vi&v specifics m IK .mill mm- 'VT,,fV,d xi-r Dl-ea.9. r.oo .00 ,- Prrcl anywhere It-1- r.a-FiHiOfl St.. M. T. rSN?a MRPniC!n 17 a -To Vk XrCbtriU "'llL-!J-r or ufoer Caf . Ma ft V F - " . . . . i -r rn fTn o IV.rtisi'I- p0- . . 1 & H'il RC:SES tuSlB?! Lg n ffESiv:ii.u: TbeULA CAl & - 1 j; i.-tupcn i Wd- Com . it i a perfect .M 'winter line. Sam- . , II 111 1UI t. " . . Una tr li II TMTpn.llfl. '"A0 Vorclrculari,prlce "X ta :t 4 ,R- J ' I . .irrss t he Unless W1- . n..,mmi sr.. uorcesier, ir. It hold Urldxeporf III Fated Sulcld CXaW - The Suicide clabr of Bridgeport, formed re years ago in fun rather than in earn est, has been reduced to only one mem ber bj a remarkable faithfulness in carry ing out the condition that one member of the club a year should commit suicide. When the annual meeting was held in January there were only two members to attend it, the secretary and the president. The former, Wendell Baifm, committed suicide a few weeks ago in New York, and now the president alone remains. It was voted at this meeting by the secre- tary tliat tne president suouia make away vith himself during the year, and by the president that the secretary do so, and, there being no better way to settle it, it .was mutually decided that the polls be held open until a new member was nJedged and initiated. A letter carrier named May by talked seriousjy of becoming a member, and the president and secretary bad great hopes of him until one morning it was learned that he had committed suicide. He car ried, however, a handsome silk umbrella, which he bequeathed to the secretary of the club, Wendell Baum, and it was ac cepted. But the more Baum carried the umbrella the more unhappy he became, and when his friends tried to cheer him up he said: "A cloud hangs over me; I am doomed." Finally he sold his prop erty, turned the money over Jo his wife, and, going to New York, gave the um brella into the charge of a friend, direct ing that it bo sent to the president of the club. He then cut his throat. Since then the umbrella has been uncalled for, and the president of the Suicide club Transfiguration. Sunshine dances on the mountain. Wild-wood pet fume scents the air, lilaer skies In conscious .beauty Court the drowsy waters fair. In the forest birds are singing. Gentle zephyrs whisper low, In harmonious chorus blending. With the brooklet's innrmurinj flow. ' Through the sky so bright above us, Heeey clouds float pearly white. Glittering rays of golden sunshine, Tint them with a gleaming light. Far amid the tangled forest Scent of violets sweetlv steal: While the feathered choir's anthem, To fair Spring a welcome peals. Drift we down in lovelv dreamland. While the sunset's glimmering beams Send forth floods of amber glory Rich with amethystine gleams; But a paler shadow steals on 7Uross the waves or slumberous blue, - ' Silvery -mists of evening gather O'er the rainbow-tinted hue. And at last the world is gathered Gently to the lap of night. Silent grows the forest ptean. Droop the violets' faces bright. Gleam across the shades of evening, "Little stars with golden feet. Wrapped about in gloomy mantle Nature softly sinks to sleep. Amy Seville Wolff. Tlie Pulpit and the Stage Rev. F. M.