f ,7 " uTfL r .J.rC"Ifa.Mnfc Fever, 0 SPECIFIC Ho. r t rm ii Mil ii if i wVilal Weakness, -u,i " ,v or other CtSM. 1 .60 iiETECTIVES i l . .1 . 1e,r Fats Retor Qrtf 5 "J Pmmer TJterary roiion. ; Almost crery pn'a sUrtifixiff Jfta- tho Btrnrmer taies -soma readiifar matter, it i n book out of the library, or . oft the Dooiotana, or bought of the boy hawfc. ing books through the cars. I really be lieve, there is more-trash read among the intelligent glasses- in- Jnly and -Angnsf than in all jthe other ten months of the yearj. , Menjand women who at home would not . be satisfied with a.book that was not xeally enble; I fthd eittlna'on hotel piazzas or under the trees readinz dooio tne inaex or winch would make them blush if they knew that you knew t..i it., t.'.-i. - . . -.i .. . . wxiub liits uook was. "ua. tuev sav. "you must have intellectual recreation.' Yes, there i no need that you jtake along into a waienng' place "Hamilton's Meta- phyncsj" or .-some, xmderou discourse on the eternal decrees, or "Faraday's Philosophy.1! There are many . easy boo 3 tnat :vre good. on might as well say, "I propose now to give a atUe rest to my digestive- or gans, and instead of eating heavy meat ana vegetables I will, for a little while, take lighter food a little strychnine and a lew grams of ratsbane." Literary poison in August is as bad as literary poison lQi December. Mark that. Do not let the vermin of a corrupt prfntibg' pre$j jump J and crawl into your Sara toga trunk br White Mountain valise. Are there not good books, that are easy to read- books ''of entertajnlng " travel, books of congenial ' history, books of puro fun, books of poetry, ringing with merry canto!;- books of fine engraving, books that till rest the mind as well as purify the heart and elevate the whole life? There Will not be an hour between this and the pay of your death when you can afford . to read a book lacking in moral principle. T. De Witt Talmage m Ladies Heine Journal." . : X - tkcnnnlTTk ROOT BEER! f .-f (TI1TH t- 1 1 the furnish tion would seem explanation concerning fLRASCE I.RINS in the world. Zjcm al SparkUna- " Aik jour Vrggsi or Grcteer for It. LH!RESV PHILADELPHIA. 10 VliAE mi Wcfrom the t!ecU of youthful errors, early j . ntalla tmtiw ImSA containing full oom-ai for borne cure. FRFP of cbarga. A r,lLt exJxil work ; houldue read by every attoii nerrona and debilitated. Addrosa, f, C Fomm, Moodus, Conn, , 'OR B OTLV k Prle of the Comoros. Another sable personage is now visit ing Paris in the person of Prince Mard- Comora Islands, which lie off the east coast of Africa near Mozam bique.-1 He, is here in order, it is said, to government with informa- his country, but this obe .a vague, semi-official of his presence in Paris. Whatever., may. ,be , the object of the prince's coming he has neglected to pro vide himself jwith an interpretej through whom he could make his business known; and when he and his secretary appeared at the ministry of marine not a single official could understand a word which either jof the strangers uttered. After N a -veary waste pf atrocious French on the one hand and of absurd Arabic on, tie other an interpreter was summoned -liastily. andtsome light was at last throwix on the wishes and inten tion of the distinguished black. Prince Mardjane has had a perilous voyage from his native land, for ho was ship- wrecirea a lew aays alter its snores re ceded from his view and J having been f. picked up by an English vessel, he was taken to the Cape. Pans Letter. IJRR WMtawu of Bodyaad Kind: Effeo IrizTT." " w Old or Youn " IJIIIW nifW HMMIMI. HAS A m mm A. nM iiki tuHi otih i a