Absolutely Puree This powder never vanes. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholesomeness. M ore econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude or low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders Sola onlf in cans. ROYAL BAKING FO WDE I C O. ,108 Wall St., N. Y- oct28 tUfcwly tcnnn 4thpd 3rdpw T2io Daily Review. SATURDAY. JUNE 14, 1890. STATE NEWS. Charlotte'iWw: Mr. Jas. R. Mc Donald, one of Mecklenburg; s Uest known men, died at his home in Paw Creek township, last nip lit, lif ter a brief illness. Mr. McDonald was in his. 79th year, and leaves a wife and two children. He had been a sufferer for some time past with the grip, but a few weeks ago he was. seized with a complication of diseases tinder which he could not rally. Raleigh Chronicle: rand Master Sanuel H. Smith has appointed 1). & Waitt. Esq., of this city, Urnnd Treasurer of the Grand J,odr-of Masons, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Col. W. E. Anderson. The committee on the 4th of July celebration has canvassed the town and secured a sufficient amount of money from the citizens to injure a grand demonstration. The town js umieu on liuviu a. ui nine. . Henderson Gold Leaf: 'Perhaps the oldest person in North Carolina has just died in Halifax county, near Hrinkleyville. Aunt Aggie i)auiet colored, whose age was vouched tor by members of the family to whom she belonged, died on the 1st insf.,. aged 120, it is said. She has always enjoyed remarkable health, and never used spectacles in her life. Her mind was good and she could see well enough to knit and sow, and did most of her own work. Her age may seem a little unreasonable, but there is no telling how old a person may live to be who breathes the pure oxygen of 2sorih Carolina. Raleigh JSTcivs and Observer: Ar raugements have just been closed for the leasing of the Carthage Rail road by the Seaboard Air Line to Mr. W. C. Petty, a prominent 'ami progressive merchant of Manly, who will hereafter operate it. The road will, however, in no wise lose its identity with the Seaboard Air Line and will continue to be operated in ' connection I with it. At their meeting at Wake Forest the trustees decided to build an infirmary out side the college grounds. They also appropriated $2,000 for the purchase of additional apparatus for the la boratory. The degree of D. I), was conferred upon Rev. Columbus Dur ham, of Raleigh, and LL. I. upon Rev. Dr. Hume, of the State Univer sity. Raleigh Visitor: One township in Cabarrus county has subscribed $105 to a Confederate monument. The'Fourth of Julv committee are doing splendid. They can get all! the money they want. Let us hear from the railroads. The matter is now' in their bauds. It is an nounced on seemingly good author ity that work on the Hillsboro road will commence in about three weeks. It will be macadamized and graded. Two stone crushers will be used. - - Col. F. A. Olds has just returned .from Wrightsville, where he has been looking after arrangements for the comiug encampment. The Col onel says the prospects are that the encampment 4his year will be a great success in all respects. There will be more companies than usual in camp, and all the arrangements are on a better footing than ever before. COMMERCIAL K E W S. WILMINGTON M ARKET. June 11.-2:20 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at3- cents. Sales oi receipts at j cents. " ROSIN Firm at $1.07i for strain ed and $1.12 for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.83. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.23 for hard, $2.35 for yellow din and $2.70 for virgin. COTTON Firm at 11 cents for middling; low middling, 11; good middling. 11 . RECEIOTS-Cotton,-:Tirits.249; rosin, 478; tar, 3: crude, 23. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS OX HAND JUNK 13,1890. Cotton ashore, 433; afloat, 000, total, 433. Spirits ashore, 2,240; afloat, 1,941; total, 4,181. Rosin ashore. 13,098; afloat, 7,419; total, 20,547, Tar ashore, 7,800; afloat, 281; total 8,081. Crude ashore. 1,283; afloat, 100;total 1,383. RECEIPTS, WEEK KNDING 3 HIVE 13, '90. Cotton, 23; spirits, 1.034; rosin, 7,- 0HI ; tar, 290; crude, Gi l. K X I'O UTS, W K K K KNDKD J I "NIC 13, 1890. DOMESTIC Cotton 379; spirit-., G2; crude, 181; tar, 473; rosin,. 