-Shrout: Pastor United Brethren Church.Blue Mound, Kan, says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery will probably disband. Springfield Re- Datny diseased, and my parishioners publican. l thoucrht I could live ' only a few l.tooK nve uotties oi nr. WHOLESALEPRICES. mfMMAtottttBs repreaeiitirfcoili yAllfintiC Coast Line. sue pnees generally, in mrc up smau or ders feigner prices navs to toe chsrcwL 1 7 8 11 ; 8 8 9 5 8 1 40 0 CP 1 63 so 8 00 000 15 25 IS 10 8X 8 12 10 14 ii 8 6 50 9 Q10 00 duoo 89 CwVM t lull iUuiond llrand. improTine Euion- r iionograpu. Kind's "Wpw Discoverv and am sound Gianni Bettina, formerly a lieutenant an(1 weii en-mi nc 2Clbs. in vreight." of the Italian army, has invented a new J Arthur Love, Manager Love's Fon- phonograph which he claims 13 superior ny Folks Combination, writes: At to that of Edison. Indeed, the newBet ter a thorough trial and convincing . . : - . r. V W'lF 1 . LIT. J 11. i - Wrl v- I . Ikill.T i 'I."'.!. J. a.l -lit i . m-v:. A.m, rnr . . . . . . iw- uin? WITH B0ILINC coo err I GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. VATER. OOUOA I MOE WITH BOILINC MILK. I jf: ' v tina machine reflects the human voice with surprising clearness and perfect sonority, and with such force of sound that it can be plainly heard by all the bystanders without need of placing the trumpet to the ear. As in the apparatus of the phonograph and the graphpphone of Edison, the modulations or the voice are noted on the dial by the sonorous disk by means of needle points, with the difference that a quantity of needle Don't be a clam. If you've cot to noints. arranged to form rays, gather the ne anvthimr of the kind be a mud -'11-1? ntitia -rwinfo tltA I iimIa Phon Vrtll 1 1 1 1 T Vl fl ra and evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, beats 'em nil, and cures when every thing else fails. The greatest kind ness 1 can do bv many thousand friends is to urge them to try it Free trial bottles at R. R. Bellamy's Drncr Store. Regular sizes 50c and $1.00, wholesale and retail. AMUI AN DITIKS. HAiR BALSA!?! r.-.r. ami bat:titic tlie liar r. ir4- pjNwr Fa U ta Rlor Gi M Hair its Y?uthfj Coer 1PlVTri.U P.m lrv. r a-i ! hair fa.!i 1?1 H li ianos-Organs. TheiiiiiirDved iup'IukI of fasteiiin? string's r ruaos. iiiTeniou by u. 13 one of the most fcipcxtJiit improvements ever inartt. making s.citstniaifnt more richly musical in lone. prtaurali'.e.and Kts liable to get out of tune Mb i he Mason &. Hamlin Organs and uxh es.Tl cWeny m that which is the chief "Wact la any musical instrument, ciuailty tttv. other titfnjrs, though important, are kso loss so tbaat bis. An instrument with 1 .aacal tones cannot be cood. Illustrated Lul-ws of new styles, introduced this sea- ra.stnt free. MASON & BAMLIN sonorous . disic to a -common center, whence to transmit them together to the cylinder. By this means are attained a fullness of sound, a clearness and a precision un til now obtained neither by the grapho- lihone nor the phonoCTaph. Bettina I maintains that by means or this appa- ratus he can render eu per cent, or tne body of sound communicated to it. At the distance of one hundred feet it can be heard dearly and distinctly. Bettina I ha invented a composition much more sensitive to the -inflections of the voice, lw substituted for that or the wax! cylinder. New York Telegram. Medicine In Vegetables. The following information may be use ful to some at thi3 season of the year, if not new to many: Spinach has a direct effect upon the kidneys. A common dandelion used as greens is excellent for the same trouble. Asparagus purges the blood. Celery act3 admirably upon the nervous system, and is a cure for rheu matism and neuralgia. Tomatoes act upon the liver. Beets and turnips' are excellent appetizers. Lettuce and cu- . and Boston. Piano Co NEW YOttK. CHICAGO. "iiii-. m How Lost! ILL uii;ivj turtle. Then you may have some snap to you. Binghamton Republi can. City Lovei I fain would thy sera nhic form in love's embrace enfold! Rustic Maiden Wal, young feller, you can't set about it any too quick Binghamton leaner. He Were vou ever in love? She I thought i was once, but