- y'j:f . r'toifiiiaM excepted, ,f:r-' ' ,, Tor. t v.:--v1 v'.:'- c--. :.";:J-ri ;J,--.r- ,,'- " I- ,; T.:Vi ---- i. I . . 1 . i I r. VI I ' I I ... ., II 1 .' 1 II - I K Ml.:. II ' ! .i . ' - -; I I II II . 1 .11 ; II . II II II ' i -'rf111 nt the above !j?E'p ffP011 ani 1111(1 MM ; I ,,otL aiost elegant form i .NATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE Of THE"" ' .1 i " FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, ; Umed with the medicin' of plants known to be S bene&ial to the human . Sbl forming an agreeable 4j effective laxative to perma-: : dy cure Habitual -Const!- : Iw on a weak or inactive ; (Qiuonofthe; . ; i,rve ilurD RHfl RflVJFI S ji, tic Kost wcelleit remedy known to T &ttim SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY tie one ii Bilious or Constipated SO THAT MSittOOO. BSFRE8HIMOBLBEP, KWarKl STRENGTH - HATURAaY FOLLOW. Ertrjone is using it and all are JeEghted with it. . ASK YOUR DflUQQIST FOP ; . Vnrnp op pjco-o 1 i HAHOFAOTUHED OKUY BY - fi iTrtTiTT l Vlfl OVT5TTD P 1 lALlrVKniA riu w. SAH fRANCISlu, VAL. ; Forsalebf . . . ',.' KOUEUT B PBLLAMV, r WHOLESALE DKliGGIST, mdi Wllminston, N. U.. Qneed & Co., ptet& Ige stoctr, artistic designs, lowest 1 Sre-rbody invited to call and Inspect a& nac my 13 U ; H. A. Tucker, hlALER Stone. IN GRANITE, MAKIiLK AND Manuiacturer of Cemetery, janentalaal Bulldlne work. 310 North fm Street, WUtaiagtOB, N, c .. Jel7 .. MIAN & V0LLER8, : nnuLMALC iJHALtJW lit ; ( k J TOYislons, Groceries; t: Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, j ; OHJIISSIOX MERCHANTS. Cr. Front ami Dock Stfl Just Arrived ! VfKXLOTOFTqAT FEES II UPOUN- pttTTSR, in small Kits r. fl ALL PEAKS A LL'S, U and 13 So. Water street. ltt AND BEACH HOTEL (i-1R0WN;Manai!2 !Rbar r 'sTuiiy to tne waiiuor tSsuPPed with the-cholcest MBl0 Beach conpeeted with the Webfated Band Wgagwllor ' '-- .1 - n rf wen on the Solid South. ItT ' V . - tKBERT. ZEBOLON ?eo,i "Stt)aclc' Eenry Q. Turner, .MVHaem.: Price f CW. YATES. manaqkr. B. :ljGS ! EGGS ! 11 liivEu TrjI3 M0RKINQ Bj B0AT I00 Dozen Essrs. ; - C?nror Wftta per dozoiu-Also XttPe Wnsigmment of ": - ! A1IttT &R00ERIES. 5a PP. Front street MirVtrJ VOL. XIY W I LM I NGTON , N; C. , TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1890. ? 1KDEX TO KIT. ADtTtBTISBKjrrS v xeed tt CoFurniture ,1 , ;! I r .v ;; 3CKlS UB0TH1B8 DrUJgtStS . ': ' ,W w H k co-bltlJend notice j i Ckonlt t Morris Lota at auction. 1 li W Tatks "Noted men on the Solid South Fifty firtt-tlass hand wanted to make Pants, by the day or piece. Apply at 123 Market street- da ..-Rubber Hose, Lawn: Mowers and Rake of : the latest and most fm proved makes are sold by the N. Ja cob! Hdw. Co. : ' - ! ! Keeprdryxami r you will keep healthy. Umbrellas, rubber coats, fcc.Vat I; SbrierX S. E. corner Front arid Princess streets. ! ' t We really cannot anderstand why the Charlotte papers of Saturday and Snnday should not come to hand before Tuesday morning. ' ! 1 I am Manufacturer's Agent for Barbed and all klnds'pf Wire, Com bi nation Wire and Iron Fences. O r ders solicited. : James I. Metts. t -,. There was a happy crowd of . fish ermen on the Grove yesterday. In all, the catch 'wasV over 3,000 fish, which is the biggest haul yet liyylp. A. large excursiohl party from Winston is expected here'to morrow They go down to Carolina Beach on Thursday and to Wrightsville Beach ofitheFou . V Yith 4Regal7 Paint on your house and 'Plasticd" on your walis,!; your houjewn be Meautiful and your famllyJiappy. Sold by the f. Jacobi Hdw. To , factory agents. t An excellent opportunity is offer ed now. to secure a hdme'lot. For in formation jos