pjikts of So on ZmZZ77i. l--U la a r1 tdSnm l ""ICAt C8-IDFfAl8.il. THE ACM.E MANUFACTURING GO. .JLLVLFACTLUKUS OF . " t Milters, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. , I&CTATION 0FOUK FBHTILlZEliS SuMP'l3no'r established, "and 'LlFLaottr states will K. u irm the aves of our torS 10 equal to any ,nm.rubie Parties osl't our Fecial ..... Vai. . v, A Summer Idyl. t ; Picnic indrning, Bright and fair; GQlden sunshine, Balmy ;air, f- What a pleasure Thus to go i - Where the woodland Breezes bldw! . JIappy hours, : ., Free from care, Joy and beaity ; ; Everywhere, Through the leafy Woods we'll strav, ttracioas, gladsome Picnic day. ; Picnic evening, i What a plight! ,Rai,n from 10 . O'clock till night, Flossy garment?, Once so nice, l illed with inud And befrsrarsMice. Dinner ruined, Pies and cakes Food for ants . And garter snakes, Full of doleful, - Dank dismay, .Dirty, drizzly Picnic day TIi a First step. . , Pernaps you are run down, ean't eat, can't sleep, qan't think, can'tdo anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails vou. You should heed the warning, voi are taking the first step into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters vou will find the exact remedy for re storing your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surpris ing results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonie and Alterative, lour appetite returns, crood di CPS- tion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthv artinn TVvr a bottle. Price 50c. at R. R. Bel lamy's wholesale and retail Dru Store. . . , " WHOLESALE PRlCEa V- Tne ionoiruig quotations represent irndlc sale prlcw generally. " In making up small pN ders algner prices aire to be charged. BAGGER-- : : Quanj.....i....t. .. , Standard...;. .r;... BACON Nortn CaroJina. Hams...... j... saoulders y a........ - Sides, a.... WESTERN SMOKED , Hams, ,y lb. ... ........ Sides, v ft.J... ............. i Snoolders, Tg ft ,, DRY SALTED Sides, ? ................... Shoulders, v . .. .'. BARRET Spirits Turpentine. , Second Hand, each New, New York, each New, Cltyeacn.i........... BEESWAX, 9 ft. ;. i . . ....... . . f 8 U 8 8 8 & 7Xd 5 " 6 1 40 0 00 1 65 20 8 12 10 14 10 8 6 6 Ltlahtic, Coast Line. : . t - ;,r". WijmingtomfiWeW R. V AND BBANCUEa 4 1 -f 1' ICS CONDENSED SCHEDULE. ' TRAINS' GOING SOUTH, T MlSCELLANr6uSfT - if--- :- m" ii ii j' Carolina Central Eallroa3 SO 75 70 000 15 W 10 JULY JUMBLES. A man s capacity for endurance in some respects changes after mar riage. . The lover that never crnm bled at holding a 130-pound girl for . 1.1 . . . m . . nuui-9 Kruiuuies u ne lias to no d a ten-pound baby two minutes. Phil auelphia Times. lalk about absent mindedness ' said a citizen to-day, "why, when I was a boy I worked for a man who was so absent-minded that he dta charged me three times in one week and paid me' a week's -waces each nine." .rvinsrston i'reeman. The following "notis" is posted on a fence in .Morris county, Ga.: "if any man s or Avoman's cows or oxen gits in these here oats, his or her tai wm be cut on as the case may be. j urn n isiirisuan man anu pav. mv taxes, out a n a man who lets his critters loose, say I." the Ci ew Ol Grew Old While Drowulng. Richard L. Edwards, 10 years old, was tirowned whle rowing, on the Ohio. The body wai swept beneath some barges and could noi be recovered. Friday a corpse was fcund floating in the river near Rising un, Ind.' On tho body 'was a watch and -ing both bearing the ini- he body was years of age tials R. L. Ej Apparently that of a man at least 60 with snow wliite hair. . Edwards brother positively identified the body from