TX1U 1 ; ...ntw. F'tor and iw f fi-1" ri,t t y carrtersfree -fif f..r"r"- l ; r . - -r" i s, free - . .ort any asd .f : r4 1 . ..t VOL. XIV LOCAL 1ST E"W"S. WILMINGTON,. N. C WEDNESDAY, MA Y 14, 1890. NO 128. PLXASJE KOTICJE. we will be gi&a to receive comsrcsT?iTl from oar friends on abt tnl I1 lufcjsctt ' general interest, toot . . , . . , , , f Tne name or the writer most arirajs - tushes to the Editor. . . dommonicaaons mast te written on one side of tne paper. , Personalities most be avoided. AH it ta especially anl pirttcuUrlT (QlflO stood th&t tne Editor does notrway9 endora tne views of correspondents onleaa 80 In the editorial commas. . Forecasts. Ixdex to .Nnr advketiskmekts . Sseed & Co Furniture o V Vaes Croquet-Setts, ett James Wilson' Building Lo' s lor Sale Warren's Ice Cream Parlor open ' costive or bilious. ' U Holt. Jr.. J. F. Williford. Entitled to tlie Keat. ! xi. i: .l,rt,rrs niiil ' Tf.,..r.c nnrl T?pnorts-T. SprUlll, , . Viof KOr VlUl W I VU.I U1U1U, cuv.'.w r- : ivgmiuj """" Allare.ent.tled to the best that. or e LOCai t J. Cherry, R. E. Causey. their money will buy, ,o exer. J"1"","' t from 8 a. in., for Wi4minB- i Subordinate Lodges not .Uepre-I ily should have, at once, a bottle of , forecast- wwlthr fol-! ,tiT E. Reynold,, W, Riley the be,t family remedy Syrup ot ,n j Dozier, Dr. J. R. Woltz. to cleanse the ygtem when io e jj tjorrepoiiueiiv-e v. . NEW AOVEUTISKSIDNTB. lacl; Biw Siils For sale in -c ; No Names Mentioned. i t n ww f n rinrnnt ft. W Knott. ltf ; ami 61.00 bottles by all leading drug- j We wolrt tell his name but there , ' - J- Bv.LawsC. F. frisN. lisatrood joke lloatins arounu iu-; . twiW .Tohn M. Bubbce, till 10 p. in. Cireen ieas jsolch in market thi; f E HAVE PLACED ON TUB COUNTER OUR ENTIHE STOCK. OF morninsr at 15 crnts a peck. .,e of our country vigors was ,an citizens. His wife yesterday i1 lb d j m.rt,i; rir-1 Lumsden, John L. dav about one of our worthy uer ; it , that standing at Market Dock to day and j afternoon, , Degree of Rebecca-A. H. Watson, was engaged in house, m m We are requested to state there will-be services to morrow at - rooms! St.MarK, ChurC.at U oocK ?. t.e r.ver. e H". , -w -m r t.. ri i ..i-tr r?r ti- :i wiiiiri. i Rubber llose, wiwn mowers, nmt j ffMltlMuan wllo. waS ttanUUig near ; ttiere. fue iiii - li;... v .Tn,iP. H. W. Jernican. . . x i i i n;ni.iinv ortn wiiiih n c i -mi--t " . . t i AnTionlc Junius t5l BLACK GOODG, to be Eold during tue comlns wect. Large s 1 tt z' ' T ,. . tj fi 'i' ix ami , - ctnnJl i oionnin? and removea an 01 me-- . . nr.i roncsMon in nricea will be made. A nrst- coioreu inuu - . CT i alilea'e and i'er uiem Jiir Phil- nt form 3N'JTRT!OU3 JUICE 0F oAMFORNIA. r.ieclicinal I:r..-.-.vn to be y- T 'v 1 I 1 I 1 1 A K-A LA U-r.er.'-'--;l l" 1 . ... rrrnPCt Hie f ir::nn -.s' ii:.bim:il Consti- tb- iuahv ills de ;C ffliauk or inactne !VERM1D BOWELS. Lnl''W' I.. 1 nf.u-ll ( ,l: the systeis emcwAur HEALTH and OTRN-TH NATURALtV FOLLOW. Erotic is using it and all are fcbcil with it. KANUFA0TUREOCNLY uf CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. liV.,,,,,r '" '" VOW- -V. y Rakesi of "the latest" and iuost i in- proved makes are feold by the N. Ja cobi H4.w. Co. . - Keep dry and you will keep healthy. Umbrellas, rubber coats, &c, at I. ShrierV, S3. E. comer Front and Priucess streets. o,wi rA.nnrkpdrSavJ mister; what is that fellow doing out there with them two sticks trying to push that red wagon body in'.the water?" Fact. Ice Cream Festival. Our German lady friends will hold an ' Ice Cream and Strawberry vmt to a nei i - fvioT-wl sfpnnpd in was aubcut r- x , w. f (1 w. F. Alderman. nr,,i sPPinir the room