Til Jj u Ui Oil Rcgulato The Bowels. Coatlreneaaderanarea ha whola aja tm ana ttto iliac aaca, aeti Sick Headache, Dyipepiia, Pevert, Kidney Diseases, BilioTU Colic, Malaria, etc . Tail's Pills pradoearearnlarbablt of feady nt Cxm dla-ciloti. nitlioat nlrb, uoii0 cnuJojr cood lcaltti Sold Everywhere. POMONA HILL NUKSERIES . . I POMONA, N.C.t Tiro and ft Half Miles West of Greensboro, N. C ijfea main line of t&eK. P. il k. passes tarousH the CTOundJ and within MO feet of the otzm. Saiem trains raaestops regular twice dally each way. Tnose interested in Fruit sad Fruit orowmff are cordially invito to inspect this, the Largest Nursery la the state, ana one oi ue largest in mo rouin. KtocX consists of Apples. I "each, ltar. Chexrr. nam. Japanese feralmrnons. Apri cots, nectarines. iiuibernes. yum-e. urapc. Ftja. luspoerries. oooseoeme:. currants, ne Hint. KnsUsh Walnut, l"eeans. Chestnut, htxawbernea. noses. KTerrreens. Miade Trees. c All the new and rare varieties as well as' the old ores, which my new catalogue for Ihn win show. . litre your orders to ray authorise aTnt or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Pestrlptlre t ata- iczue free to applicants. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, rOMONA, Oollford Co., N. C .i,..i w.nt i count. A g farms commission will te :hanl.;iit !.' i ouatrtl lit for PYSPZPStl ft-atLt. !i a ?i . Ml yQl3 &llrf5l O :,fJ,I,t"t ' I I ! 13 1 1 15 s5 rt-: JfliP 1 iV,i'i';l,;.f.:,,i4.:: ; M "Y till s.i freeniiy when t:. r-m-v t t.tr.. n. i iir. nomifB Cilin it! trUt I l-r ! i . . :t.t. ra'htnse of fVl l.o t.i I NTlIVM'tlH Ai I hanthHPrtlcle. I'nti pinl.r..-. .t-s-.i. I tics. are.tie wtfat m fmvm.; :-rrr ?; by u.all toanvA(Mer ilt tl l'I n -i1- inSU11'r. J lit? f".iu."t tqtiitl lf m t":utn l-i' cnt t,v mati. JikxtL'AS Mi;i:t IM ' 4 N'm t hx .ISt.. rittl.iMn.U. v. BIRD ETAHNAf"" Tl.e crat icrreccf tlu'r.in.irv l k; S-rrc f t Si? Jlittx M itj;.:i at, u. iini.t . ;-r- Mjtsiiait il lr etie lite :: id re I-.m!". v. .1 prevent thrir aiin-riiis ;.i U k,cik ii. ..( it tni i 'iifuinn. i ptvm a i im . the jca.o: lI.rT;t'!r;ti'.;i!. t v ihi: m.-M cjc carry 1 1 1 i:s t .;. i ' :i ..i;-Ji thi (term pr i i"i mi; i."n i r'm ii ii.ll I till rttr.I'I .l III;. l l.Jlil. I toi ci.:.. m x. :. , lee luriitiou tl;t !. r. Dt th aat TIMK TAULK NO. 3 Palmetto itailroad Co. f T TTL. TJ. .1 I' 111 (XX AND AFTER Friday, dec is, ibsi iq iss; Trains will rua as follows. 1jU1j except son- oaj. GotJfa ser-ra. No 1-ltwnrpr an J Fr?lrht. Leaf II am let, N. C S 2 A. M VArrtta at Cheraw. 8. C. a. m Got 90 Noam. No. 1 PasMjajer ana Freight: Leav Cheraw. R. C l.r. 1. M. Arrtra at Hamlet. N. C vui l". !. dC II tf Wi. M ON CURE. Supt. The North Carolina Presbylerian ISA Religious Family Paper, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, anJ devoted to the Intellectual, moral and J It numbers among us correspondents many of tha terT best writers of the somhrrn rres- brtertaa Church. Ills thorouch'.y ortluMot on quesUona of doctitne. but free ana out nolro la Its views on all open question. It allow and invites free aMscu-on within the boonds of courtesy. In popularity the PRRsaTmm U con- atanu aarananp. 