since I have read a few of these society novels I have concluded that I wasn't. Terre Haute Express. Judge On what grounds, madam, do vou claim a divorce from your rmshnnd? "The doctor told me to discard everything that disagreed with tup. and inv tius " "Grant ed. Next!' Brown (reading a newspaper) The Japanese have one very pecu- iir rMistom. Mrs! Hrown What is that? "They invariably take olT their shoes on entering a house." "Yes, the custom is rather peculiar, inasmuch as it is practiced at all hours instead of at night only." Up to the time of our going to press Brown has made no reply. Texas Sif tings. Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup BAGGING Gunny........ Standard... BACON North Carolina. Hams. Shoulders v nC....... Sides, 9 Jb.... ......... WESTERN SMOKED Hams, V ...... .. .. sides, v Shoulders, '4 ft DRY SALTED Sides, ft Shoulders, y ft BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. Second Rand, each.. . . . . New, New York eab... . New; aty, eacn;.v . BEESWAX, Vft....,....... BRICKS, Wllinfngtonr V 3f -- N orthern ................. . BUTTER, V ft North. Carolina... .. ...... Northern....... CANDLES, V ft Sperm .j,... I. Wamantine... CREESE, "9 ft 5. Northern Factory Dairy, Cream state.... .....V....,....... COFFEE, 31ft Java.. Lasniyra Rio.... CORN MEAL, V oush, m sacks. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, V bundle.. DOilESTICS ; ; Sheetln?, 4-4, V yard ....... Yarns, V bunch EGGS, V doz FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl W 00 Mackerel, No. 1, W half bbL12 50 Mackerel, No. s, V bbl.. 15 00 -.20 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 & 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl..... Mullets, w bbl.... N. c. Roe ncrnnff. y keg. Dry Cod, V lb. FLOUR, V bbl v , Western, low grade u- Extra iiJ.H: Family... City Mills Super...!.. .r.4 00 Family .... 4 - GLUE, ft GRAIN, V busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo. In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . . . Oats, from store . ........ . HALLHOAl. -fir. Wilmington &WeldonR. R. ANI BRANCHES CONDENSED SCHEDULE. ..ft TRAINS GOING SOUTH. MISCKLLANEOCS. v Oarolina OeDtral Kailrcad Company. : : j j .. mm 1 X J 13 9 27 23 20 00 00 25 6 00 10 t I "a 25 30 25 12X 10 14 11 Jl 25 22 52tf &" 130 m 6M 80 i30 50 15 00 7 80 6 00 (JO 5 ;50 400 4 50 10 00 C4 7 00 & G 00 C4 10 4oo d o 00 6 00 3 4 10a - & 5 00 8; 10. r " T- t s . DATIO April 20, 190. of c?2 "77 " " P. M. P. M. A. M. Leave Weldon....... 12 30 5 43 6(W Arrtre Rocky Mount. 146 TIP & P. M. Arrive Tarboro. "230 i...... 'i'i A.M. . Leave Tarboro...... ... 10 20 1. r " P. M.i Arrive Wilson........:..... 2 20 7 00 7 43 Leave Wilson tsao . Arrive Selma I 3 40 Arrive Fayettevllle 6 CO Leave Goldsboro..... 3 15 7 40 8 35 Leave Warsaw.. 410 'J'M Leave Magnolia 4 21 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington .1 5 50 9 55 1120 TRAINS GOING NORTH. " a n " ' A. maTI. P. M. Leave Wilmington... 12 01 9 00 4 00 Leave Magnolia... 1U 10 42 5 36 Leave Warsaw ... 10 48 5 53 Arrive Goldsljoro..... 223 1145 653 Leave Fayettevllle 1 t8 40 ...... Arrive Selma... 1100 P. 31. Arrive Wilson 1210 . I , Leave Wilson 303 12 37 7 47 Ar. Rocky Mount 1 10 , 8 18 Arrive Tarboro '230 j...... . A. 31. Leave Tarboro. 10 0 Arrive Weldon 4 30 2 45 j 9 30 CHANGE OF SCIIEDULF. WESTBOLXDTRA1N5. 7 mf m. mum 4HbM. .mriMM - Na&L I No a. dally ex. 'dall" " t. March 23, 1HV No. 41. daily ex. unday. Leave WUmlngtoa 00 ra Leave Hamlet..... 1 7 ; pm Leave Wadesboro.! 8 ii pro Arrive Charlotte.. 10 2 pm Leave caartotie... Leave linrointon. Leave fcbelby ArrtveLmtherTdnii Sunday, jsuu . 