names, full measure) And highfy concentrated. aug 23 dtw 6m cod nrm NOTICE! TO BU YERS. : :0: JIAVIXG A NICE LINK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS k fr, nnd In order to make room lor my Spring atid Summer" Stock, I will close out for the next 60 days my entire Line of Goods "at NEW YORK COST. c an at once and be convinced of the abOYC v. farts end figures. " B. F. PENNY, THE CI.OTRIfeR, JanOtf ' 110 Market Street. hardly eat.'' Ve are sorry to hear this. Matt should reserve some of f his strength for the next fisrht, alone: I in November. He will have his' last night hands full and if he doesn't Quayl an incn- ' then we'are mightily mistaken. The! Glad toTee Mr. J. M. Forshee out Democrats of Pennsylvania propose ; again He ha8 been lakl t h 10 wipe meir ieet on mat JiiatT. , for cpVprnl A lays. UDRIAN & VOLLERSj . ft WHOLKSALE DEAIEUS I!T Provisions, Groceries, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, . AND " : - OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Front and Dock St., WILMINGTON, N. C. Janntf " H. A. TUCKER, WILMINGTON, N. C, . DEALEIt IN . 'ninile, Marble audBrown Stone; MANUf ACTUKER OF ; tuku Moiomea il a:J ' -BaWin? Wert. Marble Head Stones . A SPECIALTY. , From S1.50 to SO OO. EsUmates and Desigrns for Monuments fur shed on application. jan?7lw fc A Montreal man has been condem-! ed to pay the sum of .$1 as damage for having called upon a person in; a factory with a-.-view to collecting a debt. The court held that the domicile of the debtor is the proper place at which to demand money that is owing. It further declared that tD ask on the street for money that is due constituted an assault. It would appear, that the average debtor has far more protection than the creditor. This is undoubtedly true in North Carolina where the exemp tion laws seem to be making a race of rogues out of hitherto, honest people, it is a law which has out lived its usefulness, 'but it is here to stay as it is a part of the Constitu tion of the State. Mr. Frank Wilkinson, formerly of this city, but now of Elizabethtown, was here to-dav. Eggs are wholesaling at 1(H to IX cents and retailing at 12 one hun dred for a dollar. . Live fowls are held at 30 to 35 cents each and dressed fowls at from 09 to 75 cents a pair. , Shot, Cartridges, Loaded Shells andammnnition of all kinds for sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Ex-Judge Advocate General In galls, in his re'eent tira,de in the Senate the other day on the race issue, characterized the people of the South as unreconciled and "rein forcing the cowardly and degraded elements of the North that sympa thized with treason, "meaning there by, we. presume, Mr. Cleveland, .Tudere Thurman. Gov. Hill, Gov. ! Campbell and others, who are traitors only to the Republican party and their vile methods; such men, for instance, as Ingalls, the coward who skulked in thq rear dur ing the war; James G. Blaine, of Maine, of Mulligan letters. Credit Mobilier and "burn this"' record; W. W. Dudley, the "blocks of five" representative, and the late J. H. Foraker, of Ohio, whose illus trious hari kari it would be well for some of the other distinguished members of his party to follow. Four cases, all for disorderly eon duct, before the Mayor to day, net the city $35 in fines and $11.90 costs. You will find a nice assortment of Rifles at the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Just the article to make your boy happy. f Heating Stoves of all kinds and sizes. We .will give you substantial goods and low prices. