THIS FAP.EE tns&ed tnrr wan wW excepted. CT JOSH. T. " B?CPJPTI0KS. POSTAGS PAID: , itoa six montns cm Tnrce o0 one montn. scents. -1 te deUrered Dj cftrrtera. free rart of tne cltr. at te above I or W cents per tree AdTfiers will Please n any SQtve tueir paper regtilwl7. - ..nrM i v rE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, ribbed with the medicinaU Sixes of plants known to be list beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable id effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the" moans, LiVER MID BOWELS. it b the most e xcellett remedy known to CtfANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Wte out is Bilious or Constipated PMKt tLOOO, REFRESH1SIQ 8LEXP. HEALTH and CTRCHOTH HATURALLV FOCLOW. Ever- one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK Y3UR DWJQGtST FOB MAHUFACTURSOONLY BY . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. MUimiUI. K1. KM YORK. M. t For sale ty KOHEKT.R. BPLLAMY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, men 28 IT dw ' Wilmington. N. C. Marj('BttV0rjii8 MOLlSPKFFPFRiran nrnv hu a sinerla j. ' ' w ww " .- i j ij - trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; a . . theare true to their names, fulhrneasurei augZKLtvr&n eod nrm NOTICE! TO IBU V ERS. :0: II A VINO A NICE LINE OP i MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS U fr. and In order to make room lor my - Spring a:,d Summer Stock, 1 win close out for the next GO days my entire Line of Gcods at; NEW YORK COST. Can at once and he convinced of the ahore acts and figures. " B.F.IENNY, THE CLOTH If. R, 110 Market Street: Jan 9 tf HEADQUARTERS I HEADQUARTERSIFpRj Pot atoe s 9 Onions, Apples; Oranges, Cocoannts and Lemons. Chas. F. Browne, Agt 1155 North Water 8trct WILMINGTON. N. . Jan tf H. CRONBNBEBG, PHOTOGRAPHER, ' A KTISTJO AND SUFESBLT EXECUTED Hiotojraph at reasonable prices. rsAiirsa a spicialtt. ... cXk j : : ; Mm ftnmL 1 ! 1L JUL Ji j VOL XIV LOCAL NEWS. lKPKX TO NKW ADTSBTT8B3IENTS BP PiiRrr Clothing Muxes Bros Pharmacists E Van Lasr Pianos and Organs - M BKLiaxT-Sale of City Real Estate , Bank of Nrwr ILiNOViR Dividend notice Baxk op Xew Hanotkr Annual meeting- 4t : For other local see fourth page. There is no entertainment booked for the Opera House this month. "Boys 'I .we can sell you a Bracket Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. Jacobi Hdw.Co. The price of gas has-been reduced to $2 per thousand in Newbern. It is $2.50 in Wilmington. . Rev. P. W. E, Peschau will preach in 'the Danish language in Luther Memorial Building to-morrow night. Emma Abbott is to sing in Peters burg next Monday. She is going South and Wilmington is not on her programme, The annual meeting of the stock holders of. the Bank of Xew Han over will be held on Thursday next, the 13th hist. The boys are on the kite lay now, but they must remember that there is an ordinance against sailing them on the streets. We are glad to hear that Mr. M. M, Katz, who was taken quite sick at his store yesterday, is reported as much better to-dav. Capt. Jacob S. Allen is building a fine Summer residence for himself at Wrightsyille, on the vacant premises next South of Mr. Stokley's, Every week from now we make up new and handsome styles or Flannelette Shirts at 25 cents at our ShiriFactbry, 122 Market St t The Board of Directors of the Bank of New Hanover have declar ed a semi-annual di7idend of four per cent, payable on the 12th inst. . "It pleases me so 1 shall use no other," is what the farmersaid when asked about yie Boy Clipper Plow, sold by theN. Jacobi Hdw. Co t Mr. Joseph H. McRee, resideut en gineer of the C. F. & Y. V. R. RM is busv now constructing a turntable r on tne company's yard at Point Peter. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Willie Mayo is quite sick with the grippe and the pneumonia at the Hot Springs, in the Western part of this State. Paint your Buggy for 75 cents, "6 bits," with Detroit carg. l'amt, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Tho cheap rate established on the SeacoasU Railroad for February and March seems to have been a good move as large nunibers go down to the coast every fine day. - Beautify your walls by the use of Plastico, the greatest improvement in kalsomine. Can be applied Joy the most inexperienced. We have it in all tints. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t In addition to the cargo of rails arrived yesterday for the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. there are two cargoes now afloat which is needed for side tracks etc., here and on theline of the road. Nor. barque Cjir, Jensen, cleared to-day for London with 3,412 bar rels rosin, 50 barrels gum thus and 500 casks spirits, valued at $14,170. 50, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. A large and brilliant meteor pass ed over the city last night,, going from Southeast to Northwest. .But for the bright moonlight it would have made a much better display and attracted more attention. Messrs. H. H. Geischen, W. H. Blooja, C. Scbniober, J. C, Boesch and M, Rathjen constitute the com mittee to arrange for the celebration of the 34Fb? anniversary of Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1, on the 19th inst. r - . . I, t . There is every indication of cold weather at this writing yet they are all misleading as the cold wave sig-fhe laestion naturally arises: nal is not up and there are no- re ports to that effect from the Signal office. The forecasts to-day speak merely of cooler weather and show ers of rain " ' " - . - No headache after drinking Port ner'a Vienna Cabinet and Calo: bather-Beers. - . WILMINGTON, n: c . THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1890. When ready to build, paipt or, re- j ' 14 Excelleat Qualities pair yon will find it to your ad van' j Commend , to - public, approval the buy your material of the N. ! California liquid fruit remedy Syrup Jacobi Hdw. Co. t : of Figs. Mfe'is pleasing to the. eye, rw W t nMu. eioM.!10 by gently act- r.V ' ; '"7 - raised by him on his farm at Jump ing Run. It was of the Poland China breed, 20 mouths old, and weighed 525 pounds when dressed. Two Alarms for One Hoase. There was a small fire last night, or rather, two fires. One alarm was at 9 o'clock and the other at 1A Both were from box 32 and original ed in a small frame house on Fourth streetj between Nun and Church, owned by Col. Thomas W. Strange, but unoccupied. Ineendiarism is sus pected. The damage was very slight aid the loss is covered by in surance'. Pnttlns Up the Machinery. Mr. E. E. Titus, of Petersburg, a practical machinist, arrived here last night and went to work at once this morning with a sufficient force L of hands to get into position the heavy engine and boiler of the In dustrial' Manufacturing Company. Mr. Titus should have been here two weeks ago but has been delay ed by sickness. It will take about three weeks to get the engine and boiler ready and by that time it is expected that the operative machin ery will have been received. The company hope to be fully equipped and ready for work next month. Marriage at John's. St. John's Church was filled last night with a large congregation who had assembled there to witness the marriage of Mr. Herbert L. Price, of Asheville, and Miss Amoret B, Cameron, daughter of Maj. John W. Cameron, of Washington City, and granddaughter of M. Richard Bradley, of Wrightsville, The cere money was performed by Rev. Dr. Carmichael, the Recto-, The bridal party" entered about 0 o'clock : and the bride was given away by her brother, Mr. R. B. Cameron. The immediate attendants of the bride and groom were Miss Jennie Cam eron and Mr. D. C. Waddell, Jr the latter of Asheville. The brides maids were