. I s.' v. - mis PAP ... iMiAiTi excepted. MiTWJ- -nJlPTlo Mthi coa Three j slivered toy carriers, free J rcitr. at the above f one month. 35 cents. ft 71 I Mrse rents per r-- j - vol: xiv. r : tbelr paper rrsuij. Mores1"1 . ii VKKT1 WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, MARCH .21, 1890. FLEAS K NUT1C2. We win be euj to rwlro ccsuaatitcati from oar frtrada on any and all STtbjrcta ff eneral Interest, bat Tno name of tixe writer most always to ntahea to the Editor. Communications must be written on one aide or ute paper. Personalities most be avoided. And it is especially and particularly cnao stooa that the Editor does not "always eaaors NTO R I tne Ttews or correspondenu cmlcss so In the editorial columns. . . aicit elegant form "Anew factory will soon be. built Chauncey M. Depew ;.is said 'to by Dr. Gatling of iachine-gun travel 500 miles on an average every fame." That is a new material out ! week. Besides this, is an annual fJacobi Hdw. Oo. He always travels Boys ! we can sell you a Bracket Saw4 with frame, for 10 cents, N. of which to erect a building. trip to Europe. and rJ'l . CTTTW t with a pocket full of passes it issam mat wnenever Mr. u.au-, taUeslli? chauncevs of dead-heading stone catches a cold he goes to bed. ; nf tjie jloteg We go there without waiting to catch a coW. The Wisconsin SupremeCourt has nan firpn T inr tup rpniimrf rr mp It is stated that "the Duchess of ; . n . .. . . Marlborough will sail alone on the i:i Al 4 , . Teutonic on the 19th." not take along a crew to ship? But why work the U LAXATIVE ano NUTRITIOUS JUIOE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, lirtaes oi I'win Q beneficial to the human kstem, terming au i6www fed effective laxative to penna- MiUy cure iiauuuu. Stion; and the many ills de-, Ending on a weak or inactive edition of the ktS, LIVER WD BOWELS. J 't i$ the com t icelleit remedy known to WUm SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Vfcca one i Eil'ious or Constipated SO THAT (U1IU00D, REFREIHWO SLEEP, W HIALTH and 8TRENCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. rery one is using it and allure Wiehted with it. I tMinfMiertna - ASK TJu" unuw. i w William D. Howells, the novelist, is eai a to snrinK irom Having nia portrait published,., but howells is his phiz to be handed down to pos terity? i stitutional. The next thing we may I expect to hear is that it is ruled out i of court and that witnesses are to be sworh on one of Bob Ingersolls'J old hats -- r Joseph Biggar, the Irish Home Ruler, left the bulk of his estate to his' son Joseph and now Joe is as biggar man as his daddy was, big ger, maybe. Henry CiKrge will not run again for Mayor of New York until ballot reform is established. In other .words, he will never rurt again, not if he Jives to be as old as the ancieut Melhuseleh. A Philadelphia newspaper has just put in a press that is capable of run ning off 144,000 copies in an hour. We think, if we had this press,-that we might get our entire additionout in about 65 minutes. MANUFACTURED OKIY BV ALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 5AN FRANCISCO, CAL fWUE.tl. NEW TURK. If. J rw sale fiy KOHEKTR BELLAMY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, 1 1 U fllw Wilmington, N. C Senator Quay's son, llichard, is said tobe.slatel for the nomination for the Legislature from Beaver .county next Fall. If he should be beaten, as we hope he luey be, then we'll have some Quayl on .toast. to be freely The young German Emperor- has adopted some veiy stringent and very sensible resolutions in - regard to dueling. He has not prohibited it altogether but no duel is in future to take place until there has been a thorongh inquiry into all the cir- cumstanses by two colonels, who I are to allow an encounter only if the provocation was a public assault, to which an apology has been refused, or when an insult has been offered to a lady who is a relation or the betrothed of the challenger. Under no circumstances, however, is a duel to be permitted when the quarrel has arisen out of a brawl in a club room, coffee house, or any similar place, when one of the parties has already been "out" three times, or where one of the parties is a married man with children. ' uWhv doesn't he take Hood's Sar paparilla?'', is the general inquiry of friends when a person suffers from anv disease of the blood. - A sociable will be given to-night at the residence of Mr. William Lark ins, 'corner Sixth and Dock streets, for the benefit of the First Baptist Church. Refreshments will be served and some fine vocal and instrumental music may be expect ed. The admission is only .10 cents. Manager Commendable. . All claims not consistent with the Jiigh character of Syrup of Figs are . CF.C.