THIS TAFBB - wwisnl everx ereiW. Siinttjs excepted, gy JOSH. T. JUUUr uu iwy. SCBSCBIPTIOKS. POSTAQS PAID: - eiML Six mentis S3.0O. Tnree one Jt:ai . .. win be delivered t j carriers, free TTlfl P-t " - . charge, la any of e aty at tbC L 3 0r 10 cents irweeM idvertisinsrauco" vrm nie&se reDOrt any and i - to ,.ir nwr ppcmlarly. jjl failures lorei-"" presents ia the most clef suit form E LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE ,n or THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be rrost R-neficial to the human Ostein, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the SIDNEYS, LSVERAHD BOWELS. h is the rr.ost excellent remedy known to CLEAKSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Dilious or Constipated so that mre LLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Ever one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DSUQQIST FOB MANUFACTURED OW.Y Br CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. miSVILLE. K1. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by ROliERT K BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, mch Si ly dw Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE! TO BUYERS. :0: II AVITSii A NICE LINE OP MEN'S AND BOYS' STJIT left, ami in order to make room lor my Spring at.d Summer Stock, I will close out for the next 60 days my entire Line of Goods at; NEW YORK COST. Call at onto and be convinced of the abOTC ict.s and figures. B. F. PENNY, TIIE CLOTHILR, 9 tf 110 Market Street. 8fajidardvFlavorins HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single ;aJ that these Extracts are the cheapest: Ny are true to' their names, full "measurei hd highly concentrated. t us23dw6m eod nrm NOTICE. WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY mis and the public generally that I have irst-CIass Family Grocery Store At No. 1 13 South Front St , re I win keep a full line of Choice Family perries. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Goods Iverwl free in any part of the "city. me a i-ali. h., J. II. OTTAWA Y. fuii Stock of Every thing KEPT IN A " H.TXO- STOBE. JAMES D. NUTT, Tne Druggist. n. ORONENBERG, PHOTOGRAPHEB, V ytTlSTlC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Mographs at reasonable prices. "FRAMING A SPECIALTY. - . nVRttTI8EMENT8 b . . rm i vim. ft 29 tf lift iSr otVp: stJ: Rflfnt.h'i(l f i 'J VOL. XIV. From memoranda of the late Henry. W. Grady it has been found that during the year 1889 he made loans to various people in amounts from $50 to, $400, the whole aggre gating: more than $13,000. Most of this is collectable, and niades a sub stantial addition to the editor's es tate. Gov. Wuterinan of California is a Republican, but is not popular with his party. Says a Republican organ. "He fondly imagines that he will be re-elected, but since the days of old Bigler California, has never hatljeo incompetent a Governor as Water man, and he will discover his un popularity when the next conven tion meets." The Prince f "Wales wears a No. 10 boot, while his dress pumps are of the finest German patent leather and "Ko. 9 in size. The Princess Louise wears a No. 5 in a walking boot or a No. 4i in Oxford ties. In her wardrobe there are a couple of pairs of shoes to match every dress, and a lot of colored Russia leather, morocco and black shoes. Mrs. John A. Logan has become distinctly a literary woman, and each day finds her in the editorial chair presiding over . her Home Magazine. The en res of editorial work have certainly not left their traces on Mrs. Logan's face. She retains her perfect health and seems contented in her new work. Her hair is now snow white. om- Zorilla, the uiost'popukir Spanish Republican, is living quietly in Paris. He lives in furnished . lodg ings, and never goes into society. He is fairly well off but not wealthy. He has been fifteen years in exile, but has never for a moment lost faith in the ultimate triumph of his crusade. The worst thing said against him Is that he constantly smokes cigarettes. Dr. Lucien Howe says blindness has increased in the State of New York during the past live years thirteen times as,fast as the popula tion; and the State charities com missioners state that the excess in the increase of the insane in the State over the increase in its popu lation for the last nine jears has been more than 44 per cent. These figures are most startling, especially when it is "considered that the modes of "treating the eyes and brain are supposed to have been so much im proved of late years. An admirable arrangement look ing to the quick and safe emptying of the "house