if excepted. r on month. 35 cent. Three 2 -Brer f carriers,! r. Ls ,,se report w y A.X T . r vrt-.nor rezuiany. I - . . - 1 i . i i : ,M;Jl,T V 11.1 V Y we will t tfad to reoclra coxosaunlcat pcs from oar mends on ay an ail norectt ceneni lareat, Dot : The name ot the witter coast artr&ya niaaed to ma Jtmor. C; U: 3 point . CommnnlKAUnn1 mnr tw irtrM tin vntVJis A one aide or in paper. ai WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1890. NO 171. aB t ; m - " 'It may Cower to pas?," said ah There was a very large crowd on ; the Grove this morning: bound .for Carolina Beach and. a good time ' generally. S i I .-j Canteloupes are somewhat more plentiful and slightly cheaper. They , sold this morning at $ 1.50 a dozen ' for the best. . : i' British lecturer lately, "that some African may, in centuries to coihe, point out liqwa race of Englishmen mce ueminareu tne west indies, and were improved off the face of the .and." Such fears are real enough. Inl853 there were in tWoss i inlands 4,500 -Europeans to 1,500 Af ricans. t Rubber Hose, Lawn Mowers and SNA -A. f ....nvw.onu.o 1 r.rnt- !,r0FCAUFORNIA, Lt; Willi to the human in 18UU tne numoers weru l ;h . . . . ' . . .. 30v000 Europeans and 300,000 Afri- j uaKes pi tne latest ana most -im-I cans. In thb last census the figures ! Proved makes are sold by the N. Ja- wre 14,433 Europeans, 109,946 col-' com aw- orel, or inulattoes, 444,186 Africans 12,240 Asiatics I ; I Forecasts. For Jbforth Carolina, showers and stationary! temperature. Local fore castsl froni 8 a. in. to-day, for Wil mington and! vicinity, fair, slichtly cooler weather.- Personaijaet tansi ba aTollM, i Ati4 it is especially ani ptrticuuriyj stood ttxat Uxe JEOltor docs nofalirara cnrie tbe; vleira of oorrespoodessa oalesa aa In the Prtltnrlat minn-iT . i diinal an agre (Sctive laxative openna- U cure liawmai At. .flinv ills de 4 r.wc tnown to oe eec er Ion r-' 4 4t, tnnnv HIS ae- (Sn a weak or inactive CSofthe LiVtRHDB0WEl5. Uttttma tmemur r :.p;t;mer Constipated I IM CB -" I c- THAT . . . ITB&MU n "TURAUY FOU.OW. rrone is using it and all are feted with it. r8 ..minrjcTrna KTAJK Col, Will fain -J. Northen has in vited the -iron. Thomas Hardeman, his principal, competitor for the nomination for Governor of Georgia, to a joint discussion, to be held in such section j( the State and under such directions as may be agreed iiiion by mutual friends. Col. Nof- then says he will condu jt the cam- l T- ? i i " a r paign on w iiign piiiiit, uiiu, iruui his knowledge of Col HardemaiPs character as a. gentleman, feels assured that such a canvass would not engender strife nor occasion ill- feeling betvteen them. Cucumbers axe, almost dead in the market now. You can buy two big ones for a cent. And still the small boy is not happy. j j j . i j Keep dry and you will keep healthy. Umbrellas, rubber coats, &c, at I. Shrier's, S. E. corner Front and Priricess streets. ' . t And how would you like to have been there? I We iuean in New York. on Tuesday lastwhen we are told j ination Wire and Iron Fences Villa v l&JwY Ctt4lit9 wi uviiiii a j paid out by There were rains yesteTday along the line of the W. & W. R. R. as far North as Weldon but Jtliey were not general, only here and there. J Mr. John C. James came down from Richmond last night i and this i i i morning embarked .on the steam? ship Yeluassee for New York. -rs I amf Manufacturer's "Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Coin- Or-t It is very important intbis age of vast material progress' that a remr edy be pleasing to the taste and to the ey,' easily! taken, acceptable to the! stomach and healthy in its na- Hure and "effects. Fossessing