T JAMES. and Prop. months 12.00. Three r rr carriers, free .-iiit'" - . i - r 1; ' rrpirt anj an1 if .e .n -t elegant form FiG's OF CAUFOtfNlA, -Vm-d wit" the- medicinal "1 of plant- known to le t rc!!c;:-i " w.. ---- i ;...r oti irrrpfnllif ir.!, it'i-IiU1s ! i-fcotive laxative to jjcruu Jr tii.;...i rVmcti. ii anl the many ills de nduiV on a weak or inactive nation of the -DSEYS, LiVER AMD BOWELS. the ir.o excellent remedy Known 10 XUSf Wf SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY V'Ltn cne is D.lious or Constipated so I it at jRI tLOOO, RfFREOHIMO 8LEEP, HEALTH ana i n NATURALLY FOLLOW, .try one is using it and all are fcEghted with it. ASK YOUR CWUQQIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY ALIFOENIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAX FRANCISCO. CAL. vamil. XL NEW YORK. ft. Y forsalety ItOKEIlT 11 UKLLAMY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, a 3S lr diw Wilmington, N. C We Have SPLENDID RUDDER DRESSING COMB r.ctDts. r.Ll'E LILIES, a new rcrfume hnce. MI NDS BROTHERS, 101 N. Front street. btf Caffeine Seidlitz. KTnE SPEEDY RELIEF OP NERVOUS I k-adaclie and brain fatigue, depression lowing alcoholic and other excesses, heart en, nervous debility, etc. one j grain of Mrobromate or caffeine in each close. Mix. i pow dro in water and drlnfc during effer Mace. JAMES D. NUTT. Anothecarr. Li) X. Front St.. Wilmuurton. N. . mch 19 p hj and light. MY SALOON, Comer orNortti Water and Mulberry fctreets. lp frtin 1 hU a. rn. Mo:diT Until H. 111. .n nrdiv n . 1 I " ' ' : P. HUOWNB, Agent, WILMINGTON. N. C. John Werner. fflERE BI T 0P vn hp nnrno Market street, a pood shave k. M.tl?. our of the best Barbers In mm tr-r". .lu?.arp razors ana I r """"Ot- JC UN WERNER, JifD in tf The German Barber. Cil" 29 Market street. V . iffrrisrv and rtlUEE AND . IIALF PER CENT. INTER- rUKcerilri..tw, .v... . i . '"aUnstr'n an W idon Railroad Company tm at J,", omee of the Treasurer, at sJtoa. N. I0 an holders of record lit, . ak.ws win stand closed frcia 1st. lncliiJr - J AS. F. POT, Jr., s-"y :.!,. Trea-x v. W. R. It. Co. fid.' (WltfAN & VOMERS. VllOl KSAI.K UKAI.F.KsTn ,rvIsionsf Groceries, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, AND EMISSION MERCHANTS, Frnt and Dock VA- t'J.4- f pcaiotf 1 1 'J VOL: XIV. In India cakes of ti?a pass as cur- rency. In this country scandal pass- es as currency with the Jea. A railway is to 'run through the (Colorado Hirer canon and a cannon ball train will then ba in order. rhe.anti-English feeling in Portu gal has subsided, ami the British feelings were not hurt much. 4iThere is a highly intellectual bal let in Cologne, Germany writes an exchange. It should read "a high j intellegtual ballet." Nineteen bills for the suppression of trusts are now being agitated in Congress and Bill Chandler's ear is still open to advances. . . Bibles, printed in 29 different lan guages, are being distributed in Pennsylvania. But the starving miiiers can't eat bibles. ThePresidential campaign in Peru" has caused some bloody feelings be tween the factions. It is painful to Peruse such items as this. ' Whjtelaw Ried. American Minis ter to France, has just arrived in New York from Havre. He didn't Havre a rough passage. Buffalo Bill refused to pay a prize in Rome to the man who rode one of his wild herses. "William has a prop er regard foi his little bills. Lewis Aldrich's new comedy, ''The Editor' is to be produced in New fcfaven on April 8th. There are lots of subscribers to Btart with. . The- revolt against the Ameer of Afghanistan has been quelled. A number of insurgents were behead ed. Ameer trifle in that country. - It is reported that at the coming session of the German Reichstag the Government will demand fresh mili tary credits. Better call for the cash than the credit. Jt is said that the German Gov ernment has given an enormous or der for smokeless powder, to be exe cuted immediately. This is putting the noose on the hangman. Henry M. Stanley is to lecture in England and receive $100,000 there for. This is paraphrasing with a vengeance. Read 'Charge, Stanley, charge!" Scott now. The Customs Committee . of the French Chamber of Deputies has voted to impose a duty of sixty cents on foreign corn and one dollar on corn