I nMARYSPEClFICS ? n rrenxmnt of Animal jjrf e,B4 b" . .inflammation ltri Vf.Nasal . Discharges. MCJC ' Z'e. Hemorrhages. J ... ,f rr IOC-"5- . . . tbcc r,-cifl, iianuai. kle C', "o il'hai Mclicator. - S7.00 fTetrr,,,7.,. r E(.st Prepaid any wnera '.'u wPrsjf V Itc2:?t of Fric. lWcin Co. i09 Fultcn SL, W. Y. SPECIFI3 Ho. DETECTIVES deaf; 5yrtc ,t. "3!Sl'S C8FC91. . V . . I A tk fit " : ; i-rr. jr.:ri1. Com , IfA'fr . " ..? 1 ';'itilics Ihc hair. ivT' .PiNcv-r l i 'i o Restore uray " ' : fr. 7' IMPROVED 25 1 J IROOT BEER! I r;,":s MCE SMKCS F1VEG-UL0XS. 3 9 i 1J aJ5 5 E99 PiUxs a&i Spa: Ai your Dmgst or Grocer for It. C. E. HIRES. PHILADELPHIA. TO VEA E GI1EQ Eu'Tii !roia the effects of youthful errors, early iT.irv.tXiiTreltne?9, lost manhood, etc.. I wul teni & ilaiV.e treatifo I sealed) containing fulj wmieuUr tt boiae cure. Ff?EE charge. A p!rnJii laeifal crk should be read by eTery taa TrtJ li nfncna and debilitated. Address, frof. F. C FOITLIJI, Jloodus, Conn. FOB HEN ONLY i PflSITIYF For L0ST or BAILING MANKO. J 1 Will III i. Oon.Mil mn VritVnilS TsrTSTTTTI fllTPfP. of Body and Mind: Effec liH. 14HMI rll Kelroj. Hot In kblarrr m vxdkrant u.l MiMr l irli (KhS A Ki UTS o f BOS' W f, MK,iiiB HilDK 1 HV 41 Ml NT Ka'Mf flt la a d Wf m i: Sui-'..rrrr.lTn. and Forrbi. f-nnnirk AMm 8. MECICAL CO.. B3bAL0.lt. THE STATE CHRONICLE, t"Uccessor.to tno Fanner and Mechanic ann iuo rnronjclo.) Under New Management. HIiKiHT AND CLEAN. J PWITII THE TIM KS. as -STATE CHRONICLE" WILL BE T al w S ll,n'."anl will not be JOALiansput tr, trom Cherokee to Cur- SfSJrn..f.?J? W no ins:, no Democratic In ate to criticise Democratic oftlcetp. stii; J- oo :fon?;c"" 1 THE STATK CHRONICLE. lta.ielj;h. N. C. . THE LEADING Daily Paper s,i ni c.i;u.i.NA i News 1 Oirii1. 'ce $10 Per Annium, I!.EI)T ANY ADDRESS. ND AY PAPER IN CAKOL1SA IS Sumlav News. ith . aU-- single conr. 5 cts: mailed KVEhY ONE'S PAPEM, r AND COUllIEU. --Y cioauis, w cts: Elnele Capsized on Horseback; " " Horseback riding; is indtilgcd irTitiite' generally abont W;asbinfftoa by both la dies and gentlemen, thi3 spring," and among them are quite a number of nbv icei At present there is at least one young lady in town who is busily.eu gaged in regretting that she ever at tempted to learn the equestrian sport. Incidentally it may be remarked that there is also a certain young man not a thousand miles from tho city who wishes that he had not been so previous in tak ing hi3 best girl ouf for.-a ridft in the country until ho knew more about her ability to manage a horse. " Both have tried to hush the matter up, but the story lias leaked out. - The above mentioned young man, who is quite well known in society, took this young lady out for a ride one morning. As is f requcntly the case .with those bent apon this sort of pleasure, they chose to go up in the neighborhood of Pierce's milL All went well until they reached a point above tho mill where the road crosses Rook creek. The bridge at this place was washed out a year ago and has never lx5en replaced. There was plenty of evidence tliat other people on horseback were in the habit of ford ing the stream just above where the bridge had stood. " The young man, therefore," put his' horse through the creek and found no difficulty iu so doing. His companion, seeing that all was well, reined her horse into tho water and parsed the first half of the ford safely euongh. But she allowed tho animal to go a little below the regular ford. The horse struck deeper water, and persisted in going further down the streaui. Then