THIS PAW5B every cream?. sanaaja excepted. PTOD. oae raontX35 cents. C' nort any and 1 lirlf thfjr papr i1""' rjpc'- ..... feflV KTi r ,1 i, D U J 1 1 iLi.Ji 11 ! I IV It V Y VOL. XIV. WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1890. NO 100. AH of the bank note currency of tlm Italian Government is engraved and printed in the United States. The notes are neat, but small, re sembling froiuewbaf the fractional notes fasued in tlie war timee. For other local see fourth page. J , , i A new charter has been granted to the fileaves Hardware Co. which! increases the capital stock from $20.- j 000 to $50,000. ' KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTIsfeMENTS, A TREAT -t UXATIVC and NUTRITIOUS JUICE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, .-iWncd with the medicinal nf nlant- known to be & beneficial to the human stem, tonumg a rtf, . i'd elective laxative to perma- Icntiy one " " hiiou, ana on a veaK or nwunc audition of the I03EYS, LIVER AND BUwtLo. ; -a the tost excellent reaedy known to iW,SETHSrSTEM EFFECTUALLY When en- is Filious or v,onup. SO THAT ercornUJUa SLEEP. f HEALTH and STRENGTH I NATURALLY FOU.OW. kvery one is using it and all are ferhtedwitli it. ASK YOUR run Ve were pleased to receive a ACalifornia Judge is the posses : VMt todav rroiu Mr. (V fc. Stevens,! sorofa night blooming cereus that ;ofoursprightlv neighbor, the Sooth-1 is the largest of its kind in the Uni-; port Lcadcr yho was here on a ted States. It is thirty feet liib, t brief-visit. ' with branches that cover his house ; - : .! and porch nearly 250 square feet. j It is acknowledged by every one j , that I. Shrier, corner Front and Prin-j Ploughing by steam has been in- (cess streets, does the largest clothing trod need in Walla Walla alley, ' business in Wilmington, and every EXTRA 0 BEER OXiX) AND;'MB.LLOW-, Wash., and is pronounced a success. Heretofore it has cost two dollars per acre to plough, while under the new system it can be done for forty cents. The construction of the pillars and foundations of the great Forth bridge consumed 21,000 tons of ce ment and 707,000 cubic feet of gran ite. The total amount of resulting masonry is 117,000 cubic yards. -The weight of the -steel In the bridge proper is 51,000 tons. French scientific, men and engi neers are discussing the feasibility of a railroad across the Desert of Sahara. It is claimed that such an enterprise is necessary to confirm the hold of France upon her possess ions on the west coist of Africa and lo develop the North African prov inces that she holds. I MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. vmvnLf. kt NEW YORK. N. Y For sale tsy KOISEIET 15 1ELLA1Y. ;VHOi.IALK DRUGGIST, mchSJlyUitw Wilmington, Mow Shades and Wall Paper. jruinncof w Lm. Call ai EW STOCK .1 1ST RECEIVED. A BEAU- raliraper, now and nrtlstlc sob 31 tf and make your selection. C. Y. YATES, Wholesale and Retail Rook and Taper House. lev.Sam P. Jones M "AT HE SAVS ABOUT DR. KING'S Seraalear ! one that buys there saves at least from 15 to 25 per cent on the dollar, t We are very sorry to hear that our esteemed friend, Judge Banner man, of Pender county, is quite sick at his home in Burgaw, but hope to hear better reports of him as soon as the mild weather is with ! us. Mr. C. F. King, wtiobas been here for a week past for the purpose of writing up our city for the Atlanta Constitution, has completed the work and left here this afternoon on his return to Charlotte, his headquarters. Mr. H. A. London, of the Chat- ham Record, who as an aide on Gen. Brvan Grimes' staff carried the last order at Appomattox, indulges in the following reflections on the 25th anniversary of Lee's surrender: North Carolinians have the proud satisfaction of knowing that the brave soldiers from their State won the first .victory of. the war at Big Bethel, on the 10th of June 1SG1, and tired the last volley at .Appo mattox on "the 9th of April, 1SG5. The last effort made by . Lee's army to break through Grant's encircling columns was the charge made at Appomattox by the troops com manded by JJajor General .Bryan Grimes. For a mile they drove back the superior numbers of the enemy, and only retired when ordered by Gen. Lee, who, realizing the hope lessness of further efforts, hadenter- d into negotiations for a surrender. The' total number of Confederates paroled at Appomattox was 28,231, but there were barely 10,000 effect ive men present for duty on the morning of the surrender. The dif ference is explained by the state ment