bare concluded vv in.te ui, w x v. o- . ; i. j! Uw1 Kaon trvinf? tO ! centred i uiacw, o. "im'M Appeals Junius fclocum, J Divisions W. A.13obbitt, 11. i. rob him. His suspicion was Ask for "Our Old Chief." new and improved Wamsutta Shirt , mg rhisttivar at the Luther Memorial nuuu- to morrow night at which an new iiuu iun;iutcu huio - ... . s now reaand for sale atour Shirt the luxuries of the season wdl Je Fact rv oolv, at 75c. 122 Market St. J for sale at city price, The.e w. t J.. :- , ' 1p excellent vosal and instrumental i -r i r ' i ' ti r AX'nn i r i I nolcl ul,uu tt " f iw Cnwford H . Fes-'the sidewalk and he sent off post H. Cra lord n haste for a policeman, ine omcer came, promptly and was about to orrast. when the lady ppeare,l on the scene an,) explain-b..t an ey,ins scsston aypocirciiu nnllpd The members all Wlin-Inston. N. C. Li .ilfilf -tfv.- .. . v nin- i.p vrwvors such occasions. J. ElsbachT prop. Thevlxaise some big hams, some time?, up on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. Mr. F. A. Newbury has some on band received, over that road that wei.-h from 30 to 50 pounds each. Schr George Bird, Gray, cleared to dav for Cape Haytien, Hayti, with 159.308 feet lumber and 40.000 shingles, valued at $2,510.50. shipped bv Messrs. S. & W. H. Northrop. Cant. John H. Daniel and Crfl. E. S. Latiiuer.of this city,have been ap pointed Assistant Marshalsjtor ew 1 . i r ,i,i... Hanover county for tne juecKien- burg Celebration, at Charlot te, ou the 20th inst. In the judgment of an excellent music critic the vocal music at tne Memorial exercises at Oakdale yes terday was remarkably fine, the best he has erer heard there on j be excel len t I music for the occasion. The price of admission has been fixed at ten ,.t which with the fine music and luscious edibles, induces the ladies to expect a large gathering, and we trust that they may not be j disappointed. Drowned in Smith treeu. Charles HoUh-n, a young white lad about lfi years of age, was drowned Smith's ves.tMdav aiifiiiu"" ijreck. near Oakdale Cemetery. He was in n boat at the time; fishing, when his hat vrns blown overboard aiil in reaching for it he fell into the water, which is quite deep at that snot. Unfortunately he could not a r -w I I V . swim and so perished. His iarnei f Mr. Synip. H olden, and a number of friends searched for the body last night and it found near the spot at whichJie disappeared. An inquest was deemed unnecessary. ed everything ed otit and he had to several times to day. E. Bigg. w i -i-:.t "LI 1 Sunervision J. . Jiruuug, j:. .j. Duck, S. A. Potten There was no afternoon session has been l m i nil . i v ... H'nir mo T n . i no Ar IP 1 leilllJtlft an t-niviu u f P . . - i" ct t T" r it - vju. i i v v - - - 1 J UL . - v v - j - rate chance for iho3e who desire Bargains.' The stock comprises Prlcstly's Cballier, Lupin's Silk Warp Henrietta; Light weight All-Wool NiinM Velllncr, WITH MANY OTHER KISDS. 'set "em up .,ll.T Some of the floral decorations on ik wno fi' tiuiy. -to. One srain of es o private lots yesterday were SSiiilinfacn nnisitelv lovely, showing a tender ,JJAcUW meny and reverent regard 4or io i .1 r,a. u- in i:u' cea&eu inf IDUUS k OLLEIib, great struggle of busy life. This is a good time to buy real es tate. It is advancing almost every 'rovisiotlS. Groceries, dav. Hon. James Wilson has a large ' ' I - . , i...;i."i;,in number ot very oesirauie uunuwe lots for sale in various sections of the city, on which good terms may be had. See ad. in this issue. unoLi...LK ii:.via:ks in Liipers. Tolaeco, Cigars, AND OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. I "rout ami lock St., vilmin(;tov, n. c. Jm ltf t- -. ..r onn snnnlv VOU Wl th Peanut Sweeps and Diggers, Scraper and Coclter Points. Seven different size wings and two size points for the "Bov Clipper," the most im Economy is we<h.!