45 rn S 00 am 3 39 am 7 loam & sspm I a: pm s rapra EASTBOUND TRAINS March2:J,lHt No. SS. I NO. 54. r NOlB. .dally ex.'daUyex jdally ex Sunday, jbur.oaj Leave Rut herTdfa Leave Shelby.. ... Leave Lincoln ton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet 5 00 am 6 &2am 8 05 am Arrive Wirmlngt'nll2 15 pm Sunday 8 45 ara 10 " an 11 m am 1220 pm 8 oopml 11 24 pn 1 au ami , 8 CO ami - : Trains No. 41 and 38 make close fonnecttoir between Charlotte and points North Ha Ral eigh. . . Trains no. 51 and 54 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and chariot te and Raleigh. t. w. wiusnant. supenntendenr. F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. - mch 24 . . ; k -,r . . " -J 1 ' Atlantic Coast Line; 1 North-Eastern R. R.ofS. C CONDENSED SCHEDULE; TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 43 00 52 00 33 00 95 (4 50 43 53 51 C4 (4 & & & How Regained, mm the system, and shallots, all of which are nnsRPM menicinal virtue of a character, stynulating the circulatory system and the consequent increase in similar, marked lvJHE SCIENCE OF LIFE iifcii?,iva,la7I pPol Medical Treatise -y nnx1 Ptj, lmpnruiea of the Blood. 1 cumbers are cooling in their effectsupon -hnnld jilwava be used when children tie sufferer at once; it prouuees nat ural, quiet sleep by . relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It system auu lUc wxv " j erv peasant to taste. It soothes the saliva and the gastric juice, promot- s very Piax g ing digestion. .Red onions are an excel- aH Jn relievea wjnd, regulates the lent diuretic, and the white ones are rec- bowels, and is tne best known reme ommended to be eaten raw as a remedy jy for diarrhoea, whether arising is regarded by the French as an excel lent restorative in debility of the diges tive organs. New York Herald. :T&..Vicr' Excewet or AmfSTl1? Kf "Wot Sodal Relation. hfr-ri !y'cucer9- this cret air.!.ftr' lf apply noct The . WW f tK" 1 l lT V.Dr.Prker and a corps SIrlfS Ult'AL INSTITUTE, 1 n". .lU-w., to whom all f4ugr ut for ad e should be 1jX3EFjEQ ;-4FTHE- Jeilerson Davis. BY 'EFPEUSiON DAVIS.. BV ilKCMFTlOj'oSU. revtus tad complete outfit for can- Mil he ready Immediately. rogY Uils great work will riea5 aMnR3 Uhr.MM. ice publishers, BELF0RD COMPANY, Jfstisth Street NEW.YORK. He la Changlne Color. Mr. H. T. Knake, the popular organist of St. Paul's cathedral, is suffering from a peculiar diseases The skin has been rrTnr for nearlv a vear. until now it is a very dark yellow. He resem bles a Spaniard of the darker type, and Mr. Knake used to be of fair complexion. Only the gentleman's hands, arms, face, neck and feet are affected. His hands are yellow, while the color deepens on the fingers until above the joints they almost become black. His breast, back and limbs are still white. Pittsburg Dispatch. , Central A in Singer. The Russian Gen. Annenkoff who, it seems, is practiced in the art of music as well as in that of war has collected a curious choir of seventy nativearof Turk estan, Northern Afghanistan and Bok hara, which, under the direction of a famous Asiatic singer, boasting the ut terly unpronounceable name of Ak-Jou-chlai-Oeli. proposes to give choral con certs at SL Petersburg, and other Euro pean capitals, in order to raise funds to found schools and hospitals in Russia's new Asiatic dominions. London News. During one of tha snow storms of the past winter in tlie Rocky mountains nineteen engines were required for one train, which was made up as follows: First a snow plow, with nine engines be hind it: then a train of nine cars, with another five engines, and behind this five engines with a gang of men to dig the train out should it get stuck. New York Commercial Advertiser. ncf-A 20. of a erood Edinburgh family, while rushing (or the goal with the ball on a football field at Walkerburnu few days ago, wa3 charrejj at and struck by another player. lie popped icsensihla and d!?d a few days Twenty five eents a bottle. julv 6 deodatwlv "It Works Like a 71irm." Rulon's Magnetic Liniment is a sare and speedy cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Gout. Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painful affections. or by Munds Brothers. - sale Fishermen's Supplies, Huilders' Hardware, PAINTS AND SASH IfAlKllt'S STtlCTLY lUEi ffDIlI IMP. made by the old Dutch procea. the best Lead on the market. They not being1; in combina tion can make special price on same. . COOKING STOVES. Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HlDfS, V m ... , Green...... ............. 2 Dry.l... 3 nAY,V 100 lbs Eastern. 1 05 .Western 85 1 North lUvcr.. ' 75 noop IRON, V 2Ji LARI, V V t .. Northern..:.... .......I... t North Carolina....... 8 & , r. -. - LIME, V barrel......... ....... 1 25 LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. ' Ship Stuff, resawed... 18 00 Iiough Edge Plank ......... .15 00 West India Cargls, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 scantling and Board, comn.1 4 00 MOLASSES, V gallon New Crop, in hnds. " in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds.. . " " in bbls.... Sugar House, In bhds " ' in bbls.. Syrup, in bbls NAILS, v Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 OILS. V gallon. Kerosene...... .... ...... Lard...4...... Linseed Rosin Tar.. Deck and Spar., .y. POULTRY . Chickens, live rowB.... ' Spring Turkeys. PEANUTS, V bushel, 23 lb.. POTATOES, V bushel Sweet.... Irish, V bbl... ...... .. PORK, V barrel City Mess Prime Rump . . . . . V. ..Vl... i ... . . RICE Carolina, "9 lb Rough, y bush, (Upland)... " " (Lowland). rags, y lb country City. ... ROPE, V ftr.J... ..w..1t.l. SALT. sack. Alum ..1 Liverpool... Lisbon American...... SOAP, H B Northern. , ... tUGAR, P lb standard grain.. Standard A... White Ex C... jxtra C, Golden C YeUOTti.:;.....-...-.-''.;-... SniNGLES.71n.llM.. . Z $ 00 Common........ 2 00 Cypress Saps.. 4 50 . cypresa Hearts. . .. .... .. ..- 0 00 STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel., s 00 R.O. Hogshead.... ....000 TALLOW, ... 4 TIMBER, V M feet Shipping.. 2 00 50 CO 15 10 90 00 3i 7 & .0 if 20 00 1G 00 (318 00 22 00 15 00 25 28 28 20 00 18 22 9 16 90 15 00 oo v 10 75 1 00 65 3 25 26 30 30 28 15 18 35 Dally exceDt Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax 2:30 .p. m.. arrives Scotland Neck at 3:45 d. m.. Greenville 6;20 P. m. Re turning leaves Greenville 7:00 a. nu, Halifax at 11:25 a. m.. dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarooro. n. c, via AiDcrmane a ltaieigh k. it. oauy except Sunday, 4.or r. m. Sunday 3.00 P. M.. arrive WlUlamston. N. C. 6.30 I. M.. 4.20 1. 31.. Plymouth 7.50 P. M.. 5 40 1. M. Returnlncr leaves Plymouth, mouth. N. C. dally except Sunday, tt.00 .K. M.. Sunday 9.00 A. M.: WlUlamston 7.10 A. M. 9.58 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.:ai A. M., 11.20 A. 31. Train on 3lldland N. O.-liranch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 0.00 A.- 31., arrive smlthfleld. N. v.. 7.30 A. 31. Returning leaves smlthileid. N C. 8.110 A. -31.. arrive Goldsboro. N. C. 9.30 A. 31. Train on Nashville 15 ranch leaves Rocky Mount at 3.410 P. 31.. arrives at Nash- vllloat 3.40 1. 31., Spring Hope 4.15 .P. 31J lteturning leaves Spnnir nore iaui a. ai.. Nasnvllie ia.J5 A. 31.. arrive rockv Mount 11.15 A.M.. dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and 11 10 A. 31. Returning leaves Clinton -at 8.20 A.M. and 3.10 P. 31.. connecting at War saw with N os. 41 40. 