THIS PAPER ... rr evening wuuw excepted, i Vmrr. POSTAGE PAID: months COO. Three rear. H-Wfc . tioo we montfc, Co cents. coat115-'1 rtU w delivered by earners, free Pi?C.r irT rart of the city, at the above 13 cents pr wceS .?,'or :owand UberaL U Jtrs win please report W and jrir -------- VKin'IHKWrNT Preier.n ' aost elegant form r-e LAXATIVC aho NUTRITIOUS JUIOE T 6 ? THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, ..;:,:l with the medicinal nrtaes of i -lant- known to be nost U-nei.ciai to the human system, loniuiii; an agiau Ad effective laxative to perma raitlv cure Hal.itual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the XIDHEYS, LIVER AMD BOWELS.- I, u the rccst excellent remedy known to CUiSSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Wfcea cne ii.Ei!ious or Constipated W THAT tier LLOOD, REFRESHIHQ 8LEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Ever one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YDUH OSUOQIST FOH &TTTI.TTJP PZGrO MANUFACTURED OMUY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. $Aft FRANC&CO, CAL. VWHVIUF. 1. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by K' iJERT R I ELLA MY., WHOLESALE DKCOOIST, ch ' ly dJtw Wilmington, N. C. WHAT HE SAVS ABOUT DR. KING'S If I ?J!&FFnte above nnTmxas, on the uth "a or BEtVwSfV'LiSf CREAT mvtin. ni frw froa, t hf iW, ?rSTKM- U now al- Himt u uas dnS J1 TDFt 5"r tor twenty years. rSfrs for Her! 1 wTsm Irpar?fSLbULcurefor rheumatism, neu iSS& In?nu rorVue iv eraale Rubles; It BELLAMY, Wholesale and: Retail. opBRA .house; Aa lmM ste'repticon Lecture on 'Ur Through RuitTArlanrl " pUrie fnr An.ii it.. 15 fM.C :s-M:h,l,ren 2 cent?; G&lleir, -?i t at -s. Begins at 8:30 P. H. 1 1.... i ! iuiu Large InvoioB 21 0? a: han'v toilet taper Ixn:kolls- 1 To bujers of one-halt and one MUXDSiJROTnKKSs 104 Front street. SPfiBK Lambs ! Spring Lambs ! illrt LHI11)S ! LOT srmxu V v nl Will h nn tJi.K,'."'1 3 Bl;U4S. iQ TQ rv IL twak fet.. . morrow morn Inr an.l rrr t come and tee tbem of send "I3. I lfir bm . - i n ii . I t ,Tf 2. Front ? Martet,sonth ?ide Pl? . ; 3" - - ; Warn P ones eraa r; J VOL. XIV. LOCAL HSnBKTS. tXDtZ TO NW ADTKRTI3KMSNTS . Mods Bkos Toilet Paper W M CfKMiso Mattresses C IV Tates Window Shades, etc W J KiRKKAM CoAuction Sale Go It French sons Boots and f hes II A Loxnox Report of sale of real csrate J P Fhsluet" Southwestern 13 and L A&s'n . - - - Por other local see fourth pajje. Dayrs length 13 hours nte.. and 2 liiin- The moon entered on its quarter at 5:S9 this morning:. last Tamer's almanac promised showers for to-day but it missed fire this time. Warren's Sugar Plump, the latest and best out. Call and try u box; 5 ami 10 cents. tf The next Council of the Diocese of Eat Carolina will b4B held in Green ville, commencing on Wednesday, May 14th. When build, paint or re pair you will funl it to vour advan tage to buy your material of the Jacobi Hdw. Co. t There will beservicesac St. Barnes Home to-morrow evening, at 8 o'clock conducted by the rector, Rev. Robert Strange. 'It pleases me so I shall use no other," is what the farmersaid when asked about tlie Boy Clipper Plow, sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Mr. W. M dimming will conduct the young men's meeting at their rooms Sunday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock The topic will be "The Widow of Nam." Ask for "Our Old Chief." This new and improved Warns utta Shirt is now ready and for sale at our Shirt Factory onlyat 75c. 122 Market St., J. Elsbach, prop. t Paint your Buggy for 75 cents, 'C bits," with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t , The neit General Conference of the M. E. Church, South, will meet In St. Louis on the 7th of May. Rev. F. D. Swindell, of this district, is a delegate and expects to attend. Services in St. John's Church io morrow: Holy Communion at 7.45 a. in.; morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock; evening prayer at 5.30 o'clock; Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. MrJW. L. DeRosset, Jr., returned to the city last night after a visit of about three weeks to New York, where ho has been for the purpose of perfecting his knowledge of the engraving process. It is acknowledged by every one that I. Shrier, corner Front and Prin cess streets, does the largest clothing business in Wilmington, and every one that buys there saves at least from 15 to 25 per cent on the dollar, -t The was a military marriage at the Oxford Orphan Asylum recently