&C.C. t Southport nonorganized the t4Cape Fear Controlling and Contracting Company." The first stockholders' meeting was held on last Monday evening. The officers .elected are: J President and General M. Fargusson. Vice President W. H. Pyke. : Secretary and Treasurer Chap. H. Smith. - DirectorsChas. H. Smith, J. J. Adkins, W. H. Pyke, Win. Week?, J. A. Pullan. J. T. Piuner and M. Fargusson. For Xotth Carolina rain and a Miemiy- warmer. For Wilmington and vicinity, threatening weather find rain. - Corollaa Yfiekt. Cla). on the -kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makes no nretensions that every bottle will a not substantiate. purposely avoided by the California ''annual ineeting of Uie Caro- Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently lma Yftcht Club was held last night at which officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows: Commodore Wm. Latimer.. Fleet' Captain Norwood Giles. Flag Captain Geo. I). Parsley. Governing Board H. M. Bowden, C. W. Worth, J. McR. Cowan. Purser F. A. Lord. Measurer D. MacRae, Jr. Marshal !!. McL. Green. Much interest was manifested by those who were present. The club le now in Utile Loril Fauntleroy (Snlt) Cn te Seen At I. Shrler. . I. Shrier, who is always ahead In introducing new novelties, will sell this week the Lord Fauntleroy and Alfonso (King of Spain) suit. Also a full line of children's Kilt Suits at the lowest price for cash only. I. Shrier, corner Front : and .'Princess streets. " tf ' Itefreslilnj- and inTlKoratlns; Delicious Soda Water as drawn froui Munds Brothers' magnificent new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit 8vrnp,Milk Shakes and Natural MineralWater. , ilyailiglt. M SALOON, borner of North Water and Mulberry atreetf, fi from 1 e'tkk i. q. Ho ds; 4 . 11:15 p. m. Saturday. IIA. F. BROWNE, A trent, 10 tf WILMINGTON . N. C. We Have SPLENDID RUBBER DRESSING COMB Scents. BLUE LILIES, a new rerfumo line. :H6u MI NDS IIROTIIEUS, 101 N. Fi-ont street. 3BIAN & Y0ELER8, I WnOLKSALK DEALERS IK ! Benjamin F. Butler is said able to quote the Bible more aud more accurately than any other man In public life. Yes, we Have heard about It before. -.Several times we ha7e seen art allusion to the devil quoting Scripture. . -. . . It is said that Webster's Diction- ary contains less than oue half the number of words used by Senator Blair in his speech on the educas tional bill, and this is a good reason why the dictionary should be read in preference to his speech. v ; "L And so the Blair bill has been de- feated'in the 'Senate, as has been the forfgone conclusion for some tlme'past. Senator Vance favored the bill and Senator Ransom oppos ed it.; They were paired. Previous ly, both Senators voted for it. Money seems to be a drug in New York.'" The box sheet for" the sale of tickets for single performances dur- ing-the Patti-Tamagno engage ment was ppenea ai uie nieiroiKjuiivu Opera House on Wednesday, morn ing and the sales amounted to $15,- 000 " daring :the.-day, .Best single seats 17: best boxes, to seat six, f w. pvisions, Groceries, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, -AND- fi W. SRawles,,of Peru, lias a silver sooon which was among tne plun der taken from a British gunboat by a party of American soldiers, amonW whom was his grandfather, IMISSION MERCHANTSJial881'and'the spo'on lms been in since. One spoon ! Pshaw ! Ben Butler will turn up the remnants of his nose in disdain. local isriErws; INDEX TO NlW ADVERTISEMENTS J E Black Milch cous WMCumming Mattresses Lost Black, white and tan setter Dog Sociable To-Night At Mr. Wm. Larkinv Wanted A young lady for assistant casUler