from rw. ITT w m v mfl. Ol (-its ia , -u It arritra: "VT at work farm S20 month. I t.w Mr ag-rwy tor K.C. Allen . lli- r at inn a and atlU-ai akJi a (biffited) V. II. ..::.. William Kliu. II j.rl:.t r. , anTihin? l aril like vur alt.rrn 1 eatmiiiy J lank wWi rnMisb to pjy mom aa.." w. j. .i. nwra, Jiaairw, .., wriirai -I taka an or.W-r fijr tmr aiijumat i Ml errrr Iioum law.t. !r profit uArit(miRtiM$SU tar a irl iar w.rH. 0brr are .( j: quite aa -ll . iara fciara km apac to ire ci .rrl fr-m ib-ir H-f!rr. Y.xrr tmt arka Ultra bold aflbi rrn1 lmr HWrrpanl pr&f.ia Shall vrc start YOU intthis biisiiies, reader? WrUa loea and learn a!l about it fvt rmrf. Wa rc afarttag- ma ay ; ara ari.l afart Job If rou'dnu I rfelar amtil another rei abra.l of joa ht yacr fart of the cvtmrrr. Ifvr.o rake hoi J you trill be abi to pit k up c .!J fa.t . r jlCeti Oa aeeoaut rr a furrrd m-inofinurrr tale l$.,0Hru alollaf Jhotogr;l A lliiltn are to I e rA4 lotie J-et for earb. UuuikI in l.oral Crimen Velvet 1oh. CUarminirly occorated in.ijpa. Uundmtx .iluiu.'t '.). world. Larpeat J!. Ccrnt'at Lar;ainc ever Ivuc.- n. At'n -wanted. Liberal terma. fciy nvmer for a?vtiM. Auroi.eiao beeotne a aucrcaafal azent. hella liaelf tn i?!.t !:t:le or us talkiac; nrctaaarr. W hetcrc-r ibotrn, ererr our nnn la r euaae. i Airnn iaaa monaanus t or u era aura ni wur nnn t-afora knoarn. Great profiia in ait enrry vrotker. Amenta are aaakiair fortanea. Ladieamake a mach'aa nieii. Vou, reader, rail do aa well aa any one. tV fall information and term f re", to tboa who writ for aaroe. with particular, and tenni fur our Kamily Itiblea, Booka and J'eriodxaia. After yoa know a'l. aboatld yon cone lade to fo no farther, why no liarm ia done. . Addrcaa i C. ALLEN CO, AlblSTA, SI a 15 K. . l!l .llloi If in ir i .,!'::. t! re-T;!:-. I'i;cs Cf 1!-I :j .i l.iH.:. pitl ii'uT. M :i r vclou" ;i- . r. :.. tfj-ativr it Minit:!.:iit t l'tt i- V' V i, Asovttci::i.tir prcH i !i :i .' tvti lit ttfiipi t ; : , Hi-Ud:t !:. v.-.. 2 V Jt s i t V.TIlJi a i! f. TV.?. " aK. f r ; kiit-:.t Jt.-i -.. liiillcH a:..! irpeeauy wnen this rpmeuy is taucn. 1 c : no more effectual relief lor t!ie n.T.i-i-a :n. ' loathing of food due to JXTKMPEISANt '. than this article. Iutpinlar:eT3-t-iit b t ties. 8amplepaclcaRe3in-poTviEn ftriu -by mail to any address on rccfipt of 1) fit Instamps.' Thereenlarlinuid lonn r:uin.t he nent by mail. MEXICAN MFDICIM- va. 400 North' :M St.. Pliila4ltphi3, 1'j. BIRD MANNA! Tlie jrreat secret of the canary bi:ili'rceiitr.' of the Hartz Mountains in (iciuianv. l'. -. r. Manna frillrestore the song of cojrc hinl-s. v. ii; prevent their ailments anLics'nro th ia tc (rood condition. If piven to a. l:rl clnrii;? the season of shrHldingfoaHirrs, itv. illin !mt cases carry the little musician tlirouzh thi critical period without loss ol'sor c. si;t nail on receipt of 15 ct-t. in stai:i-s. 15IIIL; 'OOD CO., 400 N. 3rd Kt. lMiilaUtlihia, I'a- lease mention this paper. pt 9 th sat THE. STATE CHRONICLE, Successor'to the Farmer and Mechanic ann the Chronicle.) Under New Management. IEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. " UP WITH THE TI&tES. rjlUE "STATE CI1HONICLE' WILL liE what' Its name Implies a State Taper. It Is not the Raleigh "Chronicle," and win not be locator sectional. It. will aim to keep up with the news from Murnhy to Mantco, or, as ' the politicians put It, from Cherokee to cuf- " rttucic It will be the organ of no man, no rlnr, no section, no party. It will bo Democratic in politics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic offlcer-. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year S-00 six Months Shree Months 1 0U 50 TFor a sample copy address THE STATE CHRONICLE, Kale!h, N C. TIME TABLE NO. 4X Palmetto Railroad Co. 1 E-m .aanfaata QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t, 1SS7 Tralns will run as f ollows, dally except sun day. OOIKQ SOUTH. No l Vassenger and Freight. Leave Uamict, N. C 8.30 A. M Arrtre at Cheraw, s. c 9.0 a. M Going North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight:. Leav cheraw. S. C ..4.2 V. sl ArrlTO at Ilamlet. C 5 F. M. declStf The North Carolina Presbyterian IS A -. . '-. DnlifTinne Fnmift Pnnp.r PUBLISHED WEEKLY, and dcroted to the intellectual, moral .ind spiritual Interests of the people. It numbers amonp its correspondents inany of the very best writers of the Southern Pres byterian Church. It is thoroughly orthodox on questions of doctrine, but free and out- enntnn In Its rlanM nn !)H nrifn ftllOSt IOI1S. It allows and Invites free discussion within the bounds of courtesy. In popularity the Presbyterian' Is con stantly advancing. It la The Paner for the People, -t . . . .... A. . ana presents in lis columns maiurio iViit-it-M and instruct all ages, classes , and coiiditions of the people. Irico per annum, f 2 to: or for one year to any new subscriber. S'2 l.v Address JOHN .V.CL-M'Kl.N. Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington. N. c . ftp IMfeRg-QT-To Mnly Vigor. "W:.. "fl.f yUwy iti HHntlr rostoml by the f n ci'Urciy .rmiy.'Tlie Ycl Ja Sa I a l'nw. S: uin. "rac ih TnarlMTS riotT-r fail, i iiUietratol. iipip? i.ooj , -d testnnnniala, (.vrt k.v.sIV h'vt iv fcuouaj ad iu vox ciUAKF 'i itocur:,-cov t--, Park .t-r 1 -i 2.. 1 w" Lime. Lime. t.ivtr in Exchange for provisions' LIME " " GROCERIES, " DRY GOODS HARDWAKli LUMBER. CASE. -LIME z . LIME ii ' ' LIMB " LIMB aVO,5 VOICE o ti 1.7 Baaa7mt4 IrlH vmw it -FRENCH BUOS., " " ' Eoclr rolnt " . in an i a iLlJi niijui mi Lllllw'lUll.DJ"Jaa t ' - " " I tinfierlnfl ridnri nf Xarth's TTniAn Pnb. 10. tFeb. 17. SeM.( Tho Badly ZlaTrtavr. , - . voat r " S .15. tsept.22. - - ; - i hf tr.nRitton froniMonrf: linger. - I iAIeclTlenbnri-tFeb. 1, Au, 23. Josit. T. Jamks WtTAfTV i.iuw.M v. s SATURDAY. APRIL C, 18C0. Entered at the Postonce at Wilimngton. K.C., aa feecond-class matter. , . aV a a a. a nroiessor m i e tn vemiv oi Tv Ih nvpnl tprf rlAiriit tn li n t'a rntit , , ... i t pounded a solution which complete t. i I; it . IA. a..l . iy neutralizes ine poison inircuutcn into the system" by the bite of a mad do This solution consists of.clilo- rine water, salt brine, sulphurous aciil. nenuancanate of potassium! and eucalyptus oil. a .- " Of thirteen charitable bequest?, asrfjretratinpf $1,100,000, which were made by the late William .H. Van derbiltall but two Surrogate Ran som, of New York, decides are sub ject to the collateral inheritance tnx. One of these, St. Luke's Hos pital, is exempted by a special, and the other, the Seamen's Mission, is held to be released-from, the tax by a special Act exempting the proper ty of every company ineoporated to improve the moral condition of sea man. Most of the institutions to which money ucje left was held lia ble for the renson that for some things, or for some patients, a charge is made whreh takes them out of the class of purely charitable companies. The Metropolitan Mu seum of Art and the Museum of Natural History were among the beneficial ies which the surrogate held liable to the tax, one of the reasons for their liability being the income derived from membership dues and admission fees. -. a a Mr. Charles Gibson, of St. Louis, who has just been knighted by the German Emperor, has been the law yer for the German Crown in this country for many years, beginning with King William IV., and has been knighted by three Emperors. The late Emperor William made him a Knight Commander of the Royal Crown and the Emperor of Austria conferred upon him the Comma n der s Cross of the Order of Franz Joseph. The present decoration is the highest ever conferred by Ger .uaiiy upon an American citizen, and is, in fact, the highest German decoration known in. this country up to the present time. Mr. Gib son s relation as attorney to the German Crown has, brought him in to intimate relations with all the German ministers resident in Wash ington, beginning with Baron Ge rolt. His influence has always been aV1 ? A " . 