i 0 4 fnj Absolutely Pure. a m powaer never vanes. A marvel ot pu Ity .strength and wholesome ness. Mo re econ omical than the ordinary klnd3, and csm not be Boia in competition with the multitude o f low test, short weight alum or phosphate now ders. Uonlg in cant, ROYAL BAKING POW DER ;C..106 Wall St., N. Y. - cttgG d&wjy tenrm 4thDd 3rdpw I 111! Tlio Daily Review. FRIDAY. FEB?. 14. 1890., 1 8TATE NEWS. isucKLcrra Arnica Salve The Best Salve In the world for Cats, iBrajsen, Sores,. Ulcers, Salt Kheura, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corn, and all Skin Eruption, and positively cures rri i t a ruesur uo iy requireu. niSRuar anteed to give perfect satisfaction. or nioney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert: 'Ri3ellairiy wholesale and retail druggist. LEMON ELIXIR Its Wonderful Kftct on the Liver, Stoiu acli. Bowel, Kidneys and Blood. ur. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a f)leasant leuion drink that positive y cures all Biliousness, Constipa tion. Indigestion, all Sick and Ner vous Headaches, Kidney Disease, Dkzzines, Loss of appetite, Fevers, Chills, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach. and kidneys, the first groat cause of all fatal diseases.50. cts. and $1 per bottle. Sold b druggists. Prepared only by I Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga, LEMON HOT DROPS For coughs and colds, take Leiuon Hot Drops. For 6ore throat and Bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and Laryngetis take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and Catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For -Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases, take Leiuon Hot THE MAIL SCHEDULE, flic malls close and arrive at the City Poa otT.ee as follows: OUTGOING MAILS DAILY. CLOSE. LEAVE. W'lLand Wash.(78)lst Dls.. 7.00 A. M. 9.00 A. M. WILand Wash-fTS) 2d Dls.. 8.15 A. M. 9.00 A. M. WrlgritSVllle 8.4.1 A. M. 9.30 A. M. Southport 9.30 A. M. 9.45 A. M. Wll. and Ruth 1.80 P. M. 2.2 P. M. Clinton and GOlcL(speclal) a3( P. M. 4.00 P. M. wii. ana jacic. (Si) w. m. e:s r. .m. W1L and Ruth. 6 30 P. M. 1.M P. M. Wll. and Jack. (27) 9.30 P. M. .010 P.M. Wll. and Wash, (14) 11.15 P. M. 12 05 P. M. TTESOAYS AND FRIDAYS. Brunswick.,. G.00A, M. Cape Fear River mail 1.10 P. M. 2.00 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS." Onslow 7.00 A. M. INCOMING MAILS DAILY. ARRIVE AT I. O. Charlotte an? Max ton.... Wll. and Jack Clinton and Goldsboro... Wll. and Ruth Wrlghtsvllle Southport wn. ana wash. (27) WL and wash. (2; 11. and .Jack. (14) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Brunswick 5.00 V. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Cape Fear River 7.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Onslow 7.00 P. M. GEO. Z. FRENCn, P. M. July 22nd. 1889. (27)... . 7.55 A. M. .. 8.40 A. M. ..11.50 A. M. ..12.5 P. M. .. COO P. M. .. 4.40 P. M .. 6.10 P. M. ..10.00 P. M. ..11.55 P. M. Charlotte New-. Mr. Thos. A. Edison, the famous inventor.arrived Drops. in Charlotte on the noon train to- An elegant and reliable prepara dav and is registered at the Buford tion. Hotel, where he will remain for 25 cents, at druggists. Prepared several days. Mr. Edison is accom- only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, (ia. panied bv his wife and two sons, and also bv Mrs. McWilliatus, of Qrange, N. J. Raleigh New and Observer: A remarkable rase became known lie re Yesterday .which prooauiy never had a parallel An. human history. News was received here yesterday that Jantes and Dave Crocker, two brothers retiding at Garner's Sta tion died yesterday morning at their home at Garner's. Both were be tween the ages of 'thirty-five and forty. The two brothers died of, pneumonia and the death -of one oc curred at 12m., and of the other at 3 ft. in. "Both married sistersand each has a wife and six children. I n ad- -a a A 1 diuon to tins eacn one was nprn on the I2bh of the month, each