THIS TAPES ottT)iisaea every etcnirj?. Buaija excepted, gy JOSB. T. JAJix xiu v. SUBSCBIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: tino. six months COO, Three one ' . Oont&s, 11.00. one monui, ceuw. r will be delivered by carriers, free L in MX part of the city, at the Above Us, or 10 cents per wee. r v'msr rates low ad llberaL I f-subscribers win please report any and I 3 .mim tueir naner regularly. 'aII failures w -'iiZ- ..nt in the most eleeaat fona - . : the LAXATIVE ano NUTRITIOUS JUICE - r,Tm Pins OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma--ently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER ArlD BOWELS. It is the most excelled remedy known 10 CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one-is Bilious or Constipatea C- THAT i PURE CLOOD, REFRE8H1MQ 8LEEP, HEALTH ana a tnvi " NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. i m ASK YOUH DKUUUia i run u iui niCTUREO ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. miSVILLF. K1. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by BOBEKT R BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, mcu 28 ly diw Wilmington, N. C. onto ! TO BU YERS. HAVING A NICE LINK OP lEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS left, and in order to make room lor my , pring and Summer Stock, I will close out for the next 60 days my" entire Line of Goods at;. ' NEW YORK COST. 1 jts and figures. B. F. PENNY, THE CLOTHIER, an 9 tf 110 Market Street. "3i HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single J that these Extracts ire the cheapest? y are true to their names, fuiroMasurei i highly concentrated. " -J . " ig 23 dw 6m eod arm WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY i nds and the public generally that I have feed a St-Class Family Grocery Store U No. 113 Houth Front 8r , p I will keep a roH line ot Choice Family pries. Wines. Liquors "and Cigars. - Goods Verpd free In any part of the city. . '' Ire me a ealL . I J. H. OTTAWA Y. Fr jbTlw ail Stock of EverytliiDg KEPT IN A JAMES D.NUTT, The Druggist. S Front St. H. CRONENBERG, . rnOTOGICAFDEB, KTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED ttosrapns at reasonable prices. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. 20 ti llsVllarketreouth'sldc. Flavoring VOL. XIV. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1890. NO 51; Index to New Advebtissments B F Pinny Clothing Acq Roder Wanted f J R Nolan For Rent; Geo W Pbicx, Jr Wanted E Kdhblank House wanted J A Sfringib Coal and Wood W M CuMirixo Cheap M attresses, R M McIntibe Blankets, Comforts, &c. Okrbix Second-Hand Harness, Bridles, &c There is to be tuore rain and Der- haps more cold weather. - - - Rev. Robert Stransre will leave here tb-morrow niorniog for New York. ' - i Boys r we can sell you a Bracket Saw; with frame, for 10 cents. Jacob! Hdw. Co. The C. F. & Y. V. R.R. are already hauling large freights and there was a good passenger list to-day. The new Fifth Street M. E. Church is rapidly approaching completion. The steeple is nearly finished now. We counted 32 sailing vessels in port this iuorning, which is an un usually large number at this season. A great many new dwelling houses are beinsr erected in the Southern aild Southeastern sections of the city. The most remarkable enrps nf scrofula on record have been ac complished bv Hood's Sarsanarilln.. Try it. Sold by all druggists. When ready to build, paint or re- will find it to your advan tage to buy your material of the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Every week from now we make up new and - handsome styles of Flannelette Shirts at 25 cents at our Shirt Factory, 122 Market St. t "It pleasos me so I shall use no other," is what the farmer said Avhen asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw Co. Mr. D. McEachern has nearly com pleted a large and. handsome two- story dwelling house on Seventh street, between Dock and Orange. Dr.Satchwell will lecture inGolds- boro, on the night of the 28th inst., under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. His subject will bo: "Talks to Men." Paint your Buggy for 75 cents, 'C bits," with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Messrs. T. Sessoms, of Bladen county, and John D.'Kerr, of Satnp son, were in the city today and were passengers on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. this afternoon. Beautify your walls by the use of Plastico, the greatest improvement in kalsomine. Can be applied by the most inexperienced. We have it in all tints. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. The Adele Frost Company, who are to play here week after next, opened in Charlotte on Monday night to a crowded house, in Ingo- uar.. The papers there speak high, ly of the troupe. There was an alarm of fire last night, about 11 o'clock, but it was a small affair. A slight fire was kin dled in a restaurant near Fourth Street Market and a few buckets of water put it out. Col. Thos. W. Strange left hereto day for New York, where he is to be marrie4 to a yoang lady of that city on Saturday neit. Ifwfll be several weeks before he will return with his bride to Wilmington, Mr. Henry L, Cumming, grandson of Mr. E. J. Lilly, who was but of town yesterday and could not go up to Fayetteville with his father and mother,Jeft here to-day on the-C. F. & Y. V. R. R., hoping to get through on that road. Capt. J. R. Nolan, General Man agerfof the Seacoast R. R., offers for rent for the ensuing season the hotel at the Hammocks.- As the indica tions all look to a- large influx of visitors here this Summer we hope that some one who .knows how to keep a good hotel will secure the lease. Gout in most cases first makes itself known by an acuteLpain in the joint . of the great toe. -.This most " excruciating pain may be likened to- that produced by the driving of a wedge under the nail. When thus affected rub well with Salvation Oil,- the greatest pain-cure on earth. Price 25 "cents, ; 'JJhe moon enters on its last quart er this afternoon at 1:37. One good laundry woman and one Vlish washer are wanted at the Pur- cell House. See ad. in this issue. We are glad to know that Mr. M. M. Katz continues to improve and we hope to see him out again in a few days. And now it is said that the grip is getting into the animals. We re reliably informed that a dog in this city has the disease. Mr. E. Kuhblank wants to rent a comfortable house, with five or six rooms, in a central location and good neighborhood. See advertise ment. Geo. W. Price, Jr., President of the Emigration Bureau, advertises in this issue for 40 reliable house servants, carpenters and black smiths. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley people have already expended more money here than the entire sabs scription by the city to the capital stock of the road. Electric lights have recently been placed at Third and Castle, Sixth and Swann and Eighth and Prins cess streets. Now let one be placed at the corner of Third and Red Cross, for it is surely needed there. "Have you been in Jones' new house?" "Not I." "Well you should see it Stted up with fall the com forts and elegancies of life, among other essentials, a neat little ar rangement for holding half a dozen bottles of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup." The machinery for the Industrial Manufacturing Co. has been ship ped and was expected here last evening but It did not arrive then. It is surely expected to morrow, when it will beat once put into posi tion. Head and Shell Work. Mr. John Barker, of this city, has displayed a great deal of taste, skill and ingenuity in some fine shell and bead work recently turned out by him.. Some of the specimens shown a Review reporter to-day will com pare favorabiy with th best of that made by Northern artisans. He also makes ornaments from fish scales and has promised to show us some of his handiwork in that line in a few days. He will probably embark regularly in the business here and we wish him much success. The Hop Last Night. There was a fine time last night, at Hibernian Hall, at the second regu lar hop of the Social Club. There was a good attendance and it was in every respect a very successful affair. Dancing began at 8 o'clock and was kept up with much spirit until midnight, when supper was announced. Later on the dancing was resumed and was kept up till morning. The committee are to be congratulated on the success which has attended their efforts in this instance, as well as on the occasion of the first hop. Stronsr Men. Women love strong men. A weak man may excite their sympathy and a woman's careful tenderness soothe and soften the anguish of a weak man's soul, bait the laughing, joy ous, warm, exuberant love of women dear, belongs to the men that are strong and noble and kind. Then why will a man continue weak, and mean and peevish? An old gentleman writes: "B. B. B. gives me new life and strength. If there is anything that will make an old man young, it is B. B. B." Some men say, and women too, they never feel weak and mean ex cept in the spring. Why then feel weak and mean and nervous and prostrated in the spring time jwhen life and spirit awakens with thrill ing buoyancy even the' vegetable World? Must you allow sluggish blood, inactive organic functions, rusty joints "and general, weakness to make your life miserable simply because the long