MISCT.i.I.AKKOUS. n.4 u" f;t tV K"- Every fluffleSpe-7-. - r dlftio named. ' t c i -,r : v. l 1-out d ruling, pure cS'S?"1? -tt-.-t?tu.ml ere ia feet and - rr":?il' ""'',--. ijtnmr&t!on... tO ?irfr--1 --! rr Vr. Wwm Colic.. .5 2 rr?i? , o!l , ircn or AJulis '25 ? liTSrrf-- V- whssjiCoUc 5 lvjM,tr ; ,..r.miis li 1 ; 1 ' ' -;iriss. Eruptions. .'i."5 1 1 lift U h ? ' J -Vei 't PaL 5 -Ir.v,-c'; a. :ic9 r31K C9F.E9. S KA if -. , y.:-rer5 kf-ard. Com rC---' '''' --vAc-frMhrttU OETE" l IV ess ... 1 i- " to r--t ua-W r intructic i.rr-ss.rr. Particular! frt ? ; 1 ' ; r . - fuc. ana si-v 1 "' 1 ii,??R0YAl PILLS, i i.-.s .OinKinnii liranu. I tf 5 J i- ., i . JA- V- ' t e r s p spsB g 23 e h4 , .;Jt Kir.ES' IMPROVED ft U 5 1J fc- T,:.?,-'.r.:uE;.;vsr:3 r;vz calloxs. ;1 SI SJ TM;-i:-iA.vci: DRIKK in tfco world. end SparSfiir.g. TRY IT. A i cr Drirjftet or Grocer for it. C..HIR3. PHILADELPHIA. d;. ... :-vt.l iikm),,.,! of fastoninff strlnsrs i:: - !'v 'i is one or the most w't:.V",,.-" : ' '"''' ni'.isical in tone. .a:. 1 1 - a. ,:,!,. tor-r out of tune, f ',1,1'-, H.iti:lin Orqrans and ' i'. ! ' I . . . - . . 1 J till llllti ' -y, i'.iou-h Important., are N U!t A" iiiT-'ninvnt with fTX",::"','i,'-t"'i',: K' v-l. Illustrated in ;) UkcJ this sea- MASON & HAMLIN; Ors.u und l,ilf, Co . C I IIC AGO. 'iti Hew Regained, it Tci w OF LIFE 'V-;m- 1 ' ' r Medical Trt LTfca; i4? I re iHvliae, Nc-r 77' n m'' ' -urg of the Blo( v . .Th Indian Itei merit. Iran jiccosa Frank Etnnvtt, ex-chief of Indian scouts for the deparment of Ke-vv Mexico, at the Astor hotise. ' Prank has had, pcrhap3, more Indian service in the southwest than "anylcf the trusted gov ernment sconts, Al Seiber, of Arizona, not excepted. He served under Hatch, Buel, Forsyth and Crook from the time Yictorio broke out in 1&30 until Crook tracked the Apache3into Mexico and broke them up. He is now engaged in mining, being in terested in several claims ia New Mexico and Arizona, and ia hare on business con nected with them. Speaking of the propo sition to form a regiment of Indians to be a part of the regular army, now under consideration by the war "department, he said: "If Indians are enlisted a -system of tactics and discipline must be adopted different from that of any regiment we have in the regular service, or there will le a mutiny before many moons. The Indian character is opposed to restraint, and an army life is ono of such dull routine as. would drive an Indian crazy. It is true that the scout companies which served under Hatch, Buel, Morrow and Crook did well, but they were wisely subjected to little or no discipline. It was go as you please. Our scout com panies were nominally commanded by,a lieutenant of cavalry, who had with him a chief of scquts," who acted a3 inter preter as well, and, as a rule, the Indians 3ed the white men, not the white men the Indians. There is hardly a chance of any further Indian troubles, anyhow. If there be any outbreak it will be as for years back, in the southwest, and what use could the so called 'civilized Indians' 'of the Carlisle school be in that region? I do not believe a right practical Indian fighter will indorse the scheme certainly not Gen. Miles, who has very pronounced opinions ""on the subject." New York Star. Australia's Wool Clip. The past wool season in Australia has been a highly profitable one, and not only have prices been satisfactory, but the clip is the largest on record. It is estimated that during the season 1,485, 000 bales were exported, against 