Willi? Absolutely Puro. auw powaer never varies, a K3ncicr pa .sueum ana wnoiesomcness. .More ec on omlcal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with tho multitude or low c6i,Bnon weight alum or phosphate powders ieonly in cant. ROYAL BAKING I-'OWUEf JO. ,108 Wall St., N. Y. cct28 dwly tcnrm uhrxl Srdpw T2io ZDaHy Kovicw. MONDAY, MARCH 17. 18C0. STATE NEWS. . Charlotte XTcics: Theapnlieution of Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, for a pension for the services of lie:- lm--i band. Gen. Thos. J. Jackson, in tlie Mexican war, was forwarded to Washington yesterday by J), u, Maxwell, United States ConnnKsioii er, by whom the affidavits We're made ont. The affidavit of Gen. Iongstreet was needed, and was made before Judge Gaston, at Gains ville, Ga. Gen. Longstreet and Gen. Jackson were comrades in the Mexican war, the one beinr captain and the other lieutenant. Mr. Anderson Bland, a workman em ployed at the Oliver oil mills in the. Northern section of the city, lost his 1 left hand this morning, lie was at tending the powerful hydraulic press in which the oil cakes are packed, and by some accident his left hand was caught in the press and was almost instantly crushed to pieces. The fonr fingers, about an inch of the hand 'and a portion of the thumb "were mashed to a' jelly. . Dr. Misenheimer was called to at tend the injured man and cut oil the jellied fragments, leaving Sir. Bland Avith a stnb of a baud. -W. H. - Houser, of Charlotte, has received a letter from a colored man named M. L. LIneberger, who went from this section sometime ago, and who , is now at Vicksburg, Mis??. Line- " berger tells of some of the exper iences of the exodusters, and it will be interesting reading to the dark ies who are still left behind, fie . says amoDg other things: 'l do think it high time that some one if taking some steps to stop the cmi .gration. The emigrants are. shipped here in box cars and treated worse than dogs.v The Desc Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all okin Eruptions, and pOMtively'cures Piles, or no pay required. Itispruar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. ; Price 25 cents per box. r ; For sale by Robert. R .Bellamy, wholesale and T?tail 0"tri LEMON KLIXIK It Wonderful ffect on the Liver, R.tom ach, Bowels Kidneys and nin j(L Drr Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink that positive ly cures nil Biliousness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, all Sick and ZSer vou8 Headaches, Kidnej Disease, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Fevers, I Chills, Palpitation of Heart, and ali ! . other diseases caused bv disordered I liver, stomach and kidneys, the lirst.: - i. f 1 1 ..,.! ,i: fr ! cheat cts. and $1 per bottle. Sold druggists. Prepared only by Mozleyv M. D., Atlanta, Ga. by II. I i LEMON. HOT IMcfrPS I ; I For coughs and colds, take Lemon j Hot Drops. For sore throat and Bronchitis, j take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and Larynjjetis; take Lemon Hot Drops. j For consumption" and Catarrh, j take Lemon Hot Drops. For Hemorrhage and all threat ; and lung diseases, take Lempn Hot; Drops. ' ' . i An elegant and reliable preptna-j tion.' ' 25 cents, at druggists. Prepared j only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ha. CALL AND EXAMINE : .OUR FJNELY SELECTiED STOCK OF Pianos and Organs. WHICH VE OFFER AT VERY LOW PRICES, CASH OR INSTALMENTS. j t Over two hundred families ia Wilmington can testify as to the merits ot our Instru-1 meats. We have thtsfest Ueslgns iu beautiful! woods, from the magnificent SOftlfJER PIANO TO THE LOWER GRADES. wc have from Wilcox & White and Mason Damlia In great variety. B. Vanl.A If, feb24tf cod 407 Red Cross Street." BuCcrixLg from the effects of youthful error. eil y decsT. wutixut wetness, lost manhood, ete I win S7k vilSllatotS ( .eled) contetaing faU Jarticnlara for homo curw. FREE of cJvCV Siendld medical work ; should be d by every fn trho Ii nerrotia Mid debilitated. Address, . THE fXAXX SCnCDUUS. ' 0 fbe malls dose and arrive at the city res office as follows: - i ' ' -7 .. ; "Ik! t. ! - OUTGOINO MAILS-DAILY. ."" t ClOttv LXAVX. WTiAM Washout TH3.. 