F THIS PAFSB M 8tnsT excepted, BT josil t. JAMX3. JUitot ana Prop. sUiJSCRlPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: month. 11.00. ne month. 33 cents. , Tiipcr win delivered tor curlers, free J-jn any part ' tf city, at the aim oriocrntspprwpee Aini: rates low and UberaL c,,rwfrbers will please report any and Juiuto nlvetbelr paper regularly NEW AlVWgyicJliSVI " preients in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE OF Till FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, 0:ul jnel with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be dost beneficial to the human ostein, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the ir.ot excellent remedy known to tLEUiSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When cis Bilious Or Constipated SO THAT PURE CLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ' ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. VurtWUF. K1. NEW YORK. It. Y For sale by UOtiEItT K BELLAMY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, mch 55 ly d&w Wilmington, N. C. & hj d Night. MY SALOON, Corner of North Water and Mulberry Street?, h Cjxi from 1 a'clock a. m. Ho.diy Uitil 11:15 p. m. Satnriaj. CHA. P. BROWNE, Agent, PCh 10 U WILMINGTON. N. C. We Have SPLENDID RUBBER DRESSING COMB lor a cents. BLUE LILIES, a new Perfume rj nne. MUNDs DROTnERS, -101 X. Front street, men g t f Caffeine Seidlitz TiKT"? SPEEDY RELIEF OF NERVOCS r headache ana brain fatigue depression S,1? each dowCMix ADRIAN & VOLLERS, WHllI.KSALK DKALEP.S IS Groceries, Wquors, Tobacco, Cigars, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Front and Dock St., Ntaiy Association Reading Room FlnST FL00n. MASONIC BUILDING! IS STrm- open till io p. m. every week .iijw-ic ij isrhu. 1.T3 different periodicals i TwMt lavTri.1 V" lamuy per year, jtv L.umteu to examine. teb 13 1 f John C. Stout. J1 tDER AND CONTRACTOR, W LXIXG- ,'ot,x c i antes fn7TJpi?n"se9 A ntf-class worfc. Es-J1- vlm? br permission to -. w. ICO IS John nGrner7 (TQECE ls fiLT ONE, AND HE HOLDS jVia0 9 Market sJrt A trrwl vit-a for ih't?POo ror 20 cents, or a Hair suS Four ox the best Barbers In Pt at'fpnrt Zr saarp razors and n attendance. JOHN WERNER, t10if The Ck-min Barber. . 29 Market street. For Sala. lOfin1-113- 0LD TTrE METAL. CLEAN E00lrn11Uoiu WUO sola cnear; - r-wu 111 "airranaannK durlnsr effer I ront sr., w ilmicgrton, x: c. men 19 r 1 -J1J VOL XIV. Next Wednesday will be Memorial Day in. Atlanta nnd Senator Daniel is to he orator of the dav. A full blooded African has been appointed Minister for Hayti to the Court of, St. -James'.. How Queen Vick will Hayti receive him. Howe's this? It is said that Julia Ward itbwe is the best Greek scholar of her sex in this country. Really, Julet.ve thought you were an Ame rican. There is danger that the African elephant will soon become extinct, the demand for them as playthings for the children having increased so greatly of late. " -?. We have all heard of the old yian 08 years of age who died of the ex cessive use of tobacco, a habit to which he had been addicted ever since he was a baby, and now there comes to the front an old man in Russia who dfed of hydrophobia, caused by the bite of a dog 30 years ago ! - - - - - We are told that the English crim inal authorities are seriously dis cussing the French system of iden tifying criminals by.antlvrometrical measurements. The statement is not exactly correct. The French use theTnnthropogenetieal system, although they don't spell it that way. .. On the menu of the Union League Club, of New York, are five brands of brandies, thirtheen kinds of whiskey, seven varieties of gin and four assortments of ru m. There are forty seven different kinds" of fancy drinks, and 4,700 different kinds of fancy drinkers. Both houses of the Kentucky Legislature have passed a bill call ing a State constitutional conven tion, to be held during the coming summer, and nnexcharge says that "the work of the convention will be submitted to the voters of the State." Well, really! How kind on the part of the legislature! It is said that "since the inaugura tion of a new system of postal wag ons for emptying the mail boxes in Berlin, an ordinary city letterreach es its destination in an ho jr after leaving the hands of the sender." An extraordinary city letter, we pre sume, will consume a little more time in the delivery. Russia is to have two new frigates constructed, it is said, of "Russian plates. This is open to question, however, as it is said that the Czarina can find a better use for her crockery in shying it at the old roan's head when he persists in sit ting up-late at night smoking a Salem pipe and reading dime novels. Here's a pretty howdy do ! Harry