1,885,000 in 1888-9, and 1,315,000 bales in 1887-8. A competent authority estimates that the total value of the- clip at Australian ports was about 23,000,000, against a littlo over 21,000,000 for 1888-9, and about 17,500,000 for 1887-8. The squat ting companies and the banks, which are largely interested in stations, have during the "last two years been able to materially strengthen their position with respect to tho pastoral industry. There i3 every prospect that, owing to the vast ness of the improvements made on the runs, especially in the storage of water, the industry will suffer fewer vicissi tudes from drought in the future than has been the case in the past, and that the production of wool will steadily progress. Dry Goods Chronicle. Singapore Burglars in Public liulldings. Government buildings seem to be par ticularly aimed at by Singapore burglars. Some time ago the Chinese protectorate offices were broken into, then recently we had a burglary in the jail attended with tho loss of money and other valu ables to tho amount of $300, and now we hear that light night thieves got into the police offices, burst open an almeirah and carried off a cash box containing about $52 in cash and some valuable papers. The box 'belonged to the coroner's clerk, and it is thought from the general cir , cumstances surrounding the case that the robbery had been committed by some person or persons well acquainted with the routine of the office. Straits Times. THE sr.V'Li real 5 Be rrroui Blood. . IT fT"F(-'; , a 'mm . f.-ll' iCc' 1T. trance. Kxrv.ar e9 Vt lor Social Iteration. ? C..tM,al Mr,! i . -ll.IAI J 1 sUIv i, ,V,7..n; : th otr-ce of ,u ioi ao. e fciooid t mm "HSUi. f errors, rrly A Big Sale in Stamps. The receipts from the sale of stamps at the Brooklyn postoffice for the month of April, 1890, amounted to $64,279.82, be ing an increase of $3,988.0-1, or 16 1-4 per cent., over the corresponding month of 1889; an increase of $3,490.05, or 15.21 per cent., over tho corresponding month of 1883; an increase of $17,153.12, or 36.39 per cent., over the corresponding month of 1887; an increase of $28,426.97,. or 79:28 per cent., over ihe corresponding month of 18S6; an increase of $33,806.81, or 101 per cent., over the corresponding month of 1883; an increase of $33,748.80, or 110 per cent., over the corresponding month of 1884. New York World. Early Salmon. The extraordinary run of spring sal mon fti the Fraser. river, which was spok en of some weeks ago, still continues. Never in the history of the river since white men first cast a net in it has such a run been known, and the oldest Indi ans agree that they never heard of such a marvelous season. The fishermen are catching from twenty to forty fish to each boat every day, though working only a portion of thei day, and on ono occasion fifty were landed atone haul. The friends of the artificial propagation system will doubtless claim that these facts are a jus tification thereof. Toronto Mail. i A man named Fields, who has just died near Danville, Iy., never, it is said, though CI years old, slept a single night out of the house in which he was born, and never ate but one meal away from home. He was outside of his native county but twice, and then only for an hour each time. The adoption of "visible means of support becomes more and more fash ionable among the English aristocracy. rTrV---( eottoiBteg fell ! 