The Ger. barque Lydia Pcschau is again afloat, and uninjured. A young lady is wanted as assist ant cashier in a store. See adT. in thi6 issue. Mr. J. E. Black has three fine milch cows for sale at Mr. Orrelrs stables, corner Third streets. - and Princess Criminal Court The court has been occupied all day in the Brown murder trial. The examination of witnesses was con cluded last evening and argument by counsel was had to day. Col. Moore spoke first, for the State, and he was followed bv the defendant's counsel, Messrs. A. J. Marshall, Marsden Bellamy and John D. Bel lamy, Jr., in the order named. Col. Moore spoke in reply and was still sneakincr at 4 o'clock. The verdict will probably be rendered to night, and the treneral opinion is that it c-j - t will bean acquittal. a flourishing condition. many new names naving i.een aim ed. The next regatta season prom ises to be an unusually brilliant one. Prospects About llurjjaw. Mr. J. 1 . Collins, of liurgaw, was in the citv to dav and from him we learn that the prospectsof the truck ers in his section have improved but little of late, Peas aVid potatoes and other truck, which looked so a J J 1 - . A. nronnsinir previous io ine recent cold weather, were killed out. Strawberries, . although covered with straw, were very badly hurt. Some of the plants were killed. There may be some- berries a little later on but it is feared that the pro duct will ber limited and the fruit .' i' i. ii i 4. ir nf thAilfiv to work withian'tbeat it. "m "c "l vxsot" The hair is all retained??!! its nature everybody has pulled off his coat al colors, and the dressed side is as ana gone ro worK again w in re- snfr. ; nnd nliant as silk. Mr. Bear doubled energy and ttie farmers are Inutttnff in some ot their best licKs iimh iirri i, nil iii uri niviiin ui rancvi ucr i fast as he can obtain them, and e finds a readv market for tnem. xney are usad as Ian robes for veliTcles and baby carriages, and for rugs. Some lieautifnl Work. John G. Wagner, Esq., of Mason- boro Sound, brouernt to the city a day or two ago fifteen deer and fawn hides, which had been dressed by him f"r Mr. Samuel Bear, Sr. The work is beautifully done and an expert in the business anywhere in the North, with all the appliances NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Sociable To-Nfght. SOCIABLE WILL UK IIKI.U AT TUK house or Mr. Wm. Larkins. on the corner of sixth and Dock streets, ror tne Denent or tne First Baptist cjiurch. Kerresumenis servea, and in addition i here will he ome nne Instru mental and Vocal Music. Admission u cents. - men 21 It v Lost, ' LACK, W1I ITE A ND TAN COLOR KD ET- TKR .Don, quite -fat. Answers to name of 'Rob.' Any Information leading to his re covery will be liberally rewarded at Express Office. mchS13t (Vlilch Cowg. PJJKEK FINE MILCH COWS ABE FOB sale at orrell's stables. Call and see them, inch 21 It J. . BLACK. Wanted, YOUNG LADY FOR ASSISTANT CASH- Must be bright, of penile manners, and a member of some Church. T. O. BOX 598. A ler in a store, Apply In. own hand to men 21 2t now. A Correction. Cor. Iont and Dock St., . WILMINGTOV. N. Utt iws! Plows! fiP ft All LfaJia5 -Hiii ; Chains, plow Lines, Spades andSJiove's. itchforks, Fishermen's Supplies, Gill Twine, Oars, Rope, etc. lnS Material, ?Inl v-iu . VI low, - Houekeepers Oulfils- Vw wee-nans, Fry Tans, etc. It is said that out of all the Sena tors and Congressmen and big' guns generally wiiq spoke? for Harrison in 1883 but one, William K. Mason, talked without pay... Wneu that man dies and die he, will soon if he does'nt change 'his politics, for he is too good for the Republican party he should have a monument more enduring i than brass and higher tbaa the Eiffel tower. When readytto build, paint or re pair you will find it to your advan tage to buy your material of the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Capt. Williams' setter dog "Rob" has been lost. Any information lp.idinrr to his recovery will be re warded at the Express Office. "It pleases me so I shall use no other," is what the farmer said when asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, sold bv the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t j The