Furniss says that George Augustus Sala once aspired to be an artist and only abandoned the idea when he discovered that a figure he had painted had six toes, whereupon Cf. A. S., who is full of his initials, has sued H. F. for libel. Lots of Fur niss promised if George Augustus doesn't Sala way before the trial comes oil. The reportsof Bismarck's resigna tion of the office of Chancellor of the German Empire have been con firmed. In politics, as in business, the rule is that no one man is essen tial to ther preservation of the bal ance of power, but this may prove an exceptional case. Where is the man who can All his shoes? It is not often that such a wonderful intellect, such remarkable mental vigor and such a tenacious and persistent determination-are united in one and the sauicKman. He has been the central figure in Continental poli tics in Europe for years; with his hand on the helm the death of two xumperorsjoi ine vase uermau r-m- ve been but deplorable inci- dents; he has held the peace of Eu rope in the grasp of his own hand; the world has been to him a chess board, and kings and potentates haVe been moved by him at pleasure. What the result of his resignation will be remains to be seen. Already leading European journals hint of war in the near future. As a horse and cattle lotion, Sal vation Oil has proven itself an in fallible remedy; it has received the hearty indorsements of many old and well-knawn horsemen. Price 25 cents a bottle, - 4" WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, MARCH Henry Stanley; writes that "the end crowns tho work.' We should say that it took a good many crowns to end the work. Lots of them had Queen Vic's image stamped thereon and nearly 3,000 human crowfis were sacrificed to secure the end. The fight between Boss 1 nay and Col. Canaday, for the latter's posi tion as "Sergeant-at-Arms of the United States Senate, is still on and it is predicted now that Quay will be beaten. Canaday is a right tough man to tackle in a tight of this kind. Every tissue of the body, every bone, muscle and organ, "is made stronger and more healthful by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. LOCAL NEWS. index to Nkw advertisements; W M cm ming Mattresses J D"Nctt CafTelne Seidlitz F A Lord Carolina Yacht Club Opera Hocse Stereopticon Exhibition No session of the City Court-today. According to the almanacs Spring commences to-dav. New moon this afternoon at 47 minutes past 3 o'clock. The finest roe shad of the season were sold here to-day at 0 cents a pair. Another big hole, dug by dogs, disfigures the grass plat on Market street. Nor brig laritta, Knudsen, from this port, -arrived at Antwerp on the K'.th inst. Not one bale of cotton was ship ped foreign from this port in the vear I860. Mr. Bruce Williams, of Burgaw, was in the city for a short time yes terdav afternoon. Boys ! we can sell you a Bracket Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. 1 When ready. to build, paint or re pair you will find it to your advan tage to buy your material of the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Katie Putnam is to play in Charles ton to-morrow night and Saturday next. Sho is booked for this city on next Wednesday night. "It pleases me so I shall use no other," is what tTie farmersaid when asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Ask for "Our Old Chief." This new and improved Wamsutta Shirt is now ready and for sale atour Shirt Factory only, at 75c. 122 Market St., J. Elsbach, prop. t Paint your Buggy for 75 cents, "G bits," with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The Carolina Yacht Club will meet at the City Hall at half past 8 o'clock this evening for the election of offi cers for the ensuing year and to make some arrangements relative to the new regatta season. The organization of the ;new cor net band at South port was com pleted last Tuesday by the election of .Mr. Samuel Drew as leader and adopting the name of the Cape Fear Cornet Band. They have reg ularly weekly practice. Commendable. All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the California Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makes no pretensions that every bottle Will not substantiate. ! Not aTroe BUI. ? Mr. J. M. Wool lard was arrested again last night on the charge of ' being implicated in the death of W. T. Brown, in January last but has been discharged. It is the third time that this has occurred. Mr. Woollard was arrested on findings from the grand jury. 