suddenly, without warning, ' the beast either stumbled or deliberately rolled over, and the fair rfder was spilled head long into tho water. Luckily she went over on tho left side, so that she had no difficulty in disengaging her foot from the stirrup; but the swiftness of the current was such that before she could recover it had rolled her oyer two or three times down the stream. The young .mau gallantly, came to the rescue of his companion before anything more serious than a complete drenching had' hap pened, but it may be safely assumed that all equestrian exhibitions by this couple hereafter will not be of the aquatic order, but will be confined strictly to land. Washington Post. Jast to H Still. Just to be still and murmur not, To know he never yet forgot The child He led, to morrow's care To lay on Him. my Guide, to bear: To see the sunlight of to day, , Nor nigh that it may fade awav If this iUy part, my days shall i Foretaste of immortality. Just to be still though tempest bfeak; To know He never wouk) forsake The heart lie made to be His own: To know He is not King alone, But father infinite fn care Of every waif that breathes the air, If this be mine, how light the weight I bear through changing Time's es state! Just to be joyous in to day; To know Time's floods which sweep away The gold, and precious thing of life, With Desolation's breathing rife, Can never touch the arms I hold Around my gems, more dear than gold, Unless He wills if this 1 know. Fearless my footsteps come and go. -George Klingle in the Churchman. -- IZIrctric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so populur as to need no special mention All who have used Electric Biltert sinz the same song of praise, a purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guaranteed to do al' that is claimed. Electric Bitters will core all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, wili remove Pimples, Boils. Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from Ibe systdtn and prevent as well as euro all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indices tion try Electric Bitters Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refund ed. Price 50 bents and $1.00 per bot tle at Robert R. Bellamy's wholesale and retail drug store. Idle Sanana Pickers. A general strike of plantation hands for shorter hours and better pay is now in progress in Jamaica, and the result is to increase the price of bananas. The doctrjnes of the eight hour movement have been disseminated among the ne groes and other laborers on the banana farms inlhe island of Jamaica with dis astrous results to the planters who de- borers, pickers, etc., have been working) being able to stand it longer they re volted, nearly 3,000 men and women be ing out, and all work in this industry, is at a standstill. On the inland plantations in Jamaica thousands of bunches of bananas are ripening on the trees, which spoils them for market, or rotting in great heaps on the ground. This has caused a compara tive scarcity of bananas, and the price has therefore gone up. In 1870 any old tub of a schooner was considered good enough for the banana trade. Now there is a fleet of sixty steamers, built for this particular trade, which cany from 2,700 to 3,000 bunches of banarfas a trip to New York and return for more in bal last, without waiting to ship a return cargo. The entire fleet of steamers sails under the Norwegian flag, although owned in thixcountry. The Norwegian flag was selected because it is believed that in case of a European wrar Norway would remain