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch Is No. 51. Northbound Is No. 50. Dally except Sunday. UTain no. 27 soutn win stop oniy ax wuson. Goldsboro and Majrnoiia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for aU points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay line. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and navs Pullman palace sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. 31. EMERSON, oenl Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Lice. 1 1 1 Dated May 12, '89. No. 27. No. 23. No. " A. 31. A. 31. . Leave Florence 1 35 9 30 " Klngstrcc..... 2 2! 10 55 Arrive iJines 2 50 1120 P.M.- Iave Lanes.... ..... 2 50 11 20 7fc. Arrive Charleston.... 5 00 1 :w w. m A. 31. P. 31. P. M. - Train No. estates No. 53 South of Lanes. Train on V. & I). 1L R. connect s at Florence with No. 23 Train. - " . TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 78. Na 14. Na 53 " A. 31. P. 31. A. M. Leave Charleston.,.. 12 25 '4 jai r7 Arrtve Iines 2 45 6 2s 9 I?ave ijines 2 no 2s - Kingstrec...... 3 10 n 46 Arrive Charleston..,. . 4 20 7 55 A. 31. P. 31. A. 31. 2 50 a u 1 45 1 00 16 20 22 Wilmington, Colnns m & Angnsta R. K. (X 30 20 1 00 1 25 75 3 75 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTn. 18 00 16 00 15 00. 5 80 I 00 1 -X 0 To 1 10 1 50 .12 00 .15 00 . 00 4 . 60 80 00 1 Dated April 20, 1890. Leave Wilmington. Leave Marlon. Arrive Florence.... Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. . Leave Sumter.... Arrive Columbia. NO. 23. NO. 27. NO. 15. P. 31. P. 31. A. M. 6 15 10 10 9 31 12 40 10 20 1 20'. ....... NO. 50 i NO. 8 A. M. ! A. M. A. 31. 3 20;. ... . 8 25 1 4 35 9 35 NO. 52. A. 31. 4 35 tlO 33 6 15 11 55 Dally, t Dally except Sunday. . Train No. 14 connects at Florence with trail. on C..& I). R. R. for Cheraw, s. c. and Wadca boro, N. Ci. , no. 52 runs through to coiumwa ia central R. R.ofS. c. Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington. C, making close connection with W. W. it. ror ail points noixn. JNO. F. DIVINK. General superintendent.' J. R. KKNEY, Asat uen l lanagcr. T. M. KM KKSON, Jen'l l'assengt r Agent, my 11 FOR 1890. onslder sckibnir's Maoazike when you are deciding upon your reading matter ror next season. The tsubscrlption rate is low- $3 00 a year. The Btandard or the 3iagazme is high. Its spirit progressive. The illustrations are Interesting and ot the best. There is not space here to give even a um- rnary of tlie features to appear this year, but among other things there will be a new-ltv partment and additional pages, and gronp&Df illustrated articles will be devoted to tbeIol lowing subjects. Arncan exploration and Travel. Lire on a Modern War thlp (3 articles). Homes In city. Suburb, and Country Providing Homes through Building Associa tions, .. The citizen s Rights, Electricity in the Household. Ericsson, the Inventor, by hiy Authoilzed Blographjr. Hunting, Humorous Art lets, American and Foreign. There vlll te 3 aerial. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute im. Each subject, and there win be a great va riety this year, will be treated by writers l most competent to speak with authority and with interest. Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prospectus. CfBls i Knmk; $1.00 fir faarlwils. 00 00 4 6X 6 0 5 State to select Largest assortment In the from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them you will nntl comfort and economy. Pnnip?, Sttp-Ladders. Wc ask for jour patronage and shall ev?r endeavor to deserve the same. Respect fuUy, N. Jacobi Hardware Co., apl22tt " IS SO. FKONT ST. "v, mbb a a M " mmmmm tsStdns taa tlie effects rfyoarfaw J2 lt-.Vr l LlUteX AJirs T v " wltrnV M fcW. FlneMUl.. H25 Mill;;.A.. T M MUl Fair. 5 00 Common M1U.. ...... ....... 