flour. Nothing is said about corn juice. ' "Money Mad" is the startling dra matic title of Steel Macknye's new pTay, on which an exchange saj'S that "he lias put the final polishing touches." In this instance a fine Steel polish which will Mackaye. very acceptable play. ;? The new State of Washington" is Republican to the core, and its leg islators seem to be all-in training for the U. S. Senate. According to the Portland Oregorian, thirty of them went the theatre a few nights ago and threw xiaper balls, rubber over shoes and- orange peelings at each other and hooted and guyed the players. Senator Gilford threw a big. orange across the auditorium and hit President pro tern Parkin son iri the pit of the stomach and knoeked the wind out of him. The missel passed close to a woman's head in its flight. ; . Wanted. A good appetite. You can have it easy enough by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It tones the digestion and cures sick headache. L.OCAL, NEWS. 1KDXX TO NlV APVXRTISESIKKTS, Thomas Gore Notice U M McIxtirk Dress Goods Xotice N C Car Service As.wial ion 'Notice N C DJome UuildJn': Assoc lai ion Bock beer will be fashionable next week. Dr. S. S. Satellite! I was in the city to day and paid us a very pleasant visit. - Boys! we can sell you a Bracket Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. N. Jacob. Hdw. C , , When readyfcto huild, paint or re- pair you wUTflnd It to your advsw-r tage to buy-yotir 'material , of the1&. Jacbbl lid w. .Co,. t 1 "It pleases me so I shall nse .no other," is what the farmer said when asked abont the Boy Clipper Plow, sold by theX. Jacbbl Hdw. Co. t DAILY WILMINGTON, N. C. North Carolina hams are at 12 to 15 cents a pound. quoted Eggs sell fr 11 to 11 cents by wholesale and 12 cents per dozen bv retail. The last of the joint services of the congregations of St. Paul's, St. John's and St. James will be held this evening in St. Jamesat 8ofilock. Ask for "Our Old Chief." This new and improved Wamsutta Shirt , is now ready and for sale at our Shirt Factory only, at ?5c. 122 Market St., J. Elsbaeh, prop. vt. Paint your Buggy for 75 cents, 4C a bits," with Detroit carg. Paint, varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to' give satisfaction. Sold by the N. .Tacobi Hdw. Co. t Rev. Dr. Pritchard and Mr. D. I,. Gore, of tliis city, will attend the General Baptist Convention, which will open its sessions at Fort Worth, Texas, on the 0th of May. The greatest velocity of the storm here to-day was 35 miles an hour and the rainfall was but .00 of an inch. At Southport the wind blew at the rate of 33 miles an hour. The muddy condition of the water here to-day evidences that there "is a freshet iii the river. All we could hear, however, was that the water was falling at Fayetteville. The steeple of the beautiful new Fifth Street M. E. Church was com pleted yesterday. It is 135 feet high. The church will probably be com pleted and ready for worship early in June. "There's a time for everything un der the sun," said the wise man, and of course he was right, so also if you've got a quarter loose about your vest pocket you can buy a bot tle of Dr. Bull's Cough 'Syrup" almost any time of the day or night. The Sociable given by the Ladiejs' Aid Society of the Brookljrn Baptist Church, in the City Hall last night, was largely attended and a hand some sum for the benefit of the church was realized. Mr. Thomas Gore will open on Monday next, at No. 3 South Water street, a stock of first-class family groceries. He promisestokeep noth ing but the best and hopes for a liberal share of patronage. See ad. in this issue. A beautiful steam yacht, painted white from stem to stern, and about the size of the Passport, is now lying ill the stream opposite the foot of Mulberry street. She is called the .Tudj, and is bound for New Orleans, "on pleasure bent." Dr. Richard H. Lewis, of Raleigh, will make his regular quarterly' visit to Wilmington on Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, April 8th, 9th and 10th, and can be consulted on these days at Dr. Wood's office for the diseases to which his practice is limited (eye, ear, throat and nose). In connection with the fact of- the purchase by Mr. Warren G. Elliott, President of the W. & w. R. R., of