box sheet for the entertain ment on Monday night night next, 'Up the Rhine", is now open at Mr. ; Yates where seats may be secured. Tne headquarters of-the Burgaw, & Onslow Railroad seem Jo have been removed to the moon, where the project probably firstorigihated. After Sunday, 23d inst., mails for Charlotte, Monroe, Maxton and CronTy, and for train No. 38, coming East, next day, will.close at 5.45 p.m ' Joint services of the several Epis copal congregations of the city at St. Paul's Church to night at 8 Vii-wb sermon hv Rev. Dr. Car V V ft a ' niicael. Ask for "Our Old Chief." This new and improved Wamsutta Shirt -is now ready and for sale at our Shirt Factory only, at 75c. 122 Market St., J. Elsbach, prop. Fort Caswell. Some one has written tothe South- port Leader urging that some effort be made .to have Fort Caswell re paired and put. on a war footing and suggests that a delegation be sent to Washington City with this end in; view. It is something that ought by all means to be done and it will nrobablv be done some of these In our notice, a day or two since, regarding Miss Annie Stolter, we gave the impression that the amiable lady and accomplished vocalist had been engaged permanently to sing with the First Baptist Choir, .which days by the first foreign party that placed her in rather a false position, comes to blows with Uncle Sam. She has been engaged to sing with Fort Caswell is( now a mass of that choir at the concert on Tues- ruins. It was at one. time one of the day night, but she is not engaged to most formidable and imposing works sing reirularlv with them. We make in the country. It was built, we "6 a Th Norfolk Yirainian says that ! in the selection of his staff Governor McKinney, will appoint gentlemen of his own age and his own sort, and Paint your Bu$gy for 75 cents, hits." with Detroit carg. Paint, varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Danish barque liialtoy Jorgensen, old acquaintances, ana .w no eeu : , to tlav for Middlesboro-on when on duty would esciiew uni-. England, with 3,5S forms and tlress as civilians. iui is wt'iii vn In A1 ... - ...til. , w't a capital idea ana we.wouiu ue giau j au neavy naraware toee it followed uP in North caro-. barrels at 4,700, shipped by lex. Sprunt & Son. nr. im.i a 1 -k mr ma at i n 1 1 m ra- and feathers and brass about the yesterday afternoon acco.upanied hn.inaMiin.iAnihAj Confederate by thunder and lightning, but it I - 1 ' i KT hown ' seems to have been merely local, as JaCODi Hardware 00m preference when these; empty OP ALL KINDS. Jever "7 Jo please you In price ,1 SO. FRONT ST. Por Sale. 0 LD TYPE METAL. CLEAN wnJCbe sold cheap. TXXXS20FrXC&' pod conaiuon. there was none of it as far North Burgaw. as It formerly seemed a sort of sar casm to say: "It's better to .laugh than be sighing" especially when a fellow had a vexing, teasing congh il .1 .11 il.A mmmTc an All -DUtnowtoaiiuiuiB Wukwdi - . handsome. this correction in justice to all con cerned. It was a misunderstanding) of the idea our iyformant intended 0 convey, conceived the more readh y, perhaps, from our high estimate of Miss Stolter's abilities as a young vocalist of great promise. think, in 1828 and at a cost of $800,- 000. It consists of two strong lines of earth works, enclosing a large citadel where formerly a garrison could be sheltered. The inner line of works covers casemates, pierced for small arms. A moat, now filled LOOK! Something Brand New ! PATENT KLA8TIC . Felt iins ! ! softer, more durable, better, than Hair, and cheaper, will not lump, or mat, are light, and easily handled. W.TJL GUMMING. Removed. I HAVE REMOVED MY;B0AKDINU UOUftlS from 2C8 Oranse street to No. 130. conlC Docic and second streets, where I have araplo room to accommodate a few more Hoarders. Kooms cool and nicely furnished. The Table furnished with the best the market affords. Bath Room free to boarders. MRS. ALICE I ADKINS, mch 19 lw Proprietor. OPERA HOUSE. 