married on the 12th of the month ami eacli . died on the 12th of the month. Charlotte Chronicle: Capt. Henry P.'Johuson has recently returned from a trip to -Florida, where he "went to iook alter some lands pur chased some years ago by his father, the late Col. V. U. Johnson, and Col. P. B. Kev, of Concord. The lands lie in Citru und Hernando counties, in the finest hammock sec- A va WWW i non in r ionua. mis section con tains valuable marl and shell de- posits, and phosphate in immense quantities has recently been discov ered. The lands in question are in the phosphate regions and have suddenly become greatly enhanced in value. It was purchased cheap with a view of "being cultivated as a truck far.u, and will doubtless yield Its owner a handsome prohc. Chatham Record'. We are author ized by Mr. Samuel A. Henzey, the President of the Egypt Coal Com pany, to say that there is no truth in the rmnor that the Egypt Coal Mine had been sold to the Greens boro Bessemer Company. While it is true that the work ot mining was suspended for two days, lit was done inlorder to enlarge the plant. The work will now be pushed on a more extensive scale than ever before Additional machinery, including a new eighty horse oower; boiler, has been placed at thXuihe,!and coal in great quantities will be shipped to different markets. Mr. Henzey says that the present owners of the'prop- erty think too highly of it to be "willing to sell it, and that the deeper they go into the mine the better are theypleased with it. Monroe Enquirer: Mr. Jon a Lit' tie is a merchant at Locust Level, Stanly countv. One day last week Mr. Little was returning home from Concord with a load of goods, and when about nine miles from Con cord he noticed a boy , in the road .wanting beside the wagon, carrying a breach loading shot gun. The boy ordered him to halt, but he ap peared not to hear and drove on. Alter the command had heen re peated the third time Mr. Little raised the curtain of the wagon and looked out, and saw the bov with the gun cocked and leveled on him. He stopped his wagon suddenly. jumped out and knocked the bov down, before he could recover from his surprise. The bov arose and ran for life, leaving the gun in Mr. Lii (tie's possession. Mr. Liittie learn ed before reaching home that the gun belonged to a man named Cole man, living near Bost's mill, and that the boy who assaulted him was! Coleman's son. Coleman went to see Mr. Little to make the affair up, and claimed that the boy was some times attacked with 4wild spells." We didn t learn how thev settled it. READERS Of this Enteriwising and Interesting Journal, by Calling at Hedricl's will discover there a jreat awakening In the way ot LOW PRICES for all kinds of i Winter Dry Goods ! ESPECIALLY INTERESTING WILL BE THE PRICES' NAMED FOR WINTER DRESS GOODS ! WILMINGTON MARKET. Feb. 14250 P. M. r SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firhf at 41 cents. Sales. of - receipts at 41 cents. ROSIN Firm at $1.10. for strained and $1.15 for good strained, bid. ?i: TAR Firm at $1.40. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20 for hard, $2.20 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Steady at 10 cents for middling. . MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Robeson, Fayetteville. T D Love. Br schr A T Munday, Bermuda, C P Mebane. CLEARED. Steamer D Murchison, Robeson, Fayetteville. T D Love. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND FEB. 7, 18S0. Cotton ashore, 12,173; afloat 4; total 12,177. Spirits ashore, 3,370; afloat, 298; total, 3,668; i Rosin ashore 20,297; afloat, 10,374; total, 30,671. ! Tar-fashore,6,068; afloat, 1,500; total, 7,568. ! Crude ashore, 1,854; afloat, 17; total 1,871. RKCKIPTS, WKKK KNDING FKB.,7,'90. ott6n, 1,381 spirits, 760; rosin, 8,840: tar,2,649;crude, 540. KXPCiRTS, WKKK KNDKp FKB. 7, 1890. DOMKSTIC. Cotton 806; spirits, 103; rosin, 000 tar 475; crude, 000. j FOREIGN. Cotton,' 000; spirits, 5C0;rosin, 10.393; tar, ; 000; crude, 50. Wanted. ! . 