the elegant residence of Mr. Pem broke Jones, on South Front street, as mentioned by us yesterday, there is a singular coincidence. Gov. Dudley, grandfather of Mr. John L. Dudley, who built the house, was also President and the first Presi dent of the W. & W. R. R. New String Hand A new string band was organized in this city a few nights ago. A name has not yet been adopted but it will probably be called the Ser enade String Band. It is composed of the followiug young gentleinen: King Southerland, leader, violin; John James, guitar; William Bry an and Charles Farrow and T. Swann, harmonica; J. K. Burruss, 1 triangle; Boney Southerland, violin. They propose to play for serenades, parties, pic nics, etc. Prediction Verified. The cautionary Southwest storm signal was raised here'and at More head and Charlestop at 11:10 last night, in obedience to instructions from Washington City. A storm was then approaching from the West and high Southwesterly winds were expected. The prediction was aiu- plv verified for the wind trot here fore moining aud has continued Very hiirh all day. The signal raised was the moderate storm signal, yel low and white. When the signal is white and red, or all red, thenioqk oat for a snorter, for that means a severe storm. - FRIDAY, MARCH 28, Forecast. For Noith Carolina, light rains and warmer to day and colder and fair on Saturday. For Wilmington and vicinity, threatening to day and fair to morrow. A Pleasing Sene Of health and strength renewed and of eas and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in har mony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and fl.00 bottles by all leading druggists. Mechanics Home Association. We are glad to learn that the Me chanics Home Association are about to issue a new series of stock, giving an opportunity which has been much desired by many f ob taining stock in this well-managed and prosperous institution, which iias already been of great benefit to our cominunitv. The Ad die Ashore. Mr. Demain, Signal j Observer at Southport, reports that the pildt boat Addle went ashore near Bald Head Lighthouse about noon to-day while sailing iu from the sea. The steamer Bessie went to her assist ance but could not pull her off. It is thought that she can be gotten off by the first big tug that arrives. The April Wide Awake. Wide Awake for April opens with a burst of Easter beauty and hope; the frontispiece, "Easter Offerings," embodies the spirit of youth and bloom and gladness, while a beauti ful story, "The Pilgrims' Easter Lily," ought to go far to settle the question of America's national flow er. "What's In a Name?" gives a brief history of the English founder of the famous Smithsonian institu tion at Washington, with three por traits of Smithson, and then goes on to give fifty or more examples of the mistaken ways in which people ad dress letters to the institution. "The Difficulties of ft Darling" is an amus ing story of the way a little sister proved her devotion. ' "How Simon and Sancho Panza helped the Revo lution" is a first-rate true historical story. "Work and Play" is another true story of this number, showing a delicate woman's business energy and success. "Nervy's Wicked Sjui mer" is the kind of story that chil dren read eagerly. "The Fugitives of French Cross" is a pathetic story. "Newspaper Workers" is for girls who intend -to become journalists. "The English Primrose" is a pretty open-air paper. There are chapters from two serials in the number and Lthe poetry is all good. Wide Awdkc is $ 240 a year. D. Iothrop Com pany, publishers, Bostou, Mass. Board of Aldermen. A called meeting of the Board was held this noon to open and con sider bids for supplies for the city for the ensuing year: The Wilmington Gas Light Co. of fered to contract for gas and electric lights, on same terms as last year, viz: $2 per month for gas lights and $10.50 for electric arc lights. If, however, the city will increase the number of arc street lights, then the price for the whole to be $10 each per month. Referred to Committee on Lights. x i : $ t For lumber, Parsley & Wiggins at $10 per thousand for merchantable and $12.75 for pine; Fore & Foster $11.12. Referred to Committee on Streets and Wharves. For feeding prisoners, Jane