winter hag restrain ed your natural activitv? It need not be. If only you will use that 'pleasant and incomparable tonic blood purifier known as B. B. B. or Botanic Blood Balm your health in spring time will be all that you can wish. Try it this spring. Try it now. ! P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., Au gust 10, 1888, writes: "I depend on . B. B. B. for the preservation of my " health, I have had it in my family now nearly two years, and in all j that time nave not had to have a doctor." v. - 1 . I I I I Refreshing: and inTieoratlnff Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' . magnificent new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup.Milk Shakes i and Natural Mineral Water. .'.4 - 1 r. . ; . .' .. Forecasts. For North Carolina, colder weath er and. rain.' 'For Wilmington and . vicinity; fair weather. Its Excellent Qualities Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently act ing on the kidneys, liver and bow els, it cleanses the system effectual ly, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. -V St, Valentine's Day. The good saint, whose day falls due next Friday, is in non sense res ponsible far the custom of valentine giving that adds such interest to the modern, celebration of this fete day. Furthermore, the custom of 'Valentine selecting in its original form had nothing in common with the 19th century operation of visit ing a stationer's store, or a fancy store, for the purpose of buying some pretty card or hand painted ornament as a love token. The lads and lassies of Main, and Lorraine, in France, as well as the people gen erally unwedded of Scotland and England, had a certain custom, dat ing back to the seventh century, of ho'ding "lotteries of selection" of loye mates for each year. Names of young people of both, sexes were written out and put into proper re ceptacles, and drawings took place, in which each sex could secure a partner from the other, and it was customary by the sentimental bound set up by the selection so made to immure for one year and no longer, unless, as a sarcastic bachelor ob serves, "terminated by the marriage or death of the-parties.'" Duringthe year each stood to the other in the relation of Cavalier and Lady of Beauty, the knight being, bound to the honor and defense of nis fair one, for which she repaid him in smiles. Both sexes were privileged to draw for sweethearts in these lot teries, so that a gentleman 'might be chosen by a lady he sought not, and a lady draw a gentleman whom she did not desire. I'ouml House-and Engines Burned. The round house of the Carolina Central Railroad at Charlotte, a frame structure, was burned early yesterday morning. .It held three engines at the time, one of. which was drawn out and two others were burned at least the wood works were burned but the ma,chinery. is not thought to havebeen severely injured. . The engines knd the house were ail under insurance but - this doos not compensate for the loss of thei services,' which are greatly needed at this time. We learn from the Charlotte Neivs that, the fire .was first discovered by a colored fireman who openeoVthe door of the round house to get out an engine for the 5 o'clocka. m, train for this city. No 415, a fine rant locoiiio tive used for passenger service, was standing over a pit in thev centre of the house, and as the fireman open ed the door he saw that the- tender and cab of 415 were ablaze and the roof over the engine-was also burn ing. He instantly gave the alarm, and at the same time set about to save the engines. There was no fire in any of them, but One engine had 50 pounds of steam on, and the. fire man pulled the throttle and got that. engine out. The other two, 415 and the Baldwin shifting engine, had to be abandoned to the flames. Capt. Baskerville, the depot agent, was quickly on the scene, and get ting out the depot hose had a stream playing on the burning building when the firemen arrived. Three streams were soon at wrork, but the fire had gained such headway that the building could not, saved. Two streams were ' played oh the engines, and after the fire each engine was found to contain two full guages of water. The machinery was but slightly damaged, though the cabs and the wood work were burned out. The engines have been sent to the shops at Laurinburg to be overhauled. The origin of the fire is not known There was no fire in the engines, and at 3 o'clock the night watchman could see no signs of fire in or about the round house. The old round house of the Carolina ' Central at Charlotte was burned p. a similar manner eight years ; ago, and No. 415, then a brand new engine, was rescued from that fire. The round