1 11 .1 j nn. surrounas tne wans anu entrance xne BOulu,Wrv isbv drawbridge, through massive 1 The full name of the band organ- oaken gates. The works, if restor- ized at Southport is "The Cape Fear led, would of course be modernized Silver Cornet Band." A full list of I to meet the reouirements for de- the officers, of the members and of J fense against the new and powerful the pieces, is as follows, as we find it projectiles of the day. One pecu- n the Southnort Leader: lliar feature about the long case- S. S. Drew Manager and Leader. 1 mates is that they are whispering The new W. Si W. railroad ware house at Burgaw is rapidly ap proaching completion. It is a frame structure, built on- the Isite of the Ed. H. Cranmer, Jr. Secretary. Asa Dosher Treasurer. The inembers of the band are as follows: Jesse Weeks and Robert Davis, E. flat horns; Asa Dosher and S. S. Drew, B. flat cornets; Clarence H olden and John Cranmer, E. flat alto horns; R. L. Piver, B. flat tenor horn; E. H. Cranmer," Jr., B., flat barritone horn; T. B. t Carr, E. flat bass horn; JohnHolden, small drum; Robert Weeks, bass drum. The band will meet every Tuesday and Thursday for practice. The Can of rain. An ache or pain is not - of itself a disease, it is but a svniDtom, and warns the sufferer that there is some thing the matter with his .physical organization. Weak kidney?, nan blood, and uervousnessare frequent- lv the source or cause of the many mysterious aching sensations that ifTlict the bodv. You can remove th rAuse of such distress bv using B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). C. H. Robetts, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "My kidneys were disordered and gave me excruciating pain. A sin gle bottle of B. B. B. helped me won derfully." Wm. X Nelson, McDonough, Ga., writes: 'B. B. B. has benefited my daughter very much. She was af-i . . - 1. 'l t 1 . 1 1 ,1 r ; . " tninK iv me uf&ir iuiuiij ijit-tiii galleries where in case of attack or ders could be delivered to the de fenders in a whisper and perfectly heard by all. Fort Sumter was bombarded -on the 14th dav of Anril. 18C1. and on the 16th Fort Caswell was occupied by State troops, under orders from Gov. John W. Ellis. Three com panies took possession under com mand of Col. John L. Cant well, then commanding the 30th Regiment, N. C. Militia. These companies were the Wilmington Eight Infantry ,. Capt. W. L. DeRosset: the German Volunteers, Capt C. Cornehlson; and the Wilmington Rifle Guards, Capt. O. P. Meares, Fort Johnson, at So nth port, was occupied thesame day by the Cape Fear Light Art 11 lerv. Cant. John J. Hedrick. Fort Caswell was held during the war, by the Confederates and was never at tacked. Oq the-night of January 15th. 18C5. the night on which Fort Fisher fell, the garrison was w dra Fort has remained in this condition ever since. . . . AX ILLUSTMID STEREOPTICON LICIUEE "UP THE RUINE., For the benefit of the Library Association, Monday, 24th March. Admission 50 cents. Children 25 cents. Gal- lery 15 cents. Seats at Yates, commence ti 8.15 p. ra. ! ncaw Caffeine Seidlitz. FOR THE SPEEDY RELIEF OF NERVOUS headache and brain fatlgrue, depression following alcoholic and other excesses, heart burn, nervous debility, etc one grain of hydrobromate of caffeine in each dose. Mix tne powaers in water ana anntc aunnj cucr vescence. JAMES D. KUTT, Apothecary. N. Front St., Wlimlttfton, Ji. c. mcu la 220 A BARGAIN --T- OltKELL'S STABLES IN SECOND-HAND Harness, Saddles, Bridles, &e. Sffi.Haa-l Drais, Cirls asi htpti febl2tf k'Oll SALE CHEAP. '. OYSTER ROASTS wn, the citadel was blown up and I r t Caswell was abandoneil. lttju shall Dr. Bull's laugh and get fat. Icoraniodiona and, imposing building. vjaek shall pine and Gill dance T just as long out in the open w R Ellis. Brunswick.aa.. rites: barn a tbey please. The free born T ftave tried B. H. B. and find ft a Ameriean citizen don't fear nenral- great thing for the blood. It also gia with Salvation Oil to the front, cured me of rheumatic pains." Ouly a twenty five cent investment. AM BETTER PliEl'AIiED than ever to accommodate my friends with OYTEK8 this season. I wl twp none tint the lieni on hand. aUrays MYuTLE GKO VE KOA8T.S a specialty. Every thing overhauled and improve x. Oyctera ready at short notice and expert sbnefcera to open them- . tipecial rates to parties. Giro tne a call anl wm do my best to please yoo. liespecttaUy, W. IL 8TOKLEY, aptf " wrtznisnite .