has just been adopted at the Tremont Theatre in Boston. At any time, by simply touching a button in any one of the eight handy places in different parts of the theatre seventeen sets of folding doors, leading to as many exits open simultaneously, actuated by electri cal apparatus. The expense of the improvements is said to have been considerable, -but it is safe to say that the public will appreciate the advantage of being able to take their pleasure without any dread of fire or panic. The Charlotte Chronicle devotes a column and a half. of yesterday's issue to a resume of the outlook in the Congressional contest. It says that Col. Rowland will ask to be re turned for another term and that some of Capt. Alexander's friends are pressing him forward for the nomination, while others think that he had best hold back and wait for Gov. Fowle's old shoes and that from thence to the Senate in Gen. Ransom's place iij 1895 is "as sure as eggs." A very pleasing outlook for the Alexandrians a but one not so patent; to outsiders. In addition the Chronicle mentions the names of Col. H. C. Jones, F. B. McDowell, Frank I. Osborne and Maj. Dowd, of Mecklenburg, Paid H. Means, of Ca barrus,. David Covington, of Mon roe, and J. T. LeGrand, of Rich mond. New Hanover it rules out of the contest, inasmuch as itclaims ! that Col. Rowland is from this end of the district. But, dear brother, the convention hasn't met yet and j many slates will -be covered all over with hieroglyphics and then smash ed all to thunder before the final ! outcome will be known. - - 'Twill save yon lots of money And manv a doctor's bill; f Bronchitis, "cold, or hoarseness, ' WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1890. NO 52. Gov. Campbell, of Ohio, says llr. Cleveland is the strongest manin ; the Democratic party, and t& all of the little booms will wither and die before 1892. : i Time hath its revenges. , Another ' of Mrs. Surratt's murderers has i been called to the bar of Divine (Justice. This time it is Gen. John ' A. Poster, of the Union army daring the late war. H was a lawyer and prosecuted Mrs. Surratt and saw the poor, innocent woman suffer a dreadful death on the gallows. A dreadful nemesis overtook him. FofT ; the last two years he has been a i drunken ojtcast. He was found ' dead on Tuesday morning in New ! York, in the rear room of a little j office occupied by a man who was formerly his orderly and wrapped in ! an old army blanket. It is a curious fact that nearly very one of Mrs. Surratt's murderers has died either by suicide or in great destitution. Neuralgia, rheumatism, erysipe las, tumors, swellings, sore throat, toothache and all other pains and aches are promptly cured by Salva tion Oil. Price 25 cents. Sold every where. INDEX TO NKir ADTKUTISSMBNTS li V Pbnnt Clothing: Excursion For Goldaboro W M C cm sung Cheap Mattresses. Library association Reading Koom : Dealers were asking 18 cents a pound for dressed turkeys to-day. Dressed fowls were selling to-day at 75 to 80 cents a pair. Too steep. Mr. Geo. H. Bellamy, of El Paso, Brunswick county, was on a brief visit to the city to-day. Boys ! we can sell you a Bracket Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. - N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. When ready to build, paint or re pair you will find it to your advan tage to buy j'our material of the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The wind still hangs out in the East and as long as it stays there we are continually threatened with more bad weather. Every week from now we make up new and handsome styles of Flannelette Shirts at 25 cents at our Shirt Factory, 122 Market St. t "It pleases me so I shall use no other," is what the farmersaid when asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, sold by the N. Jaoobi Hdjv. Co. Miss Kate DeRosset, daughter of the late Dr. M. J. DeRosset, was married at Orange, N. J., last week, to Mr. And few. McLean Parker, of New York. Dr. R. M. Norment, of Lumbertoi), has made an assignment. Col. W. Foster French is the assignee. Diffi culty in making collections is assign ed as the cause. Paint your Bugy for 75 cents. ,46 bits," with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t We understand that the Ocean ViewR. R. Co. hate ordered a closed car for their road, to be put in use the coming Summer. A part of it will be reserved for baggage. Prayer meeting to-nightat Market Street Methodist Mission, corner of Princess and Eighth Street. Ser vices to begin at S o'clock, and to be conducted by L5rof. J. W. Bears dale, the delightful singer from