toi- When, and where, and how, f see pig od;l of Messrs.' Cronly & MprrisJof auction sale to morrow. . ' ' 3 or 4 years." Mr. James F. Post,- Secretary and Treasurer of the 'Witter Yf,: R. -RM glves nbtice in this issue that h divi dend Of four per cent., payable on the 15th inst., has been declared ' on the capital stock of that company. -. - ; . i New Push and Pull Blind Hinges. Locks the blind when opened or Closed.j; Saves Jabbr and cost of put ting on inside fastenings, which aref not heeded with these hinges. ji Car peuters, it will pay you to examine and use same. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t i fThe freight and passenger agents of the Atlantic Coast Line, the Sea board Air Line and the . Piedmont Ar Line system of railways are in session to day at the- Hammocks. It, is probable (if it. does'nt rain) that the meeting may last several days. ' Tbe' Ladies' .Aid j-Society of the Fifth Street 1UJ E. Church gave an excursion to day to .Carolina Beach It;was very successful, although ad vertised ir but one paper, the Daily Review.- There was a large party oh board this morning and a great many others went down during the afternoon.- i The Fnnd Is Complete. The Encampment Committee met att the Produce Exchange to day and reported progress.' All oflhe amount needed to secure the permanent en campment at Wrightsville has been raised and' Gov. Fowle h as , been notified, by telegraph that the money has been deposited khere, subject to his oier.'-';j;;2;:.';t '-' ' ' . ST: ''':-t. ... ... ! H :, '. - :. . ,. Progress, i ; . . j . t ; It is very important in" this age of vast material progress -that a j rem edy be, pleasing to the Itaste and to the eye, easily, taken,, acceptable . to the stomach and healthy in its na ture and effects; t Possessing these qualities. Syrup; of Figs is the one perfect laxative arid' most gentle diuretie'knbwn. 1 " . Stone,wU Ixdse K. of p. j . An election of officers of this Lodge was held last night, resulting as fol- than Hot Springs. lows:;-. . iryt ' j:'.V' ' ,1 j O. C.--W. E, Perdew. V. C.-vll. Bnrkhiiier. Forecasts. " ! Topsail Tovnihln Primkrr. ! For North Carolina, showers and ! . The primary meeting in Topsail stationary temperature.; Local fore- j' township, Pender -county, was held casts, from 8 a. m. to-day, for f Wil-1 on Saturday, Jane 28th. The meet mington and vicinity,' sho wers and ing was called to order by the chair stationary temperature. : (man of .the Township Executive Committee, Mr. J. C. Nixon. . On motion of Mr. J. A. King,. Mr. L. W. Howard; was made permanent clmirman and Dr. L. L. Alexander secretary The Passenger List T f'-l The steamsliip Yemassee -arrived here this morning from - NeV York witn tne -following list of passengers: ,r as unanimously elected Miss Annie oichee, Miss Uorrie E. of-the meeting. Parsons. Mr. jl Corbett, wife 'arid j The following resolations, offered three children; Mr. McDougald, wifeb M. R. K. Bryan, Jr.; wereunani and two children; Masters A. ParTily adopted: ley, Clayton Giles and : R. C. De-1 We, 'the Democrats' of Topsail Rosset, Mr. SWd and wife, Miss Cut--r Sound in Convention assembled, be en eon, Mrs. G. M. Kennon and two children, Miss Koch, Mr.Turlingtonj Stevens, Miss Myers,: Mrs. Bissen ger and Mr. J. R. Wilkes. x ' Fourth of Jjily Kxcnrslons. Excursions will be given -over the Atlantic Coast Line for the Fourth of July, which will be good to re turn until July 7, inclusive. The tickets will be on sale July 3 and 4. The excursions will .be over the fol lowingjines: Richmond and Peters burg, Petersburg, : Wilmington and Weldon and branches; Albermarle and Raleigh, Midland, N; C; Wil