1X51x1 A1Dert -toward Uodolphln Usborne, tu;?vFREEcf char-ow a ' a younger son of the Duke of Leeds and Moodus, Conn, i KRe to Oxlcm to manage a tea planta- 01 ' HUM. - werner. .r.':rr.., ... . 2v Market sircct. 4 Feeling-Somewhat-Better and Slow- Boat, two long haired braves from a Mojave agency in Arizona, are in "Wash ington on a tour of observation.. Slow Boat is a chief 70 years of age, Feeling-Somewhat-Better, ij his interpretex. Either Jndian gg bcii Qut of tho terri i0T7 Aiuoruv-before,. . ; . . I felt niy r let wlia But auc arkrrebodlD. I hastened home oue Winters eve. When dark the dropping shadows lisposins: to grieve. ur coma not thii. odings filled my mind ter near at hand. air inclined. s to fever heat were Tan ned. '. : I hurried up with rapid pace To reaeh my home and darling wife; -I longed to see the loving face Which cheered and brightened up inylife. And yet there was a nameless dread, A strange misgiving in mv breast. That I might find my darling dead, Or by affliction sore oppressed. E'en was it as I thought; for when 1 reached the house and sought 'y Prize, I found her pluneed in sorrow then, The tears were streaming from her eyes. I clasped her to my anus awhile, I begged her to explain her fear; She answered with a hnmid smile, "I've just been peeling onions. dear!1' John S. Grey in Lippincott's. - .- - The First Stop. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can?tdo anything to your satisfaction, and yoh wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, yoi are taking the first 'step into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy, for re storing your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surpris ing results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns, good diges tion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. Trv a bottle. Price 50c. at R. R. BeU lainy's wholesale and retail Drug Store. MAY MOONSHINK. A title often sells a book, but not so quickly as a pretty trirl book agent does. Boston Courier. Perhaps it is because silence is golden that the silver men are seh dom silent. Baltimore American. The man who keeps getting deep er and deeper in debt is naturally a person of more owes tendencies. Wash ington Post. "Yes, I was awfully fond of that girl, and I believe her to be perfect, but I saw something about her last night that made me sick." ''What was that?" "Another fellow's arm." Binghamton Leader. "I've changed my mind since I saw you last." said Cadley. "I hope the new one is better than the last," put in Cynicus, and Cadley got mad. A famous artist once painted an angel with six toes. "Whoever.saw an angel with six toes?" people in quired. "Who ever saw one. with less?" was the counter question. N. Y. Ledger. Consumption Surely Cured. To tiik Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for tho above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FRKK to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send" me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. WHOLESALE JPRICEgC ; The best man in the world is a bore if he conies at the wrong time. Atchison Globe. Advice to Mother. M RS. WlNSLOW 'S SOOTHUN'O SYRUP should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat aral, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or othr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle, jnlv fi deod&wlv "It Works Like a Cliarm." Rulon's Magnetic Liniment is a safe and speedy cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Gout, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys ami all painful affections. For sale by Munds Brothers. Day and iliglt. MY SALOON, Corner of North Water and V Mulberry btroeta, If 0n from 1 'dock a. m. Mo;&j Uilil 11:15 p m. hktii, CIIA. F. UKOWNK, Agent, mcU 10 U WILMINGTON, K. C. Hardware, rpiXWARB AND CBOCKfKT. T iY. E. SPRINGER & OX, Importers tna Jcrs. . : Tlwroliowias quotations represent whole sale prices generally. In mating up small or ders nlgner prices hxro to be charge!. BAGGING Gunny 7 H Standard. 