Shee- lian, at 8 cents per meal: Police Committee. For printing, S. G. Hall, $13, ag- gregate; J. A. Bonitz, $G2.50. Com mittee on Finance. For regulating and keeping in order. J. L. "Winner, S90. clock Com mittee on Finance. Application of W. T. Brav. to he7 appointed a health officer, was re ferred to Committee on Sanitation. Communication from H, A. Bagg, Chairman Board of Commissioners, proposing joint action for survey of blocks, etc., was referred to Com mittee on Street and Wharves, to confer with Mr. Bagg and report. Communication from Mecklenburg Iron Works, furnishing estimates of cost of stone crusher, etc.. for street purposes, was referred to Com mittee on Streets and Wharves. Application of.M. ' P. p piylor tor position of Citv Engineer, was de- -- ferred until next regular meeting in have fi3ed abont twenty bottles,and April now my skin is clear, smooth and Proposition of GaineweU Fire healthy, and I consider the peUon . - 1 J permanerJtly driven from my tuood. Alarm Co. to sell plant to city was , l ndorse4t as the best blood real referred to Finance Coramitte. edy," NO 89. The Mavor's Messaere. Mav we be pardoned for requesting thelMay- or to incorporate in his next message the, fact that many of our most prominent citizens have been cured of rheumatism, neuralgia and kin dred complaints, by Salvation Oil, and that he recommend this valua ble mediciue to be kept in every familv. Terrible News. News was received here to day of a terrible disaster at Louisville, Ky., yesterday afternoon. The reports are meagre as the wires are -down, All that is known is to the e fleet that a cyclone struck the city and that the ;n tire Western portion was de stroyed. A bulletin issued by the Postal Telegraph Co,-says that fully 500 persons were reported killed. It was also reported that a disas trous fire followed the cyclone but this is" not believed. There is abso lutely not another word from the city up to 1 o'clock this afternoon. A New Ituildiug Association. A large number of citizens me t at the City Hall last night to organize a buildinsr and loan association. Prof. M. C. S. Nobles was called to the chair and Mr. F. L. Meares was requested to act as secretary. Messrs. F. L. Meares and Frank H. S ted man were appointed a com mittee to ascertain the number of shares subscribed, and it was found that 412 shares were represented. After this a constitution for the gov ernment of the association was sub -mitted and was unanimously adopt ed, it being decided that when 400 shares had been taken the associa tion could go into operation. The following were unanimously elected a Board of Directors, viz: Messrs. Mike Cronly, Jr.. C. W. Yates, W. If. Bernard, W. G. Mae Rae, A. D. Brown, M. J. Corbett, M. F. Costin, Martin Newman, M. T. Diivis, R. R. Bellamy, F. A. New bury, John Maunder, W. H. Howell, M, C. S. Noble. Upon motion the meeting of stockholders was adjourned. Then a meeting of the directors was called, with Mr. M. T. Davis in the chair, and Mr. W. H. Howell secretary, and at which C. W. Yates was elected President, M. C. S. Noble Vice President, Frank H. Stedman Secretary and Treasurer, and John D. Bellamy, Jr., attorney. The directors adopted a code of by laws and decided that the meetings of the board should be held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each mouth. It was determined that the books of subscription should be opened at once and that when 750 shares have been subscrib ep for the books shall be closed: this constituting the First Series. It was also resolved that the first payment of instalments shall be made on the secodd Saturday in April. f The boark thenadjourned, subject to the call of the President. Kind Words of Cheer. When a proprietor knows a errand and good remedy he for has the many ills that flesh and blood are heir toy it pleases him exceedingly to receive such evidences of apprecia tion as follows: W. F. Miles, Milesviile, N. C, writes: 44I have'used Botanic Blood Balm and find it to be all that it is recommended to be." D. C. Blanton, Thomasville, Ga., writes: "I have used Botanic Blood Balm in my family as a tonic and blood purifier with highest sa'tisfac torv results." P. O. H off man, editorTimes, Rocky Mount, Va., writes: "I am pleased to say that