'A bill was re turned by them marked "a true bill," butv this wa.s this morning found to be a mistake. It should have beenendorsed not a trne bill." The error was a clerical one and the grand jury sent for the bill tolay and corrected it. This will of course end Mr. Woollard's connection with I the case as an accessory. Forecasts. For Not th Carolina, warmer and fair weather, followed by rain to night and warmer on Friday. For Wilmington and vicinitv, fair weather.- Little Eortl Faantleroy (Suit) Can be Seen at J. Shrier's. I. Shrier, who is always ahead in introducing new novelties, will sell this week the Lord Fauntleroy and Alfonso (King of Spain) suit. Also a full line of children's Kilt Suits at thelowest price for cash only. L Shrier, corner Front and Princess streti. tf Masquerade IIallv A grand masquerade ball was given last night at Concordia Hall under the auspices of the Harmony Circle, of this city. It was purely a private affair, and it was in every way successful and enjoyable. The at tendance was large and the floor was filled with dancers. At mid night the inevitable unmasking took place and then an elegant supper was served up by Mr. P. E. Kiley, the caterer. Dancing was afterwards resumed. A Trip on the lihine. Heidelberg Castle in particular and the Rhine in general have been very interestingly described by Mark Twain in his "Tramp Abroad." Its old ruined castles, with their wealth of legendary history, its rocky hillsides with vine-covered terraces, and its ancient cities with their graud cathedrals, all com bine to make the Rhine a region of special interest to visitors from all parts of the world. Castles and le gends, scenery and cathedrals, will all be well brought out at the Opera House next Monday night. A His Thing. The.Fayetteville correspondent of the Lumberton Robesonian says: The work on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley road above Mt. Airy is progressing finely. As soon as the connection is made with the Norfolk & Western oad the traffic willj be immense. The Norfolk & Western agrees to furnish this road with three hundred car loads of coal per day as freight. In anticipation of this the shops here are a perfect scene of activity, and cars are being turned out which are equal to any made in this counfry. T The Cause of Pain. An ache or pain is not of itself a disease, it is but a -symptom, and warns the sufferer that there is some thing the matter with his physical organization. Weak kidneys, bad blood, and nervousness are frequent ly the source or cause of the many mysterious aching sensations that afflict , the body. You can remove the cause of such distress by using B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). C. H. Robetts, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "My kidneys were disordered and gave me excruciating pain. A sin gle bottle of B. B. B. helped me won derfully." Wni. N. Nelson, McDonough, Ga., writes: "B. B. B. has benefited my daughter very much. She was af flicted with severe nervousness. I think it the best family medicine." W. R. Ellis, Brunswick, Ga., writes: "I have tried B. B. B. and find it a great thing for the blood. It also cured me of rheumatic pains." Walter Tates on Trial. The trial of Walter Yates, for the murder of W. T. Brown, in January last, has taken up all of the time of the Court to day. A venire of one hundred had been summoned and from this a jury was obtained about noon. This jury is constituted as follows: S. H. Mintz, Amos Perry, Geo. T. Rav, C. E. Williams, Frank Myer, W. H, Bell, A. S. Heide, G. E. Quiiin. Nelson Jenkins, David W. Matthews, W. H. Scarborough, W. F. Alexander. Col. B. R. Moore, the Solicitor, appears for the State and Messrs. Marsden Bellamy, John D. Bellamy, Jr., A. J. Marshall and Allen B. Brown are for the defence. Up to. our close Col. Moore had ex amined seven witnesses, all he had called. These are Walter. Way, J. J. uannaday, R. H. Moore, F. P. How land. E. L Robinson, Dr. T. S. Bur bank and F. E. L. G. Brown, the latter the dead man's brother. The Solicitor rested his case here. The testimony elicited was in the main the jaiue as that given in at the pre liminary hearing and at t he coroner's inquest. Refreshing and inricoratlnc Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificent new soda fountain at a temperature of Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural HineraWater. '- i 20, 1890. NO 82 . ! Obstructions In the Eye. An exchange says ? : When you get a cinder or speck bf dust or other j offensive partiele in your eye, don't iubit. Don't tonch it. Don't null down the lid. Dipin't put your hand near it. Let it alone. This is very hard advice to fojilow, and in nine cases out of ten S'ow will find your- self rubbing your eye before you j know it. But if you can refrain ! from touching your eye at all. the action of that organ - will itself cast out the offending mote in much quicker time and with far less irra tion, while your efforts would only hinder it and perhaps fasten the in truder so that it -will stay a long time. Of course, if it is a particle of metal you will consult a surgeon or oculist at once, but ordinary sub stances are best treated as above indicated. Some people say: "Rub the other eve,'' but this is of no use. The Egypt Coal Mines. The city is to be supplied with coal from the Egypt miues, in Chat ham county.1 This coal is bitumi nous and is already used to a con siderable extent here. The Egypt- Coal Company will build three large. sheds on tljj? premises of the C. F. & Y.