4 " l 1 I Bill . ... x-ICLiluraui - fS V Zl f 1 ! i !nrkw Lamed. i aria. . . . .J I :t.. ' 1 r Z Lit . . . M f ' faif Period. .45 t 1 Tt " r -iiriitk? i ' l ,Lrn- .lclV.aa-. .So ,JU " S wnf-. ra U"-.. V'' i?. ion 1.00 SfCI F I C o 0iu;aNs mi i K13Q tTaia- t.ri K.rr.l Klb IV ..J-. TLE2UI IAJ 1 y 1 ,.,.- brrl Con DETECTIVES - -' . r . r . t , HA!!? BALSAM i'.- 1' 5 -x v l!J .... t. - i-i .. V r 'iv 1 v .-. i 1 : . TTar XacU's Stony Clare. There is great excitement among tho Kickapooa over tho discovery of a petri fied tody supposed to bo that of War Eagle, a leading chief of the tribe who died many years ao, shortly after th? tribe's return from Old Mexico. Instead of the remains being deposited in the ground in a coffin; they wero placed in an upright position in a large hollow tree; thera to avrait the coming of the happy hunting days, the Indians be lieve. . Daring the rage of a fierce forest file tlie trunk of th treo tra consumed by the fliniea A party of Indians who were passing through the wood stopped to light .their, pipes, when the image c! an Indian warripr, with tomahawk in hand, was discovered underneath the ashes of the burning tree, . The scena which followed is described as being most remarkable. The Indians were scared 60 badly that they lost aU 6elf control and a regular panic ensued, the Indians rushing madly through the woods " and yelling at the top of their voices, as soon m worn coiuu be com municated to the remaining members of tho tribe, some 200 in number, a hurried consultation was held, at which it was decided that the reservation should be immediately abandoned. Luckily somo. of the more civilized members of the! tribe had influence enough to allay the feeling of fear, and tho plan of desertion was not carried out. The plac of fright was visited later in . the day, when sure enough the petrified body of I War Eagle "was ex humed and placed upon exhibition. The ietrification was perfect. The war costume was as natural as life, there being a perfect imprint on the stono of both gun and tomahawk, which were buried alongside the body. The peculiar formation of stono presents an imposing appearance, and, but for the occasional creases caused by insects, would be clear of any imperfecttons. A large, hollow oak was selected, the top sawed off about fourteen feet from the ground, and: the petrified body placed upright therein, to remain for ever. A two inch pine slab bearing the following inscription marks the petrified remains of this tribe's greatest warrior: "War Eagle, great fighter, turned into rock. Indians afraid Great Spirit. Let him sleep on his beauty forever.' Cor. St. Louis Globe Denj'ocrat. Tinrs :v:?.toxn ROOT SEER! l;V..- v.vz? -tvr r.utoN. MOT BE! VTITOLJSOSIIJ r n CE-HIRES. PHILADELPHIA. OUUaadCbareli vVVy A WORD ABOUT 'lM-rrmlrJ itutJ pJ W. mxXt Ret liar- riAHUO ptaaawtSftlTt ar r- V SoO SATED ah P..n- CVi.99.t -mN u vV riAXO u oid br tb Vx wortU It. too. Cheap JSr Pianos soU. If rerfrriAdjrUla. for: n olv mvr r-LcsTtr rirrrvr. uxmaxr) Ar,HltC.a f'.aa4 NLXV0US DLBlIiT u JA, tU Lrron er Eirturfs in Older Yooa PBIMYROYAL PILLS TO WEAK MEN rB ty rf Touthf ul error, earlr 'iT.'iiwrila lMtm&L(xit.etc I will tiliki i -li cocUlning fall fytt t r t.