7.00 A. M. WX A. M. WlLand Wash.(7S) 2d Dls.. 8.15 A. M. 9.00 A. M. rl?ht3Tllie 8.4a A. M. gjo A. M. Southport 9 30 A. M. 9.45 A. M. WiL and Km 1.20 P. M. ZJ P. M. Clinton and Gcld.(spccial) 3-CO I', m. 4JO P. if. J 1L and Jack. C5D...V 6.30 . w. P. w. v iu ana icntn.. ...... 6 so P. M. 7 P. M v n. and Jack. r?n o.ki p. m. n if. p. m . WiL and Wain, (14) 1L13 P. M. 1205P.il. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Brunswick . . 6.00 A. M Cape Pear lilvcr mall L10 P. M. 2.00 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS'. Onslo w. . , 7.0O A. AL INCOMING MAIL DAILY. ARRIVE ATP. O. Chai lottc an? 31 ait on. .. 7S5A. M. WlL and Jack 8.40 A. M. Clinton and Goldsboro ... 11.50 A. M. WlL and RutU. 15 P. M. Wrightsvllle 6.00 P. M. Southport , 4.40 P. M u II. and Wash. (23) d.10 P. M. nil. and wash. (27) laoo P. M. n. ami jack, (li) 11.53 P. M. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Brunswick ....... 5.00 P. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. cape Fear River 7.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Onslow 7.00 p. M. GEO. Z. FRENCH, P. M. July 22rjL 189. First Cargo New Crop -Cuba Molasses NOW LAN DIN (J EX SCIIR. "EVOLUTION,7 275 Hogshe ds. Quality flrst-elass. Prices low. Worth & Worth. inch II it ADRIAN & VOLLERS, AVIIOLKSAI.K DEALKISS IN Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cor. Front and Duck St., . WIL5UNG10V, N. V. an ntr '' CALL AT Jiio. L. Boatwri aht's, IS a"tu! 1-7 Ko. Front St. FOil. THE ONLY First-Class Groceries that can be nrocured in the city. I only strive to please the RETAIL TRADE. CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK Faiole D'Honor ' Flour ! CONCEDED THE BEST EVER BROUGHT , . TO THIS .MARKET. - I need not enumerate the articles I havo for sale, fori can serve my . j ' customers with, any- thiu? they desire. Goods. THE LOWEST PRICES GUARAN TEED. Joliu L. Boalwrfght. feb2- tf Catch On! ' Your orders for Print ing,' Killing and Binding,, will "be executed as ex peditiously, delivered as promptly, and guaran 4 teed to lie as satisfac tory as anv first-class establishment. We have none but reliable work men, and our material omd presses are all first class. Largest stock of paper to select from. JACKSON & BELL, Trading Printers ami .Hinders WANTED. ! A GENTS OF EITHER 6 EX Til ROL'G IIOU ; the L'Dited States to handle our celebrated i corn and Bunion cure. Its application at fords almost Instant relief, and every bp is i accompanied by a 13 guarantee, which amount j we will forfeit in every instance whre our : remedy falls to perfect a permanent cure. Sample box, 5c; six boxes, $L We will pay f good agents $3 per day to introduce our goods . into their section: no postals. For terms and particulars address the manufacturers, II. SH RODE It & CO.. 1C4 and 105 Ncrth Ada Sueet. feb li lw daw Chicago, IiL Hardware T 1 IN WARE AND CROCKERY. W. E. SPRINGER CO., Importers and Jobbers, : PurceU BuiidlBs, C0212ZXBC2AI. ftfefTfe WILMINGTON MARK ET. r March 11350 P. M SPIRITS -TURPENTINE Firm at 40 cents. Sales of receipts at 40 cents. . ROSIN Finn at $1.10 - for strained and $1.15 for good strained, bid. - TAR Firm at $1.80. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20 for hard, $2.20 for yellow dip and vircin. COTTON Quiet at 10$ cents for middling; low-middling, 10; good middiintr.il. RECEIPTS Cotton, 234; spirits, 57; roin, 386; tar, 43); crude. 27. 1IAKINK NEWS ' ARRIVED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayettevilie, T D Lovev lier barque JI A Waiter, Moiler. Stettin, Paterson, Downing & Co. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Stettin Ser barque H A "Walter 3,430 hbls rosin. ' WEEKL STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND MAIL 14, 180. Cotton ashore, 7,574; afloat, 4,222; total 11,790. Spirits ashore, 2,405; afloat, 77; total, 2,482. Rosin ashore 10.370; afloat, 9,810; total, 20,186. Tar ashore, 0,088; afloat, 2C0; total, 9,318. Crude ashore, 1,578. - RKCKIPTS, WEEK ENDING MAR. 14,'90. Cotton, 325; spirits, Sa1?; rosin, 5,888; tar, 2,493; crude, 29. EXPORTS, WEEK ENDED MAI!. 14, 1890. DOMESTIC. Cotton 78; spirits, 811; tar. 1.530 crude, 208; rosin, 788. KORKION. Rosin, 2,70G. PHOTOGRAPH Kli, a KTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable prices. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. Jy 29 if U6i4 Market st.. South side. Victor. Type Writer. -V"- J. MeREE cowan, GENERAL AGENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA A perfect Machine, very simple, and easy to learn. HltlCE OH LY $15.00. Local A?ents wanted In every Coanty. Jan 23 3w AGENTS WANTED! TO CANVASS FOR He Diver ions of a Fiplmit in Tn kevf By Hon. Samuel s. ("Sunset") Cox, late IT. S. Minister to Turkey. A majmiffcent volume of over COO pages. beautifully and profusely lllustratee. MR. COX'S LAI E3T AND BEST EFFORT. FACTS AND FUN. HI8TOKT AND HCMOB. The work sparkles with the brightest wit. It coutains numerous amusing' stories, but It also gives a clear, concise, ana interesting ac count of the ottoman Empire, from its foun- aauon 10 me present a ay. TUsbookU havVa' large sale,.and live agents should secure territory at once. Only thoroughly reliable agents, who will work their territory ,4for all it is worth," are wanted. Experienced agents preferred, but others who will promise earnest work will be accepted. For particulars address, W. S. HERBERT, Kins' on, N. C. General Agent for North Carolina. Mention this paper. Jan3tf FOft 1890. :0: Consider Scrienkk-s Magazine when you are deciding upon your reading . matter for next season. The subscription rate ia low $3.00 a year. The st ludard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit progressive. The illustrations are interesting and of the best. There is not space here to give even a sum mary of the features to appear this year, but among other things there will be a-new de partment and additional pages, and groups or illustrated articles wui be devoted to the fol lowing subjects. African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles). Homes In City. Suburb, and country. Providing Homes through Building Associa tions, The 102603 Rhjhts, Electricity in the Household. Ericsson, the Inventor, by his Authorized Biograph;r. Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 189a Each subject, and there will be a great va riety this year, will be treated by writers most competent to speak with, authority and with interest. Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prospectus. 11 CtaY a Kfinkr, $i.G0 for Ftur Mwlk Charles Scrlbner's Sons, 743 liroaaiyajv K. Y. .32 '" I8D0: Hrp r? V" kj .". X j ' it ILLUSTRATED. nARTEB's wntiT nas a trcH-estiDiisnea place as the leading1 illustrated newspaper in America. The falrnes of its editorial com- America. The falrnes of its editorial com ments on current politics has earned for it tho respect and confidence of all Impartial rend- era, and the variety and excellence of its lite- rary contents, which include serial asd short stories by the best and most popular writers. fit it for the perusal or people or the widest range of tastes an pursuits. The Weeklt supplements are or remarkable variety, in terest, and value. No expense Is spared to bring the highest crtfer of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration o the chan?efui phases 01 come ana iorcigi msrory. a wexi can romance, ircm ine pen 01 ihomas Janvier, will appear in the Weekly in 1800. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: BAKPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE. . .14 00 .. A 00 .. 4 00 .. 2 00 UrdteH II A RIVER'S BAZAR ... ... ....... HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. PostaQtFiveto dll siibseriocrs in t?i 4Kota', Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly bestfn with the firat Number for January of each ear. When no time 13 mentloncC, subscriptions vrtll begin wlta the Number current at time of receipt of order. m Bound Volumes of Harpers Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, tree cf expense (provide! the freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per voU Cloth Cases for each 'volume, suitable tor binding, will be sent bv mall, post-paid, on receipt of 1 00 eacn. Remittances should be made ,by Pcst-onice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss aewsi.aper&are not tocopii ttus advertipemerii witJuwt the. express order or Harper Brothers Aoareas uaki'jsu bkoiujiks. qov 20 ., . . "Me- York THE LEADING Daily Paper OF SOUTH CAROLINA IS Price $10 Per Annum, MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS. THE MOST CHASTE AND PUREST SUNDAY RAPE IN SOUTn CAROLINA IS The Sunday News. Pi ice, with Dally, $11 per year; alone, $3 per year; six months, $1; single copy, octsmailed to any address. EVERY ONE'S PAPER, THfi WEEKLY NEWS AND rOULlIE Price, $1 per year; six months, 50 cts; single copy, 5 cts; mailed to any address. men 12 ' POMONA HILL UKSERIES POMONA, N. C, Two and a Half Miles West of Greensboro. N. C rho main line of the R. D. K. R. passes through tho grounds and within 100 feet or the office. Salem trains matestops regular twice daily each way. Those Interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially Invited to Inspect this, the Largest Nursery in the State, and one of the largest In the south. Stock consists of Apples, Peach, Pear, Cherry. Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots, Nectarines, Mulberries. Quince, Grape3, JSJ Plant. Enzlish Walnut. Pecans, Chestnut. Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees, &c All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for 1888 will show. Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destriptlve Cata logue free to applicants. ' - - Address J. VAN LTNDLEY, POMONA, Guilford CO., N. C nr Reliable Salesman wanted in every County. A good paying commission will be jjlvi. - 9 A BARGAIN AT ORRELL'S STABLES IN SECOND-HAND Harness, Saddles, . Miles, &c. frfond-Uantl D.ajs, firls and Bogifs FOR SALE CHEAP. feb 13 tf Wilmington Seacoat E.R. ff M Wilminotos, "Febroary 15. 1893. Leave WHmington at 7.10 a. m., daily, ex--cept Sunday. Leave Wilmington at 3.00 p. m., dally. Leave Hammocks at 8.00 a. iru, dally, except Sunday. Leave Hammocks at 6K .p. m,, daily. Lave Wilmlngt'tn at lOtfO a. mf, Saturday only. School Children and Teacher taken oq this, Train at 15 cents forjlie round trip. - .K. NOLAN, f lie lews I k t ri III II Harp r8 Migszino. ILLUSTRATED a new snakpsoeare the Shatespearo - tdwtv a. abbkt will be presented In JIar Maoazinb fr 190, with comments by avdkew Lang. II abtkb's Magaiixs has also ado special arrangements with alphoxse ' mrrrr the crreatest of living: French novel- irs for the exclusive mioncaucn. in se isi form, of a humorous siory, to bo -entitled The Colonics of Tarasconi the iJifet Adven tures of the Famous Taxtarln.s The .story will be translated by IIenby Jaxes, and Illus tra1 cd by Koss and Mtrbach. W. D U.0WKI.LS win contnoute noveieiie - ta three Darts, and Lafcadio Heaks a nov- a i piptto m two parts, entitled "Youma." hana- ; somely illustrated. :'- J in illustrated papers, toucninff subjects of f current Interest, and In its short stories. toems. and timely articles, tne axaoazi-k will maintain its well-known standard. HARPERS PERIODICALS; per year: - - HARPER S MAGAZINE... ... HARPER'S WEEKLY...,.. ..111 . . 