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 2 SO WHISKEY, 9 gal Northern... 2 00 North Carolina..... C........ I 00 WOOL, V fc Washed.... 23 Unvasne4 . Is Burry 16 00 70 5 5 9 7 00- 2 50 5 CO 7 50 14 00 10 00 5 14 00 13 00 8 50 000 0 00 4 00 a&or , 300. IS li No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central K. K. Learlnz Lanes 9-15 A. 31 an nine 9:56 A. M. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence j with No. 68. TRAINS GOING NORTH. i NO. 5L Na 59. NO. 53. . P. M. P. M. Leave Columbia. 10 35 5 0 Arrive Sumter li 58 6 32 'P. M. Leave Sumter 1158 i 6 37 . ....... A. M. Arrive Florence ...... 1 15 7 50 . No. 78 Na H. A. 31, P. Leave Florence ...... 4 35 8 .5 Leave Marlon.. 5 2 8 55 Arrive- Wilmington. . . 8 35 1145 Charles Scribner's Sons, ' 74:$ Broadway, N. V; Jans tf WANTED.'.', JGENTS OF EITHER ?EX T3ROLUIIOU the United-States to handle our celebratfd Corn and Bunion cure. Its application af fords almost Instant relief, and every box la accompanied by af5guarantee. which amount we win roneit in every instance wnere our remedy falls ro perfect a rennaoent cure. sample box, 2.V-tlx boxes. IL We will pay good agenta tl per day to introduce our good into their section: no postals. For term and ; particulars address the manufai-turtra. II. OMUUUU tlU, 1C4 and ion Ncrth Ada fctrecf.. feb 14 lw dJtw Chicago, JU. OYSTER ROASTS , -?- ' ......... AM BETTER ever to PREPARED accommodate my r wiu always I than triends witb OYSTERS this season. in mnfl bat th lt on hand MYRTLE GROVE ROASTS a specially, tvrry ttinn overhauled and Improved. Oys4ra reaay at short wlce'aud rajtert thnckerx t open them- - - T - Special rates to parties. Glv iw a rail ai4 will do my best to please you. i:ef pectruuy, '"v:::-"i -; - .w. n. STOHLCY, crt;tt - -wr tsTi::3 Dailr- tDailTexcent Sunday. Na 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C. via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7.-04 p. lu Lanes 7:43 1 . ai.. cnaneston skjo v. ji. - No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadesbora. Nos. 78 and 14 make dose connection at Wif- mington with W. -W. R. r. for ail points Norm -Train on Florence R. R. leave Pre Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M.. arrive Rowland 7mi p, m. Returning leave Rowland 630 a. cl. ar- rive lKs Doe JIi . rn. Train on Manchester A Augusta 11. R. leave i Sumter dally, except Sunday. l(h.V) A. i..arrt ve inminl 101 p. M. Returning leave Kimini 125 p. M., arrive sumtr 1 30 VM. General superinU'ridei.t. J. IL KENLY. Asst Genl Manager. , T. M. KKERSON, General Iassenger Agen no-vis . , AGENTS WANTED ft1 TO CANVASS FOR 7 By Hon. Samuel S. ("San-vet Cox, Use U. Minister to Turkey. T Hardware) ISWAIiE - AND CU(K KKIiV. iV. E. SPRING ER Jfc t"0 Imprrfrn ami Jotbf n -COT t lltftttl I!-:!S 11 a magnificent volume of over OO pages. beautifully and protusely illustrated. ,t . XX. COX'S LATEST AXP BEST BrrOKT. facts asd rrsr. bistokt akp avxoe. The work sparkles with the brightest wif. It coatalns numerous amusing Mork-a. but it -also gives sc clear, concise, and mtervstlnff ac count of the ottoman Empire, from Its toun- ii-.tiiin tn th tnwrit Ttls book w ill hav a largr sale, and live agents shouW "ure terriiory 91 once. oiily thoiougUljr reliable agents, who wM work i heir territory for all it in worth., am waiite.L Experienced agents preferred, but Mhers who will promise earnest work w til U . a-pted. ... lor parttrolirw nd.lrr?. W. 8. iiL'i:ni:i; r, Kin&Jcn. N. c. . i;er.eral Arc-r.i Pr North i'.iiiUn. " later of ot tne cnin. L . mjm . v. mm , - - 1 li