tiiese qwM,Xr?Tt$p of J Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic'knowh. i -11 T the Ye in as see. t ' - ; ... . Steamship Yeraassee sailed this morning a!t 6:30 o'clock for New ibrk with a large treight and the following list of passengers: Miss Lizzie Owens, Miss Cora Gibson, Dr. W. J. Lovei Miss T. L. Smith; Mrs. Johanna Diiles, R. C. Jones, Mr. Barentine, Mr. Gayord, F. S. WaU cott. John C. James, Mrs. J. H. I -AKUfACTyHEDOKtYBY i . UUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BOtfEKT R UEliliAOli, WH0LKSAI.E DKVGIJIbT, f V amounting dends, on amounting Sneed & Co., T rrTshB TO KXOXVILLE FURNI- CO., foafueast corner Market and Second Ui. ijryestact. artistic designs, lowest n lTfrjt)oajlivUedtocall and Inspect ii . yx nac iny uu the banking and other financial institutions on iuU -t and dividend account. It I t ted that over $100,000,000! was v , in I eluding theseuii-annual iuterest on $2,000,000,000 in railroad bonds rut AAA AVt a r.l livi.- $806,000,000. in stock, to $15,177,500. Besides thpse amounts S8.000.000 was also due as interest' on United State bond, white the interest on city unci State .bonds made up a total said to be the largest in the flnan- cial historyjof the country. The Electoral bill has passed the House and how goes to the Senate. It could have been nullified there but for the criminal carelessness,of Hvt. Democratic members who -' 1" 1 a' - ' . ! . ii . j Tliere will be no paper issued from mis onine to luorrow, uecuuse ui i th fact it is the glorious Fourth and we always take a holiday then. About 300 excursionists came in late yesterday afternoon from Win- 'ston. They took! in Carolina lieach to day and will go down on the Sea- coast road to morrow. null V IV Vfll .T sho'J hayfr been in their seat?, "and WHOLES A LK DE.4LEKS IN misions, GrocerieSj ligors Tobacco, Cigars, AND WDIISSIOX MERCHANTS, Cr. 1'ront mutl Dork SI., WILMINGTON, N. u. Just Arrived ! i - SO LOT OF THAT FRESH UP-COUN- 7KTTZS,inkTiaii Kits, at UALL & PEAKSALiye, 11 mm 13 so. Water Street. W) BEACH HOTEL 'A. BROWN, Manager. a" iVIXr, LEASED TI1E ABOVE NAMED are as folloivs: - Ashbel V. Fitcii, oi New York,hVilliam G. Stahlnecker, f Kan Vnt-k. .Tason B. Brown, of V w wm - - J ' Indiana. J. H. O'Neal, of Indiana, w tt ICrfiln. of Texas. . The New " r . York Herald says: Tim Tiprriocrats have themselves to thank fo the defeat to-day of the amendment - onerea oy mr. m- hnoii KPnnn lean, ui non This amendment was calculated to wf b dfiral Electoral bill a fatal blow by making the law raanuatory and applicable to every Congression al Districtjin the country. It was ' a s . ctimilrl this tira 1 1 tint orcTiirai Liia.li diiuuiu t be adoDted many Re mUMar,a trnnld -turn in and help j va va WM F ' - . . . i m a-.Al.VkSlt An Ii O the Democrats Deat uio um final passage, being unwilling io see such a sweeping measure pass and be applied to Northern and Western constituencies. TherA wits, therefore, the deepest interest in this vote oh this particu- hich was redou Re v Dr. Creasy, of t his ci ty will till the appointment of the Presiding Klder, Rev.'.-F. I). SwindellJ at Hall's Church on the Sampson Cirduit, on Sunday, theGth inst. M Two more new cottages arrived from Favetteville and were carried . i to Carolina Beach to be put up for parties from that city who will sninj mor it at Carolina Beach, i Strange, R.1B. Miller. i ; The Body Found. The body of Mr. Frank Meltom who was drowned yesterday at the foot of Dock street, as published by us yesterday, was recovered this morning by Larry Lowe, colored, the famous j body finder, with the drag fashioned by himself. Coroner Jacobs viewed the body and