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. . 'i 4 00 HARPER S YOUNG PEOPLE....... 2 00 Postage Free to ail subscriUrrs in tie tfnUa State; Canada, or Mexii-o. . " : ? The voliuues of the Magazine begin with the N umbers lor Jirue and i )ecemoer or eacu rear When no time la specltjed, subscilptions will oeqln with the Number current at. time of re- I cc.Jot of order. I Bound volumes of Iiai-per's AiAg:udne. for three years back, in neat ciotn oincung, w in DC sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt, ot fjco per volume. Cloth cases for binding, fiO ccits each by mall post paid. -Index to Harper's Maeazlne. Alphabetical, Analytical and classified, for Volumes 1 to w. Inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 18&", one vol, gvo. Cloth, $4 00. The National Life -AND Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D. C. Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued. Liabili ties - - - - N:ne. - HOKATIO BROWNING, President .. SAMUEL NOUMENT, Treasurer. . GKOIIG12 I. KiVRlDGi;, Secretary. Manager an Actuary GKO. J. KASTEKUAY, .Ass't Secretary, .- , Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. . A Guaranteed Policy. ' An Incontestlble Policy. ' ' Maturity Value in cash at Fixed Age Annual cost Absolirrely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years; P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D.I Medical Director; W U. GlbSON, Swrclal Agent. : norne O.Tlce, Central National Bank Btilldliur. Washinston. D. C. joun u a Ali, jr., Local Agent, cct. 2ts Wilmington N, C, Bcribner's Magazine For 1881). The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE ain to make it the most popular ana enter prising or periodicals, wnue ar. ail times pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new reaaersnave oeenarawn co iiaunBsr tne past six months by the increased excellence of Its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it closes its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make scribner'S ma'tAZiNK attractive and In teresting will be neglected. . THE RAILWAY ARTICLES Will be COHtin. ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." juusr.ratea. - MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S seria novel "The Master of Ballantrae," will .run through the greater part or the year, - Berpm in November. ' A CORRESPONDENCE and collection b manuscript memoirs relating to j. F. Ailllet ana a tamous group ot moaern r rench painters win runusn tne sunstance or several articles. Illustrazca. v The brief end papers written last year bv Robert Loui3 Stevenson, will be replaced by equauy lnLresxing comnouuuns Dy ainere t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bauer Aldric will write the first of them for the January number. - r Many valuable LITERARY- ARTICLES will appear: a paper cn Walter Scott's Method of Work, illustrated from original MSS.. a second snen or oia books." by Mrs. dames t Fields and many other articles equally noteworthy tuwaraiea Articles on ART subjects will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. II. Blashfleld, Austin Dobson and many otn ers. illustrated. fjshing ARTICLE" describing sport in the oebt nsoing gruunas win appear. - aaimon W innlnlsh, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are wcU known sportsmen. illustrated. - - ILLUSTRATED ARTICLED of great variety, touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel. Diograpuy, oesenpuon, etc., wui appeaa, put not of t he conventional commonplace sort. Illustrated. s Among the most Interesting: in the Hafcl scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. John Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated, v - A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest, will be continued by a croup of papera upon ELECTRICITY In its most recent applications, oy eminent autnormes: a re markable paper on DEB? mining and ctter Interesting papers. Unique Illustrations, t v : A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year numbers, which include all the Railway Art!