1 11 a exerieu in promoting Kinuiy ieeimrs and cordial governmental relations between the two countries, and this last decoration is in recognition of his services iu that line. Mr. Gibson was iuformed in February last by Count Von Arco Valley that the Em peror had conferred upon him the Order of the -Grand Cross of the Prussian Royal Crown. -a A very remarkable decision has recently been rendered by. the Sec ond Comptroller of the .Treasury, which is entirely new to the lawsof all nations. The bounty due a sol diet was paid recently to an alleged widow, who represented the soldier to be dead. Afterward the soldier appeared and claimed the money. It is shown that he was not only not married to the woman but that he never knew her, her 'claim being pure fraud. The soldier's claim was reported for allowance . by the Second Auditor, it being held that payment made upon the fraudulent claim is not a valid discharge of the government's obligations to the soldier. The action of the Auditor was overruled by Second Comptrol ler Gilkeson. who holds th'at the payment to the alleged widow was in accordance with law and the evi dence then in the case, and he fur ther ruled that "hereafter in every ase where a ck-iim has been allow ed and paid upon proof or evidence satisfactory to the accounting offi cers, the i-hiim so paid shall be final ly settled, and any and nil claims for money, which have once been paid, shall be disallowed," conse" qtieiitly thereby validating fraud. however unblushing it may be. it tins is a specimen or opinions now rendered in the Second Comp troller's office it is evident that if any dime museum wants a legal freak the need can be supplied. If Mr. GiVkeson's bank account was drawn out by a bogus heck which was satisfactory to the accounting officers" of the bank at the time he would be able to understand his opinion as others see it. Tle Spring Medicine. The popularity which Hood's Sar sa pari 11a ha3 gained as aspring med icine is wonderful. It possesses just those elements of " health-giving, blood-purifying and appetite-restoring which everybody seems to need at this season. Do not continue in a dull, tired,, unsatisfactory condi t ion 'when vou may be so much bene fited by Hood's Sarsaparilla. v It purifies the blood and makes the weak strong. : , Editor& PropV. ing and painfal $ilckne?s to robast . JUDGES, i Gaston Marcli ir, uc:. o. ... health nvirksanpocii jn tne lire or v , rrrp-. KiSTr.RrK. i' i'ncoln MarcriaJJ, bept, . at r. v ? .nllJlrlnril fincli reianrlcnhle SAME. PITjnCT. JlKIDKyCK. , j. A in rf 20. I . event is treasured in ttne memorj- ' and the ancy wliereby trie rood health Iras been attained is urate- folly blessed. Hence it is that so mach is heard in praise ot Electric Bittefs. So luany feel they owe - - . a . n - . thA r restoration to neaitn to tne Alterative land use Tonic. If you are troubled with any di;ease Gf KidueysJJve.- orStduiacn" . . . ... or lonr or snort sranainr -you will surely find relief by the use of Elec- jrio n.a """"" 'y"V",Y d7mV to . . Meeting. F. D. Swindell, P. E. Cokesbury circuit, Salem, April 26 and 27. Carvers Creek circuit, Wayniao, May 8 and 4. Brunswick circuit,- Zion,-May 3 and 4. Brunswick mission, Union, Muv 10 and 11. Whiteville circuit, Whiteville, May 17 and 18. Waccamaw circuit, Lebanon, May 24 and 25. - . . Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of youHrreaders who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office "address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. LEMON ELIXIR Ita Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stom acli, I5owel, Kidneys and Ulocd. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a f feasant lemon drink that positive y cures all Biliousness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, all Sick and Ner vous Headaches, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Fevers, Chills, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases.50 cts. and $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by II. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. LEMON HOT DKOPS For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and Bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and Laryngetis take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and Catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. - An elegant and reliable prepara tion. 2o cents, at druggists.' Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. IlaVe You a Cough ? Attend to it in time do not neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption. Young's Cough Balsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For. sale by Munds Brothers. Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar- saparilla superior to all otler medicines. Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation ot ingredientsyi. Hood's Sarsaparilla Txwsesses, the full curative value of the best known rcmedies.nir of the. vcgctablo king- XJDx dom. Teculiar ia its di strength and economy .avXr Hood's Sar saparilla isaCnTiJthe only medi cine o tr- rviYAcb. can truly be saldO fp " One Hundred Doses One,JQaaDollar. Medicines in fD yrlarger and. smaller bottles WJy require larger doses, and do not? produce as good results as Hood's. - .W Peeuliar ia its Medicinal ' merits. Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and has won tor itself the title of "The greatest bloodrvCt purifier ever discovcred." 4?N Peeuliar in Its " good name -yi hemeK" there is nov more of Hood's Sarsaparilla C ; Void 1x1 Lowell, where jT . SJrll 4s made, than of allr fofhet blood purifiers.nljrpeeulidr in its phenome-Anal record of sales abroadt rfno ..other preparation uask gSaever attained such popu tosity to s short a time, - aand retained its popularity Slaand confidence among all classes of people so steadfastly. Do not be induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get the Teculiar Medicine,! Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldragglst- 1; six for iU. Prepaxedonly fcy q. I. HOOD 4 CO., Apothecariea, Lowell, Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar JanjOClyr ("iw nrm toon wc-d sat Spilf ii lip. MY SALOON, Corner of North Water and Mnlberry atret. , : . f - i . . . If Cmi fna 1 fled a, c. KoiJit Citil T - ' , , 11:15 p. a Satsriaj.- ; CUAf. F. BROV7ND, Airent, Pecuo II cca 10 tf F'-a-e -r- ueo. ji. irown, lieaufortA J rel nP; - II. C. Connor, Spier Whitaker. 4 John A. tTiImer, o E. T. Boykin. 6 -v at T Edprecombe. Wilson. Wake. Guilford. SaniDsoo. AVijrSIouttfoihery,. 8 ''Caoarrus.' t j aius u. juciuie. C umherland. Jesse F.. Graves, 9 John G. BynuiuTnO m w . . Surry. .............. ..... Mecklenburg . win. ai. onipp,. 11 J. H. Merrimon, 12 'Buncombe. SOLICITORS 3 AME. district. rKSIDEXCE. i John W. Blount, 1 Perquimans. i, 2 Halifax. 3 Martin. 4 Wake. 5 Durham. 6 Duplin. 7 Richmond. 8 Iredell. 9 Rockingham. 10 Caldwell. 11 Mecklenburg 12 Buncombe, i tD. Worthington, lT-,?IoArgcV a nX ' Frank McNeill, B. F. Long, Thos. Settle, W. H.-Boer, F. L. Osborne, J. M. Moody, TIME OF HOLDING COURT. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Snriner Judee Whitaker. Fall Judge Connor, Beaufort JFeb. 17, May 26, Nov. 24. Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. , Camden March 10, Sept. 8. Pasquotank March 17, Sept. 15. Perquimans March 24. Sept. 22. Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. Gates April 7, Oct. C. HertfordApril 17, Oct. 13. Washington April 21, Oct. 20. Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Dare May 5, Nov. 3. Hyde May 12, Nov. 10. Pamlico May 19, No v., 17. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Womack. Fall Judge Whitaker: Halifax -tMarch 3,May 12, Nov. 10. Northampton JJ an. 20, March 31, April 1, Sept. 20. Bertie Feb. 3, April 28. Oct. 27. Craven tFeb. 10, May 2G, Nov. 24. Warren March 17, Sept. 15. - ' . A . Edgecombe- April 14. Oct. 13 THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Boykin J? all JUQge WOIimCK. r- -v -n V c. PLtt3Jan' 6' March 17' June 9' t on A., ;,n Franklin Jan. 20,April 14,Nov.l0. Wilson tFeb. 3, June 2, Oct. 27. VanceFeb. 17, May 19, Oct. 13. . Martin March 3, Sept. 1, tDec. 1. Greene March 31, Sept. 29. Nash-r April 28, -Nov. 17. " FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spxing: Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Wake Jan. 6, tFeb. 24, March 24, tApril 21, July9, tAug. 27, Sept. 22, tOct. 20. Wayne Jan. 20, March 10, April 14. Sept. 8, Oct. 13; Harnett-Feb 3 Aug..4 Nov. 24. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. e..: t.i v-..,i.i oin iujj-o uuKb ai uiicni. Jb an J uage m aciiae. Durham-Jan. 13. March 24, June o On -iq Granville Jan. 27, April 21, July 21, Nov; 24. 9.h'!-Ily ?? jrmiiora lr eo. i, iuayo, 2Aiig. io, Dec. 8. Alamance March 3, May 19, Oct. Grange March 17, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. grange -marcii x., Aug. iiov. o. Pprjnn Anril 14 Anr 19 Nnv 17 L o ' SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge'G raves Fall .1 nflcp A rm fifld . Pender March 10, Sept. 8. - " New Hanover tJan. 20, tApril 13, tSt-pt. 22. . Lenoir r Feb. 3, Aug. 10, Nov. 10. Duplin ;Feb. 10, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Sampson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct. 6, Dec?. 8. Carteret March 7f Oct. 20. . Jones March 24, Oct. 27. Onslow March 31, Nov. 3. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . Spring Judge Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13, March 31, July 28. Anson Man. 6, tApril 28, Sept.l, tNov. 24. Cumberland Jan. 20, tMay 5, July 21. Nov. 10. Robeson Jan. 17,May 19,Sept.29 Richmond Feb. 10, June 2, Sept - r Dee. 1. : - . .. Bladen March 17, Oct. 30. . Brunswick April 7, Sept. 8. Moore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 27? KIQIITH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp. nll T-..1 T sa a a a a a i rm-m viiiiiii Cabarrus-tJan. 27. April 28. Iredell Feb. 3, May 29, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. Rowan Feb. 17, May 5, Aug. 19, Nov.,17. Davidson March 3,Sept. l.iDec.l. Randolph March 17, Sept. 15. ; Montgomery March 31, Sept. 29. Stanly April 7, Oct. 13. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. ' Fall Judge Shipp. Rockingham Jan. 20, Jul v 21. NOV. 3.; Forsyth Feb. 3, May 19, Oct. ISO: x uuMii reu. a., oepr. Wilkes March 3, Sept. 8. Alleghany March 17, Sept: 1. avie March 31, Oct. a f- fctokes April 14, Aug. 4, Nov. 10. Snrry April 21, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. Fall Judge Merrimon. Henderson Feb. 10, July 13. Burke March 3, Aug. 4. Caldwell March 17, Sept. 1. ' MitchellAnril l4,Sept. 8. : Yancey April 28. Sent . "22- McDowell May,12; Oct: 6. ELEVENTH J CDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips, r - , uatawDa jan i. j niy m aiAa.uucr jun. juiy aj.' Rathetford-WApril 21, Oct. 2 1'oik mayo, aov. aw. TWELFTH JTJDICIAL DISTRICT. pring J udge Connor. V Fall-Judge Phillips, L Madison Feb. 24,Jl.v 28, 't Nov. 17. F t Buncombe tM arch 10, tAug. 11 tDec. 1. i i ransyivunick jiuicuoi, ocu t. I Hay wood April 7, Sept, & , jacKSon April -w. oepu w. Macon May s, Sept. 20. Clay May 12, Oct. 8. Cherokee May 19, Oct-. 