1. - QOMFORTABLE DWELLING, FOUR OR six rooms, centrally located, good neighbor hood. feb jut Apply to R. E. KUHBLANK, 'ortner Brewing Co. FOR ESUT. I I ISUASD BEACH HOTEL OV THK HAMMOCKS, WRIGIITSVILLE BEACH. : -i ! This delightful Hotel has teen greatly im proved and Is well furnished from top to bot tom. We will lease It j for a term of years. Possession given at once. Apply to. - J. R. NOLAN, feto 12 tf Genl Manager W. S. c. R. li. Wanted. A f RELIABLE HOUSE SERVANTS. ALSO 4(J hH - I Carpenters and Blacksmiths. Apply to G W. PRICE, JR, feh 12 lm President Emigration Bureau. The : i AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Beauiifaily Illustrated.' 23 ,cts$3 a Ytar. WHICH !ARE MARKED AT FIGURES REGARDLESS OF COST. WE ARE SHOWING AN STOCK OK ELEGANT ITS SCOPE. THE AMERICAN MAC - ZINE gives preference to national topics an scenes, and its literature, and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer nil its pages with a wide variety of interest lng sketches of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and,ln short, this Magazine is . Distinctively Representative of I American Thought and Progress. It is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertaining o the high-class monthlieF. i . . BLACK DRESS GOODS, which are being rapidly sold at prices 2" per cent, below their value. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Real and Imitation MARSEILLES QUILTS AND BARGAINS ! For the Next Fiye Days I WILL OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS . IN EVERYTHING IN MY LINE. GOODS MUST BE SOLD. TiiiTkfk-riYit A Specimen Number, with A 111 PUT Ml lit illustrated Premium List, and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable Premiums to club Raisers, will be sent on re ceipt of 15c, If this paper is mentioned. t" Responsible andenergetic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territory. Address, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., Xeb 749 Broadway; lw vrir The National -Jbife ' ' AND ' - Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON, D. C, tab H U WTLMiGTON, 1. c, COTTON SHEETINGS. Housekeepers should take, aarontagtr cCI this opportunity by suDDLrlnjrlthemsali'es.l Also, . fj Table LinenN, Toweis,etcl In our Annex can be found the best stock of Gents1, Furnishing Goods In tlie city. Atao," ' t. . Cloths and Cas si meres Has Paid to Mem- : bers Over - - $600,000 Accrued Liabili- ties - - -None. for Men and Coys. All at reduced prices. These low prices are made to attract Cash Trade, and these we esteem as highly prompt paying monthly customer. Respect fuRy, JanSStf . mnTQ -p ppp is printed wrrn llUo riXLlJlSi Ink manufactured by the Fairmount Printing In Works, . T. K. WRIGHT CO , ' - . ssta street asd ramsyltanla avea.ee, jaaiiu rr Trmiaciciphia, ra. I IHOKATIO lilOWlNG, President.. SAMUEL XORMENT, ... t- Treasurer. , v. CmORGB IX BRIDGE, isecveuiy. Manager ai.-Actuary. .4 , GEO. J. EASTEKDAY, 1 . Asst Secretary. UAI& Insaraaee as Absolute Cost. Guranted4ollC7. iAn incontesUUe lollcr. Jiunnir uue m uou u x ixra ace i APi' Cost Absolutely limited. Only 1 Fon Payments er Yearr Isoa-Forteitabie Alter Three Years, j : P.S. RIDDELUS, 1L D I : J Medical Director W. TL GIBSON. SneeUl Arent. - nosv e OSce, central National liask Bcilssr. Jt OUli II A Alt, Jfc, Local AratT GGQLMORE nnini UMIttY HER churned and prepared for market by : J, O.Pqwell,Tarboro,N. 0. ENTIRELY A HOME INDUSTRY. THIS IS THE Finest Butter ... . , n -CTimim twin 1H IL fTIT lltVO- TON public; e. Pefieclly Fresh. Perfectly Pu - I ! ! Equal irnot superior to the celebrated' Phil adejphia Print Butter. Each pound is printed f i A i '. -i - r ' : ' - J-1 I Separately and incased In parchment .Paper This BUTTER Is prepared from the product of a herd of Alderney Cows, great care elnr taken In Its manufacture, and lt'ls claia ed tj be the finest article ever offered tor saw in this market. Those desiring an extra fine article vbuld do well to caU and purchase. Jno. L. Boatwri 15 and 17 Fo. Front St. Jan 21 tf 1890. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. nARPEu's wkrklt has a well-established place as the leading illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of Its editorial com ments oh current pontics has earned for Ltitbe respect and confidence of all impartial read ers, and the variety aid excellence of itsl lite rary contents, whieh include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, nt It for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. The Weekly supplements are of remarkable variety, ! In terest, and value. No expense Is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon' the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history, a Mexlf can romance, from the pen of Thomas A Janvier, win appear in tne weekly m tsw. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. . . PKR YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE. HARPER'S BAZAR. , HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. Postage Free to all subscrtoers in the States, Canada, or Mexico. U 00 t 00 4 00 8 00 United The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the nret Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly , for three years back, in neat cloth binding, wil be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express; free of expense (provided the freight does not ex-j ceed onVriollar per volume), for $7 00 per, voli Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. I Remittances should be made by Pcst-Offlce Money Order or Draft., to avoid chance of jloss Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement witlioiu the express order o' Harper & Brothers Address . uakpkk ukotueksl novao Vew Yor TENNESSEE COAL ! : ' ,:i ' ' - i ; , - .: TUST ARRIVED TWO CAU LOADS, FIFTY tons of this celebrated GOAL, snd our orj- uers i nis ueiorc an is sum. i J. A. SPRINGER. lOOorfe Seasoned .Oak Vjood, Cut to any desired ength for Stoves, or; not cut, as ordered. I i J. A. SPRINGER. 100 Cords BlackJtci- aid Ask Wied, Partly seasoned, round and split. Prices very low. ii v. . J-A. SPWINOUR. i a bargain AT- ORRELL'S stables in Second-hand Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Ffttrf-Had. Drajs, farts aid -Bnggits f feb 12 tf i FOR SALE CHEAP. . -OF THE Hon. Jefferson Davis. :. 1 '" by ailiS. JEFFEKaON IAV18. 10 BE SOLD Bl" H'BSCIIfllOX 0.VIY, ' The prospectus and complete outfit for Yassing wlli be ready Immediately. ! AGENTS ASHING DESIRABLE TERRI TORY on this great work will please address, -BELF0RD COLIPAHY, 13-3 JCiSt lUn Street; - i;E7 YOE2L ... JCU i u can- ART 80U A few left, 2ix3, 3x3, 3x3, 3x4 and 3x4, at lowest prices some oi iiieiu wruiJiicr oimucuuuu very cueap, qualitv ' rive this week. . E00(l t-' . 8tGfc U2 y nnd Date. It is known, bnt we wish to impress it upon your mfn.i" ?ARPETSand-MATTIKG3nre selling lower than , izes and all trades. ' USaaI- HLV DPXZSTE ALL-WOOL ROBjjg at $7.50 sold from $10.00 to 12.50; a few good colors left Tj of fine Serge, and no better material to wear. Ahe; 3ES., COTTON TOP STRAW, COTTON TOP SHUCK MOSS, WOOL, HAIR, Renovating done promptly. Manufactcrer &.Renovater of Mattresses. SPECIAL -NOTICE! W E ARE THE SOLE OWNERS O.TIlE nest and well tnown Brands of I rouowinff m WHISKIES, In i Sou'therri the market: Our There is nothing better sold anywhere, and above Star Rye, . Cabinet Rye, Standard By. ; II I: ' -. Bouquet Rvc, ard xxx x Cabinet. State Gu iBrands. ico or . Consider StoiBWra-s Mioaiiss', aro deciding upon jour mz: t next season. The subscription r v. $3.00 a year. - it j i all first-class barrooms sell all or one of the Brimhild,Simon& Cd. I PI ! ' N. Front St., Dealers lh Li aug 27 tf New York The GUndard or the Maa-, i The. illustrations arc lufoir-::. - - There is cot space here to c-t mary of l he features to 8m ,r i among other tblnps there vri ' V partmnt ami