mington, Columbia and Augusta; Florence; Northeastern -of South Carolina; Manchester and Augusta; Cheraw and Darlington; Cheraw and Salisbury; Central of South Carolina. The round trip rate be tween stations on roads name d wil be four cents per mile. BaUl llead Channel. Capt. W. H. Bixby, the 17. S. Eh gineerin charge of the government works on the river and bar, says that "a. recent survey of the. Bald Head Channel at the mouth of the Cape Fear River, shows a clear channel way of at least 2Q0 feet width and at least 1G 3-10 feet depth at mean low water a 1 the way from Southport to the ocean across vthe bars through the new channel. With the exception of three shoik sections, the survey shows a depth of ' 20 feet along this new route.over( the bar. This is 24 feet more depth than ex isted in 1884; and the i indications are that there will be anotfier 2 feet additional depth inside of the next Itegular Beeattas. tour regular regattas are an nounced to be sailed by the boats of Carolina Yacht Club, over the usual course at Wrightsville ( this season. The dates are July 4th at 11 a. m.; July 28th at 4 p. m.; August 0th at 3.30 p. id. ; September 8th' at 3.30 p. m. The officers this year are as fol lows: . ' . ' Commodcre Wm. Latimer. Fleet Captain Norwood Giles. Flag Captain Geo. D. Parsley. . These, with Messrs. J. McR. Cow an, II. M. Bowden and C. W. Worth, constitute the Governing Board. IPurser F. A. Lord. . Measurer T,-MaoRae, Jr. Marshal H. McL." Green. Regatta Cemmittee R. N. Sweet, M. S. Willard, II. N. Parsley. Club House Committee. J., Gause, Owen'.Fennell, Jr., and S. tJowan. . ! - - F. P. i. Prelate C D. Jacobs. ,,. M;at A-G;APetersbh. next . Hot Spring. Have you ever visited Hot Springs? Alas! You-meet while there so many instances of terrible blood poison, evidenced by disfigurement of face and form. Hither, rush suf ferers from scrofula, syphilis,, ecze ma, salt rheum, ulcers, blemished skin, twisted and achiug joint?, limbs made crooked by rheumatism, etc.; etc; Some find relief, some do not and come a ay poor in purse apd grieviously disappointed. It costs money to visit and sojourn at Hot Springs. -The experiment of going there cannot be Indulged in without considerable expense.- How thank ful then , should "every ne be to know there is a remedy even more beneficial in cases of blood poison We refer to Bo tanic Blood Balm (B B B) as to its merits tliousands will testify. -Z. T. Hallerton, Macon,Ga.,writes: contracted' blood poison. I first tried physicians, and - then;, went to Hot Springs. I returned home a rained man physically. Nothing liia iiisvr c nut mjx: iiicmiKu . uc v . , . ., . .. .seemed to do me any good. My Monday night, with the Appointive mother nersnaded uie to trv.B B. oiScers. Female Weakneaa PoaiilTely Cored. - To my utter astonishment every, uf j cer quickly healed." . . "... i Jas. 1. Bos worth,-'Atlanta, Ga., To the Editor:: v. - I . ' - gays: "Some years ago I contract- Please inform your readers that I ed blood poison. - I had no appetite, liave a positive? remedy for the thou- my digestion was ruined, . rneuma sand and one ilkf which arise from tisin drew np my Hmbs, so t c6h6 deranged female organs. I shall be hardly walk, my throat was canter glad to send two bottles of my rem- ized five times. : Hot Springs gave edy fttee to any lady if they will roe no benefit and - my life warn one send their Express and P. O. address. of tort ore until I gave BBBa trial, Yours resnectfallv. DR." J. B.' IIati- and iurnrisinrr as it may . peem, the NO "169. JL-JLl. NEW ADVEIlTISEaENTH. PLSASX NOTICS. we wm be clad to recdTO comraamcit or s -trom our tneass ca'szy tz& m