n , Editor and Prop. SI POSTAGE PAID: .... KatM &oa Three P . month. 35 cents. .1 ,1 one ,vPred fcy earners, free " .nor rrMirr. at the above W rites loand 21 bfr&L pas? report any and ; t t r:'rZ?t form :.t ...-.NUTRITIOUS JUICE f-GoO? CALIFORNIA, ' .....!. i!.'- inffHrinnl v.''" ' : . l!'e : : U i nuuiau .'effective laxative to pernia- -'v cure liaintuai onsti vA the many ills de- U'ir on a weak or inactive rdii:on ot me fflEfS, LIVER AND BOWELS. ..s KOittJcelleBt remedy known to WSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY I'htD cce is Eilious or Constipated SO THAT UtL00D, REFRE8HIMQ SLEEP, HULTH and 8TRENCTH hATJRALLY FOLLOW. Eelighted with it. ! ASK YOUH DRUGGIST FOB 3YHUP OIF0 'JLGrfci MANUFACTURED ONLY BY ALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 54 ,V FRANCISCO, CAL. r.rwur ft york. n. y For suie 6y KOtfEKT R 1 ELLA MY. WHOLESALE Dlil'GGIST, ..a a ' Wilmington, N. C. 1 1 Xoilca to Tax-Payers. WILL KF. AT THE ITY II ALL tN M ON !jv, June J. L, ami every l:iy theroaf rxcTf t sima.iys, until the 1st .luly, to re 'etk'tjit lists for all real and personal :rty rAms rr H'ilaitnjrton Township. -ji for Ustlv; from a. m. to 1 p. m. and p 3 p. U1. to (j p. j. j AS. O. U U UK, ryaji mon Tax Lister. Sneed Sl Co., IiCESmiRs to KXOXVILLK FURNI- '''"c.s-.ti'liessi oorner Murkvf aii-l Seeond Linr vo.'K. urtlstle desiynr., lowest n Ethtj1io.iv invited to eall and Inspect 1 nae my V tf John Werner. :eke is lit one, ano he uolds ova,7,oirketPtre(,t- A cood shave na,Sha"1P0 f0' 20 cents, or a Hair Jr 1 rourofthebest liarbere In :Z.if1B towels, sharp razors and l..Mi.lani-e. JCHN WEKNBK. an,. TUetrman Barber, -N Market street. MUX & YOIjI.RRS. WHOLKSALK iKALE1:s IN rorisifitis, Groceries, iors. Tobacco, Cigars,; -AMI- 'MISSION' JIKBflllAffTR.' ..... j r;ront.'an,l Dock Sli., orth Carolina Hams; njuiiHT r,.T ... "', LiY V - ft. . M- U . f 'ti.f-r. A Tuts neh CAKES anil in.is uf family and Fancy. SWANN, Asrent. "PP. Front street Market. BEACH HOTEL IH liKOWN,. Manaser. I " Leased tup nrvr vmrn t w .tv. .lajtaif brittM Band engaged lor I A I 11.. . . st Arrived ! y lot iv v.. - ! -"urviATU Willi lUO I . dU f VOL. XIV. LQCAL ISCB"WS. - - ., V TO liZW ADVIRTISKVKNT3 f need Co Furniture Muxds Brothers Druggists I O O F Attention members C W Taiks Great Book sale mmr StltanIGrove Blackflsb Excursion I Warren' Iee r!r-Pn. Parlor ! ' - w a v'vu till 10 p. in. tf ! HhKl,,na;ipi,sl,,1h i,. ,w I the wind having irot around to the ' " North last night. Hon. Joha Manning, of ('liapcl Hill, was in the city to-day on a visit to his son. s The Register of Deeds has issued but outmarriage license this week and that for a colored couple. Rubber Hose, Lawn Mowers and Jtakes of "the latest and most im proved makes are sold by the N. Ja cobi Hdw. Co. . . . . - t Wajstkd ! 50 tfood and ejeperi e'need hands, to work on shirts. Ap ply at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, 122 Market street. t Keep dry and you. will keep healthy. Umbrellas, rubber coats, &c, at I. Shrier's, S. E. corner Front and Princess streets. . t But ope interment this week in Oakdale.'an adult, one, an adult, in Bellevue, and six children and one adult in Pine Forest. I am Manufacturer's Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts.. t The private car of Mr. J. W. Fry, with himself and party therein, was taken down to the Hammocks to day over the Seacoast Railroad. The Sylvan Grove will run out to the Blackflsh Grounds on Monday, stopping at the Rocks and South port. A good day's fishing, is in store for you. Mr. Geo.. W. Williams returned to thepcity last night from New York, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Martha, who has been at the Carey School in Baltimore. Services in St. John's Church to morrow: Holy Communion at 7.4r a. in.; morning prayer at 11 o'clock; evening prayer at fi o'clock; Sunday School at 