11 is The Paper for the Peopl and presents In Us columns matter to interest and instruct all ages, classe and conditions of the people. Price per annum. $2 fiS: or for one jcar to any new subacriber. tt 15. Ad.ire JOHN 3MCLAUHIN. Editor and Proprietor. Wiimlncten. N. C . . s !e r Sa j r-i fr-- tit.rr 'i:ttn:iii-.i;t ti 1 vj t... u. -' AGENTS waKTEdT" TU CANVASS FOR Hi Imnini f a lipl nit ia UAtf, By Hon. Samuel &. C'unseO Cox. late V. H. Minister to.Turicy. A majrniacrnt volume of otr a pa-s, beauuxuiU and profusely illustrated. m.ooxi Latiar as atsT irroRT. racrs axa rr. ntsToav aso ntMOR. The wort .sparales with the lilhtet "it. It cotslnn numerous amujdn,: MchV. but It Bit-i gitr a clear. coatv. ana lntentitlfir ac count 04 t&e iKtnti ijuiire. from its tiuc- tm bj ny'urvr Kie. n I Uvc isecurhottMet-tAaterritoiy at ntv. , 1 work their territory 'fur ail 11 is worth." are ; wasted. Eipenenved amenta prelermL bat other who will promise caracal ork ill i lor parti TJar adlre. enteral Azenl for North Carolina, 1 PfJl IAl 111 ief. I in:.. I Jj r t -- 111 1 in ll U" t II' " l rci:i-. Iim y yt Miwi:' i; i VC ei": ..- .u 7 I t.-rati :: it 4-4: yi ti:.LU3 LUj 11. jaaa TiiO DailV HOViOW. - Josh. T. James. Editor & PropV. ' : ' . i Wilmington, N. C. . TjfuiliDAY. AUGUST 21. 18001 Entered at the rostaac. at Wilmington, N.O, as sccono-cia&s matter. IlKMOCtXATICXOMIXATlONS. Torn Coxcbess. Sixth Distwct. M DENIIAM IL ALEXANDERS Mecklenburg COUNTY F.MOCKATIC TICKET. . roRllocsiorKEfRrsixTinvEs: GEO. I J40KTON. j 31. J. COKBETT. ! Fo Soxsirr : p FKANK II. STEDMAN. FOB CLEBK OF SCriMOI COTBT ! JOHN D. TAYLOIL FOB RKOI3TKR OF DEID3 : JOHN IIAAR, JR. For treascrer JOHN L. DUDLEY. For Scrvetor : l. P. TAYLOR. ' - For Constables : Wi:mlrgton-C. M. I1ARRISS. Cat e Fear-J.T. KERR. 5lrM)nUor-JOHN MILTON. Hamett-W. II. STOKLEV. Federal Fo'nt J. DAVE OUTI1ERLAND. KOK CORONER : JOHN WALTON. Referring to the allegation made by the Potmaster General that the parage through the postoffice of lottery mail is demoralizing the ser vice, the Helena, Mont., Independ- e lit says: "But thefaddest phase or the business. Brother Wananiaker It lilt" ICIUMIIIIUII HI1U illll v cw. ing young man in your prayers, Brother Wananiaker, and aid the good Mr. Harrison in strangling the octopus." Some of the Kansas people 'are making it warm for Senntor In Qeu-mze of Fort Seott h these. He goes at Ingalls "hni galls. one of miuer and tongs," waving: l'I am opposed to Senator Imralls because he is a political shyster of the first water. Because he has no personal integrity, and therefore no political honey. He is a heartless nn.tocrat. cold-blooded in his nu tnre and subordinates all his actions words, friendships, to the notoriety of John J. Ingalls. . Helms no idea of any moral element in pol itics but brazenlv proclaims himself - .... . , iunivai uutiuuvri tAii I'v'uvu leper.1 Never since the tariff became a prominent issue in politics, says the Washington Democrat, have the Re publicans been so badly broken up on the subject of protection as they are now. in .oveuiuer. 