the jewelry and clothing. When the. young man fell into the river his hair wa . coal black; that of the corpse was pure white. Fright doubt less made the change while he' was struggling fo life. There has been great excitement along the nver over themys terious case. - It is the first - instance on ian 4 U NOTICE 1 lSIu'RYE IS UN. WHISKEY sold 'in the l0 H'u win and a few out of k a. frnio:dr,lsls". ot Winston, say: VS? v cmom'6' ves entire satls i ffiand we thlnk.lt is a J u.. I 4joi; li-v : 4 i f tertuter as my leading stock- tought success my leading V: m vu- of Fajettevllle. henTthu 4wU tn 15" and 'hat it U all too customers prefer lild.Simon&Cp;, 1 1 . S ..7- "nriiM Tobacco.; '5 . 1 ' i 1 SStoQ Savi lngs & Trust Co. . c P.TOOUER, Cashier. record where a man was prematurely aged while drowning. Cincinnati Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch. . ; Girt ti XUcbmond College. The familyi-wife and : children of T. C Williams have 'given f35,00Q to en dow a law professorship in Richmond "college, i Sone months before his death 3Ir.' William sent to Treasurer C, H. Byland, his, c,heck for $10,000 to aid in edowing the college and at the same time he .offered to give $5,000 toward en dowing a chair of law, conditioned on the, raising-of .$20,000 more in a gyen time. Thccradition was not cqmpliod with, and 'of course Mr. Williams, es tate was -released from the obligation to pay the $5000.". But now his wife and chihiren'step forward and pay the entire $25,000, and tjms give to Richmond col lege, the T. G. Williams law professor ship. Richmond Herald. " "Just as Good,' Say some dealers who try to sell a substitute preparation when a cus tonier calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ho not allow any such false state ments as this to induce you'to buy what you do not want. Remember that the only reason for making it istnatn tew cents-more pront will be ina.1e on the substitute. Insist upon having the best inedicine Hood's Sarsapnrilla. It is Peculiar to Itself. - -o It is no disgrace to stay at home all Summer, unless Washington Star. you are poor.- Congumptlon Surely Cured. To tiik Editor Please inform your readers that. I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases nave been permanently cured. I shalljbe glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to .any of your readers who have consump- tion ii they will send me tneir ex press and post omce address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. An experimenter has discovered that it is likely to have a pernicious effect on a man's fortune to expose it to the heir. Binghampton Leader. That WOitnnalil Fni Terrier. l!very dog has his clay, and the fashion able 1 dog of just this present day is -unquestionably the fox terrier. Abundant evidence of ibis -fact can. be picked up - mi Ai 1 any nne aiternoon oy a waix nrongn a fashionable -JSew- York . tnorougnlare. The youngerl set, of men about town, almoet to a man,' own fox terriers. Their sisters and th -other fellows sisters of their acquaintance own them; blushing school girls own them, and, like certain kinds "of patent medicine, children cry for them. Indeed, it may be truly said that there are few well to do families who have not at quo time or anotner naa one of these sprightly, intelligent and pugna- tious little dogs. New York Tribune.. Rapid Work in the Cenaaa OrHe. s A. quick piece of! work was done by th9 census office clerks one evening. . A circular was printed-for "distribution to the enumerators. It was set up at 2 o'clock and I about j 90,000 copies were printed. ' These werd "placed in about 43J0OO envelopes, addressed to the enu merators, and by a b'flock in the mefn Ing tha entire- nuralbcr, distril:t?"Jy Ad vice to MotMerp. . . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the liti tie sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relievea wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne -best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from tee tiling or othr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. V julv 6 deod&wlv " r-OF TnE Hon. Jefferson Davis. BY MKS. J EFFEKiON OA VIS. BMCKS, Mllmlngtoa, ?M;.;,' 00 , Northern.. BUTTER, North tarollna.. .. . Northern '.. CANDLES, V Sperm Adamantine..... CHEESE, y ft Northern Factory , Dairy, Cream..... State L..."...,-.i eoFFEE, it ,- : Java. .....L.: Laguyra...... ....:...,..... Rio. CORN MEAL, hush In sacks. Vfjglnla Meal.. !...... ...... COTTON TIES, V bundle DOMESTICS - SheeUng, 4-4, Vyard....... Yarns, v hunch EGGS, y doz. ................. . FISH Mackerel, No. Uv hbl. 00 Mackerel, No. 1, y half bbL 13 50 Mackerel,No. 2, y bbl...l..i5 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl.. . 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, y bbl. . . ... 7 80 Mullets. bbl 6 00 N. C. Roe Herring, y keg... 00 DryCod, V ft... .. 5 FLOUR, y bbl Western, low grade " Extra.... ' " Family. . . City Mills Super Family.... GLUE, y ft GRAIN, y bushel Corn, fm store, bags, white Com, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo. In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store, . Oats, from store 3 9 2 10 00 31 00 89 13 & 9 & 27 23 20 00 00 25 6 00 io & & & & k 25' 30 25 10 "14 11 30 23 22 52 65 1 30 80 50 4 00 4 50 4 00 4 '8 48 00 52 00 33 $30 50 315 00 330 00,1 3 6 00 310 00 3 7 00 3 6 00 3 10 3 4 00 3 6 00 3 6 00 3 4 10 3 6 00 3 10 ' f - - ; . ' -f- . Datsd June 'LV 1890.' S"3 ' cV. g ' . " T 1. M. r. JiJa. M. Leaveweldon. 13 30 543(600 ( Arrive Rocky Mount..... .. ,1 46 710 - - - , " ."T r. m. Arrive Tarboro... "230 ... ' i A. M. . Leave Tarboro J. 10 20 - . ' "i I. M. : . Arrive Wilson....,........1. 2 20 j 7 00 7 43 Leave Wilson. ..... .... ... . t2 30 1 . . .. . i ... . Arrive selma.... 340 . Arrive Fayettcville....i;:, 600 .....i .v...'. Leave Goldsboro.... '. 315 718 .835 Leave Warsaw...,, 4 10 ...... 934 LCave Magnolia. T. . . I 4 24 80 9 4 Arrive Wilmington:: . 5 50) 955 U20 , TRAINS GOING NORTH.. 1 : , a S Ja. M.lA. M. P. M. Leave Wilmington - 12 01 9 00 4 00 Leave. Magnolia..... .1 11 10 31 5 36 Leave Warsaw.. .. 10 4S 553 Arrive Goldsboro.. 2 23 1145 0 53 Leave FayettevUle........". ...... t840 Arrive Selma. 1 1 0 . ! . P. M. Arrive Wilson.... 1210 ...... ' , y ' - Leave Wilson.............. 303 12 37 . 747 Ar. Rocky Mount ...... 1 10 8 18 Arrive Tarboro... 200 ...... A. M.f Leave Tarboro... L 1020 ...... i - . . P. M. T" Arrive Weldon .L 4 30 2 4 5 9 30 m., Oats, Rust Proof. GO 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ' 3 3 3 2X3 95 2 3 05 85 75 Cow Teas. ...... HIDES, y xb Green i..... Dry . HAY, 3400 IbS Eastern. .. . Western........ North River.... hoop iron; y ft.. LARD, y ft i Northern..1"..... 63 North . Carolina. . . . , ." 8 3 lime, y barrel........ ....... 1 25 DUMBER, City Sawed, VMft. Ship stun,' resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank. 15 ,00 West Indla"Cargles, accord- Ing to quality. .13 00 Dressed Flooring, eeasoned.18 00 , Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, y gallon New Crop, in hhOs. .... ... . , 1 25 " in bbls 28 Porto Rico, in hhda . . ... .... 23 " in bbls.,.. ...... 20 Sugar House, in hhds 00 V In bbls. ...... 16 Syrup, In bbls... ....... ' 22, NAILS, y Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 OILS, v gallon. 