Savannah, Ga. , Tlie public is cordi ally invited. : , Ifc is probable that a large number will go up to Goldsboro from this city on next Sunday morning, on the occasion of the dedication of St. Mary's Catholic; Church in that town. The train will leave here at 7:45 and return at 9 o'clock, and the fare is almost aominal, only $1.50 for the round trip. Over the New Road. Col. Gray, the President, Capt. Fry, General Superintendent, and several other gentlemen will arrive in the city tliis evening over the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. ion a special train made up at Tayetteville. They left that city at' 5 o'clock this morning and have traveled slowly, with many stops, making a careful inspection of everything: as they proceed, pre liminary, we suppose, to formally receiving thd road from the build ers, the ortb State Construction Co. J REVIEW Forecasts. For North Carolina, fair weather, except on the eoast, local showers and slightly warmer. For Wilming ton and vicinity, fair weather. Its ExceUent Quail ties Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently act ing on the kidneys, liver and bow els, it cleanses the system effectual ly, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. . "Too Young toDie."- We regret very mush to learn of the death last night of Mr. Louis M. Liebman, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Liebman. The deceas ed was not yet 18 years of age and was a fine, promising young man, of admirable habits of character, the pride of his parents and ad mired and loved and esteemed by all who knew him. His death is a bitter blew. TIIE CITKAPKST SALE ON RECORD. Children's Knee Pants at 29 Cents, Worth 81.0O. I. Shrier, who is always ahead of all other competitors in selling goods lower, will sell the balance of this week 500 pair boys' knee pants, ages from 5 to 14 years, for 29 cents, worth $1.00. Fine linen unlaundered shirt for 35 cents, worth 85 cents. Gloria silk gold-headed umbrellas at $1.15, worth $2.50. Remember that prices are strictly cash. It would be ad visable to call early before these goods are sold. I. Shrier, cor. Front and Princess streets. Sign of the Golden Arm. Sunday School Convention. The Sunday School Convention of New Hanover count', Mr. George Chadbourn President, .will meet this evening at 8 o'clock in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Two sessions will be held this evening and to morrow evening and the proceedings will be of great interest The programme arranged for this evening is as follows: Twentv minutes Devotional Ex ercises conducted by Rev. W. McC. Miller. Address of Welcome Rev. F. W. E. Peschau. Response Rev. F. D. Swindell. Report of Retiring Officers. Election of Officers. Address by Rev. T. U. Pritchard, D. D., on the "Importance of Sun day School and United Effort.' All who attend the sessions are requested to bring "Gospel Hymns.8" The exercises will be enlivened with excellent " and appropriate music.' The State Convention will meet here on the 25th, 26th and 27th inst. Saw Mills on the C. F. & Y. V. There are just 98 steam saw mills and planing mills and dry kilns on the line of the C. F. & Y. V. R. R., between Behnettsville and Mount Airy. To be exact, there are 85 steam saw mills and. 13 planing mills and dry kilns. This is on the old parts of the road. There are others in operation on the new line between this city and Fayetteville. There are five of these now, all put up since work on the road was be gun, and others will be in operation at an early day. All of these mills saw pine lumber. The lisl as com pletedwhich means that the mills between this city and Fayetteville are not included in the count is as follows: STEAM SAW MILLS. Bennettsville, 2; Hasty, 2; Stuarts, 1; Floral College, 3; Wakulla, 1; Red Springs, 12; Shandon, 4; Lumber Bridge,4; Hope Mills,l: Fayetteville, 2; Manchester, 4; Spout Springs, 1; Swann's Station, 3; Jonesboro, 1; Sanford, 1; Gulf, 1; Goldston, 4; Richmond, 3; Ore Hill, 4; Siler City, 1; Staley, 5; Liberty, 1; Millboro, J; Greensboro, 2; Madison, 1; Stokes dale, 3; Walnut Cove, 6; German ton, 1; Rural Hall, 2; Pinnacle, 2; Pilot Mountain, 2; Ararat, 1; Mt. Airy, 3. PLANINC MILLS'ANP DRY KILNS 1 Red Springs, 3; Fayetteville, 1; Manchester, 1; Spout Springs, 1; Siler City, 1; Staley, 1; Greensboro, 3; Walnut Cove, 2. A large amount of thislumber will undoubtedly be hauled to Wilming ton and take water here, either for the foreign or coastwise trade, and this will be'only one of the many bene5ts accruing to us from the completion of the road to this city. Stronsr Meu. Women