153. !'UltKIN. Tar, 3. -LOOK OUT FOR- Reductions in Prices - OF EVFRY CLASS OF- . DRY GOODS ! WE SHALL OFFER ALL KINDS OF WHITE GOODS AND- EMBROIDERIES At l MiitlM ef 20 h; feat. Tfcls department of our stock Is very com plete, and possibly the handsomest ever offer ed In Wilmington. Our heavy sales of SPECIAL NOTICE ! j tJK I'll l A i t. siuuft. A& tiir. in w- doubtedly the best WHISKEY sold in tne South to-day. Below ycu will find a few out of ciany letters which, we receive and notice well what tfcey contain: Brown & Brown, druggists, of Winston, say: "The Private Stock, TO, gives entire satis faction to our customers, and we think it Is a fine medicinal Whiskey." . . ' - II. Eose, also of Winston, writes us as fol lows: "The 'Private Stock' Whiskey I bought through yo it Mr. Simon has proved a success and will fceep it hereaiter as my leading brand.' j. . Burns & Co.. of Fayetteville, have this tosa: 4tI have used your new brand of 'Private Stock, 1876,' Rje Whiskey and will say that I am well pleased with it and that It i all you recommend it to be. My customers prefer this brand to all others." Jtsucirlerrs Arnica salve The Best Salve in the world 'for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all fekin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and rstail dr'ijrjri -AT- Geo. R, French & Sons. aoc Opera Slippers, former price "c. 75c Opera slippers, former pricefil 00. $1.00 Opera Slipper?, former prlceffLSk " f 1.25 Opera Slippers, lormer prtcejn.sa Oxford Ties, Pat. TiP,T5e. . Oxford Ties, Pat. Tip, aif. Oxford Ties, Pat. Tip, fl.IT.. oxford Ties. Pat. Tip, fi.Sfc. Tan Colors Oxfords $1.00. Tan colored oxfords $1.25. - All the above styles In Misses andtChil dren'a sizes at comparatively low price. , Large stock of LAWN" TENNIS SLIPPERS GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, IO8 North Front Street (Opposite The Orton.) , my 24 tl i Cluircli Services To-Morrow. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chuch,cor. Fourth and Campbell streets. lie v. John W Primrose, 1) D.. Pastor, services at 1 1 a. m. and 8:15 p, m. sabbath School at 4:0;) p. m. Prayer. Meet ing and Lecture Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. The public cordially invited. Seats free. First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets. Rev. P. II. Hoge, Pastor. Sunday services at 11 a. n). and 8.15 p. m. Sunday School at 4:00 o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting and lecture Thursday night at 8:'.5 o'clock. Visitors welcome, to all services. Front street Chapel of the First Presnvte rlan Church, southwest corner Front and Queen streets. Services at 11 a. nr. nnrt 8.1". p. in., conducted by Ufv. W. Met'. Miller. Sunday School at. 4 :0ft o'clock p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8:15 o'clock Visi tors welcome. Brooklyn Baptist Church, .services In Hie new church, corner Fourth: ami Brunswick streets, lie v. If. E. Peele, Pastor, sunday services at 11a. in. and at'-8 p. m. Sunday school at 4:30 p. m. Prayer laeeting Thursday night at PrOft p. m The public is cordially in vited. - First Baptist Church, corner of. Market and Fittli streets, liev. T. 11. Prlt chard. 1). !., Pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m sunda-y .School at ;::;o o'clock p. in. Prayer and Praise meet ins: Thursdaj- night at 8 o'clock, strangers cordially .invited. Bladen Street 1. E. chuivh, corner Fifth and Pladcn stnets.. Kev. II. l. Anderson, t'as- toiv Preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p. in. Sun day School at y o'olock. Class meeting Tues day night at 8 o'clock. st John's church, corner of Third and lied 'ross sts.? (stijct cars going North pass the door). Kev. J. Cannichaei, u. 1).. Kcctor. Cel ebration every Sunday Morning nt T.45. exeep Ilist Sunday in the month, when it is at 11 o'clock a. in. Morning Prayer, I.itany and Sermon (each Sunday) at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer and liibie studies at 7:.i0 o'clock. AI Feasaitd Saints' Days observed by celebra tion at in a. ih. Visitor