and some five or six children, all of the tame family, both of whose par ents were dead, were admitted to the institution. Mr. Geo. Chadbourn will conduct the services of the business and working men's prayer and experij ence meeting at 8 o'clock to-night, at the Seaman's Bethel, to which ladies as well as gentlemen are invi ted. It Is hoped that The cold weather is all over with now. .The wind got around to the South this morning and hence we have had a balmy and pleasant Spring day with plenty of snnshine to help vegetation up out of the ground. St. Paul's Mission is now perma nently . located in a commodious buildingon the corner of Sixth and Queen streets." Sunday School there at 9 a. m Mr. Arnold wiU officiate at & Mission to-morrow afternoon at 4-oVclock. Brooklyn Baptist Church, corner Fourth and Brunswick street, Rev. B. Peele, pastqr. "Services to- mnrmiv t 11 n iti find h 11 111 Sim- day School at 3.30 p. m. Prayer l meeting yeanpuay at o p. m. xne i,Mir nr- conliallv invited to at- tend. food's Sarsaparilla pobsessci cur- and which make it Vpeculiar t it sflf." Bestiritpget ljood's. , . . - - : , - - - I WILMINGTON, N, C. Sunset to morrow asterrwou at 32 ' ' minutes past 6 o'clock. Boys I we can sell you a lirneket ! Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. 2. j Jacobi Hdw. CY ; Services at St. Paul's Epfeccpalj Churcli to morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 j p. in. Sunday school at :; p. m. The j j Easter musie will he repeated to-: ! . . - ... . ; morrow, weats tree at all 'service.. Larjre crowds have attended the; special services at the Firsts Baptist I Church during: the past week. Hew W. 15. Oliver, the able and scholarly fa young pastor of the Baptist Church i of Fayetteville, is doing the preach-! ing and preaches very acceptably. A Pleading Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in har mony with nature (to effectually cleanse the system wl len costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. St. Pan ls Evan. Lutheran Church. The services in St. Paul's Evan gelical Lutheran Church, torner Market and Sixth streets, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, pastor, to-morrow (Sunday) will be in Gennanat 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. in English. All are welcome at the services. We Give It Up. A city correspondent noting the estimates made for the city expenses for the new year, which together with interest upon the bonded debt exceeds the income of the city, asks why we pay so much more for electric lights here than in Fayette ville, where fewer lights are used. We cannot answer the question but there is one remark that wo can make and that is that the electric lights here are far superior to those in Fayetteville. To Leave Us. ' We are sorry to learn that Capt. Grant, the old soldier and courteous gentleman who has for some years past been in charge of the National Cemetery here, is to be ordered to another post of duty. His place is to be supplied by Mr. H. C. Lacy, for some years past keeper of the ceme tery at Poplar Grove, Binwiddie county, Va. Capt. Grant has made a great many warm friends here and we, in common with many others, will be sorry to see him leave us. A Green Old Ace. Mrs. Seney Alderman, mother of Mrs. S. S. Burtr, and grandmother of Mr. S. II. Burtt, was 98 years old to day and the event was duly cele brated by the family. Her general health is still good for one of so ad vanced an age, although she was somewhat unwell to day. Mrs. Al derman has been twice married, the first tune when she was !" years of age. and the maternal grandmother of the editor of this paper was one of her bridesmaids on that occasion. All are Invited. The Seaman's Friend Society of this port have made arrangements with Rev. J. A. Smith, evangelist, to engage in their work for the moral and religious elevation of sea men visiting this port. Mr. Smith is a good speaker and conversant with this work., having been engag ed m it in England and also in this country. He will hold his first ser vice to-morrow afternoon m the Seaman's Bethel, at i o'clock, and people of all religious creed or con victions and all who feel any inter est in this class of our fellow citi zens are cordially invited to be pres ent. He would like to sec the Bethel filled with ladies as well as gentlemen. The Lame Walk. Pitiful indeed is the condition of those who are confined to their becs or chairs unable to wall:. How grate ful all such mast feel when they re cover from their helplessness. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has made more than one lame person happy. Mrs. Emma Griffiths, TJnitiatr,enii.l writes: "My little boy had' scrofula so bad h?s Uitecs were drawn up and his knees stiff, and lie could not walk. He derived no benefit from medicines until I tried B. B. Jl Af ter using it a short tiui. only, he can walk has lio pain. 1 hall con tinue its use." Mirtle M. Tanner, Boonville, Inirf, writes: 4iI had blood ftoison from birth. Knots on my limbs were as large as hen's eggs. Doctors en id I would be a cripple,' but B B. B. lias cured tuc sound and well. I shall J ever praise the day Ivcntetl Cloqd Baha the in en who in were born."-' D. 1 P V SATURDAY, APRIL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A EXTRA B T Bock! Bock! Bock! Robert Portner Brewing Co., WILMINGTON BRANCH, Received this day Invoice of first Shipment this Season of Bock Beer ! Can supply our Customers for one veek only., Carload will be here MONDAY and will be delivered to customers on TUESDAY, the 15th Inst. Orders received in advance and filled promptly. ALSO FULL SUPPLY OF TIVOLI AND VIENNA CABINET BEER. Bocl.. Bock, Book. &Send in your orders early. Hooks Now Open. Attention is invited to advertise ment of the Southwestern Building" and Loan Association, of which Mr. J. P. Shelley is the general agent and Mr. Josh. CL. Wright the local agent, as it appears in this issue. The capital stock of the Association is $20,000,000 and only C per cent is charged on actual leans. Books for subscription to the stock are now open at No, 1, Smith building, on Princess street. Resolutions of Appreciation. At the monthly meeting for busi ness of the membership of the First Baptist Church, the following reso lutions were adopted and ordered spread on the minutes: Resolved, That fully appreciating the valuable assistance rendered our choir at the recent Sacred Concert held in our church, we therefore tender our acknowledgement with sincere thanks to Miss Minnie Schwarz, Miss Ainie Stolter, Miss Lizzie Waddell, Miss Belle Wood. Mrs. M. F. Manning, Mrs. A. D. Jenkins, Mr. E. P. Boatwright, Prof. II. C. Gilmore, Mr. J. B. Smith, Mr. Brooke French, M. Geo. P. Welsh, Mr. J. E. Grant, Mr. J. E. Willson, Mr. W. A. Martin. He'solvcd, That our thanks are "also due and tendered to the choir of our church and to Miss Caunie Chasten for the efficent services rendered in pursuing diligently the work until success was assumed, which enabled the committee to pay the last dollar of the indebtedness incurred in both purchasing the organ and making a place for it. Resolved, That we acknowledge with gratification the many courte sies extended us by the daily press of the city. liesolvcd, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to each one whose name is here mentioned and to the daily papers. Done by order of the Church. (Signed) J. W. Collin, Clerk, Wilmington C, April 7, 1800. NEW AUViSttTlSEMtSSTS. Auction Tuesday. T 27 MARKET STJJEKT, IN FRONT OF our Salesrooms, we will sell Furniture.Stoves, Carpets, Bath Tubs. Pickled Beef." water Coolers v&c. send in your consignments Mon day for Tuesday's sale, ' m W. J. KIRKIIAM CO.. apl 12 2t a. o. McG in, Auct loneer, Southwestern Builcliiig awl lorn Association. 20.000,000 Capital. Only 6 per cent. In terest Chareett on Actual L&n- rjTJLS WELL NpV AKD ?ROSPROUS organization has opened a Branch Office la the city of Wilmington, under the direction 0t a local Board oi Managers, composed of t be following Fli known business men: piemident C. E. Borden. Vict-Presldent Berry Gleave Secretary and Trca&urer-JoUi. Wright, j Attorney DuCrutz eutlar. Jr. f Directors JE. Bcrdeu, J. I. Marra.. Jf. Hal j BoatmlsV, Berry cleaves, j. I. Mac. Jo. I 1L Wattgrs and J. L. Maxrut. j rjiOK TIIK SPEEDY RELIEF OP NERVOUS Parties wisUn stoet In ILI Aoeiution I A headache and brain fatigue, dtprr-ion can subscribe at the office c-f the ovtcral or following alcoholic and Uer excesses, heart Local Agent at No. 1 Smith BoiMing-. prln- barn, nervous fic&mty, tic Ore eralo of cess strict- J I. hUHLLKYZ j hrdrcbrcrasie of caccine to cactt doae. iSlx funeral Ant. the powders m water and drink curing effer - JOSIT.O. WBIOIIT, ixesixr. JAMES D. NXTT, A pttheCitT. apl 12 ew Local Aut. - 11. Frost St., wiunirton, c. iacaX3 1 . w , 12, 1890. NO 101. NET? ADVERTISEMENTS. RE AT! BOCK BEER ! E. KUHBLANK, Agent UOBEItT POBTNER BKKWINO CO. j State oT -North Carolina, sru'ERioii