1 60 48 53 51 50 00 3 10 90 00 2H t 10 3 0 00 390 00 316 00 313 00 322 00 315 00 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 20 30 30 28 15 18 35 50 Dally except Sunday, j Train on Scotland Neck Kraneh ttond leaves Weldon 3:15 vi m.. Halifax 3::rrn. m.. arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 d. m.. Green ville 6:00 p. m. Returning leaves Greenville V a ua. AiiiTiut UOUXaA 4XU IV. kJ CL Weldon 10:30 a. m., daily except Sunday. on Monday. Wednesday and Fiidav. ioeai Freight leaves Weldon -10:30 a. m., Halifax 110 a. m., Scotland Neck 2:00 p. ra. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p. m. Returning, leave Green ville Tuesday,. Tnursclay and Saturday 9:.'$0 a. m., Scotland Neck hoo p. m.. HaUfax 3:33 n. m. Arriving Weldon 4:00 n. in. 1. Train leaves Tarboro. N C. Via Albermarlo &Ralelbh R. R. dailveceijtSunriav.4.mi. m.. Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrtve Wllllamston, N. C, 6.30 P. M.. 4.20 P. M.. Plymouth ?.r) p. M., 5 20 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth-. month. . N. (;., dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., Sunday 9.(x) A. M.. Wllllamston 7.10 A. M.. f fit a la A . ra- ... r . . . j.aov. jsi. Arrive iaruoro. is. i" y. ai a. ai 1I.P0 A. M. i Train on Midland N. Ci Branch leaves Gold Doro, JM. c, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M. arrive smith field,-N. C, 7.30 A. -M. Ifeturning leaves Smlthfleld, N c, 8.00 A. M., arrive C'OlOSDtirO, In. C., 9.30 A. M. Tram on Nashvlllo ISranch le.ivea Rockv Mount ar, r. ai.. anives at Nash vine at. 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. KcturmnGT leaves SDrtn'r iioDe i.oo A. M wasnvuie 10.35 A. M., anlve Rocky Mount 11.1a a.m., daily except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and ii io A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3-10 P. M., connecting at War saw With IS OS. 4 1 40, 23 and 7S. Southbound Train on Wilson & Favettevllle urancn is sso. 51. wonnoouna 13 No. no. 'Jiallv except riunaav. -. Train no. 27 south wiu stcn onlv at Wilson. Goldsboro and" Magnolia." Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North. dally. All rail via nicnmona. ana aaiiv. exceDt sunaav. via uav Line. : i i . . . All trams run soHd between Wllmlnrton and W ashlneton. and have Pullman Palace Sicen- ersuvLacnea. v t . j 1 L ' JOHN' F. DIVINE. Genl Supt. ' J. R.T5BNLY; Supt. Transportation. . t. jvi. iSAiisiisojs, uen'i passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. WESTBOUND TRAINS No. 43T June ?9,"lsto,": Leave Wllraliurtlo ; 'i . t; qm. He U .U it pro dally ex. !?un3ay. Leave Wadesboro. . . . u . -, Arrive Charlotte...... Leave Charlotte;.. . . . . . Leave Lincoln tan... Leave Shelby. .. 4 ........... . Arriveicuthert 'dB. . - 41 tun 4 fclptJ & 52 hm 6 50 pm.1 8 (orni ex.: hu&daj.i j is . 3 27&TQ. o so m EASTBOUND TRAINS. Jane29,l8tu No. 26. dally ex. itounday. Leave liutr.eiTdt'n Leave Shelby....!.. Iave lincolnton Arrive charlotte. . Leave Charlottei.. Leave Wadesbom.... Atrt vovilmlhgj'n, . i mm a s oi am H 69 am 11 on am is 17 am 11 25 pm z uopm No. L Idailyex buxuxaj 00 pm 12 CO cm 3 J9 pml a jmr i- m- r j "i ii. . t Trains iso. 43 and 56 maR,e close connection ati iiamiet for Raleigh and At LUacolnton forr Hickory and W. N. c. ; Trains No. 23 and 24 make close oonBection . for Chester. i . r;; Through Sleeping clurs between Wiimineton V T. W. WU1SNANT. SuDcrintenacntl J ' V F. W. CLARK.! Oenl Passentrer Atrnt. . P-v" e28tf -' 4 j - . . 