8 X BACON Nona Carolina. , . . Snonldersv 8 x Sides, ys 8 10 WESTERN SMOKED nams,VB. 12X 1 Sides, vb 8 10 Shoulders, y lb 7X 8 DRY SALTED sides, v a 5 Shoulders,. ft... d 6tf BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each.... 1 40 1 50 New, New Yark, each 0 00 1 75 New, City, each 1 65 l 70 BEESWAX, ft-"- -. 30 9 23 BRICKS, Wilmington, V M .... 8 00 10 00 Northern... 0 00 Qli 00 BUTTER, V ft North arollna 15 & 25 Northern 25 9 30 CANDLES, V Sperm is & 25 Adamantine 10 & 12 CHEESE, V ft ' Northern Factory 8X9 10 Dairy, Cream 13 9 14 State... 9 . 11 Coffee, if ft Java 27 9 J0 Laguyra,.... i...... 23 9 25 RIO ...... 20 9 22 CORN MEAL, t bush, In sacks. 00 9 52 Virginia Meal 00 9 65 COTTON TIES, bundle 1 25 9 1 30 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yy&rd 89 6jfc Yarns, V bunch 00 9 80 EGGS, V doz 10 9 FISII- Macterel, No. 1, V bbl X) 00 3Q 50 Mackerel, No. 1, 9 hair bbL 12 50 915 00 , Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl 15 00 990 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 9 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V WI. ..... 7 80 910 00 Mullets. bbl 8 00 9 7 00, N. C. Roe Herring', V keg..: 00 9 6 00 DryCod, Vft IS 9 10 FLOUR, V bbl Western, low grade 50 9 4 00 Extra 4 00 9 6 00 Family... ...... . 4 50 9 6 00 City Mills Super ... 4 00 9 4 10 Family 4 9 5 00 GLTiE, ft 8 9 10 GRAIN, V bushel. Corn, fm store, bags, white ; 48 9 50 Corn, cargo, tn bulk, white. 00 9 48 Corn, cargo, in bags, white. 52 9 63 Corn, mixed, from store. ... - 00 9 51 Oats, from store. 38 9 Oats, Rust- Proof. 00 9 50 Cow Peas. T.. ... 95 9 3 00 HIDES, y ft Greea,.... i 9 a Dry 3 (3 5 HAY, V 100 lbs Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON, Jb LARD, lb Northern..... , North Carolina LIME, barrel. DUMBER, city sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 Rough Edge Plank Vi West India Cargls, accord ing to quality 13 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 .scantling and Board, com'n.U MOLASSES, V gallon New Crop, in hhds. , 4 4 4 4 In bbls Porto Rico, In hhds 44 in bbla .... Sugar House, In hhds 44 44 In bbls Syrup, In bbls NAILS, v Keg, Cut. lOd basin.. 2 OILS, v gallon. Kerosene....' Lard Linseed I , Rosin.. Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live rown. 44 Spring Turkeys PEANUTS, bushel, 22 ft. 1 POTATOES, y bushel Sweet Irish, y bbl 3 PORK, 9 barrel . City Mess 13 Prime 15 Rump.. ' RICECaiollna, V ft - - - Rough, v bush, (Upland)... 4 44 (Lowland). RAGS, v ft Country City - ROPE, 9 lb SA LT. v sack. Alum Liverpool 1 Lisbon American soap, V ft Northern. , SUGAR, P lb standard grain.. standard A. . - . . ; . . White Ex C. ........ v . . . Extra C, Golden. .' C Yellow .... SHINGLES, 7 In. 19 M. . . .... Common , Cypress Saps.... Cypress Hearts.... STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel R. o. Hogshead TALLOW, V ft TIMBER, ? M feetr-Shlpplng..J2 Fine Mill Jl Mill Prime 7 Mill Fair ......... 5 Common Mill .t.... 5 Inferior to Ordinary .... s WHISKEY, V gal Northern-. 