Miss Carrie Myers, Miss Jeannie Northrop, Miss Callie R French, Miss Agnes Daniel, Miss Sue Cumming and Miss Nellie Dra per and their attendants were Messrs. A. M. Waddell, Jr., df Daniel, W. C. Jones and W. M. Howey, of this city and Mc Thos. McBee. of Asheville. Messrs. C. B. Malleti, R. E. L. Holmes, Jt Harry Boatwrigbt and C. D. Myers, Jr., were the ushers. Master Louis H Myers and Jap. T. Muuds were the ribbon boys. Mr. and Mrs. Price left here last night on the midnight train for an extensive tour of Northern cities. The lieef Unsinesf, The butchers in Front Street Market seem despondent and de moralized. They really don't know what to do. They say that they are losing money every day. Yester day one of them threw up his stall and went out of the business and at the last meeting'of the Board of Aldermen others presented a petition asking for a reduction of rent. One dealer told us yesterday that he sold more meat last February in one day than he sells now in a week. They ascribe the trouble to the introduc tion here of dressed beef from Kan sas. A "great many people don't want this meat at any price and as they cannot get'pative meat they won't have any. Even when a choice lot of North Carolina bef is put on the stalls it is difficult to con vince consumers that it is not Kansas meat; a consequence, the butchers tell us, a great many housekeepers, probably one-half, are now rarely if ever seen in the market house. It is difficult, too, to get native beeves. The cattle rais ers will not send them here because the market has become so thorough ly demoralized and hence the trade of the city suffers in this line. These things.are facts and asLsnch are vouched for by some 'of -the leading batchers in the market. "What are you going to do about it?" Important. All persons . afflicted with rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, pains in the back pr limbs, sprains, bruises, etdt should be in fanned that Salvation Oil is what they need. For sale by all druggists. Price 25 cents a bottle. It!? ing on the kidney?. Jive r and bow- els, it cleanses the svstem effectual ly,, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. A Sad Bereavement. We regret to learn of the severe loss which Mr. and Mrsr. Pembroke Jones snstained to day in the death ofiieir bright and beautitul little girl, Alice Dickinson, only a ; little over four years of age. She died at noon after a short but severe sick ness. The funeral services will take plaee to morrow morning and the interment will be at Oakdale. ''One mortal lss on earth, one angel more in Heaven.'' . - The Ralls Have Arrived. Nine cargoes of steel rails for the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Rail road have arrived here over the At lantic Coast Line and were - sent up to the head of the road to day. i!hese, it is expected, will be suffi cient to lay the balance of the road on the gap nowj open. They will probably be taken in hand at once by. the tracklayers and it is likely that the last rail will be laid to mor row night, as the gap is ' now only about two miles long and a mile of rails can be easily laid in a day. We may therefore look to see the road ready for traffic next week and no hindrance to the opening of a regu lar schedule between Wilmington and Mt. Airy, say by Monday, the 17th inst, at the latest. So that, in ten days from this date, a man can take his breakfast in Wilmington, his dinner in Fayetteville and his supper in Wilmington, for the first time in the history of the two places. The worst feature about catarrh is ics dangerous tendency to con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by purifying the blood.. DIED. y JONES. To-day, In this city, of diphtheria, ALICE DICKINSON, eldest child of Pembroke and Sadie W. Jones, aged 4 years and 4 months. Funeral services will be held to-morrow morni cjf at 11 o-ciock, at tne iamuy residence thence to Oakdale Cemetery. ' NEW AOVEJRTI8EMKNT8 Dividend Notice. rpDE DIRECTORS OF THE BAKE OP NEW HanoTer hare declared a semi-annual divi dend of four per cent , payable on isth in stant. Teh6 2t WM. L. SMITH, . Cashier. Annual Meeting. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- holders of the Bank of New Hanover will be beheld at the Bank on Thursday-, 13th In stant, at 13 o'clock. WM. L. SMITH, f eh 6 2t . cashier. - JUST RECEIVED ! A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR WHICH WE OFFER AT LOWEST PRICES, CASH OR INSTALMENTS. By purchasing from us you can save at least SO per cent, to say nothing of the quality of our goods. ; - Again, we are right here and consequently responsible. We offer in great variety and at all prices. We cordially invite the public to see our beautiful stock. E. Van Li A EK, feb 6 tf cod 407 Red Cross Street. SALE OF VALUABLE CITY REAL ESTATE! . - - J WILL OFFER FOR SALE, BY PUBLIC aucUon, for cash, on Monday, the 10th day of February, 1890, at 13 o'clock M., at the Court House door, in the city of Wilmington, that valuable Lot on the East side of Second street, between Market and Dock streets, on which Lis a large and commodious three-story brick building, in perfect order, with a Store on the first floor, and a Bake House and all necessary buildings In the rear of tfie lot. and known as the Lessman Building. The Lot is about 33 feet and 8 inches in width by about CO feet In depth.. .. - , . Also, at the. same time an place, the va cant Lot Just North of the above, about 33 feet wide and 60 feet deep.-'". . . The 8al 13 subject to confirmation. . " " : MARSDEN BZLUZT . teh 6 it - Trustee. - EW NO 46- NEW ADV1SICT1SKMKNT. t MAKE A Fine Curled C:ll and see W. SI. Renovator and ." &c iroppe oir 1 We intend to sell alL classes of Goods in pur lines at the lowest figures. . A few fine all-wool ROBES at only $7.50, sold from 10.50 to $12.00, but they must go. - - u v - : : Large size SMYRNA RUGS we are selling, at less than valne, and CARPETS, ART SQUARES, &c, at: rock bot tom pricey. ; jry . -r: . - '. '.. . . WINDOW SHADES Just anything you can call for in the leading colors and styles. , 1 Lace Curtains, Silk Curtains, &c. Pol es "of all kinds and prices the lowest. ' , BARGAINS - aL Cash jic. Ladies' Cord Gloves 19c Children's Col'd Gloves lOe. Ladies' Black Wool Gloves 25c a Gents' Wool Gloves 49c. One lot Odds and Ends in Children's and Ladies1 O D o 0. I o 0l IPlaiinel Underwear, lOc Eacb. COWBS 5c. Brushes 35c. BRUSHES, rubber back ho? bristles, 0c. Coroeto 39c. CLOAKS. BLANKETS AND SHAWLS I A Small invoice QF ANTIPYRIN, ANTIFEBRIN, PIIE2 naoetlne Salve, Jta, Just recelreL JAMES D. NUTT, ; 230 N. Front St. THe Urusslst, Jan23tl Hands Brothers' E3 MULSION OF COD LIVER OIL IS ONE of -tne finest preparations for Couna and Colds. i " - OOe an il.OOFn Bottle. Jan 23 tf . ?M IT. Trent EL We mi to cT.ii to recap c:nn-j: ;iti txxzx vzx fricru vx szj tr.3 ill pit;:ct s ccEfirai ntcrcct; trs . - . ' Ttm ess extra pntcr ncti-apa " pjsBzzpasztt exsi toimttn en bu ciosiiatrttaciipc? ' -r. " , v And It ts creasy tr3 rsrtlcaiArty tuitfcr stooa tnat zhq Efiitcr CacS net always endors the views cf ccrnrpciscsts cnicss'EO statPd la thh editorial cciiisra. 2 x NEW ADVECTIOEUEUTSa SPECIALTY OF , ... Hair, Mattresses, samples of Hair. CUMHING, Manufacturer," fee. oo - IO ssLHouse Ladies' Bibbed Vests 25c Double Widlb Flanntl Suiting lEFc. Remnants in 0 Q "0 c 2 ico 7 O a at half value. SLAUGHTER OF BLACK SILKS. Surah Silks, All silk, 4Dc. -ONE LOT Silks and Satins 39c, Our $1.10 niack Or us Grain 811k 75c. Oar $1.50 Black Groa Grain i)i)c. Ravs Tricotine, Armure and other novelties in Black SILKS worth. $1.75 for per yard. ' ' MULES FOR SALE ! ONE PAUt FIRST-CLASS LTJI FOR SALE BY J. A. 8PJRIH GEK, At c'oal and Wood Yard. ffbStr COL TO 13