4.45 p. ni. There has been a Targe number of excursionists here to day, both white and colored. They came in over the W. C. & A. and the W. C. & C. roads from Conway and that section. Mr. Robert L. Williams sailed for New York on Wednesday last, on the steam'ship Ma jetties for Liver pool.. Col. Kv M. Murchison and i!ll of his family, except Mrs. Sprunt, also sailed on the Majestic. Everybody v might -as well come into the half-holiday movement on Friday at once. There was about as much business doue yesterday after noon on Front and Market streets as there is on a Sunday morning. Hon. C. W. McClammy was in the city to-day and paid us a visit this forenoon." He Will be back in his seat on Monday as he thinks the Congressional election bill may be brought up in the House then. - Farmers,"' we can Supply you with Peanut SweepsandDiggers, Scraper! and Coulter Points. T Seven different j size wings and two sire Kiiits for the "Boy Clipper," tho most im proved plow on the market. N,. Ja cob! HdWi Co., factory agents. t We have it now. A Pump that is always primed, never requiring a tub of water to start it.- It is the bright inyentiou of. a North Caro- j Una genius and is pronounced by all j to be the best pump ohvthe, market. !See it and you will have no other. , .Jacob! Hdw. Co. t i i i T77T T .mi .,f Brooklyn Baptist Church ?ill net 1 have been a big jam. I The r,i.trnr.n of th tie not at. flVihr VI? vr&ri u.AIf,mocl. am pre- about foO Trom Kev. Mr. uixou s ti,e countries would not dump their rtS, y to lbe vanuof lecture last night which, under the silver without consideration there- &its very well ."for. In other words, would not f-4asorc- , . . .- . , ,. .. . dump for the. fun of it. If, then, hfenf??; n c"f vicin--Iiad the lecture been delivered on theydo for a cousiderotiou, what is VQi'ies; unViSiM rSniSd 'n other than Friday night instead that to be, save aud accept it be our of Itpinff a crood house there would products outside of silver? - uuuwfl, I i,f-iiA sa iwkino. Anlarsred and ' extended, it siretcues out u rr v.--I marsh an'additional length of ten cars. Arrangements are being per- tUESU Ur-COUS- ri Urr nnno hnt those who ? t . 1 1. nuv ' "nail Kits, at ? v -- f have tickets can get entrance to the I'EAUSAtiL'S, j platform at WrightsTille and the Uaaau so.; water street. "mmbcs. . r : 1 AVLLMINGTON, N. C., Day's length 14 hours ami 3G min- j utes. : Sunset to morrow afternoon at 17 minutes past 7 o'clock. To morrow and the following Sun i eay will be of precisely th same i le,,Sth ill daylight. Bev. E. S. Alderman will preach at the First Baptist Church at 11 1 .'..!,...!- t..' 1 -lu-"urro l!!or,,m"- Early this week eggs were retail ingiiere at 13c per dozen. Today theywholesaledat 17 cents. They say that the nights non at Carolina Beach are as delightful and a pleasant as any one could desire. Services at St. Paul's Episcopal Churchto morrow at 11 a. m. and 8.15 p.m. Sunday school at 5 p. m. Thin and impure blood is made rich and healthful by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cures scrofula, salt rheum; all blood disorders. Very encouraging reports of the crops continue to come in from every direction in the surrounding coun try. Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., left last night for Charlotte, going by way of Columbia, where he is to lecture to-night. Rev. Mr. Arnold will officiate at St. Paul's Mission, corner Sixth and Queen streets, to morrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Rev. E. S. Alderman will preach in the First Baptist1 Church to-morrow at 11 a. m. and in Brooklyn Baptist.Church at 8:15 p. m. Mr. NathanUayer has sad news in the cablegram announcing the death of his father, at Manheim, Ger., on the 28th ult. He will sail for Europe on the 26th inst. To morrow night Rev. Mr. Arnold will deliver the annual memorial sermon before the Odd