neutral. Detroit News. Catching a Loon wltH Hook and Line. Alfred Hills, one of the brothers who run the famous Hills' Homestead at Savin Rock, narrowly escaped being still more famous a day or two ago. Here's the story as Mr. Hills tells it: He was fishing for flatfish off the Savin Rock shore when he "was 'surprised to hear blood curdling screeches and to feel a big thing on Ins line. A loon, or great northern diver, had picked up . the bait and was fast on the hook. Mr. Hills got just as mufch excited as was the loon, and a battle royal followed. The fisher man played his catch until his boat had traveled fnlly a mile, and hal lus game well in hand. He pulled in tho line slowly and had the bird close by the boat when the loon made one last effort, broke the line and escaped. To capture a loon is a big feat, but to catch one With a hook and lino is unprecedented. Tho bird is very shy, and will dive so rapidly lhat it will get under water between tho time of a flash of a gun and. the time the bullet reaches the place where the loon was. New Haven Palladium. Standard Time Better Thau Local. Many people find it difficult to be al ways just on time, and" to keep up with two times is more than can be expected of anybody. Consequently it is not sur prising . that . Bath people are getting mixed up. Sunday a part of the church bells rang on local time and part on standard, and it was uncertain whether one would have to wait a half hour or be late. People aro getting more and more disgusted at the present- condition of things every day, and there are serious threats of putting another clock on the court house that shall register United States time. A community that wants a time exclusively its own sbould first make provisions for suspension of com munication with the rest of the world 60 as-hot to be bothered with other peo ple's chronology.-LewistQjj Journal. - i . . A Frea rmplr, . "Call the game, whispered the cap tain anxiously. "Baseball," said the now umpire." Dry GootU Chronicle. JUNK JOKES. the Little Girl Your i)ttpa, has only got one leg, hasn't he? Veteran's Little Girl -A'es. L. G. Where is his other one? V. G. L. Hush, dear, it s in heaven. Boston Courier. Romeo Jimson I fear me 1 must leave thee, beloved. It must be late. 1 hear the newsboy's calling out the morning papers. Juliet Whimson Stay. "lis not the morn. 'Tis yesterday's papers they sell. RomeoNay. 'Tis to day's. Juliet Delay yet a little while. 'Tis yes terday's news anyhow. New York TIT 1 weeKiy. Look not for the willness of shall. The mightness of the may, Nor yet for ifness of the when. Nor the things of a coining day. Nor yet on p'rapsness of the when In fact, don't, be a clam, But fix your mind on a better thing The isness of the am. Lawrence American. "These navy girls are altogether too fly, said a disconsolate naval cadet just after graduation. "I wanted to express my feelings for one of them in a romantic way, and so I sent her a 'true lover's knot' in gold cord, and what do you suppose she sent me in return? A gold scarf pin representing a pair of sister hooks." Consumption surely Cured. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its "timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FRKK to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. "Seven proposals this past month,'" mused the belle, "and they will each propose once a month for six months. Six times seven are fort v-two' I wonder who will be the "forty-third?" Alvice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known rerae ly for diarrhooa, whether arising from teething or othr causes. Twenty live cents a bottle. julv deod&wlv WHOLESALE PRICES; OF THE Hon. Jefferson Davis. BY M KS. JEFF BliitON OAVI8. 