s THIS FAPEK PLEASS NOTICE. We win te gta-i to receive ccrur.m:' " rrom our mends on any and aHEi; general Interest, trat 7 : C ' Tne name of trie writer must aiwars t nlshed to the Editor. , CominoDicanona must taVirntUn ca one aide ot tna paper. X Personalities most be arolddX And it is especuur am parCcuimx tz. stood that thA Editor does covalwajs t r : the news ot corresponajta cnless so In the editorial columns. . v Ia putusned every ereum. sundajs excepted -iiMrq Editor and Frop. I ft gj josm. .... - SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE TAID: ..no. su month3 cm -Three one jrear BontM-lW 01 month, 35 cents, tuc paper will te delivered by carriers, free m any part of the city, at the above of cbirse. " ' rtw, or 10 cents per week vertlsln? rates low and UberaL tr- subscribers will please report any and .ttres to receive their paper regu! AlVl,'g3TfgNT8"" 1 xj . J " " - t"? " y " 1 Tf 1 1 IT. It s VOL. XIV. W ILM1NGTON, N, C, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1890. NO 95. . y .-AV si a Present m the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE or THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be niost beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the rr.ost excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one ii Eilious or Constipated so that PURE LLOOD, REFREOHIMO GLBEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Ever- one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUQQIST FOf MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAU UUIIXVILIE. Kf. NEW YORK. N. V , For sale by KOiiKKT B BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, tich 2fi ly dw Wilmington, N. C. Caffeine Seidlitz. FOK THE SPEEDY RELIEF OF NERVOUS headache and brain latlffuc, depression following ah ohollc and other excesses, heart burn, nervous debility, etc One grain of h vdrcbromate of caffeine in each dose. Mix the powders In water and drink during effer vesmice. JAME8 D. NUTT, Apothecary. i N. Front st.t Wllmlr jton, N. C. mch 19 OPERA HOUSE. An Illustrated Stercoptlcon Lecture on Sights of Paris,. MONDAY, APUlL,7tb, 1800. Adults, w cents; Children, 2 cents; Gallery, r rents, scats at Yates'. lleglns at S:20 P. M. apl itt Warn P Jones Ml AT HE SAYS ABOUT DR. KING'S wSnoVSS1 of a"er from the above iw itSdi!rroiTaJlorvTexas 0n tn8 rnut eur t If?has taking Koyal Wtc t! shV distressing bedacbeswitb. sly It hin a martr twenty years. "W? taM1?16. for rbeumatlsin, neu fcpl& Insomnia, dyscepsia.' lndl D'J kidV."1??-. PlpltaUon. Uver. bladder ai !ood anrt 1111(1 fcTer, cautrrb, and sun diseases, temalo troubles; lor sale hv H. It. BELLAMY, P l Ha Wnoltsile and RetaiL WOW READY! J AM Now OPEN WITH A FULL ASD COMPLETE STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES, THEK RETAIL OR WHOLESALE. My Sl0ck Is FRESH, aa well as THE BEST HE city. Give me a call and eee for loursoires. EAC?6fi.W,y CIGARS, TO- THOMAS GOKE, a-'1 3 lf So. 3 south. Water fctrtjet. 0f Hie family of Governor GoodeM, of New Hampshire, make the state- inent that the Governor's condition has improved and that he is a Goodell better. ; - - j The carnage works of W. O. Buck ; & Co., at Holland, Pa., have been' destroyed by fire, and the Jpresuu.p-! i ,. boards were burned. A correspondent of the Cincinnati i Times-Star, writing from Mashville, says that in the Tennessee peniten tiary women are stripped to the waist and flogged on the bare back. We don't believe a word of it. It is doubtless another Radical campaign lie. The Philadelphia Manufacturer, organ of the Tariff League, warns the Ways and M?ans Committee that -unless its bill shall give "in creased protection'' the Republican party will be beaten at the next election. This is pretty hard on the committees, but it is harder still on the party, which is perfectly insatia ble. The more they get the more they want. They will have a hard old row to hoe in '02. During the past two weeks more than fifty applications have been made for admission to membership in the New York Real Estate Ex change. This is regarded as an in dication that the market for real es tate will continue active during the remainder of the season. Much of the money which was formerly in vested in stocks and bonds has found its wav into houses and lots. Pjicc-s for real estate in good localities in New York and vicinity