13." Graham June 2, Oct. 27. - ; Swain June flth, Nov. 3. . For criminal cases. " ." t For civil cases alone t For civil cases alone except jail cases.- - :v:;v'';LlL CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. OliverP. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benj. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solicit tor. , j - V. , " Court begins Jan C. March 17, May 19, July 13, "Sept15, Nov. 17. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 1" Oliver P. Meares, Judge. Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor, Court begins Feb. 10, April 14, Aug. 11, Oct. 6, Dee.-1. - . - BUNCOMBE COUNTY. ' Chas. A. Moore, Asheville," Judge. E. D. Carter, Asheville; Solicitor.; ' Court begins Jan. 27, April 28, July 21, Oct. 27. ' ' r . - Supreme Court meets first Mondav in February. Examinations oh Fri day and' Saturday .before.4 First District. Feb. 3 -"Second District, Feb. 10; Third District, Feb. 17; Fourth District, Feb. 24; Fifth Dis trict, March 3; Sixth District, March 10; Seventh District, March 17; Eighth District, March 24t Ninth District, March 31; Tenth Distner, April 7; Twelfth District, April 14; ttievenuiMJismci,, vprii si. Last Monday in September. Ex- aminaiions i? naay anu iaaiuruay oe- I m I TV ' 1 1 aT " A arvV . rl - tore, mrst uisttict, oepi. y.; oec onti Lusirici, uer. o; j nira iisirict, Oct. 13; Fourth District, Oct: 20th; I laVtl -r a a Fifth District, uclv 27; Sixth Dis Arvr .q. Savrnfh Di.friVf : Nnr . 10; Eighth District, Nov. 17; Ninth District, Nov, 24; Te nth District, Dec. l; Twelfth District, Lec. ; Eleventh District, Dec. 15,, The Jjeailtifll!!, Illustrated. 25 Cts.": 41 Ut I ITS SCOPE. TIIE AMERICAN' MA" 1 ZINE el vos prefei-ence to national tonics an scenes, and its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer fill its pages with a wide variety of Interest j I and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our I foremost problems of the period, and,ln short, mSmi&nlltlve fcm . American Thought and Prrxrress. I Tt is acknowledged by the press and public to g j raail"?i A Specimen Number.with i and Special Inducements in Cash or valuable I Prpmilims tn lnh Hnlcorc will hua wnt. nrt r ceipt or 15C., u tins paper is mentioned. t Responsible andenei-jretlc persons want- I ed to solicit subscriptions. - Write at once lor Ns-al otm rka.4ra A 4rlaAnn - - rjAidUaUit btjjiiui j auui rjmo. THIS AMERICAN AlAGAZINK CO., - feb 749 Broadway, w vrlr I HE New York Weekly Herald AT- . ONE DOLLAli PR 16 YE All IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FA MIL PAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. Now s the time tbSubscribe During the year 1890 It will even exceed It. self in the variety of its contents and Its ef forts to please Its subscribers. New features ! 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ILLUSTRATED the Fashions. itsnSwi1 r: expense is spared la bs inis.Jl tracuvenessotthe wSSV1!1 rt- - snort stones, pariorpujVfc.f- luf : says satisfy U tastPl itV - mom as a budget ot iru iiwi v1 r-; ' weekly issues ererJuS ufJig' 'u of interest tn womenT K ' spectlvely furnish a s?riS S?10 - Daughter at uorae -St -and The Womar. ot tht tiSLhf1 t ' novels wm Iw wrlttea S t F. W. Robixsox. . y- llTr ttui;; HAaRPEU'8 tERIODlCALS . PER YEAR: UAUPEK'S BA2JR UARPEirs MAGAZINE nARPEirS WEEKLY......... U CARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLK , j t Postage Fre to all suhscrfhm States, Canada, or Xmco. Co - The Volumes of the Bazar tvw first Number tor January Meir??3 r'" u no time Is mentioned, subwriKP v-'i order. expense (txroMded the freigH 't&SSM? ft one aouar per volume), tor t n rZ,..l Cloth cases forTacb Vo iSLFt binding wm be EeSt by ST'rS' receipt or 11 ooeach. l"- CJ Kemlttames should be raartA hr!.' Money order or Dran.S .S$S &SSrf Anniwr an rut! to ntJV thUn, no . 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