to the cU.v 'will in shown to agreoabls scuts. St. Jani(;s' Episcopal Church, corner Third and .Market streets, Kev. Kobt. strange. Ke tor. Divine services at II a. m. and . p. in. Children's service tirst Sunday nr. 4 u. m L Holy (MiiiiUiunioii. first Sunday at 11 a. m IV ,r .1 ....... I .. av, L.'ii.trl.i- C'.lw.J .. si-i."ijvi .sriim.i ,ti i ., t. in. nuuuaj oiuuui cii. o:30 p. m. Orace MelhfMhsi E. church. South, corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets. Kev. Walters. Creasy. Pastor, services at 11 a. m. and Tf.ift i. m . conducted by the pastor. Simday school at :S30 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday at 8 p. m. The public are cor dially invited. Seats free. st Paul's Episcopal ejiureh, corner Fourth and orange streets, Kev. C A. Arnold, Hector. services tomorrow at. 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday School at i.45a.m. Seats nil free. Every body is welcome. Fifth street M. E. Church, South. Kev. 1. O Ecaman. Pastor. The congregation are wor shipping, temporal lly, in the. "Union scluol House," on Sixth, between Nun and Church streets. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8.15 p. in. Class Meeting at 3 p. m. Sunday School at 4 "30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes day night at 8.15 p. in. beats free. Public in vlted. , w hi loli Uai)tist Chui'rti, corner of Eighth and Walnut streets. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m. Nahuuth schorti at 1 o clock, p. ni. Prca-!iing at ; o'clock, p. in. Bible reading at t o'clock, p.m. Preaching at 8 15 o'clock, p.m. Seats fn e. Elder 31. V. .Morris', pastor. St. Thomas' Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at a.m. second Mass at 10. a. in. Vespers and Benediction at , o-clock, p. m. Daily iassat (j.;so a. m. -t. Paul's Evan. Lutheran church, corner of Sixth and Market streets. Kev. F. V. E. Pes- chau. Pastor.' finnan scrv ices at II o'clock a. 'nr. English servicesjit T:y0p.m. Sunday School at ti.iaJa. m. W. U. Strauss. Suiu. Mitors cor- Ually.welcpinev , sYond Baptist Chun h. on sixth, iK tween Church and .Cast lc streets, Kev. J.P.King, pasior. services ai u a. m. ana ;wp. m. Sunday School at '.. m. ITaycriueetingcvery lucsuay nigni. Fii-st Baptist church (col.) corner of Fifth and cainpbell streets, Kev. A. M. Conway pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. at y p. m. and at s p. m. sunaay scnooi at i p. m. seats free, BLACK this season justifies us in offering the re mainder of the stock, which, is large, at a great sacrifice. Engllsn Satteens at lie and 12iC, solid Black. Genuine French satteens at 25 cent?.. Handsome cotton Challies at 5 and c cents. Fancy and stylish Kobes in Spring colors at cost and lefcs than cost. Chaniily Late Draperies at very low prices ZE3I driofe: and Stools. Cabinet Work of - all kinds. Banks. Catalogue tree. - ArMress 3 FJE SHOW CASES Also Wall and Prer Brim liild;Simon & Co. 11 1 N. Dealers m Liquors, my 30 tf Friiit Cigars and Tobaccos. WilmiogtonSeacoast R.R. 1 1 tesgmud I TS TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE lt, ISSa I'lsin, 1Mb Pft and-' Fiffuffi. Fish et lac s of the newest styles, and very best rjuallty Imported. Every piece warranted pure Silk. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK. OF !Ci ceo cl p 1 P. iZ T. ac i- i -J . I f? --: iT S wo i 5 I Gents' urmsmn? IN THE CITV. Goods 3 OS "3 3 o ; c ; rs ccoo SO H a wsCO "3 ceo C5 C Hi 00 s 3 V. H -ss z) : I -J 5 O The residue or our CloMis and cassimeres for Gents and Hoys will be elosbd at prices ic gard less ot cost. Milts made td order for Gentlemen in 'the best siyl'1. by ltrsi -class Tailors, ot a saving! of 15 to 2o per cent, on regular prices. Fit guaranteed. Cash bu.v ers and prompt paying customers are incited to take advantage of the snlerdid orre?-. liespectfuily, r. J. J H 101 AiAif k:-;t st je 2 tf 1 1 I! lUt ill 1 EDRICK IttiKT. BUY HO IEI TUf LDTNG LOT MP r z: . y tna ttou'es a--d .ots'fo' ;ale rm tho instalment tan on Castle. Church, s'u n. v r n. -range. Dock. vlarko1. Princess, ' best nit. Walnut, M u 1 be r v. ?ed. !rosf', - ankin. Kront -'cer,n:l. Third. Fourth ifih. Sixth, Seventh. Wil-rn, Eighth, Ni.