artoltlonal r- ' mustrated ai tides wui la c :' lowing subjects: . African Exploration ana Tr - Life on a atodern War fh!o n"-': Hpn-es 'a City, suburb, aiLn ' Provlalng Houie3 throoa t tlons; The Citizen's Rights ; t ' Electricity in tho UousehoU Olograph 3r, ' Hunting, . . . Humorous Artists, Americaa a- 3j it quors, Cigars andlTobaccos. THE EDO Weekly Herald -AT II IS THK BEST PAPER Nowits LI.AK PEIt Y AU Purlrig self in the variety of its contents and its ef forts to please ts subscribers. fNew features win oe aaaea to its regular departments. In cludlnj? nrst-dass the1 Land cheapest fami l THE UNITED STATES." t me to Subscribe year 1890 it win even exceed it ILLTISTEATIONS. Its Well Practical Known pecialties Are;. Farming and Gardening, , Progress in Science, Woman's Work. 'J Stories by the Best Authors. Literature and Art. ; ' Choice Flashes of Wit and Humor, .ill. ' r Exclusive Xews for Veterans WORM A" ress, Only Do not fall Mi New York Weekly Herald, r 11 I; Victor PN ON ALL SUBJECTS. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, New York Herald. New York City One Dollar a Year. , There will be 3 serials. ' Robert Louis Stevenson will cr Each subrect; and there win t rlety this year, will be trc.r 1 1 most competent to speak wita r with interest. Readers wiio are urged to send for a prospectu ' i55 Cents a Jurakr; $1.C3 f.r F Charles Scribner r 743 Broadway, li "Janfttf , Scribner's M For 1881). ' The publishers of SCRHJNEP.-Sr ain to make it the- most popul:r . prising of periodicals, wfifle at serving its high literary cbaraefcr. : readers have oeen drawn to It flur.:: slxmonths by thelncreascd es contents (notably the Railway art: closes Its second year with a new t an assured success. Tne u;ay- to Subscribe sow for the I ; v Vf ! il. - m:-i ' , i. I I Type Writer. '.UlMi'J.iHlll. I, ! show some new effects, and no'-i ' : SCRIRNER'S MAGAZINE attrxT-f . terestlngwill bernegiectcd, 1 .r THE RAILWAY ARTICLES rJl te ued by several very striking: papc:;r daily InteresUng by Ex-rosuu Thomas L. James on "The Kallwsjr vice." niustatfd. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVE- ; 4rnv Vncfon et Tlal'nrrtn. Lthrough thb greater part of ae j -I Beaitn in KorenJrr. A CORRESPONDENCE ana c. manuscript memoirs relating to and a famous group of modern F" will furnish the suostance of sc . - . . Illustrated. ' The brief end papers written t Robert Louis Stevenson, will te . equally Interesting contributor -famous authors, ilr. Thomas L wiU write the flrstK of them uy number. .... r.v ;, ilany valuable LITERAIlY appear; a paper on Walter scot.i Work, illustrated from ortglEaii--, Shelf ot Old Books," by ilra. ' and many other articles equJ i Illustrated :-,(. Articles on ART SUiWECTS Papers are arranged to aPP , Cook, IS. n. Ulashfleld, Auiila , many oth era. iamtrali,r' PISHING ARTICLES descrltlSflS best fishing grounds wlU apPf. Wlntilnlsh" Hica nnrt TflTDOO are u. 1 now arranged.. The aothors are - sportsmen. 4 w" - ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE touching upon ail manner or biography, descripUon, etc.. not otth conventional comEOi,' Iiiustratrt' Among the most lrterestJcj c r scientific papers for the J-earw -able article by Prof. John Ti?, tho most recent developmc- PHOTOCItATHY. Wirtra'ri- A class of articles whldi f , rial interest will be contlnoed ii papers upon ELECTRICITY f- applications, by eminent JjV -1. markable paper on DEEP JH Interesting papers. l!nrj. X SPECIAL OFPKU to numbers, which include all toe cies, a3 follows; .n4fi A rear's subscription (1SS5) ; bers for JSHS.... .'r,;, i A year's subscription (infB.. bers for LS&3. bound la clow- . C3ayear; 23rntt Charles Scribnerfs' McREE COWAN, GENERAL AOENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA. A perfect MacWn Terr ElciDie. a&d easy rntci: onLiV oicoo. 1 - .- i - It ! - ,- -- i ' . " - ; LCCil Ac:-13 TTitci la every cctrtr. Lin:' LU.IE In exchanse lotj" LIME '9.r" LIAIE " LJilE S LIME 4 II