100,3, n- seemed as if they had won a great victory," but in 1889 a mighty wave tariff-reform swept over New England, and Republicans memoral- ized Congress for free wool, ore and coal, and reduced duties on pig and scrap iron, and to dy we have the spectacle of Mr. Dawes voting for a reduced duty 011 iron ore, and" Mr Blair Admitted that the tariff has ruineii me iron inreresis 01 ew . .a . Euglaud. ... - , We do not look in the Chicago Irihttne fti the opinions of the North vetern Bepublieans sd much 1 for the. .individual views of Joseph Medill. But the daily at tuck of the ti'j:u:r Pres on the McKinley bill and the late speech of (tovert.nr Merriam, and the denun ciation of the McKinley bill by thr Minnesota farmers' convention are ividencfs tlutt protection is not popular in Miunes tn. The St. iAMiis (ihle fk wiMtrati a thick-skinned Republican organ, is demanding that the tariff be revised downwards. The Omaha VVr, Republican, says: "Tin Wfft has demanded and still demands a revision of the tariff and it insists that ft shall be downward and not upward." Some of the Con gressional conventions of Kansas and Nebraska have declared plainly for lower duties. Mr. Plumb had kicked clear over the trace and knocked a panel but af the dash board. Even Messrs. Ingalls, Pad dock ami Manderson have felt com pelled by rumblings at home to vote occasionally for lower duties. In re pon?e to universal demand for less taxation the McKinley committee devbed a bill that would greatly In crease tnxatiou; and in spite of con siderable Republicans squirming they got it through the Ilotise'only to have James Blaine etrike it a blow between the eyen that ktunued it, and the serious question among it own friends is whether it can ral ly from that blow. There never was a time when &o iuhiiv i.en,., k many influen- tial tnn, o tnauy imiutifacturers, .o many ol tlit people were ileiuaiid- lug mluceu tuxatiou in the interest of the producer and the consumer, both. Then never was a time when tl,..frAnilnleijt ehara-tor of fh -o- 'called protective tariff was so fully. ' exposeJ. In the word3of Mr. Cleve-.. land, "The leaven Is working. ! We ' rnD. . I have th tax eaters on the TTnTT" merit Wlrj.. lti?.!f ?L : iuuk iur j cui a utxHFrmu0 Hitters and have never handled remedies thitt sell as well, or that ; lia-e triven sucii universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guaran tee tnem every nine, anu we sranci ready to refund the purchase price, If Kittisfaetorv results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularitv purely on their merits, liobert K. Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggists. , Wilmington Dlstrfct Third Quarterly Meeting. Elizabeth Circuit, Pender, Aug. and 24. j . Waccamaw, Aug. 23 and 29. Whiteville Circuit, Cerro Gordo, Aug. 30 and 31. Bruuswick. Mission, Cedar Bay, Sept. 6 and 7.1 Brunswick Circuit, Bethel, Sept. 12 and 13. t F. D. Swindell, P. E. LEMON KI.IXIK A I'leasMnt Lemon Drink. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. . For loss of appet.te and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir.1, Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. i 50c cts. and $1.00 per bottle, at druggists. A Prominent Minister "Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidnevs and constipation. I have been cured by Dr. Mozly's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. Rkv. C. C. Davis, Elder M.iE. Church South, No. 28 Tat nail St., Atlanta, Ga Daar Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar- saparilla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar la combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses tbo full curative value of t! best known remcdiesV of the vcgetablo king-JO Xdom. Teculiar In Its cVX strensth and economy Jlx Hood's gar- saparilla is xV ' the only medi- clno of which can truly be said, ' " One Hundred Doses One .DoUar." Medicines in larger and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as Hood's. Peculiar n its medicinal merits, uood's Barsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and has won for itself S the title of "The greatest blood . purifier ever discovered.", A Peculiar In It3 ' good name heme," there is now of nood's SarsapaiDla Lowell, where 1 made. than ot a other blood purifiers. v7V Peculiar in . its phenome-Arnal record oi sales abroad, .ri .r ni nfVmr ni-Anfimtlnn has eySJ Idrxep Attained such tOTu- i ov,h- ttma and! retained Its popularity and confidence among all classes people so steadfastly, Do not be induced to buy other preparations, but bo sure to get the Tcculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla 8old by all druggist. JhalxforfJ. Preparedonly by C. I. ROOD-A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Haas. IOO Doses One Dollar Jan 20 lyr dtw nrm mon wed eat GAS vs. WATER ! We have just added pense, a four-horse power to run our live presses. and makes our presses hum. Come and sec It ; no trouble to show- to anyone who will call at our office. We try always to keep i'rtai oi me nmes ana our establishment Is the larrvfit In tho nltv onl will tio t-nr.t en .i. . . . J ' L" i i naru worK, promptness, satisfaction and I hard cash can keen it so. Ueepectrmiy, JACKSON & BELL. Leading Printers, Rulers and Binders. University of North Carolina The Fall Terra Opens wept. 4. Tuition, $aO. v t F OUR REGULAR COURSES OP study. 1 classical Philosophical. Literary, Sclent flc. Electrical Enaineerlne. Pharmaev mi nthr dlwiu TOUra ID VZDemi3LrV- t M v1 1 nnrt Separate schools of Law and UedkMne. vhm iiuucun ium i-c(ju i uniTersiiy lectures. HON. KEMP P. BATTLE. LLP Jy3tf President. Chapel iim, N.'c. THE HEWLETT HOUSE. - .-o; ' jyjT FRIENDS AND TilS PUBLIC CEN c rally are reapectrully notiried that I haye made cxtenstre additioas to my premises at switchback station, Wrightsmio Beach, and I am now "prepared to acccommodate them j with the Lot of everything. .. . Kresli Fish, Soft Crabs, Lerued Crabs, c.. reaajT on me arrival cr every train. Bar la the rear and ecparate anl dlallnct ram the cinclng' rx?. - Dr. Kings A ew Discovery for Con- 12. T.. Boyktn. i sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills. 'James C.'McRae, . Kncklen's Arnica Salve and Electric wj. Montgomery, Pecu a. C lwhi ! "Onel XDoUar." w Supreme ami Superior Court .of. Nor " Carolina 1890. ' - JUDGES. DISTRICT. RESIDENCE. NAME. Geo.IL Brown, 1 Beau fort. . 2 Edgecombe. 3 WUson. 4 'Wake. 5 Guilford. C Sampson. Fred. Phillips, H.G.Connor. !! ,iutiu r. 1, 8 9 10 11 12 Cumberjana. Cabarrus. Surry. Tap P. Graves. : John G. Bynum, - twm. M. Bhipp. Mecklenburg Dec.l - . - ! j. H. Merrimon, 12 Buncombe. ; SOLICITORS ' w, npcinFXCK AilE. DISTRICT. RESIDKCK. John W. Blount, 1 Perquimans. G. if. White, (col), 2 Halifax. D. Worth ingtou, 3 Martin. Wake. Durham. Duplin. Richmond. Iredell. T. M. Argo, I. R. Strayhorn, a O.H.Allen, 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 j Frank McNeill, 23 B. F. Lflng, Thos. Settre, Rockingham, W. H. Bower, F. L. Osborue, J. M. Moody, Caldwell. Mec-klenburg i Buncombe. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. FIRST. JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Snrinor-XiKlcrt Whitaker. Beaufort JFeb. 17, May; 26, Nov. 24. i Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. Camden March 10, Sept. 8. Paqnotank March 17, Sept. 15. Perquimans March 24, Sept. 22. Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. Gates April 7, Oct. 6. Hertford April 17, Oct. 13. Washington April 21, Oct. 20 Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Dare May 5, Nov. 3. 1 Hyde May 12, Nov. 10. Pamlico May 19, Nov. 17. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring-r Judge Womack. Fall Judge Whitaker. Halifax fMarch 3,May 12, Nov.10. . Northampton-tJan. 20, March 31, April 1, Sept. 20. S'frtt univeii-ireu. v, iajf fir AV.arren-March 1 1 Sept. 15 tutigecomoe iprn . uci. ia. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring ijudge Boykin. -Judge Boykin. J .V- Y?111 Jan. G, March 1, June Pitt n a. Frankiin Jan. 20, April 14,Nov.l0. Wilson tFeb. 3, June 2, Oct. 27. Vance4-Feb. 17, May 10. Oct. 13. MartinL-March 3, Sept. 1. JDec. 1. Cfreene March 31, Sept. 29. Nash !Aprii 28, Nov. 17. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT- SpringJudge MacRae. I Fall Judge Boykin. Wake Jan. G, tFeb. 24, March 24, fApril 21, July9, fAug. 27, Sept. 22, tOct. 20. Wayn4 Jan, 20, March 10, April 14, Sept. 8, Oct. 13. Harnett Feb. 3, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Johnston Feb. 10,Aug. ll,Nov.l0. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Armfielil. ! -Fall Judge MacRae. D u r h am - Jnn 13 Mnvcli l .Tuna 2, Oct. 13j Granville-Jan. 27, April 21, July 21, Nov. 24. v - Chatham Feb. 12, .May. 5, Sept. 20. Guilford-Feb. 17, May 2G, Aug. 15, Uec. o. ; Alamance March 3, May 19, Oct. 27. j Orange-r-March 17, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. Caswell-April 14, Aug. 14, No v. 10. Person-j-April 14, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. r t uan juoge Armueia. Pender4-March 10, Sept, 8. New Hanover t Jan. 20, t April 13, I Tftept. 4. t I Lenoir ? Feb. 3, AusvlO,' Nov. 10. Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Sampson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct. G, Dec. 8. ' j Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. Jones March 24, Oct. 27. Onslow iMarch 31, Nov. 3. SEVKNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Bynum. x ai i mi uusre w raves. Columbus Jan. 13, March 31, July no -.a 7 Anson Man. G, fApril 28. Sent. 1, tNov. 24. " Cumberland -Jan. 20, fMayoYJuly ti. iov. m. Brunswick April 7, Sept. 8. Moore March 3, Aug. .11, Oct. 27 EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. o : t.: i pi. : l'ruK ' uige oiiijj Fall Judge Bynum. Cabarrus- $J an. 27.