that after the army halted thousands of stragglers and detailed men rejoined their commands." For bracing up the nerves, puri fying the blood and curing sick headache and dyspepsia, there is nothingequaltoIIood'sSarsaparilla. The Second Aiann. The second alarm of fire this morning, turned in from box 43, was caused by the ignition of the roof of j a small frame dwelling on Sixtni street, between Mulberry and Wal nut, owned by Mr. J. W.Moody and occupied by a colored family. The damage was slight and it was cov ered by insurance. deception t the V. M. C. A. Rooms. There will be given a reception at the Y. M. C. A. rooms next Tues day evening the 15th in the interest of the Young Mens Monthly. An interesting programme is be ing arranged musical and literary and a pleasant time is anticipated. The entertainment will be free to all members and friends of the asso ciation who may desire to come. Every one is invited to bring a subscriber to the Monthly It conven ient. Xho Committee of Ten. Col. John W. Atkinson, Chairman of the Encampment meeting held yesterday at the Produce Exchange, to whom was delegated the duty of appointing a committee of ten to adopt measures for securing the amount of money still needed, has named the following gentlemen as the committee, viz: George Chad bourn, Oapt. R. M. Mclntire, Jos. H. Watters, J. C. Stevenson, George R. French. G. H. Smith, S. H. Fish blate, Col. F. W. Kerchner, Capt. A. Adrian and J. W. Murchissn. Bock! Bock! Bock! Robert Partner Brewing Co. WILMINGTON BRANCH, Received this day Invoice of first Shipment this Season of Bock Beer ! Pnn LinnnW aiip fincfniiiocs fnr nno weflk onlv. Carload will he here Vt 1 I J LA ' J J v W M- w v - w-- t' - MONDAY and will be delivered to customers on TUESDAY, the 15th inxt. Orders received in advance and filled promptly. ALSO FULL SUPPLY 01 TIV0LI AND VIENNA CABINET BEER. Bock. Bocfc, Bock. Send in your orders early. ' E. KUHBLANK, Agent KOBRKT POBTNER BREWING CO. LOCAL 3STETS. "-rrmi-,,i .. - - - encten,,.! lf'' hs Iwen taiactr Moral (J rfur tw weeks tn ihA o rTtTT. PBEVn-: ",rkslolM GREAT CPBUILD. TtWci " ERISa WrrK "AD ACCESS TO 'difcf1 ! for rheumatism, neu- UtoeJ tm31111011' bladder N7nV?H.biw. ckiis and reverl caurrn. u-?MI? Qiaeases. female ironbies: sale by 7 K It. BELLAB1Y. ' Wholesale and Retail. Caffeine Seifllltz tiazai?M n depression "V iror excesses heart- INDEX TO NW APTlBTISIMIjrrS. J J IlEDRicK-Dres Goods "MCND8 Bros Toilet Paper C W Yates Window Shades, etc K Kcb blank rortaer's BocK Beer . Notice S C Homo BulldlDS Association Mr. Henfy A. London, of Pittt boro, is in the city on a brief busi nets visit. Boys! wecan pell-you a Bracket Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. 2. Jacob! Ildw." C- tiemiirv . v . m ( pcwrf fae In eacn doee. MUtj p Glad to receive a visit to day from our staunch friend, Mr. J. T. Col lini, of Burgaw. Avlto was here on a hurried visit. 4 - When readyto build, paint or re pair you will find it to your advan tage to buy your material of the 2. Jacobi Hdw. Ob. t . "It pleases me so I shall k pse no other," is what the farmersaid when asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. The First Alarm. The -alarm of fire this morning, about 9 o'clock, from box 20, corner Front and Red Cross streets, came from the residence of Mr. Jos. F. Sellers, on Second street, between Red Cross and Campbell. The house caught on the roof, probably from a spark. Messrs. W. E. Worth & Co., of the fee factory, near at hand, soon had a stream playing on the build ing and the fire was all out in a very few minutes and before the steamers could get there." It was quick work and good work as there was much wind at the time and a serious dis aster was probably averted. .The damage to the house was slight. It is the property of Mrs. Thomas B. Smith and i3 insured with Messrs. Smith & Boat wright, in the Liver pool, London & Globe, for $400. Mr. Sellers1 furniture was damaged by water and removal. It was insured for $200 with Messrs. Atkinson & Manning, in the North Carolina Home Insurance Co. Forecasts. For Not th Carolina, fair and warm er weather in the interior and sta tionary temperature on the coast, j and fair on Saturday. For Wilming ton and vicinity, from 10 a. m., fair weather. A Pleasing Sense Of health and strength rene wed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in liar--mony' 'with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 150c and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. r j A Treat Ahead. 