- A jears subscription (1889) and the num bers for 18S8 L50 A year's subvert pUon (1889) and the num : bers for 1SS3. bound In cloth.. 8.0C S3 a year; 25 cents a number. Oharle? Scribijer'p Sonj OBSERVE!) - - --. - The Oldest and Best Family Neysp Six Regular Ed Ft or r, respondents at Horn 5P"fcJr Stories Review Toll Departments tor Pns 5; chants, Banke plV111? This year tho nJr'i13- cl - ish mofe thnr, " vnn, FIFTY PiiIZE STOlUt; and the ablest an,i writers will cnntHKnU5.6 Pcrr' . I'oets and 1", the coining veai ? ed ; ice, 3.00 a year. V Clergymen, $2.00 a yenr. Great Inducements for ir- ; 1. The NEW YORK OBSEP vpt? " - fc-r one year to any cierAV Elk t s. - scriber. tor ONE DolLah aot ' i Uon for a year la advaFw aSH ber with can a ew - a We will send the uiyuM rbendlnpih;";.. 1 Auiey. Law commissions. -Hw Aaaress," ' v Irre. Observe NkV YORK 1890. Harper's Young hoik, AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKIT. The Eleventh Volume of IUarni PicorLB which begins with te"5M, two or three parts, namely "iKf tang," by William o. stobdai" f the Baby," by Leer a Liixik; "prin V my," by johk Rpsskix cobteuj m i ' er's Way " by AIarqaret E. feSrtft . short serials by Hjalmar Hjomh S Two seiles of Fairy Tales will attract tentlon of lovers of. the wonder-worii E ly, the oualnt tales told bv iiowibt. izrr:. so admirably illustrated hv him ,, ." : series in a different vein by Hani riai. t uens wiu De saort sf ones ir is liowKLLs, Thomas Nelson Pagx, uni t VilLKIKS NOBA PEKRT- llisvtn 1T-Z SPOFFOBP, David KBB, Hezexiab Fr1 ' WORTn.- SOPHIE SWETT. Kirnisn M.iCl JOHNSTON, etc, : - ; . A BUbVcrlptlon to Darter's Yonsn rt-i secures a -Juvenile library, here It -knowledge, also plenty or cm nwmpr.t.-r Advertiser. Terms Postage Prepaid, $3 prye- X07- -X1 licoins November 5.1S21 Specimen COW Bent on reaint nt Trtwr-. stamp. . - single Number, Flvo cents each. Itemlttances should bo martu tr Postr ' Money Order or Draft, to avoid cLaccc Qt : Newspapers are not to emm this adtvrtlsr tcltliout Vie express order of Harper Erot-:n Address ; , HARPER BBOTHir. noyso " - wH Tlie Acmo MANUFAOTlfBING CO, - MANUFACTURERS OF ! Fertilizers, Pine Fibre d Pjno Fibre Matting, WILMINGTON, M fIlE REPUTATION OFOTJKFE2TIL1ZCJ the AC3IE and GEM,, is now esuMsMLKJ the results of three years' use la Use ft the best fa.mers of this and other SUi -attest their value as a high grade muw , The MATTING, maae from the native pine, is conceded to beeqaal wj wool carpet for comfort and durc&uiy-'' demand for It Is dally increasing. U tJ tues not found in any other fabric. aJ;. - The FIBRE or WOOL is extensive!! p upholstering purposes, and M-;f.-Mattresses is almost eTtal to hair, dk- - elastic and proof against insects. ... r3 Certificates from reliable parties goods can be seen at our office, or s ed upon . llcatloD. STILL AT W0BK. I AM NOW WELL PKITAEED TO' au kinds of Furniture, sewinjJiae cy Articles, rc., and where it is V05 U" them as good as new. Work don w'" and prices low. Call and see roe timates and prices. R fxzZ& i2 sV W. cor. Front and OrafiS .. I am still agent here for tW c Sewing Machine, one of the best the market.' Needles and Oil for mchiotf - : -: ''" iSohii O. Stouti TY UILDEB AND CONTRA CTOB, " XJ 1 . . tat- ton, X. C., gives Epecm auci. oct cf Building and promises flrst-cl55 Refers tf P.. timates furnished. G. W. Williams. Esq. Diamond Tera For sale by DK.c.pineA cor.FourtaaslJ-- address and m advSSr8 bers we wm al;so -an 'etthn' 'Iremsus Lttters" or W .T" tc:-: . gramme. It will offer to its reato?I?-f : Four serials of the usual ipAiTS'V : feb lit: jane tf nor

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