-t. cur. FR EE cbrsvA: caJ ii .rk : hotiMl read by erery F. C. 1'OULim, 31oodus. Conn. .1 TW m Mkn. Ail wV y rctara WE HAVE J r.ui::i Nuthek;lakjeias- -AXl ' .X - !. iu4 fancy wood, whicb K t. INSTALMENT! Of i raJAii lnrltea to ex TV ,ri i vi;rfor Moctof I astro- K. VanLAEK, '" Itnl Vrou Btrert. T55 Hardware, Austria's Imperial Wedding. The forthcoming imperial wedding has restoretl a little life to. the Austrian court, which has been miserably dull since Prince Itndolph's tragic death. Al though tho marriage of the Archduchess Valerie with the Archduke Frauz Salva tor on July 31 is to bo solemnized pri vately at Ischl on account of the em press delicate health, the event will be kept throughout the empire with con siderable festivity. Many towns are founding charitable institutions in the vounxr nnncess' honor, as she prefers such useful remeu Vnces to costly gifts of jewelry. ; On tho 10th the Untie elect renounced all her rights to tho crown, according to tho rule for Austrian arch- Ahont to lxs married. Part of her trousseau and many wedding pres ents have been exhibited at the Vienna hofburg, and the dresses will be shown ,im-int thfl nxt few weeks. All tne -4" ' clothes are of- Austrian manufacture, and verr simple, though exquisitely nade. The princess and her fiance have now accompanied the empress on a pil grimage to the famous shrino of Maria rell. to fulfil a nroxnise made to the em pressdying sister, the princess or xnurn and Taxis. London lllustratea isews. An Old riulldlne Doomed. Mnv intrestincr memories cluster nVw-ifif tho lmildintrs known as tne Hy gienic hotel, at 13 and 13 Laight street, Kom Vnrlf ritv. now doomed to be torn down to'giveplacetoan immense woolen warehouse. The buildings were origi nally erected for residences for the fami- i lies or- ueorge sscnnyier anu tvu oj. - mm 4 f 1 ! AiT?inriAr HAtniiton ana voi. xuome, in what was then the fashionable quar ter of tho city about seventy years ago, in ihn virinitv of St. John's park. The carriage houses of the high toned old families stood utu recently on tne uac of the property. The queer old stone . ... . . trimmings ot tne winaows ana uoonva.) , and its mahogany folding doors, its elab- ... 1 A 1 nmtA "white marble namos anu xne gea- erously large rooms, were reminders of the time when land was i mucu less ai uable than it is now, when flats were unknown and the hum of business had not reached as far up town as L-anai street. New York Sun. x Profll lu Sotlta Water. The drmnrists who sells soda water for "fivo cents claim that thero is no great" TMfit in it because ice is so dear, and peo ple are demanding everything but a square meal. They make about three cents a glass on the iiain oaa wiui m old fashioned syrups. The first soda fountain ever put up only had four gyj-npa lemon, vanilla, sarsapanua anu rrvffpo and thev are the most popular vet, especially vanilla. Seventy-five i?r J . 11 A .Ml" Viva. cent, oi ine peopio ciut oi uuma. , . cent soda men who furnish ice cream in the glass make mighty little profit, as it does not take many glasses to use up a eallon. Then the cream bill is larger r. vi f vifill Vio are so great that" we are glad as it is. The. ten "cent fountains make at least eight cents a glass." New York World, r.t il00 was offeretl by The Washington Tust to the person guessing nearest the population of thai city. and. remarkable to say, thrve persons hit exactly the number, 2, W. They have agreed to divide tne money. " ! The ttork (of To-Iy. ' -J To shun the "world's allurements, To bear my cross therein; To turn from all temptation. To conquer every sin: ' To linger, calm and patient. Where Duty bids me stay; To go where Hod may lead me, , This is my work to-day. I think not of to inbrrow. Its trial or its tak. Hut