-April 28. Iredell Feb. 3, May 29, Aug. 4, dk V a j i - , . Rowan-Veb. 17, May 5, Aug. 19, Nov. 17.! Davidson March 3,Sept. l,tDec.l Randolph Marcli 17, Sept. 15. Montgomery March 31, Kept. 29. Stanly April 7, Oct. 13. ; NINTH JUDICIAL-DISTRICT. Snrimr Judce Merrimon. li a - Fal 1 .1 nrl w Rhinn t t" n "r.., I 30, July 21, J or. 3. Yatikin Feb. 17, Sept. 22. Wilkes March 3, Sept. 8. Alleghany March 17, Sept. 1. T)arie March 31, Oct. 6. r.tokes April H, Aug. 4, Nov. 10. Snrry April 21, Aug. 19, Nov, 17 TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. I tall Judge Merrimon. Henderson Feb, 10, July 13; RnrlcA Marcfi 3 Arf j Caldwell March 17. Iept. I. Ashe March 21, May 2tl, xu.'18. Watauga ApriI 7, AQf. 2.r. : I tfn.i..n !. . . . . . -i xuiicueu-prii i. ssepr,. . lancev; inru pnr McjJoweil May 12, Oct. - ii uuiiAXi iiJUiTmcT. I Spring Judge PhilliDs. Koueson Jan. i,May iu,sept. I w;frai: J . ' . at vprr hearv . Rir.h,riii?K in t,o o of ave used your new brand of Pj1 a w " - - - r . a. r s s uai a a a v . kiiv. a. lh, l i w-r-r ir- -vuTfr t aiwsv urufi w a a ntM fl. PnHn IS TA.. t i ' ' ?,Jft . W""' WW BW- I T.VTi . j I LJK' . i am weu pieasea wiin it ana tnat it w i i: ai:ja jge Browr. CatawbaJau 13. July 13 Alexander Jan. 27. July 23. : Union Feb. 10, tFcb. 17, Sepi; 15, tSept. 22. -Meeklenburg- tFeb. 21, Ai g. 23. Gaston March 17, Oct. 6. Lincoln "Mareh 31, Sept. 29. . , Cleveland April 7, Aug. 4,Oct. 20, Rutherford April 21, Oct. 27. Polk- May , Kov, 10. : ; ! " TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . Spring J udge.Connor. Fall-Judge Phillips. MadisonFeb. 21,July28. tNov.17. Buncombe fM arch 10, tAug. Transylvania aiarcn oi, oepr. a. Haywood April 7, Sept. 8. ; Jackson April 22, Sept. 22. Macon Ma v 5, Sept., 29. Clay May 12, Oct. 8 Cnerokee May 19. Oct. 13. -Graham June 2, Oct. 27. -Strain June 0th,: Nov. 3. , For criminal cases, i t For civil cases alone." . .. - . X For. civil case alone except cases. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. : Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, J udge. Benj. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solici tor. Court begins Jan 6. March 17, May MECKLENBURG- CO UNT Y. : x Oliver P. Meares. Judge: - -Geo. E. Wilsou.'Oharlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. ;10, April 14, Aug. 11, Oct. 0, Dec. 1. , BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Chas. A. Moore, Asheville, "Judge. " E. D. Carter, Asheville,! Solicitor. ;? Court begins Jan. 7, April 28, July 21, Oct. 27. . . . . i. . SupremeCourt meets first Monday in February. Examinations on Fn dav and Saturday before. First District. Feb. 3; Second District, Feb. 10; Third District, Feb. 17; trit fnrf,h s. omu TtiAtrie.t. March hn- hovor,th niatriet Mnrli E,ghth District, March 24; Ninth District. March 31: Tenth District! 7; Twelfth District, April Eleventh District, April 21. Last Monday in Septem' Monday in September. Ex aminations Fridav and Saturday be fore. First District, Sept.- 29; Sec ond District, Oct. C Third District, Oct. 13; Fourth District, Oct. 20th; Fifth District; . Oct. 27; Sixth Dis- 9, trict, Nov. 3; Seventh District, Nov. 10; Eighth District, :Nov. , 17; Ninth JJistnet. JNov. 24; Tenth .District, Dec. 1; Twelfth . District, Dec. Eleventh District,: Dec. la. The Beaiitifullv Illustrated. J5 cts, $3 a Flar" ITS SCOPR. TILE AMERICAN MA bpatim anrl Ira lltoi-otnivi otwi ' orf nmr KSS au its pages with fc wide variety of interest and snort stories, descriptive aceouuts of out foremost problems cf the