7 ): ,., 1 Atlantic Coast Line. aa- North-Eastern R. R. QfS.L T in ir i t II -' ' :;1- CONDENSED SCU EDUXE. TRAINS GOING- SOUTHV Dated May 12, a a Leave Florence', I" Kingstree, Arrive ianes.... Leave Lanes..;. Arrive Charleston.. .. '89. NO. 27. A. M. 2 29 2 60 '2 50 6 00 A. M. NO. 23.1NO. A. M. . 30 10 65 n 20 11 20 1 301 P. M. .7 ft P. M. Train Na 63 takes No. 53 Sout h Of Lanes. wlSlfo.0: 1L H-connecta at noD TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Charleston.... Arnve Lanes. i.. 1-eiave lanes.... f4 l KlnsrHtreol Arrive Cbarlestoh a-J No. 78. A. M. v - 2 45 2 50 3 10 4 20, A. M. NO. 14. P. M. 4 3(W 6 281 0'28! 40 7551 i. m. NO. 63, : A.-M. 7 9 i-, A. M. tDaily. t Dally except Sunday. ' TralJ?.,,,co"nccta at Florence with train t bSfe Xc n- K heraw, , c, and Wades, . rt o. bs runs t hrough to Columbia via Central ii. H. Vl B. J. It. Nos. 78 and 14 rim solid to Wilmington, for all points north. ' , JNO. K. DIVINE,'. ,,'' General superintendent Jr R. KEN EY, Ass'tcien l Manager., i 7 'if. M. EMERSON, fien'l Pnaviin r AowAr."- tnvll T "-o-- . Is V' WAWTEDi. 9 16 90 15 00 op 25 10 75 00 65 25 3 3 3' 3 3 3 TO-BE SOUV-BT 'iBBSCWFTM ml The prospectus and complete outfit for can vassing wui be ready Immediately. AGENTS AVISHING DESIRABLE t'ERRI TORY on this gTeatVortVlRipase adllresi, as soon as posslole, the publishers. . 1 18-23 East lSth Street A -! N KWiYORKl 18 PRIXTCD wiTn Kerosene... Lard Linseed..... Rosin Tar... Deck and Spar.. ....... POULTRY . Cnlckens, live rown. ...... " Spring Turkeys.......: PEANUTS, y bushel, 22 ft...... 1 POTATOES, y bushel- Sweet.... Irish, y bbl... 3 PORK, y barrel- City Mess...... 12 OQr Prime.... ...... .j... .15 00 Rump ....... 00 RICE CaiOllna, y ft.... 4 Rough, y bush, (Upland). ... 60 i. "M (Lowland). ' 80 RAGS, y ft Country........... 430 City rope, y ........: SALT, y sack. Alum.. .-. Liverpool. Lisbon. ....i..... American... ....... SOAP, y ft Northern- V.. sugar, P ft standard grain.. standard A. v., Z.. C, Goldeh... G Yellow... j.:.r..it.. SHINGLES, 7 In. JL1.. . Common.'. . ... . . Cypress Saps;. ..-...4 50 . Cypress Hearts. ;t.t?5I. 0 00 STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel.. 8 CO R- O. Hogshead..Mfa.. 0 00 TALLOW, V ft. ... . -f.t.v. .. 4 TIMBER, y m feet-Shipping. .J2 00 rineMUI........ Ji 25 'km Prime:.... fp:!.. 7 50 iouFair. ....... ir.T.r:... 500 Common MH1..1 . 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary.... 2 50 3 4 WHISKEY, y gal-Noithem..;. 200 5 North Carolina... v 1 50 wool, y it-washed.......... 23 Unwashed,... .i.... ........ ia BurrT..u.i.i....-:;''...';..;..--'. u 3 H 3 1 45 3 1 00 16 20 22 Wilmington, CoIgri bin & Augusts Ka K Co. Al GENTS OF EITHER SEX THROUGHOUT t. . the Ublted States to handle our eiierjr4tri ! : ' Corn iand Bunion Cure, its application nl-lK . fords almost instant relief, and everr box la rt accompanied by a 5 guarantee, which amount we will forfeit in everv lnstanr whero onr i .rumcuy raiis 10 perfect a permanent oure sample dox. 25c: iix boxes. tL w. vtin nar good agents f3 per day to Introduce our goods Into their sectlonj no postals. For terms and particulars address the manufacturers, '? ! II. ollUUIJJtlt & CO.. 104 and 10S North Ada. Rtrtvt.' feb 14 lw dAw i Chlcairo. in. ' 3 30 3 20 31 00 3 1 25 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. FOR HiT s;at3Mjt 1890. -:0: Mi'iiziKK wa?a JO 75 75 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 3 1 3 '14X3 70 3 11 3 00 3 00 3 43 6X3 6 0 3 '. 5.V3 5 3 5 00 2 00 31s 00 316 00 315 00 3. 5 3 80, 3 1 00 1 Dated AnrilJO, 1890. 22' 75 1 50 00 so,, .5 5X 3 7 00 I 3 250 3 5 00 3 7 50 314 00' 310 00 3 '"S 314 00 313,00- a o en 3 OWL 3 0 00 00 5 0C 3 3 00 3 "5 3 i 18 m is Leave TJnLigton.., Leave Marlon. Arrive Florence;..... Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. Leave Sumter.:.. Arrive Columbia. NO. 23. No. 27. ' j i P. M. P. M. i ! ' 6 15 10 10! 9 3:j 12 40 10 20 1 20 NO. 50 A. M. A. M. 3 20 - a ! 4 35 NO. 52. A. M. 4 3 tlO 33 1 6 15 lk 55 Na 15. No. E8 A. M. t 8 25 9 3-3 V. are dccidlnjr urdn rour readlr.tr matter tar next season. 1 he subscripwon rate la low. 13 00 a year. i -- -ine standard of the Magazine lshrbv ' ' Its spirit progressive, . - - .T .4.- The Illustrations urn Interacting anil nt f Ha best..; ..'!. . :: There is not SDice here fo ure tmi a a-ntn.- mary of the features to sppear this rear, but among other things there will be a new de partment and additional pages, and cronps of illustrated articles win ho rfovntrxi tn tr, fol lowing subjects. I . , - a mean Exploration and TraveL - 1 m Life on a Modem War Shlo a articles). . s Homes in Ci;v .isuburb, and Country iTovldlnK I. lions. : Tneciuzen s ki No. 53 Tuns throuirH from Charleston via Central 1L K.- - - Leaving Lanes 9-1 5 A. M.. Manning 9:56 A. M. Train on c. & D. It. R. connecta at Florence with No. 58. : TRAINS GOING NORTH. 4 through Building Assoda RlMtrtHrr In fh li'iiiuvhnlf' ' ' . Ericsson, therm vent.;.- br hi Aathnn; Biographer.. i . 7. ..,, V.! jiunung. : -- r , - . s , Humorous Artists. American and rnn-ltn, - I - NO. 5L Na 59. Na 53. P. M. P. M Leave Columbia 10 35 1 5 20 Arrive Sumter........ .1158 C32 'P.M. Leave Sumter ll 58 t 6 37 A. M. Arrive Florence 1 15 - 7 50 .... ; . I NO. 78. s NO i it. A. M, P. J- Leave Florence .. . . j 4 35 8 . 1 Leave Marion.. . . . ..1 5 22 8 Arrive Wilmington... j 8 35 11 43 There will be 3 serlala. Robert Louis Stevenson Clll rrmtnur,-.' Lach subject, and there will rm a m-rV w , jriety this year, will be treated by writer, 1 SJSi competent to speak-with authority and 1XZTX Headers who are Interested are urged toend tor a prospectus. , r tl CciU a .Vokr; $1.00 lir te ITojlai' Charles Scribner's Sbris,: an g tf Pi OYSTER ROASTS tAM.-JB than ever to PREPARED my accommodate friends 'with. OYSTERS this keep none but the Best season. Ilwfll t - none iut the Best cm ' liandi always m UTi.is 0 1:0 vj- i;oast5 a specialty. jDrery. thin sr overhauled ajss- lmproTed. Oysters ready at aiCin"!;e t xoert Ehuckers to t "Daily. t Dally except Sunday. ko. 53 runs through to Charleston. S. C a Central 1L R.. arriving' Manning 7:04 P. vU Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9i P. M. Na 69 connects at Florence with C andD. train from Cheraw and Wades bo ro. Nos. 73 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington wttk W. 46 V.:K.U- lor all points Norths a' 4 "7 7 w.-- $ y j Train on Florence R. R. leave Iee.Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7:00 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6R) a7m.. ar. rive I'ee Dee RJdi i. rn. - Train on Manchester & Augusta Ii. R. leaves I from. sumier oauy, except sunaay, lOuM A. M..arn ve Klmlnl Tbl P. al. Hetnrninsr leave Ulmlnl 12:15 P. arrm Sumter 1 3) P.M. ' . JOUN F. DIVINE, i " General SuperintendeLt. J. R.' K EN LY.Assx Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON, ueneral Passenger A gen novll - 743 U roadway, N. V re M our orders promptly liJIetl. rrr Ye strive to please ou r ctitomers.T Proofs submlUed when desired. Stock cf'' Paper to seleet Largest Satisfaction guaranteetl.. JACKSON & BELT; Iaainsrrlnters ami lilndgrs. 7 For f 1 1 ) THIS PAPER "s states and cotmtir". were in tLa city intictZTilty fcpacru ratf3 wrirr:. cite rr.3 a call an i.nonL: H0MTe ikiQTON, N. C, v"i;l c73 rT t "". t pc - M - . V V v. 7 .O,