racers general Interest, tmt L 7118 aanae of the writer taaat aiwajs't j Kx alshedtoue zszcar. r com mncicanoais moax be wmtea ca cs!y one side ot the paper. . . Personalities most be avoided, And it is eapecuiir and parUcniany cider- j stood that the Editor does not ;alwaja eafiorxe the vlewi of oorrospondenta aalcas so itaicd to the editorial columns. f NEW ADVBUTISEaiENTS. M. CRONLY, AUCTIONEER. Desirable Unimproved -BY . Sc MORRIS. i - Building Lots at Auction ! t, Utica, N. YT. t R-e of fiye bottle? "rnrra :e." Ueving m the freedom of man and equality of law, and the great doc trine of special privileges to none; recognizing with crave concern for thef uture safety of our free institu tions how far we have deoarted from the just and equal laws of our fathers, by the enormous wealth, of a few millionaires and the wretched poverty of the millions; of toilers; devoted as we" are tothe - maintain enceii of those ancient principles; sensible as we are to the increasing necessity for true and honest ' and capable leaders to Carry forward the stainless banner of our faith, and knowing that we have in our midst a leader, true and tried . and capa ble, who was true to-his -country when war wasted and laid it deso4 late; to his party wlj en-defeat alone awaited it; to the people in the dajrk days as well as the bright,and who is still true and more than everdeserv ing of our confidence and support, be it therefore ' . ' t I Resolved, That we, the people of nis townsnip, nis nie time associa tes and friends,; have watched the Congressional career of Chas. W; McClammy with.delight and pride; that Iris able" opposition' to the tax ing of agricultural products and the behest of millionaire manufacturers, as set forth in : the minority report upon the pure Jeaf lard bill; his stern resistance to,the newly! attempted "demonetization, of silver by - the despot Reed, and his followers, both by vote and speech; his sartirical speech' upon the. McKinley Tariff Bill with which a continent rang; his tribate to' tire gifted Cox, in Which he showed himself to be the peer of. -the most 'eloquent orators who laid upon the- immortal grave their wreathes of immortelles; his bill to loan-liioney to our toil" ig . people at the lowest rate of inter st and thus admit them to the exclu sive privileges so- long enjoyed by tne nanKs una moneyea classes, at the same time providing a fund for the education! of the rising genera tion and furnishing a volume of legal tender currency sufficient for our business needs, thus giving higher values ; for our products so long below the cost of production, enabling us to pay our indebtedness in money of a value like that in which it was created, ;a measure in our judgment unapproached and unapproachable by any yet propos ed for our relif4:and in fine,-whose every act consistent with his past devotion to .the people's welfare and power have forever enshrined him in our hearts, and we humbly pledge him our most grateful support, and instruct our delegates, from the township in both connty and Con gressional conventions to vete al: ways for Chas. W. McClainuiy' as our , only choice for Congressman from. the Third North Carolina District.-. : ' : ;;( . ;- ' . On motion, "j the following' dele gates : to I the j County -Convention were uuimously elected: R.. K. Bryan, Jr., J. C. Nixon, W. C. John ston, Andrewj Garrasori, Jos. W. Salisbury J L. H. McClammy and Dr. L. L. Alexander. ; A motion to instruct delegatesto vote for E. T. jBbykin for Judge was miauimousiy adefpted. ' A motion to elect a township exe cutive committee vs as adopted; and the following gentlemen were elect" ed : J. C. Nixon, Peter Batson, An" drew Garrasoii, .Newton Salisbury Dr. L. L. Alexander-- A motion to have f het'e proceed ings and resolutions published in the Wilmington . papers and B urgaw Herald was unanimously adopted. The meeting then adjourned. ,. Wllminston District Third Quarterly ' Meetlne. 