Botanic Blood Balm is the best appetizer and tonic for del icate people I ever saw. It acted like a charm in my case." F. H. Hickey, 1208 Main street, Lynchburg, Va., writes: "I was broke out all over with sores, and my hair was falling out. Afterusing a few bottles of Botanic Blood Balm my hair quit falling out and all the sores got well." Julia E. Johnson, Stafford' P. O.. S. C, writes: "I had suffered 13 years with eczema and was at times confined to my bed. The itching was terrible. My son-in-law got lue one-half dozen bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, which entirely cured me.'and I ask you to publish this for the benefit of others "suffering in like manner." August A. Klages, 810 St. Charles street, Baltimore, Md.,wrPe: "From my youth I suffered from a poison ous 'taint in my mood. My face and body was continually affected with eruption and sores. I am jiow 42 years of aire and had been treated i00111 111 1,1 - uu amcnw, "uv it.ii. f t t : i... w in rRfiiPi i . iivh ri'za hi i lit i iiiii mi? mi- til I used Botanic Blood Balm. I 1890. . -rr.ni s notice. .1' "We ww ?as cud to rcccrre cocaaicau..l;a from oar tnenas on any &a til rejects cenerai interest, tmx , The name ot the writer must itnri Toe ;j nlshea to tne EOltor. , I Communications mast to written on ? one side ot tho paper. Personalities must ho aTolded. " And it is espedauy and particularly an Co stood that the Editor does not ;anray rndorr the news or correspondents unless so ; to the editorial columns. ' f . ., Little Lord Faantlcroy (Salt) Can bo Seen' at I. Shrler't. I. Shrier, who is always ahead In introducing new novelties', will sell this veek the Lord Fauntleroy and Alfonso (King of Snafu) suit. Also a full line of children's Kilt Suits 'at the lowest price for cash only. I. Shrier, corner Front and Princess streets. tf ICefrcsliinc and inTlcoratlnjf Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers magnlficeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 343. Purest Fruit Syrup,MilkShakes . aud Natural Mineral .water. JInevt ADVEICTI8EUENTS. , fUotice. BOOKS OF SUBSKIPTION TO TUK Cari tal Ktoct of the "North Carolina Home liulldlnt? As.sorlatlon' will nwn m tha nmr of the Treasurer, at the "Star" nmv An Vr4 day, -March 2Sth, at 10 o'clock a. in., and will ix" kepi upca uuui ou,Miun.'s uavn oren Hut), bribed for. F. II. STKDMAN, achssit secretary 'and Treasurer. NOTICE. J WOtLD KESPECTF0LLY NOTIFY MV friends and the public generally that on Mon day. March 31, snO, I will opeaa First-Class Family Grocery Store At No. 3 South Water St., where I will kcop nothing but the best goods. Also a tine supply of LKJUORS, WINES, ciOAIts. 4c. Kestaiuant aud Sleeping Booms upstairs. THOMAS CIORTS. mch 28 Iw - North Carolina Car denies Assodatioa, MANAOEK'S OFFICE,' ' Raleigh, N. C, March 25, 3NTOTIOB ! rjiHE OPERATION OF THE RULES OF THE North Carolina Car Service Association 4s postponed until further notice. WASHINGTON 11RYAN, mch8 2t , Manager, I Renovate and Re-3Iako OLD MATTRESSES AND MAKE THEM AS (JOOI) A8 NEW. : W.M. CUMMirJC. mch 2j tf HATS AND CAPS. CAPS AND HATS. For Men, Boys and Children LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OI Newest and Latest styles Just received and for sale at lowest living prices. Latest Spring styles arriving every day. ' I. II. WEILL, mchsti wed Iri sat 111 Market Street. I Manufacture All Kinds MATTRESSES TO ORDER AND TO FIT YOUR BED. w. rj.cur:jYirjc. mch 25 tf . v Library Association Reading Room piRST FLOOR, MASONIC BUILDING, 123, Market street. " open till 10 p. m. evcrjrtwceic day. Electee llsrhts. i: different periodicals for ISS0. Only f L00 per hottsehold per quarter year. Eveiybody invired to examine, teb 1 tf Plows! Plows ! Cafe U Fit All Lfafc Pliws. Trace Chains, Plow Lines,' Pitchfork, Spades and Shove!.. Fishermen. Supplier, (iill Twine, Oar. Uoie, efc. Building Material, Paints, Nails, Ghtctf, Housekeeper!' Outfits, j Stov, Fauce-pan-, Fry Pans, etc. Shelf and Heavy Hardware OF ALL KINDS. -Weshall evr try to pleas- yon in prle and goods. T N. Jacobi Hardware Oor, feb4 tf 1 Ml. FRONT ST. Diamond Vera Cura FOK DYSPEPSIA. For sate hj feblttt - ' DK.'F.C. MILLER, cof. Fonrth and Nua" U,

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