Fellows of this city at St. Paul's Church. Ser vices at 8.15 o'clock. Rev. P. H. Hoge, D. D.,:will ad dress the Y. M. C. A. on Monday evening, the subject of his remarks being the unveiling of the Lee mon ument nt Richmond. We regret to learn of the sad news of the death of the venerable mother of Messrs. Henry and Leopold Brunhild, which occurred at Steins bach, inGerinany, on Thursday. The ladies and sea-faring men are also invited to attend the workiog arid business men's Saturday night prayer and experience meeting at the Seaman's Bethel. Services to night at 8.15 o'clock. Another german, the third of the season, was given at Island Beach Hotel last night. Prof. Miller's band furnished the music. It was a pleas ant night for a dance at the seaside and the attendance was large. Services at Brooklyn Baptist Church, Rev. R. E. Peele, pastor, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 4.30 p. m. The pastor will con duct the morning services. The subject of his sermon will be 'What Hast Thou Done?" Rev. E. S. Al derman will conduct the services a,t night. Seats free and all are cordial ly invited. McClammy as a Dunspist. Maj. McClammy seems to have got iu a good rest since his famous little speech in the House last month. He now comes up to the front again, as smiling ami as handsome as ever, and makes another shoot, this time hitting the bull's eye plumb iu the centre. The following extract is from last Saturday's Record the silver bill being then under consid- ertttion: jdr. lummy said: Mr. Speaker: It is said, as an ar- gumeut ajrainst free coinage of sil ;wil.dlllllp ti,eir siver npon this ' souutry. Listeuing to .this argu- - t f induced to reflect that I Jiust it not oe tne proa acts oi our j farms, our mines, our monu factories? Then, deferentially, I submit: For oar corn let them damp. Let them damp for our provisions. Let them dhmp for onr , wage workers, in field an4 mine and shop. With this damp we can pay off oar mortgages and overcome the in fluences depressing the energies of our neonle. and absorbing their re sources to the point of bankruptcy. Review, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, St- rmurtf Evan. Lutheran Church. The services at St. Paul's E.J L. m Church, comer Sixth and Market streets, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, pas tor, to morrpw (Sunday) will be iu English at 11 a. m. and at 8 n.'m. in rerraaii. All are welcome at the services. Tonriftts, Whether on pleasure bent or busi- 1 1.1 ness, stiouia take on every trni al ooiue oi oyrup. of Fig?, as it acts! most pleasantly and eflectaully on the kidneys, liver and bowels, pre venting fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50e and $1.00 bottles by all Ieading'd rug gists. A Great Biff lay. Yesterday was probably the big gest day in the history of Carolina Beach. The estimate is that there were at least -a thousand people there. St. PanPs. E. L. Sunday School had an excursion, from which they netted handsomely, by the way, and the Germania Band drew a large number. The Gtove made two trips to bring thorn all up. . She arrived here at 11 o'clock on the last trip. Memorial Services. By notice published elsewhere it will be seen that the members of Cape Fear Lodge No. 2 and of Orion Lodge, No. 67, 1. O. O. F., are noti fied to attend at their lodge rooms to go thence to St. Paul's Episcopal Church, where the memorial ser vices are to be held and where the sermon will be delivered by the Rec tor, Rev. C. L. Arnold. Visiting brethren in the city are invited to unite with the lodges. Last Night Lecture. Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., is a won derful man, a true genius and a born orator. He is an accomplished artist in word painting, a wit with out effort and without doubt one of the very first of public speakers in this country. His lecture on "Back bone" at the Opera House last night fully established all these facts. There was a large and highly appre ciative audience present to listen to him, and they hang with eager de light npon hievery word, at times spell-bound by his vivid and graphic description of men and things, and then convulsed with laughter at his brilliant scintillations of wit and funny imitations of grotesque char acters. It was a lecture, and it was not a lecture, but rather, a powerful drama, in which all sorts of charac ters were represented, the scenes constantly shifting through his flashes of genius, and the whole based upon the great principle of moral "Backbone," or the courage to express and maintain fixed con victions. It was a treat that cannot be adequately described, and if the entire lecture were printed, it would lack the magnetism, the gesture, and the power of the burning words of the inimitable speaker to do the sub ject justice. Never was such a lec ture delivered in 'Wilmington cer tainly not within the last twenty-five years and our people owe a debt of gratitude to Rev. R..E. Peele, pastor of BrookIynBaptistChurcb,through whose efforts they had last night the inestimable privilege of listening to Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr. The Power of Money. What an influence for gootl'or evil is exerted by the proper or improp er use of money. It seems to bo the first essential of modern life. ""Sad indeed is the lot of that man or that woman without money and without friends. Especially in cases of sick ness is the need of money felt most pressingly, aud yet even the rich with all their money fall into a state of poor health and die, whereas if their money was rightly expended and the proper remedies applied they might regain health and strength. Z. A. Clark, Atlanta,;Ga, says: "I spent four huudred aud eighty dol lars iu gold to cure me of terrible blood poison that affected my limbs ahd noso and body, with -running ulcers. One month's treatment ot B B B healed the ulcers, restored my appetite, strengthened my kidneys and added 21 pounds to my weight,"' Still, in spite of this aud much other testimony there are many-who refuse to try the remedy, seemics to prefer to pay large fees to physi cians, or visit distant springs in vain hopes of recovery. The great truth however, ever shines 'brightly and that is, that no one who ever gave B B B (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial ever found disappointment therein. O. H. Rudolph, Talladega, Fla., vrrltes: i4I had blood disease for six years, but nothing benefited me. al though I paid two hundred and fifty dollars for treatment. At last I tried B B B and found it a quick and cheap blood pnrtller. ! NO 155. Forecast. For North Carolina, fair and slightly warmer weather Local fore casts, from 8 a. in. to-day, for WiN mington and vicinity, fair weath er. lraee Church To-Morrow. Grace Methodist E. Charch, South, Northeast corner of -Mulberry and Fourth streets, Rev. Walter S. Creasy, Pastor. Services to mor row at 11 a. in. and 8.15 p. m. Sab. bath School 5 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting and lecture, Wednesday evening at 8.15 o'clock. Seats free. A cordial invitation i.s extended to strangers and visitors. MisaeH Ilnrr and James School. The examination of the pupils of Misses Burr and James' school has been going on during the past week at the school house nextNorth ot St. John's Church. The result has been unusually gratifying, both'to teach ers and pupils. The thoroughness of the system established by these adies has never been equalled by that of any private school for child ren in Wilmington, as is amply evi dencedTjy the result of each year's examination. In this instance the accomplished principals feel amply repaid fer their toil of the' past year in the wonderful and' remarkable proficiency displayed by their pu pils. Little nine year