3 Sorth Carolina. i WOOL, V . Waahed Unwashed - Buny 05 9 1 10 85 9 90 75 9 00 27'9 3 MISCELLANEOUS. 6,9 8 9 t 10 1 25 9 0 00 00 00 920 00 916 00 00 918 00 00 923 00 00 915 00 25 9 23 9 28 9 2C 9 00 9 13 9 22 9 26 riO 30 28 15 18 35 40 9 2 50 9 9 14 16 9 1 45 90 91 00 15 9 16 00 9 20 00 9 23 25 9 30 10 9 20 75 9 1 00 00 9 1 25 85 9 75 25 9 3 75 00 00 00 4 60 80 00 1 918 00 916 00 915 00 5 80 00 1 00 00 50 00 00 00 4 00 35 50 00 00 50 09 70 5 6 U 5 5 00 9 9 9 9 14X9 22; 7Q, 9 75 10 9 1 50 00 9 00 9 4X9 X4 -6 9 j 0 9 59 5 9 9 7 9 2 50 9 5 00 9 7 50 914 00 910 00 9 5 914 00 913 00 9 8 50 9 000 9 0 00 9 4 00 00. 9 5 OC 50 9 300 23 9 16 9 1 16 9 18 OYSTER ROASTS X AM BETTER PREPARED than ever to accommodate my -- -- - 1 . - k . a friends with OYSTERS this season. I will bpn none but the Best on band always jlV kTLK ROVE ROASTS a specialty. Erery thlxtjr -orer&aoled and IxnproTea.'. oystcra ready at abort notice and expert sh never to fcrcl! rates to parties. Give ma a call and will co my best to pl?aso yen. l:p?ctriLiy, - ,:' Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington iWeldonR. R. AND BRANCHES. Carolina Central Railroad Company. IT ". CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May ll, im. 6s 61 o'a P. M. P. M. A.T Leave Weldon iyoi 54i uoo Arrive Rocky Mount, 1 46 7 10 - Arrive Taxboro. !2;;o A. M.i Leave Tarboro 1020i. p. M.i - Arrive Wilson 2 'M - 7 -fti I 7 4:j Leave Wilson mm Arrive Sclma 3 4 Arrive Fayettevllle G 00 j Leave Golds bo ro 315 ' 7 10 ! s X Leave Warsaw 4 10 ' 9'M Leave Magnolia 4 24 j s 40 j 9 4. Arrive Wilmington i 5 50 j 9 55 ' 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. A. M. A. M. V. M. Leave Wilmington...;.. .. 12 01 900 4 00 Leave Magnolia... 11 10 34 5 nr. Leave Warsaw 10 48 5 51 Arrive Goldsboro.... 2 23 1145 tfSJ Leave Fayettevllle ; ts 40 ...... Arrive Selma ! ll ) p. M. Arrive Wilson.... j 12 10 . . . ; Leave Wilson 303 12 .7T, 7 47 Ar. Rocky Mount 1 10 j 8 18 Arrive Tarboro........ 2 30 A. M. Leave Tarboro 1020 P. M. . Arrive Weldon 4 30 245 9 30 Daliy except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 3:7 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. tn., Green vine 6:00 p. m. Returning leaves Greenville 7:20 a. m. Arriving Ualllax at 10:10 a. m., Weldon 10:30 a. m., dally except Sunday. On Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Local Freight leave3 Weldon 10:30 a. ra., Halifax 11:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 2:00 p. m. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p. m. Returning, leave Green ville Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nujo a. in., Scotland Neck 1:00 p. m., Halifax '3:35 p. m. Arriving Weldon 4:00 p. m. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle & Raleigh R. If. dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M., Sunday ;t00 p. M., arrive Williamson, N. c, fi.) P. M., 40 P. M., 1'lJTiiOUtn 7.50 P. M., r;io P. Al. Returjiltis: leavos Plymouth. except Sunday, f;.00 A. wunainsron 7.10 a. M. Tarboro, N. '., 9.:j A. Al. mourn, n. c, aatly M., Sunday 9 () A. Al.. 9.58 A. Al. Aril ve il 20 A. Al. Train on Athllanu N. C Branch leavcH";oM.s boro, N. C, dally except Sunday. (j.(Ki A. Al., arrive Smlthileld, N. C, 7.30 A. Af. Returning leaves Smlthlleld, N t'., 8.00 A. Al., arrive. Goldsboro, N. O., 9.30 A. M. Train on Nashville Brant h 'leave.-) JJocIry Mount at .3.00 p. hi., arrives ar. Nash ville at 3.40 P. Al., Spring Hope. 4.15 P. Al. Returning leaves spring Hope 10.00 a. Al.. Nasnvllle 10.35 A. Ai., arrive Rocky .Mount 11.15 A.M., dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at .oo P. Al. and l 10 A Ai. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20A.M. and 3.10 P. Al., connecting at War saw with Nos. 4 1 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson Fayettevllle Branch Is No. 51. Northbound la No. 50. l.illy except Sunday. Train No. 27 south wlll'stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and navo Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt, J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. AI. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Atlantic Coast Lice. Wilmington, Coiumbsr & Augusts K. 11. Cc CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH.- Dated AjjtTlYJSQ, 1860 NO. 23. No. 27. NO. 15. P. Al. P. M. A. 31. Leave WRmlngton... 4 6 15 10 lo ........ Leave Aiarlon. I 9 12 40 Arrive Florence ; 10 20i 1 20 ........ No. 50 Na t$ A. 31. A. it. A. 3!. Leave Florence ! 3 20 t25 Arrive Sumter 4 U5 . . .' 9 35 u ; no. 54 ' - A. Al. Leave sumtcr j 4 35 tio :i3 Arrlw coHimbta...l- - 15 11 55 No. 53 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R . Leaving Lanes 915 A. M., Manning 9:56 A M. Train on c. & D. 1L R. coaaccta at Florentc with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia.. Arrive Sumter.... Leave Sumter.. .. Arrive Florence .. No. 5i.Na 59. Leave Florence Leave Marlon.. Arrive Wilmington... P. M. 10 35 11 5 11 58 A. M. ..I 1 15 NO. 78 4 35 NO. p. m. i t a x,'t. I . 7 . P. M. 5 2f' 8 o5i Na 14. P. . 8 Jl 4 Dally. t Dally except Sunday. No. 53 runs throTurh to Charleston. S. c. a Central IL It., arriving Manning 7l P. M jLanes i:43 r. u., cnaneston 9u r. . , Na 59 connects at Florence with c. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadcsboro. Nos. 73 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. 4X W. K. ic for all points North - Train on Florence R. R. leave It-e Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7.-00 P. O. i Returning leave Rowland 6:: a. m-. ar- nve ree vee 8iao x. m. Train an Manchester A August R. K. leaver Sumter dally, except Sunday. 1050 A. M..arrlv e Rlmlnl 1271 P. M. Retornlng leave Kim id 12:15 P. M., arrive Sumter i5ol.M. -f--; JOHN F. DIVINE. l- , General superlatendcr.t. J. JL KENLY. A S3t Genl Manager. T. u EMERSON. General passenger Ages nor 18 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TIU1NS. March 23, 1S?0. No. 4L I No. 51. t No 5." dally exJdally ex. jdally ex. Ubaav. Miwiir. .sctni.1T. Leave Wilmington j 3 m pm Ieave Hamlet...:, j 7 30 pra I.ive Wa.1i.hrm 1 8 T-.m Arrive t harlottejio 20 put Leave charlotte.. . l-eaveUn'-olnton.i Leave Shelby : ' Arrive ItutherTdfns I 6 45 pm 2 W am 3 39 am 7 10 am S 55 pm 7 its pni s 26 pm 9 45 pm EASTBOUN!) TRAINS March 23, ma ! No. OA. t NO, 54. Ullyex. daily ex Sunday, jsundoy Leave RuthcrTdfn Lt-ovc Shelby l-ave Llncolnton. Arrive Charlotte., leave charlotte... leave Wadcsboro. Leave namlct 5 00 am A 52 am 8 Warn, Arrive WiimaigrnJ; 15 pm No. 6. tdally cx Sunday ll co am issorm m ( nm ll 24 pm j 1 iii ami 8 00 am: Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points Nona via Ral eigh. Trains No. 51 and 54 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. -Through Sleeping cars between Wilmington ana 1 narioiie ana cnanoue ana Kaielch. 4 . ... - - . ' . , . u. a. ui, F. w. CLARK, wenl Passenger Agenu . - mcU24 Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern Ri R. of S. L r CONDENSED SCHEDULE., TRAINS GOING SOUTH. - Dated May 12, '89. No. 27. No. 23. A. Al. A. AL Leave Florence M 35 9 30 44 Klngstrcc 2 29 10 65 Arrive Lanes 2 50 11 20 Leave Laoes 2 50 11 20 Arrive Charleston.... 