14, 1" 'MISCELLANEOUS. . YETERDtARY SPECIFICS Tcr Earses, Cattle, Shs?p, Ecs, Eos, ADD FOULTST. uu and Char sent 1'ree. ConzHona, Intlafnniation. a. A. i Ssinal iueningiiis, .:uur rve. lv folic." CJrfpe, Dl!rnche. : G. HcaTrla ITrraorihaares. II ii. Urinary wad Kidapy Diseaaea. 1 i.-Eniilw Diiawii Glance. . j.K Dlaeaaea of Df reatl n. Stable Case, wiin fcix;mcs, jianuaj, Witch Hrel OH fcndSre.Jkator. 87.00 Price, Single VotUe (orcr 50 doecs .J0 Sold br DruMit; ci Sent Prepaid anywhexa erd in any quantity on Receipt ol Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 103 Fulton SL, g. Y. HOitXOPATHIC SPECIFIC. No; n only mcesfal remedy lor Nervous Debility, Vita! Weakness, Ai Profit-son, from orcr-work or other cauara. Si tef Tial or 6 vial ud Urr vial xwi!er. for $5. ra nrm i .... '-i. k kri&. AGENTS WANTED Kb"? T,Sl I .r crollt:1, quick sale Sample frw.' A rare opportunity. ;eo. A. Scott, 843 R waj, N. Y. & b I VIABLE TU80UI CAI HZ. &4 H TJS?H3JI?. "W binpt-r heard. Com Vri.biriMr! wkaiwaii iimUafai5. 814 hy F. HI SCO i, BiJ Br -.J. Wrltafa Wok af araala M a . l t- i r - - a r . ." rTvelll ''' iii:r -,. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Keit Cross liiamand lsranu. TS MIIT ItlilMt 1IU TOT KM. tU mnl i;mud, id rtamtuuiewiHf.iKien uti b!uertttoa. Tkeot Jis 8T)d4. (tmp.) for particular mi1 Keller for r n;Ch IT iw HINDERCORNS;- n0nJeirM'nre for Corn StrsaU jmin. Fnwire nf.rt tV t h.? f.'tt. r.q at I'.-utrgfrts. H tfC x A Co.. V ra,,n e..-.e:.. lifnfhir'j, Astlinuu Ioaj:fetionf Ut ARKERS C I NO TON IP. f ? 3 dtfwuve uutmioc ikeia ume. djc. anu i. Agents wante! It is a perfect ..ii itnixi f:iotiiea winter line. Sam Line;no more clothes ple lino sent by mall lor WX,, also CO feet line by rlnsD'-edea. itnoias ihp bfavicst and fin est latrics vrltiout rlns. doilies do not mall s L25 prepaid or circiuars,pncc iree7P to it and can not MofT off. OTKTClisr. terms ad- rill C dress t he Plnless fiothesUr.e Co.. 17 nermon Miss. St., Worcester, MADE WITH BOILING GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. MADE WITH B0IL1NC MILK. How Lost! How Regained, NniFNfTtr r C a ttrir CrctiflC Tlil stnr,Or,J PnnnU. Vi:..i qv..'l! Gr rt outh,lYematnre Decline, Kerrcus . cuiuty, imparities or tae iilood. -HaBBMBMKKHMHMHiblajMiLaaBB& SMnlffn from Pr.J?T- v; t .TT"" HertAia; inn rn4.i . Jr . cesaes or fUviu-fi TfAAv NEUVOU9 and A.; J.i;t iJKB,I ITr-Dl -lerandacorpa it!T bV .vfclai1? le consulted, confi- .in-iH-H.' 3!ElllCAf4 INSTITUTE. r' for i'.bfVV "0,' to whom Mi fcw ' wtj .icra ior ra for ad : e should be fwil 1 1 1 E l" L0ST TATLTS o HAmra.-j !TTT "PI r I1 pd KEKY0V5 DEBILITY ( U XV B JT ?sa of Body and Kinat EfTet Sow. a ,!7 or Excesses in Old r Youa Wi J'J2B-TRiT,tT-I,, ta m IW. T'rrti.rVa, ul tarrhra Cmwtr ' tan auiCAl Ca..gBffAlO,H. -OF THE- on. Jofferson Davis. -HV El'PEitsON AVI8. 11 aiMi iiBsctinioVoEY. s aaJ complete outfit for can- f-S will lv rflb immediately. . " n UiU preat work will rdease addresa. fLFOED COMPANY, CjMl la Street newITOBK. rV.D.ateinper. fSlnl Diacbarges. i)'l).