are pretty well maintained and it is predicted by some dealers that the market will bo even firmer in the near fu ture. The torturing painful disease, neuralgia, is instantly relieved; and rapidly cured by Salvation Oil. At all druggists. Price twenty five cents local isrwrs7 1KDKX TO NSW ADVEKTI3EMEKT3, Munds Bros Pnarmaclsts Opeba HorsE Classical Concert W J Kirkiiam & Co Auction Sale C W Yates Window Shades, etc Clyde's S S co Change of Schedule Geo 11 FrkxctTJC sons Boots and Shoes m- Day's length 12 hours and 17 min ute?. ' Sunset to morrow afternoon at. 20 minutes past 0 o'clock. A protracted meeting will com mence at Grace Church tomorrow. Congratulations to our clever friend, Mr. Nick Hullen. It's a boy. born last night. Boys ! we can sell you a Bracket Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. N. Jacobi Hdw. C The Register of Deeds has issued four marriage licenses this week, all for colored couples. Rev. W. S. Creasy preaches to- morrow at wesiev 1 napei on tue Kenansville circuit. No interments this week in Oak? dale, none in Bellevueund but one. a child, in Pine Forest When readytto build, paint or re pair you will find it to your advan tage to buy your .material of the N. Jacobi Hdr. Co. ''It pleases me so I shall use no other," is what the farmer said when asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, sold by theN. Jacobi Hdw. (Jo. t Mr. George A. Southall. formerly of North Carolina, but for the last years a resident of Saratoga, N. G.. is in the city, the guest of Mnj. H. H. Foster. Ask for -'Our Old Chief." This new and improved Wamsutta Shirt is now ready and for sale at our Shirt Factory only, at 7rc. T22 Market St.. J. Elsbach, prop. t Paint your Buggy for 75 cents, '( bits, with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The children of St. James' Church will sing canticles fron U10 steeple of the church at C:30 oVlock to mor row afternoon. Mr. W. N. Jacobs will accompany them on the cornet. The Woman's Missionary Society for" the Wilmington District, Meth odist B. Church, South, NoVth Caro lina Conference, will hold a district meeting In this city atGrace Church on the 22nd and 23rd insf. Prayer and experience meeting of business nnd workingmen at the Seaman's Bethel tonight attfo'clock Every tissue of the boTly, every bone, muscle and -organ, is made stronger and more healthful by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. , -- ------ m . . ev; Christmas will admin- ster,tlie ordinance of baptism at ; Queen street dock to-morrow morn J ing at 10 o'cIock. M. Cummins. is distribut ing to his customers a very neat lit tle edition, in brass andglas. of the '"pigs in the pen" puzzle. Mr. U. F." Penny leaves here to night for the Northern markets for the purchase of his second stock of Spring and Summer clothing. Good Friday wasmore generally observed here yesterday than ever oeiore. Very little business was transacted either upstreet or on the wharves. Services in St. John's Church to morrow: Early celebration at 7:45 a. 111.; Morning Prayer, sermon and second celebration at 11 o'clock; Sunday School Easter service at 4:30 p. in.; Evening Prayer at C o'clock. The second quarterly meeting for Grace Methodist K. Church will be held to-morrow, Rev. F. D. Swin dell, the Presiding Elder of the Dis trict, conducting the services, morn ing and night. The estimate is that there are 25,000 inhabitants in Wilmington now and yet there has been but one death here this week, and that of a colored child. Is there a healthier place in the United States? It is acknowledged by every one that I. Shrier, corner Front and Prin cess streets, does the largest clothing business in Wilmington, and every one that buys there saves at least from 15 to 25 per cent on the dollar, t Mr. Sol Bear, the well-known wholesale and retail merchant of this city, has been business here for the past 38 years. Thursday, the 3d inst.,was theanniversary of thedate. We hope to live to congratulate him on the semi-centennial of his residence here. Dr. Richard H. Lewis, of Raleigh, will make his regular quarterly visit to Wilmington on Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, April 8th, 0th and 10th, and can be consulted on these days at Dr. Wood's office for the diseases to .which his practice is limited (eye, ear, throat and nose). The