1 The Robert Portner Brewing Co., through their popular agent in this city, Mr. E. Kuhblank, will treat their customers next week to the usual Spring supply of book beer. It will be unusually fine this year, an extra brew, old and mellow. For one week only will this bock beer be, supplied, from the 15th to the 22d inst. It was brewed during the months Of October and November. 1838, and hence is one year andtfix months old. No extra price will be charged, this being intended as a treat to the Portner Co.V patrons and friend?. Teach Trees iy inc. There seems to be a blight in the peach trees in Pender county. Quite a number have been lost at orchards near South Washington and ftur gaw. One of our friends. has-lost nearly half of them. No one seems to understand exactly whai it is that kills them whether there is a bug at work somewhere or whether the recent cold weather struck to the roots and killed them. This latter seems to be the general opinion, al- though the same trees have escaped, in former seasons, much harder weather than we have had duriDg the past Winter. This! The Larue Walk. Pitiful indeed is the condition of those who are confined totheir beds or chairs unable to walk. Howgrate- sk for "Oar Old Chief ew and him roved Wauisutt is now ready and forsale at our Shirt ; cover from lJieirhelplessnes& B. B. . . ... 10 xrn-.-n f ! B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has made Fact ry only, atc. 122 Market St.. thau pergoQ h JKxr7$&?gaW improved Wamsutta Shirt' ful all such must feel when.they re- u, Wiimlrton; n:c. mcfi 19 0 P V iPl TT f TTT n ha I1UU OJCilJ. EUbacIi, prop. i. ,,, - -f " ' " I Our Th. iii rough Sw'tzerlind, I 9 . ndar. April mm. . 15 'k &?"5 Mldrea, 2i cent?; Gallery, Mf aI atatea Uestns at J3Q V, H. . Jaint voh-ttiiir?V for 7S cents bits,' with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction, SoldJy the K: Sacobi Hdw. Co. t Mrs. Emma (iriffitlissUnltiMenn., writes: "My little boy had scrofula so bad his knees were drawn up and ins knees still, anu lie couiti not Sale of Keal Estate, i r .. ; i 'j ' if The sale of an undivided halfrof the property1 on Jfbrth Front Cstreett just South of the Purcell House, took place at the Court House to day. The sale was made under au thority of Mr. II. A. London, admin istrator of the estate of Mrs. Sally J. Moore, and Mr. S. VanAmringe was the auctioneer. The purchaser was Mrs. Mary E. Boatwiight, who owns the other half of the building and now becomes possessor of aft. The price was $3,300 cash. The same property was sold in, January and purchased bv Mr?. Boatwright for 8. XV. Building and Loan Association A branch of the Southwestern Building and Loan Association of New Orlcnns was organized in this citvlast nurlit at the City Hall. Over six hundred shares subscribed for were represented in person and bv Droxv. Onicers were elected as follows: President C. H. Borden. Vice President Berry G leave? Secretary and Treasurer Josh Wright. " Attorney DuBrutz Cutlar, Jr. . Directors Jos.. H. Waters, J. Macks, Iredell Meares, J. II . wright, Jno; LMaflitt. I Boat- We tnu bo glad to receive craftmnntcan - from our meads on any anJ lURtts Sfnerai interest, tot .'-l. -.' . The naxae ot the writer mtat tlmj to nished to the Editor. " Commoaicanona most be written ca ik) one side or the paper. "v . 7 Personannea mast oe aroUod, ' f , And it especially and pimculaili stood that the Kaitor doe not ;al trays erdcrs the tiews of correspondeste onleBS eo - l tn the editorial columns, ''-.'-1 NEW A O VERTISEItlEHTS. 1 Woman is Bom for Love And it U Jujpossiblo to Turn lierfroiu seeking It." Q OK T11K1II MANY LOVKS IS TUK love of Dress, and it Is just as Iropottlble to keep the neeUe rroui seeking the magnet as it V. - - .-. t is to keep the women from seeklor tle. Store that displays the largest and handsomest line of , v Dress Fabrics. The Programme. So far as it has tieen established Uhe programme for next week is as follows: On Tuesday afterj noon it is expected that the main body of visitors will arrive; on Wed lesday there win -be an excursion to Carolina Beach arid the guests wil be taken down on the Compton aii( the Pashport. 