-th. ('enth, Dieli inson, Wood. ! ariolte, Tbirtccn'h, leventh and Twelfth 'nets Money o loan hose wishing to build. p l 1 1 'AMES WILSON. ttioo of D (rconn -T I p ; ! X . x c; Cfj 00 O : 4 C' o I n as 2 : J 03 O u, t- a ' Fare 25 cents for round trip on Saturdays. J. R. NOLAN, je3tf Gen '1 Manager. York WUminm b teacsshio '-Co Scribner's Magazine For 18!M. The pubUshers Of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE alrt to make it the most popular ana enter prising of periodicals, while at all i lines pre serving its high literary character." 25,CCf new readers have been drawn to It during the past six months by the Increased excellence xf tts contents (notably the Railway articles), find It closes its second year with a new Impetus and an assured success. The Illustrations - "will show some new effects, and nothing to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive arid In terestlng will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking: papeis; one espe cially Interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. Jameson -The Railway l"ostal Ser vice." Illustrtitea. MK. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S Sena novel "The Master of Baliantrae," will run through the greater part of 1 he 3'ear, -llfvjitH in S'otvmJjer. ' A CORRESPONDENCE and cxll,-ctIon V manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. ;.5iilct and a famous group of modern French Painters will furnish the substance of several articles. rilustrarciL The brief end papers written last- year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally interesting' contribut ions by difTerc t famous authors. Mr. Thomas-Bailey Aldrtch will write the first of thcra for tho January number. " Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear: a paper on Walter Scotcsr Method Work, illustrated from original MSS.. asecond sneir or uid books by.Mrs. James t rieida and many other articles equally noteworthy uustraiea - Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers arc arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. fi. BlashJield, Austin Dobson ana many oth ers. Wustvalea. FISHING ARTICLE describing sporr in the best rishing gronnds will appear. Saimon Winnlnish, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authora are well known sportsmen. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE Of great variety touching upon ail manner of subjects; travel, biography, description, etc., will tppeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace sort. Illustrated. - Among the most Interesting In the list of scientific papers for the year will be-a remark abfe article by Prof. John Trowbridge,, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest will be continued by a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY In Its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether interesting papers. Unique Illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year' numbers, which includv.all the Railway Arti cles, as follows; 1 A j-ear's subscription (1889) and the nam bers for 1888...... . ... ........fL5G A year's subscription (1839) and the num bers for l888,lioandin clcth...; CCO OBSERVER, The Oldest and Best . - ; Family NewsD2rcr! SU Regular Editors- R. . ' ' respondents at ll mni' ti .Storief, Reviews fvf" Abrci Department, for Cpi'denWl SS cl.ants, JJnnkerl pS? S Students, Bovnfio FIFTY PRIZE STOIU me ablest writers wU ami lnruit .... COlifrH.,.; IPUiJlr d of 4 umiis. Poets and i. 10 !t eol o ,lthors, ediCs, u1erT et"' .v,., v,4 kcujus will fin r, -vwi ,,,fci'iwo uriexcPiUi .7-l,wl jmtis erive the comiiii? voak .rie. .00 a vear Clergymen, f 2.00 ii I,aPri1a Vcar. Great Inducements for 1889' 1. The NEW YORK ORpiv 'or one year to any cVrmfn f5 wm scrtfcer, for ONE 1)OLLak" Q fiot Bo A ber with 00, can have anvnr- csus Letters.'- or "The Lit? ?' W tb"-s 3. We Mill send tf J OBsSivr? cA: mainder of this year, and to j.B ,or to any new subrtberTnf. I isst aaaress and fi m advanri t-Wsm " W fllJITl vniymm Xi1 Blve eitw;?" ijcuiutia Liuers" or uThA -7 wum. Aulej'." . 