Rockingham Rocket says Mr. J. K. Mcllhenny, of the Rocking ham Drug Co., is manufacturing, on a small scale, a very superior article of chewing gum, the basis of which is our native sweetgum. As soon as he can make the necessary arrange ments he proposes to put up a fac tor' here and go into the extensive manufacture of the gum. The Paasover. The Feast of the Passover began last evening at sunset and will con tinue for seven days, with appropri ate religious services. The obser vance as to the date is regulated by the Mosaic law, which directs that it shall be celebrated on the 14th day of the month Nissau. The first and the last days are regarded as strictly sacred days and are to be observed as such. Kaeter T.SK HM"t. The annual Baster egg hunt of the children will take place on the grounds attached to St. John's Church on next Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. By special arrange ment the hens have agreed to lay an egg with each child's name print ed thereon in golden letters. Ad mission 10 cents. The ladies will fornili refreshments free to the children on the ground?. tath of Dr. A. 11. Lucas. , We greatly regret to learn of the death of Dr. Armand B. Luca?, uncle to Mr. A. F. Lucas of this city, and one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of this section. He died, at home near Arinouu yesterday morning, after having been confined to his bed 'for three weeks. We knew him well. He was an honorable, upright jen tleinan and a skilful practitioner. He was 72 vears of age. Itfreblns and inTigqratinff Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers magnifieeut new 1 r f Aiintnin fif n rtiiwrit lire of Ui Purest Frnit Syrup.Milk Shakes and Natural MiuerallWater. A Pleal lis Sne Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in har mony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or bilious. "For sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. C!ra.- Clurel To-Morrow. Grace Methodist E. Church. South, Northeast corner of Mulberry and Fourth streets, Rev. Walter S. Creasy, Pastor. Services to mor row, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School 3:30 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting and lecture, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Seats free. A conTial invitation is extended to strangers and visitors. ISellef Valves. Chief Newman showed us this morning plans of relief valves and shut-off nozzles for hose pipes which he has asked from the city for the use of the department. A great sav ing of time and convenience will be secured by the adoption of these improvements. Their use will en able the firemen to control the water at the pipe without having recourse to the hydrant to which the hose is attached. Faster at St. Paul' Following is the programme of the choral services at St!. Paul's Episcopal Church to morrow: Processional 'HJome See the Place Where Jesus Lay."" Anthem-4'Ohrist Our Passover" Rogers. To Deum Millard, Jubilate Deo Danks. Introit "He is Risen." Hymn "The Strife is O'er." Offertory "TheChristianSoldier's Easter Hymn" Gilmore. KVKNIXU SKRV1CK. Processional "Christ the Lord is Risen To-day. Anthem "Christ Our Passover" Rogers. Benedicto Wilson. Hymn "Angels of Jesus." , Offertory "Angels, Roll the Rock Away" Danks. Easter at St. James'. There will be but one service at St. James' Church to morrow; that will be at 11 o'clock when the Holy Communion will be celebrated. The following will be the pro gramme at the service: Processional Hymn 105: "The Day of Rusurrection" Dykes. "Christ .our Passover' (page 74) chant 340. Proper Psalms 247 and 111. De Deum chant service in F. Jubilate Gilmore's service in F. Anthem (a) "Set Your Affection" Gilmore; soloist Mr. A. S. Holden; (b) chorus "This is the Day" Gil more. Hymnl03-"The Strife is o'er" Palestrina. Gloria Tibi Chant 418. Offertory (a) "If then ye be Risen with Christ"-Gilmore; soloist Mr. M. F, Manning; (b) Festal March, Come ye Faithful" Gilmore; (c) "Holy Offerings" Redhead. Sanctus Dr. Camidge in E. Hymn No. 207 "Bread of the World" Hodges. Gloria in Excelsis Old chant, page 110. v Recessional Hymn 148, "Awake, ve Saints" Stubbs. Tf oneat Doctors. All honest, conscientious' physi cians who give B. B. B. (Bota'nic Blood Balm) a trial, frankly admit its superiority over ALL other blood