t-till, with childlike spirit. For present mercies ask. With each returning morning. I cast old things away; s Lif journey lies before me, I My prayer i for today. , Woman's Journal.. Is ConHUiuption lticurablkV Head the foliuwine: Mr. C. II, Mor ri, Newark. Arkl. says: Was down with Abcess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced roe an I near a- l i r Tf r L : r Die Vsonsumpuve. uegan laain Kine's New Discovery for CnDiump- tinn. am now on my third bottle, and ab!e to oversee the work on my farm. It i tbo finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middleware Decatur. Ohio. ay; -Had it not been for Dr. Kings New Discover? for Consumption I oald havo died ot Lung Troubles. Was eiven up by the doctors. Am now in the best ot health Try it. Sample bottles free at Robert R. Bellamy's wholesale acd retail dru!i stors Al'CiUST ANTICS. Guaay.. 7 d 8X ,-, Standara.......... .". 8 & 8.v B A COX "North Carolina. Hams..; 11 a . I shoulders y m..... ......... 8 o x Mdes, vib.. ....... .r: 8 10 WESTERN SMOKED - I Hams, v 14 j Sides, v .k 8 10 Shoulders, a.. ,. 7X 8 DRV SALTED Sides, ....... ........ 5 (P Shoulders, V ft 6 C 6f Minister I think I delivered a verv touching sermon to lay. Don't you think I moved the congrega- tion? ' Deacon "1 know yon uu I saw a good many get up aud go out." Doston Herald. Hillings "There is only one way to keep your trousers from bagging. and that is not to walk so inucn. - Kihgsley "Great Scott! Don t yon know that 1 am the father oCtwins.1 Clothier and Furnisher. Owner of fih pond (to 'man who is triM)afiiiir') "Don't S ou see that . - . a m a sign, JNo l'isliing Here? . vngier (with an injured air) "leu, and 1 (I smite it. Wliv.Mliere good lisli ing here; look at this string." Har per s Weekly. Wif "Whv. husband. 1 thought you had more sense than --to buy a comet. You know the fellow next door worries us nearly to death with his." Husband - "Calm yourself, my dear. That's the one I bought." Detroit Free Press. "When did Rienzi dieYT asked Wittictis. entering the fruiterer's. VWhatcher talkin' about? I don't know nothin' about no such per son." "Then vou should not ad vertise that you keep a good supply of dates, liazar. Oedric's. mother was a New York er, hut Oedric was born in Hoston "Cedric, you are a. naughty boy; vou want a lickiiiir. ' said she. "JNo, mother," returned the child, brave ly. "I may need chastisement, but I do not want it." Harper s uazar. . . - - Consumption Surely Cured. To thk Kditoii Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope 1pk oisps have been nermanently cured. I. shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of your readers who hixve consump tion if they will send line their ex press and post office address. Res- pectfiiily. i. A. hluuuju,u.u, ioi Pearl st... New i orK. A census enumerator in Aurora found a woman with -twenty six children. At two cents a name this family netted him - fifty - six cents. This is what the printers would term n, "fat take," Chicago Post. Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat nral, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is verv pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels; and is tne best known renie iy for diarrhoia, whether arising frdm teething pr oth.r causes. Fwenty five cents a bottle. julv deod&wlv AND CROCKER T. Ja loiters aaa Jotbcrsl rrreu Uunanr; r" r rM.i tsVi TSro. tho late Mexican goT- ernor of California, is passing Ins dp timing days CTJJiLiii ri,v hkA lost' his Morierty and has , EormonTnocgh to vM, house re-.t. WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quotations represent whole sale prices genenJlx. In Taafclng up small or& ders higgler prices hsre to be charged. en Say and Night. MY SALOON, Corner of North Water and Mulberry btreet, If Opa from 1 o'clock a. m. Hoiday Uitil H:i3 p. m. Silnrday. . CHAV. F. 