- rV't l ( AN s.W K flU'F.H VKAK P.Y HAV- ' II . !l V Pnmn that is Y e nave ii uu. " i always primed, never requiring a tub of water to start it. It is the j bright invention of a North Caro ! lina genius and is pronounced by all I to be the best pump on the market. See it and you will have no other. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. On tlie Seacoast Iloatl ToOIovrow. The schedule as arranged by the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad lor to-morrow for the aerommodation of those veiling the Paul Boyton Exhibition is as follows: Leave Front Street Depot at I),. 30 .rk r or 1 A and 11.30 a. m., and i.uu, 5.00, 7.25 and S.S0 p. m Leave Prince 0.33 and 11 i sr. 5 10. G.20, 7.35 and 8.40 p. m Ten trains each way. The last train will leave the Switchback at n 25 i). m. It is advisable for home folks to take early trainsjand avoid the rusti. Mountaineers at Sc. Peterson's Magazine. Peterson for June is unusually rich with excellent illustrations. "Her Seventh Birthday' "A June Twi-, lioht11 and '"His Mother's Message,'' are all charming. The opening story, "Frank Raymond's Faith," is capitallv illustrated. The mammoth fashion plate, with other iiiustia tions of Summer dresses, and the needlework designs eaifnot fail to interest the ladies. "A Love and a Passion" is full of interest and pow er, aud the ''Story of Dagma" is very rood. "When Did Uncle Philbroke stooW Die" is as original as it is interest ing. "Some Hardy Plants" will be welcome and useful to every pos sessor of a garden, and "Asphyxia'' is exceedingly useful. The July number begins a new volume, and the list of contents gives promise of Illhincv. Terms, two dol- lars a.year. One dollar for six months." Samt)le copy, five cents. Address, Peterson's Magazine, Phil adelphia. ! on the excursion this afternoon on j the Seacoast R. R. to Wrightsville I Beach, tendered them by the lodges i in tins city. yitui iu"".' and gentlemen accompanied them. You AN INVOICE -OF- Wnnted. A crood appetite. can have it easy enough by raking Hood's Sarsapa.nl la. it tones tne digestion and cures sick headache. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 50 DOZEN GENTS' TIES, Sneed & Co., Ql'CCESSOlib TO KNOXVIIXE FUKNI- ture fo., soullicast ooir.cr Market and Second streets.' Larje sicm'-sc, art kmc designs, lowest prices. Everj-bo.iy invircl to call ana Inspect nac My 3:3 1 1 CAROLINA BEACH, -1N- THE SYLVAN GHOYE EAVKS WILMINGTON AT 0:30 A. M. AND L The Odd Fellows. The. fortv seventh annual session of the Grand Lodge of the Inde- 230 p. m., and returning leaves tUo P.eacli at 12.G0 and ; p. ni. Every day in l lie week except Sunday. Season reduced rate Tickets for sale at the ofilee or on board. ' Fare Saturday S3 cents ior jue rouuui H .J. W. HAIW I.B, my 10 tf Manager. nncess Street btation dent Order of Odd Fellows con- .40 a. m.. and . l.0, -4V' voned last night In the hall of the Knights of Pythias, and was called to order bv the Deputy Grand Mas ter. Dr. John H. Poole, of South Mills, Camden county, in the ab- scence of Grand Master Joseph j. Brown, of Raleigh. The Grand Officers present were ts from Mt. Airy Wv Trhn H. Poole. D. G. M.; John and points along the line of the C. F Bruton, GrandlWarden: B. H. F & V. V. R. R. arrived here yester- WoodeW, (rand Secretary: Richard Instead of the W j. Jones, Grand Treasurer: w. a. tMed bv us. tnere h..i.iu nii uev. J. 11. portion, ml BUY A HOME ! T UILDING LOTS and 4-1 N -HAND and - " NAUTICAL KNOT m ALL IIIUIl ( LASS KOVRLTIC9. Price 50 Cents. Sold in every city In the Union at 75 cents, said to be the handsomest line of TIES EVER OPENED IN WILMINOTON A FULL STOCK F Gents' Furnishing-Goods. J. J. HEDRICK, 101 MAKKET STHEET. iny 5 tf . " - W3. Cir work doii a' '. II. WAKD'S. the ;vU''jl l'..irx r. N. s.v.n ! Tr-nt stru-t. phavin 1 O CentK. Hair IMUMrg 4JO Cents, Slianipoo 20 Cents. r-ute tailt .