-Betsor (rab. Worms. rnebi. Heaves, PofKmoolA. fl HAIR BALSAM ijCkarifcs and beaut use t haw 1- Pi: JV men it 4 WATER. OO'O'O'A IHt tWIHIMIBIBfl I . . : .Tlio Badly H.oviow. Ttn Eight Ftaees. Ofif njbaby, V v ; ' V Kissed and caressed, Gently held to a mother breast, , . ..... v. .. - - Only a cliilil. ; ; ; 'i ocluliDg aion, : i 'Hrightenuj; .now liome," its happy Only a boy,-- - Truclginjr to sejiool, T-f' Governed now" by - rolej-1""" a sterner I Onlv n''ntli P'n," J OUtll, Ll VI flJJ in 1 reams. Full of promise life nowseeiuH. OnJvaman, Battling with life. - Shared innow by a " wife. Only a father.' Burdened witn care, Silver thread in tlark hair. . " loving brown Only a gray beard, . Toddling again, Growing old and full of pain. Only a mound, . " . O'ergrown with grass. Dreams iinrealized rest at . ' last.. Uos.ton Traveler. -. . . . . - A Scrap of Paper Saves IJer It was just an ordinary scrap of wmpiHng paper,vbut it- saved her life. She was in the last stages of consuniption,'told by physicians that she was incurable "and could live only a shorftime; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper. she- Yead of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a. sample bottle; it helped her, she bought another and grew better fast, continued its use" and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh ing 140 pounds. For fuller particu lars send stamp to W.fl. Cole, Drug gist, Fort Smith.' Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery free at Robt.: R. Bellamy's wholesale and retail drug store. - -- --mm- "It Works Like a Charm." Rulon's Magnetic Liniment is a safe anil- speedy cure for Rheuma-. tism, Neuralgia, Gout, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painfnl affections. For sale by Mnnds Brothers. BOH INOE1ISOI.I.. s ilow lie. Helped a Straggling: Cisn" '.. ' Maker. A good story was told in fhe libra ry of the general term of the Su preme Court by Mr. John S. Wise, son of the ex Governor Henry A. Wise, of Virginia, who is now in the iitv from his home in New York. Said Mr. Vise: A few vears ago In gersou was passing iiiroitKii muiii - natl, and at his hotel he was accost- ed by a workingman, v ho addressed gersoll was passing through Cincin- mm as ionows: "Jlr. lngersoll, I -am a poor, hard working man, having a family to support, and I want a favor." "Well, said Bob, "'what can I do for you?'' -. 'I want to call a brand of my it cigars-after you, and permission to use your, photograph. answered the man. "Certainly, my man, ami I will give a motto, if you desire." "I would thank you if you would. responded the man. Colonel lngersoll gave it tohtm as follows: "We shall smoke in this world, but not in the next.' Some -months afterward, while passing through Cincinnati, Colonel Ingersolwas informed thatfheman made $9,000 off the brand of cigars in less than a year. Albany Times. f- -mm- AdTiceto Mothers. Mns. WiksLC's soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the Ut ile sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, auiet sleeD bv relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums", allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or otlulr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. , julv 6 deod&wlv It Will Never le Thn. A citi2eu of Harlem who was ap proaching the railroad depot, fol lowed by a dog, halted and picked up a stone and flung it at the can ine with the exclamation: "You good ior, nothing cur, but I'd like tp 'knock your head jgrT"' . Just tlien'o-inaii came down aidfe 6treet, followexl by.another dog. and halted saying: "I've got apother just such cur here. Heisn t worth his" weight in soap