decid ed, under the circumstances, that no inquest was necessary and con sequently none was held. A per mit was thereupon issued j for the interment of the remains. sailed by'Capt. Willie At- .j:" tineuammocia. I am pre- TTP supplied with the choicest Stli5T?v?fKTCat interest in the vlcln- jarucniues, nnrlTalled fishing-, "aid withe Beach connected with the Ur ebrated Band ZEBCLON B. Henry O. Turner engagea for I J. A. BKOT7N,' MANAGER. JW Men on the Solid South. tJT A- HERBERT, A i .ir r. Jones. Wn. J. Wilson. Geo. Iaos: und others. Price L25. L C W.YATES. niinistrator's Notice. iSiS10 HAYING QUALIFIED Ss ?r ot estate of F, J. "w'ela hereby given to all wmSLL0?.011 aealnst said estate to ,,, a 0r before Hay 1st. 1S91, rVxOtttrJf 'Paded in bar ot the !fettr Administrator. John WarnAi IvlS BIT ONE, AND I1K HOLDS "sx inT.n. lun Ci5, Bnarp razors ana oieauier To-Day, LIKK o r lr-roTtVrTvrc fyjjssjp1" rhos- Jrm atatrceu eoi n. rourth fet. bled by thetfact l that it was known that many Itepufclicans were absent, and some, it is said, intentionally so. Somie Democrats were alsb absent; but it was (certainly expected that these Democrats; who were present in uk'ntxr hvrtnld - take the trouble to be on hand and help compass' the defeat of a tneasure so iraugui wim peril for their party's tut are. But in fhfe expectation the party (UfiHnpd to bitter tus appointment: Ashe roll was called j Democrats failed to answer to tneirl names, who were known to oe in uie city, nor d d they m ase lueirar nearance tnitime ior iue rKvu.yi"" tion "of - the) vote. -The result was veas 133. nays 138, a majority of six against the amendment.: Many Democratic members were absent and paired who might jnst as wp I have been nere. rui ior who were and failed vote there seems With "Regal" Paint on your house and "Plastico" on your walla, your house will lw? beautiful and your family happy. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co , factory agents. . The pulpit of Grace M. Church will be filled next Sunday morning and evening, by Rev. F. D. Swin dell, it being the third quarterly meeting for the present Conference year. i Rev. W. S. Creasy. D. D., will preach at the Market Street Metho dist Mission, corner Princess and Eighth streets, this evening at 8.15 o'clock. The public are coraiany irivitetl. We are requested to state that, in consequence of the tide, the regatta at Wrightsville Beach will take place to morrow at 11 o'clock. The yachts will report at 10 o'clock and the start will be made promptly at 11. ' the To-Morroiy'ii Regatta. The following yachts have enter ed for i the regatta of the, Carolina Yacht Club,! which is to take place over the Wi'ightsville course to-mor- row: j Loplie, kinson. j . Francis Marion;- sailed by Capt. W. N. Harriss. j , I Lillian Florence, sailed by Capt H. M. Bowdeu. Phantomjsailed by Capt. John K. Williams, i. Pirate, sailed by Capt Norwood (files. ; f MascotteJ sailed by Capt. Geo. D. Parsley, Sri f Peggotty, sailed by Capt. T. Wright Meares. j .... 1 j I. Q. O. Fa Hating Arc Xnuipa. In consideration of the recent dis cufsion of the electric light question in this conntry,' the following para- and graph, clipped from an editorial in the Electric Worlil. of June 2 1st, on A the candle power of arc lamps, will proveintereting: Why do we con tinue the old and guileful method of rating are lamps- by i their so-called candle power? In the first place, there is no conventional direction in Which the light should, by common consent be mcasuretU and even if there! were, the distribution of the light is not taken into account. In the second place, everybotly knows well ehough that the alleged 