-V. R. R. at Point Peter, and these will be counected with the line of that road by side tracks. Mr. Thos. F. Bagley is the agent here for the company. The extent and wealth of theDeep River coal fields are not generally understood. Dr. Emmons reported on them in the year 1852 and again in 185G. They are described by him in detail. He says that the coal of that district is of the best quality of bituminous coal, is well adapted to the manufacture of gas and iron and is in such great quantities that it may be considered as practically in exhaustible. He estimates the area of thejjeds at over 40 square miles, containing more than 0,000,000 tons to the mile, in all the enormous quantity of 240,000,000 tons. There are also bituminous slates connected with .this coal of which Prof. Emmons says: "From 30 to 40 gallons of crude kerosene oil exists in everyr ton of these slates. They are from 50 to 70 feet thick, and it is proper to state that it a better oil than is furnished from coal." These estimates were confirmed by Admi ral Wilkes in a report made by him to the Secretary of the Navy in 1859. He remarked at one timeto the late Hon. Hugh Waddell, of this city, that "there is no section of country in the world, of the same area as Chatham and Moore counties, that is as rich in mineral resources as are they." Iff your neighbor is selfish, hard, grasping, and suffering from a cold, don't waste words on him, but heap coals of fire on his head, by sending him a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syriip. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carolina Yacht Club. MEETING OP. THE CLUB WILL BE held this (Thursday) evening, at 8:30 o'clock, at the City nalL Election of officers and other annual business to be transacted. By order of the Commodore. mch 20 It F. A. LORD, Purser. OPERA HOUSE. AX jXLUSTRATIP STf EEOPHCOX LECTURE ON "UP THE BIIINE." For the benefit of the Library Association, Monday, 24th March. Admission 50 cents. Children 25 ten's, fiai tery 15 cents. Seats at Yates', commence at 8.15 p. m. mch 20 4 1 CALL AND EXAMINE OUR FINELY SELECTED STOCK OF Pianos arid Organs, WHICH WE OFFER AT VERY LOW PRICES, CASH OR INSTALMENTS. Over two hundred families in Wilmington can testify as to the merits of our Instru meats. I We have the latest design in beautiful woods, from the magnificent SOfYJUER PIANO TO TnE LOWER GRADES. ORG- A 1NT;S we hare rrom Wilcox & White and u ason Hamlin la great T&rtety. IS. Van ft A KB, ftomt cod viEttCrostrm, PLEASE NOTIC& we will to cta4 to rccdTo ccrranii from oar friends en nr tsjl in rztlrcts central Interest, trot . - Tno name or the writer mnst alvajs W niahea to the Editor. Communications mast be written on one side of thr paprr. , ITraon.iUries mast oo arotdod. And It is especially and p&mctxl&rty tldo stood that the Editor docs not always criers the views ot correspondents caXess so In the editorial columns. NEW ADVEUTI8EU12HTU. Removed. 1 from ta Orange street to No. ISO corner Dock and second streets, where I har Sn?iS room to accommodate a few more noardcrsL Rooms cool and nicely furnished. The Table furnished with the best the market affords Bath Room free to boarders. orc". t , MRS. ALICE L. ADKINS. mchi9lw Proprietor. FOR SALE. a o a. CO CQ Mi .03 MOSS. HAIR. STRAW, C, C , W. M. CUJUMIHG, 17 FItlXCKSK ST. ALSO . 5 Springs, Pillows &c- FOR EASTER THE GOODS Ever Exhibited in this Cityi THE LADIES ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO An Examination of Our Stock IT COVERS ALL THE Novelties HEBRIC1L mch 17 tf Plows! Plows! Ca lia-s ti Fit All lii? Hits. Trace Chain, Plowf Lines, Pitchforks, Spades and Shove's. Fishermen' Supplies, Cill Twine, Oars. Uope, eic. Building Material, Paints, Nails, (i lass. " Housekeepers' Outfits, , ' ' if Stoves. 5auce-pans, Fry Pan, etc. Shelf and Heavy Hardware OF ALL KINDS, we snail evT try to please jou lit prUe and good. N. Jacobi, Hardware Co., feb 4 tf ItSO. FKOJtT MY Diamond Vera Cnra FOR Iy8PfiP3IA.2 For sale by V ... DR. F. C.illLLER, feb it t cor. Fourth and Nun Bit. Mhmi DRESS

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