housewiH at once be rebuilt. r new advertisements: ART A few left, 2x3, 8x3, 3x3i, 3x4 and Some of them wrapper stained and rive ims Carpets. Rugs and lUJatoV It is known, but we wish to impress:it upon; your minds, that-with us CARPETS and MATTINGS are selling lower than-usual, RUGS in all sizes and all grades. " , ALL-W0OL ROBES - at $7.50 sold from $10.00 to $12.50; a of line Serge, and no better material. Only one case, a drunk and down, before the Mayor to,-day. In the circular publishe'd by the U. S. Coast Geodetic Survey, for the month of January, notice is given that the beacon on ape Hatteras has been moved to a position 2J30 yards nearer the main light4 on the same range. o v TheyFay $300, or Cure. C For many years the manufactur ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly responsible, financially, have offered in good faith, through nearly every newspa per in the land, a standing reward of $500 for a case ot nasal catarrli, no matter how bad, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure The Remedy is sold by druggists at onlv 50 cents; It is mild, soothing, cleansing, deodorizirfg, antiseptic and healing. THK CHEAPEST SALE ON RECORD. Children's Knee rants at 29 Cents, . Worth ttl.OO. , I. Shrier, who is always ahead of all other competitors in sollinggoods lower, will sell the balance of this week 500 pair bojs' knee pants, ages from 5 to 14 years, for 29 cents, worth $1.00. Fine linen unlaundered shirt for 85 cents, worth 85 'cents.; Gloria silk gold-headed umbrellas at $1.15, worth $2.50. Remember that prices are strictly cash. It would be ad visable to call early before these goods are sold. I. Shrier, cor. Front and Princess streets. Sign of the Golden Arm. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i Wanted. Q OMFORTABLE DWELLING. FOUR OR six rooms, centrally located, good neighbor hood. Apply to 'v. . E. KUHBLANK, febisiw R. portner. Brewing Co. Wanted. O N GOOD -LAUNDRY WOMAN AND one DiSh Washer. AUG. RODER, feb 12 It Prop. Purcen House. " FOR RENT. ISLAND BEACH HOTEL ON THE HAMMOCKS, WRIGITTSVILLE BEACn. This aellghtful Hotel has been greatly im proved and is well furnished from top to bot tom. We will lease it for a term of years, Possession given at once. Apply to J. R. NOLAN, feb 12 tf Gen'l Manager W. S. c. R. R. A BARGAIN AT ORREIJAS STABLES IN SECOND-HAND Harness, Saddles, Bridles, &e. Secud-Ha&d Ctris and Baggies FOR SALE CnEAP. feb 12 tf TENNESSEE COAL ! JUST ARRIVED TWO CAR LOADS. FIFTY tons of this celebrated COAL. t?end your or ders this vrcck before all Is sold. J. A. SPRINGER. 100 Cords Seasoned flat Wood, - Cut ta any de3ired enrtb for Stores, or not cut, 03 ordered. J. A. tiflilNUER. 100 Ccrfc Bkk Jack aid Ash Partly seasoned, rouaa and gpiit. Prices rcry 10W, L A. gPRINGER. , we to tiad to r:c:iTj cc: rpfror c'-r.Tx'.JiT 1 in Ejects 1 5nisnea to ti: liw lcroTErfikjn! : cil stated la tta editorial jotra!s.f ' V ?NEt7 ADVimSEIlEilTa T" W7- 3x4, at lowest prices ever offered. very cheap,-quaiity good - and to ar- weeK. few good colors left. These suita are to. wear - . RELIABLE HOUSE SERVANTS. ALSO Carpenters and Blacksmiths. r . . Apply to . G. W. TRICE, Jr , febi3lm President Emigration Bureau. . . For ftentm;:i:': -. THAT VERY DESIRABLE RESI- denrfi. at. nrpsnfc nmunfml ' v me, located . on Market street, be tween Fifth and Sixth. I Possession given about March SOt Ji. -. . . J. DiCKSON MUNDS. For further particulars apply at Mund.1' Bros.' Drug Store. ; . feblltf BARGAINS ! For the Next Fivo l)ays I WILL OFFEl-, 4 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING IN MY LINE, GOODS MUST BE SOLD. CHAS. F. BROWNE, Afft., feblltf WILMINGTON, N. C. READERS Of this Enterprising and Interesting Journal, by Calling at will discover mere a great awakening in the way.of LOW PRICES for all 'kindsTbf Winter Dry GoSds !'" ESPECIALLY INTERESTING; WlLL'BE THE. PRICES NA3IED FOR ' WINTER WHICH IARE MARKED AT FIGURES REGARDLESS OF COST.' WE ARE SHOWING AN ELEGANT STOCK OF BLACK DRESS GOODS, which are being rapidly sold at prices 25 per cent, below their value. i SPECIAL BARGAINS IN "n5? ai.-n Ta; f?rj Real and Imitation MARSEILLES UUU.TS , AND- ' ' , COTTON SHEETINGS. Housekeepers : should take advantage of this opportunity by 'supplylngjithemselves. Also,, -.-. ''.;-, - -t- ': ' Table Linens, Towols3otc In our Annex can be found the best stool: of Gents1 Furnishing Goods in the city. Also, - Cloths andCASsimoroM for Meo awl Jloyi All at reduced pru.c These low price3 are made to attract Cash Traoe, ana theso we;esteem as highly prompt paying monthly customer?. - t Rcpectnilly, r h c Jonaottii8r"?er Jit . ) ;i - H,v ttIc?eaII'J P perils' t trasr -t. - - -. s. . . -