medicines, Dr. W. J." Adair, Rockmart, Ga., writes: "I regard B. B. B. as one of the best blooiT medicines." Dr. A. H. Roscoe.Nashville,Tenn., writes: "All reports of B. B. B. are favorable, and its speedy action is wonderful.5 Dr. J. "W, Rhodes, Crawford ville, Ga., writes: "I confess B. B. B. i the best and quickest medicine for rheumatism I have ever tried." Dr. S. J. Farmer, Crawfordville, Ga., writes: "I cheertully recom mend B. B. B. as a fine tonic altera tive. Its use cured an excrescence of the nesV after other remedies ef fected no perceptible good." Dr. C H. Montgomery, Jackson ville, Ala., writes: "My mother in sisted on my getting B.'B. B. for her rheumatism, as her cas stubbornly resisted, the usual remedies. She ex perienced immediate relief and her improvement lias been truly won derful." Br. Q, W. Karle, Pickens, S. C , ivriVs: "1 recommended B. B. Ii. to a man who had suffered for year, with a malignant ulcer on his leg, that seemed to resist all other treat ment. After using four or five bot tles the ulcer began to heal and his leg is now sound and well,' Forecast. ForNoith( -arolina, fair and 'cold er weather. For Wilmington and j vicinity, fair weather. Classical Concert. The entertainment to be given in the. Opera House next Tuesday night is a classical concert. A most excel lent, delightful and varied pro gramme has been arranged 'and will be presented on that occasion. Much of the very best musical talent in the city will take part. The box sheet is now. open at Mr. Yates1 and a great many seats have already been secured. Those who have not yet secured them and, who don't wan't to "get left." should see to it at once. The Minstrels. As was predicted by us. a very large audience was present last night at the Opera House to greet the Primrose and AVest Minstrels on their appearance here. Those who were present expected a good show and not one was disappointed. It was one of the best ever seen in Wil mington. The music was good, the scenery was very fine and the spec ialties were remarkably attractive. Barber's wonderful feats on the bicycle were alone worth the price of admission. "The Popinjays" was a unique and delightful fetiture, and Barney Fagan, Lew Dockstader, Daly, Waldron, Martin and in fact every member of the troupe was a host in himself. They cannot come to see us again too soon or too often. Wsterlay's4 Fire. Thealarin of fire yesterday after noon was caused by the ignition of the r5oiu of the residence of Mr. Chas. F. Browne, on Mulberry street, near Front. The wind Was blowing fiercely at the time and the dense smoke that issued from the roof of the building seemed to presage a terrible calamity. But the fire department was promptly on hand and fully equal to the emer gency. The fire was tackled with a will. Three streams were soon playing on the roof of the burning building and one found its wav to the fire from the inside. The house, which was a small building, known is "a story and a jump," was only partially burned and it is probable that .$300 will cover the loss. It was insured with Messrs. Atkinson & Manning,for $750, in the Fire Asso ciation, of Philadelphia. It was owned by Mrs. Mary Hollingswoith, of Point Caswell. Mr. Browne's furniture was all removed but was damaged considerably by water and by removal. It was insured in the St. Paul Fire and Marine, represent ed here by Messrs. Brown & Cowan. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is supposed to have caught from a spark or from a def ective Hue. Sales of Ileal Estate. Mr, A. J. Marshall, Commissioner, sold at public auction to-day five pieces of real estate, belonging to the estate of the late W. J. Kellogg. Mr. S. VanAturinge was the auc tioneer. The sale was for cash. First lot, on the west side of Fourth street, 94 feet south, of Bla: den street, fronting 38 feet on Fourth.; street, and running back 330 feet to Third street, with a width of GO feet on Third street, was sold to S. II. Terry, for $2,000, Second lot, on the south side of Castle street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, 82 feet west from the southwest intersection of Ninth and Castle street-, fronting 19-" feet oil Castle street, with a depth of ffJfeet, sold to B. Scott for 85. Third lot, on the north side of Queen street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, 95 feet east from Tenth street, having a front of 04 feet and a depth of 90 leet. sold to C. P. Lockey for $300. Fourth lot. at the northeast inter section of Fourteenth and Queen streets, 99 feet on Fourteenth street by 120 feet on Queen street, sold to C, P. Lockey for $100. Fifth, the whole of r:ot No. 1. in Block No. 519, fronting 339 feet on the outh side of Wooster street, CI feet on the east side of Fourteenth treet, and 6 feet on the west side of Fonrteenth street, sold to Walker Taylor for $S0. The sale i vet to be confirmed. Somebody Ims jut remarked: It impossible to keep the Iri.