'i , -; Bladen Street, June 20. (Grace Church, July 5 and 61 i'" Sampson Circuit. Hall's, July and 6. -4 . Kenansville s Circuit, ,. Richland?, Julv 12 and 13. Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, Dist. Conf., July 19 and 20. Bladen Circuit, Soules' Chapel, July 2G and 27. ; Filth Street. August 2 and 3. ' darver's Crek Circuit, IShiloh, Aug. 5 and C j ' Cokesbury Circuit, McNatt's, Aug. 9 and 10.' , I Clinton Circuit, Goshen, A'ug. 16 and 17! Elizabeth Circuit, Pender, Aug. 23 and 24. -. . - i . ' . . ii Waccamaw, Aug. 28 and 20. . Whiteville Circuit, Cerro Gordo, Aug. 30 and 31. ; i - : , . ! F."D. SwiSDELJU.P. E. . on Qdnesday next (July at 13 o'clockm., vewill sell upor the premises, that valaa We and desirable piece of Land, situated upon the East side of Eighth, bstweea Docic and1 . Orange streets, beginnlngr 70 feet Ji mh from the N. E. corner of Etsath and Orange streets! : and running thence Northwardlylli feet, said 112 feet to bj divided Into 3 lotst, fronUng re. spectlvely upon Eighth street 3J, 40 and 3 J feet, running back Eascwardly 75 ieer. Also, an- -other piece of Land, situated upon the West tide or St. James street (Immediately in rear of the above) 103 reet North from the NJ W. corner of St. James' and orange streets, and run-?" nlng thence northwardly 112 feet, to be divided into a lota, fronUng respectively upon St James' street33, 40 and 30 feet, running back Westwardly H feet. ? i - t . WocPcSiSaiE. t:clt7 andthln one V Tenfh'Src&Ts N- E.coWrot - PLOT OF TUE ABOVE rHOPEKTV. ' v . ST. JAMES STREET. 33x73 . 39x75 '40x75 : ' ! ' -.-4 . -j- - . . : ' - . -, '. - -.""!, "("- '. '" . -y. ' ''! !..-!!! ' .-. '.. . .. ,f , - -t " J arffeMMBMBMBBBBaaMM MHHaMHBHHMBMu ' - . .. ' : .'.'.!' : t 7 ' .. :r lr?-- " ' - -.: '.- - " :- - . " ". r-j'a-r: I . 30x75 j "40x75 33x75" "--" ..' i .' ' . . f -- :'"" : " ? .-:- - ' -" " ' .t ' . ' . . . . .' .rr , ; f j EiQiiTn street. . '. ' ' - By Steamer To-Day, A COMPLETE LINE OP LACTOPEPTINE Preparai lolis, Lfqufd Peptonold3 and Phbs-pho-Caffeln compound. . . i MUNDS BROTH KRS, 101 N. Front street. GOl N. Fourth St.! jyltf - ; v t - : ; - . it- ORFIOE OF TflE SFPRLTARY AND TREAS' OF TllfC WELDON AND W.,C. SrA. R. R.rO.S Hood's Sarsaparilla is in favor with all, classes becahne It combines economy; and 'strength. 100 Doses i WltMIXGTON, N. C, JUl'y ISt, 18P0. rrUIE BOARD OF DIItECTORS OF THE 1 Wilmlngrton & Weldon Railroad-Co.. hare declared a dividend of four (4) per cent, on its Capital Stock-, payable on the 15th inst., to all holders of record of this date. . J" ! The Trans rer Books will stand closed from July 1st to July 15th, 183a ' ; - ' - JAS. F. POST, JR , , jy not Treasurer W. & W. R. R. Co. - ' V., 0! ternebns. TAKE A SPIN ; " j r . - - , I ...il! N THE TURNPIKE THESE FINE AF- We can furnish you with the means for doing so. i ' ' We've got good HORSES, lightjcomfortable VEniCLES and, when desired, careful prtv.- ,--r ; ' i . ; - -. ) -.-! - ers. Our charges are; moderate and we try hard to please our customers. i - ' . - -rl ; R. C.ORRELL, ' ' Llveryjand Sale Stables, api;9.tf cor. TlilrdXandTrlncessSt s . , Not at All Necessary IO CARRY YOUR PROVISIONS OR LUNCE '1 1 !,!. i to Carolina Beach as there is a ' First-Class Family Grocery; there supplied with everything. the market - r - . - r !..