olds answered with much precision and correction questions in regardto the'geography of the various countries of the world arid showed also great proficiency in arithmetical studies. Some oven younger than these stood-the test handsomely having been tried in spelling, not less than fifty words having been propounded to each. As for the higher classes the result was very gratifying there also. The examinations were in grammar, mental arithmetic and the higher branciies. , The session of thi excellent school will close next Monday evening with an entertainment by some of the primary class consisting of a little cantata,, entitled "Bo Peep," at which the excelsior medals ami other rewards will be given out. Notes from Pender. (Repoited for the Review.) The public talk inPender for sever al days has been the recent sickness and death of Mr. George A. Ramsey of Burgaw. As attorney of the At lantic Coast Line he was well known in the eastern counties of the State through which that railroad, line passes. Several of the employees of the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road come up from Wilmington to Bnrgaw on Thursday evening to at tend his funeral ceremoniee. He was buried in the public cemetery at Burgaw. Mr. Ramsey came to Pender some twelve or fifteen years ago from Mississippi and since then he has resided at Burgaw. He was born in Statesville,N.C.,and belong ed to the Ramsey family of that tovnt He died at Burgaw" on Wednesday of this week, after being confined to his house for over a week, tfis brother from Statesville came down after his death and was present at the burial. He was married twice Crops were never in better condi tion inPender, nor more promising. Wo have good seasons, in the way of refreshing rains. If it does not turn wet and parching dry weather does not come onjin July, the indications are that Pender will be blessed with excellent crops this year. Our white people never worked so bard in all their lives as they are working this year; irever did they depend so little on negro, labor. They are not inclined to give much attention to the distraction of poli tics until their crops are laid by. It is to be regretted, however, that candidates are too numerous to men t ion for all the county offices includ hi the 'legislature. The Democratic .pQtmtyTCoiivcntibn lias been-called to meet at Burgaw on the 4th of July, to appoint delegates to the Judicial and Congressional District Conventions. Of tlie candidates now Ui the field for Judge of this Judicial District Judge Boy kin, 'eem to have the inside track. Of coarse Peuder presits an un broken line and a strong front for the re-nominatiort to Congress of her talented and eloquent son, Chas W. MeCIarniny. Information from th'eVorious counties of his district rendes it almost certain that he, will be re-nominated. The friends of Messrs. WJ? Green; C. 11 Aycock, B. Vl K5rady and Dr. "Thomnsou, of 1890. FLJLiSJS KOTICi . We wci to ciad to recciTo conuauiicsit oas. from ouf trtenfflr on any saa ail re&jects or; general tateresibtrt . j ' " fj - Tae name of the writer nnst alirars to for- nished to tie Editor. , , " . Commaojcauon mxnt w written 03 TDhlxr one side of ue paper. " ' , ; rersonalruea mast t ani(V. And tt is eipecfauj aaa partlculartr criur- tood that tn Editor does ao;aiwajs endorte f -tiie news of cornaspoadeata oaten so. iUtetf t-iV ta tne edJtortia oolnnns. . tv . sa J? Onslow, are pressing their claims,' . but the brilliant star of the gifted :f) McClammy is in the ascendant over . ? all and will so continue. Female WeakneiM PoIt1rrIr Cared. ' To thk Edithk: Please inform vtmr rcmlpm tli T have a positive remedv for thA rhnn. andalld one ills which nriso from 4 T deranged female organs. I shall be . glad to send two bottles of inv rem - edy FRKK to anv ladv if thV will" send their Express and P. O. address. i ours respecciuiiy, mi. J. U. MAII chit, 183 Genesee St.,Utica, N. Y. t . ltrfreshlnc aul inTlsoratinK ' Dehcioas Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers1 macnffleent: nw soda fountain at a teiuneratura' of ol Purest Fruit Svrnn.Millc?hiik-o and Natural Mineral Water. . NEW ADVKKTISEaiENTS. King of All. KTi:vi'Uii I'ntA itniTWir riMIE 1 Wili'nf nil cimllar vnrLv Wa emattwktm eath volume to lx' an exact counterpart oi the iiuiuuurn'ii. iiuiaana latest cuiiion. uno fur line aud word tor word. f.r volumes; 25,OUU subjects: 'JO,O0iJ inges, and only fLtO per vo!