10 BE SOLD BY JUBSCMfTlM O.UV. The prospectus and complete outfltfor can vassing will be ready Immediately. AtiEXTS' WISHING DESIRABLE TERRI TORY on this great work will please address, as soon as possible, the publishers. BEL-FORD COMPANY, 1S-22 East lStn Street N EW. YORK, feb 7 ti 1 John Wernor. mflSRS IS BUT ONE, AND BE HOLDS forth atNo. Market stitet. A rood snare for 10 cents, a Shampoo for 20 cents, or a Hair Cut for fti cents. Four of the best Barters In thrt state. Clean towels, sharp razors ana pre npt attendance, joidc WEBNR, , Tho German Barber, rcSMtl 23 lliitst CtmU The following- quotations represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or ders higher prices nave to be charged. RAGGING Gtmny. .......... t 4 8x Standard 8 8 BACON North Carolina. Hams......... ir 15 f Shoulders y a . g 3 Sides, Via ...... g 9 10 WESTERN SMOatEIV- Hams, v ft.... 129 14 Sides, VB 8 a 10 Shoulders, 7 ft.. Tx 8 DRY SALTED Sides, v& 6 Shoulders, 9 ft 6 9 , ex BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. 4 Second Hand, each 1 40 1 50 New, New York, each.. . . . 0 00 G 17 New, city, each 1 65 e 1 ;o BEJCSWAX, Vft SO & 23 1 BRICKS, Wilmington, yH.... 8 00 10 00 Northern . .... 0 00 SH 00 BUTTER, Vft- North farollna... .. ...... J5 $ 25 Northern 25 SO CANDLES, ft sperm.-r.. U m 25 Adamantine 10 12 CHEESE, 9 ft Northern Factory.. ..v..... sxQ. 10 Dairy, Cream......... 13 14 State...'. 9 & 11 S3 30 00 00 25 00 10 COFFEE, V ft Java..... Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, $ bush, In sacks. Virginia Meal.. COTTON TIES, V bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, V yard ........ Yarns, bunch...... EGGS, V doz FISH Mackerel. No. 1, bW X) 00 Mackerel, No. 1, 31 half bbL 13 50 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl 15 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl Mullets. bbl N. c. Roe Hernng. v keg... Dry cod, ft. FLOUR, V bbl -" Western, low gfade " Lxtra...... Family... City MlUs Super. . . Family.. GLUE, V ft GRAIN, V buslieL ' Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store. ......... . 0 52 C5 I 30 80 7 80 6 00 00 5 50 00 50 00 8 48 00 52 00 33 430 50 (415 00 20 00 & 6 00 (310 00 7 00 ti 00 10 (3 4 00 & 6 00 6 00 4 10 (3 5 00 10 Oats, Rust Proof 00 ... 95 85 75 d 8 0 50 48 53 51 50 CO 3 5 10 90 00 3 10 00 Cow Peas HIDES, Green ... 2 Dry 3 HAY, 100 fts ; Eastern 1 05 Western North River '....:.i... HOOP IRON, V LARD, 1? ft Northern..... North Carolina LIME, y barrel....:.... 125 LUMBER, City Sawed, v M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 a20 00 Rough EdgePlank 15 00 W 00 West India Carglas, accord- ' lng to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, gallon New Crop, In lihds. 25 (3 26 " In bbla .... 28 (4 30 PortoRlco, lnhhdS....T.... 28 30 " In bbla... sc ft 28 Sugar House, In hhda 00 15 " " in b'ols. la 18 Syrup, In bbls 23 35 nails, y Keg, cut. lOd basin.. 2 40 (.4 2 50 OILS. 9 gallon. Kerosene..; 9 Lard........ Jl8 Linseed.. 90 Rosin v 15 00 00 rown...... 25 10 75 00 65 25 .....12 00 ... .15 00 00 4 60 80 00 1 3 Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY - Chickens, live " Spring........ Turkeys 1 PEANUTS, V bushel, 23 ft. POTATOES, V hushel Sweet Irish, y bbl... ...... . PORK, V barrel City Mess Prime Rump..-. RICE Carolina, V ft......' Rough, y bush, (Upland)... " (Lowland). RAGS, V ft Country 1 . City - ROPE, V ft---- SALT, v sack. Alum. . Liverpool Lisbon.. .. American 00 & SOAP, V ft Northern 4 sugar, p ft standard grain.. 