love strong men. A weak man may excite their sympathy and a woman's careful tenderness soothe and soften the anguish. -of a weak man's soul, but the laughing, joy ous, warm, exuberant love of women dear, belongs to the men that are Btrong and noble and kind. Then why will a man continue weak, and mean and peevish? An, old gentleman writes: "B. B. B. gives me new life and strength. If there is anything that will make an old man young, it is J. B. B." Some men say, and women too, they never feel weak and mean ex Icept in the spring. Why then feel weak and mean and nervous and prostrated in the spring time when life and spirit awakens with thrill ing buoyancy even the vegetable world? 'Must you allow sluggish blood, inactive organic functions, rusty joints and general weakness to make your life miserable simply because the long winter has restrain ed your natural activity? It need not be. If only you will use that pleasant and incomparable tonic blood purifier known as B. B. B. or Botanic Blood Balm your health in spring Time win ue iui inai you can wish. Try it this spring. Try it now P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., Au gust 10, 1888, writes: "I depend on B. B. B. for the preservation of my health. I have had it in my family now nearly two years, and in ail that time have not had to have a doctor." Marriage at St. James'. Mr. Walter L. Holt, of Alamance counts', ws happily married last night, in St. James' Church, to Miss Mary, daughter of Col. W. L; De Rosset, 5f this city. The marriage rite was solemnized by Rev. Robert Strange, the Rector. The church, which was beautifully decorated and prepared for the occasion, 'was full long before the arrival of the hour for the ceremony, which was set for half-past 7 o'clock. There were twelve bridesmaids.and these march ed in twos from the chancel down the main aisle and met the bride as she appeared at the front door and thence conducted her to the altar, as -she leant on her father's arm. The bride was met there by the groom and his brother, who acted as best man, and then the service began. As the nuptial blessing was pronounced the bridesmaid, form ed in two lines, one on each side of the chancel, knelt at the same time as did the newly-wedded pair. Then the bridal party passed from the church. The universal sentiment seemed to be that it was one of the most beautiful weddings ever sol emnized within the walls of the old church. The attendants were as follows: Mr. Ed. Hoi. V of Burlington, N. C; and Miss Ruffiii, of Hillsboro; Mr. J. H. Holt, of Burlington, and Miss Kate DeRosset: Lieutenant James Hughes, V. S. A., atid Miss Oallie Reid French; Mr. F. L. Meare and Miss Bessie Graham, of Charlotte: Mr. Benehan Cameron and Miss Hanna Bolles: Mr. Frank Myers and Miss Mabel Curtis; Mr. Armand Mvers and Miss Louise DeRosset: Mr. L. H. Meares and Mis Mary Lily Kenan; Mr. Win. Williamson, of Graham, and Miss' Annie Blount DeRosset: Mr; Locke Erwin, of Graham, and Miss Lossie Myers; Mr. C. B. Maliett and Mis Gabrielle DeRosset; Mr. Ed. Tennentand Miss Carrie Myers. The ribbon bojTs were Masters Swift Boatwright and Gas ton Myers. The bridal party drove from the church to the residence of Mrs. Kate DeR. Meares, on Fifth street, where a reception to the bride was - given and where the rooms were thronged duriner the evenimr bv those who called to congratulate the happy couple. The fair young bride has been esteemed as one of the most charming and lovely young ladies of the many whom our city is proud to claim and the regret is great that her home is not to be here. At 10 o'elock Mr. Holt and his bride left for Front street depot, where they embarked on the iu:l& train for an extended tour of the South and Southwest. On their return they will go direct to their home at Bur lington. They Pay 8500, or Cure. Formany years the manufactur ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itenredy, who are thoroughly responsible, financially, have offered in good faith, through nearly every newspa per in the land, a standing reward of $500 for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. The.Remedy i3 sold by druggists at only 50 cents.