'BROWNE, Ajrent,; BAQOIXO CAILUOADS, I mc'a 10 a WILMINGTON. N.C. ADRIAN & VQLLER8, AVHOLKSAL.K DEALERS IN Provisions, Groceries, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, , AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Car. Front nt Dock Sta., WILMINGTON, N. C. tn!3tt . For Dale. ail la good corjSltla.- WUL t ten cheap : -. . af?ij u ; xai3 omcs - IIARUEIjs Spirits TurpecUne. Second Hahd,each......... 1 40 1 50 New, New York, each...... 0 00 1 75 New, City, each... 1 65 1 70 BEUSWAX, V 0..... 30 O 23 BRICKS, Wilmington, VM.... 8 00 H 00 Northern.... ... 0 00 SHOO BUTTER, " North arollna... 15 25 Northern 25 e 30 CANDLES, V B Sperm......... W a 25 Adamantine 10 12 CHEESE, V lb Northern Factory-- 10 Dairy, Cream.. 13 H , State 9 & 11 WOFFEE, y B Java 27 JO Laguyra..... Zi 25 Rio 20 22 CORN MEAL, bush. In sacks. 00 52 Virginia Meal....... 00 65 COXTON TIES, V bundle 1 25 1U0 DOMESTICS , SheeUiij, 4-4, V yard 6 Yarns, V bunch... 00 & - 88 EGGS,Vdoz 10 FISH- Mackerei, NCvL, V bbl.... . . W 00 '430 50 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbL 12 50 15 00 ' Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl 15 00 20 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl 7 80 10 00 Mullets. bbl... ....... 6 00 & 7 00 N. C. Iioe Herring. t8 keg... 00 a 6 00 Dry cod, V B.,... .. 5 10 FLOUR, V bbl Western, -low grade..... .. 50 t$ 4 ot Extra 4 00 6 00 Family. .4 50 00 City Mills Super , ... 4 00 4 10 Family.... .... 4 5 00 GLUE, lb 8 g 10 GRAIN, V bushel. Corn, fm store, nags, white 4S m Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. 00 48 Corn, cargo. In bags, white. 52 53 Corn, mixed, from store.... 00 51 Oats, from store , . 8 Oats, Rust Proof . ..." 00 g 50 COW Teas 95 1 CO I11DES, Green..... 2 3 3 Dry....'. 3 5 HAY, V 100 s Eastern 1 05 a I 10 Western 85 90 North River. 75 00 HOOP IRON, 1? lb... 2& 3 LARD, lb Northern 7 North CaroUna 8 10 LIME, V barrel.. 125 & 0 00 LUMBER, City Sawed, VMft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank. . 15 0Q 16 00 West India Oarglas, accord ing to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 ,015 00 MOLASSES, V gallon New Crop, in hhds. , 25 & 26 " " to bbls 28 30 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 30 " " in bbls 26 & 28 Suar House, In hhds 00 15 " in bbls....... 16 18 Syrup, in bbls........ 22 35 AILS, v Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 & 2 50 ILS. y gallon. Kerosene 9 a 14 Lard 16 & 1 45 Unseed.......... 90 1 00 Rosin .' 15 18 .Trcr 00 & . 20 Deck and Spar.... 00 & 22 POULTRY Chickens, live rown. 25 & 30 Spring. ....-... 10 20 Turkeys. 75 1 00 PEANUTS, 9 bushel, 22 ft...... 1 00 O.l 25 POTATOES, V bushel Sweet . 65 3 75 Irish, V bbi.,. 3 25 & 3 75 FOR K, V barrel City Mess ...........18 CO 18 00 prune .............15 00 16 00 . Rump i... .............. 00 15 00 RICE Caiolffta, V -- 4 & 5X Rough, V bush, (Upland)... 60 80 " " (Lowland). 80 1 00 RAGS, v ft country........... 00 1 City - 1 X ROPE, "9 ft 1X 22X SALT. V sack. Alum....! 70 75 Liverpool.... 1 10 1 50 Lisbon. i 00 00 Amerlcanl. ........ 00 70 SOAP, "9 nNorthern. .1 4j H SUGAR, P ft Standard grain... . c standardA. e . White EX CA.,.;....