-.' . -affords and sold at city prices, ; . All Kinds of Canned Goods I FOR LUNCH AND PIC 2JIC PARTIES ; i : - i i I - ' . f and everything else that goes to make up a lino lunch.. ;, ! 1 . Full supply of ICC always on hand. ! . The residents ot CAROLINA BEACII will Hhd it to thpir interest to deal with me as I will keep on hand;eTerythlng In the Grocery and Houselyeplng line. 7 j . WANS A. KUUG, Je7tf f j' PROPRIETOR. "To catch Dame Fortune's golden'smilo ! , Assiduous wait upon her . : And gather gear by every wila -' . -That's justified by honor. Not for to hide it In a hedge w "V Not for a train attendant; But for the glorious privilege - v " -'" ! of being lndependenw ; . . -. yd 'man ran feel jndrpentlent Who pays rear . i 't secure a Home and be your own landlord Why pay renfwhen the same money.wili htiy you a home. Houses and lot3 In desirable and . healthy localities and building lots on thd ' prominent streets of .the city for' sale on the ' INSTALLMENT PLAN. Satisfactory time given. Money loaned to those- wlshlncr Jo build. Apply to. .ttOI JAMES WILSON, t Jesigw , . office of P. O'Connor." Bargains ! Hargains IMJargains LADIES' SLIPPERS Trr iAND-i.;-. . - ' Gentlemen Low Quartered - - , Ladles opera Slippers 50c .'.I '.- " . ' . Ladles' Lace Oxford Plain Toe, 75c ladles' Lace Oxfords.Pat. Leather Tlps,fl.rxt Ladies' Lace and Button Oxfords, $ 1.23.' "" t ' Gentlemen's Low Shoes in all the latest. i : ; -' - ..... . styles at marveUous LOW PRICES. ' , ' . r. . . .... - . - P m Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 Nor tli Front Street. (Opposite The Orton.) Je 23 tf FOR CAROLINA BEA0H AND SOUTHPORT. : SPECIAL NOTICE ! UI PRIVATE STOCK 1S7 RYE Iii UN- " ! - . . - . o ' st WHISKEY sold la tne O doubteidly the South toMay. BelovV1 you will llnd a few out of many letters which we receive anl notice well what they contain: . v Brown & Brown, druggists, of Winston, say; "The Pnvate Stock; T6, gives entire satU f action to our customers, and we.thlnk It is a One medicinal Whiskey.' r ' If. Rose, also of Winston, writes us as fol lows: . : j, ' . I . . :' ' I "The 'Private Stock? i Whisker 1 bought thrfugh your Mr. Simon has proved a success and will keep- it hereaiter as my leadlhg brand.- . ; c .:. i ; j. A. Burns L Co., of Fayettevlilej hate !Ms to sa: ' - ' , 2 . : . 1 "I have used your new brand of 'Private Stock, 1S7C Rye Whiskey and will say that 1 am well pleased with it and that It 1 all you recommend it to be. My customers prfer this brand to all others." Brunliild,SimQri & Go,, 111N. Dealers tn Liquors, my 30 tf Vroutht., Cigars and Tobaccos. For Sale. LliS. OLD TYTi: A1ETAL, CLEAN wm w ecid crrap, 1.000 iu la cool condition. THE 8YLVAN GUOVC JTJEAVES WILMINGTON AT h30 A. M. AND i ao p. m. Returning leaves the Beach at 12.30 and 6 p. ro. On Tuesdays and Fridays leave at Jh30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and Sp.ro, The last train leaves the Beach at 9 p. m. on Tues days and Frida s -The PASSPORT will leave for Konf hnort at th30 a. m.. and for Carolina Beach at 5M0 p. m. Every day in the week except Sunday. Season reduced rate .Tickets for sate at the 'office or on board. '. - r1 Fare Saturday 25 cents fcr the round trt p. 3. W. HARPER. Je 17 tf y. Manager. Ca! I at Freeman's. QS LL ON ARCHIE FREEMAN, AT CAIIO- II na Beach, where you can . get a- Dinner or Supper from 25 to 40 cents. Pic nlc parties , and excursionists can be famished with Fried Fish at 5 cents apiece. f - . ARCHIE FREEMAN, Je28 lw . . . Carolina Beach. . tn CO w CO w CO W H Hardwares flMNWAUE AND CEOCKJOiV. ; ;W..E. SPRI NCI EK CO, Inrcners ar.l JohXsrrs - ' riwi 1'.::::.

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