6.v standard A . 6 & White Ex C 0 4 Extra c, Golden 5V4 C Yellow , 5 g SHINGLES, 7 In. 'ft M.. 5 00 4 Common 2 00 Cypress Saps. 50 Cypress Hearts.... ........ 0 00 STAVES, V M-W. O. Barrel.. 8 CO R. O. Hogshead.. 0 00 TALLOW, V ft 4 TIMBER, y M fcetr-Shlpplng-.l? CO Fine Mill Ji 35 a 14 1 45 100 13 & 20 & 23 30 20 00 25 75 75. 318 00 316 00 315 00 5 80 00 1 1 14X 70 a 10. 3 00 3 Mill Prune 7 50 Mill Fair. 5 CO Common MlU ....500 Inferior to Ordinary .... 3 5 WHISKEY, V gal Northern... 3 00 North Carolina.... 1 50 WOOL, V R -Washed 33 Unwashed.... if Buny.. i '4 75 1 SO 00 70 5 6' 5 7 00 3 50 3 5 00 3 7 50 3H00 310 00 3 5 014 00 913 00 3 8 50 9 00(1 000 4 00 5 0C 3 00 35 13 18 HAlTiROAJPa, Ac Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. ANI BItANCUKS CONDENSED SCHEDDLE: MISCEIJJVKEOUSi Carolina Central LtaiIrtad Comj)anyi;3 CHANG K OP SCHKDIJLE! 9 9 3 3 3 9 9 OYSTER ROASTS J AM BETTER PREPARED than ever to accommodate my mends with OYSTERS this season. I will keep none but the Best on hand always MY kTLE GROVE ROASTS a specialty. Every thing overhauled and improved. Oysters ready at short notice and expert ahucker to open n- - Special rates to parties. Give me call and will do my best to please too fcespectfuuy. W. IL STOSXtY, p TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . . . . - Dated Jane 1. 1pJl 63 6"S djo ' ( & a P. M. pTmT A. M. Leave Weldon 12 30 5 43 6 no Arrive Rocky Mount...... 146 710 - r M Arrive Tarboro..... ....i "3 ; Leave Tarboro. lb 20 P M i Arrive Wilson. bittj 7 00 7 43 Leave Wilson t2:i Arrive Selnia 3 40 V Arrive Fayetteviile ?t. boo ...... Leave Golds boro f... 315 7 10 8 35 Leave Warsaw , 410 9,'A Leave Magnolia 4 24 i 8 40 40 Arrive Wilmington. ...j 5 50 i 0fi5 1120 TRAINS GOING NORTH. tA. M. A. M. 1'. M. Leave Wilmington . . 1 12 01 o io 4 m Leave Magnolia., 11 10 34 5 38 Leave Warsaw..1 ....(. 104S 553 Arrive Goldsboro.. j 2 23 1145 0 53 Leave Fayetteviile..... t8 40 Arrive Senna n oo P. M. Arrive Wilson j.1210 Leave Wilson 3 03 12 37 7 47 Ar. Rocky Mount 1 10 j 8 18 Arrive Tarboro .- "2 00 A. M. Leave Tarboro 10.20 P. M Arrive Weldon........ 4:30 2 45 9 30 WESTBOUND TRAINS Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Bianch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. in., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. in., Green vWc tt;00 p. ro. Returning leaves Greenville 7:20 a. m. Arriving Ualltax at 10:10 a. in., Weldon 10:30 a. m., dally except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Local Freight leave3 Weldon 10j30 a. m., Halifax 110 a. m.. Scotland Neck :00 p. nx. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p, m. Returning, leave Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday 9:30 a. mr, Scotland Neck 1:00 p. m., Halifax 3:35 p. m. Arriving Weldon 4:01 p. m. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle & Raleigh R. li. dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M., Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrive Willlameton, N. C, &30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 7.50 P. M., 5 20 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth, mourh. N. c, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., Sunday 9.00 A. M., WUllamston 7-10 A. M., v.boA. jvi. Anive TarDoro, n. ii.30 A. at., ll.?0 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golda Doro, N. C, dally except Sunday, C.O0 A. M., arrive Smlthneld, N. C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smlthneld, N C, 8.00 A. M., arrive UOlOSDOrO, iN. C, V.M A. AI. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Mount at 3.00 P. M.. arrives at nileat 3.40 P. M. , Spring Hope 4.15 Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 Nashville 10.35 A. M., arrive Rocky 11.15 A.M., dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at t.0() P. M and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A.M. and 6.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteviile Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. fi. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South wlll stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.' Train No. 78 makes close connection , at Wel don for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally, weeept Sunday, Ma Bay Line. All tlns run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and nave Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOnN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. - J. R. KENLY, sup 't. Transportat ion. v. M. EMERSON, Gen'l pasficnger Aj;ent. I Sft 41. Mareh 23. l$k Jdallyex. Leave Leave iiamiet . r snnn Leave Wadesboro. i 8 ti pm Sunday. Wilmington 1 3 finpmhs 45 pra Hamlet.....! 7 90 pal X u AO daliyex.kUllyex Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Chariot te. . . Leave Linrolntnn Leave Shelby...... ArrlveRutherfdt'n lo so pm "K3TT dally j 7 io am 'f, ' -5 85 pm 7 .3 pm SSSpm 9 45 p m EASTBOUND TRAINS. f No. 38. I No. M. , NO. .. March's, 180. jdauy ex. 'dally ex fdaliy ex A'Sucday. Leave RutherTdtii Lea ve Shelby. Leave LI ncoln f on . Arrive charlotte. Leave Charlotte... Leave Wadesboro; Leave Hamlet..... Arrive Wllminsfn 6 n am 6 A3 am 8 05 am 13 13 rm Sunday Sanday 8 45 am 'rriTW 05aa v'hi oo am 13 so cm ii ?4im l 30 am SWxa Rocky Nash- P. M. A. M Mount Atlantic Coast Line . p. , Wilmington, Oolnmb & Augnstn li. II. C& CONDENSED SCH EDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTn. Dated Aprils, 1890 No. 33. No. 27. No. 13. P. M. P. M. A. M. Leave Wilmington... 6 15 jo 10 ........ Leave Marlon 9 x " 12 40 Arrive Florence 10 20 1 20, No. ftu No. i A. M. I A. M. A. M. Leave Florence 3 20 . . . . . t 8 25 Arrive Supiter. 4 35 v 35 "1 No. 52. j A. M. Leave Sumter 4 35 1 10 33i........ Arrive Columbia. .... c 15 H 66. No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central IL R. Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. M., Manning p-jm A. M. Train on c. & D. R. IL connects at Fioret-r-with No, 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. I No. 5L i- Xeave Columbia.... Arrive Sumter Lears Somter. Arrive norence Leave Florence Lea v Marlon. Arrive WuinuigtoiL.. P. M. ldH5 11 5S 11 58 A. M. 1 15 No. 7 j & XI 4 ..... C fit Na 59.iNa 53. P. M. r t 37 7 50 P. M. S 20 32 j 8 3v.... No. li. V. -- 8 . 8 55 11 li Dally. f Dally exeeprsuiiday. No. 53 runs through to ciiarlestou. S, C. a Central li. l: arriving Mannms 7:01 p. M Lanes 7:43 P. M.. Chark-ston fc-JU P. M. Na 53 connects at Florence with C. acdD. tram from theraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 11 make close connection it Wii- mlnston With W. . W. H. for nil rvrtinli North Train oa Florence ic It. leave Pee Dee dauy except Sunday 4:40 P. M.. arme Kowmnd llAi P- m. Returning leave RowUnd 6iw a. el. ar nve Pee Dee &5u a. m. Train on Manchester A Ammsta IL R. leaves Sumter dally, except Sunday. 