2,000 candid power lamp seldom or never gives even 1,000 measured' in any useful, direction, while its more mod est competitor, the 1,200 candle power lamp, actually gives less than 500 elTective. candle power. The nominal ratings have come to be mere trade names that do but serve to deceive and only .create contusion. sam .Tones in Norfolk. The reported rough treatment of Sam Jones in Norfolk is now denied. A correspondent of. the Danville Register says,: " --'The Tabernacle is on the corner of the street, the cars run by it, and the disorder con sisted in the car bells ringing, drays passing and lemonade venders talk ing in their effort to sell. The street car company promptly removed the bells from the horses. The authori ties stonned the wacrons, &c, dur- ing the services and the. lemonade vendors mo fed farther away. Th'erv? has-b'een no imlignitj of any kind of fered Mr. Jones and;to day a 'majority of the people of the twin cities are his friends, as. far.' as I can judger Three fourths of the -people., of all denominations who have no -church' affiliations are with him. I have never witnessed a more signal triumph of the Gospel than the ser vices; today. The men's meeting surpassed any in n umber jand power that it has eyb'een' my good for- I w v atv m.w mwmmm n M n a I A m . A FREE TRIP TO EUROPE; i'nE rUliUS-H ER OF "THE VJlJXAVI&x'IX Europe rbtho II I - UKEX" will clve a tree trip to person senauiff tne largest number of! words name or lueir we u Known Jinsps74ne, "TIIK CAAIIA Additional Prizes cdnsl3tlos or Oliver Tea Sets, Gold WateSes, ' rhlna Dinner sets, I'ortlere J Curtains, BlUc " Dresses,-3lantel Clocks, and many other use- ; fni and valuable articles win also be awarded in order of merit. . j i j Vebtterrs L'nabri'lced Dictionary to be ubed i as authority In deciding: the contest, - j ' This la a popularplan of introducing a pfop- -ulr publication. Every one sending a I list of not less than ten "words will reeelre a present. r Enclose thirteen 3c stamps for Illustrated : 1 Oataiosrue ot present and three monthps Vial Buosenpnon io "Tne oueen. THE CANADIAN OUEEN. i i f J tf " Toronto; cnt. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, ' . - MAYOR'S OFFICE, - - Wn Mij0T0. N. C, June 5SUiJ 1S&X y-ILL BE KECE1VED AT TUE MAYOR'S: Offlcc until 12 o'clock M., JiUy 5tb, proilmo,'; !:. :--' " -if1- - - for removing bushe3, stumps, ,&c.. Q-onyall j unopened streets of the city, between Mars-. ; tella and Hilton st reets Inclusive.' Particulars furnished upon' application to this office. JNO. J. FOWLER, - 4 lec0 2t mon tiiu Mayor. oh maE OF TDESECRlaTARY AND TJREA7 - OF.tns -1 Wl L. WELDON AND W..C. A A. K. R.Cq.5',' - i; WlLMIKGT0N,N.O.uiyl$tlsii. riUlK HOARD OF DIRECTORS ' OV TltE I I Wilmington 4: Weldon Railroad Co. Have declared a UivMcnd of four (4) per cent, -on lryf capital Stock, payable on tho lstu Jnst,., toi aJV j .lintilfr nf roonrrt of this date. i . H i. The Transfer Hooks will 1n1.tr let 1 r Inl l- 1 -,t h' 1U1M1 IUU 1.11; U UU1J WUI,,;jln. I a i fj IP. - . J V .1 ,- J , V jylior - TrWisurcr AV. & W. it.-it. f-icvt. stand clodfKtftt -1"' i t 8. 'I Carolina Beach SCHEDULE FOR THE FOURTH. ; tune were aros to parti oil in. It was es timated that not less than 8,000 113 en present. The vast audience as a man in expression of dis- approval of the course of the editor of the Virginian." IJucklen's Arnica Salv. TVia Rpst Saive in the world for Cuts; Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Fever Sores. Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all SYLVAN GROVE leaves Wllmlnjton At -aJ m.. 2.i p. m. and 8 p. iit.