- c 0 v IK Extra C," Golden.... ............ 5V $X - C Yellow...,...."....:..'.... 5 SHINGLES, 7 In. VM.. 5 00 7 00 Common.-...-;'... .v.; .;.'.;. 3 00 2 50 cypress "Saps. 4 W 5 00 Cypress Hearts 0 00 7 50 STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel..' 8 M - 14 00 R. O. Hogshead 0 00 10 00 TALLOW, V ft. 4 5 TIMBER, V M feet Shipping..! 00 14 00 Fine Mill i Jl 25 13 00 Mill Prtme.:.. ........ 7 50 850 Mill Fair .;..,...500 000 Common M1U... ............. 5 00 0 00. Inferior to Ordinary. . . 2 50 4 00 WHISKEY, v gal Northern... 2 00 5 00 Worth CaroUna. i.:: ... 1 50 3 on WOOL, ft Washed..... 23 35 Unwashed: 16 . 18 Barry................,;..,.-' 16 IS Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington dt Weldon R. R. AND BRANCH CH. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. MISCELLANEOUS. Seaftaard Aii--Liiie. Carolina Central Railroad Dated June, 15, lfm Lea re Weldon.. ... ArrlTe Rocky Mount.. Arrive Tarboro... . . . - - t. Leave Tarboro .j Arrive Wilson.. Leave Wilson. J....... Arrtve selma.J1 Arrive- FayetterHle... Leave Goldsboro Leave Warsawj Leave Magnolia.... Arrive Wilmington e !'3 P. M. 12 30 1 46 P. M. 2 30 A. M. A AmM 1U U i. . P. M. 5 43 A. M. ft 00 710 1 P. M. 220 7 0U 3 40!.. 6 00 L. 40 315 l 4 10 4 24 i 8 40 55J ! '. -5 7 43 s;r 9 4. 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. 13 .x O . n S50 Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia Leave Warsaw.' Arrive Goldsboro Leave Fayetteville.... Arrive Selma.:. Arrive Wilson..'....... A. M 12 01 11 -I- t- A. M. 900 10 34 10 4S 2 23 ; 11 45 fS40 1U0 jP. M. ..... 1210 P. M. 4 00 5 3rt 5 53 6 53 Leave Wilson. J Ar. Rocky Mount.. 303 Arrive Tarboro;. Leave Tarboro.;. 12 ; 1 10 . I 2 CO I A. M. .1 10 0 7 47 81H Arrive Weldon. ! iP. 4 30 1 i M. 45 9 30 DaUv exceDt fennaav. Train on Scotland Neck Bianch Koad leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.36 p. m., lireen ville 6.00 p. rnj .Returning leaves Greenville W20 a. m. Arriving Halifax at ln-.ic a. m., Weldon 10:: a. m.. dallv except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Ixcal Freitrht leaves I Weldon 10:30 at in.. Halifax 11:30 a. m.. Scotland Neck 2:00 p. m. Arriving (Jreenville 5:10 p, m. Returning, leave Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday 9:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 1:00 p. m., Halifax 3:35 p, m. A rrlvinir Weldon 4:00 tf. m. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C. via Alberniarle & Raleigh R. li. daily except Sunday, 4.05 1. M., Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrive Wllllamston, N.C., G.30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 7.i0 P. M.f 5 20 P. M. i Kei-urning leaves Plymouth, mouth. N. C, "dally except Sunday, G.00 A. M., Sunday 9 00 A. M., Wllllamston 7.10 A. M., 9.58 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M, 11 ?0 A. M j , Train ou Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, (3.00 Ar M., arrive Suilthiield, N. C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves Sinit Wield, N C, 8.00 A. M.T arrive Goldsboro. N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leave3 Mount at aoo i P. M.. anlves at -lUeat 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 Returning lea-vs Spring Hope 10.00 Nasnlllo 10.35 lA. M., arrive Rocky 1 1. 