-? It is mild, : soothing, cleansing, deodorizing, antiseptic and healing. . " - - Finday, O., has: sixteen class fac-. tories running. . TLZASS KOTICr. .. . ' We will te glad to recclTO ccaariaicati from our ' Mends on tay sna ell ratjecta general mterest, jbtrt -t - , - ,The name or tne writer must alir&ysTa :: ' nishea to tne Editor. " ".';'. cornmunlcatlons must to .written on ti one side or tne paper. i . . i Personalities must be AYOlded. - " -, , And it is especially and parucularty trier "stood that tae'Mtor floes not always endors the, news of correspondents cmiess so stated in the editorial columns. ' , - -" Marriage at the First Presbyterian ; The was a large congregation in attendance last night at the First Presbyterian Church to witness the marriage of Mr. John Roddick, for merly of this city, but more recently of Fayetteville, to Miss Maggie M. Sprunt, a lovely and accomplished young lady of this city. The sacred edifice was brilliantly illuminated with the electric chandeliers and the scene was a brightly beautiful one. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, DrD., pas tor of the church: Miss Anna Sprunt was at the organ and rendered the exquisite wedding march ; from Wagner's Lohengrin las the - bridal party advanced up the main -aisle. The accompanying'attendants Vere Mr. Kirkland Huske and Miss Isa- bel'Bryan and. Misses Maggio Hall and Isabel Black, as llower girls. The ushers were Messrs. W. H. Howell and John D. Williams, the third Mr. and Mrs. Roddick left oi the midnight train for a tour North and will proceed thence to their home at Fayetteville. v . The New President. . At a meeting of the'Board of Di rectors of the Wilmington and Wel don Railroad, held yesterday at Baltimore, Mr. Warren G. Elliott was unanimously elected President of the road. It is expected that Mr. Warren will remove with his family to this city about the first of March and take charge of the duties of his new posit ton -then. Maj, Creeoy, of the Elizabeth City J'lconomist an old friend of Mr. Warren's father., has this to say in lUe last issue of his paper: Somo of our older citizens can re- member a little" fat, chubby boy who some thirty years ago shot mar bles and creeped "like snail unwill ingly to school'' on the streets of Elizabeth City. That boy was War ren Elliott, who removed from this town to Norfolk, Va., about twenty years ago. He has just been elected to the place of President of tho Wil mington and Weldon-R. R. with the snug salary of $10,000 and Betsy -rejoices and sends greeting to her lucky boy. Blood will tell, and tho blood of the Elliotts confirms the adage. Gilbert Elliott, the father of Warren, was a born lawyer and log ician. He wras a self made man and when a boy was taken into his law office, by Charles R. Kinny, the lead ing lawyer on the circuit at that time, who recognized the talent of the young boy and became his pat ron Mr. Kinny was proud , of his student when he came to the bar, ,' and was often put to the top of his mettle to parry his professional blows. Gilbert Elliott fell early in the battle ol life, but he lived long ; enough to rive assurance of the great distinction that awaited him, and when he died he ranked among the great lawyers in North Carolina. He had several brothers, all of whom were gifted men, and their children have been favorite sons of nature. It has been and is a remarkble race -of men, and it has been a charac teristic of the race, that while they are not slow in development, they are sjow of perfect maturity. They progress to the end and their latest fruits are their best. They came originally from the county of Cam den and the father of- Warren was born just over the ferry in Camden county. We extend to him, as bis friend and friend of his father, our sincere congratulations upon, the appointment. We also express our pleasure that he will probably re turn again t6 the 'bosom of his old mother State. Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid in the blood, which Hood's Sarsaparilla neutralizes, and thus cures rheumatism. Refreshing and invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeut hew soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup.MilkShakos and Natural Mineral Water. 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Q For ColdsboVo. SPECIAL TRAIN FOR GOLDSBORO will leave Wilmington at 7:13 a. m. on Sunday next and will return at 9 p. m. Fare far "v - round trip il'A Room for alL fob 13 2t COMMITTEE. Library Association Reading Room JpJKST FLOOR, MASONIC BUILDING, 123 Market street. Open tJ 10 pm. every week day. Electric lights. 133 different period icala.. for 1 830. only flOO per family per year. Ev erybody inyltcd to examine. febntf For Rent. THAT VERY DEfllRA fcLC4 RE3Ir dence, at present occupied - br me, located on Martet etreet. r- r.wm Fifth, and F.iith. Po".-. -i,,.. . 2ieu about Marco 2Uth. - l. UlClvNON mi m. For further particulars armiy m a...; hi Bros.' Dms Store. feu in f

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