grease."' " ' "111 poison mine this very niyht!' "" "And I'm going to throw mine under the locomotive" "Say," said the second man, after a moment's thought, "call your cur op here and let us get em to fight- pp mg. Good idea. Here, Jep -Jen Jen! Come here, doggie!"' ' The dog cautiously approached, hnd as the two animalsbegan grow ling and walking arcfund each other "Stubb!M brought a climax and they began fighting. Both men suddenly laughed, but it wasn't a minute before the first man whose dog was underneath,' kicked the dog on top. "Hold on, now. Qivo my dog a fair show!" shouted the other. "He's the biggestr ".No he ain'tj Don't -you kickl iuv dog agaiar' ' "rm a good mine to kick his owner!"'-" ;.. "I'd like to see yon try It?" "I can doit!" j- V : "You're a liar." r .And with that they-began - whal ing away at eacjL other with great et vigor, ending.after five minntes in a draw. Meanwhile the dogs had quit and disappeared. " I allow no one man to l;iek ray tloff' grasped one, and wiped, at his bloody nose. "And no living man can call me a liar' growled the other as he held his black eye. "") "I'll see you again." 'And I'll see yon." X. Y. Sun. Cunaamption-Surely Cured. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfullv. T. A. SLOOUM, M.C.. 181 Pearl st.. New York. New York & WilminstoD Steamship Co FROM PIEU 29, EAST KIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts At 3c"cloek. P. M. BENEFACTOR..... GULF STREAM.... FA NIT A,.. ....... REXEFACTOK..... Saturday, March 15 . . . . . ..Saturday, Marcn 23 .. . Wednesday, March 2i .... Sat u rday, T.i an h 2ft FROM WILMINGTON FANITA li UN K FACTO It. iULF STREAM FANITA . . Wedneay, March 1!) Friday, March 21 Friday, March 2$ .....Tuesday, April 1 XV" Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to . II G. &M A LLRONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. c. THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York. WM. P. CLYDE tc CO.. Gen'l Agents, mch 14 tf 5 Bowling Green. New York. Diamond Vera Cura FOR rYSIKISIA. For R:tl.' h.' JUL F. V. Ml l.l.Klf. feMl tf cor. Fourth and Nun Sts. The National Lite ANU- i . . . ... LMatliritV ASSOClUtlOIl t'S WASHINGTON. I. C Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - - None. HORATIO ISKOWNINn, President. SAMUEL NOHMKST,; Treasurer. GEORGE I. hlRinGE, Secretary. Manager an:. Actuary, GEO. J. EASTERDAY, Ass't Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An IncontesUble Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age Annual Cost. Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years; P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D. .- Medical Director! w H. GIBSON; Special Agent, nome Office, central National Bank Building, Washington. D. C. joiin HAAR. Jr., Local Agent, oct 28 - Wilmington;: N. C. Plows! Plows! fa Iibsts to - Fit All Leaili-? Plons. Trai-e Chains, Plow Lines, Pitchforks, pales and Shove's. Fishermen's Supplies, (iill Twine, Oars. Rope, etc. Building Material, Paints, Nails, Glass. Housekeepers' Outfits, Stoves, Sauce-pans, Fry Pans, etc. helf and Heavy Hardware U ALL KIMIS. We shall ever try to please $w in price and goods. . N. Jacobi Hardware Co., feb 4 tf l?.SO. FKONT ST. Wflniinglon Saviigs & Trust Ca J. W. ATKINSON. W. 1. TOOM ER, ; ITesldeHU .f i - cashier. 