- Ullll. n:ivhlf IiimiH hlv Vlrsf. vnlnmn nnlv Ml cents. Introductory price (or a snort time only. , C. W. YATES. Tis Hard but True! ijHOPLK WHEN SICK HAVJE 'TO- BDY, Medicine. Wlicu voc are In that predicament s try mvnds jjhotiieus. tne Front street ; , Druggists. Pure Drugs; reasonable prices. ; j,-, 't open an to-morrow, Sunday, iwa June. - J It tf - . . ' ' . r, I. O. O. F. riMIK WKMHKUS OF CAPE FJKAR "LODQU 4 ; 1 k . po. a, and Orion Lodge No. 7, are requested . to meet, at their I.odg6 Hoom to-morrow (Sun-" 1 ' flay) evening at 7:45 o'clock, for the purposo of at lending the Odd Fellows' Memorial Servlceri at St. Paul s Church, where the sermon will be delivered by Rev. Bro. C. L. Arnold. Will leave the Lodge Room at 8 o'clock. Visiting- Brethren in the eltr are cordlallT invited to meet with us. - J1ENJ. HELL. For 1 onunmee'of Cape Fear Lodcn No. 2. W. V. YOPP, For CoriuulMee of Orion Lodge, No. 67. je 14 It. BLACKFISIl GROUNDS Steamer Sylvan Grovo WILL M AKK A THIP TO THE BLACKFISIT (1 ROUS 1)S On Monday, Juno lGtf;., leaving at 0 a. in., and touching at the llockj and.southport. , Lines anJ bait can bo had on board. Fare to Dlackflsh Grounds, fL(K); KocVs and Southport, 75 cents. Je 14 It Executor's Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOK ' on the estate of Amanda Hafrcctt, de ceased, all persons Indebted to the said estatO of the said deceased are nercby nottnedto make immediate payment and settlement as longer indulgence cannot be given, and all per sons having claims agalast tho said estate will present them for payment within lime prescribed by law or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This, the 2Gth day of. April. 110. DAVID WILLIAMS', apl20 oaw6W sat Executor. NOTICE. rjUIEKK WILL BE A MEKTINQ. OF TUB Appraisers and Assessors, composed ot tne cnalrmeu of the Board of Commissioners of the several counties through whica tli W.,'C. & A. Railroad, the c." c. Railroad runs, and also tae Wilmington Railway Bridge Com pany on Thursday, the lta day of June.' A. Xft 1891 ., at the Court llouse, in tho city, of Wil mington, at 10 o'clacfc a. m., for the purpose of appralMng and assessing said KoadV HORACE A. BAUG, Cbairmaa Hoard of commissioners for 0 jc7 2t 7 14 New Hanover county, N. C. SU"M E"RBES 0 R T ! atuAntiu VIEW," , WHKillTSVILLE, N.C., '." JS NOW OPEN UNDER ?AME MANAGE- ment. The Hotel and grounds are near the I , waters of the found and the Atlantic Oceaa and a few step from the Depot of the ca coast Railroad from Wilmington. A$ic the conductor of the train V atop you at Wrtglitsvllle. B9ACD.BY Til DAT, .ffK OS Mill' Kid for ClrcMijrs. ' ED. WILSON MANNING, jiitJlw j Proprietor. THE HEWLETT HOUSE. M r. FRIENDS AND TDE. FfULIC GEN. eraUy are respectfully noUfled that 1 aaye made extendi rc addiUoa ,tJ my premises at switchback .station, WrightsTlUe Beach, and am now prepared to accommodate thm with the test ot ere'rythlAS. - ' rre&h Fish. Soft Crabs, Deviled Crat, c, ready on the arrival of eTery train. IS- v ' Bar In the rear and separate and dLitlm t from the dinning room. mytf . JAS. A. HEWLETT. THI8 PAPER Ink majiufactorcd by " the FalnnooatFrintln? In Jc Works, TT?.?H i T.K. WEIGHT CO, C 3 saa street M ttis J uarla areaoe v Jan tt ' ruililpol Fx J ! - 0 4

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