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The Royce & Lansing Musical-Comedy Co., IN THELR LATEST SUCCESSFUL SATIRE, 4 THE SCRAP BOOK," Introducing an Array of Talent that is Equal- ed by None. Reserved Seats at Yates' Thursday, jan 29 3t Mam-facti-rer & Rexovater of Matesses Victor Type Writei. m J. McREE COWAN, GENERAL AGENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA. A perfect Machine, very simple, and easy to learn. PRICE ONLY 815. OO. Local Agents wanted in every County. Jan 28 3w Sheriff Johnston, of Pender coun ty, was here to-day and we are sorry to see him still suffering with the rheumatism. Dr. J. C. M. Loftin, ville, a gentleman who friends in this city, has Rockv Point. of Kenans- has many located at For cuts,bruises, sprains or strains, burns, scalds, "frost-bites, chilblains, and bites of poisonous insects, noth ing equals Salvation Oil. -It annihi lates pain. Price 25 cents a bottle. Nor, barque Bjorntaa ,01sen, clear ed to-day for Genoawith 1,318 bales cotton, valued at $65,330, shipped by Messrs. ex. Sprunt & Son. Revolutionist Reed, from his seat in the Speaker's chair of the House, has got the drop on parliamentary law, usage and order as thoroughly and effectively as the scoundrel who holds up a stage coaeh with his Winchester at the head of the driv er, . The Democrats will of course be compelled to submit for they are in a powerless minority. Yesterdny he reversed the precedents of the House by insisting upon it that members were present who were not voting, himself called out the names to the tellers, and refused up- peais iroin 111s decisions, o man Nor. barque Jovdinff, Jensen, cleared to-day for Liverpool, with 258 casks spirits, 3,15T. barrels rosin, valued $8,950, shipped by Messrs. AlexSprunt & Son. It is in contemplation by the authorities of the Seaqoast R. R. to' make the fare 3-3 cents for all i round trips on that road during the month of Februarv. Do not pin your paper collar on the back of your under-shirt, when you can buy a good flannelette shirt at 25 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 122 Market street, tf READERS Of this Enterprising and Interesting Journal, by Calling at will discover there a great awakening in lhe way of I.ow rRTCES for all Kinds of Winter Dix- Goods-! ESPECIALLY INTERESTING WILL BE TIIE PRICES NAMED FOR WINTER DRESS GOODS ! WHICH ARE MARKED AT FIGURES REGARDLESS OF COST. " WE ARE SHOWING AN STOCK OF ELEGANT Rr. barque Venture, Reid, cleared to-day for Liverpool, with 1,250 bar , 1 .il, 1 . i 1 ri.i Kii , iuv Kim lusiu etui lias snown sucn a ueciqeq iac gi . , , , , , , in the decencies even the common who has ever yet filled that chair: honesty of political life. When confronted with the record of his own remarks on the floor of thej House on a previous occasion, pro testing against the very course he pursued yesterday, He merely smiled He thought it a good joke, perhaps, that a man who occupied one of the highest-positions in the conntrv should be proved in open court a stultifier of himself and a traitor to his own convictions and his own record. It Is a pitiful spectacle for the people of this.greit country to gaze upon. It will all come right in the barrels gum thus, valued at $3,748.25, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Down ing & Co. Cutlery. Our stock of Standard Cutlery is very complete. We keep everything in this line that you can possibly desire, and our prices are the lowest. Drop in and look at our assortment. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Mr. C. P. Lockey has been ap pointed Census Supervisor for the Third N. C. District, which occupies the counties of Bladen, Brunswick, ! Columbus, Cumberland, Duplin, Harnett, Moore, New Hanover, Ons- e 1 ilow, Pender, Robeson, Richmond ana oampson. ... however. Reed is but a puppet of a day. Yet a little while and he will Doomed to die, and oh, so young. gone, following Mr. -Foraker's Illustrious exit from the public view. The ides of next November will tell a tale. " '. - ' - : " . He f aid he had heard that there was an end to all things but there seemed to be none to. his cough.. He changed his mind two days later, af ter using only one bottle 01 ur. Bull's Cough Syrup. ' Is there nothing that can save This poor, hopeless sufferer . . From the dark and cruel grave? Comes an answer: 4Yes, there isr, 'Favorite Prescription try; It has saved the lives of thousands Who wero giveu up to die.". For all "female diseases! Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the standard .. remedv, and no woman should despair of recovery until she has given it a trial. BLACK DRESS GOODS, which are being: rapidly soli at prices ;r per cent, toelow their value. Fine All-Wool Dress Goods . IN ALL THE DESIRABLE SHADES AND APPROPRIATE TRIM MINGS, OF THE LATEST STYLES. " BLACK All of the best makes, and a variety of styles. "-: KID GLOVES (dressed and undressed) Improved stylo of hooks and of superior quality.- - - . RUGS AND ART SQUARES. A large variety of Patterns and at prices to please. . . ' MATTINGS-Only a few left but they are good and cheap. J with Rugs to match. CARPETS ! CARPETS 'CARPETS ! Almost. 11 11 ft 11 mn rnn fvnn v nn'li ,0 l, . j v" I' JACKETS ami WRAPS of nil kinds niust go and we will sell theni even at a sacrifice. . GUT RAT Before Stock Taking :0: M. M.'KAT GASH HOUSE. SACRIFICE JiALE ON CLOAKS, SEAL. PLUSH WRAPS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS ANJJ LADIES' JACKETS. Children's Cloaks ...$ 1 118, worth $ 4 OO. Children's Cloaks....... . GO, worth $ O OO.' Children's Newmarkets $ 5 SO, worth 8 OO. Plush Jackets..... 7.98; worth $11 UO. Plush Jackets $10 TU, worth 17 OO. Plush Jackets.. ......$ir 50, worth $18 OO. Piush Modjeska Wraps -$12 50, .worth $22 OO. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Real and Imitation ' MARSEILLES QUILTS AND COTTON SHEETINGS. Housekeepers should lake advantage of this opportunity toy supplyingjthemselves. Also, Table Linens, To wels,etc In our Annex can toe found the toest stock of Gents, Furnishing Goods In the city. Also,' V Clotbs and Cassi meres for Afen and r.oys. All at reduced prices. These low prices are made to attract Cash Trade and these we esteem as highly pronipt paying monthly customer?. ltespect fully, . : " - Jan 28 tf : i .. , . - .-. rnTTTQI T DP"b JS 'PRINTED "WITH IllO jL J XjXIi ink-manufactnredtor the Falrmount Printing Infe Work3, T. K. WftlGUT & CO., 2Zih street and Pennsylvania avenue, janlltt miladeirhii, ix eductions iii Dress Goods ! Owincr to our havinr our buildinir extended and beinr nearly time for Spring Importations to arrive, we Iiave made great reductions in DRESS GOODS, SILKS, etc. . - - . 2,500 Yards Quality A GINGHAM reducedlto 8c. a,50U Yards SICILIAN CHAMRRAY. IOC. Double Width DRESS FLANNEL, in dark serv iceable colors, 15c. 40-inch All-Wool FLANNEL reduced to 29c 40 inch Extra Super Silk Finished HENRIETTA, worth $1 OO to $1 25, 75c per yard. 54-inch All Wool H ABET CLOTH, worth 75c, for 5Uc. 50-!nch 'BROADCLOTH reduced from $1 25 to 80c per yard. CUT PRICE IN SILKS THIS WEEK M. M. K A T Z " 1t6 Market v.8t.y';-Willwingt6h''fJ.!.:'jOr: O A Small invoice : . ... fc. . ... - - : F ANTI PYRIN, ANTIFJSIIKI?, IIB- nacetlne Salve, &cM just received. JAMES D. N UTT," 220 N. Front St. janSJ tf The Druggist, Mun(N Brothers' pMULSfON OP con LIVElt OIL JS ONK of -the finest preparations for. cough tind 50c nnI Sl.OO I'er Uottle. Jan 23 tf Y N. Front St. HKRia GLEAVES, F.JW. KKRCHNEi:, Frp. and Manager. Treasurer.' , J OWKNJF. tOVK, Secretary. Xhe Cleaves Hardware Company . WILMINGTON. N Co IS TIIE ONLY STRfCILY JOBDIXG IIAEDffiEE IIOBE IN THIS STATE OR SECTICJl, I Country Merclinn!3 win please rc nomber this when ficy wrlQ their ORDERS or Irsy t'icfr IIAPJ)v"Ar,I doc CI V.. i