(ijil werk guaranteed: C II. WAKI), s-'jth Fr.i.t t.. Whmington, N. C. J. gwfgh M'r. W. M. Dodd, of Fayetteviile ii Wihnincrtonian who tramp ed the sand hills years ago and nnpnehed his thirst with Rock Spring water (taken'straight) is in tf.r t.. nitmidance on the Grand BEAL ESTATE AGENT, j Lodge of Odd Fellows and all of li frionds have been, mighty The Bubeo Degree Staff, under i.A .ninaiul of Cant. C. F. Lums JS-vl kt.tk noiuiir and sold, j eu of Raleigh, have accepted an wuectod. tix. s und insurance care-? invitation from the two Lodge.-, 1. to exempli! y ,BZ. U tvMn Trout mid Second, rtinrtw Strt-ft. F. & day afternoon uYiH'ctcd. as l .-- nil. ..111 . . . 1 . n 1 , --.. i.Pt ween 100 and ow. i v.. (jrauti Kepresentauvc;, lu uu- , . n.t down the river this morning ei (Jrami Lodge; John B. Deans, .... . j. ? " .... Xih-(tn drove Tlie oujeeii (;,..uul Marshal vvn s southport ami me .v-.- ;riUKi Conductor; v. u. l mtie ocean but the pier for rJaro- Gran,i Guardian; II. E. Heartt, i u .. . t..nched at. They r.,.nM1 Herald: Rev. .N. R. Richard- IIMil ncill 11 n .- I v. i 7 - will return to the city tnis t'u-nuig son, (irantl unapiiiiu m.il to-morrow will fi down to v,Mrri,tsville Beach, over the Sea- lo(retf were present. coaJt and Ocean View roads. They The reports of the Grand officers M ...:n io vp to-morrow evening on uie w re submitted, vrincn snow a.u uu-- return home. precedented increase in every de I m i I j llamy Women. partment Ol tue viuci mouses ana Lots for sale . L.ithp instalment Plan H on castle, Church, Nun, ft II Ann. uraue, u'' ket. n-lncess. fnesinui. v-,ir.ni Mulix'rry. Hcd Cross.' Jiankin. Front, Second. Third, lourth, FiftU, Si Jrth. Seventh, Wilson, fiisiim. ?'U,I Tenth, Dickinson, Wood, Charlotte. Thirtcenlh Eleventh and IweUth streets. Money io loan those wishing to oulld. A mil V in -Ml"7 f JAMKS WII.M.. If Ofiice'of D. O'Connor. H U?-T:''tit,i' ! o o V.. of this city, ,oK,,(... , I the work of tne lour wy. niht. ana aii,um""'"b Kon,lu,r i..ifil to witness this in JIOKSUIC uiiiiv,. -' la. Sells and Hammocks JjAKKfCKHti.uio jivcilOQl'LT fl-CO L.tU Bits, Belts, CtC j teresting ceremony. I SatUfaetorlly Adjusted. i .r r t.hm has returned to B.lx- f:.n lute iioifa t A! ..r,w.. witt- from Durham .-J-'a dnuanjrfit. only Si cents'each went a few days ago to be proein -ciir t a- -1. in i n utte v.u rt.pm. ' 1 A . 1 1 .,c m nn t nf the insurance " ' vv- J ' nr i if u.vi j iionuv w - - What is it that makes women more The increase in membership bej smiling and happy -looking than Qver fortv.four per cent, oyer previous year, and the increase ceints to the Grand Lodge be- 11VP1' thirtv-three ner cent. The Secret is they aiin to l,leasfe- ,,t-l1 ! increase in the amount distributed rff.Tt in many V" f r,.,ipf is ovor fiftv ner cent. An iivirtinn was extended to the members of the Grand Lodge by tho Odd Fellows of Wilmington to participate with them in an excur sion to Wrightsville to day at 2:30 p. iu., which was accepted with the thanks of Grand Lodge. After the routine business of the Osder was finished, the Grand Lodge adjourned to meet this morn- N Hams and Butter, ORT1I CAKOLINA ANDI. C. HAMS. "fuesii mountain buttek. These oods arc all ii'5riit- II ALL PCAKSALL. mv t tl 11 and LJ So. Water St reel to viinle and were u uol iw v.c to look: pleasing .and pretty many would "never smile again. W h. Recause in a large majority of in stances they don t feel like Riding; Thev feel more like crying. . ith i,.;- non-rtiiu acnes, wcumis 1 "aring down pain, life to them is a lurclen. What a gold-find to mftny a nbvsician is a ricn sics. wuiucw.. Whv should he aim to cure her and denv himself the pleasure of pre- . t i.iiMtnK HIS urn? nil" v... . - o where he r6'11111 Vxs . . fiiirif.