5 00 1 30 A. Al. P. Al. NO. P. M. 7 5 6 Train No. kj takes No. 63 Sout h of Lanes. Train on c. fc 1). R. it. connects at Uormre with No. 23 Train. TRAINS GOING NOItTII. NO. 78. A. Al. J2 25 2 4 2 50 3 10 4 20 A. Al. NO. II. NO. 62 P. M. 1 A. "4 'M t' 2Mj : 2r. i: 4; 9 Iave t'harleston. Arrive Lanes Leave lanes 4 Klngstroe.. Art lve Charleston. P. Al. j A. Al. Dally. I Dally except Sunday. Train "No. 14 connects at lloreiwe with trilr. on e. K n. R. K. ror Cheraw, s. v., ami Wail-s boro, N. c. No. 52 runs through tocolurnbla via centra! R. R. ofs. C. Nos. ;m and 14 run solid to Wilmington, C'., making close connect ion Willi W. Jfc W. It. for all points north. JNO. P. DIVINR. oeneral super Intendi id. I. H. KKNEY, Ass t (.en I Alt.nagtr. T. Al. K.MKKSON.Ccui iMsengi r AfTUt. my ll . WA1UTED. GKNTS OP niTHKlt SEX TIIItorGUOU the United States to handle our celebrated Corn and Bunion cure. Its application af fords almost Instant, relief, and every box is accompanied by at5guarantee, which amount we win for'elt in every Instance where our remedy falls to perfect a permanent cure. Sample box, 25c; six boxes, $1. Wo will pay good agents $3 per day to introduce our goods) into their fccction: no postals. For terms and particulars address the manufacturers, II. SHUDDER & CO., 104 and 106 North Ada street, feb it lw dAw Chicago, IlL FOR 1890. oa4'.l;r S :t'.8.vja-i -:0: AUOAZIKS when you are deciding upon your reading matter for next season. rlhe subscription rate Is low f3 00a year. The standard of the Alagazlne Is high, Irs spirit progressive. The illustrations are interesting and of the best. . There is not space here to give even a sum mary of the .features to appear this year, but among other things there will be a new de partment and additional pages, and gronps of illustrated articles win be devoted to tho fol- African Exploration and Travel. Life on a Alodern War h-hlp (3 articles). Homes in city. Suburb, and Country Providing Jlome3 through Building A ssocla Uons. The Citizen's Rights. Electricity in the Household. Erlcfson. the Inventor, by his Authcrlrcd Biographer. Iluntlntr, Humorous ArtHfs, American and Foreign. Th re v ill be 3 serial!. l.'otjr-rt Iouis Stevenson will contribute 1 .. E3ch fcublect. and there will a a great va riety this jear, will t-e treated by writer! most competent to speak with authority and v:th Interna. Readers who are interested are urged to fDd for a prewpmns. , !5 Cfas 1 SmUr, ?1.00 Ut Pr Sosih. Charles ScribnBr's Sons, 74;i UroadwayJN. Y; jane tf Tabic Board. A AGENTS WANTED i TO CANVASS FOR j Ik tihtmm if a fipLisil ia hitf t . I!r linn Siitr.ttt.it 'u t n Ti tr Ufa It U Minister to Turkey. A maimiuor nt volume of over On) pacm, beauiif ully and profusely illustrated. vr. cox a LAiEjtT A5 bet xrroar. - racrs avd rr; iiitobt ad mtmok. The work sparkles with the brightest wit. It co-talc-S numerous arnssmg motU. but ll also gives a clear, confix, and interesting ac count of the ottoman Empire, from lis f oan dation to the present day. Tfcli lfk iil have a Urge Rale. ad live agents kirooid cute territory at once. Only thoroughly rellabio agenta, who will work their territory -tor all a hi worth" ar wanted. Experienced agents preferred, bat others who will promise tartest r.ora v tn tx accepted. Vcr partfTart p.l.'fr", - ,..-' ..!.lll..':i;f;i: r. VA: " - , ?r. C. t i