-h down." Well, my friends, we sav let ein alone and keep your cold down with a bottle of Jr. UuU Cough Syrup. I M an Wctt-Managed. The manner in which the fire de partment tackled that Qre yWtenUv is worthy of all eommendatioii. They worked, a 041 ancient hull vidua! of the colored persuasion re marked -like flshroes.'V There were two other frnme houses near it, on on the East, the other on the West, with scarcely room enough to roll h wheelbarrow between and yet neith er was scarcely scorched. It was a well managed affair and shows what a small chance n good stout fire, is 111 the hands of our "department when they can get plenty of wnter to work with. ' The Scarlet Heast. Klder J. P. King, at the Advent Church to-morrow (Sunday) night; will deliver another lecture from the Prophetic Chart. The subject will be a continuation of the Symbol of the scarlet beast of Revelations, 17th chapter. The questions he nronoses to answer arc "What are the 10 horns upon the beast and the work thev are to do?" " .. 7 r On account of the many whocouid not get seats heretofore, the mem bers of the church agree to give their seats to others. Go" early in or der to be seated. Welcome all. NEW ADVKRTI8KMENT8. OPERA- HOUSE. CLASSICAL-CONCERT.' TT . i - ' ' Tuesday EvehtogfApril Stli, 1890. Box Sheet now open nt Yate&' liook store, llcscrved seat,s without extra charge. ; Admission 50 cents. Children 25 tents. apl 5 At ,: Cent's ' Furnislii Goods at Awlion. NO. 12 NORTH FRONT-STRERT. MONDAY at jo o'clock we will close out the stockor (jont's Furnishing Goods In No. 1J North Front Street. The store will bo rented with option of the Store, Furniture, Show cases, Src. Sale will continue from day to day till. cioseu out. w. .r. kirkiiam & CO., apl sit A. u. McGlrt, Auctioneer. ... ' FOR GENTLENEN Ilavo Never Beou Kqtialod In Quality. Style, Durability, ,Vc. WE HAVE Til EM IN Lace, Button and Congress.' English and French Toe for $2,50. , You can buy the best DONOOLA LADIES; BUTTON SHOE In the State at Geo. R. French & Sons 1U8 North Front Street. apl 5 tf Administrator's Sale. JJY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE Su perior court of New Hanover county, made in a certain special proceeding there pending between H. A. London. Administrator of same J. Moore, plaintiff, and Mry E. Quince aad others, defendants, I will; on FRIDAY, the llth day of April, 1W, at 12 o'clock M.V proceed to sell, for Cash, st the Court House door, In th city of Wllmlwrton. -by public auction, one undivided half of that lot of Land In said city, begtanlnar at the Intersection of the Southern line of Toomers Alley with the Eastern line of Front street, running thence houth with Front street 43 feef, thence East wardly 5 feet, thence Northwardly 42 feet to Toorners Alley, and thence West with Toom er's Alley .30 feet to blnnlnjf. H. A. LONDON, 'Admlijlttrator. inch 7 .t m. n z r, 'j f apl $ V) For Sale, 111 EAT FOR CASH. A FINE FARM ON Myrtle Grore Sound, oornprllnf .11 arei. 2 under cultiratlon,-wit b an oivbkrtf. Abo a fir Oyster Garden. - Apply a? TRIM OFFICE. Or ateorm r of Fourt h and I . n f rct hl mch 31 lw , . Window Shades and AVall Paper. "J KW ST"K JUST RI-X'EIV'KD. A"1EA tifu! line ct Wall Taper, cr and artUHc.' Mjn. CM 11 an1 make your -Uctloo C. W. YATK. Wboleatale and Retail . wchItf ' liook and Paper II ou. ' Easter Cards. E HAVE A HANDSOME LINE OF E8- ter Claris which we will sell at 'actual cost. Call la and p for yourselTes. MTNOH BROTHEIiS. apl 1 tf lot NV Front street. rp LTTO T A DX?TJ ,s I1I.NTED WITH JL U.J.O i iiXljiIftkrijanafartarraby' tLr- Fjarroount FrinUnz Ink Work, T. K. WEIGHT CO , ara street aivl ivnnsyiTanla avenue. jn utr Fuawiphit, fa. - shoes

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