couirr OP NEW HANOVER COUNTY, 11, A. London as Administrator nt sallle J. Moore, plaintiff, cs. Mary E. quince, et al, defendants. To Mary E. Quince, Catherine A. Davis, Re becca S. Davis, John O. Miller, Thomas c. Miller. Johnstone Jones and wife Kettle W. Jones, Mary A. Miller, Rebecca l. Miller, Thomis J. Davis, John Davis, Fred D. Davis, William W. Dayis, William Davis, and Fred S. Davis, You and each or you are hereby notified that the plaintiff, IT. a. London, administrator, has Hied in this office his report of the sale or the real estate described in the complaint herein, made by him on the llth April, 1890. under the decree made in this cause, and that a motion to confirm the said sale will be heard before me, at my office in the Court House, in the City of Wilminrrton. North Car- olina, on Tuesday, the 13th day of May, 1890, wuctt auu wnerejou can auenu ana me ex cepuons, it any you nave, to the said repon ana 10 me connrmauon oi saia saie. Dated this 12th day of April, 1890. S. VANAMRINGE. clerk superior court apl 12 oaw 4w sat New Hanover Count v. REMCH'S AULTLESS OOTWEAR -AT LOWEST PRICES : A FEW SPECIALTIES : Ladles' Dongola Ji. a. 2.30 2.00 1.30 Gent s calf lialmorft: and congress. , :i00 F Cf " ' 1.50 Boys' li cf Balmoral? 1.25 All solid goods. arrantej to sire satls- racuon. Geo. R. French & Sons, IU8 North apl 12 tf Frout Street. Store Window Shades. lITE MAKE ALL S1ZB. THE CTIE.PEST ft line (A Shades of all kind la the eitr. Wall Paper. Wrapping Paper, Paper Bass. Writing i-aper. in r.ici everjintnjrin the paper nne at ' C. W. YATES Wholesale and Retail -pi 12 if Cook nnd Paper Caffeine Seidlitz. . PLSASJC NOTICS. We will be &1 to recclTO cbaainssicau ' ntwn oar frtesai on anr-a4 aU tzi' izn swrai tnterft,bat The name of the writer most Hiraji txj ' nlshed to tne RStor. - . " uomrmuueanona most be written ca one siae or tixe paper. " rrsoaauaeB most be aroiaM. " r " Asa it is especiaiix at pirttcuUfij zlds stooa that the so:tor does net laTraTsenrn the views ot correspocdenni oniew so in the emteriai coiumca.' - .T .- new ADYEirriscarma, "Woman is Born for Love" And tt Is I in possible toTuru her Irorn seeking a." QXE'OK Til EI U MANV LOVJES 13 TIIK love or lress, and It h just a lnpoa9Hle to keep the neettie from s-etkingr the majaiet as it 1 to keep the women from Seeking the Store" that, displays the largest and hanoNouiesf line of ', toss Fabrics. We have been crowded tlnco out Advert i.-s- ment apieared in Monday's 1btikw. It trai evidently a correct Uktikw of the-matter to ' Lniany who had a Spring and summer DRESS IN VIEW. " ' ' oenerally every one dropn inio a 'state of lassituUe aire? the hurry and bustle of an. Jiaster opening, it must certainly require a potrerf nl magnet to draw the Ladies out for a few days after Easter, but we possessed the mag-ner, whose combined forces, Low Prices and Nice Goods,; proved too formidable an opponent for their wearied senses, and as a shock of electricity it infused new life and brought them In n hur ry to our Store to see the NOVELTIES OK TIIK SEASON, sa we enter the Spring and summer Cu paign with nylns colors, and at the head of the race. ve have worked hard to nuke ibis season's display or , - S A NOTABLK' ONK. We offer you a large variety 'to fleet iroui the qualities and price win suit 'l be most economic buyer. White Goods ! COM PR I si xt; India Irineas, Table Oamatkf. Napkins and Doyllef, Embroideries and Lacet, Sheetings anil Shtrtiojrf. We. have positively the finest Une of Goods under thisj liead ever offered to the cowe keepers of this city, it Is well worth TOnr lime ann moaey to inspect this Stock. CORCETO. Ir would pa difficult matter to enumerite the diCerent f,tyles end tnEes of CORSETS now in use. Rut we tDOw that we carry a few Brand -s that we can recommend aa belct the tjjot dura bje and as prfvet flf tinff. cam bined with as much style and nnisih as any Cormt on ihe market, some 'of them, are Dr. Warner's, cohjprlaluxCoraUn, AMoniaal, Health,Flex lbie Hip and 222. APothe celebrated R ar.l (J and J B CORSETS. . LA Should vrateh this ipAce for th' neit mouth and read, mark and t of all prr.flt by what ymi read. GENTLEMEN ! Our interest la you U not abating. NVtt week w shall offer somo rare j:ar?ain in - NECK WEAK, HOSIERY y ANf ' S UNDERWEAR:-' .... f .-. Wat eh for t his space iiext etr k. Even thia; In your line are ?oiRi to m-ii rfceaper than tlj-flejjft. I:pK:tnSly. ' ". J. J. HEDRICI. lOJ biahicrt BTiinnr. apl ll tf , 0 OD