-"-- 1 PASSPORT leaves Wilmington at lo.rjn a. m. and ft. 15 n. m. Train leave3 lieach at 12.H0 p. m., fi.00 p. rn. anaD. in. ' ' A pleasant trip on the river. Quiet enjoy ment at tne jieacn. music una uancine. dellirhtful t;oncort by tho oerraania Corner. Band in tho afternoon, with a toneertahd reworks at night. jy 2 St . Bargains ! Bargains I Bargain -IN ft Officers of Orion Lodge No. 67, IjkiniEruptibhs, and positively cures eot- Piles! or no Day required. Itisguar- time for th4 no excuse. ! T?av P! G. Wheeler, one of inost prominent Baptist divines of the Pacific Coast, who was in com mand of the European tour of dele gates to the World's Convention last year, in London, is in this city, the guest of Mr. John C, Davis. ! i au- Push ami Pull Blind Hinges. Locks the blind when opened or Closed. Saves labor and cost of put ting on inside fastenings, which are not needed with these hinges. Car penters,Jt will pay you to examine and use sara e. N. Jacobi H d w. Co. t iL.Tl.Af! fT&yTv. R. R. Cc. are were installed'at the regular meet ing as follows:. N. Gj N. F. Brandt. ,'. VGi Geo. Smith . ' -Secretary J. M. M. MeGowan. P. S.j H: p. Cxaig, - ,f Treasurer-i Jno. L. Dudley. Conductor G. H. Ward.- ; Warden J. E. Silva; Jr. I. G. B. F. Kanoy. O. G. C D. Morrill R. S.' to N.' G.-J. M.- Branch. h. S. to N.-.G. C. W. Stuart. R. S. B. Ebbin Piner. L. S. S. W. P.James. Chaplain W. S. Hewlett. The V. G. reserved the appoint ment of his supporters until next meeting. j This Lodge is nourishing finely and has 11C members in good stand- Piles, or no pay required. Itis guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, wholesale and fatail druggist- LADIES' SLIPPERS L -AND- N E W A DVEUTI8 EftlBNTSr When walking through our town . In search of somcthlag nice to eat. No matter where you're bound Pass down Sbun Front street. Half way down the second square A large brick store you'll see THe people buy their Groceries there From 13. P. tJWANN. One hundred and eighteen Is the number on the door; The nice things you are looking for Are in that very store. Walk in ! and you will find ms stock Is most complete, Best quality of Goods, And the prices can't be beat. tf D&W opp. Front street .Market. Jy3 University of North Carolina .a ' " ' ' . . ''It' bentiemen s low. yuarterea Ladles opera Mlppcrs 50c. ! . - ' ' . ; ' . . -'.V' - liftaiCS' J-ll U UAIWJ US, 1 liUU XUV, - ft. ; LaWes' Lace Oxfora'at. Leather Tlp,$ft(.i La!dies' Lace and Button Oxfor J3, S1.23. ; r Oentiemen's Low Shoos' in all ' tho lateit styles at marvellous LOW TRICES. . . ! 4 ' - 1 Geo. Ri Erencli & Sori, 108 North Front Street!. (Opposite The orton ) ; 8 Je 23 tf ing. Vo Hazard s rredictlou. Frouii information -gathered here The Fall Term OpeiiH Hept. Tuttiott, $3t. 4. n rnwn anu uokuw'u to reach tne iapnoi in y...At am 0,1C f Point to bej i 11 1 1 1 h ic " ' float that will hold Hve freight cars, which is to be useq in conveying the cars to the com pany's wharf at the foot j of Mul berry street, where they will be unloaded. ! rharmacy, and other Classical, Phllosophical,jLiterary, Scienttac. SDeslal courses In Chemistry, Clrll and Electrical Engineering, studies. Separate schools oi Law and Medicine, whose students may attend the University lectures.- Address ! HON. K CM I jF3tf 1 BATTLE. LL.D.. President, Chapel Hill, N. O. A eood Sha Four ot the best Barbers in arp razors WTtNKII. The German Barber, .S Market afreet.' M ak . 