1 fift PRINCESS STi WirJYINGTON, N. CL. vo Lends ilcoey cn satL'ifactory security. Paya Interest ca Deposits, is empowered to execute Trusts ot tul tiiicij., . men sa ti : WHOLESALE PRICES- m' ' ' 1 If ' 9 '' "" " " "j " . 1 1 " 1 " The lollowlng quotations represent -hoie-sale prices generally. Xh making up small or. dere higher prices have to be charged. BAGGING 7 Gunny.... I....... .......... ; -8jtf Standard..... 8 t& &x BACON North Carolina. Hams 11 is I Shoulders" a... v 8 x Maes, f? n.... 8 10 WESTERN SMOKED nams,vib. 12V 'U Sides, n. ................. 8 a ,10, Shoulders. . , 7X DRY SALTED Sides, v ib... 5 9 Shoulders, a 6; 6 I 40 0 00 1 65 JO 8 00 0 00 BARREIA-Spbri Turpentine second Hand. each... 1 50 j 1 TO 23 10 00 U CO New, New York, each New, city, each 4 . ; . BEESWAX, ? Ib BRICKS, Wilmington, M...; Northern BUTTER, lb North Carolina. . ..... .'. . . Jj 25 Northern.. 25 s 30' CANDLES, IW Sperm;.. is af .25 Adamantine. 10 vx CHEESE, R . Northern Factory. II..... .. 10 , Dairy, Cream..'. ....... 13 u State 9 C4 11 COFFEE, lb " Java 27 30 Laguyra zi 25 Rio 20 & 22 CORN MEAL, bush,' in sacks. 00 52, Virginia Weal."..- 00 5 COTTON TIES, bundle. . .: . . 1 25 (A 1 30 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, ?yard..'. 6 6 Yarns, bunch...... 00 & so- EGGS, V doz. .. . 1 10. " FISH , Mackerel, No. l, bbl. ..... .xi J r30 50 Mackerel, Na l", Halt bbL .12 50 15 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl 15 00 20 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, y bbl 7 80 10 00 Mullets, bbl GOO a 7 00 N. c. Roe Ilernng. v keg... .00 t; 00 Dry Cod, V lt 5 10 FLOUR, bbl Vestern, low grade 50 i 00 " Extra..... 4 00 6 00 Family... 4 50 & ft 00" City Mills Super... 4 00 Q 4 10 Family 4 50 & 5 00 GLUE, B. 8 (4 10 GRAIN, y bushel. corn, rm storo. Dags, wiiiro 48 w 50 .'orn, cargo. In bulk, white, m c 4H Corn, cargo, in bags, white. 52 m :'irn, mixed, from si ore 00 ft 51 Oats, from sr ore. :?s (.4 Oats, Rust Proor no m 50 cow Peas... ." $ 1 (0 II IDES, Given..... 2 (4 :i Drj' u 4 5 HAY, y mt ma Eastern. 1 05 ($ 1 iq Western., &5 00 North River. ... .i 75 00 HOOP IRON, $ 2b. . .'. 2X 3 LARD, lb Northern. .. . 63 I 7? North Carolina.'.... 8 10 LIME, barrel.. .......... l 25' 0 J0 LUMBER, City Sawed, y M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality .... 13 DO Dressed Flooring, seasoned.l8J0 Scantling and Board, com'n.ll od MOLASSES, gallon- &lf ms 22 lu New Crop, in hhds. " in bbl. Porto Rico, in hhds.... 25. 26 28 3flU 28 '30 26 28 00 15 16 18 22 35 40 & 2 50 " in bbls..... ... Sugar nouse, in hhd3 44 in Tobls. Syrup, In bbls NAILS, y Keg, Cut. lOd basin. OILS, gallon. kerosene ' Lard... .. -A Linseed. Rosin Tar..-. Deck and Spar POULTRY;- : Chickens, live rown " Spring. Turkeys PEANUTS, bushel, 22 Id. POTATOES, V bushel sVeet Irish, V bbl... PORK, barrel City Mess 9 16 90 15 iw 00 14 45 00 16 (4 1 ' 30 20 I 00 1 25 10 75 00 65 75 75 3 3 ..12 00 ,15 00 00 .v- .4 1$ 00 16 00 . 15 00' Prime....... Rump.. .. 1.. .i. RICE Caiolina, VJb., r Rough. 9 hush, (Upland)... 44 44 (Lowland). rags, v Country........... City r ROPE, 1 lb ....V : SALT, y sack. Aluniy t Liverpool. . .. . . a . . . . Lisbon s. . .. .s. .. 3 80 y 80 (4 00 & 1 70 1 00 1 22 75 I10f 1 American.. .a SOA p. v lNortherni SUGAR, p lb-tandard grain.. StandardA... 6 6 0 (A 5Vat White Ex Ci. ' Ext ra C, Golden C Yellow. SHINGLES, Tin. M.. 1 5 Common 2 Cypress Saps........ ....... 4 no oo 50 7 & 2 5 & 7 00 50 00 50 Cypress Hearts.... STAVES, v M-wl o. Barrel IL O. Hogshead TALLOW. lb 0 00 8 00 0 00 4 en 00 410 00 3 5 I4 Oil 13 00 8 50 0 00 0 00 4 00 5 00 e 3 o & is A 18 TIMBER, 1? M feet Shipping.. 13 00 Fine Mill .....11 25 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair 5 00 Common Mni.....T.. 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary......... 2 50 wniSKEY, TH gal Northern... 2 00 North Carolina 1-50 WOOL, 9 Jt Washea.....!.... - 23 Unwashed 18 Burry is OYSTER ROASTS AM BETTER PREPARED V than ever to accommodate my rfi?9? friends with OYSTERS this season., I will keep .none but the Eesr oa hand always MYRTLE GROVE roasts a specialty. Every thing overhauled and improveJ. Oysters ready at short notice and expert ehuctrs to open them- - . Special rates to parties. - Give me a call and will Co my best to please you. ... .-..-.v.. Respect funyi - - W. IL STOKLEY. . ociptx . wnjjjtsnae KAILUO ALi . At Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington di WeldonR. AND BUANCUE8. CONDEN3ED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. V, 2 - Dated Jan. 13. l!T4 O H s - P. M. 11 16 A. M. P. M. 12 30 J 46 P. M.?A Leave Weldon. 5 43 Arrive Rocky Mount 12 19 P. M. a 45 A. M. 10 20 Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro. - A. M. ..) 12 47 P. M.i Arrive Wilson.. 217 Leave Wilson ;V. Arrive sclma: 5.. Arrive Fayetteville.J., t2:iOI. 3 4 . 6 t . A. M.' Leave fioldsboro.... Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia..... Arrive Wilmington. . 12a ;i 10 1 4 10 !. 4 21 i 5 5i) ; 40 2 21 2:14 Sort S40! l 55 TRAINS GOING NORTH. c . o" u A. M. 1120 it t !a. m. I 12 01 A. M. 9 00 10 42 10 55 1145 P. M. 4 00 5:w 5.VJ Leave Wilmington. Leave Magnolia. . . . Leave "Warsaw.. .. Arrive Goidsboro.; U-JS . 1 17 "i'-Jil sis Leave Fayette Arrive Selma. Arrive Wilson. "4 M fH40 ....'.. 11(0 2 20 j 2 50 12 r,7 7 47 2 50. 1 1M 818 ; ,3 45 3 45 A. M. 1020 ...... W20 P. M. 3 57 4 30 2 45 9 30 Leave Wilson..... Ar.' Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro.. Arrive Weldon. Dauy except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax 2:30 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 3:45 v. in.. Riven on .10 p. m. Re luming leaves Ricrton 7:20 a. m.. Scotland Neck at 10:20 a. m., dally except Sunday, Train leavers Tarboro, N. C. via Albermarle &,Raleigh R. R. dally except Sunday, 4.00 P. M., Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrive Wllllamston, .N. C, L30 J'. M-.v4. 1 XL. Plymouth' L(X P. M., o40 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth, mouth. N. C, dtily except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., Sunday s.30 A. M., Willwmston 7.25 A. M., 9.50A.M. Arrive Ta.hOiO N. C.,'9.50 A. M., li tn a. m. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves (iold3 boro, N. v., daily e.vcent Sunday. 6.00 A. M.. arrive Smiihtleld, N, ci. 7-30 A. M. Returning leaves Smitlnield, N c. 8.00 A. M., arrive Goidsboro, n. c, 9.;sf) a. m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 3.00" P. M.. arrives at Nashville 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A. M.. Nashville 10.35 A." M.T arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 a.m.; dally except Sunday - Train on Clinton Branch, leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. 31. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M.,- connecting at War saw with Nos; 41 40,- 23 and 78. - - Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goidsboro and Magnolia, . Train-No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all polnt3 North daily. Ail rail via Richmond, and dally, except .Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and nave Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. , Florida Special Vestibule Train No. 501 leaves .Weldon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:50 p. m., arriflng Wilmington 2:00 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays leaves Wilmington 1:00 a. m., arriving Weldon 5:33 a. m. 00 oo j 00 j 00 JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen! Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Carolina Central Railroad Company, Sd CHANGE OF "SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 41. dally ex. Sunday. No. 5L daily ex. Sunday. No57 March 23, 1890. dally Sunday. Leave Wilmington 3 00 pm Leave Hamlet 7 30 pm Iftvft Wflflpsboro. i 8 2 not 6 4 5 pm 2 tJO am 3 39 am 7 10 am Arrive Charlotte.. flOo pm Leave OhatJotte . Leave Llncolnton.! Leave Shelby I 5 55 7 32 8 26 9 45 Arriveicutherfdtn! j 4 - EASTBOUND TRAINS in' y l-Noras. daily ex. i No. . daily ex Sunday March 23, 18fn. dally ex Sunday Sunday. Leave Rutherf'dt'n 8 45 Lea ve Shelby.. .... ,11 05 ;il oo il2 20 Leave Llncolnton.! Arrive charlotte. . Leave Charlotte... 5 am Leave Wadc?boro. 6 52 am Leave Hamlet 8 io am: Arrive Wllmingt'n 12 15 pm! OOpmj 11 24 pm 1 30 am! 8 00 am' Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and point3 North via Ral eigh. Trains No. 51 and 54 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Through sleeping cars between Wilmington and charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. j T. W. WHISNANT. Superintendent, F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. mh 24 ; Hardware T MS WARE AND CROCKERY. - . W. E. SPRINGER A CO., . - Importers and Jobbers; nov t " J y Piycell Ituljrtlbg. MULES FOR SALE ! ONE PAIR GOOD ILVECFILIEiS FOR SALE BY fj. spitLNqcir, - At COu'IhI Woo.1 v..rL miscellaneous: Atlantic Cohrt Line. R. WilminsrtbnV lutiibia & AucthU -li. II. Co. a .. ' - . - r "t i 1 tu:awa : " I a. CONDENSED SCUlpULE. TRAINS GOISG SOCTIL5 5 Dated Jan. 13. IK ft Y. Narr. M. Jai. . .bo. n. P. M. . ds .n P. M t A.M. ? id 12 l 4 1 f 1 51 1 20. -7 27 lave Wllmlhgtori.; Leave M arlon.. . . . 7 M Arme Florcnce.iACii' l 2 '.!no.?w A. M. a. m. r. Leave Florence.......! 30 4 35 Arrive smnrer. no; ks. A. M. Leave Sumter. .. Arrive Columbia. 4 S5 ft 15 A. M. 1 10 3:? 43 U 651-1. No. 52 runs thrctigh from Cnarlcstcn Central J. R. - : f,-t leaving Lanes us A. M., ilnnlg A.- -Train on c. i. R. R. connects Florenc with No. 58. :15 t:u 9M 11 20 TRAINS GOING NOItTII. NO. 51. No. 50. No. K P. M Leave Columbia..".. Arrive Sumter 10 35 11 58 Leave Sumter.. Arrive Florence 11 58 t 637 1 15 7 50 A. M. NO. 78 A. M, . 