15 A , M . , datly ex cept Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, I except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and 11 10 A. M. I Returning leaves Clinton at 8iX)A.M. and a 10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Tralmou Wilson $ Fayetteville Branch is No. 5L Northbound is No. 50. "Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 south will stop onij at Wilson, Goldsboro and Mag-noli a. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North dally. Alt rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday; via Bay Line. . i . All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached, i JOHN F. DIVINE, GCJV'l SUpt. J. R. KENLY; Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. CH ANU E OP SCIIKDtTLK. WESTBOUND TRAINS. , Jane n, lStG. SLeave WUratugtpn icave . itamiet....-........ Leave W adesboro ......... (Arrive Charlotte.......... ileavecnarioue....... ... Leave Unoolnton.. iLea vp Shelby. ; iArrtveliutherTdtD ........ No. A3., dally ex. Sunday. 9 30 am 1 25 pm 2 41 pm 4 ?3pm 4 :a rni b & pm pm j,s 10 pjn No. 25. dillyex. sundaj. Fjtxiprc 2 (O am 327 an: C 30 ate ..STBOUHD TRAINS. Junes?, lS?a No. 6. dally ex. Sunday. Leave Rut herTdt"n . . . . . Leave Shelby ....... Leave IJncolnton...... Arrive Charlotte...... Leave Charlotte. ....... Ijeave Wadesboro.,.... Leave Hnmlet..... ..... Arrive Wllmlngt'n ....i 8 45am ....19" 19 am II 00 am ....12 17 pm is 25 nm i 3 On rm ! :i 19 pm 1 7 so pm NO. 2k V dally ex Sunday 9 CO pm 13 o pm 2 co am 7 30 am r Trains No. 43 and 36 make closo connection iat Hamlet r Raleigh and at Ltncalnton for Hickory and W. N. C. I j Trains No. 25 and 24 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh and at Monroe for Chester. I - . . Throusrh Sleepinsr Cars between Wllmlnirton iand Charlot te and Wilmington and Raleigh. T. w. whisnant, supenniendenui F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passemicr Agent.! , JP 28tf- ' t , - '.. : j, . ; . : : . Atlantic Coast Line. : R, of S L North-Eastern R. I - ,1 , CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. f ' i' I "- Dated May 12, 89. No. 27. No. 21 ;. j .- - 5 A. M.I A. M. Iave Florence...... 1 &5 , 30 " , "Kingstree 2 29 10 55 Arrive Lanes. 2 50 11 20 Leave Lanes . 2 50 H 20 Arrive Charleston.... 5 00 1 30 I A. M. P. M. NO. PM. 7 t P. M. j Train No. 63 takea No. 53 South of Lanes. I Train on C. & I). R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. Rocky AL A. M.. Mount Wilmington, Coinmbih & Augusta 11. 11. C CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Aprirso, isso. Leave Wilmington . . Leave Marlon. . . i Arrive Florence; Leave Florence.;. Arrive Sumter. . Leave Sumter... Arrive Columbia. NO. 23. NO. 27. NO. 13. P. M. P. M. A. M. 6 15 10 10 I 9SJ 12 40 io 20 i ao; JJO. 50 ?0. f,8 A. M. A. M. A. M. 3 20 t 8 25 4 35! 9 a5 J NO. 52. A. M. . 4 a5 1 10 33 6 15 11 55 J....... No. 53 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. j. Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. M., Manning P-.56 A. M. Train on C. & D. li. R. connects at Florcn( e with No. 58. . AM I than ever OYSTER ROASTS BETTER - PREPARED to accommodate my friends . with' OYSTERS this6 SeasonT I IwUl keep none but the Best on hand always MYRTLE GROVE ROASTS a specialty. Every thing overhauled , and -- improveo. Oyatcra ready at short notice aod expert shnckera to open them. - ' . " - - ,, . Special ratca to parties. Glvemc a call and will Co my best to please you. ( TRAINS GOING JIORTU. Ik No. 5L Leave Columbia j Arrive Sumter..J... .. Leave Sumter., i. Arrive Florence ..... Leave Florence Leave Marlon.. Arrive Wilmington... P. M. 10 35 11 58 11 58 A. M. 1 15 NO. 73 A. M, 4 35 5 22 8 oo NO. 53. Na 53. 