10-JX) a. M..arrle Rlmint 13301 P. M. Keturnlnir leave Rimini 12:15 P. M, arrive Sumter ljo P.M. JOHN F. DIVINE. General Superlnten-r.t. 1. K. KENLY. Asst Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General passenger A dotis Table Board. A FXW GCriXEMEN CAN RZ ACCOMMO Cited with TitCcia ca trp!!eaiioa tf CCHU riii.THJl;D.t,T Trains No. 41 and 33 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via Ral eigh. Trains No. 51 and 54 make close rone action t Hamlet, to and from Kaleigh. t .. . Through Sleeping cars between WBmlriston and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. T. w. WHISNANT, Supcrtmendenr, " F. W. CLARK, Gcnl Passenger Agenu mch4 Atlantic Coast Line. - North-Eastern R. R. ofS. t lu u .1 I vv CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, '89. Leave Florence , " Klngstrec...., Arrive Lanes Leave Lanes , Arrive Charleston.... Na 27. A. M. 1 35 2 29 2 50 3 50 5 00 tfa 33, rM. it c -P. M. Train Na 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. A. M. 9 30 10 55; iiao! 11 30 1 301 p. m7 Na TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 78. Na 14. No. 63 A. M. fP. M. M M. Leave Charleston.... 12 25 M 3fi i Arrtve Lanes 2 45 6 2k 9 Leave Lanes 2 50 o 25 " Ktngstrce 3 10 rt 4fl Arrive Charleston.... 4 20 7' A. M. P. M. A. M. Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train no. 14 connects at Florence with tralc on c. & D. it. il for Chcraw, s. c, and Wauca boro, N. C. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Central R. It. or s. c. Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, C, n.aklng clone connection with W. & W. R. for all points north. 1 , jno. p. divint:, General Suerinterid iit. J. IL KENKY, Ass't Gen'l Manager. t r. m. km ekson, Gen'l Parrenr r Agenu-' my 11 . .. - ' ' - ' ,L WAWTED. AGENTS OP KITH KR HEX THP.OUGHOU Hit United Statt3' to lianalo our eelbralHl 'orn and Bunion t."un Its application af fonls aIrnof;t instant relief, and every box Is accompanied by a f 5 guarantee, which amounc we win forfeit In every instance where our. itrnedy falls to perfect a iermanent Cure. Sample box, 25c; six boxes, tl. We will pay gooi agents f.1 per day to Introduco our good into their section: no postals. For term and part iculara addrcxs tho manufacturers, H. KIIKODER A CO.. . . 104 and 106 North Ada Street, febltlwdAw ChlcagOi III. FOR 1890. o mi Ijr sj.t!Mj!ti MvaztNi wa?a. yo arc deciding upon your reading matter for next season. 1 ho subscription rate Is low $3 oo a year. - The standard of the Magazine is high, lis spirit progressive. , - The iiiuNitrutiona arc IntereRtlng and ot the best. ' There Is not space here to give even a sum-' marv Of the feature tn nnrwar thta nif hnt among ot her things there will te a new de- iaiuuriu aiuiiiuiiai pajtes. aitQ ETonua oi illustrated articles will be devoted to the fol- lowing subjects. -African Exploration and Travel. Life on a Modern War f hip a articles?, Hoir.cs in City , Suburb, and Conntry mMQlngUoxnea through Building Associa - Hons, - , Tho cititt&H Jtrfet," Electricity in ths ntmsehold. Ericsson, the 'InveftMC Pj his Authortxc Blographir. , - - Huntlnr;, . , Dnmorous Artist, Ail?ricfln and Foreign 4 Tleroili t3herlaUi. . Robert iuis Stevenson will contribute , i iw. liJ:h.??hf'ct'- &un w" bo great rs with inkresT. Readers who are latcrested arc urged to send for a prwrectui; frMrreB?ca . I to a Gmlr; $1.00 fcr Fisr Ititl!. Charles Scribner's Sorrs, 743 ii road way. tN.- Ys Jans tf . ' - . j Lime. Lime. LIME in exchJLLse for PROVISIONS LIME' " GROCERIES, LIME i DRY GOODS LIME " " - HARDWARE LIME ( LUMBER, " " CASIL FUEMCU UHU8.,; ept Uocky rotnt Diamond Vera Cura fou dyspepsia. 5 Fortale.by . r. - ftblttf DR. V.V. MILLEK,