'Oa Thursday the party wifl be rnken down to Wrights ville. the Hammocks and the Beash on the Seacoast R. R. and on the same evening they will be ban queted in the large hall at the Champion Compress, which is now being prepared for the occasion. It is probable that a thousand covers will be laid for this feast. .jTJiere will be a large attendance Eight hundred invitations have al ready been accepted, lion. A. M. Waddell will make the welcoming address to the visitors and Judge Gilmer, of Greensboro, will respond. During the sta5' of the ' visitor in this city they will be treated to a tmilitary parade, by the W. L. I., a fireman's parade and a parade of the Knights Templar, in full uni form. Tlte (iermania Cornet Band will furnish the music for these pa rades and will also play at the ban-qiet. NEW AUVBBTI8BMKNT8. walk. He derived no benefit from 4 tlie feame pnee nut on nccuuui vi ' medicines until I tried B, B. B. Af-j some legal technicality it was found r a. 5 A 41ia : iirge IllVOiCB nrtheX. C. Home Bnildins Asso- U H-v toilet paper inikolls ciation; anti tne mitiaiiuu viu teJ- To buyers of one-half and wc win give special low fljnires. MTrns BKOTILEKiJ ' . . ter using it a short time only, he can ; ne4,esSarv to advertise and s-ell it HttPiln0 Pa,U' 1 aU CnU?ain. , Th9aje; will probably beJ -: tinuo us use. n . , I M.rtlo H! Tiinner. Boonville. Ind.. conUrmeI. writes: 'I had blool poison from;' birth- Knots on ray linibs were as ' P 10 ti Kfrelilng ia lnYigratins io -c-f Doctors said I Delicious SOIa Water as drawn from -bo due and payable lo-morrow to '-0-,dT)e a crippTe, but B. B. B. hasIand4 BrothersV magnificent new :thttlVMnrir. Mr. Frank H. Sted- .i i i d nil sml a fountain, nt a. temnerat are of I r. t, nna !iftrMn ti,. Hi mnn wiirt in- Purest Frnit Svrnn.IlilKSuaKej ,L . . ; i Ttti Tin lm wata bnrn.v land Iiatnrai xJincraI!af or. Notice. rrHE STOCK U0LDEUS Of TUB 'NORTH 1 Carolina Home Buildinz Association are notined that the First Instalment and Inttia tton Fee will be due on Saturday, April lith, at the office of the secretary and Treasurer in the star office, trom tiro to nine o'clock r. m. FRANK II. STEDMAN, apllilt Secretaiy and Treasnrer. Auction Satarday. AT 10 O'CLOCK. WE WILL SELL AT NO. 15 North Front street, 5 8how teases, t very elegant looking Ola., l Dotiblc ixioktngr tilass. L'inbrcUaSWnd, 1 Ijetter Press. lirass llat rocfornialeur, sht-lrini,', wntinqr ik. Stove, &c, Hp K. J. KtDKIIAM & Vt.. apl A. M.-iiiti. AHi-ne r. Administrator's Notice. rr. L ton .WING QUALIFIED AS AIlWIMSTltA- rof toe estate of liotert u. Vfl, I bei-br notifr all ner?ons lu vine euiuw asatnt tnc said seedent to present the mine to Bje otk or icfore tho 3d day of April. A. P. is&t. Ailpcnions Lade cted to said uemient ti Ut make payment to rae. p ed t his, 2-t a prii, isn. ai!3eawcw thnr . AUicinirs'fr., We hae teen crowded tlnce our AcUertl?c- ment appeared In Mondaj's Ukvikw, It was. evidently a correct ltr.riEw of the matter to many who had a Sprlnsr and Summer ID IFL E S S ; IN VIEW. lassitude after the hurry and hustle of an Easter openin!,'. it must certainly rejulrc a powerful magnet to draw the Lndlea out for ft . few days after Easter, lint we possessed the magnet, whoso romblnrd forces, I nw Prirfi?? anrl NIpa ftnnrlc proved too formidable an opponent for their wearied senses, and as a shock of electricity It infused new life and brought theinlnahur ry to our Htoro to ee the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. S3 we enter the SpTlns and Summer Cam paign with Hying colors, and at the head of the race. We have worked hard to make thN season's display of OR D S A NOTABLE ONE. .We offer you iWarse variety .to select from the qualities and prices wIJl suit' the mo$ econemlc buyer. - White Goods ! COMPRI?sIN( " ' ' India Liucon, Table lamaakpr Napkins aud Ooyliei, Jbiubrohleries and Lacfli, v. Sheeting and Shirting. We have positively the finest line olGQOd under tbisj head ever offered to the house k-eejieM of thh tlty. It is wen worta your time and mony o inspect this Stock. OORGETC. It would be a dlfllcult mxttcr toenumeraJe the different itylea and makri of CORSETS now in use. But we know that we carry a f(ir RmmIk Ih.lf u pin ri4Aniiintif1 aa twlnr? the riiost durable and a perfect fitting, com. blued with as much, style andnnlh as any Corset on the market, some of them are nr. if arner , compriMns Corallne, A Womlnul, IlealtU.Fiex ible Ilip and 222. AI-othe celebrated Jt and G and 4 B COUSETS. i Should watch tat bpace for the next month and read, mark and iet of all profit by what you read. GE5TLE3IEN ! Our luterest in yu 1 not aUaticj. Neat week we shall offer so;xe rare Bargain in NE0KV7EAE, HOSIERY AXIl UNDERWEAR. WatjWihU pce next ct t. Even tbinjf the-heaist, I " Iiepect filly, JJHEDEIGE, 101 MARKET STnCHT. 101 N. Front ?trcct. iana o ciocic v. m. ' j nmyMiwu t- . -