1'. M. 6 37 j. 50 1 - - M. 5 & 6 No H. P. 8 15 S 55 11 45 -DalJy. t Dally except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston. S, C, a Central R. R.. arriving Manning 7:04 P. M.. Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9:30 I'. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train frm cheraw and Wadesbora Nos. 78 and 14 make close connecrion at WU mlnsrton with W. & W. R. It- for all points Train ob Florence IL H. leave" life Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland ,Q p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6:30 a. m.. ar rive Pee Dee HJiO t m. Train on Manchester Augusta IL R. leaves Sum ter dally, except Sunday . 10:50 A. M..arrt e Rimini 131 P. M. Returnipg leave Rimini P JO DIVINf. j General Supertntendt nt. j. K. KENLY. AsstGenl Manager. T. M. EXKRSON, General Passenger A?en Table Board. (Uted'wlthCTtSEsart oa anKonat! TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 78. NO. 14. NO. 53 . ; . " . " I A. MJ P. M. A. M. Leave Charleston.... 12 25 4 301 7 - Arrive Lanes 2 45 6 28 9 ' Leave Lanes - 2 50 0 28 , . " Kingstree 3 101 6 46 . Arrlw Charleston.... 4 20 7 55 r ' A. M P. M. A. M." ! Train No. 14 connects at Florence with tral& hii i;. at. ii. k. it. in, i npraw m. it. ann unnp bo 10, N.'C. ".... I rv. oz runs inrousn io uoiumDia via centra n. ii. oi s. kj. i Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington. v C, making close connect ion with W. & W. - K. fhr all nniTits nnrl h ' I ' "' "JNO. F. DIVINE, - General superintendent. .T. K. KEN KY. Ass t fien 1 Mannrer. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l PasSengt r Agent. my li j - - FOR 1890. :0:- Ons'ider. SJststf j.t'j MAi tzii wisn yo iire deciding upon your reading matter for next season. Iho subscription rate Is low Tne standard of the Magazine la high, Irs spirit progressive, The illustrations are intcrestlne and of It best.--. - i . , . ... i here Is not space" here to alve even a sum. mary of the features to appear this year; tmt among other things there will be a neur de partment and additional pages, and groups of illustrated articles will bo devoted to the fol- owinc Mumpers i African Exploration and Travel, ' 1.1 fp nn a Modern vtnr Klitn rx nrf fs1el ' Homes in city , Submit ahd country Providing Homes through Bulldlnir Assocla liens, ; r 'i ne citizen s jiiirp, i Electricity In the Household, . ' Ericsson, the ;invcr.V?r by his AuthOrtZ' Olograph 3r. j Hiintlntr - uumorous, Ariists, American and Foreign I There will l H pprlnla Robert Louis Stevenson will mtirrlhntA .890. Each SUblect. and therp. will r a wfit. tsl. rietV this VP.nr will rA trnntnl hv uHlsr most competent to speak with authority and luitresu jfauers .wno. are inccresiea. are urged to send for a prospectus. 1 ff nls a Aumbrr; $1.00 for'Joor VoBik 's Sons, Charles Scribae i 743 li road way, N. V. Jan 6 tf ' ! ' Muting, Ruling and' Binding I Your orders iroinitly lilletl. We strive to please our customers. Proofs submitted when desired. Largest Stock of Paper to select from. . . 8atlsftiction iniarantetd. " " -l ' JACKSON AIiELL, leading Prlntern and Binders . VEHICLES ! VEHICLES I T OFFER FOR SALE A LAKGK NUMBER AND A GREAT VARIETY OF 1 Second-llaiiti V elilcles. i . . U in gool orier and ready for lmmedJato Tney will be sold vcrj- low for cath or good paper.- j ... caJl and get a good bar6&in at , ORP.ELL'S STABLE?, jysjtf; - ccr. Ttira aaJrnaass str