period, and,ln short, K ",,,,., . American Thought and tTovresa. la acknowledged by the press and public to hf-ciSfmSes' aml eilte.rtamI0' - T tn r tYt is nt A Specimen Number, with j i. Ill if U 1 hilii i illustrated Premium List, R.nd Special Inducements In Cash or Valuable rremiums to i:iud Raisers; will be sent on rc-1 ceipt oi loc. , u ims paper is mentioned, v , ' . i - ,i t&- Kosponslblc andenereeticnersons want- I ed to eolicit subscrlDtlons. Write at oneo for I exclusive termory. Address. ; - . TllK AAtliitlCAN AlAGAZINE CO., feb . 749 Broadway Hew York SPECIAL , NOTICE ! : QUK PRIVATE. STOCK 178! RTE IS UN- doubtedly the best WHISKEY sold in the south to-day. Belowyouwllinndafewout of many letters which we receive and notice well what they contain: - " . Brown & Brown, druggists, of Winston, say: "The Private sr.or.lr. 7ft rlvm Antirosotia. I iacuon io our cusiomers. ana we tnintr it is a fln,? clw.ny." - - . i W aiau ui nixisbuxi, wrnes us as io .1 miws; . - v - . -. - - "The 'Private Stock' Whiskey I bousrht I through yoar Mr. Simon has proved a success bnd"4 v nereaiter as my leading I j. a. Bums & Co.. of Fayettevllle. have this vate hat I wSS preier this brand to all others." r i i "i o ' n ' ' Brunhild,8Haon&Co.i Ill N. Frotft &t.t Dealers la Liquors, Cigars; and Tobaccos. my 30 tf - , - I at a a va . Maaa a-av avav aaaa av : ' aw a ' A hKtt H P 10 hlJKIlPF: KI'HE PUBLISHERS OP - ''THE CANADIAN OULEN- wlU irlve a free trin to Eumne. tn tha person sending the largest number cf words constructed from letters , conrained In the name of their well known Magazine "the CANADIAN QU1215JC." Additional "prizes . l uunaiauogoi ouver j.ea iseia, uoia watches mua fiuiici ocia, xvx licit; VUiTains, elUC f "resse, iianiei ciocks, anq many other use- in order of merit. - IU1 &na vaiuaoie arucies win also be wemters unaonaged Dictionary to be used as auLuoniy in aeciamg- tne contest. This is a popular plan of tntroducin? a nnrv. i ular publication. Every one sendltg a list of i uiau tea wurus win receive a present. Enclose thirteen 2c stamp i ror Illustrated catalogue of present and tnree month's trial suoscnpiionio -ine uueea. . . - - Address - , T - THE CANADIAN QUEEN, JyJtf Taronto,cnL . WATJTED. : A G K?T3 OF EITIIEH SEX THROUGIIOU the United States td handle our celebrated! Cora and Bunion Cure, Jts apnllcatton af 1 'ord3 almost Instant relief, and even accompanied by a is guarantee, whieto d every box la! . whlrn amount I ncniu lurrib lu every lnsujicn in we wlU for'f It In everr lnstanro wiipt rmr I remedy tain to perfect a permanent cuie. I samwe cox. Mt hnp i ua.wiii a r00" s3i per cay to introduce our gooes I pivru'-uiars aooresa tne rnanuracturers, , I U. SHKODER CO AMERICAN MAGAZINJj; ' - lC4andi03j;crth Ada street, feb u caw . CLlcajo, UL 1890. Harper Bazar. ILLUSTPvATKn OARTER'3 1UIAR Is . - 11. rnl i I weeKiy issues evcrjthtnjr i7Z:jf h jrid :;. HARPER'S PERIODICAL PER YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR... HARPER'S A1AGAZINJ? HARPER'S WEEKLY ' HARPER'S YOUNG PEOFLE. - - " -Postage Free to all sufiscn-. , . States. Vanaaa, or jfS n in -The Volumes of theK-rni. "i . ' " arst Number for Jannar5"?ta t . no time 13 ment.inr.Prt A.2L5oTear. 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