1De UtoX Jerry u Snwssrs. Address, tree. Now York Obsen :NEW YORK' S3 a year; 25 cents a number 1 Charles Scribner's Sons, 743-745 Br wnyN.y. . ii i 1 1 nm .1 ROM PIER 29. EAST RIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts AtSc'cloct, P. M. -AND- Mat iirity A ssociati on OF WASHINGTON. . C. Uarpr's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED rEifs Magazine f0r WTS$t-. made special arrantrementa xnth i,,JZ, fnfJ!:ffhVXClUSlVe PUbllcltl0n, l5"S CoJpf . hmnoroas story, to bs ntirka " i ne BENEFACTOR ., FAN1TA YE MASS EE BENEFACTOR . . Sat uraay, June 7 , Wednesday, June 1 1 . . . - .iiurday, June M .Wednesday, June is COIOnista Of Tarawnn. tho t tures of the Famous Tartartm" The s orr trared by Ro?3 and Mykbach. . V.D- Uowells wm contribute & novclctw iniFee ?art8' and Lafcadio nusx i Bor! elette In two parts, entitled "Youaa ha&i- Has Paid to Mem- , kW ,n 1Uustrated papers, ' toucWflg-gutlecu t hfira Owpr - - fi 00 000 current Ihterese, and In its snort Udl UVtl - s55UUU,UUU poems, and timely articles, the MiOiirei Accrued - Liobili- : will maintain its well-known standard FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR FA NIT A BENEFACTOR.... FANITA. .......... .. .Tuesdajr, June 3 . Friday, June t; Friday, June l:j Tuesday, June 17 I to i 11 Necossary 'O CARRY YtUR PROVISIONS OR LUNCH int'itj.i Br.'t' h as thviv is a 50 o CO 2 Q0 'A CO 2 z Z TO x a t 'i g O ' i o ? g 5 2 i First-ClaLs Family Grocery there, supplied with everything the market affords and sold at city prices. All K nds of Canned Goods FOR LUNCH AND PIC N I Q PARTIES and everything else that goes t(f make up a fine lunch. Full supply of ICE always on hand. The residents of CAROLINA BEACH will Audit to th?ir interest to ileal with me as I will keep on hand everything in the Grocery and nbusckcepin.?-line. HANS je T tf . UUUK, PROPRIETOR. Fishermen's Supplies, Builders' Hardware, NOTICE. TJ Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE SU- pertor Court of New Hanover County, April Term 1S90, 1 hereby give notice to all persons holding claims agatnst W. H. styron to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before! Jul 1st, 1S90, or they will not be permitted to f hare in the distribution of the funds of said Styron in my hands. On that day the funds will be dlsti touted according to the provisions ot a deed of assignment made by W. jr. Styron to E. G. Barker. GEORGE ROUNTREE,. my 15 oaw 4w thnr Receiver. WALKER'S 5TKICTU I RE If ail E LEPf made by the old Duich proce?, the best Lead on the market. They no: beintr in mmhino . tion can make special price on same. COOKING STOVES. State to select Administrator's Notice. Largest assortment In the from; sold at factory prices. ON Stoves of All Sizes; Jn thcra you will fln4 comfort .and rconomy, Pamp? J Stp- Ladders. Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Kates guaranteed to and from points in North ani south Carolina. For r'reighr. or Passage applv to U G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N C. THEo. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen'l Agents, my 'M tf 5 Bowling Green- New York Library Association Reading Room piRST FLOOR, MASONIC BUILDING, 123 M arkct street. Open till 10 p. in. every week day. Electric lights. 130 different periodicals for 13W. Only $LC0 per household per quarter year. Everybody invited to examine, feb 1 tf WE HAVE " JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE AS SORT3IENT OF OTfLCS-.Txr SB AND in uie latest designs and fancy woods, which we offer at lowest prices, INSTALMENTS or CASn. The public lscordlally invited to ex amine our large and supertor stock of Instru ments. . Hone, HOIJATKI ItROU'NINO, JTeEMeni. ' ' ' SA AS UliL NOU3C fcST,) Treasurer. Secretary. Manager ar Actuary." HARPERS' PERIODICALS PER YEAR' HARPER S MAGAZINE... HARPER'S WEEKLY..... HARPER'S BAZAR....... HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE..... ! Postage Free to all subscribe in 0 t'Riif Ssatee, Canada, or Kezico. - , . .14 GEO. J. EASTEKDAV, Ass't Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cosf. a Guaranteed Policy. a n Incontestible Policy. ' Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age' Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. -Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Yars: ' -' P. S. RIDDELLE, M. DA Medical Directori W II. GIBSON, Special Aeent. - '-- . Home Office, central National Bank Building JOHN HAAR, Jr., Local Agent, oct 36 Wilmington 'N. C THE ACME MANUFAOTTJRING 00. The volumes of the MoErazlni beeln Willi lie Numbers fur June and December of ec6 jre When no time Is specified, subscriptions rJ ocgin with the Number curren atUme of tt- celpt of order. , , Bound Volumes of Harper's Maazise. vm three years back, in neat cloth blrwunz, wHJ sent by mail, post-paid, oa receipt m fim l per volume, cloth Cases for binding, -J eacn by mail post paid. . , Index to Harrier's Macazine. Alpliat)en. Analytical and Classified, for Volumes IMS Inclusive, from June, 1850, to Jane, vol. 8vo, Cloth, 4 oa MANUFACTURERS OF and E. VanLAER, 407 Itecl Cross Htreet. apl H ttjcoa A. We as5? for your patronage and -caail ever endeavor to Cetrne the same. . . . i:ospect fully. 1HE UNDERSIGNED IIAVINIOUALlFIED as Administrator of the estate of F. J Lord, deceased, noUce Is hereby gtreri to all persons haTins claims against said estate to or this notice will be pleaded ta bar of the N . JaCODl Hardv7arp fin payment thereoL F. A. LORD, 1 iOxu OIU JOb. . - - "v. iiu.m ai. TAKE A SPIN I l'' .1" ottit-itvis TllKSK FINE AF- vciuiuus. c ean lurnisa- you with ttie means for doing to. We've got good noRSES, light, comfortable VEHICLES and, when desired, careful Driv ers. Our charges are moderate and we try h&ql tpjease our customers. R. C OR R ELL,' I ' Livery and Sale Stables, apl 9 tr tcor. Third andrincessSu. ; Table Boards A GE?TLJBJS2 CA2S BE ACCOiJMO dated wlthrrablerBcard on eppliesticn at "' OC3 27U ' . . 2T4 H.,TXIJRD Si Fertilizers, Pne Fibre - Pine Fibre Matting, Wilmington, - - N; V. fJIHE REPUTATION OFOUK FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, 13 now established, and the results of three years' ess in the Hands of the best farmers of this and other states will attest tneur vaiue as a nign grade manure . The MATTING, made trom the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to be eaual to any wuoi carpet lur cumiun axia auraotuiy ana tne aemana xor ills aaiiy increasing, it has vir tues net found in any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for AiaiirKsses is almost equal w nair, Deing light elastic and proof against insects. ceruncates from reliable parties using our goods can be seen aour office, or will be mall. ea upon ucatiop, iaatr STILL AT WORIi. J AM NOW WELL PREPARED TO REPAIR all kind3 of Furniture; Sewing Mactrnes, Fan cy Articles, c, and where It is possible make them as good as new. Work done promptly and prices low. Call and see me and get es timates and prices. J. B. FA BRA R, ; S. V cor. Front and Orange streets. I am still asent here for the. New Hoove j Sewing Machine, one of the best Machines on : the raarkeu Needles and;Gil for sale. , I nicairf . 1890. . Harper's Weekly ILLUSTRATED. place as the leading illustrated J'flX America. The fairness of its ments on current politics has cana ', respect and confidence of all lPf.'ap. ers, and the variety and excellence rary contents, which include serial m stories by the best and most popo1' fit it for the perusal of people V'mr supplements are of remarkable ??'a v TerKt Anil vuiiif. Ko eincnsc u T:.2 a henr nnrin Mia illustration Of tfeC C"? phases of home and foreign iJtal Jakvizk. will appear in the ww t n harper's" periodicals PER TBAB: - HARPER'S WEEKLY;.....- . HARPER'S MAGAZINE . g HARPElrS BAZAR- j f HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ""'' ,4 Pottage Free to an $ubrttxr$ v States Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the WeeWr b?ga yg first Number for January wff' h fc no time Is menUonec, sawscr-j with th Number current i " order. . . Round Volumes or three rears bacic. la ECatcKnpit. p sent by mail, postage pal0, J of expense provided teg' cecd one dollar per volume;, for tli 2 Cloth Cases for esu:h JfT'Ji. binding, will be seat bT mau, p- receipt of tl Op each., rnxA, fcy rof onc-y Order 0, Vrzli. JJ Ancspajxrr wc T-VTf farcer ' Addresa IIAKP Cli w BUT W Mon For Sale nlin good condltloB.