4 35 5 K 8 115 A. M. r. m. Na C6 A.M. 7 m 8 6 11 10 . . Leave Florence M.. M , . . .....I Arrive Wilmington... ' 'Dally. tDallye.xcept Sunday. No. 5;j runs through to Charleston, 8, V. tn Central R. It., arriving Alannmg 7:04 P. M., Lancs 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9:30 P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C and D. train rrom cheraw and Wadesboro. - Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. R. ,il for all point North - . ; - - : Train on Florence R. R. leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7.tm p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6:30 a. m.. ar rive Pee Dee 8-.50 m. Train on Manchester & Augusta 1L Jl. leave Sumter dally, except Sunday, 10:50 A. M.,arrtve Richardson 1:01 1. M. Returning leavo lUch ardson 12:15:p. M., arrive Sumter 130 P.M. Florida Special Vestibule Train No. ftCi leaves Wilmington 2:10 a. m.; TuesdaysThurs days and Saturday, arriving Asyloy Junction 9:05 a. m. . . .... Mondays. Wednesday 'and Frtdayn. Flbtida Special Vestibule train No.50O leaves Charles, ton. Northbound, 5:44 p. in., arrives at, Wil mington 12:50 Midnight. JOHN F. DIVINE, . General superiutendunt, J. R. KENLY, Ass't cen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Age n novis .. . .- .. Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. R. of S. C Inrt, 1 I CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, m NO. Leave Florence ji 44 Kingstrec...J, Arrive Lanes.. , Leave Lanes..-.. ..... Arrive Charleston. . i. No. "27. No. 23. I A. M. A. M. 1 35 9 30 2 29 1()'55 2 50 11 2 Ml 11 20 5 00 1 :jo A. M. P; M. Traln No. 63takes No. 53 South of Lnnes. Train on c. & D. U-ll. connects at Florenco with No. 23 Train. izX - TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 78. No. 14. A. M. P. M. 12 25 '4 30 2 45 6 28 2 50 (128 3 10 6 46i 4 20 7 w: A. M. P. M. Leave Charleston.... Arrive Lanes , Leave Lanes 44 Klngstree..... Arrive Charleston.... A. M. Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence with trait on c. & I), r. lc. for t heraw, a c, and Waocs boro, N. c. , No. 62 runs through to Columbia via Central R. R. of s. c. Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, ' C., making close connection vita W. A W. R. for all points north. - JNO. F. DIVINE, , t, . General superintendent. J. R. KENEY, Ass t Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, my 11 Drugs and Clicmicale," "-'- " a rjOI LET A KTICLES. PATENT II EDICINB Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc, etc. Also Prescriptions niled day or nlgbt at : ex. pm pm pm pm am . C. M1LLEKK, Drug Store, comer Fo-uth and Nun su. am am pm Jan 4 THE STATE CHRONICLE, Succesor lathe Farmer and Mechanic the Chronic.) Under New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND.Cr.EAN. UP WITH THE TIMES, T 'HE "STATE WIRONICLE' WILL what ll name ImpIIen a State Par'r. It not the Raleigh "VhrouH lc.n and will not 1 -local or fafcuooaL It wilt aim . to iu-ep up1 with the wwi from Murvhy to Manu-o. or. a the pollil'-iana put it, from Cherokfx tacur. rituck. '.- It will be the organ of no man, no finjr o -section, no party. It will be Democratic In lolities, but will not b-i-Kato to crmiM lemocratlc mealares and Democratic oHiari; V TERMS OF SUBSCIUlTlOXr- t One Year............:..... i. ........ 15 on" Mx Months... 9 m m 0 a a . -'t ... h-1. . . . . .......................... TFor ajsampj my aiMreiw j ts TJ1ETATE CHRONICLE, 'M ' Table Board. , A FEWGZNTLEMEN CAN.BS .ACCOMMt' Up trtth;Tr;t!'Coard cn rr-:f- it'n nt ml I i 'J l:.u;, 11 - NO. 15. NO. W A. M. t Jvj 10 2 53 P. M. 5 20 6 32 14. . M. 8 15 11 45 P. M. PM. ..' 5 C P. M. NO. 62V A. M. an 1 f ill

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