1 That firml feelincrtnow so Often heard of. Is entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which giyesi mental and; bodily strength. IKDX TO VkW ADTaTRTtSKlf atKTS JB F SsrANN--Orocertes SNrsn & ,Co-Furnlture Mcds BaotHs Druggists K P Battlx University of North Carolina CAX4WVN MAaiHHt-A re tnp to kurope C w-YATOJfoted.mtnootUiA SolW South r tiioro wft hnrard an opinion as l r. " '7: , UR REGULAR COURSES OF STUDY, IO Hie voie iur vyuuicoo v j-, candidates in the Third .District The number Of votes, in the. conven tion to which each county is entitled is as follows:. Bladen, 29; Ctimber- 1 ..1 Ki. -nnnlin AJI- tflmtfl. J2H'l 1U1U VTV, A -, . J-a- a--TT "a MoorV,:36; OpsloV,! ?Gf Pendef, Wayne, 56; Sampson," 50. ; This 4s a total of 341 votes ami it reqoitesJTl to nominate. Our hazard js, this: 153 votes for nicujammy, iuo iwuru and 85; for Aycock on first ballot. Maj. McClammy will thus lack but 18 votes of a nomination and we think.it likely that he wjlffget these, in tbe.second ballbt. for we -believe that nearly all of Sampspnnd all of Duplin and Wayne will rally to his .ciinnrt as roou as it is demon ?To catch Dame Fori une's- gotOen5anlM Assiduous wait upou uer And gather gear by nd gather gear by every wll That's justified by hoitor. Not for to hide It in a uodge,. Not fOr a train attendant. But for the glorious privilege, of being independent. -Sa7 T ' ' ' -V ' " X'i itvin mn feel inH ?je HdetU wliO paj rcJTl Fecore a Home- and be jour ovn landlordi Wily Ipay rt-nt when the saiae moncy.rlU buy you a home. Houses and low In deslrabie aafl healthy, localities and building, lot on the prominent streets of the city for sale n tha I NSt ALLM ENT PLAN. Satlsf actory time dven. Money loaned' to those wishing ito Je 24 2w oniceof V. o-uonoori 4: THE HEWLETT HOUSE. ;! ! i '- :' ;ivi'H Y FRIENDS AND THE FUBLIU ea At 1 o'clock to day the thermome ter in this office registered 90 degrees. If we bate fair weather to morrow Wilmington will itself. literally empty '- to Twcnty-foar Trains To-Morrow. w;il oi rrn.irm nn the Sea a lllv a . " tU V to coast Railroad on the Fourth, leav-' gtaated that Mr. Aycock is out of it mg here at G.45, 9.30 and 10.30 a. ' and that the race will lie between and 1.0D. 3,00, 3.10, 4.50, C.10, 7.25, 8.30 . Maj McClammy and Col. Green. 9.35 and 10,40 p. ui. Trains from the Hammocks wi.i loarp nt 7.40 and 10.30 a. ni. and 1.00, ' female Weakneaa PolllT1y Cured. To the Editor: Tlpai Inforiu vour readers that i2.0r, 3.30, 4.50, 6.15, 7.30, 8.30, , have a jKsiuye . remedy or i-- . - mn. . f- J n (V) n m ' : SUUU ami UUC Ills' nuim . V 10.45 and L 11.80 P . m. . ideranged female organs. ; I shall le Trains leaving here ai 9,30 up J viad to send two bottles of my rein 4 30riUKO directly throogh -with Qjy FREK to any lady if they, will ' . t I ai. nn ..1 t ( o f ll roes uifW fi'tlass hands wanted to out stoppnir? ai any 1 I r rVn X t r r ?.r a n- make Pis. by the day or piece, side of Wrightsrflle. All trains wi.ij nsTTutlWj. t Apply at 122 Market street., t: !etop at. WrishtsTille. v- . - i. v ' IN EFFECT JULY 5TH. Leave Wilmington C:45 and U:30 a. in.. 2:50, 5)0, 7 KX) and 9:C0 p. m. 'Leave Hammocks . 7:40 and l:yU a. m., Am, CK), 8.-00 and 10K p. m. Trains leaving- here at 9.30 up to 4.30 will go directly through with out stopping at any stations t hi side of Wrightsville. ) All trains will stop at Wrightsville. r T ; . Gen'l Manager, iWilmington Seacoast R. H. jy2tf . ; eraiir are resDectfuRy noli Tied that I haye mideextenslre additions to premises' at swllchbacfe StaUoc, Wrightsrillo Beacli, and am fimr nrenartd to ! aCCCOinmOdate -tlMrta with the best of cveatlilnjj. . . a- resh Fish, bolt Crabs, Deviled Crabs, td rr-idron the arrival of every train. Bar in the rear and separate an4 dl3tln4t rom the dinrJn? room. rny satf . ' JAS. A. HEWLETT. 1' Hardware 1INWAUK SOT AND CROCKEliV. " .W.E. SPRINGES & CO., :' Im porters .-uvi Johbcrs; PurceniJGlliln. us