- $.2.00 Ml!J YATES' BOOK HOUSE, j bv him hhfd m il .. 1 r, Clictlttlltlll 1874, in the Are at his branch manufae few days ago. ! i.rprshiirLr. Va., wide This was feitisracioruj ut u i. . tory in tlMit city a V I CB h mm. m Mfc. - 7 US4"VIIni - SOAP.' Til !...-.. L MI'VIW KPnTlH'KX .- .... 1 f :&-:;,Yr- "MLS. TFouTtn su ' ton where he will enlarge ' Ma nlant here and devot Ury Assoduion Heading Koom1 hi, time ana energies to r.ST, n nessin this city. 1 Ti LOOU. MASONIC BVILD1NG, 121),; . . tmg invIfforaUnc vj. mm iu i,,m, vug n IIPllPiaD OUl . larity. It seems iron, m j w VI ing at ten o'clock, lalid ?o rJKaUa ! The Lodge met this morning pur "trench' bv using Botanic Blood saant to adjourumciit. Beyond the HahufB. ' . appointment of committee- noother Mtn J. A. White. 310 Wythe treet, - . transacted which is if u "itVjianpv rouUs. I furnished for publication. Tlie fol- uth'er have taken it at my ad- lowing are the committees, appoint- WILL, BUY A L'AIK OPOUB LADIES' D0NG0LAB.B. WHICH MAKES . oil pmoolh p ervieable lylisli pp Our Unrins: w S olid hoes. lock. mi- ote all 108 Nortfi IVofit Strott. . til.:. L.i. itiuww i muH TUEUE IS SO .nr.ti mr. - - ....,.,. ! vice and are tleiigmeii wiui a bv the act;D uraml AiaMer: S?iLl?u ! there aud has returneu io tivo results" . . .... . ! icdutlaU-J. T. Rowrand, ' T N. (ireors-. Hutler lu-iuiuc-, p writpi- "Mv wde had been Wooicou, u.j. .iame.s t , . , 'prpct rn b. C, writes.. -u n . , . i. r n i vr- t diimuffan S:i nK iX. I fubi tl. i t hn.ntnipni oi several niu ui uicviuvi m. u. i n inum-ivu A-t $2,00. WE HAVE 1UST KEGEIVED ANOTHER LARGE A8 SORTMENT OF -AND- la the latest dei-lsrna and fancy woods, wtilch wc offer at lowest prices, INSTALMJJXTS or cash . The nubllclls cordially invited to tx amine our lan?e andsuperlor etock of Instni- meut.5:. E. VanLAElt, 4U7 KedUross Street. apl l4 tf cod - Open hj and lliglit. MY SALOON, Corner of North Water and Mulberry Streetr, If Open frn uhtV a. m. SdiT litil 11:13 p. m. Satorliy. CIIA. F. BUOWNK, Affent, inch W 1 1 W I M 1 XOTON, K.C. STILL AT WORK. AM NOW AVUr.I. PHBrARED TO KKrAlK 1 fnpjv.jl' Th'"- Ofton !.. . i,.c' inncniticeur, new "ct-K-usha in different periodicals 'fjn at a temperature of omy $1.oo per household per quarter . v purest Fruit SyrwMUk Shakes JnLv-.,.. lll TCofnrfti MineraUWater. under the treatment oi several guw jjtaie oi iiiHumvr-ut u - j iu phvsicians, but continued in poor a w ( perrf,t.e,., L. C. itub-j health, so I bought four bottles ; of i jj.. ATtflSNOS. ln"!5iieit. W. I'.TCOMEB, CU-r. L. S. Ellerson, M. L. rrsmrn cm(r tbail ,Tnnhcrin ten years. She is now . W. nitter, doinrherown Avashing:, athiug6ne,nusse had iot been able to do for tour, Finance jn(? jyt Bellamy Jr., voire - il kin i i t Furr.il un-. S. wing M v IdDrt. V- cy A rtU 1. A.., and w lifnr.- U U KJMgiftftt . r hm too l as n ?r. Work d nc prowpit . a"r;l $ - low. ;dl and is get . Ar. cor. Frout ana rimj? irr-i.. ,ir iiar htna. one of th best Mjtchinw on f ,Vi MftirrritisfactorT &cctirltr, I 7.pjutJin,i fn forlsale. execuw Trusts cf auioia. -mcnatt l.tacaifi ..i .... 1 AC VKIN'CKa bf w ' i inntea to examine, feb l tf i . - .